BDF Introduction

The Jupyter notebook for this demo can be found in: - docs/quick_start/demo/bdf_demo.ipynb -

Import pyNastran

import os
import pyNastran
print (pyNastran.__file__)
print (pyNastran.__version__)
pkg_path = pyNastran.__path__[0]

from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import BDF, read_bdf
from pyNastran.utils import object_attributes, object_methods

print("pkg_path = %s" % pkg_path)

Let’s load the iSat model into the pyNastranGUI

it’s a .dat file, so instead of:

>>> pyNastranGUI -i bdf_filename

we need to include the format:

>>> pyNastranGUI -f nastran -i bdf_filename

Alternatively, we could load the model and the results, but in this demo we’re just showing off the geometry. To do that instead:

>>> pyNastranGUI -f nastran -i bdf_filename -o op2_filename
bdf_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pkg_path, '..', 'models', 'iSat', 'ISat_Launch_Sm_Rgd.dat'))
#bdf_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pkg_path, '..', 'models', 'iSat', 'ISat_Dploy_Sm.dat'))

# look at the model
!pyNastranGUI -f nastran -i {bdf_filename} > junk.out

Loading a BDF

There are two ways to load a BDF; the long way or the short way.

The short way instantiates the ``BDF`` class and the short way uses the ``read_bdf`` function. As this demo was written for the Jupyter Notebook, we’ll use ``read_bdf`` and then mention the other method. The class-based method allows finer control over things like: - what cards should be loaded - OpenMDAO dynamic syntax support

The class-based method


# create the BDF object
bdf = BDF()

# read the file from the GUI
# don't cross-reference
bdf.read_bdf(bdf_filename, xref=False)
DEBUG: ---starting BDF.read_bdf of c:\nasa\m4\formats\git\pynastran_1.2\models\iSat\ISat_Launch_Sm_Rgd.dat--- DEBUG: opening 'c:\\nasa\\m4\\formats\\git\\pynastran_1.2\\models\\iSat\\ISat_Launch_Sm_Rgd.dat' DEBUG: ---finished BDF.read_bdf of c:\nasa\m4\formats\git\pynastran_1.2\models\iSat\ISat_Launch_Sm_Rgd.dat---

The function-based method

bdf = read_bdf(bdf_filename, xref=False)
DEBUG: ---starting BDF.read_bdf of c:\nasa\m4\formats\git\pynastran_1.2\models\iSat\ISat_Launch_Sm_Rgd.dat--- DEBUG: opening 'c:\\nasa\\m4\\formats\\git\\pynastran_1.2\\models\\iSat\\ISat_Launch_Sm_Rgd.dat' DEBUG: ---finished BDF.read_bdf of c:\nasa\m4\formats\git\pynastran_1.2\models\iSat\ISat_Launch_Sm_Rgd.dat---

For simplicity of using the demo, we’ll again use the read_bdf method

#bdf_filename = r'D:\work\pynastran_0.8.0_py27\models\iSat\ISat_Launch_Sm_Rgd.dat'
bdf_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pkg_path, '..', 'models', 'iSat', 'ISat_Launch_Sm_Rgd.dat'))

# read the file as a path
bdf_xref = read_bdf(bdf_filename, xref=True)
DEBUG: ---starting BDF.read_bdf of c:\nasa\m4\formats\git\pynastran_1.2\models\iSat\ISat_Launch_Sm_Rgd.dat--- DEBUG: opening 'c:\\nasa\\m4\\formats\\git\\pynastran_1.2\\models\\iSat\\ISat_Launch_Sm_Rgd.dat' DEBUG: Cross Referencing... WARNING: PSHELL pid=1 midsurface: z1=0.400000006 z2=-0.400000006 t=0.035999998 not in range of -1.5t < zi < 1.5t WARNING: PSHELL pid=2 midsurface: z1=0.400000006 z2=-0.400000006 t=0.054000005 not in range of -1.5t < zi < 1.5t WARNING: PSHELL pid=3 midsurface: z1=0.400000006 z2=-0.400000006 t=0.017999999 not in range of -1.5t < zi < 1.5t WARNING: PSHELL pid=7 midsurface: z1=0.418000013 z2=-0.418000013 t=0.035999998 not in range of -1.5t < zi < 1.5t WARNING: PSHELL pid=34 midsurface: z1=0.194000006 z2=-0.194000006 t=0.0186 not in range of -1.5t < zi < 1.5t WARNING: PSHELL pid=38 midsurface: z1=0.284000009 z2=-0.284000009 t=0.0186 not in range of -1.5t < zi < 1.5t WARNING: PSHELL pid=46 midsurface: z1=0.199000001 z2=-0.199000001 t=0.0186 not in range of -1.5t < zi < 1.5t WARNING: PSHELL pid=37 midsurface: z1=0.308999985 z2=-0.308999985 t=0.0186 not in range of -1.5t < zi < 1.5t DEBUG: ---finished BDF.read_bdf of c:\nasa\m4\formats\git\pynastran_1.2\models\iSat\ISat_Launch_Sm_Rgd.dat---

Interrogating the BDF object

IDE’s like WingIDE, PyCharm, Spyder and “Python Tools for Visual Studio” make it very easy to program with their object introspection ability. Unfortunately, because pyNastran has so many functions, it can be difficult to learn the code.

Some handy object introspection methods were created that will work on all pyNastran objects and even non-pyNastran objects. By convention, private data members/functions start with an underscore _, and public ones do not.

