
This is the pyNastran.op2.rst file.

op2 Module

Inheritance diagram of pyNastran.op2.op2

Main OP2 class

class pyNastran.op2.op2.OP2(debug=True, log=None, debug_file=None)[source]

Bases: pyNastran.op2.op2_scalar.OP2_Scalar

Initializes the OP2 object

  • debug – enables the debug log and sets the debug in the logger (default=False)
  • log – a logging object to write debug messages to (.. seealso:: import logging)
  • debug_file – sets the filename that will be written to (default=None -> no debug)



we want the data to be in the same format and grouped by subcase, so we take

stress = {
    (1, 'SUPERELEMENT 0') : result1,
    (1, 'SUPERELEMENT 10') : result2,
    (1, 'SUPERELEMENT 20') : result3,
    (2, 'SUPERELEMENT 0') : result4,

and convert it to:

stress = {
    1 : result1 + result2 + results3,
    2 : result4,
read_op2(op2_filename=None, vectorized=True, combine=True)[source]

Starts the OP2 file reading :param op2_filename: the op2_filename (default=None -> popup) :param vectorized: should the vectorized objects be used (default=True) :param combine: should objects be isubcase based (True) or

(isubcase, subtitle) based (False) The second will be used for superelements regardless of the option (default=True)

Enables vectorization

The code will degenerate to dictionary based results when a result does not support vectorization.

Vectorization is always True here. :param ask: Do you want to see a GUI of result types.

Case # Vectorization Ask Read Modes
1 True True 1, 2
2 True False 1, 2
3 False True 1, 2
4 False False 0

op2_scalar Module

Inheritance diagram of pyNastran.op2.op2_scalar

Defines the OP2 class.

class pyNastran.op2.op2_scalar.OP2_Scalar(debug=False, log=None, debug_file=None)[source]

Bases: pyNastran.op2.tables.lama_eigenvalues.lama.LAMA, pyNastran.op2.tables.oee_energy.onr.ONR, pyNastran.op2.tables.opg_appliedLoads.ogpf.OGPF, pyNastran.op2.tables.oef_forces.oef.OEF, pyNastran.op2.tables.oes_stressStrain.oes.OES, pyNastran.op2.tables.ogs.OGS, pyNastran.op2.tables.opg_appliedLoads.opg.OPG, pyNastran.op2.tables.oqg_constraintForces.oqg.OQG, pyNastran.op2.tables.oug.oug.OUG, pyNastran.op2.tables.ogpwg.OGPWG, pyNastran.op2.fortran_format.FortranFormat

Defines an interface for the Nastran OP2 file.


Initializes the OP2_Scalar object

  • debug – enables the debug log and sets the debug in the logger (default=False)
  • log – a logging object to write debug messages to (.. seealso:: import logging)
  • debug_file – sets the filename that will be written to (default=None -> no debug)



Clears out the data members contained within the self.words variable. This prevents mixups when working on the next table, but otherwise has no effect.


Starts the OP2 file reading

Parameters:op2_filename – the op2 file
op2_filename Description
None a dialog is popped up
string the path is used
read_table_name(rewind=False, stop_on_failure=True)[source]

Reads the next OP2 table name (e.g. OUG1, OES1X1)

set_as_vectorized(vectorized=False, ask=False)[source]

Allows you to read only the subcases in the list of iSubcases

Parameters:subcases – list of [subcase1_ID,subcase2_ID] (default=None; all subcases)

Takes a dictionary of list of times in a transient case and gets the output closest to those times.

class pyNastran.op2.op2_scalar.TrashWriter(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

A dummy file that just trashes all data


close(*args, **kwargs)[source]
open(*args, **kwargs)[source]
write(*args, **kwargs)[source]

fortran_format Module

Inheritance diagram of pyNastran.op2.fortran_format

class pyNastran.op2.fortran_format.FortranFormat[source]

Bases: object

Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer


get_nmarkers(n, rewind=True)[source]

Gets n markers, so if n=2, it will get 2 markers.

  • self – the OP2 object pointer
  • n – number of markers to get
  • rewind – should the file be returned to the starting point
Retval markers:

list of [1, 2, 3, ...] markers


Jumps to position n in the file

  • self – the OP2 object pointer
  • n – the position to goto
isAllSubcases = None

stores if the user entered [] for iSubcases


Lets the code check whether or not to read a subcase

Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer
Retval is_valid:
 should this subcase defined by self.isubcase be read?

dummy function used for unsupported tables :param self: the OP2 object pointer

Reads a block following a pattern of:
[nbytes, data, nbytes]
Retval data:the data in binary

Gets specified markers, where a marker has the form of [4, value, 4]. The “marker” corresponds to the value, so 3 markers takes up 9 integers. These are used to indicate position in the file as well as the number of bytes to read.

