Source code for pyNastran.op2.result_objects.table_object

 - TableObject
 - RealTableArray
 - ComplexTableArray

these are used by:
 - RealDisplacementArray
 - RealVelocityArray
 - RealAccelerationArray
 - RealEigenvaluesArray
 - RealSPCForcesArray
 - RealMPCForcesArray
 - RealAppliedLoadsArray

 - ComplexDisplacementArray
 - ComplexVelocityArray
 - ComplexAccelerationArray
 - ComplexEigenvaluesArray
 - ComplexSPCForcesArray
 - ComplexMPCForcesArray
 - ComplexAppliedLoadsArray

from __future__ import annotations
import copy
from struct import Struct, pack
from itertools import count
import warnings
from typing import TextIO

import numpy as np

from pyNastran.bdf import MAX_32_BIT_INT
from pyNastran.op2.result_objects.op2_objects import (
    ScalarObject, get_sort_node_sizes, set_as_sort1,

from pyNastran.f06.f06_formatting import (
    write_floats_13e, write_floats_13e_long,
    write_imag_floats_13e, write_float_12e)
from pyNastran.op2.errors import SixtyFourBitError
from pyNastran.op2.op2_interface.write_utils import set_table3_field, view_dtype, view_idtype_as_fdtype
from pyNastran.utils.numpy_utils import integer_types, float_types
from pyNastran.op2.writer.utils import fix_table3_types
from pyNastran.op2.tables.oes_stressStrain.real.oes_objects import (
    set_static_case, set_modal_case, set_transient_case,
    set_freq_case, set_complex_modes_case)

table_name_to_table_code = {
    # displacement (msc/nx)
    'OUGV1' : 1,
    'BOUGV1' : 1,

    # eigenvector
    # 7

    # velocity
    'OVG1': 10,

    # acceleration
    'OAG1': 11,

    # load vector (msc/nx)
    'OPG1' : 2,
    'BOPG1' : 2,
    #'BOPHIG1' : 5, # ???

    # spc/mpc forces
    'OQG1' : 3,
[docs] def append_sort1_sort2(data1, data2, to_sort1=True): """ data1 : (ntimes, nnids, 6) data2 : (nnids, ntimes, 6) """ assert len(data1.shape) == 3, data1.shape assert len(data2.shape) == 3, data2.shape ntimes1, nnids1 = data1.shape[:2] nnids2, ntimes2 = data2.shape[:2] unused_ntimes = ntimes1 + ntimes2 unused_nnids = nnids1 + nnids2 assert ntimes1 == ntimes2 if to_sort1: out = np.hstack([ data1, np.swapaxes(data2, 0, 1),]) else: out = np.hstack([ np.swapaxes(data1, 0, 1), data2,]) return out
[docs] def oug_data_code(table_name, is_real: bool=False, is_complex:bool=False, is_sort1=True, is_random=False, random_code=0, title='', subtitle='', label='', is_msc=True): sort1_sort_bit = 0 if is_sort1 else 1 random_sort_bit = 1 if is_random else 0 sort_method = 1 if is_sort1 else 2 #if format_code == 1: #format_word = "Real" #elif format_code == 2: #format_word = "Real/Imaginary" #elif format_code == 3: #format_word = "Magnitude/Phase" #DEVICE_CODE_MAP = { #1 : "Print", #2 : "Plot", #3 : "Print and Plot", #4 : "Punch", #5 : "Print and Punch", #6 : "Plot and Punch", #7 : "Print, Plot, and Punch", #} if is_real: num_wide = 8 elif is_complex: num_wide = 14 table_code = table_name_to_table_code[table_name] sort_code = 1 # TODO: what should this be??? #table_code = tCode % 1000 #sort_code = tCode // 1000 tCode = table_code * 1000 + sort_code device_code = 2 # Plot data_code = { 'nonlinear_factor': None, 'sort_bits': [0, sort1_sort_bit, random_sort_bit], # real, sort1, random 'sort_method' : sort_method, 'is_msc': is_msc, #'is_nasa95': is_nasa95, 'format_code': 1, # real 'table_code': table_code, 'tCode': tCode, 'table_name': table_name, ## TODO: should this be a string? 'device_code' : device_code, 'random_code' : random_code, 'thermal': 0, 'title' : title, 'subtitle': subtitle, 'label': label, 'num_wide': num_wide, } return data_code
[docs] class TableArray(ScalarObject): # displacement style table """ Base class for: - RealTableArray - ComplexTableArray """ def __init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt): self.nonlinear_factor = np.nan #self.table_name = None #self.approach_code = None #self.analysis_code = None # no double inheritance ScalarObject.__init__(self, data_code, isubcase, apply_data_code=True) str(self.is_sort1) str(self.is_sort2) #self.dt = dt #self.code = [self.format_code, self.sort_code, self.s_code] #self.ntimes = 0 # or frequency/mode self.ntotal = 0 self._nnodes = 0 # result specific def __eq__(self, table): # pragma: no cover return self.assert_equal(table)
[docs] def assert_equal(self, table, rtol=1.e-5, atol=1.e-8): self._eq_header(table) assert self.is_sort1 == table.is_sort1 #print(self.node_gridtype) #print(table.node_gridtype) if not np.array_equal(self.node_gridtype, table.node_gridtype): assert self.node_gridtype.shape == table.node_gridtype.shape, 'shape=%s table.shape=%s' % (self.node_gridtype.shape, table.node_gridtype.shape) msg = 'table_name=%r class_name=%s\n' % (self.table_name, self.__class__.__name__) msg += '%s\n' % str(self.code_information()) msg += 'nid_gridtype:\n' msg += 'gridtype.shape=%s table.gridtype.shape=%s\n' % (str(self.node_gridtype.shape), str(table.node_gridtype.shape)) for (nid, grid_type), (nid2, grid_type2) in zip(self.node_gridtype, table.node_gridtype): msg += '(%s, %s) (%s, %s)\n' % (nid, grid_type, nid2, grid_type2) print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if not np.array_equal(, msg = 'table_name=%r class_name=%s\n' % (self.table_name, self.__class__.__name__) msg += '%s\n' % str(self.code_information()) ntimes =[0] i = 0 atols = [] rtols = [] if self.is_sort1: for itime in range(ntimes): msg += '(nid, gridtype); itime=%s\n' % itime msg += '(tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz)\n' for inid, nid_gridtype, in enumerate(self.node_gridtype): (nid, grid_type) = nid_gridtype t1 =[itime, inid, :] t2 =[itime, inid, :] if not np.allclose(t1, t2, rtol=rtol, atol=atol): #if not np.array_equal(t1, t2): inonzero = np.where(t1 != 0.)[0] atoli = np.abs(t2 - t1).max() rtoli = np.abs(t2[inonzero] / t1[inonzero]).max() (tx1, ty1, tz1, rx1, ry1, rz1) = t1 (tx2, ty2, tz2, rx2, ry2, rz2) = t2 msg += '(%s, %s)\n (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n' % ( nid, grid_type, tx1, ty1, tz1, rx1, ry1, rz1, tx2, ty2, tz2, rx2, ry2, rz2) i += 1 atols.append(atoli) rtols.append(rtoli) if i > 10: msg += 'atol.max() = %s\n' % max(atols) msg += 'rtol.max() = %s\n' % max(rtols) print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) else: raise NotImplementedError(self.is_sort2) if i > 0: msg += 'atol.max() = %s\n' % max(atols) msg += 'rtol.max() = %s\n' % max(rtols) print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return True
[docs] def combine(self, result, is_sort1=True): #print("combine; result=%s" % result) assert self.is_sort1 != result.is_sort1 assert self.nonlinear_factor is not None assert result.nonlinear_factor is not None # self.ntimes += result.ntimes self.ntotal +=[0] = append_sort1_sort2(, #print(self._times) #print(result._times) # self._times = hstack([self._times, result._times]) self.node_gridtype = np.vstack([self.node_gridtype, result.node_gridtype])
#print('%s' % ''.join(self.get_stats())) def _get_msgs(self, is_mag_phase): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def data_type(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_stats(self, short: bool=False) -> list[str]: if not self.is_built: return [ '<%s>; table_name=%r\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.table_name), f' ntimes: {self.ntimes:d}\n', f' ntotal: {self.ntotal:d}\n', ] #ngrids = len(self.gridTypes) if short: return self._get_stats_short() msg = [] unused_ntimesi, ntotal =[:2] ntimes = len(self._times) nnodes = self.node_gridtype.shape[0] nmajor = self.ntimes nminor = self.ntotal if self.is_sort1: assert nmajor == ntimes, 'ntimes=%s expected=%s' % (nmajor, ntimes) assert nminor == ntotal, 'ntotal=%s expected=%s' % (nminor, nnodes) else: if not nmajor == nnodes: msgi = 'nnodes=%s expected=%s' % (nmajor, nnodes) warnings.warn(msgi) msg.append(' WARNING: ' + msgi + '\n') assert nminor == ntotal, 'ntotal=%s expected=%s' % (nminor, ntimes) msg.append(' isubcase = %s\n' % self.isubcase) if self.nonlinear_factor not in (None, np.nan): # transient msg.append(' type=%s ntimes=%s nnodes=%s, table_name=%s\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, ntimes, nnodes, self.table_name)) else: msg.append(' type=%s nnodes=%s, table_name=%s\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, nnodes, self.table_name)) headers = ', '.join(self._get_headers()) #msg.append(' data: [%s] shape=%s dtype=%s\n' #% (headers, [int(i) for i in], msg.append(' data: [%s] shape=%s dtype=%s\n' % (headers, [int(i) for i in], msg.append(f' node_gridtype.shape = {self.node_gridtype.shape}\n') #msg.append(' gridTypes\n ') msg += self.get_data_code() return msg
@property def headers(self) -> list[str]: return ['t1', 't2', 't3', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3'] def _get_headers(self) -> list[str]: return self.headers
[docs] def get_headers(self) -> list[str]: return self._get_headers()
def _reset_indices(self) -> None: self.itotal = 0