We can use the generic object attributes/methods functions

['MATS1', 'MATS3', 'MATS8', 'MATT1', 'MATT2', 'MATT3', 'MATT4', 'MATT5', 'MATT8', 'MATT9', 'active_filename', 'active_filenames', 'aecomps', 'aefacts', 'aelinks', 'aelists', 'aeparams', 'aero', 'aeros', 'aestats', 'aesurf', 'aesurfs', 'ao_element_flags', 'asets', 'axic', 'axif', 'baror', 'bconp', 'bcrparas', 'bcs', 'bctadds', 'bctparas', 'bctsets', 'bdf_filename', 'beamor', 'blseg', 'bsets', 'bsurf', 'bsurfs', 'cMethods', 'caero_ids', 'caeros', 'card_count', 'cards_to_read', 'case_control_deck', 'case_control_lines', 'convection_properties', 'coord_ids', 'coords', 'creep_materials', 'csets', 'csschds', 'csuper', 'csupext', 'dareas', 'dconadds', 'dconstrs', 'ddvals', 'debug', 'delays', 'dequations', 'desvars', 'divergs', 'dlinks', 'dload_entries', 'dloads', 'dmigs', 'dmijis', 'dmijs', 'dmiks', 'dmis', 'doptprm', 'dphases', 'dresps', 'dscreen', 'dtable', 'dti', 'dumplines', 'dvcrels', 'dvgrids', 'dvmrels', 'dvprels', 'echo', 'element_ids', 'elements', 'epoints', 'executive_control_lines', 'flfacts', 'flutters', 'force_echo_off', 'frequencies', 'grdset', 'gridb', 'gusts', 'hyperelastic_materials', 'include_dir', 'include_filenames', 'initial_superelement_models', 'is_bdf_vectorized', 'is_long_ids', 'is_msc', 'is_nx', 'is_superelements', 'is_zona', 'load_combinations', 'loads', 'log', 'masses', 'material_ids', 'materials', 'methods', 'mkaeros', 'monitor_points', 'mpcadds', 'mpcs', 'nastran_format', 'ncaeros', 'ncoords', 'nelements', 'nid_map', 'nlparms', 'nlpcis', 'nmaterials', 'nnodes', 'node_ids', 'nodes', 'normals', 'npoints', 'nproperties', 'nsmadds', 'nsms', 'nxstrats', 'omits', 'paeros', 'params', 'pbusht', 'pdampt', 'pelast', 'phbdys', 'plotels', 'point_ids', 'points', 'properties', 'properties_mass', 'property_ids', 'punch', 'qsets', 'radcavs', 'radmtx', 'radset', 'random_tables', 'read_includes', 'reject_cards', 'reject_count', 'reject_lines', 'rigid_elements', 'ringaxs', 'ringfl', 'rotors', 'rsolmap_to_str', 'save_file_structure', 'se_bsets', 'se_csets', 'se_qsets', 'se_sets', 'se_suport', 'se_usets', 'sebndry', 'sebulk', 'seconct', 'seelt', 'seexcld', 'selabel', 'seload', 'seloc', 'sempln', 'senqset', 'seqgp', 'setree', 'sets', 'sol', 'sol_iline', 'sol_method', 'spcadds', 'spcoffs', 'spcs', 'special_cards', 'splines', 'spoints', 'subcases', 'superelement_models', 'suport', 'suport1', 'system_command_lines', 'tables', 'tables_d', 'tables_m', 'tables_sdamping', 'tempds', 'thermal_materials', 'tics', 'transfer_functions', 'trims', 'tstepnls', 'tsteps', 'type_slot_str', 'units', 'usets', 'values_to_skip', 'view3ds', 'views', 'wtmass', 'zona']
['AEFact', 'AELIST', 'AELink', 'AEList', 'AEParam', 'AEStat', 'AESurf', 'Acsid', 'Aero', 'Aeros', 'CAero', 'CMethod', 'Coord', 'DAREA', 'DConstr', 'DDVal', 'DELAY', 'DEQATN', 'DLoad', 'DMIG', 'DPHASE', 'DResp', 'DVcrel', 'DVmrel', 'DVprel', 'Desvar', 'Element', 'Elements', 'EmptyNode', 'EmptyNodes', 'FLFACT', 'Flutter', 'Gust', 'HyperelasticMaterial', 'Load', 'MPC', 'Mass', 'Material', 'Materials', 'Method', 'NLParm', 'NSM', 'Node', 'Nodes', 'PAero', 'Phbdy', 'Point', 'Points', 'Properties', 'Property', 'PropertyMass', 'RandomTable', 'RigidElement', 'SET1', 'SPC', 'Set', 'Spline', 'StructuralMaterial', 'Table', 'TableD', 'TableM', 'ThermalMaterial', 'add_accel', 'add_accel1', 'add_acsrce', 'add_aecomp', 'add_aecompl', 'add_aefact', 'add_aelink', 'add_aelist', 'add_aeparm', 'add_aero', 'add_aeros', 'add_aestat', 'add_aesurf', 'add_aesurfs', 'add_aset', 'add_aset1', 'add_axic', 'add_bcrpara', 'add_bctadd', 'add_bctpara', 'add_bctset', 'add_bset', 'add_bset1', 'add_bsurf', 'add_bsurfs', 'add_caero1', 'add_caero2', 'add_caero3', 'add_caero4', 'add_caero5', 'add_card', 'add_card_fields', 'add_card_ifile', 'add_card_lines', 'add_cbar', 'add_cbarao', 'add_cbeam', 'add_cbeam3', 'add_cbend', 'add_cbush', 'add_cbush1d', 'add_cbush2d', 'add_cconeax', 'add_cdamp1', 'add_cdamp2', 'add_cdamp3', 'add_cdamp4', 'add_cdamp5', 'add_celas1', 'add_celas2', 'add_celas3', 'add_celas4', 'add_cfast', 'add_cfluid2', 'add_cfluid3', 'add_cfluid4', 'add_cgap', 'add_cgen', 'add_chbdye', 'add_chbdyg', 'add_chbdyp', 'add_chexa', 'add_cihex1', 'add_cihex2', 'add_cmass1', 'add_cmass2', 'add_cmass3', 'add_cmass4', 'add_cmfree', 'add_conm1', 