Source code for pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.utils

    bdf merge        (IN_BDF_FILENAMES)... [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME]\n'
    bdf equivalence  IN_BDF_FILENAME EQ_TOL\n'
    bdf renumber     IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME]\n'
    bdf mirror       IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--plane PLANE] [--tol TOL]\n'
    bdf export_mcids IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_GEOM_FILENAME]\n'
    bdf split_cbars_by_pin_flags IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME]\n'

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
from cpylog import SimpleLogger
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.bdf_renumber import bdf_renumber, superelement_renumber
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.bdf_merge import bdf_merge
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.export_mcids import export_mcids
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.pierce_shells import pierce_shell_model

# testing these imports are up to date
# if something is imported and tested, it should be removed from here
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.shift import update_nodes
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.mirror_mesh import write_bdf_symmetric
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.collapse_bad_quads import convert_bad_quads_to_tris
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.delete_bad_elements import delete_bad_shells, get_bad_shells
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.split_cbars_by_pin_flag import split_cbars_by_pin_flag
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.remove_unused import remove_unused

[docs]def cmd_line_create_vectorized_numbered(argv=None, quiet=False): # pragma: no cover if argv is None: argv = sys.argv msg = ( 'Usage:\n' ' bdf create_vectorized_numbered IN_BDF_FILENAME [OUT_BDF_FILENAME]\n' ' bdf create_vectorized_numbered -h | --help\n' ' bdf create_vectorized_numbered -v | --version\n' '\n' 'Positional Arguments:\n' ' IN_BDF_FILENAME the model to convert\n' " OUT_BDF_FILENAME the converted model name (default=IN_BDF_FILENAME + '_convert.bdf')" '\n' 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) if len(argv) == 1: sys.exit(msg) from docopt import docopt import pyNastran ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) bdf_filename_in = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] if data['OUT_BDF_FILENAME']: bdf_filename_out = data['OUT_BDF_FILENAME'] else: base, ext = os.path.splitext(bdf_filename_in) bdf_filename_out = base + '_convert' + ext create_vectorized_numbered(bdf_filename_in, bdf_filename_out)
[docs]def cmd_line_equivalence(argv=None, quiet=False): """command line interface to bdf_equivalence_nodes""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt import pyNastran msg = ( 'Usage:\n' ' bdf equivalence IN_BDF_FILENAME EQ_TOL [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME]\n' ' bdf equivalence -h | --help\n' ' bdf equivalence -v | --version\n' '\n' "Positional Arguments:\n" " IN_BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n" " EQ_TOL the spherical equivalence tolerance\n" #" OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF/DAT/NAS file\n" '\n' 'Options:\n' " -o OUT, --output OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF/DAT/NAS file\n\n" 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) if len(argv) == 1: sys.exit(msg) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) bdf_filename = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] bdf_filename_out = data['--output'] if bdf_filename_out is None: bdf_filename_out = 'merged.bdf' tol = data['EQ_TOL'] size = 16 from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.bdf_equivalence import bdf_equivalence_nodes level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) bdf_equivalence_nodes(bdf_filename, bdf_filename_out, tol, renumber_nodes=False, neq_max=10, xref=True, node_set=None, size=size, is_double=False, remove_collapsed_elements=False, avoid_collapsed_elements=False, crash_on_collapse=False, log=log, debug=True)
[docs]def cmd_line_bin(argv=None, quiet=False): # pragma: no cover """bins the model into nbins""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt import pyNastran msg = ( "Usage:\n" #" bdf bin IN_BDF_FILENAME AXIS1 AXIS2 [--cid CID] [--step SIZE]\n" " bdf bin IN_BDF_FILENAME AXIS1 AXIS2 [--cid CID] [--nbins NBINS]\n" ' bdf bin -h | --help\n' ' bdf bin -v | --version\n' '\n' "Positional Arguments:\n" " IN_BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n" " AXIS1 axis to loop over\n" " AXIS2 axis to bin\n" '\n' 'Options:\n' " --cid CID the coordinate system to bin (default:0)\n" " --step SIZE the step size for binning\n\n" " --nbins NBINS the number of bins\n\n" 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n\n" 'Plot z (2) as a function of y (1) in y-stepsizes of 0.1:\n' ' bdf bin fem.bdf 1 2 --cid 0 --step 0.1\n\n' 'Plot z (2) as a function of y (1) with 50 bins:\n' ' bdf bin fem.bdf 1 2 --cid 0 --nbins 50' ) if len(argv) == 1: sys.exit(msg) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) bdf_filename = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] axis1 = int(data['AXIS1']) axis2 = int(data['AXIS2']) cid = 0 if data['--cid']: cid = int(data['--cid']) #stepsize = 0.1 #if data['--step']: #stepsize = float(data['--step']) nbins = 10 if data['--nbins']: nbins = int(data['--nbins']) assert nbins >= 2, nbins if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import read_bdf level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) model = read_bdf(bdf_filename, log=log) xyz_cid = model.get_xyz_in_coord(cid=cid, fdtype='float64') y = xyz_cid[:, axis1] z = xyz_cid[:, axis2] plt.figure(1) #n, bins, patches = plt.hist( [x0,x1,x2], 10, weights=[w0, w1, w2], histtype='bar') ys = [] #zs = [] zs_min = [] zs_max = [] y0 = y.min() y1 = y.max() dy = (y1 - y0) / nbins y0i = y0 y1i = y0 + dy for unused_i in range(nbins): j = np.where((y0i <= y) & (y <= y1i))[0] if not len(j): continue ys.append(y[j].mean()) zs_min.append(z[j].min()) zs_max.append(z[j].max()) y0i += dy y1i += dy zs_max = np.array(zs_max) zs_min = np.array(zs_min) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print('ys = %s' % ys) print('zs_max = %s' % zs_max) print('zs_min = %s' % zs_min) plt.plot(ys, zs_max, 'r-o', label='max') plt.plot(ys, zs_min, 'b-o', label='min') plt.plot(ys, zs_max - zs_min, 'g-o', label='delta') #plt.xlim([y0, y1]) plt.xlabel('Axis %s' % axis1) plt.ylabel('Axis %s' % axis2) plt.grid(True) plt.legend()
