Source code for

# coding: utf-8
All dynamic loads are defined in this file.  This includes:


from __future__ import (nested_scopes, generators, division, absolute_import,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)
from six import itervalues
import numpy as np

from pyNastran.utils.numpy_utils import integer_types
from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_8 import set_blank_if_default
from pyNastran.bdf.bdf_interface.assign_type import (
    integer, double_or_blank, integer_string_or_blank,
    integer_double_or_blank, double)
from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_8 import print_card_8
from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_16 import print_card_16
from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_double import print_card_double
from import DynamicLoad, LoadCombination, BaseCard

[docs]class ACSRCE(BaseCard): r""" Defines acoustic source as a function of power vs. frequency. +--------+-----+----------+---------------+-----------------+-------+-----+---+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | +========+=====+==========+===============+=================+=======+=====+===+ | ACSRCE | SID | EXCITEID | DELAYI/DELAYR | DPHASEI/DPHASER | TP/RP | RHO | B | +--------+-----+----------+---------------+-----------------+-------+-----+---+ ..math :: C = \sqrt(B ⁄ ρ) Source Strength = {A} * 1/(2πf) * \sqrt( 8πC P(f) / ρ) ^ (ei(θ + 2πfτ)) """ type = 'ACSRCE'
[docs] @classmethod def _init_from_empty(cls): sid = 1 excite_id = 2 rho = 3. b = 5. return ACSRCE(sid, excite_id, rho, b, delay=0, dphase=0, power=0, comment='')
def __init__(self, sid, excite_id, rho, b, delay=0, dphase=0, power=0, comment=''): """ Creates an ACSRCE card Parameters ---------- sid : int load set id number (referenced by DLOAD) excite_id : int Identification number of a DAREA or SLOAD entry that lists each degree of freedom to apply the excitation and the corresponding scale factor, A, for the excitation rho : float Density of the fluid b : float Bulk modulus of the fluid delay : int; default=0 Time delay, τ. dphase : int / float; default=0 the dphase; if it's 0/blank there is no phase lag float : delay in units of time int : delay id power : int; default=0 Power as a function of frequency, P(f). float : value of P(f) used over all frequencies for all degrees of freedom in EXCITEID entry. int : TABLEDi entry that defines P(f) for all degrees of freedom in EXCITEID entry. comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ if comment: self.comment = comment self.sid = sid self.excite_id = excite_id self.delay = delay self.dphase = dphase self.power = power self.rho = rho self.b = b self.power_ref = None self.sloads_ref = None self.delay_ref = None self.dphase_ref = None #self.dphases_ref = None #self.delays_ref = None
[docs] @classmethod def add_card(cls, card, comment=''): """ Adds a ACSRCE card from ``BDF.add_card(...)`` Parameters ---------- card : BDFCard() a BDFCard object comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ sid = integer(card, 1, 'sid') excite_id = integer(card, 2, 'excite_id') # DAREA, FBALOAD, SLOAD delay = integer_double_or_blank(card, 3, 'delay', 0) # DELAY, FBADLAY dphase = integer_double_or_blank(card, 4, 'dphase', 0) # DPHASE, FBAPHAS power = integer_double_or_blank(card, 5, 'power/tp/rp', 0) # TABLEDi/power rho = double(card, 6, 'rho') b = double(card, 7, 'bulk modulus') assert len(card) <= 8, 'len(ACSRCE card) = %i\n%s' % (len(card), card) return ACSRCE(sid, excite_id, rho, b, delay=delay, dphase=dphase, power=power, comment=comment)
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model): """ Cross links the card so referenced cards can be extracted directly Parameters ---------- model : BDF() the BDF object """ cmsg = ', which is required by ACSRCE=%s' % (self.sid) # TODO: excite_id = DAREA, FBALOAD, SLOAD sloads_ref = {} lseqs_ref = {} for load_id, loads in model.loads.items(): for load in loads: if load.type == 'SLOAD': #if load_id not in sloads_ref: #sloads_ref[load_id] = [] for nid in load.node_ids: sloads_ref[(load_id, nid, 0)] = load elif load.type == 'LSEQ': load_idi = load.lid_ref[0].sid #print(load) #print(load.lid) excite_idi = load.excite_id #print('load_idi = %s' % load_idi) #print('excite_id = %s' % excite_idi) assert load_idi not in lseqs_ref lseqs_ref[load_idi] = load if sloads_ref: self.sloads_ref = sloads_ref sload_keys = list(sloads_ref.keys()) #print('sload_keys =', sload_keys) else: sload_keys = [] if self.excite_id not in model.dareas and self.excite_id not in lseqs_ref: darea_keys = list(model.dareas.keys()) dphase_keys = list(model.dphases.keys()) delay_keys = list(model.delays.keys()) msg = 'excite_id=%s delay=%s dphase=%s\n' % ( self.excite_id, self.delay, self.dphase) msg += ' darea_keys=%s\n' % darea_keys msg += ' sloads(load_id, nid, comp)=%s\n' % sload_keys msg += ' dphases(sid)=%s\n' % dphase_keys msg += ' delays(delay_id)=%s\n' % delay_keys #raise RuntimeError(msg) #print(msg) if isinstance(self.delay, integer_types) and self.delay > 0: delays_ref = {} for sload_key in sload_keys: nid = sload_key[1] delay_key = (self.delay, nid, 0) delays_ref[sload_key] = model.DELAY(self.delay, msg=cmsg) if delays_ref: self.delay_ref = delays_ref if isinstance(self.dphase, integer_types) and self.dphase > 0: dphases_ref = {} for sload_key in sload_keys: nid = sload_key[1] dphase_key = (self.dphase, nid, 0) dphases_ref[sload_key] = model.DPHASE(self.dphase, msg=cmsg) if dphases_ref: self.dphase_ref = dphases_ref if isinstance(self.power, integer_types) and self.power > 0: self.power_ref = model.TableD(self.power, msg=cmsg)