'add_conm2', 'add_conrod', 'add_conv', 'add_convm', 'add_cord1c', 'add_cord1r', 'add_cord1s', 'add_cord2c', 'add_cord2r', 'add_cord2s', 'add_cpenta', 'add_cplstn3', 'add_cplstn4', 'add_cplstn6', 'add_cplstn8', 'add_cplsts3', 'add_cpyram', 'add_cquad', 'add_cquad4', 'add_cquad8', 'add_cquadr', 'add_cquadx', 'add_cquadx4', 'add_cquadx8', 'add_crac2d', 'add_crac3d', 'add_creep', 'add_crod', 'add_cset', 'add_cset1', 'add_cshear', 'add_csschd', 'add_csuper', 'add_csupext', 'add_ctetra', 'add_ctrax3', 'add_ctrax6', 'add_ctria3', 'add_ctria6', 'add_ctriar', 'add_ctriax', 'add_ctriax6', 'add_ctube', 'add_cvisc', 'add_darea', 'add_dconadd', 'add_dconstr', 'add_ddval', 'add_deform', 'add_delay', 'add_deqatn', 'add_desvar', 'add_diverg', 'add_dlink', 'add_dload', 'add_dmi', 'add_dmig', 'add_dmig_uaccel', 'add_dmij', 'add_dmiji', 'add_dmik', 'add_doptprm', 'add_dphase', 'add_dresp1', 'add_dresp2', 'add_dresp3', 'add_dscreen', 'add_dtable', 'add_dti', 'add_dvcrel1', 'add_dvcrel2', 'add_dvgrid', 'add_dvmrel1', 'add_dvmrel2', 'add_dvprel1', 'add_dvprel2', 'add_eigb', 'add_eigc', 'add_eigp', 'add_eigr', 'add_eigrl', 'add_epoint', 'add_flfact', 'add_flutter', 'add_force', 'add_force1', 'add_force2', 'add_freq', 'add_freq1', 'add_freq2', 'add_freq3', 'add_freq4', 'add_freq5', 'add_genel_flexibility', 'add_genel_stiffness', 'add_gmload', 'add_gmspc', 'add_grav', 'add_grdset', 'add_grid', 'add_gust', 'add_load', 'add_loadcyn', 'add_lseq', 'add_mat1', 'add_mat10', 'add_mat11', 'add_mat2', 'add_mat3', 'add_mat3d', 'add_mat4', 'add_mat5', 'add_mat8', 'add_mat9', 'add_matg', 'add_mathe', 'add_mathp', 'add_mats1', 'add_matt1', 'add_matt2', 'add_matt3', 'add_matt4', 'add_matt5', 'add_matt8', 'add_matt9', 'add_mkaero1', 'add_mkaero2', 'add_moment', 'add_moment1', 'add_moment2', 'add_monpnt1', 'add_monpnt2', 'add_monpnt3', 'add_mpc', 'add_mpcadd', 'add_nlparm', 'add_nlpci', 'add_nsm', 'add_nsm1', 'add_nsmadd', 'add_nsml', 'add_nsml1', 'add_nxstrat', 'add_omit1', 'add_paero1', 'add_paero2', 'add_paero3', 'add_paero4', 'add_paero5', 'add_param', 'add_pbar', 'add_pbarl', 'add_pbcomp', 'add_pbeam', 'add_pbeam3', 'add_pbeaml', 'add_pbend', 'add_pbmsect', 'add_pbrsect', 'add_pbush', 'add_pbush1d', 'add_pbusht', 'add_pcomp', 'add_pcompg', 'add_pcomps', 'add_pconeax', 'add_pconv', 'add_pconvm', 'add_pdamp', 'add_pdamp5', 'add_pdampt', 'add_pelas', 'add_pelast', 'add_pfast', 'add_pgap', 'add_phbdy', 'add_pihex', 'add_pload', 'add_pload1', 'add_pload2', 'add_pload4', 'add_ploadx1', 'add_plotel', 'add_plplane', 'add_plsolid', 'add_pmass', 'add_point', 'add_pointax', 'add_pplane', 'add_prac2d', 'add_prac3d', 'add_presax', 'add_prod', 'add_pshear', 'add_pshell', 'add_psolid', 'add_ptube', 'add_pvisc', 'add_qbdy1', 'add_qbdy2', 'add_qbdy3', 'add_qhbdy', 'add_qset', 'add_qset1', 'add_qvect', 'add_qvol', 'add_radbc', 'add_radm', 'add_randps', 'add_randt1', 'add_rbar', 'add_rbar1', 'add_rbe1', 'add_rbe2', 'add_rbe3', 'add_rforce', 'add_rforce1', 'add_rgyro', 'add_ringax', 'add_rload1', 'add_rload2', 'add_rotord', 'add_rotorg', 'add_rrod', 'add_rspint', 'add_rspline', 'add_rsscon', 'add_sebndry', 'add_sebset', 'add_sebset1', 'add_sebulk', 'add_seconct', 'add_secset', 'add_secset1', 'add_seelt', 'add_seexcld', 'add_selabel', 'add_seload', 'add_seloc', 'add_sempln', 'add_senqset', 'add_seqgp', 'add_seqset', 'add_seqset1', 'add_seset', 'add_sesup', 'add_set1', 'add_set3', 'add_setree', 'add_sload', 'add_spc', 'add_spc1', 'add_spcadd', 'add_spcax', 'add_spcd', 'add_spline1', 'add_spline2', 'add_spline3', 'add_spline4', 'add_spline5', 'add_spoint', 'add_suport', 'add_suport1', 'add_tabdmp1', 'add_tabled1', 'add_tabled2', 'add_tabled3', 'add_tabled4', 'add_tablem1', 'add_tablem2', 'add_tablem3', 'add_tablem4', 'add_tables1', 'add_tablest', 'add_tabrnd1', 'add_tabrndg', 'add_temp', 'add_tempax', 'add_tempd', 'add_tf', 'add_tic', 'add_tload1', 'add_tload2', 'add_trim', 'add_tstep', 'add_tstep1', 'add_tstepnl', 'add_uset', 'add_uset1', 'clear_attributes', 'create_card_object', 'cross_reference', 'deprecated', 'disable_cards', 'export_hdf5_file', 'export_hdf5_filename', 'geom_check', 'get_MPCx_node_ids', 'get_MPCx_node_ids_c1', 'get_SPCx_node_ids', 'get_SPCx_node_ids_c1', 'get_area_breakdown', 'get_bdf_cards', 'get_bdf_cards_dict', 'get_bdf_stats', 