Source code for


# pylint: disable=R0904,R0902,E1101,E1103,C0111,C0302,C0103,W0101
from __future__ import (nested_scopes, generators, division, absolute_import,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)
from six import string_types

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm

from pyNastran.utils.numpy_utils import integer_types
from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_8 import set_blank_if_default
from import BaseCard, Element
from pyNastran.bdf.bdf_interface.assign_type import (
    integer, integer_or_blank, integer_double_or_blank, double_or_blank,
    integer_string_or_blank, string, integer_or_double,
from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_8 import print_card_8
from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_16 import print_card_16

[docs]class LineElement(Element): # CBAR, CBEAM, CBEAM3, CBEND def __init__(self): Element.__init__(self) self.pid_ref = None # type: Optional[Any] #self.nodes_ref = None
[docs] def C(self): """torsional constant""" if self.pid_ref is None: raise RuntimeError('Element eid=%i has not been ' 'cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self))) return self.pid_ref.C()
[docs] def Area(self): """returns the area of the element face""" raise NotImplementedError('implement self.Area() for %s' % self.type)
[docs] def E(self): """returns the Young's Modulus, :math:`E`""" if self.pid_ref is None: raise RuntimeError('Element eid=%i has not been ' 'cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self))) return self.pid_ref.mid_ref.E()
[docs] def G(self): """returns the Shear Modulus, :math:`G`""" if self.pid_ref is None: raise RuntimeError('Element eid=%i has not been ' 'cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self))) return self.pid_ref.mid_ref.G()
[docs] def J(self): """returns the Polar Moment of Inertia, :math:`J`""" if self.pid_ref is None: raise RuntimeError('Element eid=%i has not been ' 'cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self))) return self.pid_ref.J()
[docs] def I11(self): """returns the Moment of Inertia, :math:`I_{11}`""" if self.pid_ref is None: raise RuntimeError('Element eid=%i has not been ' 'cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self))) return self.pid_ref.I11()
[docs] def I22(self): """returns the Moment of Inertia, :math:`I_{22}`""" if self.pid_ref is None: raise RuntimeError('Element eid=%i has not been ' 'cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self))) return self.pid_ref.I22()
[docs] def I12(self): """returns the Moment of Inertia, :math:`I_{12}`""" if self.pid_ref is None: raise RuntimeError('Element eid=%i has not been ' 'cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self))) return self.pid_ref.I12()
[docs] def Nu(self): """Get Poisson's Ratio, :math:`\nu`""" if self.pid_ref is None: raise RuntimeError('Element eid=%i has not been ' 'cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self))) return
[docs] def Rho(self): """Get the material density, :math:`\rho`""" #print(str(, type( #raise NotImplementedError('implement self.Rho() for %s' % self.type) if self.pid_ref is None: raise RuntimeError('Element eid=%i has not been ' 'cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self))) return self.pid_ref.mid_ref.rho
[docs] def Nsm(self): """Placeholder method for the non-structural mass, :math:`nsm`""" raise NotImplementedError('implement self.Area() for %s' % self.type)
[docs] def MassPerLength(self): """Get the mass per unit length, :math:`\frac{m}{L}`""" if self.pid_ref is None: raise RuntimeError('Element eid=%i has not been ' 'cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self))) return self.pid_ref.MassPerLength()
[docs] def Mass(self): r""" Get the mass of the element. .. math:: m = \left( \rho A + nsm \right) L """ L = self.Length() mass = L * self.MassPerLength() #try: #mass = (self.Rho() * self.Area() + self.Nsm()) * L #except TypeError: #msg = 'TypeError on eid=%s pid=%s:\n' % (self.eid, self.Pid()) #msg += 'rho = %s\narea = %s\nnsm = %s\nL = %s' % (self.Rho(), # self.Area(), # self.Nsm(), L) #raise TypeError(msg) return mass
[docs] def uncross_reference(self): """Removes cross-reference links""" self.nodes = self.node_ids = self.Pid() self.nodes_ref = None self.pid_ref = None
[docs] def Length(self): r""" Gets the length, :math:`L`, of the element. .. math:: L = \sqrt{ (n_{x2}-n_{x1})^2+(n_{y2}-n_{y1})^2+(n_{z2}-n_{z1})^2 } """ L = norm(self.nodes_ref[1].get_position() - self.nodes_ref[0].get_position()) return L
[docs] def get_edge_ids(self): """ Return the edge IDs """ node_ids = self.node_ids return [(node_ids[0], node_ids[1])]
[docs]class BAROR(BaseCard): """ +-------+---+-----+---+---+-------+-----+-------+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +=======+===+=====+===+===+=======+=====+=======+======+ | BAROR | | PID | | | G0/X1 | X2 | X3 | OFFT | +-------+---+-----+---+---+-------+-----+-------+------+ | BAROR | | 39 | | | 0.6 | 2.9 | -5.87 | GOG | +-------+---+-----+---+---+-------+-----+-------+------+ """ type = 'BAROR'
[docs] @classmethod def _init_from_empty(cls): pid = 1 is_g0 = True g0 = 1 x = None return BAROR(pid, is_g0, g0, x, offt='GGG', comment='')
def __init__(self, pid, is_g0, g0, x, offt='GGG', comment=''): BaseCard.__init__(self) if comment: self.comment = comment if x is None: x = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) self.n = 0 = pid self.is_g0 = is_g0 self.g0 = g0 self.x = x self.offt = offt #if isinstance(offt, integer_types): #raise NotImplementedError('the integer form of offt is not supported; offt=%s' % offt)
[docs] @classmethod def add_card(cls, card, comment=''): pid = integer_or_blank(card, 2, 'pid') # x / g0 field5 = integer_double_or_blank(card, 5, 'g0_x1', 0.) if isinstance(field5, integer_types): is_g0 = True g0 = field5 x = [0., 0., 0.] elif isinstance(field5, float): is_g0 = False g0 = None x = np.array([field5, double_or_blank(card, 6, 'x2', 0.), double_or_blank(card, 7, 'x3', 0.)], dtype='float64') else: raise NotImplementedError('BAROR field5 = %r' % field5) offt = integer_string_or_blank(card, 8, 'offt', 'GGG') assert len(card) <= 9, 'len(BAROR card) = %i\ncard=%s' % (len(card), card) return BAROR(pid, is_g0, g0, x, offt=offt, comment=comment)
[docs] def raw_fields(self): """ Gets the fields of the card in their full form """ list_fields = ['BAROR', None, None] + self.x.tolist() + [self.offt] return list_fields
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment + print_card_8(card) return self.comment + print_card_16(card)
