Source code for pyNastran.op2.tables.geom.geom2

defines readers for BDF objects in the OP2 GEOM2/GEOM2S table
# pylint: disable=C0103
from __future__ import annotations
from struct import Struct
from functools import partial
from typing import Union, Any, TYPE_CHECKING
import numpy as np

from pyNastran.bdf.errors import UnsupportedCard
from import CGAP, PLOTEL
from import (CDAMP1, CDAMP2, CDAMP3,
                                                 CDAMP4, CDAMP5, CVISC)
from import CELAS1, CELAS2, CELAS3, CELAS4
from import (
from import (CTRIA3, CQUAD4, CTRIA6,
                                                CQUADR, CTRIAR,
                                                CQUAD8, CQUAD,
from import CROD, CTUBE, CONROD
from import CBAR, CBEND, CBEAM3
from import CBEAM
from import (CONM1, CONM2, CMASS1, CMASS2,
                                               CMASS3, CMASS4)
from import (CTETRA4, CPYRAM5, CPENTA6, CHEXA8,
                                                CTETRA10, CPYRAM13, CPENTA15, CHEXA20,
                                                CPENTCZ, CHEXCZ)
from import SPOINTs
from import CBUSH
from import FEEDGE
from pyNastran.op2.errors import MixedVersionCard
from pyNastran.op2.op2_interface.op2_reader import mapfmt # , reshape_bytes_block
from pyNastran.op2.tables.geom.geom4 import RBE3

from pyNastran.op2.errors import DoubleCardError, EmptyCardError
if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from pyNastran.op2.op2_geom import OP2Geom

def _map_offt(num: int) -> str:
    offt = ['G', 'G', 'G']
    # 1G->1B: 4^3; 1+64=65
    if num > 64:
        num -= 64 # 4^3
        offt[0] = 'B'

    # 3G->3O: 4^2; 1+16=17
    # 3G->3B: 2*4^2; 1+32=33
    if num > 32:
        num -= 32 # 4^2
        offt[2] = 'O'
    elif num > 16:
        num -= 16 # 4^2
        offt[2] = 'B'

    # 2G->2O: 4*1; 1+4=5
    # 2G->2B: 4*2; 1+8=9
    if num > 8:
        num -= 8 # 4*2
        offt[1] = 'O'
    elif num > 4:
        num -= 4 # 4
        offt[1] = 'B'

    offt_str = ''.join(offt)
    return offt_str

    #B/G   2
    #B/G/O 3
    #GGG = 1
    #1: 'GGG',
    #5: 'GOG', # 2G->2O: 4*1; 1+4=5
    #9: 'GBG', # 2G->2B: 4*2; 1+8=9
    #17: 'GGO', # 3G->3O: 4^2; 1+16=17
    #21: 'GOO', # 2G->2O: 4*1; 17+4=21
    #33: 'GGB', # 3G->3B: 2*4^2; 1+32=33
    #41: 'GBB', # 2G->2B: 4*2; 33+8=41

    #65: 'BGG', # 1G->1B: 4^3; 1+64=65
    #69: 'BOG', # 2G->2O: 4*1; 65+4=69
    #73: 'BBG', # 2G->2B: 4*2; 65+8=73
    #81: 'BGO', # 3G->3O: 4^2; 65+16=81
    #85: 'BOO', # 2G->2O: 4*1; 81+4=85
    #97: 'BGB', # 3G->3B: 2*4^2; 65+32=97
    #105: 'BBB', # 2G->2B: 4*2; 97+8=105
    # 1G->1B: 4^3; 1+64=65
    # 2G->2O: 4*1; 1+4=5
    # 2G->2B: 4*2; 1+8=9
    # 3G->3O: 4^2; 1+16=17
    # 3G->3B: 2*4^2; 1+32=33

    #fprime = fe-f
    # f=1    f=2
    0: 'GGG', # NX?
    1: 'GGG', 2: 'GGG',
    5: 'GOG', 6: 'GOG',
    9: 'GBG', 10: 'GBG',
    17: 'GGO', 18: 'GGO',
    21: 'GOO', 22: 'GOO',
    33: 'GGB', 34: 'GGB',
    41: 'GBB', 42: 'GBB',

    65: 'BGG',
    69: 'BOG',
    73: 'BBG',
    81: 'BGO',
    85: 'BOO',
    97: 'BGB',
    105: 'BBB',

    #F = 1 XYZ option - global or basic coordinate system
    #F = 2 Grid option
    #F = 5 XYZ option - global or basic coordinate system
    #F = 6 XYZ option - global or basic coordinate system
    #F = 17 XYZ option - global or basic coordinate system
    #F = 18 XYZ option - global or basic coordinate system
    #F = 21 XYZ option - global or basic coordinate system
    #F = 22 XYZ option - global or basic coordinate system
    #F = 65 XYZ option - global or basic coordinate system
    #F = 69 XYZ option - global or basic coordinate system
    #F = 81 XYZ option - global or basic coordinate system
    #F = 85 XYZ option - global or basic coordinate system


[docs] class GEOM2: """defines methods for reading op2 elements""" #@property #def struct_i(self) -> Struct: #return self.op2.struct_i @property def struct_q(self) -> Struct: return self.op2.struct_q #@property #def idtype(self) -> str: #return self.op2.idtype #@property #def idtype8(self) -> str: #return self.op2.idtype8 #@property #def fdtype8(self) -> str: #return self.op2.fdtype8 #@property #def log(self) -> Any: #return self.op2.log #@property #def is_debug_file(self) -> bool: #return self.op2.is_debug_file #@property #def card_count(self) -> dict[str, int]: #return self.op2.card_count #@property #def binary_debug(self) -> Any: #return self.op2.binary_debug #@property #def _endian(self) -> bytes: #return self.op2._endian @property def size(self) -> int: return self.op2.size @property def factor(self) -> int: return self.op2.factor
[docs] def read_fake(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: return self.op2._read_fake(data, n)
[docs] def read_stop(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: return self.op2.reader_geom1.read_stop(data, n)
[docs] def read_geom2_4(self, data: bytes, ndata: int): return self.op2._read_geom_4(self.geom2_map, data, ndata)
def __init__(self, op2: OP2Geom): self.op2 = op2 self.geom2_map = { # per dmap-nx-10.pdf or nx12.pdf (15200, 152, 9912): ['ACFACE3', self.read_fake], (15500, 155, 9913): ['ACFACE4', self.read_fake], (15600, 156, 9914): ['ACFACE6', self.read_fake], (15700, 157, 9915): ['ACFACE8', self.read_fake], (2601, 26, 0): ['BEAMAERO', self.read_fake], (2708, 27, 59): ['CAABSF', self.read_caabsf], (2108, 21, 224): ['CAXIF2', self.read_fake], (2208, 22, 225): ['CAXIF3', self.read_fake], (2308, 23, 226): ['CAXIF4', self.read_fake], (2408, 24, 180): ['CBAR', self.read_cbar], # record 8 (4001, 40, 275): ['CBARAO', self.read_cbarao], # record 9 - not done (5408, 54, 261): ['CBEAM', self.read_cbeam], # record 10 (11401, 114, 9016): ['CBEAMP', self.read_cbeamp], # record 11 - not done (4601, 46, 298): ['CBEND', self.read_cbend], # record 12 - not done (2608, 26, 60): ['CBUSH', self.read_cbush], # record 13 (5608, 56, 218): ['CBUSH1D', self.read_cbush1d], # record 14 - not done (5609, 60, 9899): ['CBUSH1DNL', self.read_fake], (14801, 148, 956): ['CCHOCK3', self.read_fake], (14901, 149, 957): ['CCHOCK4', self.read_fake], (15001, 150, 958): ['CCHOCK6', self.read_fake], (15101, 151, 959): ['CCHOCK8', self.read_fake], (2315, 23, 146): ['CCONE-10', self.read_ccone], # nx10 (2315, 23, 0): ['CCONE-12', self.read_fake], # nx12 (201, 2, 69): ['CDAMP1', self.read_cdamp1], (301, 3, 70): ['CDAMP2', self.read_cdamp2], (401, 4, 71): ['CDAMP3', self.read_cdamp3], (501, 5, 72): ['CDAMP4', self.read_cdamp4], (10608, 106, 404): ['CDAMPS', self.read_cdamp5], (6208, 62, 108): ['CDUM2', self.read_fake], (6308, 63, 109): ['CDUM3', self.read_fake], (6408, 64, 110): ['CDUM4', self.read_fake], (6508, 65, 111): ['CDUM5', self.read_fake], (6608, 66, 112): ['CDUM6', self.read_fake], (6708, 67, 113): ['CDUM7', self.read_fake], (6808, 68, 114): ['CDUM8', self.read_cdum8], (6908, 69, 115): ['CDUM9', self.read_cdum9], (601, 6, 73): ['CELAS1', self.read_celas1], (6010, 53, 9900): ['CELAS1NL', self.read_fake], (701, 7, 74): ['CELAS2', self.read_celas2], (7010, 20, 9898): ['CELAS2NL', self.read_fake], (801, 8, 75): ['CELAS3', self.read_celas3], (901, 9, 76): ['CELAS4', self.read_celas4], (9801, 98, 506): ['CFAST-nx10', self._read_cfast_msc_nx10], # nx10 (13801, 138, 566): ['CFAST-nx12', self.read_cfast], # nx12 (8515, 85, 209): ['CFLUID2-nx10', self.read_cfluid2], # nx10 (8615, 86, 210): ['CFLUID3-nx10', self.read_cfluid3], # nx10 (8715, 87, 211): ['CFLUID4-nx10', self.read_cfluid4], # nx10 (8515, 85, 0): ['CFLUID2-nx12', self.read_cfluid2], # nx12 (8615, 86, 0): ['CFLUID3-nx12', self.read_cfluid3], # nx12 (8715, 87, 0): ['CFLUID4-nx12', self.read_cfluid4], # nx12 (1908, 19, 104): ['CGAP', self.read_cgap], #(13101, 131, 9901): ['CGPLSTN3', self.read_fake], #(13401, 134, 9904): ['CGPLSTN8', self.read_fake], #(13301, 133, 9903): ['CGPLSTN6', self.read_fake], #(13201, 132, 9902): ['CGPLSTN4', self.read_fake], (8308, 83, 405): ['CHBDYE', self.read_chbdye], (10808, 108, 406): ['CHBDYG', self.read_chbdyg], (10908, 109, 407): ['CHBDYP', self.read_chbdyp], #(7308, 73, 253): ['CHEXA', self.read_fake], #(16300, 163, 9989): ['CHEXA20F', self.read_fake], #(14100, 141, 9990): ['CHEXAF', self.read_fake], #(14000, 140, 9990): ['CHEXAFD', self.read_fake], #(7708, 77, 9944): ['CHEXAL', self.read_fake], (11801, 118, 907): ['CHEXCZ', self.read_chexa_cz], #(12001, 120, 9011): ['CHEXP', self.read_fake], #(7409, 74, 9991): ['CHEXPR', self.read_fake], (1001, 10, 65): ['CMASS1', self.read_cmass1], # record 52 (1101, 11, 66): ['CMASS2', self.read_cmass2], # record 53 (1201, 12, 67): ['CMASS3', self.read_cmass3], # record 54 (1301, 13, 68): ['CMASS4', self.read_cmass4], # record 55 (2508, 25, 0): ['CMFREE', self.read_cmfree], # record 56 - not done (1401, 14, 63): ['CONM1', self.read_conm1], # record 57 (1501, 15, 64): ['CONM2', self.read_conm2], # record 58 (1601, 16, 47): ['CONROD', self.read_conrod], # record 59 (12701, 127, 408): ['CONV', self.read_conv], (8908, 89, 422): ['CONVM', self.read_convm], (12101, 121, 9012): ['CPENP', self.read_fake], (4108, 41, 280): ['CPENTA', self.read_cpenta], (14200, 142, 9906): ['CPENTAF', self.read_cpenta], #(7108, 71, 9943): ['CPENTAL', self.read_fake], (7509, 75, 9992): ['CPENPR', self.read_fake], #(16500, 165, 9987): ['CPENT15F', self.read_fake], #(16000, 160, 9988): ['CPENT6FD', self.read_fake], (11901, 119, 908): ['CPENTCZ', self.read_cpenta_cz], (1701, 17, 980): ['CPLSTN3', self.read_cplstn3], (5701, 57, 981): ['CPLSTN4', self.read_cplstn4], (5801, 58, 982): ['CPLSTN6', self.read_cplstn6], (7201, 72, 983): ['CPLSTN8', self.read_cplstn8], (8801, 88, 984): ['CPLSTS3', self.read_cplsts3], (8401, 84, 985): ['CPLSTS4', self.read_cplsts4], (1801, 18, 986): ['CPLSTS6', self.read_cplsts6], (3601, 36, 987): ['CPLSTS8', self.read_cplsts8], (17200, 172, 1000) : ['CPYRAM', self.read_cpyram], # nx-specific (14400, 144, 9908): ['CPYRAMF', self.read_cpyram], # nx-specific (25700, 257, 9948) : ['CPYRA5FD', self.read_cpyram], # nx-specific (25800, 258, 9947) : ['CPYRA13F', self.read_cpyram], # nx-specific (7909, 79, 9946) : ['CPYRAMPR', self.read_cpyram], # nx-specific (17000, 170, 9980): ['CQDX4FD', self.read_cquad], (17100, 171, 9979): ['CQDX9FD', self.read_cquadx], #(25110, 170, 9951): ['CQDX4FDN', self.read_fake], #(25310, 171, 9949): ['CQDX8FDN', self.read_fake], (9108, 91, 507): ['CQUAD', self.read_cquad], (2958, 51, 177): ['CQUAD4', self.read_cquad4], #(14600, 146, 9910): ['CQUADF', self.read_fake], (13900, 139, 9984): ['CQUAD4FD', self.read_cquad], #(4701, 47, 326): ['CQUAD8', self.read_fake], #(3302, 33, 1694): ['CQUAD8L', self.read_fake], #(15901, 159, 9956): ['CQUAD8N', self.read_fake], (16400, 164, 9983): ['CQUAD9FD', self.read_cquad], #(11101, 111, 9014): ['CQUADP', self.read_fake], #(8009, 80, 367): ['CQUADR', self.read_fake], #(13002, 130, 1692): ['CQUADRL', self.read_fake], #(15401, 154, 9954): ['CQUADRN', self.read_fake], #(9008, 90, 508): ['CQUADX', self.read_fake], (6112, 61, 997): ['CQUADX4', self.read_fake], (6114, 61, 999): ['CQUADX8', self.read_cquadx8], (3001, 30, 48): ['CROD', self.read_crod], # record 81 (14500, 145, 9909): ['CRODF', self.read_crod], (3501, 35, 1): ['CSBOLT', self.read_fake], (3101, 31, 61): ['CSHEAR', self.read_cshear], # record 84 (4408, 44, 227): ['CSLOT3', self.read_fake], (4508, 45, 228): ['CSLOT4', self.read_fake], #(12201, 122, 9013): ['CTETP', self.read_fake], #(5508, 55, 217): ['CTETRA', self.read_fake], (14300, 143, 9907): ['CTETRAF', self.read_ctetra], #(7609, 76, 9993): ['CTETPR', self.read_fake], #(16600, 166, 9985): ['CTETR10F', self.read_fake], #(16100, 161, 9986): ['CTETR4FD', self.read_fake], #(25010, 168, 9952): ['CTRAX3FDN', self.read_fake], #(25210, 169, 9950): ['CTRAX6FDN', self.read_fake], #(5959, 59, 282): ['CTRIA3', self.read_fake], #(14700, 147, 9911): ['CTRIAF', self.read_fake], #(16200, 162, 9982): ['CTRIA3FD', self.read_fake], #(4801, 48, 327): ['CTRIA6', self.read_fake], #(16700, 167, 9981): ['CTRIA6FD', self.read_fake], #(3202, 32, 1693): ['CTRIA6L', self.read_fake], (15801, 158, 9955): ['CTRIA6N', self.read_ctria6], #(11301, 113, 9015): ['CTRIAP', self.read_fake], #(9200, 92, 385): ['CTRIAR', self.read_fake], #(12902, 129, 1691): ['CTRIARL', self.read_fake], #(15301, 153, 9953): ['CTRIARN', self.read_fake], #(10108, 101, 512): ['CTRIAX', self.read_fake], #(6108, 61, 107): ['CTRIAX6', self.read_fake], (6111, 61, 996): ['CTRAX3', self.read_ctrax3], (6113, 61, 998): ['CTRAX6', self.read_ctrax6], #(16800, 168, 9978): ['CTRIX3FD', self.read_fake], #(16900, 169, 9977): ['CTRIX6FD', self.read_fake], (3701, 37, 49): ['CTUBE', self.read_ctube], # record 104 (3901, 39, 50): ['CVISC', self.read_cvisc], # record 105 #(11701, 117, 559): ['CWELD', self.read_fake], #(13501, 135, 564): ['CWELDC', self.read_fake], (13701, 137, 565): ['CWELDP', self.read_fake], #(13601, 136, 562): ['CWELDG', self.read_fake], # This record is no longer used (4301, 43, 28): ['GENEL', self.read_genel], #(3201, 32, 478): ['GMBNDC', self.read_fake], (12901, 129, 482): ['GMBNDS', self.read_gmbnds], (3301, 33, 479): ['GMINTC', self.read_fake], (13001, 130, 483): ['GMINTS', self.read_fake], (2801, 28, 630): ['MICPNT', self.read_micpnt], (5201, 52, 11): ['PLOTEL', self.read_plotel], #(5202, 52, 669): ['PLOTEL3', self.read_fake], (5203, 52, 670): ['PLOTEL4', self.read_fake], #(5204, 52, 671): ['PLOTEL6', self.read_fake], #(5205, 52, 672): ['PLOTEL8', self.read_fake], #(5206, 52, 673): ['PLOTHEX', self.read_fake], #(5208, 52, 675): ['PLOTPEN', self.read_fake], #(5209, 52, 676): ['PLOTPYR', self.read_fake], #(5207, 52, 674): ['PLOTTET', self.read_fake], #(3002, 46, 0): ['Q4AERO', self.read_fake], (12801, 128, 417): ['RADBC', self.read_radbc], (7801, 78, 8883): ['SINT', self.read_sint], (5551, 49, 105): ['SPOINT', self.read_spoint], # record 119 #(2701, 27, 0): ['T3AERO', self.read_fake], #(11601, 116, 9942): ['VUBEAM', self.read_fake], #(12301, 123, 145): ['VUHEXA', self.read_fake], #(12401, 124, 146): ['VUPENTA', self.read_fake], #(11201, 112, 9940): ['VUQUAD4', self.read_fake], #(12501, 125, 147): ['VUTETRA', self.read_fake], #(11501, 115, 9941): ['VUTRIA3', self.read_fake], #(65535, 65535, 65535): ['EODB', self.read_fake], #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MSC - DMAP 2016.1 (2002, 20, 0): ['AEROQ4', self.read_fake], # 2 (1801, 18, 0): ['AEROT3', self.read_fake], # 3 (1701, 17, 0): ['BEAMAERO', self.read_fake], # 4 (2708, 27, 59): ['CAABSF', self.read_caabsf], # 5 (2108, 21, 224): ['CAXIF2', self.read_fake], # 6 (2208, 22, 225): ['CAXIF3', self.read_fake], # 7 (2308, 23, 226): ['CAXIF4', self.read_fake], # 8 #(4001, 40, 275): ['CBARAO', self.read_fake], # record 10 #(5408, 54, 261): ['CBEAM', self.read_fake], # record 11 #(11401, 114, 9016): ['CBEAMP', self.read_fake], # record 12 #(4601, 46, 298): ['CBEND', self.read_fake], # record 13 #(2608, 26, 60): ['CBUSH', self.read_fake], # record 14 #(5608, 56, 218): ['CBUSH1D', self.read_fake], # record 15 (2315, 23, 0): ['CCONE-msc', self.read_fake], # record 16 #(201, 2, 69): ['CDAMP1', self._read_cdamp1], # record 17 #(301, 3, 70): ['CDAMP2', self._read_cdamp2], # record 18 #(401, 4, 71): ['CDAMP3', self._read_cdamp3], # record 19 #(501, 5, 72): ['CDAMP4', self._read_cdamp4], # record 20 #(10608, 106, 404): ['CDAMP5', self._read_cdamp5], # record 21 #(6208, 62, 108): ['CDUM2', self.read_fake], # 22 #(6308, 63, 109): ['CDUM3', self.read_fake], # 23 #(6408, 64, 110): ['CDUM4', self.read_fake], # 24 #(6508, 65, 111): ['CDUM5', self.read_fake], # 25 #(6608, 66, 112): ['CDUM6', self.read_fake], # 26 #(6708, 67, 113): ['CDUM7', self.read_fake], # 27 #(6808, 68, 114): ['CDUM8', self._read_cdum8], # 28 #(6908, 69, 115): ['CDUM9', self._read_cdum9], # 29 #(601, 6, 73): ['CELAS1', self.read_fake], # record 30 #(701, 7, 74): ['CELAS2', self.read_fake], # record 31 #(801, 8, 75): ['CELAS3', self.read_fake], # record 32 #(901, 9, 76): ['CELAS4', self.read_fake], # record 33 #(9801, 98, 506): ['CFAST', self.read_fake], # record 34 (9301, 93, 607): ['CFASTP', self.read_cfastp], # 35 #(8515, 85, 0): ['CFLUID2', self._read_cfluid2], # record 36 - not done #(8615, 86, 0): ['CFLUID3', self._read_cfluid3], # record 37 - not done #(8715, 87, 0): ['CFLUID4', self._read_cfluid4], # record 38 - not done (7701, 77, 8881): ['CINT', self.read_cint], # record 39 - not done #(1908, 19, 104): ['CGAP', self._read_cgap], # record 40 - buggy (8100, 81, 381): ['CHACAB', self.read_chacab], # 41 (8200, 82, 383): ['CHACBR', self.read_chacbr], # 42 - not done #(8308, 83, 405): ['CHBDYE', self._read_chbdye], # record 43 #(10808, 108, 406): ['CHBDYG', self.read_fake], # 44 #(10908, 109, 407): ['CHBDYP', self.read_fake], # 45 (7308, 73, 253): ['CHEXA', self.read_chexa], # record 46 (16300, 163, 9999): ['CHEXA20F', self.read_fake], # 47 (14000, 140, 9990): ['CHEXAFD', self.read_chexa], # record 48 (7908, 79, 369): ['CHEXAL', self.read_fake], # 49 (12001, 120, 9011): ['CHEXP', self.read_fake], # record 50 (7409, 74, 9991): ['CHEXPR', self.read_chexpr], # record 51 #(1001, 10, 65): ['CMASS1', self._read_cmass1], # record 52 #(1101, 11, 66): ['CMASS2', self._read_cmass2], # record 53 #(1201, 12, 67): ['CMASS3', self._read_cmass3], # record 54 #(1301, 13, 68): ['CMASS4', self._read_cmass4], # record 55 #(2508, 25, 0): ['CMFREE', self._read_cmfree], # record 56 - not done #(1401, 14, 63): ['CONM1', self._read_conm1], # record 57 #(1501, 15, 64): ['CONM2', self._read_conm2], # record 58 #(1601, 16, 47): ['CONROD', self._read_conrod], # record 59 #(12701, 127, 408): ['CONV', self._read_conv], # record 60 - not tested #(8908, 89, 422): ['CONVM', self._read_convm], # record 61 - not tested #(12101, 121, 9012): ['CPENP', self.read_fake], # 62 #(4108, 41, 280): ['CPENTA', self._read_cpenta], # record 63 #(7509, 75, 9992): ['CPENPR', self.read_fake], # 64 (16500, 165, 9999): ['CPENT15F', self.read_fake], # 65 (16000, 160, 9999): ['CPENT6FD', self.read_fake], # 66 (17000, 170, 9999): ['CQDX4FD', self.read_fake], # 67 (17100, 171, 9999) : ['CQDX9FD', self.read_cquadx], # record 68 #(9108, 91, 507): ['CQUAD', self._read_cquad], # record 69 - not tested #(2958, 51, 177): ['CQUAD4', self._read_cquad4], # record 70 (13900, 139, 9989): ['CQUAD4FD', self.read_cquad4], # record 71 (4701, 47, 326): ['CQUAD8', self.read_cquad8], # record 72 (16400, 164, 9999): ['CQUAD9FD', self.read_fake], # 73 (11101, 111, 9014): ['CQUADP', self.read_fake], # 74 (8009, 80, 367): ['CQUADR', self.read_cquadr], # record 75 (9008, 90, 508): ['CQUADX', self.read_cquadx], # record 76 (14700, 147, 6662): ['CRBAR', self.read_crbar], # 77 (17300, 173, 6664): ['CRBE1', self.read_crbe1], # 78 (17200, 172, 6663): ['CRBE3', self.read_crbe3], # 79 (11000, 110, 6667): ['CRJOINT', self.read_crjoint], # 80 #(3001, 30, 48): ['CROD', self._read_crod], # record 81 (12600, 126, 6661): ['CRROD', self.read_crrod], # 82 (13801, 138, 570): ['CSEAM', self.read_fake], # 83 #(3101, 31, 61): ['CSHEAR', self._read_cshear], # record 84 #(4408, 44, 227): ['CSLOT3', self.read_fake], # 85 #(4508, 45, 228): ['CSLOT4', self.read_fake], # 86 (12201, 122, 9013): ['CTETP', self.read_ctetrap], # record 87 (5508, 55, 217): ['CTETRA', self.read_ctetra], # record 88 (7609, 76, 9993): ['CTETPR', self.read_ctetra], # record 89 (16600, 166, 9999): ['CTETR10F', self.read_ctetra], # record 90 (16100, 161, 9999): ['CTETR4FD', self.read_ctetra], # record 91 (14801, 148, 643): ['CTQUAD', self.read_fake], # 92 (14901, 149, 644): ['CTTRIA', self.read_fake], # 93 (5959, 59, 282): ['CTRIA3', self.read_ctria3], # record 94 (16200, 162, 9999): ['CTRIA3FD', self.read_fake], # 95 (4801, 48, 327): ['CTRIA6', self.read_ctria6], # record 96 - buggy (16700, 167, 9999): ['CTRIA6FD', self.read_ctria6], # 97 (11301, 113, 9015): ['CTRIAP', self.read_fake], # 98 (9200, 92, 385): ['CTRIAR', self.read_ctriar], # record 99 (6108, 61, 107): ['CTRIAX6', self.read_ctriax6], # 101 (16800, 168, 9978): ['CTRIX3FD', self.read_fake], # 102 (16900, 169, 9977): ['CTRIX6FD', self.read_fake], # 103 #(3701, 37, 49): ['CTUBE', self.read_ctube], # record 104 #(3901, 39, 50): ['CVISC', self.read_cvisc], # record 105 (11701, 117, 559): ['CWELD', self.read_fake], # 106; same as cfast (13501, 135, 564): ['CWELDC', self.read_fake], # 107 (13601, 136, 562): ['CWELDG', self.read_fake], # 108 (14600, 146, 630): ['CWSEAM', self.read_fake], # 109 #(4301, 43, 28): ['GENEL', self.read_genel], # 110 (3201, 32, 478): ['GMBNDC', self.read_gmbndc], # 111 #(12901, 129, 482): ['GMBNDS', self.read_gmbnds], # 112 #(3301, 33, 479): ['GMINTC', self.read_fake], # 113 #(13001, 130, 483): ['GMINTS', self.read_fake], # 114 #(5201, 52, 11): ['PLOTEL', self.read_plotel], # record 115 #(12801, 128, 417): ['RADBC', self.read_radbc], # record 116 (15501, 155, 634): ['RADINT', self.read_fake], # 117 #(7801, 78, 8883): ['SINT', self.read_fake], # 118 #(5551, 49, 105): ['SPOINT', self.read_spoint], # record 119 (11601, 116, 9942): ['VUBEAM', self.read_vubeam], # record 120 (12301, 123, 145): ['VUHEXA', self.read_fake], # 121 (11201, 112, 9940): ['VUQUAD4', self.read_vuquad4], # 122 (12401, 124, 146): ['VUPENTA', self.read_fake], # 123 (12501, 125, 147): ['VUTETRA', self.read_fake], # 124 (11501, 115, 9941): ['VUTRIA3', self.read_vutria3], # 125 (13701, 137, 569): ['WELDP', self.read_fake], # 126; same as CFASTP #---------------------------------------------- # unorganized (6113, 61, 998): ['CTRAX6', self.read_ctrax6], (10108, 101, 512) : ['CTRIAX', self.read_ctriax], (2108, 21, 224): ['CAXIF2', self.read_fake], (5601, 56, 296): ['SESET', self.read_fake], (7509, 75, 9992): ['CPENPR', self.read_cpenta], (16000, 160, 9988): ['CPENTA6FD', self.read_cpenta], (16100, 161, 9986): ['CTETRAFD', self.read_ctetra], (16300, 163, 9989): ['CHEXA20F', self.read_chexa], (16700, 167, 9981): ['CTRI6FD', self.read_ctria6fd], (16800, 168, 9978): ['CTRIAX3FD', self.read_ctriax3fd], # same as ctria6fd (16500, 165, 9987): ['CPENT15F', self.read_cpenta], (5008, 50, 258): ['CNGRET', self.read_cngret], (12301, 123, 9921): ['ADAPT card', self.read_adapt], (12401, 124, 9922): ['FEFACE/PVAL?', self.read_feface_pval], (7309, 73, 0): ['CaseControl SET?', self.read_fake], (12501, 125, 9923): ['ADAPT card 2', self.read_adapt], # record (3401, 34, 9600): ['GMCONV?', self.read_fake], # record (2901, 29, 9601): ['FEEDGE', self.read_feedge2], # record (16600, 166, 9985) : ['CTETRA?', self.read_ctetra], # record (16200, 162, 9982) : ['CTRIA3', self.read_ctria3fd], # record (16900, 169, 9977) : ['CTRIAX', self.read_ctriax], # record (23500, 235, 6662) : ['', self.read_fake], # record (23800, 238, 6665) : ['', self.read_fake], # record (23900, 239, 6666) : ['', self.read_fake], # record (1976, 1, 1996) : ['', self.read_fake], # record (6120, 1, 60434) : ['', self.read_fake], # record (2024, 1001, 2024) : ['', self.read_fake], # record (801, 1, 572) : ['', self.read_fake], # record (1001, 100, 10000) : ['', self.read_fake], # record (1118, 1, 1874) : ['', self.read_fake], # record (7708, 77, 9944): ['CHEXAL', self.read_fake], # record (7108, 71, 9943): ['CPENTAL', self.read_fake], # record (11001, 110, 8881): ['???', self.read_fake], (15301, 153, 9953): ['CTRIARN', self.read_ctria3], (15401, 154, 9954): ['CQUADRN', self.read_cquad4], (9508, 95, 9801): ['CQUADX', self.read_cquadx_9508], (15418, 154, 610): ['CBEAM3', self.read_cbeam3], (15901, 159, 9956): ['CQUAD8N', self.read_cquad8], (14600, 146, 9910): ['CQUAD4F', self.read_cquad4], (7908, 79, 9702): ['CSEAM?', self.read_cseam_maybe], (14100, 141, 9905): ['CHEXA', self.read_chexa20], (14700, 147, 9911): ['CTRIAF', self.read_ctria3], (9301, 93, 690): ['CJOINT', self.read_fake], #(14200, 142, 9906): ['???', self.read_fake], #(15801, 158, 9955): ['???', self.read_fake], #(15801, 158, 9955): ['???', self.read_fake], (17608, 176, 993): ['CPYRAM', self.read_cpyram15], (8408, 84, 994): ['CPYRAM', self.read_cpyram15], #C:\MSC.Software\msc_nastran_runs\sl_1blk.op2 (11908, 119, 469): ['CSEAM-a', self.read_fake], (15701, 157, 639): ['CSEAM-b', self.read_fake], (15601, 156, 635): ['CBUSH2D', self.read_cbush2d], }
