Source code for pyNastran.bdf.bdf_interface.get_card

defines various methods to access high level BDF data:
 - GetCard()
   - get_card_ids_by_card_types(self, card_types=None, reset_type_to_slot_map=False,
                                stop_on_missing_card=False, combine=False)
   - get_rslot_map(self, reset_type_to_slot_map=False)
   - get_cards_by_card_types(self, card_types, reset_type_to_slot_map=False,
   - get_SPCx_node_ids(self, spc_id, stop_on_failure=True)
   - get_SPCx_node_ids_c1( spc_id, stop_on_failure=True)
   - get_MPCx_node_ids( mpc_id, stop_on_failure=True)
   - get_MPCx_node_ids_c1( mpc_id, stop_on_failure=True)
   - get_load_arrays(self, subcase_id, nid_map, eid_map, node_ids, normals)
   - get_pressure_array(self, load_case, eids)
   - get_reduced_loads(self, load_id, scale=1., skip_scale_factor0=True, msg='')
   - get_reduced_dloads(self, dload_id, scale=1., skip_scale_factor0=True, msg='')
   - get_rigid_elements_with_node_ids(self, node_ids)
   - get_dependent_nid_to_components(self, mpc_id=None)
   - get_node_ids_with_elements(self, eids, msg='')
   - get_elements_nodes_by_property_type(self, dtype='int32',
   - get_elements_properties_nodes_by_element_type(self, dtype='int32', solids=None)
   - get_element_ids_list_with_pids(self, pids=None)
   - get_pid_to_node_ids_and_elements_array(self, pids=None, etypes=None, idtype='int32')
   - get_element_ids_dict_with_pids(self, pids=None, stop_if_no_eids=True)
   - get_node_id_to_element_ids_map(self)
   - get_node_id_to_elements_map(self)
   - get_property_id_to_element_ids_map(self)
   - get_material_id_to_property_ids_map(self)
   - get_reduced_mpcs(self, mpc_id)
   - get_reduced_spcs(self, spc_id)
   - get_spcs(self, spc_id, consider_nodes=False)
   - get_mpcs(self, mpc_id)

# pylint: disable=C0103
from __future__ import (nested_scopes, generators, division, absolute_import,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List, Dict, Set, Optional, Any, Tuple
from six import string_types

import numpy as np

from pyNastran.bdf.bdf_interface.get_methods import GetMethods
from pyNastran.utils.numpy_utils import integer_types
from import update_pload4_vector
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.dvxrel import get_dvprel_ndarrays
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.mpc_dependency import (
    get_mpc_node_ids, get_mpc_node_ids_c1,
    get_rigid_elements_with_node_ids, get_dependent_nid_to_components,
    get_lines_rigid, get_mpcs)
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.forces_moments import (
    get_load_arrays, get_pressure_array,
    get_temperatures_array, get_forces_moments_array)

[docs]class GetCard(GetMethods): """defines various methods to access high level BDF data""" def __init__(self): self._type_to_slot_map = {} GetMethods.__init__(self)
[docs] def get_card_ids_by_card_types(self, card_types=None, reset_type_to_slot_map=False, stop_on_missing_card=False, combine=False): """ Parameters ---------- card_types : str / List[str] / default=None the list of keys to consider (list of strings; string) None : all cards reset_type_to_slot_map : bool should the mapping dictionary be rebuilt (default=False); set to True if you added cards stop_on_missing_card : bool crashes if you request a card and it doesn't exist combine : bool; default=False change out_dict into out_list combine the list of cards Returns ------- out_dict: dict[str]=List[ids] the key=card_type, value=the ID of the card object out_list: List[ids] value=the ID of the card object useful Examples --------- >>> out_dict = model.get_card_ids_by_card_types( card_types=['GRID', 'CTRIA3', 'CQUAD4'], combine=False) >>> out_dict = { 'GRID' : [1, 2, 10, 42, 1000], 'CTRIA3' : [1, 2, 3, 5], 'CQUAD4' : [4], } **shell elements** >>> out_dict = model.get_card_ids_by_card_types( card_types=['CTRIA3', 'CQUAD4'], combine=True) >>> out_dict = { [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], } """ if card_types is None: card_types = list(self.cards_to_read) if isinstance(card_types, string_types): card_types = [card_types] elif not isinstance(card_types, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError('card_types must be a list/tuple; type=%s' % type(card_types)) #if reset_type_to_slot_map or self._type_to_slot_map is None: #self._type_to_slot_map = rslot_map if reset_type_to_slot_map: self._reset_type_to_slot_map() #out_dict = { #(key) : (self._type_to_id_map[key] if key in self.card_count else []) #for key in card_types #} out_dict = {} card_count = self.card_count for key in card_types: if key in card_count: out_dict[key] = sorted(self._type_to_id_map[key]) else: if stop_on_missing_card: raise RuntimeError('%r is not in the card_count; keys=%s' % str(sorted(card_count.keys()))) out_dict[key] = [] if combine: out_list = [] for key, value in sorted(out_dict.items()): out_list += value return out_list return out_dict
def _reset_type_to_slot_map(self): # type: () -> Dict[str, str] """resets self._type_to_slot_map""" rslot_map = defaultdict(list) for dict_name, card_names in self._slot_to_type_map.items(): #print('card_names=%s dict_name=%s' % (card_names, dict_name)) card_name0 = card_names[0] if card_name0 in ['DTABLE', 'GRDSET', 'SESUP', 'DOPTPRM', 'MONPNT1', 'SUPORT', 'MKAERO1', 'MATHP']: pass else: adict = getattr(self, dict_name) if isinstance(adict, dict): for key, card in adict.items(): if isinstance(card, list): alist = card for cardi in alist: rslot_map[cardi.type].append(key) #msg = '%s; names=%s \ncard=%s' % (type(card), card_names, card) #raise NotImplementedError(msg) else: rslot_map[card.type].append(key) elif isinstance(adict, list): alist = adict for value in alist: if isinstance(value, list): msg = '%s; names=%s value=%s' % (type(value), card_names, value) raise NotImplementedError(msg) if value.type in ['CSET1', 'CSET']: pass #rslot_map[value.type] = value. else: raise NotImplementedError('list; names=%s' % card_names) else: raise NotImplementedError('%s; names=%s' % (type(adict), card_names)) return rslot_map
