Source code for pyNastran.op2.tables.geom.geom1

defines readers for BDF objects in the OP2 GEOM1/GEOM1S table
#pylint: disable=C0301,C0103,W0612,R0914,C0326
from __future__ import annotations
from struct import Struct
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Union, Callable, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

from pyNastran.bdf.errors import UnsupportedCard
from import GRID, POINT, SEQGP
#from import FEFACE

from import (
from import CVISC
#from import CMASS2
from pyNastran.op2.op2_interface.op2_reader import mapfmt, reshape_bytes_block
from .utils import get_minus1_start_end
if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from pyNastran.op2.op2_geom import OP2Geom

[docs] class GEOM1: """defines methods for reading op2 nodes/coords"""
[docs] def read_fake(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: return self.op2._read_fake(data, n)
[docs] def read_stop(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: # pragma: no cover """ ints = (1000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20.0, 100, 30.0, 120, 60.0, 130, -1, -1, 2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1101004800, 200, 1106247680, 220, 1114636288, 230, -1, -1) floats = (1000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 20.0, 100, 30.0, 120, 60.0, 130, -1, -1, 2.802596928649634e-42, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 20.0, 2.802596928649634e-43, 30.0, 3.0828566215145976e-43, 60.0, 3.2229864679470793e-43, nan, nan) (4924, 49, 891) ints = (1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1.0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, -1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, -1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, -1) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 op2.show_data(data[n:]) raise RuntimeError()
#return len(data)
[docs] def read_geom1_4(self, data: bytes, ndata: int): return self.op2._read_geom_4(self.geom1_map, data, ndata)
def __init__(self, op2: OP2Geom): self.op2 = op2 geom2 = self.op2.reader_geom2 self.geom1_map: dict[tuple[int, int, int], tuple[str, Callable[bytes, int]]] = { (1701, 17, 6): ('CORD1C', self._read_cord1c), # record 1 (1801, 18, 5): ('CORD1R', self._read_cord1r), # record 2 (1901, 19, 7): ('CORD1S', self._read_cord1s), # record 3 (2001, 20, 9): ('CORD2C', self._read_cord2c), # record 4 (2101, 21, 8): ('CORD2R', self._read_cord2r), # record 5 (2201, 22, 10): ('CORD2S', self._read_cord2s), # record 6 (14301,143,651): ('CORD3G', self._read_cord3g), # record 7 (4501, 45, 1): ('GRID', self._read_grid), # record 17 (5301, 53, 4): ('SEQGP', self._read_seqgp), # record 27 (2301, 23, 304): ('CSUPER', self.read_fake), # record 8 (5501, 55, 297): ('CSUPEXT', self.read_fake), # record 9 (1627, 16, 463): ('EXTRN', self._read_extrn), # record 10 (6101, 61, 388): ('FEEDGE', self._read_feedge), # record 11 (6601, 66, 392): ('GMCURVE', self._read_gmcurv), # record 12 (6201, 62, 389): ('FEFACE', self._read_feface), # record 13 (6001, 60, 377): ('POINT', self._read_point), # record 14 (10101,101, 394): ('GMSURF', self._read_gmsurf), # record 15 (6401, 64, 402): ('GMCORD', self._read_gmcord), # record 16 # 17 - GRID (above) (1527, 15, 466): ('SEBNDRY', self.read_fake), # record 18 (1427, 14, 465): ('SEBULK', self._read_sebulk), # record 19 - superelements/see103q4.op2 (427, 4, 453): ('SECONCT', self._read_seconct), # record 20 (7902, 79, 302): ('SEELT', self._read_seelt), # record 21 (527, 72, 454): ('SEEXCLD', self.read_fake), # record 22 (1027, 10, 459): ('SELABEL', self._read_selabel), # record 23 - superelements/see103q4.op2 (827, 8, 457): ('SELOC', self._read_seloc), # record 24 - superelements/see103q4.op2 (927, 9, 458): ('SEMPLN', self._read_sempln), # record 25 - superelements/see103q4.op2 (1327, 13, 464): ('SENQSET', self.read_fake), # record 26 # 27 - SEQGP (above) (5401, 54, 305): ('SEQSEP', self.read_fake), # record 28 (5601, 56, 296): ('SESET', self._read_seset), # record 29 (1227, 12, 462): ('SETREE', self.read_fake), # record 30 (5678, 71, 475): ('SNORM', self._read_snorm), # record 31 (5701, 57, 323): ('CSUPER1', self.read_fake), # record 32 (5801, 58, 324): ('SUPUP', self.read_fake), # record 33 - CSUPUP in NX; SUPUP in MSC (14101, 141, 403): ('SWLDPRM', self.read_fake), # record 34 (1101, 11, 66): ('CMASS2', geom2.read_cmass2), # record (3901, 39, 50): ('CVISC', self.read_cvisc), # record (13301, 133, 509): ('', self.read_fake), # record (1127, 11, 461) : ('SELOAD', self.read_fake), # record NX (4501, 45, 1120001): ('GRID', self._read_grid_maybe), # record ???; test_ibulk (4501, 45, 810001): ('GRID', self._read_grid), #F:\work\pyNastran\pyNastran\master2\pyNastran\bdf\test\nx_spike\out_consolid31.op2 (2001, 20, 2220009): ('CORD2C?', self._read_cord2cx), # F:\work\pyNastran\pyNastran\master2\pyNastran\bdf\test\nx_spike\out_boltsold01d.op2 (2101, 21, 2220008) : ('CORD2R?', self._read_cord2rx), (2001, 20, 1310009) : ('CORD2C-NX', self._read_cord2c_nx), (2101, 21, 1310008) : ('CORD2R?', self.read_fake), (501, 5, 43) : ('CORDx?', self._read_cord3g), (6591, 65, 677) : ('ATVBULK', self.read_fake), (2201, 22, 2220010) : ('CORDx?', self.read_fake), (1209, 