[docs] def read_cpyram15(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """15 fields""" op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 15 * self.size struct_15i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'15i', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_15i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CPENTA=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13) = out data_in = [eid, pid, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5] big_nodes = [g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13] if sum(big_nodes) > 0: elem = CPYRAM13.add_op2_data(data_in + big_nodes) else: elem = CPYRAM5.add_op2_data(data_in) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CPYRAM'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_chexa20(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ ints = (14100, 141, 9905, 8013, 4, 6035, 6034, 6036, 6037, 6039, 6038, 6040, 6041, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ] """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ints = np.frombuffer(data[n:], dtype=op2.idtype8) nfields = len(ints) nelements = nfields // 22 ints = ints.reshape(nelements, 22) for eid, pid, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, *big_nodes in ints: data_in = [eid, pid, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, ] #big_nodes = [g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, g16, #g17, g18, g19, g20] if sum(big_nodes) > 0: elem = CHEXA20.add_op2_data(data_in + big_nodes) else: elem = CHEXA8.add_op2_data(data_in) self.add_op2_element(elem) op2.card_count['CHEXA'] = nelements return len(data)
[docs] def read_cquadx_9508(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: r""" ints = (1, 1, [1, 2, 8, 7], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1], 2, 1, [2, 3, 9, 8], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1], 3, 1, [3, 4, 10, 9], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1], 4, 1, [4, 5, 11, 10], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1], 5, 1, [5, 6, 12, 11], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1]) C:\MSC.Software\msc_nastran_runs\axh101a2.op2 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 52 * self.factor # 16*4 nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'2i 4i 7i', self.size)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) #print(out) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, f0, gm1) = out assert (n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, f0, gm1) == (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1) nids = [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9] elem = CQUADX(eid, pid, nids) op2._add_methods._add_element_object(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CQUADX'] = nelements return n
#def _show_geom2_fake(self, data: bytes, n: int): #""" #ints = (1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 11, 12, 16, 21, 25, 2, 3, 28, 29, 34, 41, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) #floats = (1, 2.802596928649634e-45, 1, 2.802596928649634e-45, 2.802596928649634e-45, 2.802596928649634e-45, 1, 2.802596928649634e-45, 1.5414283107572988e-44, 1.6815581571897805e-44, 2.2420775429197073e-44, 2.942726775082116e-44, 3.5032461608120427e-44, 2.802596928649634e-45, 3, 3.923635700109488e-44, 4.0637655465419695e-44, 4.764414778704378e-44, 5.74532370373175e-44, 6.305843089461677e-44, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) #""" #self.show_data(data[n:])
[docs] def add_op2_element(self, elem): """checks that eids are positive and that -1 node ids become None""" op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 if elem.eid <= 0: op2.log.debug(str(elem)) raise ValueError(elem) #return #if elem.eid > 100000000: #raise RuntimeError('bad parsing...elem:\n%s' % elem) if elem.type in ['CTRIA6', 'CQUAD8']: for nid in elem.nodes: if nid == -1: nid = None else: for nid in elem.nodes: if nid == -1: assert nid > 0, elem op2._add_methods._add_element_object(elem, allow_overwrites=False)
#print(str(elem)[:-1]) # 1-AEROQ4 (???) # AEROT3 (???) # 1-BEAMAERO (1701,17,0)
[docs] def read_caabsf(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """2-CAABSF (2708,27,59) Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G1 I Grid point 1 identification number 4 G2 I Grid point 2 identification number 5 G3 I Grid point 3 identification number 6 G4 I Grid point 4 identification number """ return self._run_4nodes(CAABSF, data, n)
# 3-CAXIF2 (2108,21,224) # 4-CAXIF3 (2208,22,225) # 5-CAXIF4 (2308,23,226)
[docs] def read_cbar(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: r""" CBAR(2408,24,180) - the marker for Record 8 MSC/NX Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 GA I Grid point identification number at end A 4 GB I Grid point identification number at end B F=0* XYZ option -- basic coordinate system 5 X1 RS T1 component of orientation vector from GA 6 X2 RS T2 component of orientation vector from GA 7 X3 RS T3 component of orientation vector from GA 8 FE I Orientation vector flag (encoded) F=1* XYZ option -- global coordinate system 5 X1 RS T1 component of orientation vector from GA 6 X2 RS T2 component of orientation vector from GA 7 X3 RS T3 component of orientation vector from GA 8 FE I Orientation vector flag (encoded) F=2* Grid option 5 GO I Grid point identification number at end of orientation vector 6 UNDEF(2) none Not used 8 FE I Orientation vector flag (encoded) *F = FE bit-wise AND with 3 End F 9 PA I Pin flags for end A 10 PB I Pin flags for end B 11 W1A RS T1 component of offset vector from GA 12 W2A RS T2 component of offset vector from GA 13 W3A RS T3 component of offset vector from GA 14 W1B RS T1 component of offset vector from GB 15 W2B RS T2 component of offset vector from GB 16 W3B RS T3 component of offset vector from GB F:\work\pyNastran\pyNastran\master2\pyNastran\bdf\test\nx_spike\out_sebload1.op2 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 64 * self.factor # 16*4 fe1 = 28 * self.factor fe2 = 32 * self.factor nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal struct_i = op2.struct_i if self.size == 4 else self.struct_q s1 = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'4i3f3i6f', self.size)) #s2 = Struct(op2._endian + b'4i3f3i6f') s2 = s1 s3 = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'7ii2i6f', self.size)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] # we need this flag before we can figure out how to read f # per DMAP: F = FE bit-wise AND with 3 fe, = struct_i.unpack(edata[fe1:fe2]) f = fe & 3 #if f not in [0, 1, 2]: f = 0 # CBAR EID PID GA GB X1 X2 X3 OFFT # PA PB W1A W2A W3A W1B W2B W3B # CBAR 401 3 2217 81 .2769987-.931498-.235759 B # 'fe = 65; fe&3=1' # ints = (401, 3, 2217, 81, 0.277, -0.931498, -0.235759, 65, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) #print(f'eid={eid} fe={fe} f={f}') if f == 0: # nodes defined in cid=0 # XYZ option -- basic coordinate system out = s1.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, ga, gb, x1, x2, x3, _f, pa, pb, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b) = out data_in = [[eid, pid, ga, gb, pa, pb, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b], [f, x1, x2, x3]] #print(f'eid={eid} fe,f={fe},{f} x=[{x1},{x2},{x3}]') elif f == 1: # nodes defined in a coordinate system #XYZ option -- global coordinate system out = s2.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, ga, gb, x1, x2, x3, _f, pa, pb, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b) = out data_in = [[eid, pid, ga, gb, pa, pb, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b], [f, x1, x2, x3]] #print(f'eid={eid} fe,f={fe},{f} x=[{x1},{x2},{x3}]') elif f == 2: # Grid option out = s3.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, ga, gb, g0, unused_junk1, unused_junk2, _f, pa, pb, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b) = out data_in = [[eid, pid, ga, gb, pa, pb, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b], [f, g0]] #print(f'eid={eid} fe,f={fe},{f} g0={g0}') else: raise RuntimeError('invalid f value...f=%s' % (f)) elem = CBAR.add_op2_data(data_in) try: offt = BAR_FE_MAP[fe] except Exception: print(elem) raise elem.offt = offt #print(f'eid={eid} f={f} fe={fe} offt={offt}') #assert f == fe, 'f=%s type(f)=%s fe=%s\n%s' % (f, type(f), fe, elem) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CBAR'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cbarao(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CBARAO(4001,40,275) - the marker for Record 9 1 EID I Element identification number 2 SCALE I Scale of Xi values 3 X1 RS 1st intermediate station for data recovery 4 X2 RS 2nd intermediate station for data recovery 5 X3 RS 3rd intermediate station for data recovery 6 X4 RS 4th intermediate station for data recovery 7 X5 RS 5th intermediate station for data recovery 8 X6 RS 6th intermediate station for data recovery 9 UNDEF none Not used """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 nelements = (len(data) - n) // 36 s = Struct(op2._endian + b'2i7f') for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + 36] # 9*4 out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CBARAO=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, scale, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, unused_null) = out if scale == 2: scale = 'FR' else: NotImplementedError('CBARAO scale=%r; 2=FR' % scale) x = [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6] op2.add_cbarao(eid, scale, x, comment='') n += 36 op2.card_count['CBARAO'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cbeam3(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """Common method for reading CBEAM3s""" card_name = 'CBEAM3' card_obj = CBEAM3 methods = { 104 : self._read_cbeam3_104, 108 : self._read_cbeam3_108, } try: n = self._read_double_card( card_name, card_obj, self.add_op2_element, methods, data, n) except DoubleCardError: raise return n
def _read_cbeam3_104(self, card_obj, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CBEAM3(15418, 154, 610) $ eid pid ga gb gc g0 CBEAM3 1 1 1 2 21 100 eid pid ga gb gc 5 6 7 g0 x2 x3 ? ints = (1, 1, 1, 2, 21, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 2, 3, 22, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 3, 4, 23, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 1, 4, 5, 24, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 1, 5, 6, 25, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 1, 6, 7, 26, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 1, 1, 8, 31, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 1, 8, 9, 32, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 1, 9, 10, 33, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 1, 10, 11, 34, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 1, 11, 12, 35, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 1, 12, 13, 36, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) eid, pid, ga, gb gc, x1 x2 x3 CBEAM3, 11, 2, 2, 4, , 1.0,0.0,0.0 eid pid ga gb, gc 5 6 7 8/x1 9/x2 10/x3 ints = (11, 2, 2, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) floats = (11, 2, 2, 4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) CBEAM3 11 2201 1 3 2 1001 + + + + 101 103 102 sa, sb, sc = (101, 103, 102) eid pid ga gb, gc sa sb sc 8/x1 9/x2 10/x3 ints = (11, 2201, 1, 3, 2, 101, 103, 102, 1001, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) floats = (11, 2201, 1, 3, 2, 101, 103, 102, 1001, 0.0, 0.0, 2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) CBEAM3 13 11 3 4 7 10 $ W1A W2A W3A W1B W2B W3B W1C W2C + 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 + $ W3C + 1.0 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 #self.show_data(data, types='if') ntotal = 104 * self.factor # 26*4 nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal structi = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'8i 3i i 9f 5i', self.size)) structf = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'8i 3f i 9f 5i', self.size)) elements = [] for unused_i in range(nelements): datai = data[n:n+ntotal] out = structi.unpack(datai) #self.show_data(datai, types='if') (eid, pid, ga, gb, gc, sa, sb, sc, g0_x1, x2, x3, flag, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b, w1c, w2c, w3c, *other) = out #print([eid, pid], [ga, gb, gc], [sa, sb, sc], [g0_x1, x2, x3, flag], #[w1a, w2a, w3a], [w1b, w2b, w3b], [w1c, w2c, w3c], #*other) if flag == 1: (eid, pid, ga, gb, gc, sa, sb, sc, x1, x2, x3, flag, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b, w1c, w2c, w3c, *other) = structf.unpack(datai) x = [x1, x2, x3] g0 = None elif flag == 2: g0 = g0_x1 x = None else: raise NotImplementedError(flag) assert ga > 0, (ga, gb, gc) assert gb > 0, (ga, gb, gc) assert gc >= 0, (ga, gb, gc) if gc == 0: gc = None #print(eid, pid, ga, gb, gc, sa, sb, sc, g0, sum(other)) #print(other) assert sum(other) == 0, other # self.show_data(datai, types='if') nids = [ga, gb, gc] wa = [w1a, w2a, w3a] wb = [w1b, w2b, w3b] wc = [w1c, w2c, w3c] tw = None # TWA TWB TWC s = [sa, sb, sc] elem = CBEAM3(eid, pid, nids, x, g0, wa, wb, wc, tw, s) assert eid > 0, elem.get_stats() assert pid > 0, elem.get_stats() elements.append(elem) n += ntotal #self.show_data(data[n:]) return n, elements def _read_cbeam3_108(self, card_obj, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CBEAM3(15418, 154, 610) $ eid pid ga gb gc g0 CBEAM3 1 1 1 2 21 100 eid pid ga gb gc 5 6 7 g0 x2 x3 ? ints = (1, 1, 1, 2, 21, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 2, 3, 22, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 3, 4, 23, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 1, 4, 5, 24, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 1, 5, 6, 25, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 1, 6, 7, 26, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 1, 1, 8, 31, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 1, 8, 9, 32, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 1, 9, 10, 33, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 1, 10, 11, 34, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 1, 11, 12, 35, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 1, 12, 13, 36, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) eid, pid, ga, gb gc, x1 x2 x3 CBEAM3, 11, 2, 2, 4, , 1.0,0.0,0.0 eid pid ga gb, gc 5 6 7 8/x1 9/x2 10/x3 ints = (11, 2, 2, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) floats = (11, 2, 2, 4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) CBEAM3 11 2201 1 3 2 1001 + + + + 101 103 102 sa, sb, sc = (101, 103, 102) eid pid ga gb, gc sa sb sc 8/x1 9/x2 10/x3 ints = (11, 2201, 1, 3, 2, 101, 103, 102, 1001, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) floats = (11, 2201, 1, 3, 2, 101, 103, 102, 1001, 0.0, 0.0, 2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) CBEAM3 13 11 3 4 7 10 $ W1A W2A W3A W1B W2B W3B W1C W2C + 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 + $ W3C + 1.0 wa wb wc eid pid ga gb,gc sa sb sc x1 x2 x3 flag [? ? ?] [? ? ?] [? ? ?] ints = (13, 11, 3, 4, 7, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) floats = (13, 11, 3, 4, 7, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10, 0.0, 0.0, 2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) eid pid ga gb, gc sa sb sc x1 x2 x3 flag [? ? ?] [? ? ?] [? ? ?] ints = (2901, 2901, 2901, 2902, 2903, 0, 0, 0, 10.0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3901, 2901, 3901, 3903, 3904, 0, 0, 0, 10.0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3902, 2901, 3903, 3902, 3905, 0, 0, 0, 10.0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4901, 2901, 4901, 4904, 4903, 0, 0, 0, 10.0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4902, 2901, 4904, 4906, 4905, 0, 0, 0, 10.0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4903, 2901, 4906, 4902, 4907, 0, 0, 0, 10.0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12901, 2901, 12901, 12902, 12903, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10.0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) floats = (2901, 2901, 2901, 2902, 2903, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3901, 2901, 3901, 3903, 3904, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.467866607795436e-42, 2901, 3903, 5.467866607795436e-42, 5.4720705031884107e-42, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6.867763773655928e-42, 2901, 6.867763773655928e-42, 6.871967669048903e-42, 6.870566370584578e-42, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6.869165072120253e-42, 2901, 6.871967669048903e-42, 6.874770265977553e-42, 6.873368967513228e-42, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6.870566370584578e-42, 2901, 6.874770265977553e-42, 6.869165072120253e-42, 6.876171564441877e-42, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.8078151488254465e-41, 2901, 1.8078151488254465e-41, 1.807955278671879e-41, 1.8080954085183115e-41, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 #self.show_data(data, types='if') ntotal = 108 * self.factor # 26*4 nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal structi = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'8i 3i i 9f 5i i', self.size)) structf = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'8i 3f i 9f 5i i', self.size)) elements = [] for unused_i in range(nelements): datai = data[n:n+ntotal] out = structi.unpack(datai) #self.show_data(datai, types='if') (eid, pid, ga, gb, gc, sa, sb, sc, g0_x1, x2, x3, flag, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b, w1c, w2c, w3c, *other) = out #print([eid, pid], [ga, gb, gc], [sa, sb, sc], [g0_x1, x2, x3, flag], #[w1a, w2a, w3a], [w1b, w2b, w3b], [w1c, w2c, w3c], #*other) if flag == 1: (eid, pid, ga, gb, gc, sa, sb, sc, x1, x2, x3, flag, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b, w1c, w2c, w3c, *other) = structf.unpack(datai) x = [x1, x2, x3] g0 = None elif flag == 2: g0 = g0_x1 x = None else: raise NotImplementedError(flag) #print(eid, pid, ga, gb, gc, sa, sb, sc, g0, sum(other)) #print(other) assert sum(other) == 0, other # self.show_data(datai, types='if') nids = [ga, gb, gc] wa = [w1a, w2a, w3a] wb = [w1b, w2b, w3b] wc = [w1c, w2c, w3c] tw = None # TWA TWB TWC s = [sa, sb, sc] elem = CBEAM3(eid, pid, nids, x, g0, wa, wb, wc, tw, s) assert eid > 0, elem.get_stats() assert pid > 0, elem.get_stats() elements.append(elem) n += ntotal #self.show_data(data[n:]) return n, elements
[docs] def read_cbeam(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """CBEAM(5408,54,261) - the marker for Record 10""" op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 size = self.size ntotal = 18 * size # 18*4 fe1 = 10 * size fe2 = 11 * size nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal struct_i = op2.struct_i if size == 4 else self.struct_q #print(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'6i3f3i6f', self.size)) s1 = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'6i3f3i6f', size)) s3 = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'12i6f', size)) list_warnings = [] for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] # 23 fe, = struct_i.unpack(edata[fe1:fe2]) # per DMAP: F = FE bit-wise AND with 3 f = fe & 3 #f = fe #while f > 3: #f &= 3 if f == 0: # basic cid out = s1.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, ga, gb, sa, sb, x1, x2, x3, fe, pa, pb, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b) = out'CBEAM: eid=%s fe=%s f=%s; basic cid' % (eid, fe, f)) data_in = [[eid, pid, ga, gb, sa, sb, pa, pb, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b], [f, x1, x2, x3]] elif f == 1: # global cid # CBEAM 89616 5 384720 384521 0. 0. -1. out = s1.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, ga, gb, sa, sb, x1, x2, x3, fe, pa, pb, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b) = out'CBEAM: eid=%s fe=%s f=%s; global cid' % (eid, fe, f)) data_in = [[eid, pid, ga, gb, sa, sb, pa, pb, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b], [f, x1, x2, x3]] elif f == 2: # grid option out = s3.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, ga, gb, sa, sb, g0, xxa, xxb, fe, pa, pb, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b) = out'CBEAM: eid=%s fe=%s f=%s; grid option ' #'(g0=%s xxa=%s xxb=%s)' % (eid, fe, f, g0, xxa, xxb)) if g0 <= 0 or g0 >= 100000000 or xxa != 0 or xxb != 0: # Nastran set this wrong...MasterModelTaxi #CBEAM 621614 2672 900380 900379 .197266 -.978394.0600586 # 6 f = 1 out = s1.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, ga, gb, sa, sb, x1, x2, x3, fe, pa, pb, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b) = out'CBEAM: eid=%s fe=%s f=%s; global cid' % (eid, fe, f)) data_in = [[eid, pid, ga, gb, sa, sb, pa, pb, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b], [f, x1, x2, x3]]' (x1=%s x2=%s x3=%s)' % (x1, x2, x3)) else: data_in = [[eid, pid, ga, gb, sa, sb, pa, pb, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b], [f, g0]] else: out = s1.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, ga, gb, sa, sb, x1, x2, x3, fe, pa, pb, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b) = out out = s3.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, ga, gb, sa, sb, g0, xxa, xxb, fe, pa, pb, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b) = out #op2.show_data(data, types='ifsdq') #if g0 == 0: list_warnings.append(f'CBEAM: invalid f={f} value (fe={fe}) -> f=1...eid={eid} pid={pid} ' f'nodes=[{ga},{gb}] x=[{x1},{x2},{x3}]; g0={g0} xx=[{xxa},{xxb}]') f = 1 #print(f'eid={eid} fe={fe} f={f}') if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CBEAM eid=%s f=%s fe=%s %s\n' % ( eid, f, fe, str(data_in))) elem = CBEAM.add_op2_data(data_in, f) try: offt = BAR_FE_MAP[fe] except Exception: print(elem) raise elem.offt = offt elem.validate() self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal if len(list_warnings): op2.log.warning('\n'.join(list_warnings)) op2.card_count['CBEAM'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cbeamp(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CBEAMP(11401,114,9016) - the marker for Record 11 """'geom skipping CBEAMP in GEOM2') return len(data)
[docs] def read_cbend(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CBEND(4601,46,298) - the marker for Record 12 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 GA I Grid point End A identification number 4 GB I Grid point End B identification number F = 0 Z 5 X1 RS T1 component of orientation vector from GA 6 X2 RS T2 component of orientation vector from GA 7 X3 RS T3 component of orientation vector from GA 8 F I Orientation vector flag = 0 F = 1 XYZ option - global coordinate system 5 X1 RS T1 component of orientation vector from GA 6 X2 RS T2 component of orientation vector from GA 7 X3 RS T3 component of orientation vector from GA 8 F I Orientation vector flag = 1 F = 2 Grid option 5 GO I Grid point ID at end of orientation vector 6 UNDEF(2) None 8 F I Orientation vector flag = 2 End F 9 UNDEF(4) None 13 GEOM I Element geometry option """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 52 * self.factor # 4*13 nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal fstruc = Struct(op2._endian + b'4i 3f 6i') istruc = Struct(op2._endian + b'4i 3i 6i') for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + 52] # 13*4 fe, = op2.struct_i.unpack(edata[28:32]) # per DMAP: F = FE bit-wise AND with 3 f = fe & 3 if f == 0: out = fstruc.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, ga, gb, x1, x2, x3, fe, unused_dunnoa, unused_dunnob, unused_dunnoc, unused_dunnod, geom) = out data_in = [[eid, pid, ga, gb, geom], [f, x1, x2, x3]] elif f == 1: out = fstruc.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, ga, gb, x1, x2, x3, fe, unused_dunnoa, unused_dunnob, unused_dunnoc, unused_dunnod, geom) = out data_in = [[eid, pid, ga, gb, geom], [f, x1, x2, x3]] elif f == 2: out = istruc.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, ga, gb, g0, unused_junk1, unused_junk2, fe, unused_dunnoa, unused_dunnob, unused_dunnoc, unused_dunnod, geom) = out data_in = [[eid, pid, ga, gb, geom], [f, g0]] else: raise RuntimeError('invalid f value...f=%s' % (f)) elem = CBEND.add_op2_data(data_in) elem.validate() assert f == fe, 'f=%s type(f)=%s fe=%s\n%s' % (f, type(f), fe, elem) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += 52 self.op2.increase_card_count('CBEND', nentries) return n