[docs]class CBARAO(BaseCard): """ Per MSC 2016.1 +--------+------+-------+------+-----+--------+-----+----+----+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +========+======+=======+======+=====+========+=====+====+====+ | CBARAO | EID | SCALE | X1 | X2 | X3 | X4 | X5 | X6 | +--------+------+-------+------+-----+--------+-----+----+----+ | CBARAO | 1065 | FR | 0.2 | 0.4 | 0.6 | 0.8 | | | +--------+------+-------+------+-----+--------+-----+----+----+ Alternate form (not supported): +--------+------+-------+------+-----+--------+-----+----+----+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +========+======+=======+======+=====+========+=====+====+====+ | CBARAO | EID | SCALE | NPTS | X1 | DELTAX | | | | +--------+------+-------+------+-----+--------+-----+----+----+ | CBARAO | 1065 | FR | 4 | 0.2 | 0.2 | | | | +--------+------+-------+------+-----+--------+-----+----+----+ """ type = 'CBARAO'
[docs] @classmethod def _init_from_empty(cls): eid = 1 scale = 'FR' x = [0.5] return CBARAO(eid, scale, x, comment='')
def __init__(self, eid, scale, x, comment=''): """ Creates a CBARAO card, which defines additional output locations for the CBAR card. It also changes the OP2 element type from a CBAR-34 to a CBAR-100. However, it is ignored if there are no PLOAD1s in the model. Furthermore, the type is changed for the whole deck, regardless of whether there are PLOAD1s in the other load cases. Parameters ---------- eid : int element id scale : str defines what x means LE : x is in absolute coordinates along the bar FR : x is in fractional x : List[float] the additional output locations (doesn't include the end points) len(x) <= 6 comment : str; default='' a comment for the card MSC only """ if comment: self.comment = comment self.eid = eid self.scale = scale self.x = np.unique(x).tolist()
[docs] @classmethod def add_card(cls, card, comment=''): """ Adds a CBARAO card from ``BDF.add_card(...)`` Parameters ---------- card : BDFCard() a BDFCard object comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ eid = integer(card, 1, 'eid') scale = string(card, 2, 'scale') x1_npoints = integer_or_double(card, 3, 'x1/npoints') if isinstance(x1_npoints, integer_types): npoints = x1_npoints assert 0 < npoints < 7, 'CBARAO npoints=%r must be 1-6' % npoints x1 = double(card, 4, 'x1') delta_x = double(card, 5, 'delta_x') x = np.linspace(x1, x1 + delta_x * (npoints-1), num=npoints) assert len(x) == npoints, x else: x = [ x1_npoints, double_or_blank(card, 4, 'x2'), double_or_blank(card, 5, 'x3'), double_or_blank(card, 6, 'x4'), double_or_blank(card, 7, 'x5'), double_or_blank(card, 8, 'x6'), ] x = [xi for xi in x if xi is not None] assert len(card) <= 9, 'len(CBARAO card) = %i\ncard=%s' % (len(card), card) return CBARAO(eid, scale, x, comment=comment)
def _verify(self, xref): pass
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = ['CBARAO', self.eid, self.scale] + self.x return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): return self.raw_fields()
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment + print_card_8(card) return self.comment + print_card_16(card)
[docs]class CBAR(LineElement): """ +-------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +=======+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+======+ | CBAR | EID | PID | GA | GB | X1 | X2 | X3 | OFFT | +-------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+ | | PA | PB | W1A | W2A | W3A | W1B | W2B | W3B | +-------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+ or +-------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +=======+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+======+ | CBAR | EID | PID | GA | GB | G0 | | | OFFT | +-------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+ | | PA | PB | W1A | W2A | W3A | W1B | W2B | W3B | +-------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+ +-------+-------+-----+-------+-------+--------+-------+-------+-------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +=======+=======+=====+=======+=======+========+=======+=======+=======+ | CBAR | 2 | 39 | 7 | 6 | 105 | | | GGG | +-------+-------+-----+-------+-------+--------+-------+-------+-------+ | | | 513 | 0.0 | 0.0 | -9. | 0.0 | 0.0 | -9. | +-------+-------+-----+-------+-------+--------+-------+-------+-------+ """ type = 'CBAR' _field_map = { 1: 'eid', 2:'pid', 3:'ga', 4:'gb', 8:'offt', 9:'pa', 10:'pb', #, 'W1A', 'W2A', 'W3A', 'W1B', 'W2B', 'W3B' }
[docs] def update_by_cp_name(self, cp_name, value): if cp_name == 'W1A': self.wa[0] = value elif cp_name == 'W2A': self.wa[1] = value elif cp_name == 'W3A': self.wa[2] = value elif cp_name == 'W1B': self.wb[0] = value elif cp_name == 'W2B': self.wb[1] = value elif cp_name == 'W3B': self.wb[2] = value elif cp_name == 'X1': self.x[0] = value elif cp_name == 'X2': self.x[1] = value elif cp_name == 'X3': self.x[2] = value else: # pragma: no cover msg = 'CBAR: cp_name=%r must be added to update_by_cp_name' % cp_name raise NotImplementedError(msg)
def _update_field_helper(self, n, value): if n == 11: self.wa[0] = value elif n == 12: self.wa[1] = value elif n == 13: self.wa[2] = value elif n == 14: self.wb[0] = value elif n == 15: self.wb[1] = value elif n == 16: self.wb[2] = value else: if self.g0 is not None: if n == 5: self.g0 = value else: raise KeyError('Field %r=%r is an invalid %s entry.' % (n, value, self.type)) else: if n == 5: self.x[0] = value elif n == 6: self.x[1] = value elif n == 7: self.x[2] = value else: raise KeyError('Field %r=%r is an invalid %s entry.' % (n, value, self.type))
[docs] @classmethod def export_to_hdf5(cls, h5_file, model, eids): """exports the elements in a vectorized way""" #comments = [] pids = [] nodes = [] x = [] g0 = [] offt = [] unused_bit = [] pa = [] pb = [] wa = [] wb = [] nan = np.full(3, np.nan) encoding = model._encoding for eid in eids: element = model.elements[eid] #comments.append(element.comment) pids.append( nodes.append(element.nodes) if element.g0 is None: x.append(element.x) g0.append(-1) else: x.append(nan) g0.append(element.g0) offti = element.offt if isinstance(offti, integer_types): offti = str(offti) offt.append(offti.encode(encoding)) pa.append( pb.append(element.pb) wa.append(element.wa) wb.append(element.wb) #h5_file.create_dataset('_comment', data=comments) h5_file.create_dataset('eid', data=eids) h5_file.create_dataset('nodes', data=nodes) h5_file.create_dataset('pid', data=pids) #print('x =', x) #print('g0 =', g0) h5_file.create_dataset('x', data=x) h5_file.create_dataset('g0', data=g0) h5_file.create_dataset('offt', data=offt) h5_file.create_dataset('pa', data=pa) h5_file.create_dataset('pb', data=pb) h5_file.create_dataset('wa', data=wa) h5_file.create_dataset('wb', data=wb)