[docs] def get_rslot_map(self, reset_type_to_slot_map=False): """gets the rslot_map""" if (reset_type_to_slot_map or self._type_to_slot_map is None or len(self._type_to_slot_map) == 0): self.reset_rslot_map() rslot_map = self._type_to_slot_map assert 'GRID' in rslot_map return rslot_map
[docs] def reset_rslot_map(self): # type: () -> None """helper method for get_rslot_map""" rslot_map = {} for key, values in self._slot_to_type_map.items(): for value in values: rslot_map[value] = key self._type_to_slot_map = rslot_map
@property def nid_map(self): # type: () -> Any """ Gets the GRID/SPOINT/EPOINT ids to a sorted order. Parameters ---------- sort_ids : bool; default=True sort the ids Returns ------- nid_map : Dict[nid] : i nid : int the GRID/SPOINT/EPOINT id i : int the index ..note :: GRIDs, SPOINTs, & EPOINTs are stored in separate slots, so they are unorganized. ..note :: see ``self.get_nid_map(sort_ids=False)`` for the unsorted version """ return self.get_nid_map(sort_ids=True)
[docs] def get_nid_map(self, sort_ids=True): # type: (bool) -> Dict[int, int] """ Maps the GRID/SPOINT/EPOINT ids to a sorted/unsorted order. Parameters ---------- sort_ids : bool; default=True sort the ids Returns ------- nid_map : Dict[nid] : i nid : int the GRID/SPOINT/EPOINT id i : int the index ..note :: GRIDs, SPOINTs, & EPOINTs are stored in separate slots, so they are unorganized. """ nids = [] index_nids = [] i = 0 for nid in self.nodes: nids.append(nid) index_nids.append(i) i += 1 for nid in self.spoints: nids.append(nid) index_nids.append(i) i += 1 for nid in self.epoints: nids.append(nid) index_nids.append(i) i += 1 if sort_ids: inids = np.argsort(nids) nids = np.sort(nids) index_nids = np.array(index_nids)[inids] nid_map = {} for nid, i in zip(nids, index_nids): nid_map[nid] = i return nid_map
[docs] def get_cards_by_card_types(self, card_types, reset_type_to_slot_map=False, stop_on_missing_card=False): """ Parameters ---------- card_types : List[str] the list of keys to consider reset_type_to_slot_map : bool should the mapping dictionary be rebuilt (default=False); set to True if you added cards stop_on_missing_card : bool crashes if you request a card and it doesn't exist Returns ------- out_dict : dict[str] = List[BDFCard()] the key=card_type, value=the card object """ if not isinstance(card_types, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError('card_types must be a list/tuple; type=%s' % type(card_types)) #self._type_to_id_map = { # 'CQUAD4' : [1, 2, 3] #} #self._slot_to_type_map = {'elements' : [CQUAD4, CTRIA3]} rslot_map = self.get_rslot_map(reset_type_to_slot_map=False) out = {} for card_type in card_types: if card_type not in self.card_count: if stop_on_missing_card: keys = str(sorted(self.card_count.keys())) raise RuntimeError('%r is not in the card_count; keys=%s' % (card_type, keys)) out[card_type] = [] continue #print('card_type=%r' % card_type) try: key = rslot_map[card_type] # update ~line 640 except: print(rslot_map.keys()) self.log.error("card_type=%r' hasn't been added to " "self._slot_to_type_map...check for typos") raise try: slot = getattr(self, key) except AttributeError: if hasattr(self.zona, key): slot = getattr(self.zona, key) else: raise ids = self._type_to_id_map[card_type] cards = [] if isinstance(ids, bool): continue for idi in ids: try: card = slot[idi] except KeyError: print(slot) msg = 'key=%r id=%r cannot be found\n' % (key, idi) msg += 'id=%s not found. Allowed=%s' % ( key, np.unique(ids)) #print(msg) raise KeyError(msg) except TypeError: msg = 'key=%s id=%s cannot be found' % (key, idi) #print(msg) raise TypeError(msg) if isinstance(card, list): for cardi in card: # loads/spc/mpc if cardi.type == card_type: # loads cards.append(cardi) else: cards.append(card) #for card in cards: #print('%s' % str(card).split('\n')[0]) out[card_type] = cards return out
[docs] def get_SPCx_node_ids(self, spc_id, consider_spcadd=True, stop_on_failure=True): # type: (int, bool, bool) -> List[int] """ Get the SPC/SPCADD/SPC1/SPCAX IDs. Parameters ---------- spc_id : int the SPC id stop_on_failure : bool; default=True errors if parsing something new Returns ------- node_ids : List[int] the constrained associated node ids """ spcs = self.get_reduced_spcs( spc_id, consider_spcadd=consider_spcadd, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure) warnings = '' node_ids = [] for card in spcs: if card.type == 'SPC': nids = card.node_ids elif card.type == 'SPC1': nids = card.node_ids elif card.type in ['GMSPC', 'SPCAX']: warnings += str(card) continue else: warnings += str(card) continue node_ids += nids if warnings: self.log.warning("get_SPCx_node_ids doesn't consider:\n%s" % warnings.rstrip('\n')) return node_ids
[docs] def get_SPCx_node_ids_c1(self, spc_id, stop_on_failure=True): """ Get the SPC/SPCADD/SPC1/SPCAX IDs. Parameters ---------- spc_id : int the SPC id stop_on_failure : bool; default=True errors if parsing something new Returns ------- node_ids_c1 : Dict[component] = node_ids component : str the DOF to constrain node_ids : List[int] the constrained node ids """ spcs = self.get_reduced_spcs(spc_id, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure) node_ids_c1 = defaultdict(str) #print('spcs = ', spcs) warnings = '' for card in spcs: if card.type == 'SPC': for nid, c1 in zip(card.node_ids, card.components): assert nid is not None, card.node_ids node_ids_c1[nid] += c1 elif card.type == 'SPC1': nids = card.node_ids c1 = card.components for nid in nids: node_ids_c1[nid] += c1 elif card.type in ['GMSPC', 'SPCAX']: warnings += str(card) else: msg = 'get_SPCx_node_ids_c1 doesnt supprt %r' % card.type if stop_on_failure: raise RuntimeError(msg) self.log.warning(msg) if warnings: self.log.warning("get_SPCx_node_ids_c1 doesn't consider:\n%s" % warnings.rstrip('\n')) return node_ids_c1
