Source code for

# pylint: disable=R0902,R0904,R0914,W0231,R0201
All static loads are defined in this file.  This includes:


from __future__ import (nested_scopes, generators, division, absolute_import,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)

#from pyNastran.bdf.errors import CrossReferenceError
from import BaseCard
from pyNastran.bdf.bdf_interface.assign_type import (
    integer, integer_or_blank, double, double_or_blank,)
from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_8 import print_card_8
from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_16 import print_card_16
from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_double import print_card_double

[docs]class RandomLoad(BaseCard): def __init__(self, card, data): pass
[docs]class RANDPS(RandomLoad): r""" Power Spectral Density Specification Defines load set power spectral density factors for use in random analysis having the frequency dependent form: .. math:: S_{jk}(F) = (X+iY)G(F) """ type = 'RANDPS'
[docs] @classmethod def _init_from_empty(cls): sid = 1 j = 2 k = 3 return RANDPS(sid, j, k, x=0., y=0., tid=0, comment='')
def __init__(self, sid, j, k, x=0., y=0., tid=0, comment=''): """ Creates a RANDPS card Parameters ---------- sid : int random analysis set id defined by RANDOM in the case control deck j : int Subcase id of the excited load set k : int Subcase id of the applied load set k > j x / y : float; default=0.0 Components of the complex number tid : int; default=0 TABRNDi id that defines G(F) comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ if comment: self.comment = comment #: Random analysis set identification number. (Integer > 0) #: Defined by RANDOM in the Case Control Deck. self.sid = sid #: Subcase identification number of the excited load set. #: (Integer > 0) self.j = j #: Subcase identification number of the applied load set. #: (Integer >= 0; K >= J) self.k = k #: Components of the complex number. (Real) self.x = x self.y = y #: Identification number of a TABRNDi entry that defines G(F). self.tid = tid assert self.sid > 0, 'sid=%s\n%s' % (self.sid, self) self.tid_ref = None
[docs] def validate(self): assert self.k >= self.j, 'k=%s j=%s\n%s' % (self.k, self.j, self)
[docs] @classmethod def add_card(cls, card, comment=''): """ Adds a RANDPS card from ``BDF.add_card(...)`` Parameters ---------- card : BDFCard() a BDFCard object comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ sid = integer(card, 1, 'sid') j = integer(card, 2, 'j') k = integer(card, 3, 'k') x = double_or_blank(card, 4, 'x', 0.0) y = double_or_blank(card, 5, 'y', 0.0) tid = integer_or_blank(card, 6, 'tid', 0) assert len(card) <= 7, 'len(RANDPS card) = %i\ncard=%s' % (len(card), card) return RANDPS(sid, j, k, x, y, tid, comment=comment)
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model): """ Cross links the card so referenced cards can be extracted directly Parameters ---------- model : BDF() the BDF object """ if self.tid: msg = ', which is required by RANDPS sid=%s' % (self.sid) #self.tid = model.Table(self.tid, msg=msg) self.tid_ref = model.RandomTable(self.tid, msg=msg)
[docs] def safe_cross_reference(self, model, xref_errors): return self.cross_reference(model)
[docs] def uncross_reference(self): """Removes cross-reference links""" self.tid = self.Tid() self.tid_ref = None
[docs] def get_loads(self): return [self]
[docs] def Tid(self): if self.tid_ref is not None: return self.tid_ref.tid elif self.tid == 0: return None else: return self.tid
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = ['RANDPS', self.sid, self.j, self.k, self.x, self.y, self.Tid()] return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): return self.raw_fields()
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment + print_card_8(card) if is_double: return self.comment + print_card_double(card) return self.comment + print_card_16(card)
[docs]class RANDT1(RandomLoad): type = 'RANDT1'
[docs] @classmethod def _init_from_empty(cls): sid = 1 n = 10 t0 = 1 tmax = 1. return RANDT1(sid, n, t0, tmax, comment='')
def __init__(self, sid, n, t0, tmax, comment=''): # type: (int, int, int, float, str) -> None """ Creates a RANDT1 card Parameters ---------- sid : int random analysis set id defined by RANDOM in the case control deck n : int ??? t0 : int ??? tmax : float ??? comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ if comment: self.comment = comment #: Random analysis set identification number. (Integer > 0) #: Defined by RANDOM in the Case Control Deck. self.sid = sid self.n = n self.t0 = t0 self.tmax = tmax assert self.sid > 0, 'sid=%s\n%s' % (self.sid, self) #def validate(self): #assert self.k >= self.j, 'k=%s j=%s\n%s' % (self.k, self.j, self)
[docs] @classmethod def add_card(cls, card, comment=''): """ Adds a RANDT1 card from ``BDF.add_card(...)`` Parameters ---------- card : BDFCard() a BDFCard object comment : str; default='' a comment for the card """ sid = integer(card, 1, 'sid') n = integer(card, 2, 'n') t0 = double(card, 3, 't0') tmax = double(card, 4, 'tmax') assert len(card) <= 5, 'len(RANDT1 card) = %i\ncard=%s' % (len(card), card) return RANDT1(sid, n, t0, tmax, comment=comment)
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model): """ Cross links the card so referenced cards can be extracted directly Parameters ---------- model : BDF() the BDF object """ pass
[docs] def safe_cross_reference(self, model, xref_errors): pass
[docs] def uncross_reference(self): """Removes cross-reference links""" pass
[docs] def get_loads(self): return [self]
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = ['RANDT1', self.sid, self.n, self.t0, self.tmax] return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): return self.raw_fields()
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment + print_card_8(card) if is_double: return self.comment + print_card_double(card) return self.comment + print_card_16(card)