#load_ids2 = [] #for load_id in self.load_ids: #load_id2 = model.DLoad(load_id, consider_dload_combinations=False, msg=msg) #load_ids2.append(load_id2) #self.load_ids = load_ids2 #self.load_ids_ref = self.load_ids
[docs] def uncross_reference(self): """Removes cross-reference links""" self.power = self.Power() self.dphase = self.DPhase() self.delay = self.Delay() #self.sloads = self. #self.tb = self.Tb() = self.Tp() #self.delay = self.delay_id #if self.tb > 0: #del self.tb_ref #if > 0: #del self.tp_ref self.power_ref = None self.sloads_ref = None self.delay_ref = None self.dphase_ref = None
#self.dphases_ref = None #self.delays_ref = None
[docs] def safe_cross_reference(self, model, xref_errors): return self.cross_reference(model)
#def uncross_reference(self): #self.load_ids = [self.LoadID(load) for load in self.load_ids] #del self.load_ids_ref
[docs] def Delay(self): if self.delay_ref is not None: return next(itervalues(self.delay_ref)).sid elif self.delay in [0, 0.0]: return 0 else: return self.delay
[docs] def DPhase(self): if self.dphase_ref is not None: return next(itervalues(self.delay_ref)).tid elif self.dphase in [0, 0.0]: return 0 else: return self.dphase
[docs] def Power(self): if self.power_ref is not None: return self.power_ref.tid return self.power
[docs] def get_load_at_freq(self, freq): r""" ..math :: C = \sqrt(B ⁄ ρ) Source_strength = {A} * 1/(2πf) * \sqrt( 8πC P(f) / ρ) ^ (ei(θ + 2πfτ)) """ C = np.sqrt(self.b / self.rho) ei = np.exp(1) * 1.j A = 0.0 pi = np.pi if self.delay in [0, 0.]: tau = 0. else: #print('delay\n', self.delay_ref) tau = self.delay_ref.value Pf = self.power_ref.interpolate(freq) if self.dphase in [0, 0.]: theta = 0. else: #print('dphase\n', self.dphase_ref) theta = self.dphase_ref.interpolate(freq) strength = A / (2.* pi * freq) * np.sqrt(8*pi*C*Pf / self.rho) ** (ei*(theta + 2*pi*freq*tau)) return 0.0
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = ['ACSRCE', self.sid, self.excite_id, self.Delay(), self.DPhase(), self.Power(), self.rho, self.b] return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): return self.raw_fields()
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.raw_fields() if size == 16: return self.comment + print_card_16(card) return self.comment + print_card_8(card)
[docs]class DLOAD(LoadCombination): """ +-------+-----+----+------+----+----+----+----+----+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +=======+=====+====+======+====+====+====+====+====+ | DLOAD | SID | S | S1 | L1 | S2 | L2 | S3 | L3 | +-------+-----+----+------+----+----+----+----+----+ | | S4 | L4 | etc. | | | | | | +-------+-----+----+------+----+----+----+----+----+ """ type = 'DLOAD'
[docs] @classmethod def _init_from_empty(cls): sid = 1 scale = 1. scale_factors = [1., 2.] load_ids = [1, 2] return DLOAD(sid, scale, scale_factors, load_ids, comment='')
def __init__(self, sid, scale, scale_factors, load_ids, comment=''): """ Creates a DLOAD card Parameters ---------- sid : int Load set identification number. See Remarks 1. and 4. (Integer > 0) scale : float Scale factor. See Remarks 2. and 8. (Real) Si : List[float] Scale factors. See Remarks 2., 7. and 8. (Real) load_ids : List[int] Load set identification numbers of RLOAD1, RLOAD2, TLOAD1, TLOAD2, and ACSRCE entries. See Remarks 3 and 7. (Integer > 0) comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ LoadCombination.__init__(self, sid, scale, scale_factors, load_ids, comment=comment)
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model): """ Cross links the card so referenced cards can be extracted directly Parameters ---------- model : BDF() the BDF object """ dload_ids2 = [] msg = ', which is required by DLOAD=%s' % (self.sid) for dload_id in self.load_ids: dload_id2 = model.DLoad(dload_id, consider_dload_combinations=False, msg=msg) dload_ids2.append(dload_id2) self.load_ids_ref = dload_ids2
[docs] def safe_cross_reference(self, model, xref_errors, debug=True): dload_ids2 = [] msg = ', which is required by DLOAD=%s' % (self.sid) for dload_id in self.load_ids: try: dload_id2 = model.DLoad(dload_id, consider_dload_combinations=False, msg=msg) except KeyError: if debug: msg = 'Couldnt find dload_id=%i, which is required by %s=%s' % ( dload_id, self.type, self.sid) model.log.warning(msg) continue dload_ids2.append(dload_id2) self.load_ids_ref = dload_ids2