[docs] def read_cbush(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CBUSH(2608,26,60) - the marker for Record 13 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 56 * self.factor nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal struct_obj1 = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'4i iii i ifi3f', self.size)) struct_obj2 = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'4i fff i ifi3f', self.size)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] # 14*4 out = struct_obj1.unpack(edata) eid, pid, ga, gb, five, unused_sixi, unused_seven, f, cid, s, ocid, s1, s2, s3 = out si = [s1, s2, s3] if f == -1: # Use Element CID below for orientation x = [None, None, None] g0 = None elif f in [0, 1]: # 5, 6, 7, f #0:4 4:8 8:12 12:16 16:20 20:24 24:28 28:32 32:36 #0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 #x1, x2, x3, f2 = unpack('3f i', edata[20:36]) out = struct_obj2.unpack(edata) eid, pid, ga, gb, x1, x2, x3, f2, cid, s, ocid, s1, s2, s3 = out assert f == f2, 'f=%s f2=%s' % (f, f2) x = [x1, x2, x3] g0 = None elif f == 2: x = [None, None, None] g0 = five else: raise RuntimeError('invalid f value...f=%r' % f) if cid == -1: cid = None data_in = [[eid, pid, ga, gb, cid, s, ocid, si], x, g0] elem = CBUSH.add_op2_data(data_in, f) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CBUSH'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cbush1d(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CBUSH1D(5608,56,218) - the marker for Record 14 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(2) I Grid point identification numbers 5 CID I Coordinate system identification number 6 UNDEF(3) none """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 32 * self.factor # 4*8 nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal struct_6i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'8i', self.size)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_6i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CBUSH1D=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, g1, g2, cid, unused_a, unused_b, unused_c) = out if cid == -1: cid = None op2.add_cbush1d(eid, pid, [g1, g2], cid=cid) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CBUSH1D'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cbush2d(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CBUSH2D 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(2) I Grid point identification numbers 5 CID I Coordinate system identification number 6 UNDEF(3) none CBUSH2D EID PID GA GB CID PLANE CBUSH2D 201 202 101 100 0 XY (201, 202, 101, 100, 0, 1, 0, 0) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 8 * self.size # 4*8 nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal struct_6i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'8i', self.size)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_6i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CBUSH2D=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, cid, plane_int, undef1, undef2) = out assert (undef1, undef2) == (0, 0), (undef1, undef2) assert plane_int == 1, plane_int plane = 'XY' assert cid >= 0, cid sptid = None nids = [n1, n2] op2.add_cbush2d(eid, pid, nids, cid=cid, plane=plane, sptid=sptid, comment='') n += ntotal op2.card_count['CBUSH2D'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_ccone(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CCONE(2315,23,0) - the marker for Record 15 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2'geom skipping CCONE in GEOM2') if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('geom skipping CCONE in GEOM2\n') return len(data)
[docs] def read_cdamp1(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CDAMP1(201,2,69) - the marker for Record 16 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 24 * self.factor # 6*4 nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal struct_6i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'6i', self.size)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_6i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CDAMP1=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, pid, g1, g2, c1, c2) = out elem = CDAMP1.add_op2_data(out) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CDAMP1'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cdamp2(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CDAMP2(301,3,70) - the marker for Record 17 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 24 * self.factor # 6*4 nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'if4i', self.size)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CDAMP2=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, bdamp, g1, g2, c1, c2) = out elem = CDAMP2.add_op2_data(out) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CDAMP2'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cdamp3(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CDAMP3(401,4,71) - the marker for Record 18 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 struct_4i = Struct(op2._endian + b'4i') nelements = (len(data) - n) // 16 for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + 16] # 4*4 out = struct_4i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CDAMP3=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, pid, s1, s2) = out elem = CDAMP3.add_op2_data(out) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += 16 op2.card_count['CDAMP3'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cdamp4(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CDAMP4(501,5,72) - the marker for Record 19 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 s = Struct(op2._endian + b'ifii') nelements = (len(data) - n) // 16 for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + 16] # 4*4 out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CDAMP4=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, bdamp, s1, s2) = out elem = CDAMP4.add_op2_data(out) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += 16 op2.card_count['CDAMP4'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cdamp5(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CDAMP5(10608,106,404) - the marker for Record 20 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 s = Struct(op2._endian + b'4i') nelements = (len(data) - n) // 16 for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + 16] # 4*4 out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CDAMP5=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, pid, s1, s2) = out elem = CDAMP5.add_op2_data(out) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += 16 op2.card_count['CDAMP5'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cdum8(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int:'geom skipping CDUM9 in GEOM2') #ints = np.frombuffer(data[n:], dtype='int32').copy() #print('CDUM8', ints) return n
[docs] def read_cdum9(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int:'geom skipping CDUM9 in GEOM2') #ints = np.frombuffer(data[n:], dtype='int32').copy() #print('CDUM9', ints) return n
[docs] def read_celas1(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CELAS1(601,6,73) - the marker for Record 29 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 24 * self.factor # 6*4 struct_4i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'6i', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = struct_4i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CELAS1=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, pid, g1, g2, c1, c2) = out elem = CELAS1.add_op2_data(out) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CELAS1'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_celas2(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CELAS2(701,7,74) - the marker for Record 30 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 s1 = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'if4iff', self.size)) ntotal = 32 * self.factor # 8*4 nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s1.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CELAS2=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, k, g1, g2, c1, c2, ge, s) = out elem = CELAS2.add_op2_data(out) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CELAS2'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_celas3(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CELAS3(801,8,75) - the marker for Record 31 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 16 * self.factor # 4*4 struct_4i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'4i', self.size)) ndatai = len(data) - n nelements = ndatai // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = struct_4i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CELAS3=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, pid, s1, s2) = out elem = CELAS3.add_op2_data(out) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CELAS3'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_celas4(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CELAS4(901,9,76) - the marker for Record 32 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 16 * self.factor # 4*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'ifii', self.size)) ndatai = len(data) - n nelements = ndatai // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CELAS4=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, k, s1, s2) = out elem = CELAS4.add_op2_data(out) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CELAS4'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cfastp(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """MSC 2020""" op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 328 * self.factor # 82*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'40i 8f 8i 26i', self.size)) ndatai = len(data) - n nelements = ndatai // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] #op2.show_data(edata, types='if') out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CFASTP=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, k, s1, s2) = out eid, pid, elem_prop_flag, *other = out assert eid > 0, eid #elem = CELAS4.add_op2_data(out) #self.add_op2_element(elem) #print(out) n += ntotal #op2.card_count['CFAST'] = nelements #raise RuntimeError('CFASTP') return n
[docs] def read_cfast(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: r""" RECORD – CFAST(13801,138,566) - NX Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 GS I Spot weld master node identification number GS 4 FORMAT(C) I Connection format (9=elpat, 10=partpat) 5 GA I Identification number of GA 6 GB I Identification number of GB 7–8 UNDEF(2) 9 GUPPER(8) I Grid identification numbers of the upper shell 17 GLOWER(8) I Grid identification numbers of the lower shell 25 GUACT(32) I Unique set of grid IDs of the active shells in upper patch 57 GLACT(32) I Unique set of grid IDs of the active shells in lower patch 89 NUG I Number of active grids in upper patch 90 NLG I Number of active grids in lower patch 91 GUELE(32) I Grid IDs of the active shells in upper patch 123 GLELE(32) I Grid IDs of the active shells in lower patch 155 GHA(12) RS Coordinates of 4 GHA points 167 GHB(12) RS Coordinates of 4 GHB points 179 TAVG RS Average shell thickness FORMAT=9 ELPAT 180 EIDUP I Element ID of upper shell 181 EIDLOW I Element ID of lower shell FORMAT=PARTPAT PARTPAT 180 PIDUP I Property ID of upper shell 181 PIDLOW I Property ID of lower shell END FORMAT 182 TMIN RS Minimum shell thickness 183 XS RS X coordinate of spot weld location 184 YS RS Y coordinate of spot weld location 185 ZS RS Z coordinate of spot weld location 186 XGA RS X coordinate of point ga 187 YGA RS Y coordinate of point ga 188 ZGA RS Z coordinate of point ga 189 XGB RS X coordinate of point gb 190 YGB RS Y coordinate of point gb 191 ZGB RS Z coordinate of point gb ints = ( 101, 3, 100, 9, 0, 0, 44, 0, 9, 14, 13, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 34, 33, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 14, 13, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 34, 33, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 9, 14, 13, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 14, 13, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 14, 13, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 14, 13, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 34, 33, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 34, 33, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 34, 33, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 34, 33, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1077697529, 1065830415, 0, 1077697529, 1073264625, 0, 1073980423, 1073264625, 0, 1073980423, 1065830415, 0, 1077697529, 1065830415, 1036831949, 1077697529, 1073264625, 1036831949, 1073980423, 1073264625, 1036831949, 1073980423, 1065830415, 1036831949, -1.0, 7, 19, 0.001, 2.5, 1.5, 0.1, 2.5, 1.5, 0.0, 2.5, 1.5, 0.1) CFAST EID PID TYPE IDA IDB GS GA GB XS YS ZS eid pid type ida idb gs ga gb CFAST 101 3 ELEM 7 19 100 floats = ( 101, 3, 100, 9, 0.0, 0.0, 44, 0.0, 9, 14, 13, 8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 29, 34, 33, 28, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 9, 14, 13, 8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 29, 34, 33, 28, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.64.605193857299268e-45, 1.2611686178923354e-44, 1.961817850054744e-44, 1.8216880036222622e-44, 1.1210387714598537e-44, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2611686178923354e-44, 1.961817850054744e-44, 1.8216880036222622e-44, 1.1210387714598537e-44, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2611686178923354e-44, 1.961817850054744e-44, 1.8216880036222622e-44, 1.1210387714598537e-44, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.2611686178923354e-44, 1.961817850054744e-44, 1.8216880036222622e-44, 1.1210387714598537e-44, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.0637655465419695e-44, 4.764414778704378e-44, 4.624284932271896e-44, 3.923635700109488e-44, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.0637655465419695e-44, 4.764414778704378e-44, 4.624284932271896e-44, 3.923635700109488e-44, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.0637655465419695e-44, 4.764414778704378e-44, 4.624284932271896e-44, 3.923635700109488e-44, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.0637655465419695e-44, 4.764414778704378e-44, 4.624284932271896e-44, 3.923635700109488e-44, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.9431135654449463, 1.056, 0.0, 2.9431135654449463, 1.943, 0.0, 2.056, 1.943, 0.0, 2.056, 1.056, 0.0, 2.9431135654449463, 1.056, 0.1, 2.9431135654449463, 1.943, 0.1, 2.056, 1.943, 0.1, 2.056, 1.056, 0.1, -1.0, 7, 19, 0.001, 2.5, 1.5, 0.1, 2.5, 1.5, 0.0, 2.5, 1.5, 0.1) C:\MSC.Software\simcenter_nastran_2019.2\tpl_post2\cfast04.op2 $ eid pid type ida idb gs ga gb CFAST 101 3 PROP 1 2 100 101 CFAST 102 3 PROP 1 2 200 C:\MSC.Software\simcenter_nastran_2019.2\tpl_post2\cfast01.op2 ints = (eid=101, pid3, gs=100, format=9, ga=0, gb=0, 44, 0, gupper=9, 14, 13, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, glower=29, 34, 33, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, # guact 5, 10, 9, 4, 15, 20, 19, 14, 18, 17, 12, 13, 8, 7, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, # glact 25, 30, 29, 24, 35, 40, 39, 34, 38, 37, 32, 33, 28, 27, 22, 23, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, # nug, nlg 16, 16, #guele 5, 10, 9, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 20, 19, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18, 17, 12, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 7, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, # glele 25, 30, 29, 24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 40, 39, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 38, 37, 32, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 27, 22, 23, 0, 0, 0, 0, # gba/ghb 3.03178, 0.9682, 0.0, 3.031, 2.031, 0.0, 1.968, 2.031, 0.0, 1.968, 0.968, 0.0, 1078069239, 1064820772, 1036831949, 1078069239, 1073874935, 1036831949, 1073475602, 1073874935, 1036831949, 1073475602, 1064820772, 1036831949, -1082130432, upper=7, lower=19, 981668463, 1075838976, 1069547520, 1036831949, 1075838976, 1069547520, 0, 1075838976, 1069547520, 1036831949) floats = (101, 3, 100, 9, 0, 0, 44, 0, 9, 14, 13, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 34, 33, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 10, 9, 4, 15, 20, 19, 14, 18, 17, 12, 13, 8, 7, 2, 3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 25, 30, 29, 24, 35, 40, 39, 34, 38, 37, 32, 33, 28, 27, 22, 23, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 16, 16, 5, 10, 9, 4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 15, 20, 19, 14, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 18, 17, 12, 13, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 8, 7, 2, 3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 25, 30, 29, 24, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 35, 40, 39, 34, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 38, 37, 32, 33, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 28, 27, 22, 23, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.03178, 0.9682, 0.0, 3.031, 2.031, 0.0, 1.968, 2.031, 0.0, 1.968, 0.968, 0.0, 3.031, 0.968, 0.10, 3.031, 2.031, 0.10, 1.968263864517212, 2.031736135482788, 0.10, 1.968263864517212, 0.9682638645172119, 0.10, -1.0, upper=7, lower=19, tmin=0.10, xs=2.5, 1.5, 0.10, xga=2.5, 1.5, 0.0, xgb=2.5, 1.5, 0.10) CFAST 101 3 ELEM 7 19 100 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 size = self.size #op2.show_data(data[n:], 'if') ntotal = 191 * size # 191*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'8i 2i 144i 13f 12f 2i 10f', size)) ndatai = len(data) - n nelements = ndatai // ntotal assert ndatai % ntotal == 0, f'ndatai={ndatai}' for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] #op2.show_data(edata, 'if') out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CFAST=%s\n' % str(out)) eid, pid, gs, elem_grid_flag, ga, gb, *other = out gupper = out[8:16] glower = out[16:24] guact = out[24:56] glact = out[56:88] nug, nlg = out[88:90] guele = out[90:122] glele = out[122:154] gha = out[154:166] ghb = out[166:178] tavg, = out[178:179] upper, lower = out[179:181] tmin, = out[181:182] xs, ys, zs = out[182:185] xga, yga, zga = out[185:188] xgb, ygb, zgb = out[188:191] if elem_grid_flag == 9: elem_grid_flag = 'ELEM' elif elem_grid_flag == 10: elem_grid_flag = 'PROP' #ida, idb else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError(elem_grid_flag) ida = upper idb = lower #print(out) id_gs = None if gs == 0 else gs #def add_cfast(self, eid: int, pid: int, Type: str, ida: int, idb: int, #gs=None, ga=None, gb=None, #xs=None, ys=None, zs=None, comment: str='') -> CFAST: assert eid > 0, eid element = op2.add_cfast( eid, pid, elem_grid_flag, ida, idb, gs=id_gs, xs=xs, ys=ys, zs=zs) #print(element) element.validate() #elem = CFAST.add_op2_data(out) #self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CFAST'] = nelements return n
#raise RuntimeError('CFAST') def _read_cfast_msc_nx10(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Record 34 -- CFAST(9801,98,506) MSC 2005r2 -> MSC 2016 CFAST(9801,98,506) - the marker for Record 34 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 GS I Spot weld master node identification numberGS 4 FORMAT(C) I Connection format (0=gridid) 5 GA I ID of GA 6 GB I ID of GB 7 TYPE I Types of upper and lower elements for FORM="GRIDID" 8 CID I C 9 GUPPER(8) I Grid IDs of the upper shell FORMAT =0 GRIDID of GBI 17 GLOWER(8) I FORMAT =1 ALIGN (not used) 17 GLOWER(8) I FORMAT =2 ELEMID (not used) 17 GLOWER(8) I FORMAT =9 ELPAT for xyz 17 XYZ(3) RS 20 UNDEF(5) none Not used FORMAT =10 PARTPAT for xyz 17 XYZ(3) RS 20 UNDEF(5) none Not used End FORMAT 25 TAVG RS Average shell thickness 26 UNDEF(2) none Not used 28 TMIN RS Minimum shell thickness """ raise RuntimeError('CFAST-28 fields')'geom skipping CFAST in GEOM2') return len(data) # CFASTP
[docs] def read_cfluid2(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CFLUID2(8515,85,209) - the marker for Record 35 1 EID I Element identification number 2 IDF1 I RINGFL point 1 identification number 3 IDF2 I RINGFL point 2 identification number 4 RHO RS Mass density 5 B RS Bulk modulus 6 HARMINDX I Harmonic index """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 s = Struct(op2._endian + b'3i2fi') ntotal = 24 * self.factor ndatai = len(data) - n nelements = ndatai // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + 24] # 6*4 out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CFLUID2=%s\n' % str(out)) eid, idf1, idf2, rho, bi, harmonic = out op2.add_cfluid2(eid, [idf1, idf2], rho, bi, harmonic) n += 24 op2.card_count['CFLUID2'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cfluid3(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CFLUID3(8615,86,210) - the marker for Record 36 1 EID I Element identification number 2 IDF1 I RINGFL point 1 identification number 3 IDF2 I RINGFL point 2 identification number 4 IDF3 I RINGFL point 3 identification number 5 RHO RS Mass density 6 B RS Bulk modulus 7 HARMINDX I Harmonic index """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 s = Struct(op2._endian + b'4i2fi') ntotal = 28 * self.factor ndatai = len(data) - n nelements = ndatai // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + 28] # 7*4 out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CFLUID3=%s\n' % str(out)) eid, idf1, idf2, idf3, rho, b, harmonic = out op2.add_cfluid3(eid, [idf1, idf2, idf3], rho, b, harmonic) n += 28 op2.card_count['CFLUID3'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cfluid4(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CFLUID4(8715,87,211) - the marker for Record 37 1 EID I Element identification number 2 IDF1 I RINGFL point 1 identification number 3 IDF2 I RINGFL point 2 identification number 4 IDF3 I RINGFL point 3 identification number 5 IDF4 I RINGFL point 4 identification number 6 RHO RS Mass density 7 B RS Bulk modulus 8 HARMINDX I Harmonic index """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 s = Struct(op2._endian + b'5i2fi') ntotal = 32 * self.factor ndatai = len(data) - n nelements = ndatai // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + 32] # 8*4 out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CFLUID4=%s\n' % str(out)) eid, idf1, idf2, idf3, idf4, rho, bi, harmonic = out op2.add_cfluid4(eid, [idf1, idf2, idf3, idf4], rho, bi, harmonic) n += 32 op2.card_count['CFLUID4'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cint(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: # pragma: no cover """ Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 PTELC I Pointer to element identification number 4 NSEG I Number of segments 5 PTSGR I Pointer to segment displacements 6 NBOUND I Number of boundaries 7 BID I Boundary identification number 8 NEDGE I Number of edges 9 PTBND I Pointer to boundary identification number 10 PTBGR I Pointer to boundary grid displacements 11 PTBED I Pointer to boundary edge displacements 12 PTBGL I Pointer to boundary grid Lagrange Multipliers 13 PTBEL I Pointer to boundary edge Lagrange Multipliers Words 7 through 13 repeat 6 times 14 UNDEF(2 ) none """ raise UnsupportedCard('CINT')'geom skipping CINT in GEOM2') # C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\ifcq12p.op2 # doesn't seem to be a card, more of a general info on the geometry... #ints = np.frombuffer(data[n:], dtype=op2.idtype).copy() return len(data)