96, 665) : ('IMPERF', self.read_fake), # nx #(707, 7, 124) : ('EPOINT', self._read_epoint], # record 12 } #def read_fake_c(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: #"""(2101, 21, 2220008) #ints = (20, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, #1.875, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, #1.75, 0, -1.75, #50, 1, 2, 0, 0, #2.565, 0, 2.565, 0, #3.390625, 0, #2.5625, 0, 2.5625, 0, #1079590912, 0, 1076232192, 0, 1076101120, 0, 1079574528) #floats = (20, 1, 2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, #1.875, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, #1.75, 0.0, -1.75, #50, 1, 2, 0.0, #0.0, 2.5625, 0.0, #2.5625, 0.0, 3.390625, #0.0, 2.5625, 0.0, #2.5625, 0.0, 3.39453125, #0.0, 2.59375, 0.0, #2.5625, 0.0, 3.390625) #""" #self.show_data(data[n:]) #return aaa #def _read_new(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: #""" #C:\MSC.Software\simcenter_nastran_2019.2\tpl_post2\e402conm1_02.op2 #ndata = 104: #ints = (64, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1072693248, -2409647, -1126432769, 0, 0, -2409647, -1126432769, 0, -1074790400, 46723, 1022656512) #floats = (64, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.875, nan, -0.02685546688735485, 0.0, 0.0, nan, -0.02685546688735485, 0.0, -1.875, 6.547286814864843e-41, 0.02984619140625) #doubles (float64) = (64, 1, 2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.554312234e-15, 0.0, -1.554312234e-15, -1.0, 4.551914401e-15) #long long (int64) = (64, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, -4837991899705164975, 0, -4837991899705164975, -4616189618054758400, 4392276274081478275) #""" #self.show_data(data[n:], 'qsdfi') def _read_seelt(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Record – SEELT(7902,79,302) Word Name Type Description 1 SEID I Superelement identification number 2 EID I Element identification number Word 2 repeats until End of Record data = ( 5, 24, -1, 66, 662001, 662003, 662007, 662019, -1, 67, 672001, 672008, 672015, -1, 68, 682001, 682019, -1) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ints = np.frombuffer(data[n:], op2.idtype8).copy() istart, iend = get_minus1_start_end(ints) ncards = 0 size = op2.size #di = 0 for (i0, i1) in zip(istart, iend): assert ints[i1] == -1, ints[i1] seid, *eids = ints[i0:i1] seelt = op2.add_seelt(seid, eids) str(seelt) n += (i1 - i0 + 1) * size ncards += 1 op2.card_count['SEELT'] = ncards return n def _read_seset(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Record 30 -- SESET(5601,56,296) Word Name Type Description 1 SEID I Superelement identification number 2 G I Grid or scalar point identification number Word 2 repeats until End of Record data = ( 1, 33, 34, 37, 38, -1, 1, 93, -98, -1, 7, 1, -8, -1) SESET SEID G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 This card is straight nonsense... When you have nodes [-8, 1], it means: 1, THRU, 8 The subsequent case can be [-50, -8, 1, 45]. Well, we saw the 1,THRU,8 already, so we filter that out and: [-50, 45] is leftover, so we turn that into: 1, THRU, 8 45, THRU, 50 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ints = np.frombuffer(data[n:], op2.idtype8).copy() istart, iend = get_minus1_start_end(ints) ncards = 0 size = op2.size set_ids_helper = defaultdict(set) set_ids = defaultdict(set) di = 0 for (i0, i1) in zip(istart, iend): assert ints[i1] == -1, ints[i1] seid, *nids = ints[i0:i1] #print('*', seid, nids) if min(nids) > 0: set_ids_helper[seid].update(set(nids)) set_ids[seid].update(set(nids)) #if seid not in set_ids_helper and min(nids) > 0: #set_ids_helper[seid].update(set(nids)) #set_ids[seid].update(set(nids)) #continue else: #print(seid, nids, set_ids_helper[seid]) diff = list(set(nids).difference(set_ids_helper[seid])) diff.sort() assert len(diff) == 2, diff # -10, 1 -> 1,THRU,10 max_value, min_value = diff nids_new = list(range(min_value, -max_value+1)) assert min(nids_new) > 0, nids_new set_ids[seid].update(set(nids_new)) #print(seid, set_ids[seid]) #print(seid, nids, diff, nids_new) set_ids_helper[seid].update(set(nids)) n += (i1 - i0 + 1) * size di += (i1 - i0 + 1) assert i1 +1 == di, f'di={di} i1+1={i1+1} nints={len(ints)}' assert i1+1 == len(ints), f'i1+1={i1+1} nints={len(ints)}' ncards += len(set_ids) for seid, nids in sorted(set_ids.items()): nids = list(nids) nids.sort() assert min(nids) > 0, nids seset = op2.add_seset(seid, nids) seset.write_card_16() #print(seset) op2.card_count['SESET'] = ncards assert n == len(data), f'factor={op2.factor} size={size} n={n} ndata={len(data)}' return n def _read_snorm(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Record – SNORM(5678,71,475) Word Name Type Description 1 GID I Grid point identification number 2 CID I Coordinate system identification number 3 N1 RS Normal component in direction 1 of CID 4 N2 RS Normal component in direction 2 of CID 5 N3 RS Normal component in direction 3 of CID ints = (-1059, 101000001, 0, 0, 0) floats = (nan, 2.5040420265274087e-35, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 structi = Struct(op2._endian + b'2i 3f') ntotal = 20 * op2.factor ndatai = len(data) - n