[docs] def uncross_reference(self): """Removes cross-reference links""" self.load_ids = [self.LoadID(dload) for dload in self.get_load_ids()] self.load_ids_ref = None
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = ['DLOAD', self.sid, self.scale] for (scale_factor, load_id) in zip(self.scale_factors, self.get_load_ids()): list_fields += [scale_factor, self.LoadID(load_id)] return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): return self.raw_fields()
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.raw_fields() if size == 16: return self.comment + print_card_16(card) return self.comment + print_card_8(card)
[docs]class RLOAD1(DynamicLoad): r""" Defines a frequency-dependent dynamic load of the form for use in frequency response problems. .. math:: \left\{ P(f) \right\} = \left\{A\right\} [ C(f)+iD(f)] e^{ i \left\{\theta - 2 \pi f \tau \right\} } +--------+-----+----------+-------+--------+----+----+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | +========+=====+==========+=======+========+====+====+======+ | RLOAD1 | SID | EXCITEID | DELAY | DPHASE | TC | TD | TYPE | +--------+-----+----------+-------+--------+----+----+------+ | RLOAD1 | 5 | 3 | | | 1 | | | +--------+-----+----------+-------+--------+----+----+------+ NX allows DELAY and DPHASE to be floats """ type = 'RLOAD1' _properties = ['delay_id', 'dphase_id']
[docs] @classmethod def _init_from_empty(cls): sid = 1 excite_id = 1 return RLOAD1(sid, excite_id, delay=0, dphase=0, tc=0, td=0, Type='LOAD', comment='')
def __init__(self, sid, excite_id, delay=0, dphase=0, tc=0, td=0, Type='LOAD', comment=''): """ Creates an RLOAD1 card, which defienes a frequency-dependent load based on TABLEDs. Parameters ---------- sid : int load id excite_id : int node id where the load is applied delay : int/float; default=None the delay; if it's 0/blank there is no delay float : delay in units of time int : delay id dphase : int/float; default=None the dphase; if it's 0/blank there is no phase lag float : delay in units of time int : delay id tc : int/float; default=0 TABLEDi id that defines C(f) for all degrees of freedom in EXCITEID entry td : int/float; default=0 TABLEDi id that defines D(f) for all degrees of freedom in EXCITEID entry Type : int/str; default='LOAD' the type of load 0/LOAD 1/DISP 2/VELO 3/ACCE 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13 - MSC only comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ DynamicLoad.__init__(self) if comment: self.comment = comment Type = update_loadtype(Type) self.sid = sid self.excite_id = excite_id self.delay = delay self.dphase = dphase = tc = td self.Type = Type assert sid > 0, self self.tc_ref = None self.td_ref = None self.delay_ref = None self.dphase_ref = None
[docs] def validate(self): msg = '' is_failed = False if > 0 or > 0: msg += 'either RLOAD1 TC or TD > 0; tc=%s td=%s\n' % (, if self.Type in [0, 'L', 'LO', 'LOA', 'LOAD']: self.Type = 'LOAD' elif self.Type in [1, 'D', 'DI', 'DIS', 'DISP']: self.Type = 'DISP' elif self.Type in [2, 'V', 'VE', 'VEL', 'VELO']: self.Type = 'VELO' elif self.Type in [3, 'A', 'AC', 'ACC', 'ACCE']: self.Type = 'ACCE' else: msg += 'invalid RLOAD1 type Type=%r\n' % self.Type is_failed = True if is_failed: msg += str(self) raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] @classmethod def add_card(cls, card, comment=''): """ Adds a RLOAD1 card from ``BDF.add_card(...)`` Parameters ---------- card : BDFCard() a BDFCard object comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ sid = integer(card, 1, 'sid') excite_id = integer(card, 2, 'excite_id') delay = integer_double_or_blank(card, 3, 'delay', 0) dphase = integer_double_or_blank(card, 4, 'dphase', 0) tc = integer_double_or_blank(card, 5, 'tc', 0) td = integer_double_or_blank(card, 6, 'td', 0) Type = integer_string_or_blank(card, 7, 'Type', 'LOAD') assert len(card) <= 8, 'len(RLOAD1 card) = %i\ncard=%s' % (len(card), card) return RLOAD1(sid, excite_id, delay, dphase, tc, td, Type, comment=comment)
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model): """ Cross links the card so referenced cards can be extracted directly Parameters ---------- model : BDF() the BDF object """ msg = ', which is required by RLOAD1 sid=%s' % (self.sid) #self._cross_reference_excite_id(model, msg) if isinstance(, integer_types) and self.tc_ref = model.TableD(, msg=msg) if isinstance(, integer_types) and self.td_ref = model.TableD(, msg=msg) if isinstance(self.delay, integer_types) and self.delay > 0: self.delay_ref = model.DELAY(self.delay_id, msg=msg) if isinstance(self.dphase, integer_types) and self.dphase > 0: self.dphase_ref = model.DPHASE(self.dphase, msg=msg)