[docs] def read_cgap(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CGAP(1908,19,104) - the marker for Record 39 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 36 * self.factor # 9*4 s1 = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'4i3fii', self.size)) struct_i = op2.struct_i if self.size == 4 else self.struct_q f2a = 28 * self.factor f2b = 32 * self.factor g0a = 16 * self.factor g0b = 20 * self.factor ndatai = len(data) - n nelements = ndatai // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s1.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, ga, gb, x1, x2, x3, f, cid) = out # f=0,1 g0 = None f2, = struct_i.unpack(edata[f2a:f2b]) assert f == f2, 'f=%s f2=%s' % (f, f2) if f == 2: g0, = struct_i.unpack(edata[g0a:g0b]) x1 = None x2 = None x3 = None else: assert f == 1, 'CGAP - f=%r f2=%r' % (f, f2) assert f2 == 1, 'CGAP - f=%r f2=%r' % (f, f2) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CGAP eid=%s pid=%s gab0=[%s,%s,%s] x123=[%s,%s,%s] ' 'cid=%s f=%s\n' % (eid, pid, ga, gb, g0, x1, x2, x3, cid, f)) #raise NotImplementedError('CGAP - f=%r f2=%r' % (f, f2)) #print(' CGAP eid=%s pid=%s gab0=[%s,%s,%s] x123=[%s,%s,%s] ' #'cid=%s f=%s\n' % (eid, pid, ga, gb, #g0, x1, x2, x3, cid, f)) data_in = [eid, pid, ga, gb, g0, x1, x2, x3, cid] elem = CGAP.add_op2_data(data_in) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CGAP'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_chacab(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """CHACAB(8100,81,381)""" return self._run_20nodes(CHACAB, data, n)
[docs] def read_chacbr(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """CHACAB(8100,81,381)""" return self._run_20nodes(CHACBR, data, n)
def _run_20nodes(self, element: CHEXA20, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ common method for Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(20) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 nelements = (len(data) - n) // 88 s = Struct(op2._endian + b'22i') #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write('ndata=%s\n' % (nelements * 44)) #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write(f' {element.type}=(eid, pid, [n1, n2]') for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + 88] # 22*4 out = s.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, *nodes) = out nodes = list(nodes) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(f' {element.type}=({eid}, {pid}, {nodes}') elem = element(eid, pid, nodes) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += 88 #if stop: #raise RuntimeError('theta is too large...make the quad wrong') op2.card_count[elem.type] = nelements return n # CHACBR
[docs] def read_chbdye(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CHBDYE(8308,83,405) - the marker for Record ??? """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 28 * self.factor # 7*4 ndatai = len(data) - n nelements = ndatai // ntotal s = Struct(op2._endian + b'7i') for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+28] out = s.unpack(edata) (eid, eid2, side, iviewf, iviewb, radmidf, radmidb) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CHBDYE=%s\n' % str(out)) #op2.log.debug(' CHBDYE=%s' % str(out)) data_in = [eid, eid2, side, iviewf, iviewb, radmidf, radmidb] elem = CHBDYE.add_op2_data(data_in) op2._add_methods._add_thermal_element_object(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CHBDYE'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_chbdyg(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CHBDYG(10808,108,406) - the marker for Record 43 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 64 * self.factor # 16*4 ndatai = len(data) - n nelements = ndatai // ntotal s = Struct(op2._endian + b'16i') for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+64] out = s.unpack(edata) (eid, unused_blank, Type, iviewf, iviewb, radmidf, radmidb, unused_blank2, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CHBDYG=%s\n' % str(out)) #op2.log.debug(' CHBDYG=%s' % str(out)) data_in = [eid, Type, iviewf, iviewb, radmidf, radmidb, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8] elem = CHBDYG.add_op2_data(data_in) op2._add_methods._add_thermal_element_object(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CHBDYG'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_chbdyp(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CHBDYP(10908,109,407) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 60 # 16*4 s = Struct(op2._endian + b'12i 3f') ndatai = len(data) - n nelements = ndatai // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+60] out = s.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, Type, iviewf, iviewb, g1, g2, g0, radmidf, radmidb, dislin, ce, e1, e2, e3) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CHBDYP=%s\n' % str(out)) #op2.log.debug(' CHBDYP=%s' % str(out)) data_in = [eid, pid, Type, iviewf, iviewb, g1, g2, g0, radmidf, radmidb, dislin, ce, e1, e2, e3] elem = CHBDYP.add_op2_data(data_in) self._add_thermal_element_object_safe(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CHBDYP'] = nelements return n
def _add_thermal_element_object_safe(self, obj): op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 if obj.eid in op2.elements: op2.reject_lines.append(obj.write_card(size=16)) else: op2._add_methods._add_element_object(obj) #raise RuntimeError('this should be overwritten by the BDF class')
[docs] def read_chexa(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CHEXA(7308,73,253) - the marker for Record 45 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'22i', self.size)) ntotal = 88 * self.factor # 22*4 nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CHEXA=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, g16, g17, g18, g19, g20) = out data_in = [eid, pid, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, ] big_nodes = [g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, g16, g17, g18, g19, g20] if sum(big_nodes) > 0: elem = CHEXA20.add_op2_data(data_in + big_nodes) else: elem = CHEXA8.add_op2_data(data_in) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CHEXA'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_chexa_cz(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CHEXCZ(11801,118,907) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'22i 2i', self.size)) ntotal = 96 * self.factor # 24*4 nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CHEXCZ=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, g16, g17, g18, g19, g20, dummy1, dummy2) = out dummy = (dummy1, dummy2) assert dummy == (0, 0), dummy big_nodes = [g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, g16, g17, g18, g19, g20] #print(eid, pid, big_nodes) data_in = [eid, pid, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, ] + big_nodes elem = CHEXCZ.add_op2_data(data_in) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CHEXCZ'] = nelements return n
# CHEXA20F # CHEXAFD # CHEXAL # CHEXP #def _read_chexp(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: #""" #CHEXP(12001,120,9011) - the marker for Record 50 #"""'geom skipping CHEXP in GEOM2') #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write('geom skipping CHEXP in GEOM2\n') #return len(data)
[docs] def read_chexpr(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CHEXPR(7409,74,9991) - the marker for Record 48 """ return self.read_chexa(data, n)
[docs] def read_cmass1(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CMASS1(1001,10,65) - the marker for Record 51 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 24 * self.factor # 6*4 nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal struct_6i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'6i', self.size)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_6i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CMASS1=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, pid, g1, g2, c1, c2) = out elem = CMASS1.add_op2_data(out) op2._add_methods._add_mass_object(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CMASS1'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cmass2(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CMASS2(1101,11,66) - the marker for Record 52 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 24 * self.factor # 6*4 nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'if4i', self.size)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CMASS2=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, m, g1, g2, c1, c2) = out elem = CMASS2.add_op2_data(out) op2._add_methods._add_mass_object(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CMASS2'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cmass3(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CMASS3(1201,12,67) - the marker for Record 53 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 struct_4i = Struct(op2._endian + b'4i') nelements = (len(data) - n) // 16 for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + 16] # 4*4 out = struct_4i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CMASS3=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, pid, s1, s2) = out elem = CMASS3.add_op2_data(out) op2._add_methods._add_mass_object(elem) n += 16 op2.card_count['CMASS3'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cmass4(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CMASS4(1301,13,68) - the marker for Record 54 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 nelements = (len(data) - n) // 16 struct_if2i = Struct(op2._endian + b'ifii') for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + 16] # 4*4 out = struct_if2i.unpack(edata) #(eid, m,s 1, s2) = out elem = CMASS4.add_op2_data(out) op2._add_methods._add_mass_object(elem) n += 16 op2.card_count['CMASS4'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cmfree(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CMFREE(2508,25,0) - the marker for Record 55 1 EID I Element identification number 2 S I 3 S2 I 4 Y RS 5 N I """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 assert n == 12, n nelements = (len(data) - n) // 20 assert (len(data) - n) % 20 == 0 struct_3ifi = Struct(op2._endian + b'3ifi') for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + 20] # 5*4 out = struct_3ifi.unpack(edata) eid, s, s2, y, ncm = out op2.add_cmfree(eid, s, s2, y, ncm) n += 20 op2.card_count['CMFREE'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_conm1(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CONM1(1401,14,63) - the marker for Record 56 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 96 * self.factor # 24*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'3i21f', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CONM1=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, g, cid, m1, m2a, m2b, m3a, m3b, m3c, m4a, m4b, m4c, m4d, #m5a, m5b, m5c, m5d, m5e, m6a, m6b, m6c, m6d, m6e, m6f) = out elem = CONM1.add_op2_data(out) op2._add_methods._add_mass_object(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CONM1'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_conm2(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CONM2(1501,15,64) - the marker for Record 57 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 52 * self.factor # 13*4 nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'3i10f', self.size)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CONM2=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, g, cid, m, x1, x2, x3, i1, i2a, i2b, i3a, i3b, i3c) = out elem = CONM2.add_op2_data(out) op2._add_methods._add_mass_object(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CONM2'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_conrod(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CONROD(1601,16,47) - the marker for Record 58 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 32 *self.factor # 8*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'4i4f', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CONROD=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, n1, n2, mid, a, j, c, nsm) = out elem = CONROD.add_op2_data(out) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CONROD'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_conv(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ The CONV card is different between MSC and NX Nastran. The MSC version is 8 fields longer. """ n0 = n assert self.factor == 1, self.factor op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 if op2.is_nx: try: n, elements = self._read_conv_nx(data, n) except (AssertionError, MixedVersionCard): n, elements = self._read_conv_msc(data, n0) else: try: n, elements = self._read_conv_msc(data, n) except (AssertionError, MixedVersionCard): n, elements = self._read_conv_nx(data, n0) nelements = len(elements) for elem in elements: op2._add_methods._add_thermal_bc_object(elem, elem.eid) op2.card_count['CONV'] = nelements assert n == len(data), f'ndata={len(data)} n={n}' return n
def _read_split_card(self, data, n, read1, read2, card_name, card_obj, add_method): """ generalization of multi read methods for different versions of MSC Nastran """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 n0 = n try: n, elements = read1(card_obj, data, n) except AssertionError:'AssertionError...try again reading {card_name!r}') n, elements = read2(card_obj, data, n0) nelements = len(elements) for elem in elements: add_method(elem) op2.card_count[card_name] = nelements return n def _read_dual_card(self, data, n, nx_read, msc_read, card_name, add_method) -> int: """ generalization of multi read methods (MSC, NX) """ n, elements = self._read_dual_card_load( data, n, nx_read, msc_read) nelements = len(elements) for elem in elements: add_method(elem) self.op2.card_count[card_name] = nelements return n def _read_dual_card_load(self, data, n, nx_read, msc_read) -> tuple[int, list[Any]]: n0 = n op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 if op2.is_nx: try: n, elements = nx_read(data, n0) except (AssertionError, MixedVersionCard): #raise n, elements = msc_read(data, n0) else: try: n, elements = msc_read(data, n0) except (AssertionError, MixedVersionCard): #raise n, elements = nx_read(data, n0) assert n is not None return n, elements def _read_conv_nx(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CONV(12701,127,408) - the marker for Record 59 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 48 * self.factor # 12*4 s = Struct(op2._endian + b'4i 8i') nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 elements = [] for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CONV=%s; len=%s\n' % (str(out), len(out))) (eid, pcon_id, flmnd, cntrlnd, ta1, ta2, ta3, ta4, ta5, ta6, ta7, ta8) = out assert eid > 0, out #assert eid > 0, out #ta = [ta1, ta2, ta3, ta5, ta6, ta7, ta8] weights = [None] * 8 data_in = [eid, pcon_id, flmnd, cntrlnd, [ta1, ta2, ta3, ta4, ta5, ta6, ta7, ta8], weights] elem = CONV.add_op2_data(data_in) elements.append(elem) n += ntotal return n, elements def _read_conv_msc(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CONV(12701,127,408) - the marker for Record 60 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 80 * self.factor # 20*4 s = Struct(op2._endian + b'12i 8f') nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 elements = [] for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+80] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CONV=%s; len=%s\n' % (str(out), len(out))) (eid, pcon_id, flmnd, cntrlnd, # TODO: why is ta4 and wt4 unused? ta1, ta2, ta3, unused_ta4, ta5, ta6, ta7, ta8, wt1, wt2, wt3, unused_wt4, wt5, wt6, wt7, wt8) = out assert eid > 0, out data_in = [eid, pcon_id, flmnd, cntrlnd, [ta1, ta2, ta3, ta5, ta6, ta7, ta8], [wt1, wt2, wt3, wt5, wt6, wt7, wt8]] elem = CONV.add_op2_data(data_in) elements.append(elem) n += ntotal return n, elements
[docs] def read_convm(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CONVM(8908,89,422) - the marker for Record 60 MSC 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PCONID I Convection property identification number 3 FLMND I Point for film convection fluid property temperature 4 CNTMDOT I Control point used for controlling mass flow. 5 TA I Ambient points used for convection Word 5 repeats 2 times NX 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PCONID I Convection property identification number 3 FLMND I Point for film convection fluid property temperature 4 CNTMDOT I Control point used for controlling mass flow. 5 TA I Ambient points used for convection Word 5 repeats 2 times [110, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 111, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 112, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 113, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 114, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 115, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 116, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 117, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 118, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 119, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 130, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 131, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 132, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 133, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 134, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 135, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 136, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 137, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 138, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 139, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 150, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 151, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 152, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 153, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 154, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 155, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 156, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 157, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 158, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 159, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 170, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 171, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 172, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 173, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 174, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 175, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 176, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 177, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 178, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 179, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 190, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 191, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 192, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 193, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 194, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 195, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 196, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 197, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 198, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 199, 200, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0] [8908, 89, 422, 101, 101, 0, 50000, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 102, 102, 0, 50001, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 103, 102, 0, 50001, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 104, 104, 0, 50002, 99999, 99999, 1.0, 105, 105, 0, 50003, 99999, 99999, 1.0, CONVM EID PCONID FLMND CNTMDOT TA1 TA2 106, 105, 0, 50003, 99999, 99999, 1.0) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 #C:\Users\sdoyle\Dropbox\move_tpl\ht15330.op2 ntotal6 = 24 # 6*4 ntotal7 = 28 # 7*4 ndata = len(data) nelements6 = (ndata - n) // ntotal6 nelements7 = (ndata - n) // ntotal7 is_six = (ndata - n) % ntotal6 == 0 is_seven = (ndata - n) % ntotal7 == 0 assert self.factor == 1, self.factor if is_six and is_seven: try: op2.log.warning('CONVM: assuming 6 fields') elements, n = self.read_convm6(data, nelements6, n) op2.log.debug('CONVM: 6 fields') except RuntimeError: # eid < 0 op2.log.warning('CONVM: assuming 7 fields') elements, n = self.read_convm7(data, nelements7, n) op2.log.debug('CONVM: 7 fields') elif is_six: elements, n = self.read_convm6(data, nelements6, n) elif is_seven: elements, n = self.read_convm7(data, nelements7, n) else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('CONVM is_six=%s is_seven=%s' % (is_six, is_seven)) nelements = len(elements) for element in elements: op2._add_methods._add_thermal_bc_object(element, element.eid) op2.card_count['CONVM'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_convm6(self, data, nelements, n): op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 structi = Struct(op2._endian + b'6i') elements = [] for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+24] out = structi.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CONVM=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pcon_id, flmnd, cntrlnd, ta1, ta2) = out #if eid <= 0: if eid <= 0 or pcon_id <= 0 or flmnd < 0 or cntrlnd <= 0 or ta1 <= 0 or ta2 <= 0: #self.show_data(data, 'if') # TODO: I'm not sure that this really has 6 fields... raise RuntimeError(f'eid={eid} pconid={pcon_id} flmnd={flmnd} cntrlnd={cntrlnd} ta1={ta1} ta2={ta2} < 0') mdot = 0. data_in = [eid, pcon_id, flmnd, cntrlnd, ta1, ta2, mdot] elem = CONVM.add_op2_data(data_in) n += 24 elements.append(elem) return elements, n
[docs] def read_convm7(self, data, nelements, n): op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 structi = Struct(op2._endian + b'6if') elements = [] for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+28] out = structi.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CONVM=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pcon_id, flmnd, cntrlnd, ta1, ta2, mdot) = out if eid <= 0 or pcon_id <= 0 or flmnd < 0 or cntrlnd <= 0 or ta1 <= 0 or ta2 <= 0: op2.show_data(data, 'if') # TODO: I'm not sure that this really has 7 fields... raise RuntimeError(f'eid={eid} pconid={pcon_id} flmnd={flmnd} ' f'cntrlnd={cntrlnd} ta1={ta1} ta2={ta2} < 0') data_in = [eid, pcon_id, flmnd, cntrlnd, ta1, ta2, mdot] elem = CONVM.add_op2_data(data_in) n += 28 elements.append(elem) return elements, n