def __init__(self, eid, pid, nids, x, g0, offt='GGG', pa=0, pb=0, wa=None, wb=None, comment=''): """ Adds a CBAR card Parameters ---------- pid : int property id mid : int material id nids : List[int, int] node ids; connected grid points at ends A and B x : List[float, float, float] Components of orientation vector, from GA, in the displacement coordinate system at GA (default), or in the basic coordinate system g0 : int Alternate method to supply the orientation vector using grid point G0. Direction of is from GA to G0. is then transferred to End A offt : str; default='GGG' Offset vector interpretation flag pa / pb : int; default=0 Pin Flag at End A/B. Releases the specified DOFs wa / wb : List[float, float, float] Components of offset vectors from the grid points to the end points of the axis of the shear center comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ LineElement.__init__(self) if comment: self.comment = comment if wa is None: wa = np.zeros(3, dtype='float64') else: wa = np.asarray(wa) if wb is None: wb = np.zeros(3, dtype='float64') else: wb = np.asarray(wb) if x is not None: x = np.asarray(x) if isinstance(offt, str): offt = offt.replace('E', 'O') offt = int(offt) if offt.isdigit() else offt self.eid = eid = pid self.x = x self.g0 = g0 = nids[0] = nids[1] self.offt = offt = pa self.pb = pb self.wa = wa self.wb = wb self.pid_ref = None self.ga_ref = None self.gb_ref = None self.g0_ref = None self.g0_vector = None
[docs] def validate(self): msg = '' if self.x is None: if not isinstance(self.g0, integer_types): msg += 'CBAR eid=%s: x is None, so g0=%s must be an integer' % (self.eid, self.g0) else: if not isinstance(self.x, (list, np.ndarray)): msg += 'CBAR eid=%s: x=%s and g0=%s, so x must be a list; type(x)=%s' % ( self.eid, self.x, self.g0, type(self.x)) if msg: raise ValueError(msg) if self.g0 in [,]: msg = 'G0=%s cannot be GA=%s or GB=%s' % (self.g0,, raise RuntimeError(msg) if isinstance(self.offt, integer_types): assert self.offt in [1, 2, 21, 22, 41, 42], 'invalid offt; offt=%i' % self.offt #raise NotImplementedError('invalid offt; offt=%i' % self.offt) elif not isinstance(self.offt, string_types): raise SyntaxError('invalid offt expected a string of length 3 ' 'offt=%r; Type=%s' % (self.offt, type(self.offt))) if not isinstance(self.offt, integer_types): check_offt(self)
[docs] @classmethod def add_card(cls, card, baror=None, comment=''): """ Adds a CBAR card from ``BDF.add_card(...)`` Parameters ---------- card : BDFCard() a BDFCard object beamor : BAROR() or None defines the defaults comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ eid = integer(card, 1, 'eid') pid_default = eid x1_default, x2_default, x3_default = 0., 0., 0. offt_default = 'GGG' if baror is not None: if is not None: pid_default = if baror.x is None: x1_default = baror.g0 x2_default = None x3_default = None else: x1_default, x2_default, x3_default = baror.x offt_default = baror.offt pid = integer_or_blank(card, 2, 'pid', pid_default) ga = integer(card, 3, 'ga') gb = integer(card, 4, 'gb') x, g0 = init_x_g0(card, eid, x1_default, x2_default, x3_default) # doesn't exist in NX nastran offt = integer_string_or_blank(card, 8, 'offt', offt_default) #print('cls.offt = %r' % (cls.offt)) pa = integer_or_blank(card, 9, 'pa', 0) pb = integer_or_blank(card, 10, 'pb', 0) wa = np.array([double_or_blank(card, 11, 'w1a', 0.0), double_or_blank(card, 12, 'w2a', 0.0), double_or_blank(card, 13, 'w3a', 0.0)], dtype='float64') wb = np.array([double_or_blank(card, 14, 'w1b', 0.0), double_or_blank(card, 15, 'w2b', 0.0), double_or_blank(card, 16, 'w3b', 0.0)], dtype='float64') assert len(card) <= 17, 'len(CBAR card) = %i\ncard=%s' % (len(card), card) return CBAR(eid, pid, [ga, gb], x, g0, offt, pa, pb, wa, wb, comment=comment)
@classmethod def add_op2_data(cls, data, comment=''): #: .. todo:: verify #data = [[eid,pid,ga,gb,pa,pb,w1a,w2a,w3a,w1b,w2b,w3b],[f,g0]] #data = [[eid,pid,ga,gb,pa,pb,w1a,w2a,w3a,w1b,w2b,w3b],[f,x1,x2,x3]] main = data[0] flag = data[1][0] if flag in [0, 1]: g0 = None x = np.array([data[1][1], data[1][2], data[1][3]], dtype='float64') else: g0 = data[1][1] x = None eid = main[0] pid = main[1] ga = main[2] gb = main[3] #self.offt = str(data[4]) # GGG offt = 'GGG' #: .. todo:: offt can be an integer; translate to char pa = main[4] pb = main[5] wa = np.array([main[6], main[7], main[8]], dtype='float64') wb = np.array([main[9], main[10], main[11]], dtype='float64') return CBAR(eid, pid, [ga, gb], x, g0, offt, pa, pb, wa, wb, comment=comment) def _verify(self, xref): eid = self.eid unused_pid = self.Pid() unused_edges = self.get_edge_ids() if xref: # True assert self.pid_ref.type in ['PBAR', 'PBARL', 'PBRSECT'], '%s%s' % (self, self.pid_ref) mid = self.Mid() A = self.Area() nsm = self.Nsm() mpl = self.MassPerLength() L = self.Length() mass = self.Mass() assert isinstance(mid, int), 'mid=%r' % mid assert isinstance(nsm, float), 'nsm=%r' % nsm assert isinstance(A, float), 'eid=%s A=%r' % (eid, A) assert isinstance(L, float), 'eid=%s L=%r' % (eid, L) assert isinstance(mpl, float), 'eid=%s mass_per_length=%r' % (eid, mpl) assert isinstance(mass, float), 'eid=%s mass=%r' % (eid, mass) assert L > 0.0, 'eid=%s L=%s' % (eid, L)
[docs] def Mid(self): if self.pid_ref is None: msg = 'Element eid=%i has not been cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self)) raise RuntimeError(msg) return self.pid_ref.Mid()
[docs] def Area(self): if self.pid_ref is None: msg = 'Element eid=%i has not been cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self)) raise RuntimeError(msg) A = self.pid_ref.Area() assert isinstance(A, float) return A
[docs] def J(self): if self.pid_ref is None: msg = 'Element eid=%i has not been cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self)) raise RuntimeError(msg) j = self.pid_ref.J() if not isinstance(j, float): msg = 'J=%r must be a float; CBAR eid=%s pid=%s pidType=%s' % ( j, self.eid,, self.pid_ref.type) raise TypeError(msg) return j
[docs] def Length(self): # TODO: consider w1a and w1b in the length formulation L = norm(self.gb_ref.get_position() - self.ga_ref.get_position()) assert isinstance(L, float) return L
[docs] def Nsm(self): if self.pid_ref is None: msg = 'Element eid=%i has not been cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self)) raise RuntimeError(msg) nsm = self.pid_ref.Nsm() assert isinstance(nsm, float) return nsm
[docs] def I1(self): if self.pid_ref is None: msg = 'Element eid=%i has not been cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self)) raise RuntimeError(msg) return self.pid_ref.I1()
[docs] def I2(self): if self.pid_ref is None: msg = 'Element eid=%i has not been cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self)) raise RuntimeError(msg) return self.pid_ref.I2()
[docs] def Centroid(self): if self.pid_ref is None: msg = 'Element eid=%i has not been cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self)) raise RuntimeError(msg) return (self.ga_ref.get_position() + self.gb_ref.get_position()) / 2.