[docs] def safe_cross_reference(self, model, xref_errors, ): msg = ', which is required by RLOAD1 sid=%s' % (self.sid) #self.excite_id_ref = model.DAREA(self.excite_id, msg=msg) if isinstance(, integer_types) and self.tc_ref = model.TableD(, msg=msg) if isinstance(, integer_types) and self.td_ref = model.TableD(, msg=msg) if isinstance(self.delay, integer_types) and self.delay > 0: self.delay_ref = model.DELAY(self.delay_id, msg=msg) if isinstance(self.dphase, integer_types) and self.dphase > 0: self.dphase_ref = model.DPHASE(self.dphase, msg=msg)
[docs] def uncross_reference(self): """Removes cross-reference links""" = self.Tc() = self.Td() self.delay = self.delay_id self.dphase = self.dphase_id self.tc_ref = None self.td_ref = None self.delay_ref = None self.dphase_ref = None
[docs] def get_loads(self): return [self]
[docs] def Tc(self): if self.tc_ref is not None: return self.tc_ref.tid elif in [0, 0.0]: return 0 return
[docs] def Td(self): if self.td_ref is not None: return self.td_ref.tid elif in [0, 0.0]: return 0 return
@property def delay_id(self): if self.delay_ref is not None: return self.delay_ref.sid elif self.delay in [0, 0.]: return 0 return self.delay @property def dphase_id(self): if self.dphase_ref is not None: return self.dphase_ref.sid elif self.dphase in [0, 0.0]: return 0 return self.dphase
[docs] def get_load_at_freq(self, freq, scale=1.): # A = 1. # points to DAREA or SPCD if isinstance(freq, float): freq = np.array([freq]) else: freq = np.asarray(freq) if isinstance(, float): c = float( elif == 0: c = 0. else: c = self.tc_ref.interpolate(freq) if isinstance(, float): d = float( elif == 0: d = 0. else: d = self.td_ref.interpolate(freq) if isinstance(self.dphase, float): dphase = self.dphase elif self.dphase == 0: dphase = 0.0 else: nids, comps, dphases = self.dphase_ref.get_dphase_at_freq(freq) assert len(dphases) == 1, 'dphases=%s\n%s' % (dphases, self.dphase_ref) dphase = dphases[0] if isinstance(self.delay, float): tau = self.delay elif self.delay == 0: tau = 0.0 else: nids, comps, taus = self.delay_ref.get_delay_at_freq(freq) assert len(taus) == 1, 'taus=%s\n%s' % (taus, self.delay_ref) tau = taus[0] out = (c + 1.j * d) * np.exp(dphase - 2 * np.pi * freq * tau) return out
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = ['RLOAD1', self.sid, self.excite_id, self.delay_id, self.dphase_id, self.Tc(), self.Td(), self.Type] return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): Type = set_blank_if_default(self.Type, 'LOAD') list_fields = ['RLOAD1', self.sid, self.excite_id, self.delay_id, self.dphase_id, self.Tc(), self.Td(), Type] return list_fields
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment + print_card_8(card) if is_double: return self.comment + print_card_double(card) return self.comment + print_card_16(card)
[docs]class RLOAD2(DynamicLoad): r""" Defines a frequency-dependent dynamic load of the form for use in frequency response problems. .. math:: \left\{ P(f) \right\} = \left\{A\right\} * B(f) e^{ i \left\{ \phi(f) + \theta - 2 \pi f \tau \right\} } +--------+-----+----------+-------+--------+----+----+------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | +========+=====+==========+=======+========+====+====+======+ | RLOAD2 | SID | EXCITEID | DELAY | DPHASE | TB | TP | TYPE | +--------+-----+----------+-------+--------+----+----+------+ | RLOAD2 | 5 | 3 | | | 1 | | | +--------+-----+----------+-------+--------+----+----+------+ NX allows DELAY and DPHASE to be floats """ type = 'RLOAD2' _properties = ['delay_id', 'dphase_id']
[docs] @classmethod def _init_from_empty(cls): sid = 1 excite_id = 1 return RLOAD2(sid, excite_id, delay=0, dphase=0, tb=0, tp=0, Type='LOAD', comment='')
# P(f) = {A} * B(f) * e^(i*phi(f), + theta - 2*pi*f*tau) def __init__(self, sid, excite_id, delay=0, dphase=0, tb=0, tp=0, Type='LOAD', comment=''): """ Creates a nRLOAD2 card, which defienes a frequency-dependent load based on TABLEDs. Parameters ---------- sid : int load id excite_id : int node id where the load is applied delay : int/float; default=None the delay; if it's 0/blank there is no delay float : delay in units of time int : delay id dphase : int/float; default=None the dphase; if it's 0/blank there is no phase lag float : delay in units of time int : delay id tb : int/float; default=0 TABLEDi id that defines B(f) for all degrees of freedom in EXCITEID entry tc : int/float; default=0 TABLEDi id that defines C(f) for all degrees of freedom in EXCITEID entry td : int/float; default=0 TABLEDi id that defines D(f) for all degrees of freedom in EXCITEID entry tp : int/float; default=0 TABLEDi id that defines phi(f) for all degrees of freedom in EXCITEID entry Type : int/str; default='LOAD' the type of load 0/LOAD 1/DISP 2/VELO 3/ACCE 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13 - MSC only comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ DynamicLoad.