[docs] def read_cplsts3(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ RECORD - CPLSTS3(8801,88,984) Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(3) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points 6 UNDEF None 7 THETA RS Material property orientation angle or coordinate system ID 8 UNDEF(4) None 12 TFLAG I Flag signifying meaning of T(3) values 13 T(3) RS Membrane thickness of element at grid points 16 UNDEF None """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 #self.show_data(data[n:], types='if') op2.to_nx(' because CPLSTS3 was found') ntotal = 64 * self.factor # 16*4 struct_16i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'6i f 4i i3f i', self.size)) ndatai = len(data) nelements = (ndatai - n) // ntotal leftover = (ndatai - n) % ntotal assert leftover == 0, leftover for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_16i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CPLSTS3=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, undef6, theta, undef8, undef9, undef10, undef11, tflag, t1, t2, t3, undef16) = out #print(eid, pid, (n1, n2, n3), theta, #tflag, t1, t2, t3) nids = [n1, n2, n3] undefs = (undef6, undef8, undef9, undef10, undef11, undef16) assert min(undefs) == 0 assert max(undefs) == 0 cplsts3 = op2.add_cplsts3(eid, pid, nids, theta=theta, tflag=tflag, T1=t1, T2=t2, T3=t3) str(cplsts3) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def read_cplsts4(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ RECORD - CPLSTS4(8401,84,985) Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(4) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points 7 THETA RS Material property orientation angle or coordinate system ID 8 UNDEF(4) None 12 TFLAG I Flag signifying meaning of T(4) values 13 T(4) RS Membrane thickness of element at grid points """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 op2.to_nx(' because CPLSTS4-NX was found') ntotal = 64 * self.factor # 16*4 struct_16i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'6i f 4i i4f', self.size)) ndatai = len(data) nelements = (ndatai - n) // ntotal leftover = (ndatai - n) % ntotal assert leftover == 0, leftover for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_16i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CPLSTS4=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, theta, undef8, undef9, undef10, undef11, tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4) = out #print(eid, pid, (n1, n2, n3), theta, #tflag, t1, t2, t3) nids = [n1, n2, n3, n4] undefs = (undef8, undef9, undef10, undef11) assert min(undefs) == 0, undefs assert max(undefs) == 0, undefs cplsts4 = op2.add_cplsts4(eid, pid, nids, theta=theta, tflag=tflag, T1=t1, T2=t2, T3=t3, T4=t4) str(cplsts4) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def read_cplsts6(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ RECORD - CPLSTS6(1801,18,986) Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(6) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points 9 UNDEF(2) None 11 THETA RS Material property orientation angle or coordinate system ID 12 TFLAG I Flag signifying meaning of T(3) values 13 TC(3) RS Membrane thickness of element at corner grid points 16 UNDEF(5) None 21 TM(3) RS Membrane thickness of element at mid-side grid points 24 UNDEF None """ #1728 / 4 = 432 #432 = 16 * 27 op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 op2.to_nx(' because CPLSTS6-NX was found') struct_16i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'2i 8i fi 4f 4i 4f', self.size)) ntotal = 96 * self.factor # 24*4 #ntotal = 128 * self.factor # 16*4 #struct_16i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'2i 8i f i4f 4i 4f', self.size)) ndatai = len(data) - n nelements = ndatai // ntotal leftover = ndatai % ntotal assert leftover == 0, leftover for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] #self.show_data(edata, types='if') out = struct_16i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CPLSTS6=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, undef7, undef8, theta, tflag, t1, t2, t3, zero1, zero2, zero3, zero4, zero5, t4, t5, t6, undef8b) = out nids = [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6] undef = (zero1, zero2, zero3, zero4, zero5, undef7, undef8, undef8b) #print(eid, pid, nids, theta, #(tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6), undef) assert min(nids) >= 0, nids assert min(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) == -1.0, (t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) assert max(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) == -1.0, (t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) cplsts6 = op2.add_cplsts6(eid, pid, nids, theta=theta, tflag=tflag, T1=t1, T2=t2, T3=t3, T4=t4, T5=t5, T6=t6) #print(cplsts6) str(cplsts6) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def read_cplsts8(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ RECORD - CPLSTS8(3601,36,987) Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(8) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points 11 THETA RS Material property orientation angle or coordinate system ID 12 TFLAG I Flag signifying meaning of T(4) values 13 TC(4) RS Membrane thickness of element at corner grid points 17 UNDEF(4) None 21 TM(4) RS Membrane 64: ints = (39, 4, 43, 41, 114, 115, 54, 55, 116, 56, 0, 0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0) floats = (39, 4, 43, 41, 114, 115, 54, 55, 116, 56, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 op2.to_nx(' because CPLSTS8 was found') struct_16i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'2i 8i fi 4f 4i 4f', self.size)) ntotal = 96 * self.factor # 24*4 ndatai = len(data) - n nelements = ndatai // ntotal leftover = ndatai % ntotal assert leftover == 0, leftover for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_16i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CPLSTS8=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, theta, tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4, zero1, zero2, zero3, zero4, t5, t6, t7, t8) = out nids = [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8] #print(eid, pid, nids, theta, #(tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8)) assert min(nids) >= 0, nids assert min(t5, t6, t7, t8) == -1.0, (t5, t6, t7, t8) assert max(t5, t6, t7, t8) == -1.0, (t5, t6, t7, t8) cplsts8 = op2.add_cplsts8(eid, pid, nids, theta=theta, tflag=tflag, T1=t1, T2=t2, T3=t3, T4=t4, T5=t5, T6=t6, T7=t7, T8=t8) #print(cplsts8) str(cplsts8) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def read_cplstn3(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ RECORD - CPLSTN3(1701,17,980) Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(3) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points 6 THETA RS Material property orientation angle or coordinate system ID 7 UNDEF(10) None """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 op2.to_nx(' because CPLSTN3 was found') struct_16i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'2i 3i f 10i', self.size)) ntotal = 64 * self.factor # 16*4 ndatai = len(data) - n nelements = ndatai // ntotal leftover = ndatai % ntotal assert leftover == 0, leftover for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_16i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CPLSTN3=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, theta, *undef) = out nids = [n1, n2, n3] assert min(nids) > 0, nids assert min(undef) == 0, undef assert max(undef) == 0, undef cplstn3 = op2.add_cplstn3(eid, pid, nids, theta=theta) #print(cplstn3) str(cplstn3) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def read_cplstn4(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ RECORD - CPLSTN4(5701,57,981) Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(4) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points 7 THETA RS Material property orientation angle or coordinate system ID 8 UNDEF(9) None """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 op2.to_nx(' because CPLSTN4 was found') struct_16i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'2i 4i f 9i', self.size)) ntotal = 64 * self.factor # 16*4 ndatai = len(data) - n nelements = ndatai // ntotal leftover = ndatai % ntotal assert leftover == 0, leftover for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_16i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CPLSTN4=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, theta, *undef) = out nids = [n1, n2, n3, n4] assert min(nids) > 0, nids assert min(undef) == 0, undef assert max(undef) == 0, undef cplstn4 = op2.add_cplstn4(eid, pid, nids, theta=theta) #print(cplstn4) str(cplstn4) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def read_cplstn6(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ RECORD - CPLSTN6(5801,58,982) Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(6) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points 9 THETA RS Material property orientation angle or coordinate system ID 10 UNDEF(7) None """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 op2.to_nx(' because CPLSTN6 was found') struct_16i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'2i 6i f 7i', self.size)) ntotal = 64 * self.factor # 16*4 ndatai = len(data) - n nelements = ndatai // ntotal leftover = ndatai % ntotal assert leftover == 0, leftover for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_16i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CPLSTN6=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, theta, *undef) = out nids = [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6] assert min(nids) > 0, nids assert min(undef) == 0, undef assert max(undef) == 0, undef cplstn6 = op2.add_cplstn6(eid, pid, nids, theta=theta) #print(cplstn6) str(cplstn6) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def read_cplstn8(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ RECORD - CPLSTN8(7201,72,983) Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(8) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points 11 THETA RS Material property orientation angle or coordinate system ID 12 UNDEF(5) None """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 op2.to_nx(' because CPLSTN8 was found') struct_16i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'2i 8i f 5i', self.size)) ntotal = 64 * self.factor # 16*4 ndatai = len(data) - n nelements = ndatai // ntotal leftover = ndatai % ntotal assert leftover == 0, leftover for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_16i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CPLSTN8=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, theta, *undef) = out nids = [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8] assert min(nids) > 0, nids assert min(undef) == 0, undef assert max(undef) == 0, undef cplstn8 = op2.add_cplstn8(eid, pid, nids, theta=theta) str(cplstn8) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def read_cpyram(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CPYRAM(17200,172,1000) - the marker for Record ??? Specific to NX Nastran """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 64 * self.factor # 16*4 struct_16i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'16i', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_16i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CPENTA=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, _g14) = out data_in = [eid, pid, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5] big_nodes = [g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13] if sum(big_nodes) > 0: elem = CPYRAM13.add_op2_data(data_in + big_nodes) else: elem = CPYRAM5.add_op2_data(data_in) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CPYRAM'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cpenta(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CPENTA(4108,41,280) - the marker for Record 63 CPENPR(7509,75,9992) - the marker for Record 64 CPENT15F(16500,165,9999) - the marker for Record 65 CPENT6FD(16000,160,9999) - the marker for Record 66 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 68 * self.factor # 17*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'17i', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CPENTA=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15) = out data_in = [eid, pid, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6] big_nodes = [g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15] if sum(big_nodes) > 0: elem = CPENTA15.add_op2_data(data_in + big_nodes) else: elem = CPENTA6.add_op2_data(data_in) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CPENTA'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cpenta_cz(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CPENTCZ """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 96 * self.factor # 19*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'17i 7i', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CPENTCZ=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, dummy1, dummy2, dummy3, dummy4, dummy5, dummy6, dummy7) = out dummy = (dummy1, dummy2, dummy3, dummy4, dummy5, dummy6, dummy7) assert dummy == (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), dummy #print(eid, pid, dummy) data_in = [eid, pid, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6] big_nodes = [g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15] #if sum(big_nodes) > 0: elem = CPENTCZ.add_op2_data(data_in + big_nodes) #else: #elem = CPENTA6.add_op2_data(data_in) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CPENTCZ'] = nelements return n
# CQDX4FD # CQDX9FD - same as CQDX4FD
[docs] def read_cquad(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """CQUAD(9108,91,507) - the marker for Record 69""" return self._run_cquad(CQUAD, data, n)
def _read_cquad4_nasa95(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CQUAD4(5408,54,261) - the marker for Record 10 CQUAD4 350 5 5 241 329 13 CQUAD4 351 5 13 329 330 14 CQUAD4 352 5 14 330 331 15 ints = (5408, 54, 261, eid pid n1 n2 n3 n4 350, 5, 5, 241, 329, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 351, 5, 13, 329, 330, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 352, 5, 14, 330, 331, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 elements = [] ntotal = 52 * self.factor # 13*4 nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal leftover = (len(data) - n) % ntotal assert leftover == 0, leftover # TODO: not sure... # 6i is correct # 3f-i zeros as float/int??? # 4f correct # i correct s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'6i 7i', self.size)) #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write('ndata=%s\n' % (nelements * 44)) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(f' {element.type}=(eid, pid, [n1, n2, n3, n4], theta, zoffs, ' 'unused_blank, [tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4]); theta_mcid\n') for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) # theta, zoffs, blank, tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4 (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, theta, zoffs, tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4) = out msg = ('eid=%s pid=%s nodes=%s ' 'theta=%s zoffs=%s ' 'tflag=%s ' 't1-t3=%s' % ( eid, pid, (n1, n2, n3, n4), theta, zoffs, tflag, (t1, t2, t3, t4))) #assert theta == 0, msg assert zoffs == 0, msg assert tflag == 0, msg assert t1 == 0, msg assert t2 == 0, msg assert t3 == 0, msg assert t4 == 0, msg #theta_mcid = convert_theta_to_mcid(theta) #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write( #f' {element.type}=({eid}, {pid}, [{n1}, {n2}, {n3}, {n4}], ' #f'{theta}, {zoffs}, [{tflag}, {t1}, {t2}, {t3})]; {theta_mcid}\n') data_init = [ eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, theta, zoffs, tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4] elem = CQUAD4.add_op2_data(data_init) #elements.append(elem) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CQUAD4'] = nelements assert n == len(data), f'n={n} ndata={len(data)}' return n
[docs] def read_cquad4(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CQUAD4(2958,51,177) - the marker for Record 70 CQUAD4(13900,139,9989) - the marker for Record 71 """ card_name = 'CQUAD4' card_obj = CQUAD4 methods = { 56 : self._run_cquad4_nx_56, 60 : self._run_cquad4_msc_60, } try: n = self._read_double_card(card_name, card_obj, self.add_op2_element, methods, data, n) except DoubleCardError: nx_method = partial(self._run_cquad4_nx_56, card_obj) msc_method = partial(self._run_cquad4_msc_60, card_obj) n = self._read_dual_card( data, n, nx_method, msc_method, card_name, self.add_op2_element) #nentries = len(elements) #for elem in elements: #op2.add_op2_element(elem) #op2.card_count[card_name] = nentries return n
def _read_double_card(self, card_name: str, card_obj, add_method, methods, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 n, elements = self._read_double_card_load( card_name, card_obj, methods, data, n) nentries = len(elements) for elem in elements: add_method(elem) op2.card_count[card_name] = nentries return n def _read_double_card_load(self, card_name: str, card_obj, methods, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 assert isinstance(data, bytes), type(data) ndatai = (len(data) - n) // self.factor keys = np.array(list(methods.keys())) errors = ndatai % keys izero = np.where(errors == 0)[0] if len(izero) == 0: op2.show_data(data, types='ifs') print(f'ndatai={ndatai} keys={keys} -> errors={errors}') print('izero = ', izero) raise EmptyCardError() elif len(izero) == 1: key0 = keys[izero[0]] method = methods[key0] #print(method) n, elements = method(card_obj, data, n) else: #print(keys, errors) methods2 = {key : methods[key] for i, key in enumerate(keys) if i in izero} elements = None for key, method in methods2.items(): try: n, elements = method(card_obj, data, n) #print('breaking') #print(methods2) break except Exception as e: #print(str(e)) #print('error') pass else: raise DoubleCardError(f'No {card_name} cards found') #else: if elements is None: op2.show_data(data, types='ifs') print(f'ndatai={ndatai} keys={keys} -> errors={errors}') print('izero = ', izero) raise EmptyCardError() return n, elements
[docs] def read_vutria3(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: return self._run_3nodes(CTRIA3, data, n)
[docs] def read_vuquad4(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """VUQUAD4(11201,112,9940)""" return self._run_4nodes(CQUAD4, data, n)
def _run_cquad(self, element: Union[CQUAD, CQUADX], data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """common method for CQUAD, CQUADX""" op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 44 * self.factor # 11*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'11i', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('ndata=%s\n' % (nelements * ntotal)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' %s=%s\n' % (element.type, str(out))) #print('CQUAD eid=%s pid=%s n1=%s n2=%s n3=%s n4=%s n5=%s n6=%s n7=%s n8=%s' % ( #eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8)) datai = [eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9] elem = element.add_op2_data(datai) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count[element.type] = nelements return n def _run_2nodes(self, element, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """common method for VUBEAM""" op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 nelements = (len(data) - n) // 16 s = Struct(op2._endian + b'4i') #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write('ndata=%s\n' % (nelements * 44)) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(f' {element.type}=(eid, pid, [n1, n2]') for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + 16] # 4*4 out = s.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, n1, n2) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write( f' {element.type}=({eid}, {pid}, [{n1}, {n2}]') nids = [n1, n2] elem = element(eid, pid, nids) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += 16 #if stop: #raise RuntimeError('theta is too large...make the quad wrong') op2.card_count[elem.type] = nelements return n def _run_3nodes(self, element: CTRIA3, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """common method for CTRIA3, VUTRIA3""" op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 nelements = (len(data) - n) // 20 s = Struct(op2._endian + b'5i') #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write('ndata=%s\n' % (nelements * 44)) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(f' {element.type}=(eid, pid, [n1, n2, n3]') for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + 20] # 5*4 out = s.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write( f' {element.type}=({eid}, {pid}, [{n1}, {n2}, {n3}]') nids = [n1, n2, n3] elem = element(eid, pid, nids) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += 20 #if stop: #raise RuntimeError('theta is too large...make the quad wrong') op2.card_count[element.type] = nelements return n def _run_4nodes(self, element: Union[CQUAD4, CAABSF], data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """common method for CQUAD4, CQUADR""" op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 nelements = (len(data) - n) // 24 s = Struct(op2._endian + b'6i') #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write('ndata=%s\n' % (nelements * 44)) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(f' {element.type}=(eid, pid, [n1, n2, n3, n4]') for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + 24] # 6*4 out = s.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write( f' {element.type}=({eid}, {pid}, [{n1}, {n2}, {n3}, {n4}]') nids = [n1, n2, n3, n4] elem = element(eid, pid, nids) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += 24 #if stop: #raise RuntimeError('theta is too large...make the quad wrong') op2.card_count[element.type] = nelements return n def _run_cquad4_msc_60(self, element: CQUAD4, data: bytes, n: int) -> tuple[int, Any]: r""" buggy MSC 2018.2 version #TODO is this right? What's with the intermediate zeros? data = ( 2958, 51, 177, 1, 1, 1, 2, 73, 72, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 74, 73, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1, 3, 1, 3, 4, 75, 74, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1, ) C:\MSC.Software\msc_nastran_runs\cc179h.op2 data = ( eid pid n1 n2 n3 n4 theta zoffs blank, tflag t1 t2 t3 t4 -1/mcid? 101, 30, 30000, 30001, 30101, 30100, 19.2, 0.0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, -1, 102, 30, 30001, 30002, 30102, 30101, 19.2, 0.0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, -1, 103, 30, 30002, 30003, 30103, 30102, 19.2, 0.0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, -1, 104, 30, 30100, 30101, 30201, 30200, 19.2, 0.0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, -1, 1001, 20, 20000, 20001, 20101, 20100, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1, 1002, 20, 20001, 20002, 20102, 20101, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1, 1003, 20, 20002, 20003, 20103, 20102, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 42, 1004, 20, 20100, 20101, 20201, 20200, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 elements = [] ntotal = 60 * self.factor # 15*4 nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal leftover = (len(data) - n) % ntotal assert leftover == 0, leftover # TODO: not sure... # 6i is correct # 3f-i zeros as float/int??? # 4f correct # i correct structi = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'6i 3fi 4f i', self.size)) #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write('ndata=%s\n' % (nelements * 44)) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(f' {element.type}=(eid, pid, [n1, n2, n3, n4], theta, zoffs, ' 'unused_blank, [tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4]); theta_mcid\n') cids = set(list(self.op2.coords.keys())) check_cids = max(cids) > 0 if len(cids) else False for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] #self.show_data(edata) out = structi.unpack(edata) # theta, zoffs, blank, tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4 (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, theta, zoffs, blank, tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4, minus1_mcid) = out assert blank == 0.0 assert isinstance(tflag, int), tflag #minus1 = out[-1] #eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, theta, a, b, c, t1, t2, t3, t4, minus1 = out #print(eid, pid) theta_mcid = theta if minus1_mcid != -1: theta_mcid = minus1_mcid assert theta == 0., theta if check_cids: assert minus1_mcid in cids, minus1_mcid msg = ( f'eid={eid} pid={pid} nodes=({n1}, {n2}, {n3}, {n4}) ' f'theta={theta} zoffs={zoffs} blank={blank} ' f'tflag={tflag} t1-t4=({t1}, {t2}, {t3}, {t4}) ' f'minus1_mcid={minus1_mcid} -> theta_mcid={theta_mcid}') #print(msg) #assert theta == 0, msg assert zoffs == 0, msg assert blank == 0, msg assert tflag == 0, msg if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write( f' {element.type}=({eid}, {pid}, [{n1}, {n2}, {n3}, {n4}], ' f'{theta}, {zoffs}, {blank}, [{tflag}, {t1}, {t2}, {t3}, {t4})]; {theta_mcid}\n') data_init = [ eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, theta_mcid, zoffs, tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4] elem = element.add_op2_data(data_init) elements.append(elem) n += ntotal #if stop: #raise RuntimeError('theta is too large...make the quad wrong') #op2.card_count[element.type] = nelements return n, elements def _run_cquad4_nx_56(self, element: Union[CQUAD4, CQUADR], data: bytes, n: int) -> tuple[int, Any]: """ common method for CQUAD4, CQUADR data = ( 2958, 51, 177, 1, 1, 1, 2, 8, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 2, 1, 2, 3, 9, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 3, 1, 3, 4, 10, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 elements = [] ntotal = 56 * self.factor # 14*4 nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal leftover = (len(data) - n) % ntotal assert leftover == 0, leftover s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'6i ff ii 4f', self.size)) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('ndata=%s\n' % (nelements * 44)) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(f' {element.type}=(eid, pid, [n1, n2, n3, n4], theta, zoffs, ' 'unused_blank, [tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4]); theta_mcid\n') for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, theta, zoffs, unused_blank, tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4) = out theta_mcid = convert_theta_to_mcid(theta) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write( f' {element.type}=({eid}, {pid}, [{n1}, {n2}, {n3}, {n4}], ' f'{theta}, {zoffs}, {unused_blank}, [{tflag}, {t1}, {t2}, {t3}, {t4})]; {theta_mcid}\n') #print('eid=%s pid=%s n1=%s n2=%s n3=%s n4=%s theta=%s zoffs=%s ' #'blank=%s tflag=%s t1=%s t2=%s t3=%s t4=%s' % ( #eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, theta, zoffs, #blank, tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4)) data_init = [ eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, theta_mcid, zoffs, tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4] elem = element.add_op2_data(data_init) #op2.add_op2_element(elem) elements.append(elem) n += ntotal #if stop: #raise RuntimeError('theta is too large...make the quad wrong') #op2.card_count[element.type] = nelements #self.to_nx() # not really an nx specific thing... return n, elements # CQUAD4FD