'get_card_ids_by_card_types', 'get_cards_by_card_types', 'get_custom_types', 'get_dependent_nid_to_components', 'get_displacement_index', 'get_displacement_index_xyz_cp_cd', 'get_dload_entries', 'get_element_faces', 'get_element_ids_dict_with_pids', 'get_element_ids_list_with_pids', 'get_element_nodes_by_element_type', 'get_elements_nodes_by_property_type', 'get_elements_properties_nodes_by_element_type', 'get_encoding', 'get_h5attrs', 'get_length_breakdown', 'get_load_arrays', 'get_mass_breakdown', 'get_material_id_to_property_ids_map', 'get_material_ids', 'get_mklist', 'get_mpcs', 'get_nid_map', 'get_node_id_to_element_ids_map', 'get_node_id_to_elements_map', 'get_node_ids_with_elements', 'get_pid_to_node_ids_and_elements_array', 'get_point_grids', 'get_pressure_array', 'get_property_id_to_element_ids_map', 'get_reduced_dloads', 'get_reduced_loads', 'get_reduced_mpcs', 'get_reduced_nsms', 'get_reduced_spcs', 'get_rigid_elements_with_node_ids', 'get_rslot_map', 'get_spcs', 'get_structural_material_ids', 'get_thermal_material_ids', 'get_volume_breakdown', 'get_xyz_in_coord', 'get_xyz_in_coord_array', 'get_xyz_in_coord_no_xref', 'include_zip', 'increase_card_count', 'is_reject', 'load', 'load_hdf5_file', 'load_hdf5_filename', 'mass_properties', 'mass_properties_no_xref', 'mass_properties_nsm', 'object_attributes', 'object_methods', 'pop_parse_errors', 'pop_xref_errors', 'read_bdf', 'reject_card_lines', 'replace_cards', 'reset_errors', 'reset_rslot_map', 'safe_acsid', 'safe_aefact', 'safe_aelist', 'safe_caero', 'safe_coord', 'safe_cross_reference', 'safe_element', 'safe_elements', 'safe_empty_nodes', 'safe_get_elements', 'safe_get_nodes', 'safe_get_points', 'safe_material', 'safe_paero', 'safe_property', 'safe_property_mass', 'safe_tabled', 'safe_tableh', 'save', 'saves', 'set_as_msc', 'set_as_nx', 'set_as_zona', 'set_cards', 'set_dynamic_syntax', 'set_error_storage', 'set_param', 'sum_forces_moments', 'sum_forces_moments_elements', 'superelement_nodes', 'transform_xyzcp_to_xyz_cid', 'uncross_reference', 'update_card', 'update_model_by_desvars', 'update_solution', 'validate', 'write_bdf', 'write_bdfs', 'write_skin_solid_faces']
print("attributes = [%s]\n" % ', '.join(bdf.object_attributes()))
print("methods = [%s]\n" % ', '.join(bdf.object_methods()))
attributes = [MATS1, MATS3, MATS8, MATT1, MATT2, MATT3, MATT4, MATT5, MATT8, MATT9, active_filename, active_filenames, aecomps, aefacts, aelinks, aelists, aeparams, aero, aeros, aestats, aesurf, aesurfs, ao_element_flags, asets, axic, axif, baror, bconp, bcrparas, bcs, bctadds, bctparas, bctsets, bdf_filename, beamor, blseg, bsets, bsurf, bsurfs, cMethods, caeros, card_count, cards_to_read, case_control_deck, case_control_lines, convection_properties, coords, creep_materials, csets, csschds, csuper, csupext, dareas, dconadds, dconstrs, ddvals, debug, delays, dequations, desvars, divergs, dlinks, dload_entries, dloads, dmigs, dmijis, dmijs, dmiks, dmis, doptprm, dphases, dresps, dscreen, dtable, dti, dumplines, dvcrels, dvgrids, dvmrels, dvprels, echo, elements, epoints, executive_control_lines, flfacts, flutters, force_echo_off, frequencies, grdset, gridb, gusts, hyperelastic_materials, include_dir, include_filenames, initial_superelement_models, is_bdf_vectorized, is_msc, is_nx, is_superelements, is_zona, load_combinations, loads, masses, materials, methods, mkaeros, monitor_points, mpcadds, mpcs, nastran_format, nid_map, nlparms, nlpcis, nodes, normals, npoints, nsmadds, nsms, nxstrats, omits, paeros, params, pbusht, pdampt, pelast, phbdys, plotels, points, properties, properties_mass, punch, qsets, radcavs, radmtx, radset, random_tables, read_includes, reject_cards, reject_count, reject_lines, rigid_elements, ringaxs, ringfl, rotors, rsolmap_to_str, save_file_structure, se_bsets, se_csets, se_qsets, se_sets, se_suport, se_usets, sebndry, sebulk, seconct, seelt, seexcld, selabel, seload, seloc, sempln, senqset, seqgp, setree, sets, sol, sol_iline, sol_method, spcadds, spcoffs, spcs, special_cards, splines, spoints, superelement_models, suport, suport1, system_command_lines, tables, tables_d, tables_m, tables_sdamping, tempds, thermal_materials, tics, transfer_functions, trims, tstepnls, tsteps, type_slot_str, units, usets, values_to_skip, view3ds, views, wtmass, zona]