__init__(self) if comment: self.comment = comment Type = update_loadtype(Type) self.sid = sid self.excite_id = excite_id self.delay = delay self.dphase = dphase self.tb = tb = tp self.Type = Type self.tb_ref = None self.tp_ref = None self.delay_ref = None self.dphase_ref = None #@property #def Type(self): #"""gets the load_type""" #return self.load_type #@Type.setter #def Type(self, load_type): #"""sets the load_type""" #self.load_type = load_type
[docs] def validate(self): msg = '' is_failed = False if self.tb > 0 or > 0: msg += 'either RLOAD2 TB or TP > 0; tb=%s tp=%s\n' % (self.tb, if self.Type in [0, 'L', 'LO', 'LOA', 'LOAD']: self.Type = 'LOAD' elif self.Type in [1, 'D', 'DI', 'DIS', 'DISP']: self.Type = 'DISP' elif self.Type in [2, 'V', 'VE', 'VEL', 'VELO']: self.Type = 'VELO' elif self.Type in [3, 'A', 'AC', 'ACC', 'ACCE']: self.Type = 'ACCE' else: msg += 'invalid RLOAD2 type Type=%r\n' % self.Type is_failed = True if is_failed: msg += str(self) raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] @classmethod def add_card(cls, card, comment=''): """ Adds a RLOAD2 card from ``BDF.add_card(...)`` Parameters ---------- card : BDFCard() a BDFCard object comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ sid = integer(card, 1, 'sid') excite_id = integer(card, 2, 'excite_id') delay = integer_double_or_blank(card, 3, 'delay', 0) dphase = integer_double_or_blank(card, 4, 'dphase', 0) tb = integer_double_or_blank(card, 5, 'tb', 0) tp = integer_double_or_blank(card, 6, 'tp', 0) Type = integer_string_or_blank(card, 7, 'Type', 'LOAD') assert len(card) <= 8, 'len(RLOAD2 card) = %i\ncard=%s' % (len(card), card) return RLOAD2(sid, excite_id, delay, dphase, tb, tp, Type, comment=comment)
[docs] def get_load_at_freq(self, freq, scale=1.): # A = 1. # points to DAREA or SPCD if isinstance(self.tb, float): b = self.tb elif self.tb == 0: b = 0.0 else: b = self.tb_ref.interpolate(freq) if isinstance(, float): p = elif == 0: p = 0.0 else: p = self.tp_ref.interpolate(freq) if isinstance(self.dphase, float): dphase = self.dphase elif self.dphase == 0 or self.dphase is None: dphase = 0.0 else: nids, comps, dphases = self.dphase_ref.get_dphase_at_freq(freq) assert len(dphases) == 1, dphases dphase = dphases[0] if isinstance(self.delay, float): tau = self.delay elif self.delay == 0: tau = 0.0 else: nids, comps, taus = self.delay_ref.get_delay_at_freq(freq) assert len(taus) == 1, taus tau = taus[0] try: out = b * np.exp(1.j * p + dphase - 2 * np.pi * freq * tau) except TypeError: print('b =', b) print('p =', p) print('dphase =', dphase) print('freq =', freq) print('tau =', tau) raise return out
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model): """ Cross links the card so referenced cards can be extracted directly Parameters ---------- model : BDF() the BDF object """ msg = ', which is required by RLOAD2=%s' % (self.sid) if isinstance(self.tb, integer_types) and self.tb: self.tb_ref = model.TableD(self.tb, msg=msg) if isinstance(, integer_types) and self.tp_ref = model.TableD(, msg=msg) if isinstance(self.delay, integer_types) and self.delay > 0: self.delay_ref = model.DELAY(self.delay, msg=msg) if isinstance(self.dphase, integer_types) and self.dphase > 0: self.dphase_ref = model.DPHASE(self.dphase, msg=msg)
[docs] def safe_cross_reference(self, model, xref_errors, ): msg = ', which is required by RLOAD2=%s' % (self.sid) if isinstance(self.tb, integer_types) and self.tb: self.tb_ref = model.TableD(self.tb, msg=msg) if isinstance(, integer_types) and self.tp_ref = model.TableD(, msg=msg) if isinstance(self.delay, integer_types) and self.delay > 0: self.delay_ref = model.DELAY(self.delay, msg=msg) if isinstance(self.dphase, integer_types) and self.dphase > 0: self.dphase_ref = model.DPHASE(self.dphase, msg=msg)
[docs] def uncross_reference(self): """Removes cross-reference links""" self.tb = self.Tb() = self.Tp() self.delay = self.delay_id self.dphase = self.dphase_id self.tb_ref = None self.tp_ref = None self.delay_ref = None self.dphase_ref = None
[docs] def get_loads(self): return [self]
[docs] def LoadID(self): return self.sid
[docs] def Tb(self): if self.tb_ref is not None: return self.tb_ref.tid elif self.tb == 0: return 0 return self.tb
[docs] def Tp(self): if self.tp_ref is not None: return self.tp_ref.tid elif == 0: return 0 return
@property def delay_id(self): if self.delay_ref is not None: return self.delay_ref.sid elif self.delay == 0: return 0 return self.delay @property def dphase_id(self): if self.dphase_ref is not None: return self.dphase_ref.sid elif self.dphase == 0: return 0 return self.dphase
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = ['RLOAD2', self.sid, self.excite_id, self.delay_id, self.dphase_id, self.Tb(), self.Tp(), self.Type] return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): Type = set_blank_if_default(self.Type, 0.0) list_fields = ['RLOAD2', self.sid, self.excite_id, self.delay_id, self.dphase_id, self.Tb(), self.Tp(), Type] return list_fields
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment + print_card_8(card) if is_double: return self.comment + print_card_double(card) return self.comment + print_card_16(card)