[docs] def read_cquad8(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """common method for reading CQUAD8s""" card_name = 'CQUAD8' card_obj = CQUAD8 methods = { 68 : self._read_cquad8_current, 64 : self._read_cquad8_v2001, 72 : self._read_cquad8_72, } try: n = self._read_double_card(card_name, card_obj, self.add_op2_element, methods, data, n) except DoubleCardError: raise #self.op2.log.warning(f'try-except {card_name}') #n = self._read_split_card(data, n, #self._read_cquad8_current, self._read_cquad8_v2001, #card_name, op2.add_op2_element) #nelements = op2.card_count['CQUAD8'] #op2.log.debug(f'nCQUAD8 = {nelements}') return n
def _read_cquad8_current(self, card_obj, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CQUAD8(4701,47,326) - the marker for Record 72 .. warning:: inconsistent with dmap manual 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(8) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points 11 T(4) RS Membrane thickness of element at grid points 15 THETA RS Material property orientation angle or coordinate system identification number 16 ZOFFS RS Offset from the surface of grid points reference plane 17 TFLAG I Relative thickness flag """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 68 * self.factor # 17*4 ndatai = len(data) - n nelements = ndatai // ntotal assert ndatai % ntotal == 0 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'10i 6f i', self.size)) elements = [] for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CQUAD8=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, t1, t2, #t3, t4, theta, zoffs, tflag) = out tflag = out[-1]'cquad8 tflag = %s' % tflag) assert isinstance(tflag, int), tflag assert tflag in [-1, 0, 1], tflag #print('eid=%s pid=%s n1=%s n2=%s n3=%s n4=%s theta=%s zoffs=%s ' #'tflag=%s t1=%s t2=%s t3=%s t4=%s' % ( #eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, theta, zoffs, #tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4)) #data_init = [eid,pid,n1,n2,n3,n4,theta,zoffs,tflag,t1,t2,t3,t4] elem = CQUAD8.add_op2_data(out) elements.append(elem) n += ntotal return n, elements def _read_cquad8_v2001(self, card_obj, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CQUAD8(4701,47,326) - the marker for Record 72 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(8) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points 11 T(4) RS Membrane thickness of element at grid points 15 THETA RS Material property orientation angle or coordinate system identification number 16 ZOFFS RS Offset from the surface of grid points reference plane """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 elements = [] #self.show_data(data, types='if') ntotal = 64 * self.factor # 16*4 ndatai = (len(data) - n) nelements = ndatai // ntotal assert ndatai % ntotal == 0 sf = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'10i 6f', self.size)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = sf.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CQUAD8=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, t1, t2, t3, t4, theta, zoffs) = out assert eid > 0 assert pid > 0 tflag = None out = (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, t1, t2, t3, t4, theta, zoffs, tflag) #print('eid=%s pid=%s n1=%s n2=%s n3=%s n4=%s theta=%g zoffs=%s ' #'tflag=%s t1=%g t2=%g t3=%g t4=%g' % ( #eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, theta, zoffs, tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4)) #data_init = [eid,pid,n1,n2,n3,n4,theta,zoffs,tflag,t1,t2,t3,t4] elem = CQUAD8.add_op2_data(out) elements.append(elem) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal return n, elements def _read_cquad8_72(self, card_obj, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ data = ( eid pid n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 t1 t2 t3 t4 theta ? ? 301, 30, 40000, 40002, 40202, 40200, 40001, 40102, 40201, 40100, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 19.2, 0, 0, -1, 302, 30, 40002, 40004, 40204, 40202, 40003, 40104, 40203, 40102, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 19.2, 0, 0, -1, 303, 30, 40200, 40202, 40402, 40400, 40201, 40302, 40401, 40300, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 19.2, 0, 0, -1, 304, 30, 40202, 40204, 40404, 40402, 40203, 40304, 40403, 40302, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 19.2, 0, 0, -1, 1301, 20, 10000, 10002, 10202, 10200, 10001, 10102, 10201, 10100, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1302, 20, 10002, 10004, 10204, 10202, 10003, 10104, 10203, 10102, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1303, 20, 10200, 10202, 10402, 10400, 10201, 10302, 10401, 10300, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1304, 20, 10202, 10204, 10404, 10402, 10203, 10304, 10403, 10302, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 0, 0, -1) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 elements = [] #self.show_data(data, types='if') #ss ntotal = 72 * self.factor # 16*4 ndatai = (len(data) - n) nelements = ndatai // ntotal assert ndatai % ntotal == 0 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'10i 5f 3i', self.size)) #sf = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'10i 6f', self.size)) edata0 = data[n:n + ntotal] flag = s.unpack(edata0)[-1] if flag == -1: for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CQUAD8=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, t1, t2, t3, t4, theta, tflag, zoffs, flag) = out assert eid > 0 assert pid > 0 assert tflag == 0 assert zoffs == 0 assert flag == -1, flag tflag = None out = (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, t1, t2, t3, t4, theta, zoffs, tflag) #print('eid=%s pid=%s n1=%s n2=%s n3=%s n4=%s theta=%g zoffs=%s ' #'tflag=%s t1=%g t2=%g t3=%g t4=%g' % ( #eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, theta, zoffs, tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4)) #data_init = [eid,pid,n1,n2,n3,n4,theta,zoffs,tflag,t1,t2,t3,t4] elem = CQUAD8.add_op2_data(out) elements.append(elem) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal else: for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CQUAD8=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, t1, t2, t3, t4, theta, zoffs) = out assert eid > 0 assert pid > 0 tflag = None out = (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, t1, t2, t3, t4, theta, zoffs, tflag) #print('eid=%s pid=%s n1=%s n2=%s n3=%s n4=%s theta=%g zoffs=%s ' #'tflag=%s t1=%g t2=%g t3=%g t4=%g' % ( #eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, theta, zoffs, tflag, t1, t2, t3, t4)) #data_init = [eid,pid,n1,n2,n3,n4,theta,zoffs,tflag,t1,t2,t3,t4] elem = CQUAD8.add_op2_data(out) elements.append(elem) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal return n, elements # CQUAD9FD # CQUADP
[docs] def read_cquadr(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """CQUADR(8009,80,367) - the marker for Record 75 ints = (8009, 80, 367, pshell go from 1-242 nids go from 1-29382 1, 1, 3600, 3310, 3797, 731, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1, 2, 1, 731, 3797, 3798, 732, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1, 3, 1, 732, 3798, 3799, 733, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1, ... ) """ #return len(data) #self.op2.show_data(data, types='if') card_name = 'CQUADR' card_obj = CQUADR methods = { 56 : self._run_cquad4_nx_56, 60 : self._run_cquad4_msc_60, # 15*4 } try: n = self._read_double_card(card_name, card_obj, self.add_op2_element, methods, data, n) except DoubleCardError: nx_method = partial(self._run_cquad4_nx_56, card_obj) msc_method = partial(self._run_cquad4_msc_60, card_obj) n = self._read_dual_card( data, n, nx_method, msc_method, card_name, self.add_op2_element) return n
[docs] def read_cquadx(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """CQUADX(9008,90,508) - the marker for Record 76""" return self._run_cquad(CQUADX, data, n)
[docs] def read_crbar(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 GA I Grid point A identification number 3 GB I Grid point B identification number 4 LMID1 I Lagrange multiplier identification number 5 NDOFS I Number of DOF for Lagrange multiplier 6 CNA I Component numbers of independent DOFs at end A 7 CNB I Component numbers of independent DOFs at end B 8 CMA I Component numbers of dependent DOFs at end A 9 CMB I Component numbers of dependent DOFs at end B 10 ALPHA RS Thermal expansion coefficient ints = (3, 3, 41, 101000041, 6, 123456, 0, 0, 123456, 2.e-6, 4, 3, 4, 101000004, 6, 123456, 0, 0, 654321, 0) floats = (3, 3, 41, 101000041, 6, 123456, 0.0, 0.0, 123456, 2.e-6, 4, 3, 4, 101000004, 6, 123456, 0.0, 0.0, 654321, 0.0) """ # C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\nrgd20c.op2 op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 idata = np.frombuffer(data[n:], op2.idtype8).copy() fdata = np.frombuffer(data[n:], op2.fdtype8).copy() #op2.show_data(data[n:], types='ifs', endian=None, force=False) nrows = len(idata) // 10 ncols = 10 idata = idata.reshape(nrows, ncols) fdata = fdata.reshape(nrows, ncols) eids = idata[:, 0] nids = idata[:, [1, 2]] #lagrange_id = idata[:, 3] #ndof_lagrange = idata[:, 4] cnas = idata[:, 5].astype('U6').tolist() cnbs = idata[:, 6].astype('U6').tolist() cmas = idata[:, 7].astype('U6').tolist() cmbs = idata[:, 8].astype('U6').tolist() alphas = fdata[:, 9] for eid, nidsi, cna, cnb, cma, cmb, alpha in zip(eids, nids, cnas, cnbs, cmas, cmbs, alphas): cna = ''.join(sorted(cna)) cnb = ''.join(sorted(cnb)) cma = ''.join(sorted(cma)) cmb = ''.join(sorted(cmb)) if cna == '0': cna = '' if cnb == '0': cnb = '' if cma == '0': cma = '' if cna == '0': cmb = '' elem = op2.add_rbar(eid, nidsi, cna, cnb, cma, cmb, alpha=alpha, comment='') str(elem) return len(data)
[docs] def read_crbe1(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 NWE I Number of words for the element 3 ELTYPE I Element type: 1-RBE1 2-RBE2 3-RTRPLT 4-RTRPLT1 4 GN I Grid point identification number for independent degrees-of-freedom 5 CN I Component numbers of independent degrees-of-freedom Words 4 through 5 repeat until (-2,-2) occurs 6 GM I Grid point identification number for dependent degrees-of-freedom 7 CM I Component numbers of dependent degrees of-freedom Words 6 through 7 repeat until (-3,-3) occurs 8 ALPHA RS Thermal expansion coefficient 9 UNDEF none Not used Words 8 through 9 repeat until (-4,-4) occurs 10 LMID I Lagrange multiplier identification number 11 NDOF I Number of DOF for each Lagrange multiplier identification number Words 10 through 11 repeat until (-1,-1) occurs ints = [35, 22, 2, 3, 123456, -2, -2, 41, 123456, 51, 123456, -3, -3, 990057071, 0, -4, -4, 101000041, 6, 101000051, 6, -1, -1, 46, 22, 2, 3, 123456, -2, -2, 4, 123456, 5, 123456, -3, -3, 906377149, 0, -4, -4, 101000004, 6, 101000005, 6, -1, -1] floats = [4.90454462513686e-44, 3.0828566215145976e-44, 2.802596928649634e-45, 4.203895392974451e-45, 1.7299870321168462e-40, nan, nan, 5.74532370373175e-44, 1.7299870321168462e-40, 7.146622168056567e-44, 1.7299870321168462e-40, nan, nan, 0.0020000000949949026, 0.0, nan, nan, 2.5040535059644284e-35, 8.407790785948902e-45, 2.5040563758236833e-35, 8.407790785948902e-45, nan, nan, 6.445972935894159e-44, 3.0828566215145976e-44, 2.802596928649634e-45, 4.203895392974451e-45, 1.7299870321168462e-40, nan, nan, 5.605193857299268e-45, 1.7299870321168462e-40, 7.006492321624085e-45, 1.7299870321168462e-40, nan, nan, 1.9999999949504854e-06, 0.0, nan, nan, 2.504042887485185e-35, 8.407790785948902e-45, 2.5040431744711106e-35, 8.407790785948902e-45, nan, nan] """ # C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\nrgd406a.op2 op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 idata = np.frombuffer(data[n:], op2.idtype8).copy() fdata = np.frombuffer(data[n:], op2.fdtype8).copy() i = 0 nints = len(idata) while i < nints: #print('i = ', i) eid = idata[i] nwe = idata[i+1] eltype = idata[i+2] assert eltype in {1, 2, 3, 4}, eltype i += 3 Gni = [] Cni = [] while i < nints: gn, cn = idata[i:i+2] i += 2 if (gn, cn) == (-2, -2): break Gni.append(gn) Cni.append(cn) assert len(Gni), Gni Gmi = [] Cmi = [] while i < nints: gm, cm = idata[i:i+2] i += 2 if (gm, cm) == (-3, -3): break Gmi.append(gm) Cmi.append(cm) assert len(Gmi), Gmi alphas = [] while i < nints: i1, i2 = idata[i:i+2] alpha = fdata[i] # undef i += 2 if (i1, i2) == (-4, -4): break alphas.append(alpha) assert len(alphas) == 1, alphas #10 LMID I Lagrange multiplier identification number #11 NDOF I Number of DOF for each Lagrange multiplier identification number lmid = [] ndof = [] while i < nints: lmidi, ndofi = idata[i:i+2] i += 2 if (lmidi, ndofi) == (-1, -1): break lmid.append(lmidi) ndof.append(ndofi) assert len(ndof), ndof #cna = ''.join(sorted(cna)) #cnb = ''.join(sorted(cnb)) #cma = ''.join(sorted(cma)) #cmb = ''.join(sorted(cmb)) #if cna == '0': #cna = '' #if cnb == '0': #cnb = '' #if cma == '0': #cma = '' #if cna == '0': #cmb = '' elem = op2.add_rbe1(eid, Gni, Cni, Gmi, Cmi, alpha=alpha, comment='') str(elem) return len(data)
[docs] def read_crbe3(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ This card is an internal RBE3 that's used for Langrage elements. It's not what the user entered. Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 NWE I Number of words for the element 3 REFG I Reference grid point identification number 4 REFC I Component numbers at the reference grid point 5 WT1 RS Weighting factor for components of motion at G 6 C I Component numbers 7 G I Grid point identification number Word 7 repeats until End of Record (-1) Words 5 through 7 repeat until End of Record (-2) 8 GM I Grid point identification number for dependent DOFs 9 CM I Component numbers of dependent DOFs Words 8 through 9 repeat until End of Record (-4?) 10 ALPHA RS Thermal expansion coefficient Word 10 repeats until End of Record (-5?) 11 LMID1 I Lagrange multiplier identification number 12 NDOFS I Number of DOF for Lagrange multiplier Words 11 through 12 repeat until End of Record (-3?) data = (3, 14, 41, 123456, 1.0, 123456, 3, -1, -2, -4, 0.002, -5, 101000041, 6, -3, 4, 14, 4, 123456, 1.0, 123456, 3, -1, -2, -4, 2.0e-6, -5, 101000004, 6, -3) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 # C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\ngd720a.op2 idata = np.frombuffer(data[n:], op2.idtype8).copy() fdata = np.frombuffer(data[n:], op2.fdtype8).copy() iminus3 = np.where(idata == -3)[0] if idata[-1] == -3: is_alpha = False i = np.hstack([[0], iminus3[:-1]+1]) else: is_alpha = True i = np.hstack([[0], iminus3[:-1]+2]) j = np.hstack([iminus3[:-1], len(idata)]) #print('i = ', i) #print('j = ', j) #print('is_alpha =', is_alpha) assert len(i) == len(j) for ii, jj in zip(i, j): idatai = idata[ii:jj] #print(idatai) #print(fdata[ii:ii+5]) #1 EID I Element identification number #2 NWE I Number of words for the element #3 REFG I Reference grid point identification number #4 REFC I Component numbers at the reference grid point #5 WT1 RS Weighting factor for components of motion at G #6 C I Component numbers #7 G I Grid point identification number eid, nwords, refg, refc, unused_weight, comp, grid = idatai[:7] #nwords += 1 #print(f'nwords={nwords}; len(datai)={len(idatai)}', len(idatai)) weight = fdata[ii+4] weights = [weight] comps = [comp] gijs = [grid] iji = ii values = [] values_dict = {} value = idata[iji] while value != -3: if value < 0: if len(values): values_dict[value] = values values = [] else: values.append(iji) iji += 1 value = idata[iji] if len(values): values_dict[value] = values #print('values_dict =', values_dict) del values_dict[-1] #{-1: [3, 14, 41, 123456, 1065353216, 123456, 3], -5: [990057071], -3: [101000041, 6]} if -5 in values_dict: ialpha_list = values_dict[-5] assert len(ialpha_list) == 1, ialpha_list alpha = fdata[ialpha_list[0]] #print("alpha =", alpha) del values_dict[-5] if -3 in values_dict: ilagrange_ndof = values_dict[-3] assert len(ilagrange_ndof) >= 2, ilagrange_ndof assert len(ilagrange_ndof) % 2 == 0, ilagrange_ndof lagrange_ndof = idata[ilagrange_ndof] #print("lagrange_ndof =", lagrange_ndof) del values_dict[-3] if values_dict: print('values_dict =', values_dict) assert len(values_dict) == 0, values_dict nrows = len(lagrange_ndof) // 2 lagrange_ndof = lagrange_ndof.reshape(nrows, 2) gmi = lagrange_ndof[:, 0] cmi = lagrange_ndof[:, 1] in_data = [eid, refg, refc, weights, comps, gijs, gmi, cmi, alpha] if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' RBE3=%s\n' % str(in_data)) #print('rbe3 =', in_data) rbe3 = RBE3.add_op2_data(in_data) str(rbe3) continue #self._add_op2_rigid_element(rbe3) return len(data)
[docs] def read_crjoint(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 GA I Grid point A identification number 3 GB I Grid point B identification number 4 LMID1 I Lagrange multiplier identification number 5 NDOFS I Number of DOF for Lagrange multiplier 6 CB I Component numbers of dependent DOFs at end B """ # no rjoint... # C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\ngd720a.op2'geom skipping RJOINT in GEOM2') return len(data)
[docs] def read_crod(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CROD(3001,30,48) - the marker for Record 81 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 16 * self.factor # 4*4 struct_4i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'4i', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal #is_long_ids = False for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_4i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CROD=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, pid, n1, n2) = out #if n1 > 100000000 or n2 > 100000000: #is_long_ids = True elem = CROD.add_op2_data(out) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal #self._is_long_ids = is_long_ids op2.card_count['CROD'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_crrod(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 GA I Grid point A identification number 3 GB I Grid point B identification number 4 LMID1 I Lagrange multiplier identification number 5 CMA I Component numbers of dependent DOFs at end A 6 CMB I Component numbers of dependent DOFs at end B 7 ALPHA RS Thermal expansion cofficient """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 structi = Struct(op2._endian + b'6if') nelements = (len(data) - n) // 28 # 7*4 #is_long_ids = False for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + 28] out = structi.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' RROD=%s\n' % str(out)) #print(out) (eid, n1, n2, unused_lagrange_multiplier_id, cma, cmb, alpha) = out assert cma == 0, (eid, n1, n2, unused_lagrange_multiplier_id, cma, cmb, alpha) assert cmb == 0, (eid, n1, n2, unused_lagrange_multiplier_id, cma, cmb, alpha) #if n1 > 100000000 or n2 > 100000000: #is_long_ids = True #eid, nids, cma='', cmb='', alpha=0.0 elem = op2.add_rrod(eid, [n1, n2], cma=cma, cmb=cmb, alpha=alpha) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += 28 #self._is_long_ids = is_long_ids op2.card_count['RROD'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cshear(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CSHEAR(3101,31,61) - the marker for Record 84 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 24 * self.factor # 6*4 struct_6i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'6i', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_6i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CSHEAR=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4) = out elem = CSHEAR.add_op2_data(out) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CSHEAR'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_ctetrap(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CTETP(12201,122,9013) - the marker for Record 87 .. todo:: needs work """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2'poor reading of CTETRAP in GEOM2') nelements = (len(data) - n) // 108 # 27*4 struct_27i = Struct(op2._endian + b'27i') for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+108] out = struct_27i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTETP=%s\n' % str(out)) #print(out) eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4 = out[:6] #(eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, #e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, e10, e11, e12, #f1, f2, f3, f4, b1, ee1, ee2, ee3, ee4) = out #print("out = ",out) #e = [e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, e10, e11, e12] #f = [f1, f2, f3, f4] #ee = [ee1, ee2, ee3, ee4] #print("e = ",e) #print("f = ",f) #print("b1 = ",b1) #print("ee = ",ee) data_in = [eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4] elem = CTETRA4.add_op2_data(data_in) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += 108 return n
[docs] def read_ctetra(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CTETRA(5508,55,217) - the marker for Record 88 CTETPR(7609,76,9993) - the marker for Record 89 CTETR10F(16600,166,9999) - the marker for Record 90 CTETR4FD(16100,161,9999) - the marker for Record 91 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 48 * self.factor # 12*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'12i', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTETRA=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10) = out data_in = [eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4] big_nodes = [n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10] if sum(big_nodes) > 0: elem = CTETRA10.add_op2_data(data_in + big_nodes) else: elem = CTETRA4.add_op2_data(data_in) try: elem.validate() str(elem) except Exception: print(data_in, big_nodes) raise self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CTETRA'] = nelements return n