methods = [AEFact, AELIST, AELink, AEList, AEParam, AEStat, AESurf, Acsid, Aero, Aeros, CAero, CMethod, Coord, DAREA, DConstr, DDVal, DELAY, DEQATN, DLoad, DMIG, DPHASE, DResp, DVcrel, DVmrel, DVprel, Desvar, Element, Elements, EmptyNode, EmptyNodes, FLFACT, Flutter, Gust, HyperelasticMaterial, Load, MPC, Mass, Material, Materials, Method, NLParm, NSM, Node, Nodes, PAero, Phbdy, Point, Points, Properties, Property, PropertyMass, RandomTable, RigidElement, SET1, SPC, Set, Spline, StructuralMaterial, Table, TableD, TableM, ThermalMaterial, add_accel, add_accel1, add_acsrce, add_aecomp, add_aecompl, add_aefact, add_aelink, add_aelist, add_aeparm, add_aero, add_aeros, add_aestat, add_aesurf, add_aesurfs, add_aset, add_aset1, add_axic, add_bcrpara, add_bctadd, add_bctpara, add_bctset, add_bset, add_bset1, add_bsurf, add_bsurfs, add_caero1, add_caero2, add_caero3, add_caero4, add_caero5, add_card, add_card_fields, add_card_ifile, add_card_lines, add_cbar, add_cbarao, add_cbeam, add_cbeam3, add_cbend, add_cbush, add_cbush1d, add_cbush2d, add_cconeax, add_cdamp1, add_cdamp2, add_cdamp3, add_cdamp4, add_cdamp5, add_celas1, add_celas2, add_celas3, add_celas4, add_cfast, add_cfluid2, add_cfluid3, add_cfluid4, add_cgap, add_cgen, add_chbdye, add_chbdyg, add_chbdyp, add_chexa, add_cihex1, add_cihex2, add_cmass1, add_cmass2, add_cmass3, add_cmass4, add_cmfree, add_conm1, add_conm2, add_conrod, add_conv, add_convm, add_cord1c, add_cord1r, add_cord1s, add_cord2c, add_cord2r, add_cord2s, add_cpenta, add_cplstn3, add_cplstn4, add_cplstn6, add_cplstn8, add_cplsts3, add_cpyram, add_cquad, add_cquad4, add_cquad8, add_cquadr, add_cquadx, add_cquadx4, add_cquadx8, add_crac2d, add_crac3d, add_creep, add_crod, add_cset, add_cset1, add_cshear, add_csschd, add_csuper, add_csupext, add_ctetra, add_ctrax3, add_ctrax6, add_ctria3, add_ctria6, add_ctriar, add_ctriax, add_ctriax6, add_ctube, add_cvisc, add_darea, add_dconadd, add_dconstr, add_ddval, add_deform, add_delay, add_deqatn, add_desvar, add_diverg, add_dlink, add_dload, add_dmi, add_dmig, add_dmig_uaccel, add_dmij, add_dmiji, add_dmik, add_doptprm, add_dphase, add_dresp1, add_dresp2, add_dresp3, add_dscreen, add_dtable, add_dti, add_dvcrel1, add_dvcrel2, add_dvgrid, add_dvmrel1, add_dvmrel2, add_dvprel1, add_dvprel2, add_eigb, add_eigc, add_eigp, add_eigr, add_eigrl, add_epoint, add_flfact, add_flutter, add_force, add_force1, add_force2, add_freq, add_freq1, add_freq2, add_freq3, add_freq4, add_freq5, add_genel_flexibility, add_genel_stiffness, add_gmload, add_gmspc, add_grav, add_grdset, add_grid, add_gust, add_load, add_loadcyn, add_lseq, add_mat1, add_mat10, add_mat11, add_mat2, add_mat3, add_mat3d, add_mat4, add_mat5, add_mat8, add_mat9, add_matg, add_mathe, add_mathp, add_mats1, add_matt1, add_matt2, add_matt3, add_matt4, add_matt5, add_matt8, add_matt9, add_mkaero1, add_mkaero2, add_moment, add_moment1, add_moment2, add_monpnt1, add_monpnt2, add_monpnt3, add_mpc, add_mpcadd, add_nlparm, add_nlpci, add_nsm, add_nsm1, add_nsmadd, add_nsml, add_nsml1, add_nxstrat, add_omit1, add_paero1, add_paero2, add_paero3, add_paero4, add_paero5, add_param, add_pbar, add_pbarl, add_pbcomp, add_pbeam, add_pbeam3, add_pbeaml, add_pbend, add_pbmsect, add_pbrsect, add_pbush, add_pbush1d, add_pbusht, add_pcomp, add_pcompg, add_pcomps, add_pconeax, add_pconv, add_pconvm, add_pdamp, add_pdamp5, add_pdampt, add_pelas, add_pelast, add_pfast, add_pgap, add_phbdy, add_pihex, add_pload, add_pload1, add_pload2, add_pload4, add_ploadx1, add_plotel, add_plplane, add_plsolid, add_pmass, add_point, add_pointax, add_pplane, add_prac2d, add_prac3d, add_presax, add_prod, add_pshear, add_pshell, add_psolid, add_ptube, add_pvisc, add_qbdy1, add_qbdy2, add_qbdy3, add_qhbdy, add_qset, add_qset1, add_qvect, add_qvol, add_radbc, add_radm, add_randps, add_randt1, add_rbar, add_rbar1, add_rbe1, add_rbe2, add_rbe3, add_rforce, add_rforce1, add_rgyro, add_ringax, add_rload1, add_rload2, add_rotord, add_rotorg, add_rrod, add_rspint, add_rspline, add_rsscon, add_sebndry, add_sebset, add_sebset1, add_sebulk, add_seconct, add_secset, add_secset1, add_seelt, add_seexcld, add_selabel, add_seload, add_seloc, add_sempln, add_senqset, add_seqgp, add_seqset, add_seqset1, add_seset, add_sesup, add_set1, add_set3, add_setree, add_sload, add_spc, add_spc1, add_spcadd, add_spcax, add_spcd, add_spline1, add_spline2, add_spline3, add_spline4, add_spline5, add_spoint, add_suport, add_suport1, add_tabdmp1, add_tabled1, add_tabled2, add_tabled3, add_tabled4, add_tablem1, add_tablem2, add_tablem3, add_tablem4, add_tables1, add_tablest, add_tabrnd1, add_tabrndg, add_temp, add_tempax, add_tempd, add_tf, add_tic, add_tload1, add_tload2, add_trim, add_tstep, add_tstep1, add_tstepnl, add_uset, add_uset1, clear_attributes, create_card_object, cross_reference, deprecated, disable_cards, export_hdf5_file, export_hdf5_filename, geom_check, get_MPCx_node_ids, get_MPCx_node_ids_c1, get_SPCx_node_ids, get_SPCx_node_ids_c1, get_area_breakdown, get_bdf_cards, get_bdf_cards_dict, get_bdf_stats, get_card_ids_by_card_types, get_cards_by_card_types, get_custom_types, get_dependent_nid_to_components, get_displacement_index, get_displacement_index_xyz_cp_cd, get_dload_entries, get_element_faces, get_element_ids_dict_with_pids, get_element_ids_list_with_pids, get_element_nodes_by_element_type, get_elements_nodes_by_property_type, get_elements_properties_nodes_by_element_type, get_encoding, get_h5attrs, get_length_breakdown, get_load_arrays, get_mass_breakdown, get_material_id_to_property_ids_map, get_material_ids, get_mklist, get_mpcs, get_nid_map, get_node_id_to_element_ids_map, get_node_id_to_elements_map, get_node_ids_with_elements, get_pid_to_node_ids_and_elements_array, get_point_grids, get_pressure_array, get_property_id_to_element_ids_map, get_reduced_dloads, get_reduced_loads, get_reduced_mpcs, get_reduced_nsms, get_reduced_spcs, get_rigid_elements_with_node_ids, get_rslot_map, get_spcs, get_structural_material_ids, get_thermal_material_ids, get_volume_breakdown, get_xyz_in_coord, get_xyz_in_coord_array, get_xyz_in_coord_no_xref, include_zip, increase_card_count, is_reject, load, load_hdf5_file, load_hdf5_filename, mass_properties, mass_properties_no_xref, mass_properties_nsm, pop_parse_errors, pop_xref_errors, read_bdf, reject_card_lines, replace_cards, reset_errors, reset_rslot_map, safe_acsid, safe_aefact, safe_aelist, safe_caero, safe_coord, safe_cross_reference, safe_element, safe_elements, safe_empty_nodes, safe_get_elements, safe_get_nodes, safe_get_points, safe_material, safe_paero, safe_property, safe_property_mass, safe_tabled, safe_tableh, save, saves, set_as_msc, set_as_nx, set_as_zona, set_cards, set_dynamic_syntax, set_error_storage, set_param, sum_forces_moments, sum_forces_moments_elements, superelement_nodes, transform_xyzcp_to_xyz_cid, uncross_reference, update_card, update_model_by_desvars, update_solution, validate, write_bdf, write_bdfs, write_skin_solid_faces]
print("card_count = %s\n" % bdf.card_count)
print("reject_count = %s" % bdf.reject_count)
---BDF Statistics---
SOL 103