[docs] def center_of_mass(self): return self.Centroid()
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model): """ Cross links the card so referenced cards can be extracted directly Parameters ---------- model : BDF() the BDF object """ #if self.g0: # self.x = nodes[self.g0].get_position() - nodes[].get_position() msg = ', which is required by CBAR eid=%s' % (self.eid) self.ga_ref = model.Node(, msg=msg) self.gb_ref = model.Node(, msg=msg) self.pid_ref = model.Property(, msg=msg) if model.is_nx: assert self.offt == 'GGG', 'NX only support offt=GGG; offt=%r' % self.offt if self.g0: self.g0_ref = model.nodes[self.g0] self.g0_vector = self.g0_ref.get_position() - self.ga_ref.get_position() else: self.g0_vector = self.x
[docs] def safe_cross_reference(self, model, xref_errors): msg = ', which is required by CBAR eid=%s' % (self.eid) self.ga_ref = model.Node(, msg=msg) self.gb_ref = model.Node(, msg=msg) self.nodes_ref = [self.ga_ref, self.gb_ref] self.pid_ref = model.safe_property(, self.eid, xref_errors, msg=msg) if self.g0: try: self.g0_ref = model.nodes[self.g0] self.g0_vector = self.g0_ref.get_position() - self.ga_ref.get_position() except KeyError: model.log.warning('Node=%s%s' % (self.g0, msg)) else: self.g0_vector = self.x
[docs] def uncross_reference(self): """Removes cross-reference links""" = self.Pid() = self.Ga() = self.Gb() self.g0 = self.G0() self.ga_ref = None self.gb_ref = None self.g0_ref = None self.pid_ref = None
[docs] def Ga(self): """gets Ga/G1""" if self.ga_ref is None: return return self.ga_ref.nid
[docs] def Gb(self): """gets Gb/G2""" if self.gb_ref is None: return return self.gb_ref.nid
[docs] def G0(self): """gets G0""" if self.g0_ref is None: return self.g0 return self.g0_ref.nid
[docs] def get_x_g0_defaults(self): """ X and G0 compete for the same fields, so the method exists to make it easier to write the card Returns ------- x_g0 : varies g0 : List[int, None, None] x : List[float, float, float] Notes ----- Used by CBAR and CBEAM """ if self.g0 is not None: return self.G0(), None, None #print('x =', self.x) #print('g0 =', self.g0) #x1 = set_blank_if_default(self.x[0], 0.0) #x2 = set_blank_if_default(self.x[1], 0.0) #x3 = set_blank_if_default(self.x[2], 0.0) return list(self.x)
[docs] def get_orientation_vector(self, xyz): """ Element offsets are defined in a Cartesian system located at the connecting grid point. The components of the offsets are always defined in units of translation, even if the displacement coordinate system is cylindrical or spherical. For example, in Figure 11-11, the grid point displacement coordinate system is cylindrical, and the offset vector is defined using Cartesian coordinates u1, u2, and u3 in units of translation. """ if self.g0: v = xyz[self.g0] - xyz[self.Ga()] else: v = self.x assert self.offt == 'GGG', self.offt return v
@property def node_ids(self): return [self.Ga(), self.Gb()]
[docs] def get_edge_ids(self): return [tuple(sorted(self.node_ids))]
@property def nodes(self): return [,] @nodes.setter def nodes(self, values): = values[0] = values[1] @property def nodes_ref(self): return [self.ga_ref, self.gb_ref] @nodes_ref.setter def nodes_ref(self, values): assert values is not None, values self.ga_ref = values[0] self.gb_ref = values[1]
[docs] def raw_fields(self): """Gets the fields of the card in their full form""" (x1, x2, x3) = self.get_x_g0_defaults() # offt doesn't exist in NX nastran offt = set_blank_if_default(self.offt, 'GGG') list_fields = ['CBAR', self.eid, self.Pid(), self.Ga(), self.Gb(), x1, x2, x3, offt,, self.pb] + list(self.wa) + list(self.wb) return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): """Gets the fields of the card in their reduced form""" pa = set_blank_if_default(, 0) pb = set_blank_if_default(self.pb, 0) w1a = set_blank_if_default(self.wa[0], 0.0) w2a = set_blank_if_default(self.wa[1], 0.0) w3a = set_blank_if_default(self.wa[2], 0.0) w1b = set_blank_if_default(self.wb[0], 0.0) w2b = set_blank_if_default(self.wb[1], 0.0) w3b = set_blank_if_default(self.wb[2], 0.0) x1, x2, x3 = self.get_x_g0_defaults() # offt doesn't exist in NX nastran offt = set_blank_if_default(self.offt, 'GGG') list_fields = ['CBAR', self.eid, self.Pid(), self.Ga(), self.Gb(), x1, x2, x3, offt, pa, pb, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b] return list_fields
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment + print_card_8(card) return self.comment + print_card_16(card)
[docs] def write_card_16(self, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() return self.comment + print_card_16(card)
[docs]class CBEAM3(LineElement): # was CBAR _properties = ['node_ids', 'nodes'] """ Defines a three-node beam element """
[docs] @classmethod def _init_from_empty(cls): eid = 1 pid = 1 x = None nids = [1, 2, 3] g0 = 4 return CBEAM3(eid, pid, nids, x, g0, wa=None, wb=None, wc=None, tw=None, s=None, comment='')
type = 'CBEAM3' def __init__(self, eid, pid, nids, x, g0, wa=None, wb=None, wc=None, tw=None, s=None, comment=''): LineElement.__init__(self) if wa is None: wa = np.zeros(3, dtype='float64') if wb is None: wb = np.zeros(3, dtype='float64') if wc is None: wc = np.zeros(3, dtype='float64') if tw is None: tw = np.zeros(3, dtype='float64') if s is None: s = np.zeros(3, dtype='int32') if comment: self.comment = comment self.eid = eid = pid = nids[0] = nids[1] self.gc = nids[2] self.x = x self.g0 = g0 self.wa = wa self.wb = wb self.wc = wc = tw self.s = s self.ga_ref = None self.gb_ref = None self.gc_ref = None self.g0_ref = None self.pid_ref = None
[docs] @classmethod def add_card(cls, card, comment=''): """ Adds a CBEAM3 card from ``BDF.add_card(...)`` Parameters ---------- card : BDFCard() a BDFCard object comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ eid = integer(card, 1, 'eid') pid = integer_or_blank(card, 2, 'pid', eid) ga = integer(card, 3, 'ga') gb = integer(card, 4, 'gb') gc = integer_or_blank(card, 5, 'gc') # card, eid, x1_default, x2_default, x3_default x, g0 = init_x_g0_cbeam3(card, eid, 0., 0., 0.) wa = np.array([double_or_blank(card, 9, 'w1a', 0.0), double_or_blank(card, 10, 'w2a', 0.0), double_or_blank(card, 11, 'w3a', 0.0)], dtype='float64') wb = np.array([double_or_blank(card, 12, 'w1b', 0.0), double_or_blank(card, 13, 'w2b', 0.0), double_or_blank(card, 14, 'w3b', 0.0)], dtype='float64') wc = np.array([double_or_blank(card, 15, 'w1c', 0.0), double_or_blank(card, 16, 'w2c', 0.0), double_or_blank(card, 17, 'w3c', 0.0)], dtype='float64') tw = np.array([double_or_blank(card, 18, 'twa', 0.), double_or_blank(card, 19, 'twb', 0.), double_or_blank(card, 20, 'twc', 0.)], dtype='float64') # TODO: what are the defaults? s = np.array([integer_or_blank(card, 21, 'sa', -1), integer_or_blank(card, 22, 'sb', -1), integer_or_blank(card, 23, 'sc', -1)], dtype='int32') assert len(card) <= 24, 'len(CBEAM3 card) = %i\ncard=%s' % (len(card), card) return CBEAM3(eid, pid, [ga, gb, gc], x, g0, wa=wa, wb=wb, wc=wc, tw=tw, s=s, comment=comment)
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model): """ Cross links the card so referenced cards can be extracted directly Parameters ---------- model : BDF() the BDF object """ msg = ', which is required by CBEAM3 eid=%s' % (self.eid) self.ga_ref = model.Node(, msg=msg) self.gb_ref = model.Node(, msg=msg) if self.gc is not None: self.gc_ref = model.Node(self.gc, msg=msg) self.pid_ref = model.Property(, msg=msg) if self.g0: self.g0_ref = model.Node(self.g0, msg=msg)
[docs] def safe_cross_reference(self, model, xref_errors): msg = ', which is required by CBEAM3 eid=%s' % (self.eid) self.ga_ref = model.Node(, msg=msg) self.gb_ref = model.Node(, msg=msg) if self.gc is not None: self.gc_ref = model.Node(self.gc, msg=msg) self.pid_ref = model.safe_property(, self.eid, xref_errors, msg=msg) if self.g0: self.g0_ref = model.Node(self.g0, msg=msg)
[docs] def uncross_reference(self): """Removes cross-reference links""" = self.Ga() = self.Gb() self.gc = self.Gc() if self.g0_ref is not None: self.g0 = self.G0() self.g0_ref = None = self.Pid() self.ga_ref = None self.gb_ref = None self.gc_ref = None self.pid_ref = None
[docs] def center_of_mass(self): return np.zeros(3)
[docs] def Centroid(self): return np.zeros(3)
[docs] def MassPerLength(self): return 0.