nentries = ndatai // ntotal assert nentries > 0, nentries for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = structi.unpack(edata) (nid, cid, n1, n2, n3) = out normal = [n1, n2, n3] n += ntotal if nid < 0: op2.log.warning(f'geom skipping SNORM nid={nid} cid={cid} normal={normal}') continue snorm = op2.add_snorm(nid, normal, cid=cid) snorm.write_card_16() return n def _read_seconct(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Record – SECONCT(427,4,453) Word Name Type Description 1 SEIDA I Superelement A identification number 2 SEIDB I Superelement B identification number 3 TOL RS Location tolerance 4 LOC I Coincident location check option: yes=1 or no=2 5 UNDEF(4) None 9 GA I Grid point identification number in SEIDA 10 GB I Grid point identification number in SEIDB Words 9 through 10 repeat until (-1,-1) occurs """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 #n0 = n ints = np.frombuffer(data[n:], op2.idtype8).copy() floats = np.frombuffer(data[n:], op2.fdtype8).copy() iminus1 = np.where(ints == -1)[0] iminus1_start = iminus1[::2] iminus1_end = iminus1[1::2] ncards = 0 istart = [0] + list(iminus1_end + 1) iend = iminus1_start size = op2.size for (i0, i1) in zip(istart, iend): assert ints[i1] == -1, ints[i1] seid_a, seid_b = ints[i0:i0+2] tol = floats[i0+2] loc_int = ints[i0+3] gab = ints[i0+4:i1] nrows = len(gab) // 2 gab = gab.reshape(nrows, 2) nodes_a = gab[:, 0] nodes_b = gab[:, 1] # yes=1 or no=2 if loc_int == 1: loc = 'YES' elif loc_int == 2: loc = 'NO' else: raise NotImplementedError(loc_int) seconct = op2.add_seconct(seid_a, seid_b, tol, loc, nodes_a, nodes_b) #print(seconct) str(seconct) n += (i1 - i0 + 2) * size ncards += 1 op2.card_count['SECONCT'] = ncards return n def _read_cord2c_nx(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ doubles (float64) = (6, 2, 2, 0.0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0, 1.0]) long long (int64) = (6, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4607182418800017408, 4607182418800017408, 0, 4607182418800017408) """ #assert len(d) #self.op2.show_data(data[n:], types='ifsqd', endian=None, force=False) #raise RuntimeError('is this a cord2s?') op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 structi = Struct(op2._endian + b'qqqq 9d') ntotal = 52 * op2.factor ndatai = len(data) - n nentries = ndatai // ntotal assert nentries > 0, nentries for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = structi.unpack(edata) (cid, one, two, rid, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3) = out assert (one, two) == (2, 2) # CORD-2-C origin = [a1, a2, a3] zaxis = [b1, b2, b3] xzplane = [c1, c2, c3] coord = op2.add_cord2c(cid, origin, zaxis, xzplane) str(coord) n += ntotal op2.to_nx('; because CORD2C-NX was found') return n def _read_cord2cx(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ I think this is a ROTOR coordinate system... data = (2001, 20, 2220009, 100002, 2, 2, 100001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.875, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.875) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 n = self._read_cordx(data, n, cord_type=2, cord_n=2) return n #self.show_data(data, types='ifs') ndatai = len(data) - n s = Struct(op2._endian + b'4i 9d') # CORD2C 100002 100001 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0+ # + 0.0 0.0 1.0 # 100002 2 2 100001 # [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] assert ndatai == 88, ndatai #print(len(data[n:])) out = s.unpack(data[n:]) (cid, two_a, two_b, rid, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3) = out origin = [a1, a2, a3] zaxis = [b1, b2, b3] xzplane = [c1, c2, c3] assert (two_a, two_b) == (2, 2), (two_a, two_b) #print(cid, rid) #print(a, b, c) coord = op2.add_cord2c(cid, origin, zaxis, xzplane, rid=rid, setup=True, comment='') #print(coord) return len(data) def _read_cord2rx(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: n = self._read_cordx(data, n, cord_type=1, cord_n=2) return n def _read_cordx(self, data: bytes, n: int, cord_type: int, cord_n: int) -> int: """ (2101, 21, 2220008) CORD2R 4 0. 0. 0. 0. -1. 0. + + 0. 0. -1. $ Integrated Coordinate System (spring) CORD2R 5 0. 0. 0. 0. -1. 0. + + 0. 0. -1. $ Integrated Coordinate System (dashpot) CORD2R 6 0. 0. 0. 0. -1. 0. + + 0. 0. -1. ? ? ? i i i [i/f]*10 f [i/f] * 7 f ints = (4, 1, 2, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], -1.875, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], -1.875, 5, 1, 2, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], -1.875, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], -1.875, 6, 1, 2, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], -1.875, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], -1.875) floats = (4, 1, 2, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.875, 5, 1, 2, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.875, 6, 1, 2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.875, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.875) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 88 * op2.factor # 22*4 #structi = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'iiq 