  SPC:     1

  PARAM    : 8

  GRID     : 5380

  CBAR     : 827
  CBUSH    : 104
  CHEXA    : 25
  CQUAD4   : 4580
  CTRIA3   : 32

  RBE2     : 44
  PBAR     : 1
  PBARL    : 18
  PBUSH    : 2
  PSHELL   : 8
  PSOLID   : 4

  CONM2    : 15

  MAT1     : 14
  MAT8     : 8

  CORD2R   : 75

  EIGRL    : 1

  USET     : 1

card_count = {'ENDDATA': 1, 'PARAM': 8, 'SPC': 1, 'USET': 1, 'EIGRL': 1, 'CORD2R': 75, 'GRID': 5380, 'CQUAD4': 4580, 'CBAR': 827, 'CHEXA': 25, 'RBE2': 44, 'CTRIA3': 32, 'CBUSH': 104, 'CONM2': 15, 'MAT1': 14, 'MAT8': 8, 'PSHELL': 8, 'PBARL': 18, 'PSOLID': 4, 'PBAR': 1, 'PBUSH': 2}

reject_count = {}


Cross-referencing a BDF allows improved usability of the ``BDF`` class. It comes with some negative side effects, but in general is a very useful thing. It dramatically minimizes the amount of code you need to write, greatly simplifies future operations, and is highly recommended.

The major downside is it slows down the code.