[docs] def Length(self): r""" We'll fit a 2nd order polynomial to the x, y, and z coefficients. We know GA (t=0), GB(t=1), and GC (t=0.5 assumed). This gives us A, for: - y1 = a1*t^2 = b1*t + c1 where: - yi is for the x, y, and z terms [xa, xb, xc] = [A][a1, b1, c1].T [ya, yb, yc] = [A][a2, b2, c2].T [za, zb, zc] = [A][a3, b3, c3].T [a1, b1, c1] = [A^-1][[xa, xb, xc].T A = [0. , 0. , 1. ] [1. , 1. , 1. ] [0.25, 0.5 , 1. ] Ainv = [ 2., 2., -4.] [-3., -1., 4.] [ 1., 0., 0.] """ xyza = self.ga_ref.get_position() + self.wa xyzb = self.gb_ref.get_position() + self.wb if self.gc is not None: xyzc = self.gc_ref.get_position() + self.wc xa, ya, za = xyza length = self._integrate( xyza - xa, xyzb - ya, xyzc - za, ) else: length = np.linalg.norm(xyzb - xyza) return length
[docs] def _integrate(self, xabc, yabc, zabc): """ We integrate: y = sqrt(x'(t)^2 + y'(t)^2 + z'(t)^2)*dt from 0 to 1 y = sqrt(r) /where: - x(t) = a*t^2 + b*t + c - x'(t) = 2*a*t + b - x'(t)^2 = 4*(a*t)^2 + 2*a*b*t + b^2 expanding terms: - x'(t)^2 = 4*(a1*t)^2 + 2*a1*b1*t + b1^2 - y'(t)^2 = 4*(a2*t)^2 + 2*a2*b2*t + b2^2 - z'(t)^2 = 4*(a3*t)^2 + 2*a3*b3*t + b3^2 grouping terms: - a = 4 * (a1 ** 2 + a2 ** 2 + a3 ** 2) * t^2 - b = 2 * (a1 * b1 + a2 * b2 + a3 * b3) * t - c = b1 ** 2 + b2 ** 2 + b3 ** 2 - y = integrate(sqrt(a*t^2 + b*t + t), t, 0., 1.) Looking up integral formulas, we get a really complicated integral. for a = 0 (and rewriting): - y = integrate(sqrt(a*t + b), t, 0., 1.) - y = (2*b/3a + 2*t/3) * sqrt(at + b) or: - y = (2*c/3b + 2*t/3) * sqrt(b*t + c) """ #print(xabc, yabc, zabc) Ainv = np.array([ [2., 2., -4.], [-3., -1., 4.], [1., 0., 0.], ]) a1, b1, unused_c1 = Ainv * xabc a2, b2, unused_c2 = Ainv * yabc a3, b3, unused_c3 = Ainv * zabc #print(x, y, z) #print('---------------------') #print(a1, a2, a3) a = 4 * (a1 ** 2 + a2 ** 2 + a3 ** 2)[0] b = 2 * (a1 * b1 + a2 * b2 + a3 * b3)[0] c = (b1 ** 2 + b2 ** 2 + b3 ** 2)[0] #print(a, b, c) if np.allclose(a, 0) and np.allclose(b, 0.): length = c ** 0.5 elif np.allclose(a, 0): #print(self.ga_ref) #print(self.gb_ref) #print(self.gc_ref) # dx = self.gb_ref.get_position() - self.ga_ref.get_position() #coeff = ((2 * b) / (3 * a) + (2 * t) / 3) #length = coeff * np.sqrt(a*t + b) dx = [xabc[1], yabc[1], zabc[1]] length = np.linalg.norm(dx) #print('dx=', dx, length) else: t = 1. at2btc = a * t **2 + b * t + c length = ( (b + 2 * a * t) / (4 * a) * np.sqrt(at2btc) + (4 * a * c - b ** 2) / (8 * a ** 1.5) * np.log( 2*a*t + b + 2*np.sqrt(a*(at2btc))) ) return length
[docs] def Area(self): if isinstance(self.pid_ref, integer_types): msg = 'Element eid=%i has not been cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self)) raise RuntimeError(msg) A = self.pid_ref.Area() xyza = self.ga_ref.get_position() + self.wa xyzb = self.gb_ref.get_position() + self.wb Aa, Ab, Ac = A # self.pid_ref.area L = self.Length() if self.gc is not None: xa, ya, za = xyza xb, yb, zb = xyzb xc, yc, zc = self.gc_ref.get_position() + self.wc area = self._integrate( np.array([Aa * xa, Ab * xb, Ac * xc]) / L, np.array([Aa * ya, Ab * yb, Ac * yc]) / L, np.array([Aa * za, Ab * zb, Ac * zc]) / L, ) else: area = np.linalg.norm(xyzb*Ab - xyza*Aa) / L assert isinstance(area, float), area return area
[docs] def Volume(self): if isinstance(self.pid_ref, integer_types): msg = 'Element eid=%i has not been cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self)) raise RuntimeError(msg) A = self.pid_ref.Area() xyza = self.ga_ref.get_position() + self.wa xyzb = self.gb_ref.get_position() + self.wb Aa, Ab, Ac = A # self.pid_ref.area if self.gc is not None: xa, ya, za = xyza xb, yb, zb = xyzb xc, yc, zc = self.gc_ref.get_position() + self.wc volume = self._integrate( np.array([Aa * xa, Ab * xb, Ac * xc]), np.array([Aa * ya, Ab * yb, Ac * yc]), np.array([Aa * za, Ab * zb, Ac * zc]), ) else: volume = np.linalg.norm(xyzb*Ab - xyza*Aa) assert isinstance(volume, float), volume return volume
[docs] def Nsm(self): if isinstance(self.pid_ref, integer_types): msg = 'Element eid=%i has not been cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self)) raise RuntimeError(msg) nsm = self.pid_ref.Nsm() assert isinstance(nsm, float), nsm xyza = self.ga_ref.get_position() + self.wa xyzb = self.gb_ref.get_position() + self.wb if self.gc is not None: xa, ya, za = xyza xb, yb, zb = xyzb xc, yc, zc = self.gc_ref.get_position() + self.wc nsma, nsmb, nsmc = self.pid_ref.nsm L = self.Length() nsm = self._integrate( np.array([nsma * xa, nsmb * xb, nsmc * xc]) / L, np.array([nsma * ya, nsmb * yb, nsmc * yc]) / L, np.array([nsma * za, nsmb * zb, nsmc * zc]) / L, ) else: nsm = np.linalg.norm(xyzb*nsmb - xyza*nsmb) / L assert isinstance(nsm, float), nsm return nsm
[docs] def Ga(self): """gets node 1""" if self.ga_ref is None: return return self.ga_ref.nid
[docs] def Gb(self): """gets node 2""" if self.gb_ref is None: return return self.gb_ref.nid
[docs] def Gc(self): """gets the node between node 1 and 2""" if self.gc_ref is None: return self.gc return self.gc_ref.nid
[docs] def G0(self): """gets the orientation vector node""" if self.g0_ref is None: return self.g0 return self.g0_ref.nid
@property def nodes(self): return [self.Ga(), self.Gb(), self.Gc()] @property def node_ids(self): return [self.Ga(), self.Gb(), self.Gc()]
[docs] def get_edge_ids(self): nids = [self.Ga(), self.Gb()] return [tuple(sorted(nids))]
[docs] def get_x_g0_defaults(self): """ X and G0 compete for the same fields, so the method exists to make it easier to write the card Returns ------- x_g0 : varies g0 : List[int, None, None] x : List[float, float, float] Notes ----- Used by CBAR, CBEAM, and CBEAM3 """ if self.g0 is not None: return self.G0(), None, None return list(self.x)