9d', op2.size)) structi = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'iiii 9d', op2.size)) ndatai = len(data) - n nentries = ndatai // ntotal assert nentries > 0 assert ndatai % ntotal == 0, ndatai for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = structi.unpack(edata) (cid, one, two, rid, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3) = out assert cid > 0, out assert one == cord_type, (one, out) assert two == cord_n, (two, out) origin = [a1, a2, a3] zaxis = [b1, b2, b3] xzplane = [c1, c2, c3] if (two, one) == (2, 1): coord = op2.add_cord2r( cid, origin, zaxis, xzplane, rid=rid, setup=True, comment='') elif (two, one) == (2, 2): coord = op2.add_cord2c( cid, origin, zaxis, xzplane, rid=rid, setup=True, comment='') else: raise RuntimeError((two, one)) #print(coord) n += ntotal return n def _read_cord1c(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ (1701,17,6) - the marker for Record 1 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 24 * op2.factor # 6*4 struct_6i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'6i', op2.size)) nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_6i.unpack(edata) (cid, one, two, g1, g2, g3) = out assert one in [1, 2], one assert two in [1, 2], two if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CORD1C=%s\n' % str(out)) data_in = [cid, g1, g2, g3] coord = CORD1C.add_op2_data(data_in) op2._add_methods._add_coord_object(coord) n += ntotal op2.increase_card_count('CORD1C', nentries) return n def _read_cord1r(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ (1801,18,5) - the marker for Record 2 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 24 * op2.factor # 6*4 struct_6i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'6i', op2.size)) nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_6i.unpack(edata) (cid, one1, one2, g1, g2, g3) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CORD1R=%s\n' % str(out)) assert one1 == 1, one1 assert one2 == 1, one2 data_in = [cid, g1, g2, g3] coord = CORD1R.add_op2_data(data_in) op2._add_methods._add_coord_object(coord) n += ntotal op2.increase_card_count('CORD1R', nentries) return n def _read_cord1s(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ (1901,19,7) - the marker for Record 3 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 24 * op2.factor # 6*4 struct_6i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'6i', op2.size)) nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_6i.unpack(edata) (cid, three, one, g1, g2, g3) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CORD1S=%s\n' % str(out)) assert three == 3, three assert one == 1, one data_in = [cid, g1, g2, g3] coord = CORD1S.add_op2_data(data_in) op2._add_methods._add_coord_object(coord, allow_overwrites=False) n += ntotal op2.increase_card_count('CORD1S', nentries) return n def _read_cord2c(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ (2001,20,9) - the marker for Record 4 """ n = self._read_cord2x(data, n, 'CORD2C', CORD2C, (2, 2)) return n def _read_cord2r(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ (2101,21,8) - the marker for Record 5 """ n = self._read_cord2x(data, n, 'CORD2R', CORD2R, (1, 2)) return n def _read_cord2s(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ (2201,22,10) - the marker for Record 6 """ n = self._read_cord2x(data, n, 'CORD2S', CORD2S, (3, 2)) return n def _read_cord2x(self, data: bytes, n: int, card_name: str, card_obj, coord_flag: tuple[int, int]) -> int: op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 if op2.table_name == b'GEOM1N' and op2.factor == 1: try: n2, coords = self._read_cord2x_22(data, n, card_name, card_obj, coord_flag) except Exception: n2, coords = self._read_cord2x_13(data, n, card_name, card_obj, coord_flag) else: n2, coords = self._read_cord2x_13(data, n, card_name, card_obj, coord_flag) ncoords = len(coords) assert n is not None for coord in coords: op2._add_methods._add_coord_object(coord, allow_overwrites=False) op2.card_count[card_name] = ncoords return n2 def _read_cord2x_22(self, data: bytes, n: int, coord_name: str, coord_cls: Union[CORD2R, CORD2C, CORD2S], flags: tuple[int, int]) -> tuple[int, list[Union[CORD2R, CORD2C, CORD2S]]]: """ (2101,21,8) - CORD2R (2201,22,10) - CORD2S """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 88 * op2.factor # 22*4 s = Struct(op2._endian + b'4i9d') ndatai = len(data) - n nentries = ndatai // ntotal assert ndatai % ntotal == 0 coords = [] for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) (cid, sixty5, eight, rid, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3) = out data_in = [cid, rid, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3] assert (sixty5, eight) == flags, f'(sixty5,eight)={(sixty5, eight)} flags={flags}' if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(f' {coord_name}={out}\n') coord = coord_cls.add_op2_data(data_in) coords.append(coord) n += ntotal return n, coords def _read_cord2x_13(self, data: bytes, n: int, coord_name: str, coord_cls: Union[CORD2R, CORD2C, CORD2S], flags: tuple[int, int]) -> tuple[int, list[Union[CORD2R, CORD2C, CORD2S]]]: op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 