# CTQUAD - 92 # CTTRIA - 93
[docs] def read_ctria3(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """Common method for reading CTRIA3s""" card_name = 'CTRIA3' card_obj = CTRIA3 methods = { 52 : self._read_ctria3_52, 56 : self._read_ctria3_56, } try: n = self._read_double_card(card_name, card_obj, self.add_op2_element, methods, data, n) except DoubleCardError: raise return n
def _read_ctria3_52(self, card_obj, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CTRIA3(5959,59,282) - the marker for Record 94 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 52 * self.factor # 13*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'5iff3i3f', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n)// ntotal elements = [] for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) #print('eid=%s pid=%s n1=%s n2=%s n3=%s theta=%s zoffs=%s ' #'blank1=%s blank2=%s tflag=%s t1=%s t2=%s t3=%s' % ( #eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, theta, zoffs, #blank1, blank2, tflag, t1, t2, t3)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, theta, zoffs, unused_blank1, unused_blank2, tflag, t1, t2, t3) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRIA3=%s\n' % str(out)) theta_mcid = convert_theta_to_mcid(theta) data_in = [eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, theta_mcid, zoffs, tflag, t1, t2, t3] elem = CTRIA3.add_op2_data(data_in) elements.append(elem) n += ntotal return n, elements def _read_ctria3_56(self, card_obj, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: r""" CTRIA3(5959,59,282) - the marker for Record 94 eid pid n1 n2 n3 theta? ? ? ? ? 201, 35, 50000, 50001, 50101, 19.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, -1, C:\MSC.Software\msc_nastran_runs\cc179h.op2 ints = ( 5959, 59, 282, 5i f 4i 3f i eid pid n1 n2 n3 theta ? ? ? ? t1 t2 t3 201, 35, 50000, 50001, 50101, 19.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, -1, 202, 35, 50101, 50100, 50000, 19.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, -1, 203, 35, 50001, 50002, 50102, 19.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, -1, 204, 35, 50102, 50101, 50001, 19.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, -1, 205, 35, 50002, 50003, 50103, 19.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, -1, ...) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 56 * self.factor # 13*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'5i f 4i 3f i', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n)// ntotal cids = set(list(self.op2.coords.keys())) check_cids = max(cids) > 0 if len(cids) else False elements = [] for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) #print('eid=%s pid=%s n1=%s n2=%s n3=%s theta=%s zoffs=%s ' #'blank1=%s blank2=%s tflag=%s t1=%s t2=%s t3=%s' % ( #eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, theta, zoffs, #blank1, blank2, tflag, t1, t2, t3)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, theta, a, b, c, d, t1, t2, t3, minus1_mcid) = out abcd = (a, b, c, d) assert abcd == (0, 0, 0, 0), abcd if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRIA3=%s\n' % str(out)) zoffs = 0.0 tflag = 0 theta_mcid = theta if minus1_mcid != -1: theta_mcid = minus1_mcid assert theta == 0., theta if check_cids: assert minus1_mcid in cids, minus1_mcid data_in = [eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, theta_mcid, zoffs, tflag, t1, t2, t3] elem = CTRIA3.add_op2_data(data_in) elements.append(elem) n += ntotal return n, elements # CTRIAFD - 95
[docs] def read_ctria6(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ common method for reading CTRIA6 CTRIA6(4801,48,327) # MSC 2005 - GEOM201 Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(6) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points 9 THETA RS Material property orientation angle or coordinate system identification number 10 ZOFFS RS Offset from the surface of grid points reference plane 11 T(3) RS Membrane thickness of element at grid points Record 90 -- CTRIA6(4801,48,327) # MSC 2005 - GEOM2 CTRIA6(4801,48,327) Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(6) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points 9 THETA RS Material property orientation angle or coordinate system identification number 10 ZOFFS RS Offset from the surface of grid points reference plane 11 T(3) RS Membrane thickness of element at grid points 14 TFLAG I Relative thickness flag """ card_name = 'CTRIA6' card_obj = CTRIA6 methods = { 52 : self._read_ctria6_v2001_52, 56 : self._read_ctria6_current_56, 60 : self._read_ctria6_60, } try: n = self._read_double_card(card_name, card_obj, self.add_op2_element, methods, data, n) except DoubleCardError: raise #n = self._read_split_card(data, n, #self._read_ctria6_current, self._read_ctria6_v2001, #'CTRIA6', CTRIA6, self.add_op2_element) return n
[docs] def read_ctria3fd(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ data= ( 16200, 16201, 16201, 16202, 16203, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 16201, 16201, 16201, 16203, 16204, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1) - 10 """ """ Common method for reading CTRIA3s """ card_name = 'CTRIA3' card_obj = CTRIA3 methods = { 32 : self._read_ctria3fd_32, 40 : self._read_ctria3fd_40, } try: n = self._read_double_card(card_name, card_obj, self.add_op2_element, methods, data, n) except DoubleCardError: raise return n
def _read_ctria3fd_40(self, card_obj, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 40 * self.factor nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal # 10*4 assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 elements = [] s = Struct(op2._endian + b'10i') for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRIA3=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, a, minus1) = out assert (a, minus1) == (0, -1), (a, minus1) assert minus1 == -1 assert n4 == 0, out assert n5 == 0, out assert n6 == 0, out nids = [n1, n2, n3] elem = CTRIA3(eid, pid, nids, theta_mcid=0., zoffset=0., tflag=0, T1=None, T2=None, T3=None, comment='') elements.append(elem) n += ntotal return n, elements def _read_ctria3fd_32(self, card_obj, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(6) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 32 * self.factor nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal # 8*4 assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 s = Struct(op2._endian + b'8i') elements = [] for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRIA3=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6) = out assert n4 == 0, out assert n5 == 0, out assert n6 == 0, out nids = [n1, n2, n3] elem = CTRIA3(eid, pid, nids, theta_mcid=0., zoffset=0., tflag=0, T1=None, T2=None, T3=None, comment='') elements.append(elem) n += ntotal return n, elements
[docs] def read_ctriax3fd(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Common method for reading CTRIAX3 """ card_name = 'CTRIAX' card_obj = CTRIAX methods = { 32 : self._read_ctriax3fd_32, 40 : self._read_ctriax3fd_40, } try: n = self._read_double_card(card_name, card_obj, self.add_op2_element, methods, data, n) except DoubleCardError: raise return n
def _read_ctriax3fd_32(self, card_obj, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(6) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points (331, 111, 331, 332, 333, 0, 0, 0, 332, 11, 331, 333, 334, 0, 0, 0) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 s = Struct(op2._endian + b'8i') ntotal = 32 * self.factor nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal # 8*4 assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 elements = [] for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRIAX=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6) = out nids = [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6] assert n4 == 0, out assert n5 == 0, out assert n6 == 0, out elem = CTRIAX(eid, pid, nids, theta_mcid=0., comment='') elements.append(elem) n += ntotal return n, elements def _read_ctriax3fd_40(self, card_obj, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(6) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points ? ? ints = (16800, 168, 9978, eid pid n1 n2 n3 4 5 6 ? ? 16800, 16801, 16801, 16802, 16803, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 16801, 16801, 16801, 16803, 16804, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 40 * self.factor nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal # 8*4 assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 elements = [] s = Struct(op2._endian + b'10i') for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRIAX=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, dunno, minus1) = out nids = [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6] assert n4 == 0, out assert n5 == 0, out assert n6 == 0, out assert dunno == 0, dunno assert minus1 == -1, minus1 elem = CTRIAX(eid, pid, nids, theta_mcid=0., comment='') elements.append(elem) n += ntotal return n, elements
[docs] def read_ctria6fd(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Common method for reading CTRIA6s """ card_name = 'CTRIA6' card_obj = CTRIA6 methods = { 32 : self._read_ctria6fd_32, 40 : self._read_ctria6fd_40, } try: n = self._read_double_card(card_name, card_obj, self.add_op2_element, methods, data, n) except DoubleCardError: raise return n
def _read_ctria6fd_40(self, card_obj, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(6) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points ? ? ints = (16700, 167, 9981, eid pid n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 16700, 16701, 16701, 16702, 16703, 16705, 16706, 16709, 0, -1, 16701, 16701, 16701, 16703, 16704, 16709, 16707, 16708, 0, -1) """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 40 * self.factor s = Struct(op2._endian + b'10i') nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal # 8*4 assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 elements = [] for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRIA6=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, dunno, minus1) = out assert dunno == 0, dunno assert minus1 == -1, minus1 nids = [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6] #out = (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, theta, zoffs, t1, t2, t3, 0) elem = CTRIA6(eid, pid, nids, theta_mcid=0., zoffset=0., tflag=0, T1=None, T2=None, T3=None, comment='') elements.append(elem) n += ntotal return n, elements def _read_ctria6fd_32(self, card_obj, data: bytes, n: int) -> tuple[int, list[CTRIA6]]: """ Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(6) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 32 * self.factor s = Struct(op2._endian + b'8i') nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal # 8*4 assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 elements = [] for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRIA6=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6) = out nids = [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6] #out = (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, theta, zoffs, t1, t2, t3, 0) elem = CTRIA6(eid, pid, nids, theta_mcid=0., zoffset=0., tflag=0, T1=None, T2=None, T3=None, comment='') elements.append(elem) n += ntotal return n, elements def _read_ctria6_60(self, card_obj, data: bytes, n: int) -> tuple[int, list[CTRIA6]]: """ CTRIA6(4801,48,327) - the marker for Record 96 Record 90 -- CTRIA6(4801,48,327) # MSC 2005 - GEOM2 Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(6) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points 9 THETA RS Material property orientation angle or coordinate system identification number 10 ZOFFS RS Offset from the surface of grid points reference plane 11 T(3) RS Membrane thickness of element at grid points 14 TFLAG I Relative thickness flag -1 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 60 * self.factor # 15*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'8i 5f i i', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 elements = [] for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRIA6=%s\n' % str(out)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, theta, zoffs, t1, t2, t3, tflag, minus1) = out #print('eid=%s pid=%s nids[%s, %s %s] theta=%s zoffs=%s ' #'tflag=%s t1=%s t2=%s t3=%s' % ( #eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, theta, zoffs, #tflag, t1, t2, t3)) tflag, minus1 = out[-2:] assert minus1 == -1'ctria6 tflag = %s' % tflag) #print(minus1) data_in = [eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, theta, zoffs, t1, t2, t3, tflag] elem = CTRIA6.add_op2_data(data_in) self.add_op2_element(elem) assert tflag in [-1, 0, 1], tflag elements.append(elem) n += ntotal return n, elements def _read_ctria6_current_56(self, card_obj, data: bytes, n: int) -> tuple[int, list[CTRIA6]]: """ CTRIA6(4801,48,327) - the marker for Record 96 Record 90 -- CTRIA6(4801,48,327) # MSC 2005 - GEOM2 Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(6) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points 9 THETA RS Material property orientation angle or coordinate system identification number 10 ZOFFS RS Offset from the surface of grid points reference plane 11 T(3) RS Membrane thickness of element at grid points 14 TFLAG I Relative thickness flag """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 56 * self.factor # 14*4 nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 elements = [] s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'8i 5f i', self.size)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRIA6=%s\n' % str(out)) #print('eid=%s pid=%s n1=%s n2=%s n3=%s theta=%s zoffs=%s ' #'blank1=%s blank2=%s tflag=%s t1=%s t2=%s t3=%s' % ( #eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, theta, zoffs, #blank1, blank2, tflag, t1, t2, t3)) #(eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, theta, zoffs, t1, t2, t3, tflag) = out tflag = out[-1]'ctria6 tflag = %s' % tflag) elem = CTRIA6.add_op2_data(out) self.add_op2_element(elem) assert tflag in [-1, 0, 1], tflag elements.append(elem) n += ntotal return n, elements def _read_ctria6_v2001_52(self, card_obj, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CTRIA6(4801,48,327) - the marker for Record 96 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(6) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points 9 THETA RS Material property orientation angle or coordinate system identification number 10 ZOFFS RS Offset from the surface of grid points reference plane 11 T(3) RS Membrane thickness of element at grid points 14 TFLAG I Relative thickness flag """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 52 * self.factor s = Struct(op2._endian + b'8i 5f') nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal # 13*4 assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 elements = [] for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + 52] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRIA6=%s\n' % str(out)) #print('eid=%s pid=%s n1=%s n2=%s n3=%s theta=%s zoffs=%s ' #'blank1=%s blank2=%s tflag=%s t1=%s t2=%s t3=%s' % ( #eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, theta, zoffs, #blank1, blank2, tflag, t1, t2, t3)) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, theta, zoffs, t1, t2, t3) = out out = (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, theta, zoffs, t1, t2, t3, 0) elem = CTRIA6.add_op2_data(out) elements.append(elem) n += ntotal return n, elements # CTRIA6FD # CTRIAP
[docs] def read_ctriar(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CTRIAR(9200,92,385) - the marker for Record 99 """ card_name = 'CTRIAR' card_obj = CTRIAR methods = { # nbytes 52 : self._read_ctriar_13, 56 : self._read_ctriar_14, } try: n = self._read_double_card(card_name, card_obj, self.add_op2_element, methods, data, n) except DoubleCardError: raise #self.op2.log.warning(f'try-except {card_name}') #n = self._read_split_card(data, n, #self._read_cquad8_current, self._read_cquad8_v2001, #card_name, op2.add_op2_element) #nelements = op2.card_count['CQUAD8'] #op2.log.debug(f'nCQUAD8 = {nelements}') #n = self._read_dual_card(data, n, self._read_ctriax_8, self._read_ctriax_9, #'CTRIAX', op2.add_op2_element) return n
def _read_ctriar_13(self, element: CTRIAR, data: bytes, n: int) -> tuple[int, list[CTRIAR]]: op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 52 * self.factor # 13*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'5iff3i3f', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 elements = [] for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] #self.show_data(data[n:n+ntotal+40]) out = s.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, theta, zoffs, unused_blank1, unused_blank2, tflag, t1, t2, t3) = out #print('eid=%s pid=%s nodes=(%s,%s,%s) theta=%s zoffs=%s ' #'blank1=%s blank2=%s tflag=%s t1-t3=(%s,%s,%s)' % ( #eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, theta, zoffs, #unused_blank1, unused_blank2, tflag, t1, t2, t3)) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRIAR=%s\n' % str(out)) data_in = [eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, theta, zoffs, tflag, t1, t2, t3] elem = CTRIAR.add_op2_data(data_in) elements.append(elem) n += ntotal return n, elements def _read_ctriar_14(self, element: CTRIAR, data: bytes, n: int) -> tuple[int, list[CTRIAR]]: """same as ``read_ctriar_13`` but with a -1 to change the format""" op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 56 * self.factor # 14*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'5iff3i3f i', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n)// ntotal assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 elements = [] for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, theta, zoffs, unused_blank1, unused_blank2, tflag, t1, t2, t3, minus1) = out #print('eid=%s pid=%s nodes=(%s,%s,%s) theta=%s zoffs=%s ' #'blank1=%s blank2=%s tflag=%s t1-t3=(%s,%s,%s)' % ( #eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, theta, zoffs, #unused_blank1, unused_blank2, tflag, t1, t2, t3)) assert minus1 == -1, minus1 if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRIAR=%s\n' % str(out)) data_in = [eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, theta, zoffs, tflag, t1, t2, t3] elem = CTRIAR.add_op2_data(data_in) elements.append(elem) n += ntotal return n, elements #def _read_ctriax_b(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: # pragma: no cover #""" #CTRIAX 341 11 341 342 343 345 346 349 +TX1 #+TX1 12 #CTRIAX 342 111 341 343 344 349 347 348 #(341, 11, 341, 342, 343, 345, 346, 349, #342, 111, 341, 343, 344, 349, 347, 348) #""" #ntotal = 32 # 8*4 #nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal #struc = Struct(op2._endian + b'8i') #for unused_i in range(nentries): #edata = data[n:n + 32] #out = struc.unpack(edata) #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRIAX=%s\n' % str(out)) #eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6 = out #nids = [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6] #elem = CTRIAX(eid, pid, nids, theta_mcid=0., comment='') #op2.add_op2_element(elem) #n += 32 #op2.card_count['CTRIAX'] = nentries #return n
[docs] def read_ctriax(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """common method for reading CTRIAXs""" card_name = 'CTRIAX' card_obj = CTRIAX methods = { 32 : self._read_ctriax_8, 36 : self._read_ctriax_9, 40 : self._read_ctriax_10, } try: n = self._read_double_card(card_name, card_obj, self.add_op2_element, methods, data, n) except DoubleCardError: raise #self.op2.log.warning(f'try-except {card_name}') #n = self._read_split_card(data, n, #self._read_cquad8_current, self._read_cquad8_v2001, #card_name, op2.add_op2_element) #nelements = op2.card_count['CQUAD8'] #op2.log.debug(f'nCQUAD8 = {nelements}') #n = self._read_dual_card(data, n, self._read_ctriax_8, self._read_ctriax_9, #'CTRIAX', op2.add_op2_element) return n
def _read_ctriax_8(self, card_obj, data: bytes, n: int) -> tuple[int, list[CTRIAX]]: """(10108, 101, 512)""" op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 32 * self.factor # 9*4 struc = Struct(op2._endian + b'8i') nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 assert nentries > 0 elems = [] for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struc.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRIAX=%s\n' % str(out)) eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6 = out nids = [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6] elem = CTRIAX(eid, pid, nids, theta_mcid=0., comment='no theta set') elems.append(elem) n += ntotal return n, elems def _read_ctriax_9(self, card_obj, data: bytes, n: int) -> tuple[int, list[CTRIAX]]: """(10108, 101, 512)""" op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 36 * self.factor # 9*4 struc = Struct(op2._endian + b'9i') nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 assert nentries > 0 elems = [] for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struc.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRIAX=%s\n' % str(out)) eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, unused_undef1 = out nids = [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6] elem = CTRIAX(eid, pid, nids, theta_mcid=0., comment='no theta set') elems.append(elem) n += ntotal return n, elems def _read_ctriax_10(self, card_obj, data: bytes, n: int) -> tuple[int, list[CTRIAX]]: r"""(10108, 101, 512) C:\MSC.Software\msc_nastran_runs\el705ce.op2 data = (16900, 169, 9977, eid pid n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 ? ? 16900, 16901, 16901, 16902, 16903, 16905, 16906, 16909, 0, -1, 16901, 16901, 16901, 16903, 16904, 16909, 16907, 16908, 0, -1 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 40 * self.factor # 10*4 struc = Struct(op2._endian + b'10i') nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 assert nentries > 0 elems = [] for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struc.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRIAX=%s\n' % str(out)) eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, dunno, minus1 = out assert dunno == 0, dunno assert minus1 == -1, minus1 nids = [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6] elem = CTRIAX(eid, pid, nids, theta_mcid=0., comment='no theta set') elems.append(elem) n += ntotal return n, elems
[docs] def read_ctriax6(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: # 101 """(6108, 61, 107)""" op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 44 * self.factor # 11*4 nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 assert nentries > 0 struc = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'8i f ii', self.size)) for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struc.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRIAX6=%s\n' % str(out)) elem = CTRIAX6.add_op2_data(out) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CTRIAX6'] = nentries return n
# CTRIX3FD - 102 # CTRIX6FD - 103
[docs] def read_gmbndc(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ GMBNDC(3201,32,478) Word Name Type Description 1 BID I Boundary identification number 2 GRIDI I Initial grid identification number for boundary 3 GRIDF I Final grid identification number for boundary 4 ENTITY(2) CHAR4 Entity type for defining boundary 6 EID I Entity identification numbers for boundary of subdomain Word 6 repeats until End of Record """ raise UnsupportedCard('GMNBDC')