[docs]class TLOAD1(DynamicLoad): r""" Transient Response Dynamic Excitation, Form 1 Defines a time-dependent dynamic load or enforced motion of the form: .. math:: \left\{ P(t) \right\} = \left\{ A \right\} \cdot F(t-\tau) for use in transient response analysis. +--------+-----+----------+-------+------+-----+-----+-----+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | +========+=====+==========+=======+======+=====+=====+=====+ | TLOAD1 | SID | EXCITEID | DELAY | TYPE | TID | US0 | VS0 | +--------+-----+----------+-------+------+-----+-----+-----+ MSC 2016.1 +--------+-----+----------+-------+------+-----+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | +========+=====+==========+=======+======+=====+ | TLOAD1 | SID | EXCITEID | DELAY | TYPE | TID | +--------+-----+----------+-------+------+-----+ NX 11 """ type = 'TLOAD1' _properties = ['delay_id']
[docs] @classmethod def _init_from_empty(cls): sid = 1 excite_id = 1 tid = 1 return TLOAD1(sid, excite_id, tid, delay=0, Type='LOAD', us0=0.0, vs0=0.0, comment='')
def __init__(self, sid, excite_id, tid, delay=0, Type='LOAD', us0=0.0, vs0=0.0, comment=''): """ Creates a TLOAD1 card, which defienes a time-dependent load based on a DTABLE. Parameters ---------- sid : int load id excite_id : int node id where the load is applied tid : int TABLEDi id that defines F(t) for all degrees of freedom in EXCITEID entry float : MSC not supported delay : int/float; default=None the delay; if it's 0/blank there is no delay float : delay in units of time int : delay id Type : int/str; default='LOAD' the type of load 0/LOAD 1/DISP 2/VELO 3/ACCE 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13 - MSC only us0 : float; default=0. Factor for initial displacements of the enforced degrees-of-freedom MSC only vs0 : float; default=0. Factor for initial velocities of the enforced degrees-of-freedom MSC only comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ DynamicLoad.__init__(self) if delay is None: delay = 0 Type = update_loadtype(Type) if comment: self.comment = comment #: load ID self.sid = sid #: Identification number of DAREA or SPCD entry set or a thermal load #: set (in heat transfer analysis) that defines {A}. (Integer > 0) self.excite_id = excite_id #: If it is a non-zero integer, it represents the #: identification number of DELAY Bulk Data entry that defines . #: If it is real, then it directly defines the value of that will #: be used for all degrees-of-freedom that are excited by this #: dynamic load entry. See also Remark 9. (Integer >= 0, #: real or blank) self.delay = delay #: Defines the type of the dynamic excitation. (LOAD,DISP, VELO, ACCE) self.Type = Type #: Identification number of TABLEDi entry that gives F(t). (Integer > 0) self.tid = tid #: Factor for initial displacements of the enforced degrees-of-freedom. #: (Real; Default = 0.0) self.us0 = us0 #: Factor for initial velocities of the enforced degrees-of-freedom. #: (Real; Default = 0.0) self.vs0 = vs0 self.tid_ref = None self.delay_ref = None
[docs] def validate(self): if self.Type in [0, 'L', 'LO', 'LOA', 'LOAD']: self.Type = 'LOAD' elif self.Type in [1, 'D', 'DI', 'DIS', 'DISP']: self.Type = 'DISP' elif self.Type in [2, 'V', 'VE', 'VEL', 'VELO']: self.Type = 'VELO' elif self.Type in [3, 'A', 'AC', 'ACC', 'ACCE']: self.Type = 'ACCE' elif self.Type in [4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13]: # MSC-only pass else: msg = 'invalid TLOAD1 type Type=%r' % self.Type raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] @classmethod def add_card(cls, card, comment=''): """ Adds a TLOAD1 card from ``BDF.add_card(...)`` Parameters ---------- card : BDFCard() a BDFCard object comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ sid = integer(card, 1, 'sid') excite_id = integer(card, 2, 'excite_id') delay = integer_double_or_blank(card, 3, 'delay', 0) Type = integer_string_or_blank(card, 4, 'Type', 'LOAD') tid = integer(card, 5, 'tid') us0 = double_or_blank(card, 6, 'us0', 0.0) vs0 = double_or_blank(card, 7, 'vs0', 0.0) assert len(card) <= 8, 'len(TLOAD1 card) = %i\ncard=%s' % (len(card), card) return TLOAD1(sid, excite_id, tid, delay=delay, Type=Type, us0=us0, vs0=vs0, comment=comment)
[docs] def get_loads(self): return [self]
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model): """ Cross links the card so referenced cards can be extracted directly Parameters ---------- model : BDF() the BDF object """ msg = ', which is required by TLOAD1=%s' % (self.sid) if self.tid: self.tid_ref = model.TableD(self.tid, msg=msg) if isinstance(self.delay, integer_types) and self.delay > 0: self.delay_ref = model.DELAY(self.delay, msg=msg)
[docs] def safe_cross_reference(self, model, debug=True): msg = ', which is required by TLOAD1=%s' % (self.sid) if self.tid: #try: self.tid_ref = model.TableD(self.tid, msg=msg) #except if isinstance(self.delay, integer_types) and self.delay > 0: self.delay_ref = model.DELAY(self.delay_id, msg=msg)