[docs] def raw_fields(self): x1, x2, x3 = self.get_x_g0_defaults() ga, gb, gc = self.node_ids list_fields = ['CBEAM3', self.eid, self.Pid(), ga, gb, gc, x1, x2, x3] + \ list(self.wa) + list(self.wb) + list(self.wc) + list( + list(self.s) return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): w1a = set_blank_if_default(self.wa[0], 0.0) w2a = set_blank_if_default(self.wa[1], 0.0) w3a = set_blank_if_default(self.wa[2], 0.0) w1b = set_blank_if_default(self.wb[0], 0.0) w2b = set_blank_if_default(self.wb[1], 0.0) w3b = set_blank_if_default(self.wb[2], 0.0) w1c = set_blank_if_default(self.wc[0], 0.0) w2c = set_blank_if_default(self.wc[1], 0.0) w3c = set_blank_if_default(self.wc[2], 0.0) twa = set_blank_if_default([0], 0.0) twb = set_blank_if_default([1], 0.0) twc = set_blank_if_default([2], 0.0) x1, x2, x3 = self.get_x_g0_defaults() ga, gb, gc = self.node_ids list_fields = ['CBEAM3', self.eid, self.Pid(), ga, gb, gc, x1, x2, x3, w1a, w2a, w3a, w1b, w2b, w3b, w1c, w2c, w3c, twa, twb, twc, self.s[0], self.s[1], self.s[2]] return list_fields
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment + print_card_8(card) return self.comment + print_card_16(card)
def _verify(self, xref): unused_edges = self.get_edge_ids()
[docs]def init_x_g0_cbeam3(card, eid, x1_default, x2_default, x3_default): """reads the x/g0 field for the CBEAM3""" field6 = integer_double_or_blank(card, 6, 'g0_x1', x1_default) if isinstance(field6, integer_types): g0 = field6 x = None elif isinstance(field6, float): g0 = None x = np.array([field6, double_or_blank(card, 7, 'x2', x2_default), double_or_blank(card, 8, 'x3', x3_default)], dtype='float64') if norm(x) == 0.0: msg = 'G0 vector defining plane 1 is not defined.\n' msg += 'G0 = %s\n' % g0 msg += 'X = %s\n' % x raise RuntimeError(msg) else: msg = ('field5 on %s (G0/X1) is the wrong field5=%s ' 'type=%s' % (card.field(0), eid, field6, type(field6))) raise RuntimeError(msg) return x, g0
[docs]class CBEND(LineElement): type = 'CBEND' _field_map = { 1: 'eid', 2:'pid', 3:'ga', 4:'gb', 8:'geom', } _properties = ['node_ids'] def _update_field_helper(self, n, value): if self.g0 is not None: if n == 5: self.g0 = value else: raise KeyError('Field %r=%r is an invalid %s entry.' % (n, value, self.type)) else: if n == 5: self.x[0] = value elif n == 6: self.x[1] = value elif n == 7: self.x[2] = value else: raise KeyError('Field %r=%r is an invalid %s entry.' % (n, value, self.type))
[docs] @classmethod def _init_from_empty(cls): eid = 1 pid = 1 nids = [1, 2] g0 = 4 x = None geom = 1 return CBEND(eid, pid, nids, g0, x, geom, comment='')
def __init__(self, eid, pid, nids, g0, x, geom, comment=''): """ Creates a CBEND card Parameters ---------- eid : int element id pid : int property id (PBEND) nids : List[int, int] node ids; connected grid points at ends A and B g0 : int ??? x : List[float, float, float] ??? geom : int 1 : The center of curvature lies on the line AO (or its extension) or vector v. 2 : The tangent of centroid arc at end A is parallel to line AO or vector v. Point O (or vector v) and the arc must be on the same side of the chord AB. 3 : The bend radius (RB) is specified on the PBEND entry: Points A, B, and O (or vector v) define a plane parallel or coincident with the plane of the element arc. Point O (or vector v) lies on the opposite side of line AB from the center of the curvature. 4 : THETAB is specified on the PBEND entry. Points A, B, and O (or vector v) define a plane parallel or coincident with the plane of the element arc. Point O (or vector v) lies on the opposite side of line AB from the center of curvature. comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ LineElement.__init__(self) if comment: self.comment = comment self.eid = eid = pid = nids[0] = nids[1] if g0 is None: assert x is not None, 'g0=%s x=%s; one must not be None' % (g0, x) self.g0 = g0 self.x = x self.geom = geom assert self.geom in [1, 2, 3, 4], 'geom is invalid geom=%r' % self.geom self.ga_ref = None self.gb_ref = None self.pid_ref = None if self.g0 is not None: assert isinstance(self.g0, integer_types), self.get_stats()
[docs] @classmethod def add_card(cls, card, comment=''): """ Adds a CBEND card from ``BDF.add_card(...)`` Parameters ---------- card : BDFCard() a BDFCard object comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ eid = integer(card, 1, 'eid') pid = integer_or_blank(card, 2, 'pid', eid) ga = integer(card, 3, 'ga') gb = integer(card, 4, 'gb') x1_g0 = integer_double_or_blank(card, 5, 'x1_g0', 0.0) if isinstance(x1_g0, integer_types): g0 = x1_g0 x = None elif isinstance(x1_g0, float): g0 = None x = np.array([double_or_blank(card, 5, 'x1', 0.0), double_or_blank(card, 6, 'x2', 0.0), double_or_blank(card, 7, 'x3', 0.0)], dtype='float64') if norm(x) == 0.0: msg = 'G0 vector defining plane 1 is not defined.\n' msg += 'G0 = %s\n' % g0 msg += 'X = %s\n' % x raise RuntimeError(msg) else: raise ValueError('invalid x1Go=%r on CBEND' % x1_g0) geom = integer(card, 8, 'geom') assert len(card) == 9, 'len(CBEND card) = %i\ncard=%s' % (len(card), card) return CBEND(eid, pid, [ga, gb], g0, x, geom, comment=comment)
@classmethod def add_op2_data(cls, data, comment=''): #data = [[eid, pid, ga, gb, geom], [f, x1, x2, x3]] #data = [[eid, pid, ga, gb, geom], [f, g0]] main = data[0] flag = data[1][0] if flag in [0, 1]: g0 = None x = np.array([data[1][1], data[1][2], data[1][3]], dtype='float64') else: g0 = data[1][1] x = None eid = main[0] pid = main[1] ga = main[2] gb = main[3] geom = main[4] return CBEND(eid, pid, [ga, gb], g0, x, geom, comment=comment)
[docs] def get_x_g0_defaults(self): if self.g0 is not None: return self.g0, None, None #print('x =', self.x) #print('g0 =', self.g0) #x1 = set_blank_if_default(self.x[0], 0.0) #x2 = set_blank_if_default(self.x[1], 0.0) #x3 = set_blank_if_default(self.x[2], 0.0) return list(self.x)
[docs] def Length(self): # TODO: consider w1a and w1b in the length formulation L = norm(self.gb_ref.get_position() - self.ga_ref.get_position()) assert isinstance(L, float) return L