#op2: OP2Geom = self.op2'geom skipping GMBNDC in GEOM2') ##self.show_data(data) ##(1, 31, 32, GRID____, -1, ##2, 41, 42, GRID____, -1) ##ints= (3201, 32, 478, ## 2, 41, 42, 1145390406, 538985799, 41, -1, ## 990003, 101000045, 101000046, 1145655879, 538976288, 101000045, 101000046, -1) #ints = np.frombuffer(data[n:], op2.idtype) # .tolist() #isplit = np.where(ints == -1)[0] #nelements = len(isplit) #i0 = 0 #for ispliti in isplit: #eid, gridi, gridf = ints[i0:i0+3] ##print(eid, gridi, gridf) #s0 = n + (i0 + 3) * 4 #s1 = s0 + 8 #entity = data[s0:s1].decode('latin1').rstrip() #eids = ints[i0+5:ispliti] #assert entity in ['FEEDGE', 'GRID', 'GMCURV', 'GMCURVE'], f'entity={entity!r}' ##print(eids) #i0 = ispliti + 1 #op2.card_count['GMBNDC'] = nelements #return len(data)
[docs] def read_ctube(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CTUBE(3701,37,49) - the marker for Record 104 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 16 * self.factor # 4*4 struct_4i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'4i', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 assert nelements > 0 for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_4i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTUBE=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, pid, n1, n2) = out elem = CTUBE.add_op2_data(out) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CTUBE'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cvisc(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """CVISC(3901,39,50) - the marker for Record 105""" op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 16 * self.factor # 4*4 struct_4i = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'4i', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 assert nelements > 0 for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_4i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CVISC=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid, pid, n1, n2) = out element = CVISC.add_op2_data(out) self.add_op2_element(element) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CVISC'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cweld(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CWELD(11701,117,559) - Record 106 same as CFAST """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2'geom skipping CWELD in GEOM2') if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('geom skipping CWELD in GEOM2\n') return len(data)
[docs] def read_cweldc(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: # 107 op2: OP2Geom = self.op2'geom skipping CWELDC in GEOM2') if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('geom skipping CWELDC in GEOM2\n') return len(data)
[docs] def read_cweldg(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: # 108 op2: OP2Geom = self.op2'geom skipping CWELDG in GEOM2') if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('geom skipping CWELDG in GEOM2\n') return len(data)
# TDOO: above are checked by DMAP... #------------------------------- # CWSEAM
[docs] def read_genel(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: r""" Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 UI I Independent grid point identification number 3 CI I Component number Words 2 through 3 repeat until End of Record 4 M(C) I Number of rows and columns in K or Z and rows in S 5 UD I Dependent grid point identification number 6 CD I Component number Words 5 through 6 repeat until End of Record 7 N(C) I Number of columns in S 8 F I 1 means Z, 2 means K 9 KZIJ RS Lower triangular terms of the K or Z matrix. See Notes. Word 9 repeats MM times 10 NZERO(C) I NZERO =1 Actually " 0" 11 SIJ RS Terms of the S matrix Word 11 repeats M times Word 11 repeats N times NZERO =0 End NZERO 12 UNDEF none Word 12 repeats until End of Record # C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\ha145c.op2 (432, # eid 1, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 5, 3, 6, 3, 7, 3, 8, 3, 9, 3, 10, 3, -1, # (ui,ci) 10, # M(c) 11, 3, 11, 4, 11, 5, 11, 6, -1, # (ud,cd) 4, 1, # N(c), f, KZij...floats...) (6.05360936588321e-43, 1, 3, 2.802596928649634e-45, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 7.006492321624085e-45, 3, 8.407790785948902e-45, 3, 9.80908925027372e-45, 3, 1.1210387714598537e-44, 3, 1.2611686178923354e-44, 3, 1.401298464324817e-44, 3, nan, 1.401298464324817e-44, 1.5414283107572988e-44, 3, 1.5414283107572988e-44, 4, 1.5414283107572988e-44, 7.006492321624085e-45, 1.5414283107572988e-44, 8.407790785948902e-45, nan, 4, 1, 8.71720021677902e-06, 1.3361000128497835e-06, 1.2778000382240862e-05, 6.272000064200256e-06, 1.6251000488409773e-05, 1.0492000001249835e-05, 2.0478000806178898e-05, 1.562999932502862e-05, 2.428500010864809e-05, 2.0403000235091895e-05, 3.086099968641065e-05, 6.272000064200256e-06, 3.229700087103993e-05, 1.0492000001249835e-05, 3.352899875608273e-05, 1.562999932502862e-05, 3.502099934848957e-05, 2.025700086960569e-05, 3.578500036383048e-05, 2.7731999580282718e-05, 1.572600012877956e-05, 4.825499854632653e-05, 3.762800042750314e-05, 7.328399806283414e-05, 6.433799717342481e-05, 9.580999903846532e-05, 8.837800123728812e-05, 6.374900112859905e-05, 3.762800042750314e-05, 8.013600017875433e-05, 6.433799717342481e-05, 0.00010011999984271824, 8.837800123728812e-05, 0.00011811000149464235, 0.00012758000229950994, 0.00011344000085955486, 0.00019350000366102904, 0.0001816000003600493, 0.0002528300101403147, 0.00024294000468216836, 0.0001699900021776557, 0.0001816000003600493, 0.000229199999012053, 0.00024294000468216836, 0.0002824899856932461, 0.00036862000706605613, 0.00035051998565904796, 0.0005267499946057796, 0.0005117100081406534, 0.00042292001307941973, 0.0005117100081406534, 0.0005718700122088194, 0.0008483999990858138, 0.0008233999833464622, 0.0009233999880962074, 4, 1.0, 90.0, -20.25, 45.0, 1.0, 90.0, 81.0, 45.0, 1.0, 186.0, -17.850000381469727, 141.0, 1.0, 186.0, 71.4000015258789, 141.0, 1.0, 268.0, -15.800000190734863, 223.0, 1.0, 268.0, 63.20000076293945, 223.0, 1.0, 368.0, -13.300000190734863, 323.0, 1.0, 368.0, 53.20000076293945, 323.0, 1.0, 458.0, -11.050000190734863, 413.0, 1.0, 458.0, 44.20000076293945, 413.0) """'geom skipping GENEL in GEOM2')'geom skipping GENEL in GEOM2; len(data)={len(data)-12}') #print(n) ints = np.frombuffer(data[n:], dtype='int32').copy() #floats = np.frombuffer(data[n:], dtype='float32').copy() i = 0 while i < len(ints): #1 EID I Element identification number eid = ints[i] iminus1 = np.where(ints[i+1:] == -1)[0] #print('iminus1', iminus1) idelta0 = iminus1[0] idelta1 = iminus1[1] # print('idelta0', idelta0) uc = ints[i+1:i+1+idelta0].reshape(idelta0//2, 2) print(uc) j = i + 1 + idelta0 + 1 #2 UI I Independent grid point identification number #3 CI I Component number #Words 2 through 3 repeat until End of Record nrows = ints[j] print('nrows=', nrows) mucd = ints[j:i+1+idelta1] mc = mucd[0] nucd = len(mucd) - 1 ucd = mucd[1:].reshape(nucd//2, 2) print(f'M(c) = {mc}') print(ucd) i = i + 1 + idelta1 + 1 #4 M(C) I Number of rows and columns in K or Z and rows in S #5 UD I Dependent grid point identification number #6 CD I Component number #Words 5 through 6 repeat until End of Record # --------------- print('-----------------') #7 N(C) I Number of columns in S (4) #8 F I 1 means Z, 2 means K -> Z #9 KZIJ RS Lower triangular terms of the K or Z matrix. See Notes. #Word 9 repeats MM times # 10 NZERO(C) I # NZERO =1 Actually " 0" # 11 SIJ RS Terms of the S matrix # Word 11 repeats M times # Word 11 repeats N times # NZERO =0 #End NZERO #12 UNDEF none #Word 12 repeats until End of Record nc = ints[i] f = ints[i+1] i += 2 print(f'nc={nc} f={f}') #print(ints[i:].min()) #print(ints[i+55]) #print(floats[i:i+55].tolist()) #print(ints[i+55:].tolist()) #print(ints[i:].tolist()) #print(floats[i:]) #print(len(floats[i:])) break #self.show_data(data[12:]) return len(data)
[docs] def read_micpnt(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ RECORD – MICPNT(2801,28,630) Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 GID I Fluid grid identification number 3 DESC(12) CHAR4 Description - 48 characters maximum """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 #size = self.size struc = Struct(op2._endian + b'2i 48s') ntotal = 8 + 48 nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 assert nelements > 0 for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] # 4*4 out = struc.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' MICPNT=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid,n1,n2) = out eid, node_id, name_bytes = out name = name_bytes.decode('latin1').rstrip() op2.add_micpnt(eid, node_id, name) n += ntotal op2.card_count['MICPNT'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_plotel(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: # 114 """(5201, 52, 11)""" op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 struct_3i = Struct(op2._endian + b'3i') ntotal = 12 * self.factor nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 assert nelements > 0 for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] # 4*4 out = struct_3i.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' PLOTEL=%s\n' % str(out)) #(eid,n1,n2) = out elem = PLOTEL.add_op2_data(out) op2._add_methods._add_plotel_object(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['PLOTEL'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_radbc(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ RADBC(12801,128,417) Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 FAMB RS Radiation view factor between the face and the ambient point 3 CNTRLND I Control point for radiation boundary condition 4 NODAMB I """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 #C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\ht15339.op2 #(-99, 1.0, 0, 101) #radbc 101 1.0 -99 #RADBC NODAMB FAMB CNTRLND EID1 EID2 EID3 structi = Struct(op2._endian + b'ifii') ntotal = 16 * self.factor nelements = (len(data) - n) // ntotal assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 assert nelements > 0 for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] # 4*4 out = structi.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' RADBC=%s\n' % str(out)) eid, famb, cntrlnd, nodamb = out eids = eid boundary_condition = RADBC(nodamb, famb, cntrlnd, eids) op2._add_methods._add_thermal_bc_object(boundary_condition, boundary_condition.nodamb) n += ntotal op2.card_count['RADBC'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_sint(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 PTELE I Pointer to element identification number 4 NSEG I Number of segments 5 STSC I Stride for segment displacement data 6 PTSC I Pointer to segment displacements 7 NBOUND I Number of boundaries 8 BID I Boundary identification number 9 NFACE I Number of faces 10 STBC I Stride for boundary displacement data 11 NSEG I Number of segments 12 STLC1 I Stride for Boundary Lagrange Multiplier data 13 PTBND I Pointer to boundary identification number 14 PTBC I Pointer to boundary displacements 15 PTLC I Pointer to boundary Lagrange Multipliers Words 8 through 15 repeat 5 times 16 UNDEF(3 ) none """'geom skipping SINT in GEOM2') # C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\ifscp88.op2 # doesn't seem to be a card, more of a general info on the geometry... #ints = np.frombuffer(data[n:], dtype=op2.idtype).copy() #print(ints.tolist()) return len(data)
[docs] def read_spoint(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ (5551,49,105) - the marker for Record 118 """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 4 * self.factor npoints = (len(data) - n) // ntotal nids = np.frombuffer(data[n:], op2.idtype8).tolist() if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('SPOINT=%s\n' % nids) spoint = SPOINTs.add_op2_data(nids) op2._add_methods._add_spoint_object(spoint) op2.card_count['SPOINT'] = npoints return len(data)
[docs] def read_vubeam(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: # 119 """(11601, 116, 9942)""" deltae = 100000000 #deltan = 111000000 # 111001002 def element(eid, pid, nids): x = [1., 0., 0.] g0 = None nids2 = [nid - deltae for nid in nids] elem = CBEAM(eid-deltae, pid, nids2, x, g0) return elem element.type = 'CBEAM' # I love python self._run_2nodes(element, data, n) #assert len(self.elements) > 0, self.elements return n
[docs] def read_ctrax3(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ RECORD - CTRAX3(6111,61,996) Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(3) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points 4 THETA RS Material property orientation angle """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 24 * self.factor # 6*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'5if', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n)// ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, theta) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRAX3=%s\n' % str(out)) #data_in = [eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, theta] elem = CTRAX3(eid, pid, [n1, n2, n3], theta) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CTRAX3'] = nelements return n
#def _read_cquadx4(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int:'geom skipping CQUADX4 in GEOM2') #return len(data)
[docs] def read_ctrax6(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ RECORD - CTRAX6(6113, 61, 998) Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(6) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points 4 THETA RS Material property orientation angle """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 36 * self.factor # 9*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'8if', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n)// ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, theta) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CTRAX6=%s\n' % str(out)) #data_in = [eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, theta] elem = CTRAX6(eid, pid, [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6], theta) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CTRAX6'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_cquadx8(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ RECORD - CQUADX8(6114, 61, 999) Word Name Type Description 1 EID I Element identification number 2 PID I Property identification number 3 G(8) I Grid point identification numbers of connection points 4 THETA RS Material property orientation angle """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 ntotal = 44 * self.factor # 11*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'10if', self.size)) nelements = (len(data) - n)// ntotal for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) (eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, theta) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' CQUADX8=%s\n' % str(out)) #data_in = [eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, theta] elem = CQUADX8(eid, pid, [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8], theta) self.add_op2_element(elem) n += ntotal op2.card_count['CQUADX8'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_feface_pval(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: r""" C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\pshp02.bdf ints = ( 100001001, 100, 111001001, 111001002, 111001004, 111001007, 111001008, 111001010, 100001002, 100, 111001002, 111001003, 111001005, 111001008, 111001009, 111001011, 100001003, 100, 111001005, 111001004, 111001002, 111001011, 111001010, 111001008, 100001004, 100, 111001004, 111001005, 111001006, 111001010, 111001011, 111001012, 100001005, 100, 111001007, 111001008, 111001010, 111001013, 111001014, 111001016, 100001006, 100, 111001008, 111001009, 111001011, 111001014, 111001015, 111001017, 100001007, 100, 111001011, 111001010, 111001008, 111001017, 111001016, 111001014, 100001008, 100, 111001010, 111001011, 111001012, 111001016, 111001017, 111001018, 100002001, 100, 111002001, 111002002, 111002004, 111002007, 111002008, 111002010, 100002002, 100, 111002002, 111002003, 111002005, 111002008, 111002009, 111002011, 100002003, 100, 111002005, 111002004, 111002002, 111002011, 111002010, 111002008, 100002004, 100, 111002004, 111002005, 111002006, 111002010, 111002011, 111002012, 100002005, 100, 111002007, 111002008, 111002010, 111002013, 111002014, 111002016, 100002006, 100, 111002008, 111002009, 111002011, 111002014, 111002015, 111002017, 100002007, 100, 111002011, 111002010, 111002008, 111002017, 111002016, 111002014, 100002008, 100, 111002010, 111002011, 111002012, 111002016, 111002017, 111002018) C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\pet1126.op2 ints = ( 100001001, 1, 111001001, 111001002, 111001004, 111001007, 111001008, 111001010, 100001002, 1, 111001002, 111001003, 111001005, 111001008, 111001009, 111001011, 100001003, 1, 111001005, 111001004, 111001002, 111001011, 111001010, 111001008, 100001004, 1, 111001004, 111001005, 111001006, 111001010, 111001011, 111001012, 100001005, 1, 111001007, 111001008, 111001010, 111001013, 111001014, 111001016, 100001006, 1, 111001008, 111001009, 111001011, 111001014, 111001015, 111001017, 100001007, 1, 111001011, 111001010, 111001008, 111001017, 111001016, 111001014, 100001008, 1, 111001010, 111001011, 111001012, 111001016, 111001017, 111001018) """ #self.show_data(data[12:]) return len(data)
[docs] def read_feedge2(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ (2901, 29, 9601) Word Name Type Description 1 EDGEID I Edge identification number 2 GRID1 I Identification number of end GRID 1 3 GRID2 I Identification number of end GRID 2 4 CID I Coordinate system identification number 5 GEOMIN CHAR4 Type of referencing entry: "GMCURV" or "POINT" 6 GEOMID1 I Identification number of a POINT or GMCURV entry 7 GEOMID2 I Identification number of a POINT or GMCURV entry """ op2: OP2Geom = self.op2 # C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\phsflux4.op2 #(200000002, 3, 1002, 6, 12, 0, 0) # FEEDGE EDGEID GRID1 GRID2 CIDBC GEOMIN ID1 ID2 #FEEDGE 1002 6 12 # no FEFACE... # weird because the order is wrong and there are two extra FEFACE lines #C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\phs19332.op2 #(200000002, 3, 2, 74, 57, 24, 0) #(200000003, 3, 1, 7, 24, 57, 0) #FEFACE 1 7 24 57 #FEFACE 2 74 57 24 #FEFACE 3 1 51 18 #FEFACE 4 68 18 51 # C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\ptsahd.op2 #feedge,311, 311,331, ,gmcurv,31 #feedge,321, 331,321, ,gmcurv,31 #feface,21, 121,122,126,125,,12 #feface,22, 125,126,123, ,,12 #feface,23, 124,123,126, ,,12 #(200000004, 5, 12, 121, 122, 126, 125) #(200000004, 5, 12, 123, 124, 126, 0) #(200000004, 5, 12, 123, 125, 126, 0) #(200000002, 4, 22, 221, 222, 0, 0) #(200000003, 1, 321, 321, 0, 0, 0) #(200000005, 3, 22, 125, 126, 123, 0) #(200000006, 3, 23, 124, 123, 126, 0) # C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\phscvhg6.op2 #C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\phsconv4.op2 #self.show_data(data[12:]) ntotal = 28 * self.factor # 7*4 # s = Struct(op2._endian + b'4i 4s 2i') #expected s = Struct(op2._endian + b'7i') ndatai = len(data) - n nelements = ndatai // ntotal # 7*4 assert ndatai % ntotal == 0 for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] n += ntotal out = s.unpack(edata) #print(out) #edge_id, n1, n2, cid, geomin, geom1, geom2 = out # expected dunno, nfields, edge_id, n1, n2, n3, n4 = out assert nfields in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], out #assert zero1 == 0, f'zero1={zero1} out={out}' #assert zero2 == 0, f'zero2={zero2} out={out}' if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' FEEDGE=%s\n' % str(out)) geomin_str = 'POINT' # ??? cid = 0 geom1 = 0 geom2 = 0 if nfields == 2: edge = FEEDGE(edge_id, [n1, n2], cid, [geom1, geom2], geomin=geomin_str) if edge_id in op2.feedge: edge_old = op2.feedge[edge_id] if edge != edge_old: msg = f'Duplicate FEEDGE\nold:\n{edge_old}\nnew:\n{edge}' raise RuntimeError(msg) continue feedge = op2.add_feedge(edge_id, [n1, n2], cid, [geom1, geom2], geomin=geomin_str) str(feedge) #elif nfields in [3, 4, 5]: #if nfields == 3: #nids = [n1, n2] #elif nfields == 4: #nids = [n1, n2, n3] #elif nfields == 5: #nids = [n1, n2, n3, n4] ##elem = FEFACE(edge_id, nids) #data_in = [eid, pid, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, theta] # elem = CQUADX8(eid, pid, [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8], theta) # self.add_op2_element(elem) op2.card_count['FEEDGE'] = nelements return n
[docs] def read_gmbnds(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Word Name Type Description 1 BID I Boundary identification number 2 GRIDC(4) I Corner grid 1 6 ENTITY(2) CHAR4 Entity type for defining boundary 8 EID I Entity identification numbers for boundary of subdomain Word 8 repeats until End of Record """ raise UnsupportedCard('GMBNDS')
#op2: OP2Geom = self.op2'geom skipping GMBNDS in GEOM2') ##(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'FEFACE ', 31, -1) #ints = np.frombuffer(data[n:], dtype=op2.idtype).copy() #iminus1 = np.where(ints == -1)[0] #i0 = 0 #for iminus1i in iminus1: #bid, n1, n2, n3, n4 = ints[i0:i0+5] #s0 = n + (i0 + 5) * 4 #s1 = s0 + 8 #entity = data[s0:s1].decode('latin1').rstrip() #assert entity in ['FEFACE', 'GMSURF', 'GRID'], (bid, n1, n2, n3, n4, entity) #assert bid >= 0, (bid, n1, n2, n3, n4, entity) #eids = ints[i0+7:iminus1i] ##print(bid, n1, n2, n3, n4) ##print('entity = %r' % entity) ##print(eid) ##print('-----') #i0 = iminus1i + 1 #return len(data)
[docs] def read_cngret(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: # C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\bpas101.op2 # C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\pass8.op2 return len(data)
[docs] def read_adapt(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: # pragma: no cover raise UnsupportedCard('GMCORD')'geom skipping ADAPT card in GEOM2') return len(data)
[docs] def read_cseam_maybe(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ 564 / 4 = 141 141 3, 47 ints = ( 77, 2011808, 77, 2007308, 8, 100001002, 4007101, 100001003, 4007101, 100001004, 4007101, 100001005, 4007101, 100001006, 4007101, 100001007, 4007101, 100001008, 4007101, 100001009, 4007101, 78, 2011808, 78, 2007308, 4, 100001010, 4007101, 100001011, 4007101, 100001012, 4007101, 100001013, 4007101, 79, 2011808, 79, 2007308, 4, 100001014, 4007101, 100001015, 4007101, 100001016, 4007101, 100001017, 4007101, 87, 2011808, 87, 2007308, 8, 100001018, 4007101, 100001019, 4007101, 100001020, 4007101, 100001021, 4007101, 100001022, 4007101, 100001023, 4007101, 100001024, 4007101, 100001025, 4007101, 88, 2011808, 88, 2007308, 4, 100001026, 4007101, 100001027, 4007101, 100001028, 4007101, 100001029, 4007101, 89, 2011808, 89, 2007308, 4, 100001030, 4007101, 100001031, 4007101, 100001032, 4007101, 100001033, 4007101, 97, 2011808, 97, 2007308, 8, 100001034, 4007101, 100001035, 4007101, 100001036, 4007101, 100001037, 4007101, 100001038, 4007101, 100001039, 4007101, 100001040, 4007101, 100001041, 4007101, # 2*8 98, 2011808, 98, 2007308, 4, 100001042, 4007101, 100001043, 4007101, 100001044, 4007101, 100001045, 4007101, # 2*4 99, 2011808, 99, 2007308, 4, 100001046, 4007101, 100001047, 4007101, 100001048, 4007101, 100001049, 4007101) # 2*4 """'geom skipping CSEAM? card in GEOM2') #self.show_data(data[n:], types='ifqds') #self.show_data(data[n+4:], types='qd') #ntotal = 44 * self.factor # 11*4 ##s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'10if', self.size)) #nelements = (len(data) - n)// ntotal #for unused_i in range(nelements): #edata = data[n:n+ntotal] ##out = s.unpack(edata) #n += ntotal #aaa return len(data)
[docs] def convert_theta_to_mcid(theta): """odd function...""" # sort of guessed at this seems reasonable-ish if theta > 511.: # per couldn't make a new record number? # theta = 512. * (cid + 1) # theta/512 = cid + 1 # cid = theta/512. - 1 # cid_float = theta / 512. - 1 cid = int(cid_float) assert np.allclose(cid, cid_float), 'theta=%s cid=%s cid_float=%s' % (theta, cid, cid_float) theta = cid return theta
[docs] def get_minus_4_index(idata): """helper for ``get_minus_4_index``""" #print('idata =', idata) i = np.where((idata == -4) | (idata == -3))[0] if len(i) == 0: return len(idata) return i[0]