  • self – the OP2 object pointer
  • markers – markers to get; markers = [-10, 1]
show(n, types='ifs')[source]
Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer
show_data(data, types='ifs')[source]
show_ndata(n, types='ifs')[source]
Skips a block following a pattern of:
[nbytes, data, nbytes]
Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer
Retval data:since data can never be None, a None value indicates something bad happened.
write_data(f, data, types='ifs')[source]

Useful function for seeing what’s going on locally when debugging.

Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer
write_ndata(f, n, types='ifs')[source]

Useful function for seeing what’s going on locally when debugging.

Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer

op2_codes Module

op2_helper Module

pyNastran.op2.op2_helper.polar_to_real_imag(mag, phase)[source]

Converts magnitude-phase to real-imaginary so all complex results are consistent

  • mag – magnitude c^2
  • phase – phase angle phi (degrees; theta)
Returns realValue:

the real component a of a+bi

Returns imagValue:

the imaginary component b of a+bi


returns the magnitude and phase (degrees) of a complex number

op2_common Module

Inheritance diagram of pyNastran.op2.op2_common

class pyNastran.op2.op2_common.OP2Common[source]

Bases: pyNastran.op2.op2Codes.Op2Codes, pyNastran.f06.f06Writer.F06Writer


ID = None

the corresponding piece to isubcase used only for SORT2 (not supported)

add_data_parameter(data, var_name, Type, field_num, applyNonlinearFactor=True, fixDeviceCode=False, add_to_dict=True)[source]
apply_data_code_value(name, value)[source]
binary_debug = None

op2 debug file or None (for self.debug=False)

create_transient_object(storageObj, classObj, is_cid=False, debug=False)[source]

Creates a transient object (or None if the subcase should be skippied).

  • storageName – the name of the dictionary to store the object in (e.g. ‘displacements’)
  • classObj – the class object to instantiate
  • debug – developer debug


dt can also be load_step depending on the class

data_code = None

the storage dictionary that is passed to OP2 objects (e.g. DisplacementObject) the key-value pairs are extracted and used to generate dynamic self variables for the OP2 objects

debug = None

should the op2 debugging file be written

expected_times = None

the list/set/tuple of times/modes/frequencies that should be read currently unused

is_vectorized = None


isubcase = None

current subcase ID non-transient (SOL101) cases have isubcase set to None transient (or frequency/modal) cases have isubcase set to a int/float value

read_mode = None

flag for vectorization 0 - no vectorization 1 - first pass 2 - second pass

result_names = None

the results

subcases = None

set of all the subcases that have been found

table_name = None

The current table_name (e.g. OES1) None indicates no table_name has been read

words = None

the list of “words” on a subtable 3

exception pyNastran.op2.op2_common.SortCodeError[source]

Bases: exceptions.RuntimeError

op2_f06_common Module

Inheritance diagram of pyNastran.op2.op2_f06_common

class pyNastran.op2.op2_f06_common.OP2_F06_Common[source]

Bases: object


Title = None

BDF Title


Gets info about the contents of the different attributes of the OP2 class.


Gets the names of the results.

iSubcaseNameMap = None

a dictionary that maps an integer of the subcaseName to the subcaseID

data_in_material_coord Module

vector_utils Module

pyNastran.op2.vector_utils.abs_max_min(values, global_abs_max=True)[source]

This is useful for figuring out absolute max or min principal stresses across single/multiple elements and finding a global max/min value.

Parameters:values (common NDARRAY/list/tuple shapes: 1. [nprincipal_stresses] 2. [nelements, nprincipal_stresses]) – an ND-array of values
Returns abs_max_mins:
 an array of the max or min principal stress
nvalues >= 1
>>> element1 = [0.0, -1.0, 2.0]  # 2.0
>>> element2 = [0.0, -3.0, 2.0]  # -3.0
>>> values = abs_max_min_global([element1, element2])
>>> values
>>> element1 = [0.0, -1.0, 2.0]  # 2.0
>>> values = abs_max_min_global([element1])
>>> values


[3.0, 2.0, -3.0] will return 3.0, and [-3.0, 2.0, 3.0] will return 3.0


This is useful for figuring out principal stresses across multiple elements.

Parameters:values (NDARRAY shape=[nelements, nprincipal_stresses]) – an array of values, where the rows are interated over and the columns are going to be compressed
Returns abs_max_mins:
 an array of the max or min principal stress
>>> element1 = [0.0,  1.0, 2.0]  # 2.0
>>> element2 = [0.0, -1.0, 2.0]  # 2.0
>>> element3 = [0.0, -3.0, 2.0]  # -3.0
>>> values = [element1 element2, element3]
>>> values0 = abs_max_min_vectorized(values)
>>> values0
[2.0, 2.0, -3.0]


[3.0, 2.0, -3.0] will return 3.0, and [-3.0, 2.0, 3.0] will return 3.0

pyNastran.op2.vector_utils.iformat(Format, precision=2)[source]