#prop = self.pid_ref #bend_radius = prop.rb #theta_bend = prop.thetab #length_oa = None #if self.geom == 1: #The center of curvature lies on the line AO #(or its extension) or vector . #pass #elif self.geom == 2: # The tangent of centroid arc at end A is # parallel to line AO or vector . Point O (or # vector) and the arc must be on the # same side of the chord . #pass #elif self.geom == 3: # The bend radius (RB) is specified on the # PBEND entry: Points A, B, and O (or # vector ) define a plane parallel or # coincident with the plane of the element # arc. Point O (or vector ) lies on the # opposite side of line AB from the center of # the curvature. #pass #elif self.geom == 4: # THETAB is specified on the PBEND entry. # Points A, B, and O (or vector ) define a # plane parallel or coincident with the plane # of the element arc. Point O (or vector ) # lies on the opposite side of line AB from the # center of curvature. #pass #else: #raise RuntimeError('geom=%r is not supported on the CBEND' % self.geom) #return L
[docs] def validate(self): if self.g0 is not None: assert isinstance(self.g0, integer_types), 'g0=%s must be an integer' % self.g0 if self.g0 in [,]: msg = 'G0=%s cannot be GA=%s or GB=%s' % (self.g0,, raise RuntimeError(msg)
#BEND ELEMENT %1 BEND RADIUS OR ARC ANGLE INCONSISTENT #WITH GEOM OPTION #RB is nonzero on PBEND entry when GEOM option on CBEND entry is 1, #2, or 4 or RB is zero when GEOM option is 3 or AB is nonzero when #when GEOM option is 1, 2, or 3 or B is <= 0. or > 180, when #GEOM option is 4. @property def node_ids(self): return [self.Ga(), self.Gb()] @property def nodes(self): return [,] @nodes.setter def nodes(self, values): = values[0] = values[1]
[docs] def Ga(self): if self.ga_ref is None: return return self.ga_ref.nid
[docs] def Gb(self): if self.gb_ref is None: return return self.gb_ref.nid
#def get_edge_ids(self): #return [tuple(sorted(self.node_ids))] @property def nodes_ref(self): return [self.ga_ref, self.gb_ref] @nodes_ref.setter def nodes_ref(self, values): assert values is not None, values self.ga_ref = values[0] self.gb_ref = values[1]
[docs] def Area(self): if isinstance(, integer_types): msg = 'Element eid=%i has not been cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self)) raise RuntimeError(msg) return self.pid_ref.Area()
def _verify(self, xref): unused_edges = self.get_edge_ids()
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model): """ Cross links the card so referenced cards can be extracted directly Parameters ---------- model : BDF() the BDF object """ msg = ', which is required by CBEND eid=%s' % (self.eid) #self.g0 = model.nodes[self.g0] self.ga_ref = model.Node(, msg=msg) self.gb_ref = model.Node(, msg=msg) self.pid_ref = model.Property(, msg=msg)
[docs] def safe_cross_reference(self, model, xref_errors): msg = ', which is required by CBEND eid=%s' % (self.eid) self.ga_ref = model.Node(, msg=msg) self.gb_ref = model.Node(, msg=msg) self.pid_ref = model.safe_property(, self.eid, xref_errors, msg=msg)
[docs] def uncross_reference(self): """Removes cross-reference links""" node_ids = self.node_ids = node_ids[0] = node_ids[1] = self.Pid() self.ga_ref = None self.gb_ref = None self.pid_ref = None
[docs] def Centroid(self): if self.pid_ref is None: msg = 'Element eid=%i has not been cross referenced.\n%s' % (self.eid, str(self)) raise RuntimeError(msg) return (self.ga_ref.get_position() + self.gb_ref.get_position()) / 2.
[docs] def center_of_mass(self): return self.Centroid()
[docs] def raw_fields(self): (x1, x2, x3) = self.get_x_g0_defaults() list_fields = ['CBEND', self.eid, self.Pid(), self.Ga(), self.Gb(), x1, x2, x3, self.geom] return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): return self.raw_fields()
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment + print_card_8(card) return self.comment + print_card_16(card)
[docs]def init_x_g0(card, eid, x1_default, x2_default, x3_default): """common method to read the x/g0 field for the CBAR, CBEAM, CBEAM3""" field5 = integer_double_or_blank(card, 5, 'g0_x1', x1_default) if isinstance(field5, integer_types): g0 = field5 x = None elif isinstance(field5, float): g0 = None x = np.array([field5, double_or_blank(card, 6, 'x2', x2_default), double_or_blank(card, 7, 'x3', x3_default)], dtype='float64') if norm(x) == 0.0: msg = 'G0 vector defining plane 1 is not defined.\n' msg += 'G0 = %s\n' % g0 msg += 'X = %s\n' % x raise RuntimeError(msg) else: msg = ('field5 on %s (G0/X1) is the wrong field5=%s ' 'type=%s' % (card.field(0), eid, field5, type(field5))) raise RuntimeError(msg) return x, g0
[docs]def get_bar_vector(model, elem, node1, node2, xyz1): """helper method for ``rotate_v_wa_wb``""" cd1 = node1.Cd() cd2 = node2.Cd() if model is None: cd1_ref = node1.cd_ref cd2_ref = node2.cd_ref # get the vector v, which defines the projection on to the elemental # coordinate frame if elem.g0: #msg = 'which is required by %s eid=%s\n%s' % (elem.type, elem.g0, str(elem)) g0_ref = elem.g0_ref n0 = g0_ref.get_position() v = n0 - xyz1 else: v = cd1_ref.transform_node_to_global(elem.x) else: msg = ', which is required by %s=%s' % (elem.type, elem.eid) cd1_ref = model.Coord(cd1) cd2_ref = model.Coord(cd2) # get the vector v, which defines the projection on to the elemental # coordinate frame if elem.g0: #msg = 'which is required by %s eid=%s\n%s' % (elem.type, elem.g0, str(elem)) g0_ref = model.Node(elem.g0, msg=msg) n0 = g0_ref.get_position() v = n0 - xyz1 else: v = cd1_ref.transform_node_to_global(elem.x) cd1_ref = model.Coord(cd1) cd2_ref = model.Coord(cd2) return v, cd1, cd1_ref, cd2, cd2_ref