[docs] def get_MPCx_node_ids(self, mpc_id, consider_mpcadd=True, stop_on_failure=True): # type: (int, bool, bool) -> List[List[int]] """see ``pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.mpc_dependency.get_mpc_node_ids(...)``""" lines = get_mpc_node_ids( self, mpc_id, consider_mpcadd=consider_mpcadd, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure) return lines
[docs] def get_MPCx_node_ids_c1(self, mpc_id, consider_mpcadd=True, stop_on_failure=True): # type: (int, bool, bool) -> Tuple[Dict[str, List[int]], Dict[str, List[int]]] """see ``pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.mpc_dependency.get_mpc_node_ids_c1(...)``""" independent_node_ids_c1, dependent_node_ids_c1 = get_mpc_node_ids_c1( self, mpc_id, consider_mpcadd=consider_mpcadd, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure) return independent_node_ids_c1, dependent_node_ids_c1
[docs] def get_mpcs(self, mpc_id, consider_mpcadd=True, stop_on_failure=True): """see ``pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.mpc_dependency.get_mpcs(...)``""" nids, comps = get_mpcs(self, mpc_id, consider_mpcadd=consider_mpcadd, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure) return nids, comps
[docs] def get_rigid_elements_with_node_ids(self, node_ids): """see ``pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.mpc_dependency.get_rigid_elements_with_node_ids(...)``""" rbes = get_rigid_elements_with_node_ids(self, node_ids) return rbes
[docs] def get_dependent_nid_to_components(self, mpc_id=None, stop_on_failure=True): """see ``pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.mpc_dependency.get_dependent_nid_to_components(...)``""" dependent_nid_to_components = get_dependent_nid_to_components( self, mpc_id=mpc_id, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure) return dependent_nid_to_components
def _get_rigid(self): """see ``pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.mpc_dependency.get_lines_rigid(...)``""" lines_rigid = get_lines_rigid(self) return lines_rigid def _get_dvprel_ndarrays(self, nelements, pids, fdtype='float32', idtype='int32'): """see ``pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.dvxrel.get_dvprel_ndarrays(...)``""" dvprel_dict = get_dvprel_ndarrays( self, nelements, pids, fdtype=fdtype, idtype=idtype) return dvprel_dict
[docs] def get_load_arrays(self, subcase_id, eid_map, node_ids, normals, nid_map=None): """see ``pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.forces_moments.get_load_arrays(...)``""" is_loads, is_temperatures, temperature_data, load_data = get_load_arrays( self, subcase_id, eid_map, node_ids, normals, nid_map=nid_map) return is_loads, is_temperatures, temperature_data, load_data
def _get_forces_moments_array(self, p0, load_case_id, eid_map, nnodes, normals, dependents_nodes, nid_map=None, include_grav=False): """see ``pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.forces_moments.get_forces_moments_array(...)``""" centroidal_pressures, forces, spcd = get_forces_moments_array( self, p0, load_case_id, eid_map, nnodes, normals, dependents_nodes, nid_map=nid_map, include_grav=include_grav) return centroidal_pressures, forces, spcd
[docs] def get_pressure_array(self, load_case_id, eids, stop_on_failure=True): """see ``pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.forces_moments.get_pressure_array(...)``""" return get_pressure_array(self, load_case_id, eids, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure)
def _get_temperatures_array(self, load_case_id, nid_map=None, dtype='float32'): """see ``pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.forces_moments.get_temperatures_array(...)``""" return get_temperatures_array(self, load_case_id, nid_map=nid_map, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def get_reduced_loads(self, load_case_id, scale=1., consider_load_combinations=True, skip_scale_factor0=False, stop_on_failure=True, msg=''): """ Accounts for scale factors. Parameters ---------- load_case_id : int the desired LOAD id consider_load_combinations : bool; default=True look at the LOAD card scale : float; default=1.0 additional scale factor on top of the existing LOADs skip_scale_factor0 : bool; default=False Skip loads with scale factor=0.0. Nastran does not do this. Nastran will fail if referenced loads do not exist. stop_on_failure : bool; default=True errors if parsing something new msg : str debug message Returns ------- loads : List[loads] a series of load objects scale_factors : List[float] the associated scale factors is_grav : bool is there a gravity card .. warning:: assumes xref=True """ if not isinstance(load_case_id, integer_types): msg = 'load_case_id must be an integer; type=%s, load_case_id:\n%r' % ( type(load_case_id), load_case_id) raise TypeError(msg) try: load_case = self.Load( load_case_id, consider_load_combinations=consider_load_combinations, msg=msg) except KeyError: if stop_on_failure: raise self.log.error("could not find expected LOAD/LOADSET id=%s" % load_case_id) return [] loads, scale_factors, is_grav = self._reduce_load_case(load_case, scale=scale) assert len(loads) == len(scale_factors) return loads, scale_factors, is_grav