Without Cross-Referencing (xref=False)

Here the raw values of the the data objects are returned to us

cquad = bdf.elements[1]
nid1 = cquad.nodes[0]
print("nid1 = %s" % nid1)
n1 = bdf.nodes[nid1]
cd4 =
c4 = bdf.coords[cd4]
print("i (xref=False) = %s" % str(c4.i))
#print object_attributes(c4)
CQUAD4         1       1       1       2       4       3

nid1 = 1
i (xref=False) = [1. 0. 0.]

Cross-Referenced (xref=True)

Here we can trace the referenced objects very easily.

A cross-referenced attribute is indicated with the ``*_ref`` suffix: * cquad4_element.nodes : not cross referenced * cquad4_element.nodes_ref : cross referenced

print("i (xref=True) = %s" % bdf_xref.elements[1].nodes_ref[0].cd_ref.i)
i (xref=True) = [1. 0. 0.]

So how is this done?

cquad.nodes_ref = []
GRID           1       4    -4.5    -7.5    -14.       4

Let’s show off the GRID card

# some Grid methods
n1 = bdf_xref.nodes[1]

# the comment
c1 = bdf_xref.nodes[1].comment
c2 = bdf_xref.nodes[2].comment
print("c1=%r" % c1)
print("c2=%r" % c2)

# get the position of a node
# in the local cooordinate system
print("xyz = %s" %

# in the global frame
print("position = %s" % n1.get_position())

# in an arbitrary frame
print("wrt5 = %s" % n1.get_position_wrt(bdf, 5))
print("wrt4 = %s" % n1.get_position_wrt(bdf, 4))
GRID           1       4    -4.5    -7.5    -14.       4

c1='$*n$*  GRID CARDSn$*n'
xyz = [ -4.5  -7.5 -14. ]
position = [ -4.5  -7.5 -14. ]
wrt5 = [  2.12132034  14.         -26.59188309]
wrt4 = [ -4.5  -7.5 -14. ]

Now let’s modify the ``GRID`` card and write it out

n1 = bdf_xref.nodes[1][1] = -7.5
print("repr  = %s" % n1.repr_fields())
print("raw   = %s" % n1.repr_fields())

#[1] = 100000000000.
print("repr2 = %s" % n1.repr_fields())
print(n1.write_card(size=16, is_double=False))
print(n1.write_card(size=16, is_double=True))
repr  = ['GRID', 1, 4, -4.5, -7.5, -14.0, 4, '', None]
raw   = ['GRID', 1, 4, -4.5, -7.5, -14.0, 4, '', None]
repr2 = ['GRID', 1, 4, -4.5, -7.5, -14.0, 4, '', None]
GRID           1       4    -4.5    -7.5    -14.       4

GRID           1       4    -4.5    -7.5    -14.       4

GRID*                  1               4            -4.5            -7.5
*                   -14.               4

GRID*                  1               4-4.500000000D+00-7.500000000D+00
*       -1.400000000D+01               4

Calculating the mass of the structure

You can also calculate the mass of individual groups

mass, cg, I = bdf_xref.mass_properties()
print("mass = %s\n" % mass)

area_breakdown = bdf_xref.get_area_breakdown(property_ids=None, sum_bar_area=True)
table_lines = ['%-3s: %s\n' % (k, v) for k, v in sorted(area_breakdown.items())]
print('area_breakdown:\n%s\n' % ''.join(table_lines))

pids_to_mass, mass_type_to_mass = bdf_xref.get_mass_breakdown(property_ids=None, stop_if_no_mass=True)
table_lines = ['%-3s: %s\n' % (k, v) for k, v in sorted(pids_to_mass.items())]
print('mass_breakdown properties:\n%s\n' % ''.join(table_lines))
print('mass_breakdown masses:\n%s\n' % mass_type_to_mass)

volume_breakdown = bdf_xref.get_volume_breakdown(property_ids=None)
table_lines = ['%-3s: %s\n' % (k, v) for k, v in sorted(volume_breakdown.items())]
print('volume_breakdown:\n%s' % ''.join(table_lines))
mass = 1.7746011578443164

1  : 2807.9999999999873
2  : 3775.821643408031
3  : 3126.7012947840108
4  : 30.79009842432805
7  : 2815.099327279977
9  : 14.828303331033284
10 : 0.47123889803846714
12 : 0.5364976066492582
13 : 0.8885208097843912
14 : 0.7040464383245798
15 : 0.5826161160904479
16 : 0.6148182523366601
19 : 27.937341701307243
21 : 1.8849560445432187
22 : 0.13412440166231454
23 : 0.17601160958114495
33 : 4.523893217594095
34 : 726.2061840339735
35 : 7.488919259999999
36 : 8.228384167359806
37 : 3527.999999999994
38 : 1270.3425529271904
39 : 2.6317113721498187
41 : 1.1313811432273508
42 : 10.990017829889638
43 : 18.115180916725283
46 : 741.00586611462

mass_breakdown properties:
1  : 0.027277887741788746
2  : 0.047992762103254816
3  : 0.02099754503346675
4  : 0.012215670441971119
5  : 0.33015780000000006
7  : 0.027813499178780537
8  : 0.08158356674999993
9  : 0.07764247249451299
10 : 0.0002359723127060847
11 : 0.041699540901982614
12 : 0.0004572896419732434
13 : 0.003885126000791797
14 : 0.00035284798842724434
15 : 0.0036261119992419943
16 : 0.0
19 : 0.017748849515790373
20 : 0.163081991669256
21 : 0.0036250296551127333
22 : 0.0
23 : 0.0
33 : 0.0013462746328861252
34 : 0.0035610911559462153
35 : 0.0
36 : 0.007196651333033216
37 : 0.0945659013652082
38 : 0.007602230793126197
39 : 0.0024328318514722706
41 : 0.0007353854868221845
42 : 0.0088541268554014
43 : 0.01224145559837195
46 : 0.003671235343011555