[docs] def build(self): """sizes the vectorized attributes of the TableArray""" #print('_nnodes=%s ntimes=%s sort1?=%s ntotal=%s -> _nnodes=%s' % (self._nnodes, self.ntimes, self.is_sort1, #self.ntotal, self._nnodes // self.ntimes)) # we have a SORT1 data array that will be (ntimes, nnodes, 6) # we start by sizing the total number of entries (_nnodes = ntimes * nnodes) # we also keep track of the number of times # then we compute nnodes # # for sort1, we just use what was discussed above # for sort2, we flip nnodes and ntimes # # note that in both cases, ntotal is the major dimension: # - SORT1 - ntimes # - SORT2 - nnodes #print('ntotal=%s ntimes=%s _nnodes=%s' % (self.ntotal, self.ntimes, self._nnodes)) #print('ntotal=%s ntimes=%s _nnodes=%s\n' % (self.ntotal, self.ntimes, self._nnodes)) #if self.ntimes > 1000: # raise RuntimeError(self.ntimes) self.itime = 0 self.itotal = 0 ntimes, nnodes, ntotal = get_sort_node_sizes(self, debug=False) #if self.is_sort1: #ntimes = self.ntimes #nnodes = self.ntotal #ntotal = self.ntotal #nx = ntimes #ny = nnodes #print("SORT1 ntimes=%s nnodes=%s" % (ntimes, nnodes)) #elif self.is_sort2: ## flip this to sort1 #ntimes = self.ntotal #nnodes = self.ntimes #ntotal = nnodes #nx = ntimes #ny = nnodes #print("***SORT2 ntotal=%s nnodes=%s ntimes=%s" % (ntotal, nnodes, ntimes)) #else: #raise RuntimeError('expected sort1/sort2\n%s' % self.code_information()) #self.build_data(ntimes, nnodes, ntotal, self._times_dtype) #print(self.class_name, self.analysis_fmt) self.build_data(ntimes, nnodes, ntotal, self.analysis_fmt)
[docs] def build_data(self, ntimes, nnodes, ntotal, float_fmt: str): """actually performs the build step""" self.ntimes = ntimes self._nnodes = nnodes self.ntotal = ntotal _times = np.zeros(ntimes, dtype=float_fmt) int_fmt = 'int32' if self.size == 4 else 'int64' node_gridtype = np.zeros((nnodes, 2), dtype=int_fmt) #[t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3] data = np.zeros((ntimes, nnodes, 6), self.data_type()) if self.load_as_h5: group = self._get_result_group() self._times = group.create_dataset('_times', data=_times) self.node_gridtype = group.create_dataset('node_gridtype', data=node_gridtype) = group.create_dataset('data', data=data) else: self._times = _times self.node_gridtype = node_gridtype = data
#print('ntimes=%s nnodes=%s; nx=%s ny=%s; ntotal=%s' % ( #ntimes, nnodes, nx, ny, self.ntotal))
[docs] def build_dataframe(self): """creates a pandas dataframe works: 0.24.2 broken: 0.25.0 """ import pandas as pd #is_v25 = pd.__version__ >= '0.25' headers = self.get_headers() #headers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] #node_gridtype = [self.node_gridtype[:, 0], self.gridtype_str] #letter_dims = [ #('G', 6), #('E', 1), #('S', 1), #('H', 6), #('L', 6), #] ntimes, nnodes =[:2] ugridtype_str = np.unique(self.gridtype_str) if self.nonlinear_factor not in (None, np.nan): #if not self.is_sort1: #print("skipping %s because it's not SORT1" % self.class_name) #return column_names, column_values = self._build_dataframe_transient_header() #if is_v25: # we start out like this... # # Mode 1 2 3 # EigenvalueReal -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 # EigenvalueImag -0.463393 0.463393 -1.705689 # Damping 0.0 0.0 0.0 # NodeID Type Item # 1 G t1 (0.6558146+0j) (0.6558146+0j) (1.034078+0j) # t2 0j 0j 0j # t3 0j 0j 0j # r1 0j 0j 0j # r2 0j 0j 0j # r3 0j 0j 0j # ... # # then we call pandas_extract_rows to make it this... # # Mode 1 2 3 # EigenvalueReal -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 # EigenvalueImag -0.463393 0.463393 -1.705689 # Damping 0.0 0.0 0.0 # NodeID Item # 1 t1 0.655815+0.0j 0.655815+0.0j 1.034078+0.0j # t2 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # t3 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # r1 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # r2 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # r3 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # 2 t1 0.999141+0.0j 0.999141+0.0j -0.282216+0.0j # t2 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # t3 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # r1 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # r2 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # r3 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # 1001 S 0.000859+0.0j 0.000859+0.0j -0.003323+0.0j try: columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(column_values, names=column_names) except ValueError: msg = '' for name, values in zip(column_names, column_values): msg += f'{name!r}: {values}; n={len(values)}\n' raise ValueError(msg) gridtype_str = self.gridtype_str ugridtype_str = np.unique(gridtype_str) if len(ugridtype_str) == 1 and gridtype_str[0] in ['S', 'M', 'E']: nnodes = self.node_gridtype.shape[0] node_gridtype = [self.node_gridtype[:, 0], [gridtype_str[0]] * nnodes] names = ['NodeID', 'Item'] index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(node_gridtype, names=names) A =[:, :, 0].T data_frame = pd.DataFrame(A, columns=columns, index=index) else: node_gridtype_item = [] node_ids = self.node_gridtype[:, 0] for nid, gridtype in zip(node_ids, gridtype_str): node_gridtype_item.extend([[nid, gridtype, 't1']]) node_gridtype_item.extend([[nid, gridtype, 't2']]) node_gridtype_item.extend([[nid, gridtype, 't3']]) node_gridtype_item.extend([[nid, gridtype, 'r1']]) node_gridtype_item.extend([[nid, gridtype, 'r2']]) node_gridtype_item.extend([[nid, gridtype, 'r3']]) names = ['NodeID', 'Type', 'Item'] index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(node_gridtype_item, names=names) A =, nnodes*6).T try: data_frame = pd.DataFrame(A, columns=columns, index=index) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover print(f'data.shape={} A.shape={A.shape} ' f'ntimes={ntimes} nnodes*6={nnodes*6} ngrids={len(node_ids)}\n' f'column_names={column_names} column_values={column_values} _times={self._times}') raise #print(data_frame.to_string()) data_frame = pandas_extract_rows(data_frame, ugridtype_str, ['NodeID', 'Item']) #elif is_v25 and 0: # pragma: no cover # t1 t2 # itime Mode EigenvalueReal EigenvalueImag Damping NodeID Type # 0 1 G -0.0 -0.463393 0.0 1 0.655815+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # G 2 0.999141+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # G 3 1.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # S 1001 0.000859+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # 1 1 G -0.0 0.463393 0.0 2 0.655815+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # G 2 0.999141+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # G 3 1.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # S 1001 0.000859+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # 2 1 G -0.0 -1.705689 0.0 3 1.034078+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # G 2 -0.282216+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # G 3 -0.285539+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # S 1001 -0.003323+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #time_node_gridtype = [] #from itertools import count #for itime in range(ntimes): #column_values2 = [column_value[itime] for column_value in column_values] #for nid, gridtype in zip(self.node_gridtype[:, 0], self.gridtype_str): #time_node_gridtype.append([itime] + column_values2 + [nid, gridtype]) #names = ['itime'] + column_names + ['NodeID', 'Type'] #index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(time_node_gridtype, names=names) #A =*nnodes, 6) #data_frame = pd.DataFrame(A, columns=headers, index=index) ##print(self.data_frame.index.names) ##data_frame = pandas_extract_rows(self.data_frame, ugridtype_str) #print(data_frame) #elif is_v25 and 0: # pragma: no cover #node_gridtype2 = [] #NodeID Type t1 t2 ... #1 G 0.655815+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #2 G 0.999141+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #3 G 1.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #1001 S 0.000859+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #1 G 0.655815+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #2 G 0.999141+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #3 G 1.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #1001 S 0.000859+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #1 G 1.034078+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #2 G -0.282216+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #3 G -0.285539+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #1001 S -0.003323+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #1 G 1.034078+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #2 G -0.282216+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #3 G -0.285539+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #1001 S -0.003323+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #1 G -0.001818+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #2 G -0.124197+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #3 G 0.625574+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #1001 S 0.749771+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #1 G 0.001011+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #2 G -0.200504+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #3 G 1.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #1001 S 1.200504+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #1 G 0.001011+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #2 G -0.200504+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #3 G 1.