def _reduce_load_case(self, load_case, scale=1., consider_load_combinations=True, unallowed_load_ids=None, msg=''): """reduces a load case""" scale_factors_out = [] loads_out = [] is_grav_out = False if unallowed_load_ids is None: unallowed_load_ids = [] for load in load_case: if load.type == 'LOAD': load_ids = load.get_load_ids() load_scale = load.scale * scale scale_factors = load.scale_factors assert len(load_ids) == len(scale_factors), str(load) scale_factors_temp = [load_scale * scalei for scalei in scale_factors] for load_idi, scalei in zip(load_ids, scale_factors_temp): # prevents recursion if load_idi in unallowed_load_ids: msg = 'There is a recursion error. LOAD trace=%s; load_id=%s' % ( unallowed_load_ids, load_idi) raise RuntimeError(msg) unallowed_load_ids2 = deepcopy(unallowed_load_ids) unallowed_load_ids2.append(load_idi) load_casei = self.Load( load_idi, consider_load_combinations=consider_load_combinations, msg=msg) loadsi, scale_factorsi, is_gravi = self._reduce_load_case( load_casei, scale=scalei, consider_load_combinations=consider_load_combinations, unallowed_load_ids=unallowed_load_ids2) if is_gravi: is_grav_out = True scale_factors_out += scale_factorsi loads_out += loadsi elif load.type in 'GRAV': scale_factors_out.append(scale) loads_out.append(load) is_grav_out = True else: scale_factors_out.append(scale) loads_out.append(load) return loads_out, scale_factors_out, is_grav_out
[docs] def get_reduced_dloads(self, dload_id, scale=1., consider_dload_combinations=True, skip_scale_factor0=False, msg=''): """ Accounts for scale factors. Parameters ---------- dload_id : int the desired DLOAD id consider_dload_combinations : bool; default=True look at the DLOAD card scale : float; default=1.0 additional scale factor on top of the existing LOADs skip_scale_factor0 : bool; default=False Skip loads with scale factor=0.0. Nastran does not do this. Nastran will fail if referenced loads do not exist. msg : str debug message Returns ------- dloads : List[loads] a series of dload objects scale_factors : List[float] the associated scale factors .. warning:: assumes xref=True """ dload_case = self.DLoad( dload_id, consider_dload_combinations=consider_dload_combinations, msg=msg) dloads, scale_factors = self._reduce_dload_case( dload_case, scale=scale, skip_scale_factor0=skip_scale_factor0, msg=msg) return dloads, scale_factors
def _reduce_dload_case(self, dload_case, scale=1., unallowed_dload_ids=None, skip_scale_factor0=False, msg=''): """ Reduces a dload case Parameters ---------- dload_case : List[???] a series of DLOAD cards scale : float; default=1.0 additional scale factor on top of the existing LOADs unallowed_dload_ids : List[int]; default=None helper to prevent recursion skip_scale_factor0 : bool; default=False Skip loads with scale factor=0.0. Nastran does not do this. Nastran will fail if referenced loads do not exist. msg : str debug message Returns ------- dloads : List[loads] a series of dload objects scale_factors : List[float] the associated scale factors """ scale_factors_out = [] dloads_out = [] if unallowed_dload_ids is None: unallowed_dload_ids = [] assert isinstance(dload_case, list), dload_case for dload in dload_case: if dload.type == 'DLOAD': dload_ids = dload.get_load_ids() load_scale = dload.scale * scale scale_factors = dload.scale_factors if len(dload_ids) != len(scale_factors): msg = 'dload_ids=%s scale_factors=%s\n%s' % ( dload_ids, scale_factors, str(dload)) raise ValueError(msg) scale_factors_temp = [load_scale * scalei for scalei in scale_factors] for dload_idi, scalei in zip(dload_ids, scale_factors_temp): # prevents recursion if dload_idi in unallowed_dload_ids: msg = 'There is a recursion error. DLOAD trace=%s; dload_id=%s' % ( unallowed_dload_ids, dload_idi) raise RuntimeError(msg) unallowed_dload_ids2 = deepcopy(unallowed_dload_ids) unallowed_dload_ids2.append(dload_idi) dload_casei = self.DLoad(dload_idi, msg=msg) dloadsi, scale_factorsi = self._reduce_dload_case( dload_casei, scale=scalei, unallowed_dload_ids=unallowed_dload_ids2, ) scale_factors_out += scale_factorsi dloads_out += dloadsi else: scale_factors_out.append(scale) dloads_out.append(dload) return dloads_out, scale_factors_out def _get_maps(self, eids=None, map_names=None, consider_0d=True, consider_0d_rigid=True, consider_1d=True, consider_2d=True, consider_3d=True): """ Gets a series of mappings (e.g. node_id to element_id) eids : List[int] the element ids to consider map_names : List[str]; default=None -> all 'edge_to_eid_map', 'eid_to_edge_map', 'nid_to_edge_map', 'nid_to_eid_map' consider_0d : bool; default=True considers CELASx, CDAMPx, CFAST consider_0d_rigid : bool; default=True considers MPC, RBAR, RBE2, RBE3, RSPLINE elements consider_1d : bool; default=True considers CONROD, CROD, CBAR, CBEAM elements consider_2d : bool; default=True considers CQUAD4, CQUAD8, CQUADR, CQUAD, CTRIA3, CTRIA6, CTRIAX, CTRIAX6, CSHEAR elements consider_3d : bool; default=True considers CTETRA, CPENTA, CPYRAM, CHEXA elements .. todo:: consider_0d support .. todo:: consider_0d_rigid support """ allowed_maps = [ 'edge_to_eid_map', 'eid_to_edge_map', 'nid_to_edge_map', #'edge_to_nid_map', # unnecessary #'eid_to_eid_map', # not added yet 'nid_to_eid_map', #'face_to_edge_map', # what does this look like? ] if map_names is None: map_names = allowed_maps else: if isinstance(map_names, string_types): map_names = [map_names] if not isinstance(map_names, (list, tuple)): msg = 'map_names=%s must be a list or tuple; not %s' % ( map_names, type(map_names)) raise TypeError(msg) for name in map_names: if name not in allowed_maps: msg = 'name=%r; allowed=%s' % (name, sorted(allowed_maps.keys())) raise RuntimeError(msg) eid_to_edge_map = {} eid_to_nid_map = {} edge_to_eid_map = defaultdict(set) nid_to_edge_map = defaultdict(set) #set() ??? nid_to_eid_map = defaultdict(set) if eids is None: eids = self.elements.keys() types_to_consider = [] if consider_0d: types_to_consider += [] if consider_0d_rigid: types_to_consider += [] if consider_1d: types_to_consider += ['CROD', 'CONROD', 'CBAR', 'CBEAM', 'CBEAM3'] if consider_2d: types_to_consider += ['CTRIA3', 'CTRIAX', 'CTRIA6', 'CTRIAX6', 'CQUAD4', 'CQUAD', 'CQUAD8', 'CQUADR', 'CQUADX', 'CQUADX8', 'CSHEAR'] if consider_3d: types_to_consider += ['CTETRA', 'CPENTA', 'CPYRAM', 'CHEXA'] for eid in eids: elem = self.elements[eid] if elem.type not in