[docs] def uncross_reference(self): """Removes cross-reference links""" self.tid = self.Tid() self.delay = self.delay_id self.tid_ref = None self.delay_ref = None
[docs] def Tid(self): if self.tid_ref is not None: return self.tid_ref.tid elif self.tid == 0: return 0 else: return self.tid
@property def delay_id(self): if self.delay_ref is not None: return self.delay_ref.sid elif self.delay == 0: return 0 return self.delay
[docs] def get_load_at_time(self, time, scale=1.): # A = 1. # points to DAREA or SPCD if isinstance(time, float): time = np.array([time]) else: time = np.asarray(time) if isinstance(self.delay, float): tau = self.delay elif self.delay == 0 or self.delay is None: tau = 0.0 else: tau = self.delay_ref.get_delay_at_time(time) i = np.where(time - tau > 0) time2 = time[i] resp = self.tid_ref.interpolate(time2) is_spcd = False if self.Type == 'VELO' and is_spcd: resp[0] = self.us0 if self.Type == 'ACCE' and is_spcd: resp[0] = self.vs0 return resp * scale
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = ['TLOAD1', self.sid, self.excite_id, self.delay_id, self.Type, self.Tid(), self.us0, self.vs0] return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): us0 = set_blank_if_default(self.us0, 0.0) vs0 = set_blank_if_default(self.vs0, 0.0) list_fields = ['TLOAD1', self.sid, self.excite_id, self.delay_id, self.Type, self.Tid(), us0, vs0] return list_fields
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment + print_card_8(card) if is_double: return self.comment + print_card_double(card) return self.comment + print_card_16(card)
[docs]class TLOAD2(DynamicLoad): r""" Transient Response Dynamic Excitation, Form 1 Defines a time-dependent dynamic load or enforced motion of the form: .. math:: \left\{ P(t) \right\} = \left\{ A \right\} e^(C*t) cos(2 \pi f t + \phi) P(t) = 0 (t<T1+tau or t > T2+tau) P(t) = {A} * t^b * e^(C*t) * cos(2*pi*f*t + phase) (T1+tau <= t <= T2+tau) for use in transient response analysis. +--------+-----+----------+-------+------+-----+-----+--------+---------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +========+=====+==========+=======+======+=====+=====+========+=========+ | TLOAD2 | SID | EXCITEID | DELAY | TYPE | T1 | T2 | FREQ | PHASE | +--------+-----+----------+-------+------+-----+-----+--------+---------+ | | C | B | US0 | VS0 | | | | | +--------+-----+----------+-------+------+-----+-----+--------+---------+ MSC 2016.1 +--------+-----+----------+-------+------+-----+-----+--------+---------+ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | +========+=====+==========+=======+======+=====+=====+========+=========+ | TLOAD2 | SID | EXCITEID | DELAY | TYPE | T1 | T2 | FREQ | PHASE | +--------+-----+----------+-------+------+-----+-----+--------+---------+ | | C | B | | | | | | | +--------+-----+----------+-------+------+-----+-----+--------+---------+ NX 11 """ type = 'TLOAD2' _properties = ['delay_id']
[docs] @classmethod def _init_from_empty(cls): sid = 1 excite_id = 1 return TLOAD2(sid, excite_id, delay=0, Type='LOAD', T1=0., T2=None, frequency=0., phase=0., c=0., b=0., us0=0., vs0=0., comment='')
def __init__(self, sid, excite_id, delay=0, Type='LOAD', T1=0., T2=None, frequency=0., phase=0., c=0., b=0., us0=0., vs0=0., comment=''): """ Creates a TLOAD2 card, which defines a exponential time dependent load based on constants. Parameters ---------- sid : int load id excite_id : int node id where the load is applied delay : int/float; default=None the delay; if it's 0/blank there is no delay float : delay in units of time int : delay id Type : int/str; default='LOAD' the type of load 0/LOAD 1/DISP 2/VELO 3/ACCE 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13 - MSC only T1 : float; default=0. time constant (t1 > 0.0) times below this are ignored T2 : float; default=None time constant (t2 > t1) times above this are ignored frequency : float; default=0. Frequency in cycles per unit time. phase : float; default=0. Phase angle in degrees. c : float; default=0. Exponential coefficient. b : float; default=0. Growth coefficient. us0 : float; default=0. Factor for initial displacements of the enforced degrees-of-freedom MSC only vs0 : float; default=0. Factor for initial velocities of the enforced degrees-of-freedom MSC only comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ DynamicLoad.__init__(self) if comment: self.comment = comment if T2 is None: T2 = T1 Type = update_loadtype(Type) #: load ID #: SID must be unique for all TLOAD1, TLOAD2, RLOAD1, RLOAD2, and ACSRCE entries. self.sid = sid self.excite_id = excite_id self.delay = delay #: Defines the type of the dynamic excitation. (Integer; character #: or blank; Default = 0) self.Type = Type #: Time constant. (Real >= 0.0) self.T1 = T1 #: Time constant. (Real; T2 > T1) self.T2 = T2 #: Frequency in cycles per unit time. (Real >= 0.0; Default = 0.0) self.frequency = frequency #: Phase angle in degrees. (Real; Default = 0.0) self.phase = phase #: Exponential coefficient. (Real; Default = 0.0) self.c = c #: Growth coefficient. (Real; Default = 0.0) self.b = b #: Factor for initial displacements of the enforced degrees-of-freedom. #: (Real; Default = 0.0) self.us0 = us0 #: Factor for initial velocities of the enforced degrees-of-freedom #: (Real; Default = 0.0) self.vs0 = vs0 self.delay_ref = None