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #1001 S 1.200504+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #for itime in range(ntimes): #column_values2 = [column_value[itime] for column_value in column_values] #for nid, gridtype in zip(self.node_gridtype[:, 0], self.gridtype_str): #node_gridtype2.append([itime, nid, gridtype]) #names = ['itime', 'NodeID', 'Type'] #index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(node_gridtype2, names=names) #A =*nnodes, 6) #data_frame = pd.DataFrame(A, columns=headers, index=index) ##print(data_frame.index.names) ##data_frame = pandas_extract_rows(data_frame, ugridtype_str) #print(data_frame) #elif is_v25 and 0: # pragma: no cover # t1 t2 t3 r1 r2 r3 # 0 0.655815+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # 1 0.999141+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # 2 1.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # 3 0.000859+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # 4 0.655815+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # 5 0.999141+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # 6 1.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(node_gridtype, names=['NodeID', 'Type']) #A =*ntimes, 6) #data_frame = pd.DataFrame(A, columns=headers) ##data_frame = pd.DataFrame(A, columns=headers, index=index) # doesn't work # doesn't turn into workable table #else: # old # Mode 1 2 3 # EigenvalueReal -0.0 -0.0 -0.0 # EigenvalueImag -0.463393 0.463393 -1.705689 # Damping 0.0 0.0 0.0 # NodeID Type Item # 1 G t1 (0.6558146+0j) (0.6558146+0j) (1.034078+0j) # t2 0j 0j 0j # t3 0j 0j 0j # r1 0j 0j 0j # r2 0j 0j 0j # r3 0j 0j 0j # mode 1 2 3 # freq 1.0 2.0 3.0 # nodeid # 1 item 1.0 2.0 3.0 # t1 etc. # t2 # t3 # ... # 2 # t1 # t2 # t3 # ... #data_frame = pd.Panel(, items=column_values, #major_axis=node_gridtype, minor_axis=headers).to_frame() # to_xarray() #data_frame.columns.names = column_names #data_frame.index.names = ['NodeID', 'Type', 'Item'] #print(column_names) #print(data_frame) #print(self.data_frame.index.names) #data_frame = pandas_extract_rows(data_frame, ugridtype_str, ['NodeID', 'Item']) self.data_frame = data_frame #print(self.data_frame) else: #self.data_frame = pd.Panel([0, :, :], major_axis=node_gridtype, minor_axis=headers).to_frame() #self.data_frame.columns.names = ['Static'] #self.data_frame.index.names = ['NodeID', 'Type', 'Item'] # NodeID Type t1 t2 t3 r1 r2 r3 # 0 1 G 0.0 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.0 0.0 0.0 # 1 2 G 0.0 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.0 0.0 0.0 # 2 3 G 0.0 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.0 0.0 0.0 #self.data_frame = pd.DataFrame([0], columns=headers, index=self.node_gridtype) df1 = pd.DataFrame(self.node_gridtype[:, 0]) df1.columns = ['NodeID'] df2 = pd.DataFrame(self.gridtype_str) df2.columns = ['Type'] df3 = pd.DataFrame([0]) df3.columns = headers self.data_frame = df1.join([df2, df3])
#df1 = pd.DataFrame(self.node_gridtype) #df1.columns = ['NodeID', 'Type'] #df2 = pd.DataFrame([0]) #df2.columns = headers #self.data_frame = df1.join([df2]) #print(self.data_frame)
[docs] def finalize(self): """ Calls any OP2 objects that need to do any post matrix calcs """ self.set_as_sort1() gridtypes = self.node_gridtype[:, 1] nnodes = len(gridtypes) self.gridtype_str = np.chararray((nnodes), unicode=True) ugridtypes = np.unique(gridtypes) for ugridtype in ugridtypes: i = np.where(gridtypes == ugridtype) self.gridtype_str[i] = self.recast_gridtype_as_string(ugridtype)
#del self.itotal, self.itime
[docs] def set_as_sort1(self): """changes the table into SORT1""" #print(self.class_name, self._times.dtype) set_as_sort1(self)
def add_sort1(self, dt, node_id, grid_type, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6): """unvectorized method for adding SORT1 transient data""" assert self.is_sort1, self assert isinstance(node_id, int) and node_id > 0, 'dt=%s node_id=%s' % (dt, node_id) if grid_type in NULL_GRIDTYPE: grid_type = -1 # itotal - the node number # itime - the time/frequency step # the times/freqs self._times[self.itime] = dt self.node_gridtype[self.itotal, :] = [node_id, grid_type][self.itime, self.itotal, :] = [v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6] self.itotal += 1 def add_sort2(self, dt, node_id, grid_type, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6): assert self.is_sort2, self.sort_method if grid_type in NULL_GRIDTYPE: grid_type = -1 #self #if node_id < 1: #msg = self.code_information() #msg += "(%s, %s) dt=%g node_id=%s v1=%g v2=%g v3=%g" % ( #self.itotal, self.itime, dt, node_id, v1, v2, v3) ##msg += " v4=%g v5=%g v6=%g" % (v4, v5, v6) #raise RuntimeError(msg) #print(msg) self._times[self.itotal] = dt # itotal - the time/frequency step # itime - the node number #print('itime=%s' % self.itime) itime = self.itotal inode = self.itime #print(f'dt={dt} nid={node_id} ' #f'itime={itime}/{self.ntotal}={[0]} ' #f'inode={self.itime}/{self.ntimes}={[1]}') self.node_gridtype[inode, :] = [node_id, grid_type][itime, inode, :] = [v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6] #self.ntimes /= self.itotal += 1 #self.itime += 1 def _write_table_3(self, op2_file, fascii, new_result, itable=-3, itime=0): import inspect frame = inspect.currentframe() call_frame = inspect.getouterframes(frame, 2) fascii.write('%s.write_table_3: %s\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, call_frame[1][3])) if new_result and itable != -3: header = [ 4, 146, 4, ] else: header = [ 4, itable, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 146, 4, ] op2_file.write(pack(b'%ii' % len(header), *header)) fascii.write('table_3_header = %s\n' % header) #op2_file.write(pack('12i', *[4, itable, 4, #4, 1, 4, #4, 0, 4, #4, 146, 4, #])) approach_code = self.approach_code table_code = self.table_code isubcase = self.isubcase random_code = self.random_code format_code = 1 num_wide = self.num_wide acoustic_flag = self.acoustic_flag if hasattr(self, 'acoustic_flag') else 0 thermal = self.thermal title = b'%-128s' % self.title.encode('ascii') subtitle = b'%-128s' % self.subtitle.encode('ascii') # missing superelement_adaptivity_index label = b'%-128s' % self.label.encode('ascii') oCode = 0 ftable3 = b'i' * 50 + b'128s 128s 128s' field6 = 0 field7 = 0 if isinstance(acoustic_flag, float_types): ftable3 = set_table3_field(ftable3, 12, b'f') # field 11 #print(self.get_stats()) if self.analysis_code == 1: #if hasattr(self, 'lsdvmns'): field5 = self.lsdvmns[itime] #else: #field5 = self.dts[itime] #assert isinstance(field5, float_types), type(field5) #ftable3 = set_table3_field(ftable3, 5, b'f') # field 5 elif self.analysis_code == 2: field5 = self.modes[itime] field6 = self.eigns[itime] field7 = self.mode_cycles[itime] assert isinstance(field6, float_types), f'field6={field6} type={type(field6)}' assert isinstance(field7, float_types), f'field5={field5} field6={field6} field7={field7} type={type(field7)}' ftable3 = set_table3_field(ftable3, 6, b'f') # field 6 ftable3 = set_table3_field(ftable3, 7, b'f') # field 7 elif self.analysis_code == 5: field5 = self.freqs[itime] assert isinstance(field5, float_types), f'field5={field5} type={type(field5)}' ftable3 = set_table3_field(ftable3, 5, b'f') # field 5 elif self.analysis_code == 6: if hasattr(self, 'dts'): field5 = self.dts[itime] #assert isinstance(field5, float), type(field5) else: field5 = self.times[itime] #assert isinstance(field5, float), type(field5) ftable3 = set_table3_field(ftable3, 5, b'f') # field 5 elif self.analysis_code == 7: # pre-buckling field5 = self.lsdvmns[itime] # load set number elif self.analysis_code == 8: # post-buckling field5 = self.lsdvmns[itime] # load set number field5 = int(field5) if hasattr(self, 'eigns'): field6 = self.eigns[itime] elif hasattr(self, 'eigrs'): field6 = self.eigrs[itime] else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError('cant find eigns or eigrs on analysis_code=8') assert isinstance(field6, float_types), f'field6={field6} type={type(field6)}' ftable3 = set_table3_field(ftable3, 6, b'f') # field 6 elif self.analysis_code == 9: # complex eigenvalues field5 = self.modes[itime] if hasattr(self, 'eigns'): field6 = self.eigns[itime] ftable3 = set_table3_field(ftable3, 6, b'f') # field 6 #elif hasattr(self, 'eigrs'): #field6 = self.eigrs[itime] #ftable3 = set_table3_field(ftable3, 6, b'f') # field 6 #else: # pragma: no cover #raise NotImplementedError('cant find eigns or eigrs on analysis_code=9') field7 = self.eigis[itime] ftable3 = set_table3_field(ftable3, 7, b'f') # field 7 elif self.analysis_code == 10: # nonlinear statics field5 = self.lftsfqs[itime] ftable3 = set_table3_field(ftable3, 5, b'f') # field 5; load step elif self.analysis_code == 11: # old geometric nonlinear statics field5 = self.lsdvmns[itime] # load set number else: raise NotImplementedError(self.analysis_code) table3 = [ approach_code, table_code, 0, isubcase, field5, field6, field7, random_code, format_code, num_wide, oCode, acoustic_flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, thermal, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, title, subtitle, label, ] table3_names = [ 'approach_code', 'table_code', '0', 'isubcase', 'field5', 'field6', 'field7', 'random_code', 'format_code', 'num_wide', 'oCode', 'acoustic_flag', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'thermal', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, title, subtitle, label, ] assert table3[22] == thermal n = 0 for i, val, ftable3i in zip(count(), table3, ftable3.decode('ascii')): assert val is not None, 'i=%s val=%s ftable3i=%s\n%s' % (i, val, ftable3i, self.get_stats()) if isinstance(val, integer_types): n += 4 assert ftable3i == 'i', 'analysis_code=%r i=%r val=%r type=%r -> name=%r' % (self.analysis_code, i, val, ftable3i, table3_names[i]) elif isinstance(val, float_types): n += 4 assert ftable3i == 'f', 'analysis_code=%r i=%r val=%r type=%r' % (self.analysis_code, i, val, ftable3i) else: n += len(val) assert n == 584, n data = [584] + table3 + [584] fmt = b'i' + ftable3 + b'i' #op2_file.write(pack(fascii, '%s header 3c' % self.table_name, fmt, data)) fascii.write('%s header 3c = %s\n' % (self.table_name, data)) #j = 7 #print(ftable3[:j]) #print(table3[:j]) #pack(ftable3[:j], *table3[:j]) op2_file.write(pack(fmt, *data))