52 * op2.factor # 13*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'4i9f', op2.size)) ndatai = len(data) - n nentries = ndatai // ntotal assert ndatai % ntotal == 0 coords = [] for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) (cid, sixty5, eight, rid, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3) = out data_in = [cid, rid, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3] if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(f' {coord_name}={out}\n') coord = coord_cls.add_op2_data(data_in) coords.append(coord) n += ntotal return n, coords def _read_cord3g(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ (14301,143,651) - the marker for Record 7 .. todo:: isn't this a CORD3G, not a CORD3R ??? """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 16 * op2.factor struct_4i = Struct(op2._endian + b'4i') nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] # 4*4 out = struct_4i.unpack(edata) #(cid, n1, n2, n3) = out coord = CORD3G.add_op2_data(out) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CORD3G=%s\n' % str(out)) op2._add_methods._add_coord_object(coord, allow_overwrites=False) n += ntotal op2.increase_card_count('CORD3G', nentries) return n def _read_grid_maybe(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: # pragma: no cover """ (4501, 45, 1120001) - the marker for Record 17 this is a GRID card with double vales for xyz """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 44 * op2.factor structi = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'2i 3d 3i', op2.size)) nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal leftover = (len(data) - n) % ntotal assert leftover == 0, f'ndata={len(data)-n} leftover={leftover}' for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = structi.unpack(edata) (nid, cp, x1, x2, x3, cd, ps, seid) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' GRID=%s\n' % str(out)) # cd can be < 0 if ps == 0: ps = '' node = GRID(nid, np.array([x1, x2, x3]), cp, cd, ps, seid) op2._type_to_id_map['GRID'].append(nid) op2.nodes[nid] = node #op2.log.debug(f' nid={nid} cp={cp} x=[{x1:g}, {x2:g}, {x3:g}] cd={cd} ps={ps} seid={seid}') n += ntotal op2.increase_card_count('GRID', nentries) return n def _read_cord3g(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Record – CORD3G(501,5,43) Word Name Type Description 1 CID I Coordinate system identification number 2 METHOD(2) CHAR4 Methods 4 FORM(2) CHAR4 Forms 6 THETAID(3) I Identification number for DEQATN or TABLE 9 CIDREF I Coordinate system identification number """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 assert op2.size == 4, op2.size structi = Struct(op2._endian + b'i 8s 8s 4i') ntotal = 36 * op2.factor ndatai = len(data) - n nentries = ndatai // ntotal assert nentries > 0, nentries assert ndatai % ntotal == 0, f'ndatai={ndatai} ntotal={ntotal} leftover={ndatai % ntotal}' #grids = {} for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = structi.unpack(edata) (cid, method_bytes, form_bytes, theta1, theta2, theta3, cid_ref) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CORD3G=%s\n' % str(out)) method = method_bytes.decode('ascii').strip() method_es = method[0] method_int = int(method[1:]) form = form_bytes.decode('ascii').strip() thetas = [theta1, theta2, theta3] coord = op2.add_cord3g(cid, method_es, method_int, form, thetas, cid_ref, comment='') str(coord) n += ntotal return n def _read_grid(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """(4501,45,1) - the marker for Record 17""" op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 if op2.table_name == b'GEOM1N' and op2.factor == 1: try: n, grids = self._read_grid_11(data, n) except Exception: n, grids = self._read_grid_8(data, n) else: n, grids = self._read_grid_8(data, n) ngrids = len(grids) assert n is not None for nid, grid in grids.items(): op2.nodes[nid] = grid op2._type_to_id_map['GRID'].append(nid) op2.card_count['GRID'] = ngrids return n def _read_grid_8(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> tuple[int, dict[int, GRID]]: # 21.8 sec, 18.9 """(4501,45,1) - the marker for Record 17""" op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 structi = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'ii 3f 3i', op2.size)) ntotal = 32 * op2.factor ndatai = len(data) - n nentries = ndatai // ntotal assert nentries > 0, nentries assert ndatai % ntotal == 0, f'ndatai={ndatai} ntotal={ntotal} leftover={ndatai % ntotal}' grids = {} for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = structi.unpack(edata) (nid, cp, x1, x2, x3, cd, ps, seid) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' GRID=%s\n' % str(out)) #if nid < 10000000: # cd can be < 0 if ps == 0: ps = '' node = GRID(nid, np.array([x1, x2, x3]), cp, cd, ps, seid) #op2._type_to_id_map['GRID'].append(nid) #self.nodes[nid] = node grids[nid] = node #if nid in self.nodes: #self.reject_lines.append(str(node)) #else: #self.nodes[nid] = node #self.add_node(node) #else: #op2.log.warning('*nid=%s cp=%s x1=%-5.2f x2=%-5.2f x3=%-5.2f cd=%-2s ps=%s ' #'seid=%s' % (nid, cp, x1, x2, x3, cd, ps, seid)) #node = GRID(nid, np.array([x1, x2, x3]), cp, cd, ps, seid) #self.rejects.append(str(node)) #nfailed += 1 n += ntotal #op2.increase_card_count('GRID', nentries - nfailed) return n, grids def _read_grid_11(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> tuple[int, dict[int, GRID]]: # 21.8 sec, 18.9 """(4501,45,1) - the marker for Record 17""" op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 44 structi = Struct(op2._endian + b'ii 3d 3i') ndatai = len(data) - n nentries = ndatai // ntotal #print(f'len(data)={len(data)} ndatai={ndatai} ntotal={ntotal} nentries={nentries}') assert ndatai % ntotal == 0, f'len(data)={len(data)} ndatai={ndatai} ntotal={ntotal} nentries={nentries}' assert nentries > 0, f'len(data)={len(data)} ndatai={ndatai} ntotal={ntotal} nentries={nentries}' nfailed = 0 grids = {} for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = structi.unpack(edata) #cp, x1, x2, x3, cd, ps, seid (nid, cp, x1, x2, x3, cd, ps, seid) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' GRID=%s\n' % str(out)) #print(f'nid={nid}, cp={cp} x=({x1}, {x2}, {x3}), cd={cd} ps={ps}, seid={seid}') assert cd >= 0, f'nid={nid}, cp={cp} x=({x1}, {x2}, {x3}), cd={cd} ps={ps}, seid={seid}' assert seid == 0, f'nid={nid}, cp={cp} x=({x1}, {x2}, {x3}), cd={cd} ps={ps}, seid={seid}' if nid < 10000000: # cd can be < 0 if ps == 0: ps = '' node = GRID(nid, np.array([x1, x2, x3]), cp, cd, ps, seid) #print(node) #op2._type_to_id_map['GRID'].append(nid) #self.nodes[nid] = node grids[nid] = node #if nid in self.nodes: #self.reject_lines.append(str(node)) #else: #self.nodes[nid] = node #self.add_node(node) else: #op2.log.warning('*nid=%s cp=%s x1=%-5.2f x2=%-5.2f x3=%-5.2f cd=%-2s ps=%s ' #'seid=%s' % (nid, cp, x1, x2, x3, cd, ps, seid)) #node = GRID(nid, np.array([x1, x2, x3]), cp, cd, ps, seid) #self.rejects.append(str(node)) nfailed += 1 n += ntotal return n, grids def _read_seqgp(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """(5301,53,4) - the marker for Record 27""" op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 8 * op2.factor struct_2i = Struct(op2._endian + b'2i') nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] # 2*4 out = struct_2i.unpack(edata) # (nid, seid) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' SEQGP=%s\n' % str(out)) seqgp = SEQGP.add_op2_data(out) op2._add_methods._add_seqgp_object(seqgp) n += ntotal op2.increase_card_count('SEQGP', nentries) return n def _read_point(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ POINT(6001,60,377) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 s = Struct(op2._endian + b'2i3f') ntotal = 20 * op2.factor nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] # 5*4 out = s.unpack(edata) # (nid, cid, x1, x2, x3) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' POINT=%s\n' % str(out)) point = POINT.add_op2_data(out) op2._add_methods._add_point_object(point) n += ntotal op2.increase_card_count('POINT', nentries) return n #def _read_cmass2(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: #struct_i4fi = Struct(op2._endian + b'if4i') #nentries = (len(data) - n) // 24 #for unused_i in range(nentries): #edata = data[n:n + 24] # 6*4 #out = struct_i4fi.unpack(edata) ## (eid, mass, g1, g2, c1, c2) = out #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write(' CMASS2=%s\n' % str(out)) #op2.log.debug(' CMASS2=%s\n' % str(out)) #element = CMASS2.add_op2_data(out) #print(element) #self.add_op2_mass(element) #n += 24 #print(self.elements) #op2.increase_card_count('CMASS2', nentries) #return n #return len(data)
[docs] def read_cvisc(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """CVISC(3901,39,50) - the marker for Record 105""" op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 struct_4i = Struct(op2._endian + b'4i') ntotal = 16 * op2.factor # 4*4 nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_4i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CVISC=%s\n' % str(out)) # (eid, pid, n1, n2) = out element = CVISC.add_op2_data(out) op2.add_op2_element(element) n += ntotal op2.increase_card_count('CVISC', nentries) return n
def _read_extrn(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Record - EXTRN(1627,16,463) Word Name Type Description 1 GID I Grid point identification numbers to connect external SE 2 C I Component numbers Words 1 through 2 repeat until (-1,-1) occurs (1627, 16, 463, 1, 123456, 2, 123456, 3, 123456, 4, 123456, 100001, 1, 100002, 1, 100003, 1, 100004, 1, -1, -1) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 #Partitioned External Superelement Connection #Defines a boundary connection for an external superelement. ints = np.frombuffer(data[n:], op2.idtype8).copy() iminus1 = np.where(ints == -1)[0] iminus1_start = iminus1[::2] iminus1_end = iminus1[1::2] #ncards = 0 istart = [0] + list(iminus1_end + 1) iend = iminus1_start #size = op2.size for (i0, i1) in zip(istart, iend): assert ints[i1] == -1, ints[i1] nids = ints[i0:i1:2].tolist() comps = ints[i0+1:i1:2].tolist() #print(nids) #print(comps) for c in comps: assert c in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 123, 123456], f'c={c}; nids={nids} comps={comps}' op2.add_aset(nids, comps) #self.add_extrn(nids, comps) assert