mass_breakdown masses:
{'CONM2': 0.7720000099999998}

1  : 101.08799438399943
2  : 203.8943876231405
3  : 56.280620179411706
4  : 68.35241635875428
5  : 2100.0
7  : 101.34357015187966
8  : 110.24999999999991
9  : 48.56269340913401
10 : 0.9110618695410359
11 : 466.6577492124528
12 : 2.5587504307014672
13 : 1.3327812149482106
14 : 1.9743503011887258
15 : 0.5826161159686574
16 : 1.9983305902008948
19 : 99.3131533594663
20 : 2376.0
21 : 4.7123901113580455
22 : 0.15084661593460977
23 : 0.16128631010351485
33 : 5.197811005397997
34 : 13.507435023031892
35 : 120.88885224756376
36 : 40.26864596920936
37 : 65.62080000000002
38 : 23.62837148444574
39 : 13.612837415073471
41 : 4.11482736197198
42 : 49.5430003771425
43 : 68.496696425457
46 : 13.78270910973193

Examples of xref on elements

eid100 = bdf_xref.elements[100]
print("nodes = %s" % eid100.nodes)
print("--node0--\n%s" % eid100.nodes_ref[0])
print("--cd--\n%s" % eid100.nodes_ref[0].cd)
print("cd.cid = %s" % eid100.nodes_ref[0].cd_ref.cid)

print("area = %s" % eid100.Area())
print("mass = %s" % eid100.Mass())
print("--pid--\n%s" %
print(" = %s" %
print("pid.Pid() = %s" % eid100.Pid())

print("type = %s" % eid100.pid_ref.mid1_ref.type)
print("nu12 = %s" % eid100.pid_ref.mid1_ref.nu12)
print("mass = %s" % eid100.Mass())
CQUAD4       100       1     149     152     161     160

nodes = [149, 152, 161, 160]
GRID         149       4      3.     7.5   -16.5       4

cd.cid = 4
area = 3.75
mass = 3.642880307396999e-05
1 = 1
pid.Pid() = 1
$*  I-DEAS Material: 6  name: BUS_CFRP_PW_ORTHO
$* M46J PW ETW
MAT8           6   1.7+7   1.7+7     .98 340000. 180000. 180000..0001712

type = MAT8
nu12 = 0.98
mass = 3.642880307396999e-05

Write the modified deck

Let’s first switch to the desktop to make the file easy to find

import getpass
name = getpass.getuser()
os.chdir(os.path.join(r'C:\Users', name, 'Desktop'))

There are two ways to write a deck - ``interspersed`` : alternate properties and elements (similar to how Patran writes decks) - ``not-interspersed (default)`` : much faster

We can also use 8 or 16 character field width as well as double precision.

Note that double precision only works for certain cards (e.g. GRID, COORD, DMIG) and not much else.

bdf_xref.write_bdf('fem.bdf', interspersed=False, size=8, is_double=False)
!tail -n 5 "fem.bdf"

bdf_xref.write_bdf('fem.bdf', interspersed=True, size=16, is_double=False)
!tail "fem.bdf"

bdf_xref.write_bdf('fem.bdf', interspersed=True, size=16, is_double=True)
!tail "fem.bdf"
DEBUG: ---starting BDF.write_bdf of fem.bdf---
CORD2R        75        1.355-13-2.19-15    -40.1.355-13-2.19-15      0.
             40.-2.19-15    -40.
CORD2R        76        1.355-13-2.19-15    -40.1.355-13-2.19-15      0.
             40.-2.19-15    -40.
DEBUG: ---starting BDF.write_bdf of fem.bdf---
CORD2R*               75                 1.3549966049-13-2.1854783949-15
*                   -40. 1.3549966049-13-2.1854783949-15              0.
*                    40.-2.1854783949-15            -40.
CORD2R*               76                 1.3549966049-13-2.1854783949-15
*                   -40. 1.3549966049-13-2.1854783949-15              0.
*                    40.-2.1854783949-15            -40.
DEBUG: ---starting BDF.write_bdf of fem.bdf---
CORD2R*               75                1.3549966049D-13-2.185478395D-15
*       -4.000000000D+011.3549966049D-13-2.185478395D-150.0000000000D+00
*       4.0000000000D+01-2.185478395D-15-4.000000000D+01
CORD2R*               76                1.3549966049D-13-2.185478395D-15
*       -4.000000000D+011.3549966049D-13-2.185478395D-150.0000000000D+00
*       4.0000000000D+01-2.185478395D-15-4.000000000D+01


%echo {bdf_filename}
#!pyNastranGUI -f nastran -i {bdf_filename}

solid_bending_bdf = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pkg_path, '..', 'models', 'solid_bending', 'solid_bending.bdf'))
solid_bending_op2 = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pkg_path, '..', 'models', 'solid_bending', 'solid_bending.op2'))

!pyNastranGUI -f nastran -i {solid_bending_bdf} -o {solid_bending_op2}  > junk.out

We can also script the GUI!

solid_bending_bdf = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pkg_path, '..', 'models', 'solid_bending', 'solid_bending.bdf'))
solid_bending_op2 = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pkg_path, '..', 'models', 'solid_bending', 'solid_bending.op2'))

if os.path.exists('wireframe_solid_bending.png'):

with open('', 'w') as f:
    picture_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'wireframe_solid_bending.png')
    f.write("self.on_take_screenshot(%r)\n" % picture_filename)

!pyNastranGUI -f nastran -i {solid_bending_bdf} -o {solid_bending_op2} --postscript > junk.out

# display in a popup

from IPython.display import Image
from IPython.display import display
assert os.path.exists('wireframe_solid_bending.png')

# display in iPython
i = Image(filename='wireframe_solid_bending.png')
print("the picture is visible")
the picture is visible