[docs] class RealTableArray(TableArray): """ displacement style table """ def __init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt): TableArray.__init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt)
[docs] def set_as_static_case(self): analysis_code = 1 # static device_code = 2 # Plot approach_code = analysis_code * 10 + device_code self.table_code = table_name_to_table_code[self.table_name_str] self.nonlinear_factor = None self.data_code['lsdvmns'] = [0] # TODO: ??? self.data_code['data_names'] = [] self.data_code['analysis_code'] = analysis_code self.data_code['approach_code'] = approach_code self.analysis_code = analysis_code self.approach_code = approach_code self.data_names = [] self.lsdvmns = [0] self._times = [None]
[docs] @classmethod def add_static_case(cls, table_name, node_gridtype, data, isubcase, is_sort1=True, is_random=False, is_msc=True, random_code=0, title='', subtitle='', label=''): data_code = oug_data_code(table_name, is_real=True, is_sort1=is_sort1, is_random=is_random, random_code=random_code, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, label=label, is_msc=is_msc) obj = set_static_case(cls, is_sort1, isubcase, data_code, set_real_table, (node_gridtype, data)) #data_code['lsdvmns'] = [0] # TODO: ??? #data_code['data_names'] = [] #times = [None] #obj = _set_class(cls, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, times, #node_gridtype, data) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def add_transient_case(cls, table_name, node_gridtype, data, isubcase, times, is_sort1=True, is_random=False, is_msc=True, random_code=0, title='', subtitle='', label=''): data_code = oug_data_code(table_name, is_real=True, is_sort1=is_sort1, is_random=is_random, random_code=random_code, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, label=label, is_msc=is_msc) obj = set_transient_case(cls, is_sort1, isubcase, data_code, set_real_table, (node_gridtype, data), times) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def add_modal_case(cls, table_name, node_gridtype, data, isubcase, modes, eigenvalues, mode_cycles, is_sort1=True, is_random=False, is_msc=True, random_code=0, title='', subtitle='', label=''): #elif self.analysis_code == 2: # real eigenvalues ## mode number #self.mode = self.add_data_parameter(data, 'mode', b'i', 5) ## eigenvalue #self.eign = self.add_data_parameter(data, 'eign', b'f', 6, False) ## mode or cycle .. todo:: confused on the type - F1??? #self.mode_cycle = self.add_data_parameter(data, 'mode_cycle', b'i', 7, False) #self.update_mode_cycle('mode_cycle') #self.data_names = self.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['mode', 'eign', 'mode_cycle']) data_code = oug_data_code(table_name, is_real=True, is_sort1=is_sort1, is_random=is_random, random_code=random_code, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, label=label, is_msc=is_msc) obj = set_modal_case(cls, is_sort1, isubcase, data_code, set_real_table, (node_gridtype, data), modes, eigenvalues, mode_cycles) #data_code['modes'] = modes #data_code['eigns'] = eigenvalues #data_code['mode_cycles'] = mode_cycles #data_code['data_names'] = ['modes', 'eigns', 'mode_cycles'] #obj = set_table_class(cls, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, modes, #node_gridtype, data) #obj.modes = modes #obj.eigns = eigenvalues #obj.mode_cycles = mode_cycles return obj
def __pos__(self) -> RealTableArray: """positive; +a""" return self def __neg__(self) -> RealTableArray: """negative; -a""" new_table = copy.deepcopy(self) *= -1.0 return new_table def __add__(self, table: RealTableArray) -> RealTableArray: """a + b""" if isinstance(table, RealTableArray): self._check_math(table) new_data = + elif isinstance(table, (integer_types, float_types)): new_data = + table else: raise TypeError(table) new_table = copy.deepcopy(self) = new_data return new_table # __radd__: reverse order adding (b+a) def __iadd__(self, table: RealTableArray) -> RealTableArray: """inplace adding; a += b""" self._check_math(table) += return self def __sub__(self, table: RealTableArray) -> RealTableArray: """a - b""" if isinstance(table, RealTableArray): self._check_math(table) new_data = - elif isinstance(table, (integer_types, float_types)): new_data = - table else: raise TypeError(table) new_table = copy.deepcopy(self) = new_data return new_table def __mul__(self, table: RealTableArray) -> RealTableArray: """a * b""" if isinstance(table, RealTableArray): self._check_math(table) new_data = * elif isinstance(table, (integer_types, float_types)): new_data = * table else: raise TypeError(table) new_table = copy.deepcopy(self) = new_data return new_table def __imul__(self, table: RealTableArray) -> RealTableArray: """a *= b""" if isinstance(table, RealTableArray): self._check_math(table) *= elif isinstance(table, (integer_types, float_types)): *= table else: raise TypeError(table) return self def __truediv__(self, table: RealTableArray) -> RealTableArray: """a / b""" if isinstance(table, RealTableArray): self._check_math(table) new_data = / elif isinstance(table, (integer_types, float_types)): new_data = / table else: raise TypeError(table) new_table = copy.deepcopy(self) = new_data return new_table def _check_math(self, table: RealTableArray) -> None: """verifies that the shapes are the same""" assert self.ntimes == table.ntimes, f'ntimes={self.ntimes} table.times={table.ntimes}' assert self.ntotal == table.ntotal, f'ntotal={self.ntotal} table.ntotal={table.ntotal}' assert self.node_gridtype.shape == table.node_gridtype.shape, f'node_gridtype.shape={self.node_gridtype.shape} table.node_gridtype.shape={table.node_gridtype.shape}' assert ==, f'data.shape={}{}' @property def is_real(self) -> bool: return True @property def is_complex(self) -> bool: return False
[docs] def data_type(self) -> str: return 'float32'
[docs] def write_op2(self, op2_file, fascii, itable: int, new_result, date, is_mag_phase: bool=False, endian: str='>'): """writes an OP2""" import inspect allowed_tables = [ 'OUGV1', 'BOUGV1', 'OPHIG', 'BOPHIG', 'OUPV1', 'OUXY1', # solution set 'OQP1', 'OQMG1', 'OQG1', 'OQGV1', 'OPNL1', 'OPG1', 'BOPG1', 'OPHSA', 'OPGV1', 'OUGATO1', 'OUGCRM1', 'OUGNO1', 'OUGPSD1', 'OUGRMS1', # disp/vel/acc/eigenvector 'OVGATO1', 'OVGCRM1', 'OVGNO1', 'OAGATO1', 'OAGCRM1', 'OAGNO1', 'OAGPSD1', 'OAGRMS1', # acceleration 'OPGNO1', 'OPGRMS1', # load vector 'OPRATO1', 'OPRCRM1', 'OPRNO1', 'OPRPSD1', # pressure 'OQGNO1', 'OQGPSD1', 'OQGRMS1', 'OQMCRM1', 'OQMPSD1', # 'OQMRMS1',#'OQMNO1', 'OCRPG', 'OCRUG', 'OUG1', 'OVG1', 'OAG1', 'OUGV1PAT', 'OUGF1', 'OQGCF1', 'OQGGF1', 'RADCONS', 'RADEATC', 'RADEFFM', ] assert self.table_name in allowed_tables, self.table_name frame = inspect.currentframe() call_frame = inspect.getouterframes(frame, 2) fascii.write('%s.write_op2: %s\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, call_frame[1][3])) if itable == -1: self._write_table_header(op2_file, fascii, date) itable = -3 #print('nonlinear_factor =', self.nonlinear_factor) if not self.is_sort1: raise NotImplementedError('SORT2') #op2_format = endian + b'2i6f' node = self.node_gridtype[:, 0] gridtype = self.node_gridtype[:, 1] # table 4 info #ntimes =[0] nnodes =[1] nnodes_device = self.node_gridtype[:, 0] * 10 + self.device_code nnodes = len(node) max_id = node.max() if max_id > MAX_32_BIT_INT: raise SixtyFourBitError(f'64-bit OP2 writing is not supported; max id={max_id}') fdtype = if self.size == fdtype.itemsize: pass else: warnings.warn(f'downcasting {self.class_name}...this is buggy') #idtype = np.int32(1) fdtype = np.float32(1.0) nodedevice_gridtype = np.column_stack([nnodes_device, gridtype]) node_gridtype_floats = view_idtype_as_fdtype(nodedevice_gridtype, fdtype) #print(node_gridtype_floats) #node_gridtype_floats = nodedevice_gridtype.view(fdtype) # .reshape(nnodes, 2) #(2+6) => (node_id, gridtypei, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i) ntotal = nnodes * (2 + 6) #print('shape = %s' % str( #assert nnodes > 1, nnodes assert ntotal > 1, ntotal unused_device_code = self.device_code fascii.write(' ntimes = %s\n' % self.ntimes) #fmt = '%2i %6f' #print('ntotal=%s' % (ntotal)) for itime in range(self.ntimes): self._write_table_3(op2_file, fascii, new_result, itable, itime) # record 4 itable -= 1 header = [4, itable, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, ntotal, 4, 4*ntotal] op2_file.write(pack(b'%ii' % len(header), *header)) fascii.write('r4 [4, 0, 4]\n') fascii.write('r4 [4, %s, 4]\n' % (itable)) fascii.write('r4 [4, %i, 4]\n' % (4*ntotal)) datai = view_dtype([itime, :, :], fdtype) node_gridtype_data = np.hstack([node_gridtype_floats, datai]) op2_file.write(node_gridtype_data) assert ntotal == node_gridtype_data.size #print(, ntotal) itable -= 1 header = [4 * ntotal,] op2_file.write(pack(b'i', *header)) fascii.write('footer = %s\n' % header) new_result = False return itable