[docs] def validate(self): if self.Type in [0, 'L', 'LO', 'LOA', 'LOAD']: self.Type = 'LOAD' elif self.Type in [1, 'D', 'DI', 'DIS', 'DISP']: self.Type = 'DISP' elif self.Type in [2, 'V', 'VE', 'VEL', 'VELO']: self.Type = 'VELO' elif self.Type in [3, 'A', 'AC', 'ACC', 'ACCE']: self.Type = 'ACCE' elif self.Type in [5, 6, 7, 12, 13]: # MSC only pass else: msg = 'invalid TLOAD2 type Type=%r' % self.Type raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] @classmethod def add_card(cls, card, comment=''): """ Adds a TLOAD2 card from ``BDF.add_card(...)`` Parameters ---------- card : BDFCard() a BDFCard object comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ sid = integer(card, 1, 'sid') excite_id = integer(card, 2, 'excite_id') delay = integer_double_or_blank(card, 3, 'delay', 0) Type = integer_string_or_blank(card, 4, 'Type', 'LOAD') T1 = double_or_blank(card, 5, 'T1', 0.0) T2 = double_or_blank(card, 6, 'T2', T1) frequency = double_or_blank(card, 7, 'frequency', 0.) phase = double_or_blank(card, 8, 'phase', 0.) c = double_or_blank(card, 9, 'c', 0.) b = double_or_blank(card, 10, 'b', 0.) us0 = double_or_blank(card, 11, 'us0', 0.) vs0 = double_or_blank(card, 12, 'vs0', 0.) assert len(card) <= 13, 'len(TLOAD2 card) = %i\ncard=%s' % (len(card), card) return TLOAD2(sid, excite_id, delay, Type, T1, T2, frequency, phase, c, b, us0, vs0, comment=comment)
[docs] def get_load_at_time(self, time, scale=1.): if isinstance(time, float): time = np.array([time]) else: time = np.asarray(time) # A = 1. # points to DAREA or SPCD #xy = array(self.tid.table.table) #x = xy[:, 0] #y = xy[:, 1] #assert x.shape == y.shape, 'x.shape=%s y.shape=%s' % (str(x.shape), str(y.shape)) #f = interp1d(x, y) if isinstance(self.delay, float): tau = self.delay elif self.delay == 0 or self.delay is None: tau = 0.0 else: tau = self.delay_ref.get_delay_at_time(time) t1 = self.T1 + tau t2 = self.T2 + tau f = self.frequency p = self.phase f = np.zeros(time.shape, dtype=time.dtype) i = np.where(t1 <= time)[0] j = np.where(time[i] <= t2)[0] i = i[j] f[i] = scale * time[i] ** self.b * np.exp(self.c * time[i]) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * f * time[i] + p) is_spcd = False #resp = f if self.Type == 'VELO' and is_spcd: f[0] = self.us0 if self.Type == 'ACCE' and is_spcd: f[0] = self.vs0 return f
[docs] def get_loads(self): return [self]
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model): """ Cross links the card so referenced cards can be extracted directly Parameters ---------- model : BDF() the BDF object """ msg = ', which is required by TLOAD2 sid=%s' % (self.sid) if isinstance(self.delay, integer_types) and self.delay > 0: self.delay_ref = model.DELAY(self.delay_id, msg=msg)
# TODO: excite_id
[docs] def safe_cross_reference(self, model, xref_errors, debug=True): msg = ', which is required by TLOAD2 sid=%s' % (self.sid) if isinstance(self.delay, integer_types) and self.delay > 0: self.delay_ref = model.DELAY(self.delay_id, msg=msg)
# TODO: excite_id
[docs] def uncross_reference(self): """Removes cross-reference links""" self.delay = self.delay_id self.delay_ref = None
@property def delay_id(self): if self.delay_ref is not None: return self.delay_ref.sid elif self.delay == 0: return 0 return self.delay
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = ['TLOAD2', self.sid, self.excite_id, self.delay_id, self.Type, self.T1, self.T2, self.frequency, self.phase, self.c, self.b, self.us0, self.vs0] return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): frequency = set_blank_if_default(self.frequency, 0.0) phase = set_blank_if_default(self.phase, 0.0) c = set_blank_if_default(self.c, 0.0) b = set_blank_if_default(self.b, 0.0) us0 = set_blank_if_default(self.us0, 0.0) vs0 = set_blank_if_default(self.vs0, 0.0) list_fields = ['TLOAD2', self.sid, self.excite_id, self.delay_id, self.Type, self.T1, self.T2, frequency, phase, c, b, us0, vs0] return list_fields
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment + print_card_8(card) if is_double: return self.comment + print_card_double(card) return self.comment + print_card_16(card)
[docs]def update_loadtype(load_type): if load_type in [0, 'L', 'LO', 'LOA', 'LOAD']: load_type = 'LOAD' elif load_type in [1, 'D', 'DI', 'DIS', 'DISP']: load_type = 'DISP' elif load_type in [2, 'V', 'VE', 'VEL', 'VELO']: load_type = 'VELO' elif load_type in [3, 'A', 'AC', 'ACC', 'ACCE']: load_type = 'ACCE' return load_type