bdf/utils Package

This is the pyNastran.bdf.rst file.

utils Module

Inheritance diagram of pyNastran.bdf.utils

Defines various utilities for BDF parsing including:
  • to_fields
  • parse_patran_syntax
  • parse_patran_syntax_dict
  • Position
  • PositionWRT
  • TransformLoadWRT
exception pyNastran.bdf.utils.CardParseSyntaxError[source]

Class that is used for testing. Users should just treat this as a SyntaxError.

pyNastran.bdf.utils.Position(xyz, cid, model, is_cid_int=True)[source]

Gets the point in the global XYZ coordinate system.

  • xyz (TYPE = NDARRAY. SIZE=(3,)) – the position of the GRID in an arbitrary coordinate system
  • cid (int) – the coordinate ID for xyz
  • model (BDF()) – the BDF model object
Returns xyz2:

the position of the GRID in an arbitrary coordinate system

pyNastran.bdf.utils.PositionWRT(xyz, cid, cid_new, model, is_cid_int=True)[source]

Gets the location of the GRID which started in some arbitrary system and returns it in the desired coordinate system

  • xyz (TYPE = NDARRAY. SIZE=(3,)) – the position of the GRID in an arbitrary coordinate system
  • cid (int) – the coordinate ID for xyz
  • cid_new (int) – the desired coordinate ID
  • model (BDF()) – the BDF model object
Returns xyz_local:

the position of the GRID in an arbitrary coordinate system

pyNastran.bdf.utils.TransformLoadWRT(F, M, cid, cid_new, model, is_cid_int=True)[source]

Transforms a force/moment from an arbitrary coordinate system to another coordinate system.

  • Fxyz (TYPE = NDARRAY. SIZE=(3,)) – the force in an arbitrary coordinate system
  • Mxyz (TYPE = NDARRAY. SIZE=(3,)) – the moment in an arbitrary coordinate system
  • cid (int) – the coordinate ID for xyz
  • cid_new (int) – the desired coordinate ID
  • model (BDF()) – the BDF model object
  • is_cid_int (bool) – is cid/cid_new an integer or a Coord object
Returns Fxyz_local:

the force in an arbitrary coordinate system

Returns Mxyz_local:

the force in an arbitrary coordinate system

pyNastran.bdf.utils._clean_comment(comment, end=-1)[source]

Removes specific pyNastran comment lines so duplicate lines aren’t created.

param comment:the comment to possibly remove
param end:lets you remove trailing characters (e.g. a ``

``; default=-1)


Removes leading and trailing empty lines don’t remove internally blank lines

pyNastran.bdf.utils.get_include_filename(card_lines, include_dir='')[source]

Parses an INCLUDE file split into multiple lines (as a list).

  • card_lines – the list of lines in the include card (all the lines!)
  • include_dir – the include directory (default=’‘)
Returns filename:

the INCLUDE filename


Extracts the solution from the executive control deck


Parses Patran’s syntax for compressing nodes/elements

Parameters:node_sets – the node_set to parse
Returns nodes:list of integers

Patran has a short syntax of the form:

String Output
“1 2 3” [1, 2, 3]
“5:10” [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
“12:20:2” [12, 14, 16, 18, 20]

Parses Patran’s syntax for compressing nodes/elements

Parameters:node_sets – the node_set to parse
Returns nodes:list of integers
node_sets = "e 1:3 n 2:6:2 Node 10:13"
data = parse_patran_syntax_dict(node_sets)
data = {
    'e'    : [1, 2, 3],
    'n'    : [2, 4, 6],
    'Node' : [10, 11, 12, 13],


the identifier (e.g. “e”) must be used. Use parse_patran_syntax to skip the identifier.


doesn’t support “1:#”

pyNastran.bdf.utils.print_filename(filename, relpath)[source]

Takes a path such as C:/work/fem.bdf and locates the file using relative paths. If it’s on another drive, the path is not modified.

Parameters:filename – a filename string
Returns filename_string:
 a shortened representation of the filename
pyNastran.bdf.utils.to_fields(card_lines, card_name)[source]

Converts a series of lines in a card into string versions of the field. Handles large, small, and CSV formatted cards.

  • lines – the lines of the BDF card object
  • card_name – the card_name -> ‘GRID’
Returns fields:

the string formatted fields of the card


this function is used by the reader and isn’t intended to be called by a separate process

>>> card_lines = []'GRID,1,,1.0,2.0,3.0']
>>> card_name = 'GRID'
>>> fields = to_fields(lines, card_name)
>>> fields
['GRID', '1', '', '1.0', '2.0', '3.0']

write_path Module

Defines following useful methods:
  • write_include

Takes a path and splits it into the various components.

This is a helper method for write_include

pyNastran.bdf.write_path.write_include(filename, is_windows=True)[source]

Writes a bdf INCLUDE file line given an imported filename.

  • filename – the filename to write
  • is_windows – Windows has a special format for writing INCLUDE files so the format for a BDF that will run on Linux and Windows is different. We could check the platform, but since you might need to change platforms, it’s an option (default=True)

For a model that will run on Linux:

..code-blocK:: python

fname = r’/opt/NASA/test1/test2/test3/test4/formats/pynastran_v0.6/pyNastran/bdf/’ write_include(fname, is_windows=False)

We want:

..code-blocK:: python

INCLUDE /opt/NASA/test1/test2/test3/test4/formats/pynastran_v0.6/