[docs] def write_csv(self, csv_file: TextIO, is_exponent_format: bool=False, is_mag_phase: bool=False, is_sort1: bool=True, write_header: bool=True): """ Displacement Table ------------------ Flag, SubcaseID, iTime, NID, dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz, cd, PointType 1, 1, 0, 101, 0.014159, 0.03448, 0.019135, 0.00637, 0.008042, 0.00762, 0, 1 uses cd=-1 for unknown cd """ name = str(self.__class__.__name__) if write_header: csv_file.write('%s\n' % name) headers = ['Flag', 'Subcase', 'iTime', 'Node', ] + self.headers + ['cd', 'PointType'] csv_file.write('# ' + ','.join(headers) + '\n') node = self.node_gridtype[:, 0] gridtype = self.node_gridtype[:, 1] #unused_times = self._times isubcase = self.isubcase flag_map = { 'RealDisplacementArray': 1, 'RealVelocityArray': 2, 'RealAccelerationArray': 3, 'RealEigenvectorArray': 4, 'RealLoadVectorArray': 5, #'RealAppliedLoadsArray': 5, 'RealSPCForcesArray': 6, 'RealMPCForcesArray': 7, #'Temperature' : 8, #'HeatFlux' : 9, 'RealTemperatureGradientAndFluxArray': 9, } flag = flag_map[name] # sort1 as sort1 assert is_sort1 is True, is_sort1 nid_len = '%d' % len(str(node.max())) cd = -1 for itime in range(self.ntimes): #dt = self._times[itime] t1 =[itime, :, 0] t2 =[itime, :, 1] t3 =[itime, :, 2] r1 =[itime, :, 3] r2 =[itime, :, 4] r3 =[itime, :, 5] for node_id, gridtypei, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i in zip(node, gridtype, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): #unused_sgridtype = self.recast_gridtype_as_string(gridtypei) assert is_exponent_format if is_exponent_format: vals2 = write_floats_13e_long([t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i]) (t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i) = vals2 csv_file.write(f'{flag}, {isubcase}, {itime}, {node_id:{nid_len}d}, ' f'{t1i}, {t2i}, {t3i}, {r1i}, {r2i}, {r3i}, {cd}, {gridtypei}\n') return
[docs] def write_frd(self, frd_file: TextIO, is_exponent_format: bool=False, is_mag_phase: bool=False, is_sort1: bool=True, write_header: bool=True): """ Nodal Results Block Purpose: Stores values on node positions 1. Record: Format:(1X,' 100','C',6A1,E12.5,I12,20A1,I2,I5,10A1,I2) Values: KEY,CODE,SETNAME,VALUE,NUMNOD,TEXT,ICTYPE,NUMSTP,ANALYS, FORMAT Where: KEY = 100 CODE = C SETNAME= Name (not used) VALUE = Could be frequency, time or any numerical value NUMNOD = Number of nodes in this nodal results block TEXT = Any text ICTYPE = Analysis type 0 static 1 time step 2 frequency 3 load step 4 user named NUMSTP = Step number ANALYS = Type of analysis (description) FORMAT = Format indicator 0 short format 1 long format 2 binary format #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Record: Format:(1X,I2,2X,8A1,2I5) Values: KEY, NAME, NCOMPS, IRTYPE Where: KEY = -4 NAME = Dataset name to be used in the menu NCOMPS = Number of entities IRTYPE = 1 Nodal data, material independent 2 Nodal data, material dependant 3 Element data at nodes (not used) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Type of Record: Format:(1X,I2,2X,8A1,5I5,8A1) Values: KEY, NAME, MENU, ICTYPE, ICIND1, ICIND2, IEXIST, ICNAME Where: KEY = -5 NAME = Entity name to be used in the menu for this comp. MENU = 1 ICTYPE = Type of entity 1 scalar 2 vector with 3 components 4 matrix 12 vector with 3 amplitudes and 3 phase-angles in degree ICIND1 = sub-component index or row number ICIND2 = column number for ICTYPE=4 IEXIST = 0 data are provided 1 data are to be calculated by predefined functions (not used) 2 as 0 but earmarked ICNAME = Name of the predefined calculation (not used) ALL calculate the total displacement if ICTYPE=2 This record must be repeated for each entity. 4. Type of Record: (not used) This record will be necessary in combination with the request for predefined calculations. This type of record is not allowed in combination with binary coding of data. Format:(1X,I2,2I5,20I3) Values: KEY,IRECTY,NUMCPS,(LSTCPS(I),I=1,NUMCPS) Where: KEY = -6 IRECTY = Record variant identification number NUMCPS = Number of components LSTCPS = For each variant component, the position of the corresponding component in attribute definition #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Type of Record: The following records are data-records and the format is repeated for each node. In case of material independent data - ascii coding: Following records (ascci, FORMAT=0 | 1): Short Format:(1X,I2,I5,6E12.5) Long Format:(1X,I2,I10,6E12.5) Values: KEY, NODE, XX.. Where: KEY = -1 if its the first line of data for a given node -2 if its a continuation line NODE = node number or blank if KEY=-2 XX.. = data - binary coding: Following records (ascci, FORMAT=2): (int,NCOMPS*float) int and float are ansi-c data-types Values: NODE, XX.. Where: NODE = node number or blank if KEY=-2 XX.. = data In case of material dependant data REMARK: Implemented only for NMATS=1 - first line: Short Format:(1X,I2,4I5) Long Format:(1X,I2,I10,3I5) Values: KEY, NODENR, NMATS Where: KEY = -1 NODENR = Node number NMATS = Number of different materials at this node(unused) - second and following lines: Short Format:(1X,I2,I5,6E12.5) Long Format:(1X,I2,I10,6E12.5) Values: KEY, MAT, XX, YY, ZZ, XY, YZ, ZX .. Where: KEY = -2 MAT = material-property-number if KEY=-2 (unused) XX.. = data Last Record (only FORMAT=0 | 1 (ascii), omitted for FORMAT=2): Format:(1X,'-3') Values: KEY Displacement Table ------------------ Flag, SubcaseID, iTime, NID, dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz, cd, PointType 1, 1, 0, 101, 0.014159, 0.03448, 0.019135, 0.00637, 0.008042, 0.00762, 0, 1 uses cd=-1 for unknown cd """ name = str(self.__class__.__name__) name_map = { 'RealDisplacementArray': 'Displacement', 'RealSPCForcesArray': 'SPC_Force', 'RealMPCForcesArray': 'MPC_Force', } name = name_map[name] #if write_header: #csv_file.write('%s\n' % name) #headers = ['Flag', 'Subcase', 'iTime', 'Node', ] + self.headers + ['cd', 'PointType'] #csv_file.write('# ' + ','.join(headers) + '\n') node = self.node_gridtype[:, 0] #gridtype = self.node_gridtype[:, 1] #unused_times = self._times #isubcase = self.isubcase # sort1 as sort1 assert is_sort1 is True, is_sort1 #nid_len = '%d' % len(str(node.max())) #cd = -1 num_step, nnode =[:2] for itime in range(self.ntimes): #dt = self._times[itime] #1. Record: #Format:(1X, ' 100', 'C', 6A1, E12.5, I12, 20A1,I2,I5,10A1,I2) #Values: KEY, CODE, SETNAME, VALUE, NUMNOD, TEXT,ICTYPE,NUMSTP,ANALYS, # FORMAT #Where: KEY = 100 # CODE = C # SETNAME= Name (not used) # VALUE = Could be frequency, time or any numerical value # NUMNOD = Number of nodes in this nodal results block # TEXT = Any text # ICTYPE = Analysis type # 0 static # 1 time step # 2 frequency # 3 load step # 4 user named # NUMSTP = Step number # ANALYS = Type of analysis (description) # FORMAT = Format indicator # 0 short format # 1 long format # 2 binary format # basically table 3 key = 100 text = name text_str = f'{text:<20s}' assert len(text_str) == 20, len(text_str) value = self._times[0] map_analysis = { # displacement -> ??? 1: 1, } analysis = map_analysis[self.analysis_code] code = 'C' ic_type = '0' data_format = 2 set_name = 'SET_NAME' num_mod = nnode frd_file.write(f'RECORD 1: {key} {code} {set_name} {value} {num_mod} {text} {ic_type} {num_step} {analysis} {data_format}\n') # 2. Record: # Format:(1X, I2, 2X,8A1,2I5) # Values: KEY, NAME, NCOMPS, IRTYPE # Where: KEY = -4 # NAME = Dataset name to be used in the menu # NCOMPS = Number of entities # IRTYPE = 1 Nodal data, material independent # 2 Nodal data, material dependant # 3 Element data at nodes (not used) key = -4 name = f'disp{itime:d}' ncomps = 6 ir_type = 1 frd_file.write(f'RECORD 2: {key} {name} {ncomps} {ir_type}\n') # 3. Type of Record: # Format:(1X,I2,2X,8A1,5I5,8A1) # Values: KEY, NAME, MENU, ICTYPE, ICIND1, ICIND2, IEXIST, ICNAME # Where: KEY = -5 # NAME = Entity name to be used in the menu for this comp. # MENU = 1 # ICTYPE = Type of entity # 1 scalar # 2 vector with 3 components # 4 matrix # 12 vector with 3 amplitudes and 3 phase-angles in # degree # ICIND1 = sub-component index or row number # ICIND2 = column number for ICTYPE=4 # IEXIST = 0 data are provided # 1 data are to be calculated by predefined # functions (not used) # 2 as 0 but earmarked # ICNAME = Name of the predefined calculation (not used) # ALL calculate the total displacement if ICTYPE=2 # This record must be repeated for each entity key = -5 name = 'Translation' menu = 1 ic_type = 2 iexist = 0 ic_name = 'Translation' icind1 = itime icind2 = 0 frd_file.write(f'RECORD 3: {key} {name} {menu} {ic_type} {icind1} {icind2} {iexist} {ic_name}\n') # 5. Type of Record: # The following records are data-records and the format is repeated # for each node. # # In case of material independent data # # - ascii coding: # Following records (ascii, FORMAT=0 | 1): # Short Format:(1X,I2,I5,6E12.5) # Long Format:(1X,I2,I10,6E12.5) # Values: KEY, NODE, XX.. # Where: KEY = -1 if its the first line of data for a given node # -2 if its a continuation line # NODE = node number or blank if KEY=-2 # XX.. = data # # - binary coding: # Following records (ascci, FORMAT=2): # (int,NCOMPS*float) # int and float are ansi-c data-types # Values: NODE, XX.. # Where: # NODE = node number or blank if KEY=-2 # XX.. = data t1 =[itime, :, 0] t2 =[itime, :, 1] t3 =[itime, :, 2] r1 =[itime, :, 3] r2 =[itime, :, 4] r3 =[itime, :, 5] for node_id, t1i, t2i, t3i in zip(node, t1, t2, t3): frd_file.write(f'RECORD 5: 1 -1 {node_id} {t1i:12.5E} {t2i:12.5E} {t3i:12.5E}\n') # This record must be repeated for each entity #key = -5 name = 'Rotation' #menu = 1 #ic_type = 2 #iexist = 0 ic_name = 'Rotation' frd_file.write(f'RECORD 3: {key} {name} {menu} {ic_type} {icind1} {icind2} {iexist} {ic_name}\n') for node_id, r1i, r2i, r3i in zip(node, r1, r2, r3): frd_file.write(f'RECORD 5: 1 -1 {node_id} {r1i:12.5E} {r2i:12.5E} {r3i:12.5E}\n') return