len(nids) == len(comps) return len(data) def _read_feedge(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ (2901, 29, 9601) Word Name Type Description 1 EDGEID I Edge identification number 2 GRID1 I Identification number of end GRID 1 3 GRID2 I Identification number of end GRID 2 4 CID I Coordinate system identification number 5 GEOMIN CHAR4 Type of referencing entry: "GMCURV" or "POINT" 6 GEOMID1 I Identification number of a POINT or GMCURV entry 7 GEOMID2 I Identification number of a POINT or GMCURV entry """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 # C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\phsflux4.op2 #(200000002, 3, 1002, 6, 12, 0, 0) # FEEDGE EDGEID GRID1 GRID2 CIDBC GEOMIN ID1 ID2 #FEEDGE 1002 6 12 #self.show_data(data[12:]) ntotal = 28 * op2.factor # 7*4 if op2.size == 4: s = Struct(op2._endian + b'4i 4s 2i') #expected else: s = Struct(op2._endian + b'4q 8s 2q') #expected #s = Struct(op2._endian + b'7i') nelements = (len(data) - n)// ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) #print(out) edge_id, n1, n2, cid, geomin, geom1, geom2 = out # expected if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' FEEDGE=%s\n' % str(out)) geomin = geomin.rstrip() if geomin == b'POIN': geomin_str = 'POINT' elif geomin == b'GMCU': geomin_str = 'GMCURV' else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(geomin) if cid == -1: cid = None unused_elem = op2.add_feedge(edge_id, [n1, n2], cid, [geom1, geom2], geomin=geomin_str) n += ntotal op2.card_count['FEEDGE'] = nelements return n def _read_gmcurv(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: # pragma: no cover """ Word Name Type Description 1 CURVID I Curve identification number 2 GROUP(2) CHAR4 Group of curves/surfaces to which this curve belongs 4 CIDIN I Coordinate system identification number for the geometry 5 CIDBC I Coordinate system identification number for the constraints 6 DATA CHAR4 Geometry evaluator specific data """ raise UnsupportedCard('GMCURV') op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 size = op2.size if size == 4: struct_i = op2.struct_i structi = Struct(b'i 8s ii') else: struct_i = op2.struct_q structi = Struct(b'q 16s qq') ntotal1 = 20 * op2.factor ntotal2 = 64 * op2.factor while n < len(data): datab = data[n:n+ntotal1] curve_id, group_bytes, cid_in, cid_bc = structi.unpack(datab) if size == 8: group_bytes = reshape_bytes_block(group_bytes) group = group_bytes.decode('latin1').rstrip() #print(curve_id, group, cid_in, cid_bc) assert group in ['MSCGRP0', 'MSCGRP1', 'MSCGRP2'], f'GMCURV: curve_id={curve_id} group={group!r} cid_in={cid_in} cid_bc={cid_bc}' n += ntotal1 databi_bytes = data[n:n+size] n += size databi = data[n:n+size] datab_int, = struct_i.unpack(databi) n += size while datab_int != -1: databi_bytes += databi databi = data[n:n+size] datab_int, = struct_i.unpack(databi) n += size datai = databi_bytes.decode('latin1').rstrip() data_split = [' %s\n' % datai[i:i+ntotal2].strip() for i in range(0, len(datai), ntotal2)] op2.add_gmcurv(curve_id, group, data_split, cid_in=cid_in, cid_bc=cid_bc) #print(datai) #ints = np.frombuffer(data[n:], dtype=self.idtype).copy() #iminus1 = np.where(ints == -1)[0].tolist() #i0 = 0 #for iminus1i in iminus1: #curve_id = ints[i0] #cid_in, cid_bc = ints[i0+3:i0+5] #s0 = n + 4 #s1 = s0 + 8 #group = data[s0:s1].decode('latin1').rstrip() #print(curve_id, group, cid_in, cid_bc) #assert group in ['MSCGRP1', 'MSCGRP2'], f'GMCURV: curve_id={curve_id} group={group!r} cid_in={cid_in} cid_bc={cid_bc}' #s2 = s1 + 8 #s3 = 12 + iminus1i * 4 #datai = data[s2:s3].decode('latin1').rstrip() #print('datai = %r' % datai) #i0 = iminus1i + 1 ## n = s3 + 4 #n = 12+(iminus1i + 1)*4 #print('-----------------') #return len(data) return n def _read_feface(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: # pragma: no cover """ Word Name Type Description 1 FACEID I Face identification number 2 GRID1 I Identification number of end GRID 1 3 GRID2 I Identification number of end GRID 2 4 GRID3 I Identification number of end GRID 3 5 GRID4 I Identification number of end GRID 4 6 CIDBC I Coordinate system identification number for the constraints 7 SURFID(2) I Alternate method used to specify the geometry """ raise UnsupportedCard('FEFACE') op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 32 * op2.factor structi = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'8i', op2.size)) nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = structi.unpack(edata) (face_id, n1, n2, n3, n4, cid, surf_id1, surf_id2) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' FEFACE=%s\n' % str(out)) nodes = [n1, n2, n3, n4] surf_ids = [surf_id1, surf_id2] unused_feface = op2.add_feface(face_id, nodes, cid, surf_ids) n += ntotal op2.increase_card_count('FEFACE', nentries) return n def _read_gmsurf(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: # pragma: no cover raise UnsupportedCard('GMSURF') op2: OP2Geom = self.op2'geom skipping GMSURF in GEOM1') return len(data) def _read_gmcord(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: # pragma: no cover raise UnsupportedCard('GMCORD') op2: OP2Geom = self.op2'geom skipping GMCORD in