types_to_consider: continue node_ids = elem.node_ids edges = elem.get_edge_ids() eid_to_edge_map[eid] = edges eid_to_nid_map[eid] = node_ids for nid in node_ids: nid_to_eid_map[nid].add(eid) for edge in edges: assert not isinstance(edge, integer_types), 'edge=%s elem=\n%s' % (edge, elem) assert edge[0] < edge[1], 'edge=%s elem=\n%s' % (edge, elem) try: edge_to_eid_map[edge].add(eid) except TypeError: print(elem) raise for nid in edge: nid_to_edge_map[nid].add(tuple(edge)) out = {} allowed_maps = [ #'edge_to_eid_map', #'eid_to_edge_map', #'nid_to_edge_map', #'edge_to_nid_map', # unnecessary #'nid_to_eid_map', ] for key in map_names: if key == 'edge_to_eid_map': out[key] = edge_to_eid_map elif key == 'eid_to_edge_map': out[key] = eid_to_edge_map elif key == 'nid_to_edge_map': out[key] = nid_to_edge_map elif key == 'nid_to_eid_map': out[key] = nid_to_eid_map #elif key == 'eid_to_eid_map': # not added yet #out[key] = eid_to_eid_map else: self.log.error('missing map %r' % key) return out
[docs] def get_node_ids_with_elements(self, eids, msg=''): # type: (List[int], str) -> Set[int] """ Get the node IDs associated with a list of element IDs Parameters ---------- eids : List[int] list of element ID msg : str An additional message to print out if an element is not found Returns ------- node_ids : Set[int] set of node IDs For example:: eids = [1, 2, 3] # list of elements with pid=1 msg = ' which are required for pid=1' node_ids = bdf.get_node_ids_with_elements(eids, msg=msg) """ if isinstance(eids, integer_types): eids = [eids] nids2 = set() for eid in eids: element = self.Element(eid, msg=msg) self.log.debug(" = %s" % ( nids = set(element.node_ids) nids2.update(nids) return nids2
[docs] def get_elements_nodes_by_property_type(self, dtype='int32', save_element_types=False): # type: (str, bool) -> Any """ Gets a dictionary of (etype, pid) to [eids, node_ids] Parameters ---------- dtype : str; default='int32' the type of the integers save_element_types : bool; default=False adds the etype_to_eids_pids_nids output Returns ------- etype_pid_to_eids_nids : dict[(etype, pid)] : [eids, nids] etype : str the element type pid : int the property id CONRODS have a pid of 0 eids : (neids, ) int ndarray the elements with the property id of pid nids : (neids, nnodes/element) int ndarray the nodes corresponding to the element etype_to_eids_pids_nids : dict[etype] : [eids, pids, nids] Enabled by save_element_types; default=None etype : str the element type eids : (neids, ) int ndarray the elements with the property id of pid pids : (neids, ) int ndarray the property ids CONRODS have a pid of 0 nids : (neids, nnodes/element) int ndarray the nodes corresponding to the element """ etype_to_eids_pids_nids = self.get_elements_properties_nodes_by_element_type(dtype=dtype) output = {} for etype, (eids, pids, nids) in etype_to_eids_pids_nids.items(): upids = np.unique(pids) for upid in upids: ipid = np.where(pids == upid)[0] output[(etype, upid)] = [eids[ipid], nids[ipid, :]] if save_element_types: return output, etype_to_eids_pids_nids return output, None
[docs] def get_element_nodes_by_element_type(self, dtype='int32', solids=None): # type: (str, bool) -> Any """see ``get_elements_properties_nodes_by_element_type``""" self.deprecated('get_element_nodes_by_element_type', 'get_elements_properties_nodes_by_element_type', '1.2') return self.get_elements_properties_nodes_by_element_type( dtype=dtype, solids=solids)
[docs] def get_elements_properties_nodes_by_element_type(self, dtype='int32', solids=None, stop_if_no_eids=True): # type: (str, Optional[Dict[str, Any]], bool) -> Any """ Gets a dictionary of element type to [eids, pids, node_ids] Parameters ---------- dtype : str; default='int32' the type of the integers solids : dict[etype] : value etype : str the element type should only be CTETRA, CHEXA, CPENTA, CPYRAM value : varies (nnodes_min, nnodes_max) : Tuple(int, int) the min/max number of nodes for the element (nnodes, ) : Tuple(int, ) the number of nodes useful if you only have CTETRA4s or only want CTETRA10s fails if you're wrong (and too low) Returns ------- etype_to_eids_pids_nids : dict[etype] : [eids, pids, nids] etype : str the element type eids : (neids, ) int ndarray the elements with the property id of pid pids : (neids, ) int ndarray the property ids CONRODS have a pid of 0 nids : (neids, nnodes/element) int ndarray the nodes corresponding to the element """ etypes_no_pids = [ 'CELAS4', 'CDAMP4', 'CHBDYG', 'GENEL', ] etypes = [ 'CELAS1', 'CELAS2', 'CELAS3', 'CELAS4', 'CDAMP1', 'CDAMP2', 'CDAMP3', 'CDAMP4', 'CDAMP5', 'CROD', 'CONROD', 'CTUBE', 'CBAR', 'CBEAM', 'CBEND', 'CBEAM3', 'CSHEAR', 'CVISC', 'CTRIA3', 'CTRIA6', 'CTRIAR', 'CQUAD4', 'CQUAD8', 'CQUADR', 'CQUAD', 'CPLSTN3', 'CPLSTN6', 'CPLSTN4', 'CPLSTN8', #'CPLSTS3', 'CPLSTS6', 'CPLSTS4', 'CPLSTS8', 'CTRAX3', 'CTRAX6', 'CTRIAX', 'CTRIAX6', 'CQUADX', 'CQUADX4', 'CQUADX8', 'CTETRA', 'CPENTA', 'CHEXA', 'CPYRAM', 'CBUSH', 'CBUSH1D', 'CBUSH2D', 'CFAST', 'CGAP', # not supported 'GENEL', 'CHBDYG', ] output = {} if solids is None: solids = { 'CTETRA' : (4, 10), #'CTETRA' : (10, ), 'CHEXA' : (8, 20), 'CPENTA' : (6, 15), 'CPYRAM' : (5, 13), } etypes_found = [] for etype in etypes: if etype not in self._type_to_id_map: continue eids_list = self._type_to_id_map[etype] if not eids_list: continue etypes_found.append(etype) eids = np.array(eids_list, dtype=dtype) neids = len(eids) eid0 = eids[0] elem0 = self.elements[eid0] nnodes = len(elem0.nodes) if etype not in solids or len(solids[etype]) == 1: pids = np.zeros(neids, dtype=dtype) nids = np.zeros((neids, nnodes), dtype=dtype) for i, eid in enumerate(eids): elem = self.elements[eid] if elem.type in etypes_no_pids: pid = 0 else: pid = elem.Pid() assert pid is not None, elem pids[i] = pid nidsi = elem.node_ids try: nids[i, :] = nidsi except TypeError: #print(elem) #print('nidsi =', nidsi) nidsi2 = [nid if nid is not None else 0 for nid in nidsi] try: nids[i, :] = nidsi2 except: print(elem) print(nidsi) print(nidsi2) raise output[etype] = [eids, pids, nids] else: # SOLID elements can be variable length nnodes_min = min(solids[etype]) nnodes_max = max(solids[etype]) pids = np.zeros(neids, dtype='int32') nids = np.zeros((neids, nnodes_max), dtype=dtype) ieids_max = [] ieids_min = [] for i, eid in enumerate(eids): elem = self.elements[eid] pid = elem.Pid() assert pid is not None, elem pids[i] = pid nidsi = elem.node_ids nnodesi = len(nidsi) if nnodesi == nnodes_max: ieids_max.append(i) else: ieids_min.append(i) try: nids[i, :nnodesi] = nidsi except TypeError: #print(elem) #print('nidsi =', nidsi) nidsi2 = [nid if nid is not None else 0 for nid in nidsi] try: nids[i, :] = nidsi2 except: raise if len(ieids_max): etype_max = elem.type + str(nnodes_max) ieids_max = np.array(ieids_max, dtype=dtype) output[etype_max] = [eids[ieids_max], pids[ieids_max], nids[ieids_max, :]] if len(ieids_min): etype_min = elem.type + str(nnodes_min) ieids_min = np.array(ieids_min, dtype=dtype) output[etype_min] = [eids[ieids_min], pids[ieids_min], nids[ieids_min, :nnodes_min]] if stop_if_no_eids: msg = ( 'get_elements_properties_nodes_by_element_type output is empty; ' 'nelements=%s; etypes_found=%s' % ( len(self.elements), etypes_found)) # etypes_found self.log.warning(msg) else: assert len(output), 'get_elements_properties_nodes_by_element_type output is empty...' return output
#-------------------- # ELEMENT CARDS
[docs] def get_element_ids_list_with_pids(self, pids=None): # type: (Optional[List[int]]) -> List[int] """ Gets all the element IDs with a specific property ID. Parameters ---------- pids : List[int]; default=None -> all list of property ID Returns ------- element_ids : List[int] the element ids For example, we want to get all the element ids with ``pids=[1, 2, 3]`` .. code-block:: python model = BDF() model.read_bdf(bdf_filename) pids = [1, 2, 3] eids_list = model.get_element_ids_list_with_pids(pids) >>> eids_list [10, 11, 20, 21, 30, 31] """ etypes_no_pids = [ 'CELAS4', 'CDAMP4', 'CHBDYG', 'GENEL', ] if pids is None: pids = elif isinstance(pids, integer_types): pids = {pids} else: assert isinstance(pids, (list, tuple)), 'pids=%s type=%s' % (pids, type(pids)) eids2 = [] for eid, element in sorted(self.elements.items()): if element.type in etypes_no_pids: pid = 0 else: pid = element.Pid() if pid in pids: eids2.append(eid) return eids2
[docs] def get_pid_to_node_ids_and_elements_array(self, pids=None, etypes=None, idtype='int32', msg=''): """ a work in progress Parameters ---------- pids : List[int] list of property ID etypes : List[str] element types to consider Returns ------- pid_to_eids_ieids_map : dict[(pid, etype)] = eid_ieid eid_ieid : (Nelements, 2) int ndarray eid is the element id ieid is the index in the node_ids array node_ids : (nelements, nnodes) int ndarray nelements : int the number of elements in the property type nnodes : int varies based on the element type """ if pids is None: pids = list( elif isinstance(pids, integer_types): pids = [int] assert isinstance(pids, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)), 'pids=%s type=%s' % (pids, type(pids)) pid_to_eids_map = {} for pid in pids: pid_to_eids_map[pid] = [] skip_elements = ['CONROD'] etypes_ = self._slot_to_type_map['elements'] etype_to_nids_map = {} pid_to_eids_ieids_map = defaultdict(list) etypes_no_pids = [ 'CELAS4', 'CDAMP4', 'CHBDYG', 'GENEL', ] etypes_none_nodes = [ 'CELAS1', 'CELAS2', 'CELAS4', 'CDAMP1', 'CDAMP2', 'CDAMP4', 'CDAMP5', 'CBUSH', 'CBUSH1D', 'CFAST', 'CTRIAX', 'CQUADX', 'CTRIAX6', 'CTRIA6', 'CQUAD8', 'CQUAD', 'CTETRA', 'CPENTA', 'CHEXA', 'CPYRAM', 'CRAC2D', 'CRAC3D', 'CHBDYP', #'CHBDYG', 'CHACAB', 'CAABSF', ] if etypes is None: etypes = etypes_ try: for etype in etypes_: if etype not in etypes_: continue eids = self._type_to_id_map[etype] if len(eids) == 0: continue if etype in skip_elements: self.log.warning('skipping etype=%s because there are no properties%s' % ( etype, msg)) continue # get the number of nodes of the first element eid = eids[0] element0 = self.elements[eid] nnodes = len(element0.node_ids) neids = len(eids) node_ids = np.zeros((neids, nnodes), dtype=idtype) if etype in etypes_none_nodes: for ieid, eid in enumerate(eids): element = self.elements[eid] try: node_ids[ieid, :] = [nid if nid is not None else 0 for nid in element.node_ids] except: self.log.error('This error can occur when you have ' 'linear and quadratic solid elements ' 'within the same model\n%s' % element) raise if etype in etypes_no_pids: pid = 0 else: pid = element.Pid() #nids_to_pids_map[] pid_to_eids_ieids_map[(pid, etype)].append((eid, ieid)) else: try: for ieid, eid in enumerate(eids): element = self.elements[eid] try: node_ids[ieid, :] = element.node_ids except TypeError: print(element) raise if etype in etypes_no_pids: pid = 0 else: pid = element.Pid() #nids_to_pids_map[] pid_to_eids_ieids_map[(pid, etype)].append((eid, ieid)) except TypeError: print(etype) print(element) raise etype_to_nids_map[etype] = node_ids for key, value in pid_to_eids_ieids_map.items(): pid_to_eids_ieids_map[key] = np.array(value, dtype=idtype) except OverflowError: assert idtype == 'int32', 'idtype=%r while overflowing...' % idtype pid_to_eids_ieids_map = self.get_pid_to_node_ids_and_elements_array( pids=pids, etypes=etypes, idtype='int64') return pid_to_eids_ieids_map