def _write_f06_block(self, words, header, page_stamp, page_num, f06_file: TextIO, write_words, is_mag_phase: bool=False, is_sort1: bool=True): if write_words: words += [' \n', ' POINT ID. TYPE T1 T2 T3 R1 R2 R3\n'] #words += self.getTableMarker() f06_file.write(''.join(header + words)) node = self.node_gridtype[:, 0] gridtype = self.node_gridtype[:, 1] t1 =[0, :, 0] t2 =[0, :, 1] t3 =[0, :, 2] r1 =[0, :, 3] r2 =[0, :, 4] r3 =[0, :, 5] for node_id, gridtypei, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i in zip(node, gridtype, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): sgridtype = self.recast_gridtype_as_string(gridtypei) vals = [t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i] vals2 = write_floats_13e(vals) (dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz) = vals2 f06_file.write('%14i %6s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' % ( node_id, sgridtype, dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz)) f06_file.write(page_stamp % page_num) return page_num def _write_sort1_as_sort2(self, f06_file: TextIO, page_num, page_stamp, header, words): nodes = self.node_gridtype[:, 0] gridtypes = self.node_gridtype[:, 1] times = self._times for inode, (node_id, gridtypei) in enumerate(zip(nodes, gridtypes)): t1 =[:, inode, 0].ravel() t2 =[:, inode, 1].ravel() t3 =[:, inode, 2].ravel() r1 =[:, inode, 3].ravel() r2 =[:, inode, 4].ravel() r3 =[:, inode, 5].ravel() header[1] = ' POINT-ID = %10i\n' % node_id f06_file.write(''.join(header + words)) for dt, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i in zip(times, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): sgridtype = self.recast_gridtype_as_string(gridtypei) vals = [t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i] vals2 = write_floats_13e(vals) (dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz) = vals2 if sgridtype in ['G', 'H', 'L']: f06_file.write('%14s %6s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' % ( write_float_12e(dt), sgridtype, dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz)) elif sgridtype in ['S', 'M', 'E']: f06_file.write('%14s %6s %s\n' % (node_id, sgridtype, dx)) else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError(sgridtype) f06_file.write(page_stamp % page_num) page_num += 1 return page_num def _write_sort1_as_sort1(self, f06_file: TextIO, page_num, page_stamp, header, words): nodes = self.node_gridtype[:, 0] gridtypes = self.node_gridtype[:, 1] unused_times = self._times for itime in range(self.ntimes): dt = self._times[itime] t1 =[itime, :, 0] t2 =[itime, :, 1] t3 =[itime, :, 2] r1 =[itime, :, 3] r2 =[itime, :, 4] r3 =[itime, :, 5] if isinstance(dt, float_types): header[1] = ' %s = %10.4E\n' % (self.data_code['name'], dt) else: header[1] = ' %s = %10i\n' % (self.data_code['name'], dt) f06_file.write(''.join(header + words)) for node_id, gridtypei, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i in zip(nodes, gridtypes, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): sgridtype = self.recast_gridtype_as_string(gridtypei) vals = [t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i] vals2 = write_floats_13e(vals) (dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz) = vals2 if sgridtype in ['G', 'H', 'L']: f06_file.write('%14i %6s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' % ( node_id, sgridtype, dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz)) elif sgridtype in ['S', 'M', 'E']: f06_file.write('%14i %6s %s\n' % (node_id, sgridtype, dx)) else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError(f'node_id={node_id} sgridtype={sgridtype} vals={vals2}') f06_file.write(page_stamp % page_num) page_num += 1 return page_num #def _write_sort2_as_sort2(self, f06_file, page_num, page_stamp, header, words): #nodes = self.node_gridtype[:, 0] #gridtypes = self.node_gridtype[:, 1] #times = self._times #for inode, (node_id, gridtypei) in enumerate(zip(nodes, gridtypes)): #t1 =[inode, :, 0] #t2 =[inode, :, 1] #t3 =[inode, :, 2] #r1 =[inode, :, 3] #r2 =[inode, :, 4] #r3 =[inode, :, 5] #header[1] = ' POINT-ID = %10i\n' % node_id #f06_file.write(''.join(header + words)) #for dt, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i in zip(times, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): #sgridtype = self.recast_gridtype_as_string(gridtypei) #vals = [t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i] #vals2 = write_floats_13e(vals) #(dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz) = vals2 #if sgridtype in ['G', 'H', 'L']: #f06_file.write('%14s %6s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' % ( #write_float_12e(dt), sgridtype, dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz)) #elif sgridtype == 'S': #f06_file.write('%14s %6s %s\n' % (node_id, sgridtype, dx)) #else: #raise NotImplementedError(sgridtype) #f06_file.write(page_stamp % page_num) #page_num += 1 #return page_num def _write_f06_transient_block(self, words, header, page_stamp, page_num, f06_file: TextIO, write_words, is_mag_phase=False, is_sort1=True): if write_words: words += [' \n', ' POINT ID. TYPE T1 T2 T3 R1 R2 R3\n'] #words += self.getTableMarker() if not len(header) >= 3: header.append('') is_sort2 = not is_sort1 if self.is_sort1 or self.nonlinear_factor in (None, np.nan): if is_sort2 and self.nonlinear_factor is not None: page_num = self._write_sort1_as_sort2(f06_file, page_num, page_stamp, header, words) else: page_num = self._write_sort1_as_sort1(f06_file, page_num, page_stamp, header, words) else: return page_num - 1 #raise NotImplementedError('SORT2') #page_num = self._write_sort2_as_sort2(f06_file, page_num, page_stamp, header, words) return page_num - 1
[docs] def extract_xyplot(self, node_ids, index): node_ids = np.asarray(node_ids, dtype='int32') i = index - 1 assert index in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], index nids = self.node_gridtype[:, 0] inids = np.searchsorted(nids, node_ids) assert all(nids[inids] == node_ids), 'nids=%s expected=%s; all=%s' % (nids[inids], node_ids, nids) return[:, inids, i]
[docs] def set_real_table(cls, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, node_gridtype, data, times): #def set_real_table(cls, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, times, #node_gridtype, data): assert node_gridtype.ndim == 2, node_gridtype.shape assert data.ndim == 3, data.shape dt = times[0] ntimes = data.shape[0] nnodes = data.shape[1] data_code['sort_code'] = 0 obj = cls(data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt) obj.node_gridtype = node_gridtype = data obj.ntimes = ntimes obj.ntotal = nnodes obj._times = times return obj
[docs] class ComplexTableArray(TableArray): """ complex displacement style table """ def __init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt): TableArray.__init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt)
[docs] @classmethod def add_freq_case(cls, table_name, node_gridtype, data, isubcase, freqs, is_sort1=True, is_random=False, is_msc=True, random_code=0, title='', subtitle='', label=''): table_name = 'OUGV1' #analysis_code = 5 # freq data_code = oug_data_code(table_name, is_complex=True, is_sort1=is_sort1, is_random=is_random, random_code=random_code, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, label=label, is_msc=is_msc) #data_code['modes'] = modes #data_code['eigns'] = eigenvalues #data_code['mode_cycles'] = mode_cycles #data_code['data_names'] = ['freq'] #data_code['name'] = 'FREQ' #ntimes = data.shape[0] #nnodes = data.shape[1] #dt = freqs[0] #obj = cls(data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt) #obj.node_gridtype = node_gridtype = data #obj.freqs = freqs #obj.ntimes = ntimes #obj.ntotal = nnodes #obj._times = freqs obj = set_freq_case(cls, is_sort1, isubcase, data_code, set_complex_table, (node_gridtype, data), freqs) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def add_complex_modes_case(cls, table_name, element, data, isubcase, modes, eigrs, eigis, is_sort1=True, is_random=False, is_msc=True, random_code=0, title='', subtitle='', label=''): #data_code = cls._add_case( #table_name, isubcase, #is_sort1, is_random, is_msc, #random_code, title, subtitle, label) data_code = oug_data_code(table_name, is_complex=True, is_sort1=is_sort1, is_random=is_random, random_code=random_code, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, label=label, is_msc=is_msc) obj = set_complex_modes_case(cls, is_sort1, isubcase, data_code, set_complex_table, (element, data), modes, eigrs, eigis) return obj