GEOM1') return len(data) def _read_sebulk(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Record 18 -- SEBULK(1427,14,465) Word Name Type Description 1 SEID I Superelement identification number 2 TYPE I Superelement type 3 RSEID I Reference superelement identification number 4 METHOD I Boundary point search method: 1=automatic or 2=manual 5 TOL RS Location tolerance 6 LOC I Coincident location check option: yes=1 or no=2 7 MEDIA I Media format of boundary data of external SE 8 UNIT I FORTRAN unit number of OP2 and OP4 input of external SE """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 32 * op2.factor # 4*8 nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal structi = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'4if3i', op2.size)) superelement_type_int_to_superelement_type = { 1 : 'PRIMARY', 5 : 'EXTOP2', 6 : 'MIRROR', 7 : 'FRFOP2', } loc_int_to_loc = { 1 : 'YES', 2 : 'NO', } method_int_to_method = { 1: 'AUTO', 2: 'MANUAL', } for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] # 4*8 out = structi.unpack(edata) (seid, superelement_type_int, rseid, method_int, tol, loc_int, media, unit) = out try: superelement_type = superelement_type_int_to_superelement_type[superelement_type_int] except KeyError: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError(f'superelement_type={superelement_type_int} not in [PRIMARY, EXTOP2, MIRROR, FRFOP2]') try: loc = loc_int_to_loc[loc_int] except KeyError: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError(f'loc={loc_int} not in [YES, NO]') try: method = method_int_to_method[method_int] except KeyError: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError(f'method={method_int} not in [AUTO, MANUAL]') if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' SEBULK=%s\n' % str(out)) #media, sebulk = op2.add_sebulk(seid, superelement_type, rseid, method=method, tol=tol, loc=loc, unitno=unit) sebulk.validate() n += 32 * op2.factor op2.increase_card_count('SEBULK', nentries) return n def _read_seloc(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Record 23 -- SELOC(827,8,457) Word Name Type Description 1 SEID I Superelement identification number 2 GA1 I Grid point 1 identification number in SEID 3 GA2 I Grid point 2 identification number in SEID 4 GA3 I Grid point 3 identification number in SEID 5 GB1 I Grid point 1 identification number in the main Bulk Data 6 GB2 I Grid point 2 identification number in the main Bulk Data 7 GB3 I Grid point 3 identification number in the main Bulk Data """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 28 * op2.factor structi = Struct(op2._endian + b'7i') nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal # 4*7 for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = structi.unpack(edata) (seid, ga1, ga2, ga3, gb1, gb2, gb3) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' SELOC=%s\n' % str(out)) op2.add_seloc(seid, [ga1, ga2, ga3], [gb1, gb2, gb3]) n += ntotal op2.increase_card_count('SELOC', nentries) return n def _read_sempln(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Record 24 -- SEMPLN(927,9,458) 1 SEID I Superelement identification number 2 MIRRTYPE I Mirror type MIRRTYPE=1 Plane 3 G1 I Grid point 1 identification number in the main Bulk Data 4 G2 I Grid point 2 identification number in the main Bulk Data 5 G3 I Grid point 3 identification number in the main Bulk Data 6 UNDEF(2) none Not Defined MIRRTYPE=2 Normal 3 G I Grid point identification number in the main Bulk Data 4 CID I Coordinate system identification number 5 N1 RS Normal component in direction 1 of CID 6 N2 RS Normal component in direction 2 of CID 7 N3 RS Normal component in direction 3 of CID """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 struct2i = Struct(op2._endian + b'2i') # 8 struct5i = Struct(op2._endian + b'5i') # 20 #struct2i_3f = Struct(op2._endian + b'2i3f') # 20 nentries = (len(data) - n) // 28 # 4*7 for unused_i in range(nentries): edata1 = data[n:n + 8] # 4*2 edata2 = data[n+8:n + 28] # 4*7 out = struct2i.unpack(edata1) (seid, mirror_type) = out if mirror_type == 1: g1, g2, g3, unused_junk1, unused_junk2 = struct5i.unpack(edata2) op2.add_sempln(seid, g1, g2, g3) else: raise NotImplementedError(mirror_type) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' SEMPLN=%s\n' % str(out)) n += 28 op2.increase_card_count('SEMPLN', nentries) return n def _read_selabel(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Record 22 -- SELABEL(1027,10,459) Word Name Type Description 1 SEID I Superelement identification number 2 LABEL(14) CHAR4 Label associated with superelement SEID """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 60 * op2.factor structi = Struct(op2._endian + b'i14s') # 18 structi = Struct(op2._endian + b'i56s') # 60 nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal # 4+18 for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = structi.unpack(edata) (seid, label) = out label = label.decode(op2._encoding).rstrip() if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' SELABEL=%s\n' % str(out)) selabel = op2.add_selabel(seid, label) selabel.validate() n += ntotal op2.increase_card_count('SELABEL', nentries) return n