[docs] def get_element_ids_dict_with_pids(self, pids=None, stop_if_no_eids=True, msg=''): """ Gets all the element IDs with a specific property ID. Parameters ---------- pids : List[int] / int list of property ID stop_if_no_eids : bool; default=True prevents crashing if there are no elements setting this to False really doesn't make sense for non-DMIG models Returns ------- element_ids : dict[pid] = List[eid] dictionary of lists by property pid : int property id eid : int element id For example, we want all the elements with ``pids=[4, 5, 6]``, but we want them in separate groups .. code-block:: python model = BDF() model.read_bdf(bdf_filename) pids = [4, 5, 6] eids_dict = model.get_element_ids_dict_with_pids(pids) >>> eids_dict { 4 : [40, 41], 5 : [50, 51], 6 : [60, 61], } # consider all properties eids_dict = model.get_element_ids_dict_with_pids() { 1 : [1, 2, 3], 4 : [40, 41], 5 : [50, 51], 6 : [60, 61], } Notes ----- What happens with CONRODs? """ if pids is None: pids = list( elif isinstance(pids, integer_types): pids = [pids] assert isinstance(pids, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)), 'pids=%s type=%s' % (pids, type(pids)) pid_to_eids_map = {} for pid in pids: pid_to_eids_map[pid] = [] elem_count = 0 #element_type_to_dmap_id = { #'CONROD' : -10, #'CELAS2' : -12, #'CELAS4' : -14, #'CDAMP2' : -21, #'CDAMP4' : -23, #'CHBDYG' : -108, #} elements_without_properties = { 'CONROD', 'CELAS2', 'CELAS4', 'CDAMP2', 'CDAMP4', 'CHBDYG', 'GENEL'} for eid, element in self.elements.items(): try: pid = element.Pid() except AttributeError: if element.type in elements_without_properties: continue print(element) raise if pid in pids: pid_to_eids_map[pid].append(eid) elem_count += 1 if elem_count == 0 and stop_if_no_eids: raise RuntimeError('no elements with properties found%s\ncard_count=%s' % ( msg, str(self.card_count))) elif elem_count == 0: self.log.warning('no elements with properties found%s' % msg) return pid_to_eids_map
[docs] def get_node_id_to_element_ids_map(self): # type: () -> Dict[int, List[int]] """ Returns a dictionary that maps node IDs to a list of elemnent IDs .. todo:: support 0d or 1d elements .. todo:: support elements with missing nodes (e.g. CQUAD8 with missing nodes) """ nid_to_eids_map = {} for nid in self.nodes: # initalize the mapper nid_to_eids_map[nid] = [] if self.spoints: # SPOINTs for nid in sorted(self.spoints): # SPOINTs nid_to_eids_map[nid] = [] skip_cards = { 'CCONEAX', } for (eid, element) in self.elements.items(): # load the mapper if element.type in skip_cards: continue try: # not supported for 0-D and 1-D elements nids = element.node_ids except AttributeError: print(element.type) else: for nid in nids: # (e.g. CQUAD8 with missing node) if nid: nid_to_eids_map[nid].append(eid) return nid_to_eids_map
[docs] def get_node_id_to_elements_map(self): # type: () -> Dict[int, List[int]] """ Returns a dictionary that maps node IDs to a list of elements. Returns ------- nid_to_elements_map : Dict[nid]=List[eid] node id to a list of elements .. todo:: support 0d or 1d elements .. todo:: support elements with missing nodes (e.g. CQUAD8 with missing nodes) """ nid_to_elements_map = {} for nid in self.nodes: # initalize the mapper nid_to_elements_map[nid] = [] for nid in self.spoints: nid_to_elements_map[nid] = [] for nid in self.epoints: nid_to_elements_map[nid] = [] skip_cards = { 'CCONEAX', } for element in self.elements.values(): # load the mapper if element.type in skip_cards: continue try: # not supported for 0-D and 1-D elements nids = element.node_ids except AttributeError: print(element.type) else: for nid in nids: # (e.g. CQUAD8 with missing node) if nid: nid_to_elements_map[nid].append(element) return nid_to_elements_map
[docs] def get_property_id_to_element_ids_map(self, msg=''): # type: (str) -> Dict[int, List[int]] """ Returns a dictionary that maps a property ID to a list of elements. Returns ------- pid_to_eids_map : Dict[pid]=List[eid] property id to a list of elements msg : str; default='' a message added to the error message """ pid_to_eids_map = {} pids = self.property_ids for pid in pids: pid_to_eids_map[pid] = [] #for pid in self.phbdys.keys(): #assert pid not in pid_to_eids_map, 'pid=%s is already used and must be used by PHBDY' % pid #pid_to_eids_map[pid] = [] elements_without_properties = { 'CONROD', 'CONM2', 'CELAS2', 'CELAS4', 'CDAMP2', 'CDAMP4', 'GENEL', 'CHACAB', 'CAABSF', } thermal_elements = {'CHBDYP'} elements_without_properties.update(thermal_elements) skip_elements = elements_without_properties for eid in self.element_ids: element = self.Element(eid) element_type = element.type if element_type in skip_elements: continue if hasattr(element, 'pid'): pid = element.Pid() if pid < 0: # CTRIAX6 continue try: pid_to_eids_map[pid].append(eid) except KeyError: print(element) raise KeyError('pid=%s is invalid for card%s=\n%s' % (pid, msg, str(element))) return pid_to_eids_map
[docs] def get_material_id_to_property_ids_map(self, msg=''): # type: (str) -> Dict[int, List[int]] """ Returns a dictionary that maps a material ID to a list of properties Returns ------- mid_to_pids_map : dict[int] = int the mapping msg : str; default='' a message added to the error message .. code-block:: python >>> mid_to_pid_map = get_material_id_to_property_ids_map() >>> mid = 1 >>> pids = get_material_id_to_property_ids_map[mid] >>> pids [1, 2, 3] .. note:: all properties require an mid to be counted (except for PCOMP, which has multiple mids) """ mid_to_pids_map = {} mids = self.get_material_ids() for mid in mids: mid_to_pids_map[mid] = [] properties_without_materials = { 'PGAP', 'PELAS', 'PVISC', 'PBUSH', 'PDAMP', 'PFAST', 'PBUSH1D', 'PACABS', 'PAABSF', 'PACBAR', } for pid in self.property_ids: prop = self.Property(pid) prop_type = prop.type if prop_type in ['PCOMP', 'PCOMPG']: mids = prop.Mids() for mid in mids: if pid not in mid_to_pids_map[mid]: mid_to_pids_map[mid].append(pid) else: # PCOMP if hasattr(prop, 'mid') and prop.Mid() in mids: if pid not in mid_to_pids_map[mid]: mid_to_pids_map[mid].append(pid) elif prop_type in properties_without_materials: pass elif prop_type in ['PSHELL']: mids = prop.material_ids for i, mid in enumerate(mids): if mid is None or mid == 0: continue try: mid_to_pids_map[mid].append(pid) except KeyError: print(prop) raise KeyError('i=%s mid=%s is invalid for card%s=\n%s' % ( i, mid, msg, str(prop))) else: mid = prop.Mid() try: mid_to_pids_map[mid].append(pid) except KeyError: print(prop) raise KeyError('mid=%s is invalid for card %s=\n%s' % (mid, msg, str(prop))) return mid_to_pids_map