[docs]def rotate_v_wa_wb(model, elem, xyz1, xyz2, node1, node2, ihat_offset, i_offset, eid, Li_offset, log): """ Rotates v, wa, wb Parameters ---------- model : BDF() BDF : assume the model isn't xref'd None : use the xref'd values elem : CBAR() / CBEAM() the CBAR/CBEAM xyz1 / xyz2 : (3, ) float ndarray the xyz locations for node 1 / 2 node1 / node2 : GRID() the xyz object for node 1 / 2 ihat_offset : (3, ) float ndarray the normalized x-axis (not including the CBEAM offset) i_offset : (3, ) float ndarray the unnormalized x-axis (not including the CBEAM offset) eid : int the element id Li_offset : float the length of the CBAR/CBEAM (not including the CBEAM offset) log : Log() a logging object or None Returns ------- v : List[float, float, float] the projection vector that defines the y-axis (jhat) wa : List[float, float, float] the offset vector at A wb : List[float, float, float] the offset vector at B xform : (3, 3) float ndarray a vstack of the [ihat, jhat, khat] axes Notes ----- This section details the OFFT flag. ABC or A-B-C (an example is G-G-G or B-G-G) while the slots are: - A -> orientation; values=[G, B] - B -> End A; values=[G, O] - C -> End B; values=[G, O] and the values for A,B,C mean: - B -> basic - G -> global - O -> orientation so for example G-G-G, that's global for all terms. BOG means basic orientation, orientation end A, global end B so now we're left with what does basic/global/orientation mean? - basic -> the global coordinate system defined by cid=0 - global -> the local coordinate system defined by the CD field on the GRID card, but referenced by the CBAR/CBEAM - orientation -> wa/wb are defined in the xform_offset (yz) frame; this is likely the easiest frame for a user """ check_offt(elem) v, cd1, cd1_ref, cd2, cd2_ref = get_bar_vector(model, elem, node1, node2, xyz1) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- offt_vector, offt_end_a, offt_end_b = elem.offt # rotate v if offt_vector == 'G': # end A # global - cid != 0 if cd1 != 0: v = cd1_ref.transform_node_to_global_assuming_rectangular(v) elif offt_vector == 'B': # basic - cid = 0 pass else: msg = 'offt_vector=%r is not supported; offt=%s' % (offt_vector, elem.offt) return None, None, None, None yhat_offset, zhat_offset = get_bar_yz_transform( v, ihat_offset, eid, xyz1, xyz2, node1.nid, node2.nid, i_offset, Li_offset) xform_offset = np.vstack([ihat_offset, yhat_offset, zhat_offset]) # 3x3 unit matrix #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # rotate wa # wa defines the offset at end A wa = elem.wa #ia = n1 if offt_end_a == 'G': if cd1 != 0: wa = cd1_ref.transform_node_to_global_assuming_rectangular(wa) elif offt_end_a == 'B': pass elif offt_end_a == 'O': # rotate point wa from the local frame to the global frame wa =, xform_offset) #ia = n1 + wa else: msg = 'offt_end_a=%r is not supported; offt=%s' % (offt_end_a, elem.offt) log.error(msg) return v, None, None, xform_offset #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # rotate wb # wb defines the offset at end B wb = elem.wb #ib = n2 if offt_end_b == 'G': if cd2 != 0: # MasterModelTaxi wb = cd2_ref.transform_node_to_global_assuming_rectangular(wb) elif offt_end_b == 'B': pass elif offt_end_b == 'O': # rotate point wb from the local frame to the global frame wb =, xform_offset) #ib = n2 + wb else: msg = 'offt_end_b=%r is not supported; offt=%s' % (offt_end_b, elem.offt) model.log.error(msg) return v, wa, None, xform_offset #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #i = ib - ia # (xyz2 + wb) - (xyz1 + wa) #i = (xyz2 + wb) - (xyz1 + wa) i = i_offset Li = norm(i) ihat = i / Li yhat, zhat = get_bar_yz_transform(v, ihat, eid, xyz1, xyz2, node1.nid, node2.nid, i, Li) #print(' n1=%s n2=%s' % (n1, n2)) #print(' ib=%s ia=%s' % (ib, ia)) #print(' wa=%s wb=%s' % (wa, wb)) #print(' ioffset=%s i=%s' % (i_offset, i)) #print(' ihat=%s' % (ihat)) #print(' yhat=%s' % (yhat)) #print(' zhat=%s' % (zhat)) #print("") xform = np.vstack([ihat, yhat, zhat]) # 3x3 unit matrix return v, wa, wb, xform
[docs]def get_bar_yz_transform(v, ihat, eid, xyz1, xyz2, nid1, nid2, i, Li): """ helper method for ``_get_bar_yz_arrays`` Parameters ---------- v : List[float, float, float] the projection vector that defines the y-axis (jhat) ihat : (3, ) float ndarray the normalized x-axis (not including the CBEAM offset) eid : int the element id xyz1 / xyz2 : (3, ) float ndarray the xyz locations for node 1 / 2 nid1 / nid2 : int the node ids for xyz1 / xyz2 i : (3, ) float ndarray the unnormalized x-axis (not including the CBEAM offset) Li : float the length of the CBAR/CBEAM (not including the CBEAM offset) Returns ------- yhat (3, ) float ndarray the CBAR/CBEAM's y-axis zhat (3, ) float ndarray the CBAR/CBEAM's z-axis """ vhat = v / norm(v) # j try: z = np.cross(ihat, vhat) # k except ValueError: msg = 'Invalid vector length\n' msg += 'xyz1=%s\n' % str(xyz1) msg += 'xyz2=%s\n' % str(xyz2) msg += 'nid1=%s\n' % str(nid1) msg += 'nid2=%s\n' % str(nid2) msg += 'i =%s\n' % str(i) msg += 'Li =%s\n' % str(Li) msg += 'ihat=%s\n' % str(ihat) msg += 'v =%s\n' % str(v) msg += 'vhat=%s\n' % str(vhat) msg += 'z=cross(ihat, vhat)' print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) zhat = z / norm(z) yhat = np.cross(zhat, ihat) # j if norm(ihat) == 0.0 or norm(yhat) == 0.0 or norm(z) == 0.0: print(' invalid_orientation - eid=%s yhat=%s zhat=%s v=%s i=%s n%s=%s n%s=%s' % ( eid, yhat, zhat, v, i, nid1, xyz1, nid2, xyz2)) elif not np.allclose(norm(yhat), 1.0) or not np.allclose(norm(zhat), 1.0) or Li == 0.0: print(' length_error - eid=%s Li=%s Lyhat=%s Lzhat=%s' ' v=%s i=%s n%s=%s n%s=%s' % ( eid, Li, norm(yhat), norm(zhat), v, i, nid1, xyz1, nid2, xyz2)) return yhat, zhat
[docs]def check_offt(element): """ B,G,O Note: The character 'O' in the table replaces the obsolete character 'E' """ if isinstance(element.offt, integer_types): raise SyntaxError('invalid offt expected a string of length 3; ' 'offt=%r; Type=%s\n%s' % (element.offt, type(element.offt), str(element))) msg = 'invalid offt parameter of %s...offt=%s' % (element.type, element.offt) assert element.offt[0] in ['G', 'B'], msg assert element.offt[1] in ['G', 'O', 'E'], msg assert element.offt[2] in ['G', 'O', 'E'], msg