[docs] def extract_xyplot(self, node_ids, index, index_str): j = index_str_to_axis(index_str) node_ids = np.asarray(node_ids, dtype='int32') i = index - 1 assert index in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], index nids = self.node_gridtype[:, 0] inids = np.searchsorted(nids, node_ids) assert all(nids[inids] == node_ids), 'nids=%s expected=%s; all=%s' % (nids[inids], node_ids, nids) if j == 1: # real return[:, inids, i].real elif j == 2: # imag return[:, inids, i].imag elif j == 3: # mag return np.abs([:, inids, i]) elif j == 4: # phase return np.angle([:, inids, i]) else: raise RuntimeError()
@property def is_real(self) -> bool: return False @property def is_complex(self) -> bool: return True
[docs] def data_type(self) -> str: return 'complex64'
#def _write_f06_block(self, words, header, page_stamp, page_num, f06_file, is_mag_phase): #self._write_f06_transient_block(words, header, page_stamp, page_num, f06_file, is_mag_phase, is_sort1) def _write_f06_transient_block(self, words, header, page_stamp, page_num, f06_file, is_mag_phase, is_sort1): if is_mag_phase: words += [' (MAGNITUDE/PHASE)\n', ] else: words += [' (REAL/IMAGINARY)\n', ] if not len(header) >= 3: header.append('') #is_sort1_table = self.is_sort1 is_sort1_table = SORT1_TABLES # self.table_name[-1] == '1' if is_sort1_table: assert self.table_name in SORT1_TABLES, self.table_name if is_sort1: words += [' \n', ' POINT ID. TYPE T1 T2 T3 R1 R2 R3\n'] page_num = self.write_sort1_as_sort1(f06_file, page_num, page_stamp, header, words, is_mag_phase) else: words += [' \n', ' FREQUENCY TYPE T1 T2 T3 R1 R2 R3\n'] page_num = self.write_sort1_as_sort2(f06_file, page_num, page_stamp, header, words, is_mag_phase) else: assert self.table_name in SORT2_TABLES, self.table_name words += [' \n', ' FREQUENCY TYPE T1 T2 T3 R1 R2 R3\n'] page_num = self.write_sort2_as_sort2(f06_file, page_num, page_stamp, header, words, is_mag_phase) return page_num - 1
[docs] def write_sort1_as_sort1(self, f06_file, page_num, page_stamp, header, words, is_mag_phase): assert self.ntimes == len(self._times), 'ntimes=%s len(self._times)=%s' % (self.ntimes, self._times) words_orig = copy.deepcopy(words) for itime, dt in enumerate(self._times): if hasattr(self, 'eigrs'): words = copy.deepcopy(words_orig) eigr = self.eigrs[itime] eigi = self.eigis[itime] eigr = 0. if eigr == 0 else eigr eigi = 0. if eigi == 0 else eigi if '%' in words[0]: try: words[0] = words[0] % (eigr, eigi) except TypeError: print('words =', words) raise if '%' in words[1]: try: words[1] = words[1] % (itime + 1) except TypeError: print('words =', words) raise node = self.node_gridtype[:, 0] gridtype = self.node_gridtype[:, 1] t1 =[itime, :, 0] t2 =[itime, :, 1] t3 =[itime, :, 2] r1 =[itime, :, 3] r2 =[itime, :, 4] r3 =[itime, :, 5] header[2] = ' %s = %10.4E\n' % (self.data_code['name'], dt) f06_file.write(''.join(header + words)) for node_id, gridtypei, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i in zip(node, gridtype, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): sgridtype = self.recast_gridtype_as_string(gridtypei) vals = [t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i] vals2 = write_imag_floats_13e(vals, is_mag_phase) [dxr, dyr, dzr, rxr, ryr, rzr, dxi, dyi, dzi, rxi, ryi, rzi] = vals2 if sgridtype in ['G', 'H']: f06_file.write('0 %12i %6s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-s\n' ' %12s %6s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-s\n' % ( node_id, sgridtype, dxr, dyr, dzr, rxr, ryr, rzr, '', '', dxi, dyi, dzi, rxi, ryi, rzi)) elif sgridtype in ['S', 'M', 'E']: f06_file.write('0 %12i %6s %-13s\n' ' %12s %6s %-13s\n' % (node_id, sgridtype, dxr, '', '', dxi)) else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError(f'node_id={node_id} sgridtype={sgridtype} vals={vals2}') f06_file.write(page_stamp % page_num) page_num += 1 return page_num
[docs] def write_sort1_as_sort2(self, f06_file, page_num, page_stamp, header, words, is_mag_phase): node = self.node_gridtype[:, 0] gridtype = self.node_gridtype[:, 1] times = self._times # print( for inode, (node_id, gridtypei) in enumerate(zip(node, gridtype)): # TODO: for SORT1 pretending to be SORT2 #t1 =[:, inode, 0].ravel() t1 =[:, inode, 0].ravel() t2 =[:, inode, 1].ravel() t3 =[:, inode, 2].ravel() r1 =[:, inode, 3].ravel() r2 =[:, inode, 4].ravel() r3 =[:, inode, 5].ravel() if len(r3) != len(times): raise RuntimeError('len(d)=%s len(times)=%s' % (len(r3), len(times))) header[2] = ' POINT-ID = %10i\n' % node_id f06_file.write(''.join(header + words)) for dt, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i in zip(times, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): sgridtype = self.recast_gridtype_as_string(gridtypei) vals = [t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i] vals2 = write_imag_floats_13e(vals, is_mag_phase) [dxr, dyr, dzr, rxr, ryr, rzr, dxi, dyi, dzi, rxi, ryi, rzi] = vals2 sdt = write_float_12e(dt) #if not is_all_zeros: if sgridtype == 'G': f06_file.write('0 %12s %6s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-s\n' ' %13s %6s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-s\n' % ( sdt, sgridtype, dxr, dyr, dzr, rxr, ryr, rzr, '', '', dxi, dyi, dzi, rxi, ryi, rzi)) elif sgridtype in ['S', 'M', 'E']: f06_file.write('0 %12s %6s %-13s\n' ' %12s %6s %-13s\n' % (sdt, sgridtype, dxr, '', '', dxi)) else: msg = 'nid=%s dt=%s type=%s dx=%s dy=%s dz=%s rx=%s ry=%s rz=%s' % ( node_id, dt, sgridtype, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i) raise NotImplementedError(msg) f06_file.write(page_stamp % page_num) page_num += 1 return page_num
#def write_sort2_as_sort2(self, f06_file, page_num, page_stamp, header, words, is_mag_phase): #"""TODO: not validated""" #node = self.node_gridtype[:, 0] #gridtype = self.node_gridtype[:, 1] #times = self._times ## print( #for inode, (node_id, gridtypei) in enumerate(zip(node, gridtype)): ## TODO: for SORT1 pretending to be SORT2 ##t1 =[:, inode, 0].ravel() #t1 =[:, inode, 0].ravel() #t2 =[:, inode, 1].ravel() #t3 =[:, inode, 2].ravel() #r1 =[:, inode, 3].ravel() #r2 =[:, inode, 4].ravel() #r3 =[:, inode, 5].ravel() #if len(r3) != len(times): #raise RuntimeError('len(d)=%s len(times)=%s' % (len(r3), len(times))) #header[2] = ' POINT-ID = %10i\n' % node_id #f06_file.write(''.join(header + words)) #for dt, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i in zip(times, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): #sgridtype = self.recast_gridtype_as_string(gridtypei) #vals = [t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i] #vals2 = write_imag_floats_13e(vals, is_mag_phase) #[dxr, dyr, dzr, rxr, ryr, rzr, #dxi, dyi, dzi, rxi, ryi, rzi] = vals2 #sdt = write_float_12e(dt) ##if not is_all_zeros: #if sgridtype == 'G': #f06_file.write('0 %12s %6s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-s\n' #' %13s %6s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-s\n' % ( #sdt, sgridtype, dxr, dyr, dzr, rxr, ryr, rzr, #'', '', dxi, dyi, dzi, rxi, ryi, rzi)) #elif sgridtype in ['S', 'M', 'E']: #f06_file.write('0 %12s %6s %-13s\n' #' %12s %6s %-13s\n' % (sdt, sgridtype, dxr, '', '', dxi)) #else: #msg = 'nid=%s dt=%s type=%s dx=%s dy=%s dz=%s rx=%s ry=%s rz=%s' % ( #node_id, dt, sgridtype, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i) #raise NotImplementedError(msg) #f06_file.write(page_stamp % page_num) #page_num += 1 #return page_num
[docs] def write_op2(self, op2_file, fascii, itable, new_result, date, is_mag_phase=False, endian='>'): """writes an OP2""" import inspect allowed_tables = [ 'OUGV1', 'BOUGV1', 'OQG1', 'OQMG1', 'OPG1', 'OUXY1', 'OUG1F', 'OUG1', 'OUGF1', 'BOUGF1', 'OAG1', 'OVG1', ] assert self.table_name in allowed_tables, self.table_name frame = inspect.currentframe() call_frame = inspect.getouterframes(frame, 2) fascii.write('%s.write_op2: %s\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, call_frame[1][3])) if itable == -1: self._write_table_header(op2_file, fascii, date) itable = -3 #print('nonlinear_factor =', self.nonlinear_factor) if self.is_sort1: op2_format = endian + b'2i 12f' else: raise NotImplementedError('SORT2') s = Struct(op2_format) node = self.node_gridtype[:, 0] max_id = node.max() if max_id > 99999999: raise SixtyFourBitError(f'64-bit OP2 writing is not supported; max id={max_id}') gridtype = self.node_gridtype[:, 1] #format_table4_1 = Struct(self._endian + b'15i') #format_table4_2 = Struct(self._endian + b'3i') # table 4 info #ntimes =[0] nnodes =[1] nnodes_device = self.node_gridtype[:, 0] * 10 + self.device_code #fdtype = #fdtype = 'float32' # we don't support complex data yet #nodedevice_gridtype = np.column_stack([nnodes_device, gridtype]) #node_gridtype_bytes = nodedevice_gridtype.tobytes() #node_gridtype_floats = np.frombuffer(node_gridtype_bytes, #dtype=fdtype).reshape(nnodes, 2) #(2+6) => (node_id, gridtypei, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i) ntotal = nnodes * (2 + 12) #print('shape = %s' % str( assert nnodes >= 1, nnodes assert ntotal > 1, ntotal unused_device_code = self.device_code fascii.write(' ntimes = %s\n' % self.ntimes) #fmt = '%2i %6f' #print('ntotal=%s' % (ntotal)) for itime in range(self.ntimes): self._write_table_3(op2_file, fascii, new_result, itable, itime) # record 4 itable -= 1 header = [4, itable, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, ntotal, 4, 4*ntotal] op2_file.write(pack(b'%ii' % len(header), *header)) fascii.write('r4 [4, 0, 4]\n') fascii.write('r4 [4, %s, 4]\n' % (itable)) fascii.write('r4 [4, %i, 4]\n' % (4*ntotal)) #datai =[itime, :, :] #node_gridtype_data = np.hstack([ #node_gridtype_floats, #datai.real.astype('float32'), #datai.imag.astype('float32'), #]) #node_gridtype_data_bytes = node_gridtype_data.tobytes() #op2_file.write(node_gridtype_data_bytes) t1 =[itime, :, 0] t2 =[itime, :, 1] t3 =[itime, :, 2] r1 =[itime, :, 3] r2 =[itime, :, 4] r3 =[itime, :, 5] for node_id, gridtypei, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i in zip(nnodes_device, gridtype, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): data = [node_id, gridtypei, t1i.real, t2i.real, t3i.real, r1i.real, r2i.real, r3i.real, t1i.imag, t2i.imag, t3i.imag, r1i.imag, r2i.imag, r3i.imag] fascii.write(' nid, grid_type, dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz = %s\n' % data) op2_file.write(s.pack(*data)) itable -= 1 header = [4 * ntotal,] op2_file.write(pack(b'i', *header)) fascii.write('footer = %s\n' % header) new_result = False #header = [ #4, itable, 4, #4, 1, 4, #4, 0, 4, #] #op2_file.write(pack(b'%ii' % len(header), *header)) #fascii.write('footer2 = %s\n' % header) return itable
#def write_sort2_as_sort2(self, f06_file, page_num, page_stamp, header, words, is_mag_phase): #node = self.node_gridtype[:, 0] #gridtype = self.node_gridtype[:, 1] #times = self._times #for inode, (node_id, gridtypei) in enumerate(zip(node, gridtype)): ## TODO: for SORT1 pretending to be SORT2 ##t1 =[:, inode, 0].ravel() #t1 =[inode, :, 0] #t2 =[inode, :, 1] #t3 =[inode, :, 2] #r1 =[inode, :, 3] #r2 =[inode, :, 4] #r3 =[inode, :, 5] #if len(r3) != len(times): #raise RuntimeError('len(d)=%s len(times)=%s' % (len(r3), len(times))) #header[2] = ' POINT-ID = %10i\n' % node_id #f06_file.write(''.join(header + words)) #for dt, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i in zip(times, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): #sgridtype = self.recast_gridtype_as_string(gridtypei) #vals = [t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i] #vals2 = write_imag_floats_13e(vals, is_mag_phase) #[dxr, dyr, dzr, rxr, ryr, rzr, #dxi, dyi, dzi, rxi, ryi, rzi] = vals2 #sdt = write_float_12e(dt) ##if not is_all_zeros: #if sgridtype == 'G': #f06_file.write('0 %12s %6s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-s\n' #' %13s %6s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-s\n' % ( #sdt, sgridtype, dxr, dyr, dzr, rxr, ryr, rzr, #'', '', dxi, dyi, dzi, rxi, ryi, rzi)) #elif sgridtype == 'S': #f06_file.write('0 %12s %6s %-13s\n' #' %12s %6s %-13s\n' % (sdt, sgridtype, dxr, '', '', dxi)) #else: #msg = 'nid=%s dt=%s type=%s dx=%s dy=%s dz=%s rx=%s ry=%s rz=%s' % ( #node_id, dt, sgridtype, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i) #raise NotImplementedError(msg) #f06_file.write(page_stamp % page_num) #page_num += 1 #return page_num
[docs] def index_str_to_axis(index_str: str) -> int: index_str = index_str.lower().strip() if index_str in ['real', 'r']: j = 1 elif index_str in ['imag', 'i']: j = 2 elif index_str in ['mag', 'magnitude', 'm']: j = 3 elif index_str in ['phase', 'p']: j = 4 else: raise ValueError('index_str=%r' % index_str) return j
[docs] def set_complex_table(cls, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, node_gridtype, data, times): assert node_gridtype.ndim == 2, node_gridtype.shape ntimes = data.shape[0] nnodes = data.shape[1] dt = times[0] obj = cls(data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt) obj.node_gridtype = node_gridtype = data ntimes = data.shape[0] nnodes = data.shape[1] #dt = freqs[0] obj.ntimes = ntimes obj.ntotal = nnodes obj.nelements = nnodes obj._times = times return obj
[docs] def pandas_extract_rows(data_frame, ugridtype_str, index_names): """removes the t2-t6 for S and E points""" import pandas as pd letter_dims = [ ('G', 6), ('E', 1), ('S', 1), ('H', 6), ('L', 6), ] cat_keys = [] for (letter, dim) in letter_dims: if letter not in ugridtype_str: continue if dim == 1: # Note that I'm only keeping every 6th row eig = data_frame.xs(letter, level=1).iloc[0::6] eig = eig.reset_index() #print(eig.columns) #print(eig) #item = eig.loc[:, 1] #item = eig.loc[:, 'Item'] #print(dir(eig)) #print(eig.loc) #item = eig['Item'] #print(item) # # It looks like the error message was changed between pandas 1.5.3 and 2.0. # Same issue though. # # This may be a solution: # # code #eig_replace = eig.replace({'Item' : {'t1' : letter}}).set_index(index_names) #eig = eig_replace.set_index(index_names) # # pandas 1.5.3 # Freq NodeID Item 9.999999747378752e-06 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 # 0 100 t1 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # 1 101 t1 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # 2 102 t1 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # eig_replace: # Freq NodeID Item 9.999999747378752e-06 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 # 0 100 t1 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # 1 101 t1 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # 2 102 t1 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # NotImplementedError: > 1 ndim Categorical are not supported at this time # # pandas=2.1.1 # Freq NodeID Item 9.999999747378752e-06 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 # 0 100 t1 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # 1 101 t1 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # 2 102 t1 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # eig_replace: # Freq NodeID Item 9.999999747378752e-06 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 # 0 100 t1 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # 1 101 t1 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j # 2 102 t1 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j 0.0+0.0j #ValueError: Length mismatch: Expected axis has 3 elements, new values have 1 elements # eig_replace = eig.replace({'Item' : {'t1' : letter}}) if pd.__version__ < '2.0': try: eig = eig_replace.set_index(index_names) except (TypeError, NotImplementedError): print(f'skipping pandas cleanup due to issue with complex {letter} points') return data_frame else: try: eig = eig_replace.set_index(index_names) except (ValueError): print(f'skipping pandas cleanup due to issue with complex {letter} points') return data_frame elif dim == 6: eig = data_frame.xs(letter, level=1) else: raise RuntimeError(dim)'eig = %s' % eig) cat_keys.append(eig) data_frame = pd.concat(cat_keys) return data_frame
#class StaticArrayNode(RealTableArray): #def __init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt): #RealTableArray.__init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt) #@property #def node_ids(self): #return self.node_gridtype[:, 0] #class StaticArrayElement(RealTableArray): #def __init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt): #RealTableArray.__init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt) #@property #def element_ids(self): #return self.node_gridtype[:, 0] #class TimeArrayNodeSort1(RealTableArray): #def __init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt): #RealTableArray.__init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt) #@property #def times(self): #return self._times #@property #def node_ids(self): #return self.node_gridtype[:, 0] #class TimeArrayElementSort1(RealTableArray): #def __init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt): #RealTableArray.__init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt) #@property #def times(self): #return self._times #@property #def element_ids(self): #return self.node_gridtype[:, 0] #class TimeArrayNodeSort2(RealTableArray): #def __init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt): #RealTableArray.__init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt) #@property #def times(self): #return self._times #@property #def node_ids(self): #return self.node_gridtype[:, 0] #class TimeArrayElementSort2(RealTableArray): #def __init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt): #RealTableArray.__init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt) #@property #def times(self): #return self._times #@property #def element_ids(self): #return self.node_gridtype[:, 0] #class FrequencyArrayNodeSort2(ComplexTableArray): #def __init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt): #ComplexTableArray.__init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt) #@property #def frequencies(self): #return self._times #@property #def node_ids(self): #return self.node_gridtype[:, 0] #class FrequencyArrayElementSort2(ComplexTableArray): #def __init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt): #ComplexTableArray.__init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt) #@property #def frequencies(self): #return self._times #@property #def node_ids(self): #return self.node_gridtype[:, 0]