[docs] def get_reduced_nsms(self, nsm_id, consider_nsmadd=True, stop_on_failure=True): """ Get all traced NSMs that are part of a set Parameters ---------- nsm_id : int the NSM id consider_nsmadd : bool NSMADDs should not be considered when referenced from an NSMADD from a case control, True should be used. stop_on_failure : bool; default=True errors if parsing something new Returns ------- mpcs : List[NSM] the various NSMs """ if not isinstance(nsm_id, integer_types): msg = 'nsm_id must be an integer; type=%s, nsm_id=\n%r' % (type(nsm_id), nsm_id) raise TypeError(msg) try: nsms = self.NSM(nsm_id, consider_nsmadd=consider_nsmadd) except KeyError: if stop_on_failure: raise self.log.error("could not find expected NSM id=%s" % nsm_id) return [] nsms2 = [] for nsm in nsms: if nsm.type == 'NSMADD': for nsmi in nsm.nsm_ids: if isinstance(nsmi, list): for nsmii in nsmi: if isinstance(nsmii, integer_types): nsmiii = nsmii else: nsmiii = nsmii.conid nsms2i = self.get_reduced_nsms( nsmiii, consider_nsmadd=False, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure) nsms2 += nsms2i else: assert isinstance(nsmi, integer_types), nsmi nsms2i = self.get_reduced_nsms( nsmi, consider_nsmadd=False, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure) nsms2 += nsms2i else: nsms2.append(nsm) return nsms2
[docs] def get_reduced_mpcs(self, mpc_id, consider_mpcadd=False, stop_on_failure=True): # type: (int, bool, bool) -> List[Any] """ Get all traced MPCs that are part of a set Parameters ---------- mpc_id : int the MPC id consider_mpcadd : bool MPCADDs should not be considered when referenced from an MPCADD from a case control, True should be used. stop_on_failure : bool; default=True errors if parsing something new Returns ------- mpcs : List[MPC] the various MPCs """ if not isinstance(mpc_id, integer_types): msg = 'mpc_id must be an integer; type=%s, mpc_id=\n%r' % (type(mpc_id), mpc_id) raise TypeError(msg) try: mpcs = self.MPC(mpc_id, consider_mpcadd=consider_mpcadd) except KeyError: if stop_on_failure: raise self.log.error("could not find expected MPC id=%s" % mpc_id) return [] mpcs2 = [] for mpc in mpcs: if mpc.type == 'MPCADD': for mpci in mpc.mpc_ids: if isinstance(mpci, list): for mpcii in mpci: if isinstance(mpcii, integer_types): mpciii = mpcii else: mpciii = mpcii.conid mpcs2i = self.get_reduced_mpcs( mpciii, consider_mpcadd=False, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure) mpcs2 += mpcs2i else: assert isinstance(mpci, integer_types), mpci mpcs2i = self.get_reduced_mpcs( mpci, consider_mpcadd=False, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure) mpcs2 += mpcs2i else: mpcs2.append(mpc) return mpcs2
[docs] def get_reduced_spcs(self, spc_id, consider_spcadd=True, stop_on_failure=True): """ Get all traced SPCs that are part of a set Parameters ---------- spc_id : int the SPC id consider_spcadd : bool SPCADDs should not be considered when referenced from an SPCADD from a case control, True should be used. stop_on_failure : bool; default=True errors if parsing something new Returns ------- spcs : List[SPC] the various SPCs """ if not isinstance(spc_id, integer_types): msg = 'spc_id must be an integer; type=%s, spc_id=\n%r' % (type(spc_id), spc_id) raise TypeError(msg) try: spcs = self.SPC(spc_id, consider_spcadd=consider_spcadd) except KeyError: if stop_on_failure: raise self.log.error("could not find expected SPC id=%s" % spc_id) return [] spcs2 = [] for spc in spcs: if spc.type == 'SPCADD': for spci in spc.sets: if isinstance(spci, list): for spcii in spci: if isinstance(spcii, integer_types): spciii = spcii else: spciii = spcii.conid spcs2i = self.get_reduced_spcs( spciii, consider_spcadd=False, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure) spcs2 += spcs2i else: assert isinstance(spci, integer_types), spci spcs2i = self.get_reduced_spcs( spci, consider_spcadd=False, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure) spcs2 += spcs2i else: spcs2.append(spc) return spcs2
[docs] def get_spcs(self, spc_id, consider_nodes=False, stop_on_failure=True): """ Gets the SPCs in a semi-usable form. Parameters ---------- spc_id : int the desired SPC ID consider_nodes : bool; default=False True : consider the GRID card PS field False: consider the GRID card PS field Returns ------- nids : List[int] the constrained nodes comps : List[str] the components that are constrained on each node Considers: - SPC - SPC1 - SPCADD - GRID Doesn't consider: - non-zero enforced value on SPC - GMSPC """ warnings = '' spcs = self.get_reduced_spcs(spc_id, consider_spcadd=True, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure) nids = [] comps = [] for spc in spcs: if spc.type == 'SPC1': nodes = spc.nodes nnodes = len(nodes) nids += nodes comps += [str(spc.components)] * nnodes elif spc.type == 'SPC': for nid, comp, unused_enforced in zip(spc.nodes, spc.components, spc.enforced): nids.append(nid) comps.append(comp) else: warnings += str(spc) #raise NotImplementedError(spc.type) if warnings: self.log.warning("get_spcs doesn't consider:\n%s" % warnings.rstrip('\n')) if consider_nodes: for nid, node in self.nodes.items(): if nids.append(nid) comps.append( return nids, comps
[docs] def get_mklist(self): # type: () -> np.ndarray """gets the MKLIST vector from MKAERO1/MKAERO2""" mklist = [] mkarray = np.array([]) for mkaero in self.mkaeros: mklist += mkaero.mklist() if mklist: mkarray = np.hstack([mklist]) #new_array = [tuple(row) for row in mkarray] #unique_pairs = np.lib.arraysetops.unique(new_array, axis=0).tolist() return mkarray