[docs]def cmd_line_renumber(argv=None, quiet=False): """command line interface to bdf_renumber""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt, __version__ import pyNastran msg = ( "Usage:\n" ' bdf renumber IN_BDF_FILENAME OUT_BDF_FILENAME [--superelement] [--size SIZE]\n' ' bdf renumber IN_BDF_FILENAME [--superelement] [--size SIZE]\n' ' bdf renumber -h | --help\n' ' bdf renumber -v | --version\n' '\n' 'Positional Arguments:\n' ' IN_BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n' ' OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF/DAT/NAS file\n' '\n' 'Options:\n' '--superelement calls superelement_renumber\n' '--size SIZE set the field size (default=16)\n\n' 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) if len(argv) == 1: sys.exit(msg) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) bdf_filename = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] bdf_filename_out = data['OUT_BDF_FILENAME'] if bdf_filename_out is None: bdf_filename_out = 'renumber.bdf' size = 16 if data['--size']: if __version__ == '0.6.2': # docopt size = int(data['--size']) else: # docopt-ng 0.7.2 size = int(data['SIZE']) assert size in [8, 16], size #cards_to_skip = [ #'AEFACT', 'CAERO1', 'CAERO2', 'SPLINE1', 'SPLINE2', #'AERO', 'AEROS', 'PAERO1', 'PAERO2', 'MKAERO1'] cards_to_skip = [] level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) if data['--superelement']: superelement_renumber(bdf_filename, bdf_filename_out, size=size, is_double=False, starting_id_dict=None, #round_ids=False, cards_to_skip=cards_to_skip, log=log) else: bdf_renumber(bdf_filename, bdf_filename_out, size=size, is_double=False, starting_id_dict=None, round_ids=False, cards_to_skip=cards_to_skip, log=log)
[docs]def cmd_line_mirror(argv=None, quiet=False): """command line interface to write_bdf_symmetric""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt import pyNastran msg = ( "Usage:\n" " bdf mirror IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--plane PLANE] [--tol TOL]\n" " bdf mirror IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--plane PLANE] [--noeq]\n" ' bdf mirror -h | --help\n' ' bdf mirror -v | --version\n' '\n' "Positional Arguments:\n" " IN_BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n" #" OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF/DAT/NAS file\n" '\n' 'Options:\n' " -o OUT, --output OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF/DAT/NAS file\n" " --plane PLANE the symmetry plane (xz, yz, xy); default=xz\n" ' --tol TOL the spherical equivalence tolerance; default=1e-6\n' ' --noeq disable equivalencing\n' "\n" # (default=0.000001) 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) if len(argv) == 1: sys.exit(msg) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if data['--tol'] is None: data['TOL'] = 0.000001 tol = data['TOL'] if data['--noeq'] is not None: tol = -1. plane = 'xz' if data['--plane'] is not None: plane = data['--plane'] if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) size = 16 bdf_filename = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] bdf_filename_out = data['--output'] if bdf_filename_out is None: bdf_filename_out = 'mirrored.bdf' from six.moves import StringIO from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import read_bdf from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.bdf_equivalence import bdf_equivalence_nodes level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) model = read_bdf(bdf_filename, log=log) size = 16 bdf_filename_temp = '__temp__.bdf' write_bdf_symmetric(model, bdf_filename_temp, encoding=None, size=size, is_double=False, enddata=None, close=True, plane=plane, log=log) bdf_equivalence_nodes(bdf_filename_temp, bdf_filename_out, tol, renumber_nodes=False, neq_max=10, xref=True, node_set=None, size=size, is_double=False, remove_collapsed_elements=False, avoid_collapsed_elements=False, crash_on_collapse=False, debug=True, log=log) os.remove(bdf_filename_temp)
[docs]def cmd_line_merge(argv=None, quiet=False): """command line interface to bdf_merge""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt import pyNastran msg = ( "Usage:\n" ' bdf merge (IN_BDF_FILENAMES)... [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME]\n' ' bdf merge -h | --help\n' ' bdf merge -v | --version\n' '\n' 'Positional Arguments:\n' ' IN_BDF_FILENAMES path to input BDF/DAT/NAS files\n' '\n' 'Options:\n' ' -o OUT, --output OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF/DAT/NAS file\n\n' 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) if len(argv) == 1: sys.exit(msg) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) size = 16 bdf_filenames = data['IN_BDF_FILENAMES'] bdf_filename_out = data['--output'] if bdf_filename_out is None: bdf_filename_out = 'merged.bdf' #cards_to_skip = [ #'AEFACT', 'CAERO1', 'CAERO2', 'SPLINE1', 'SPLINE2', #'AERO', 'AEROS', 'PAERO1', 'PAERO2', 'MKAERO1'] cards_to_skip = [] bdf_merge(bdf_filenames, bdf_filename_out, renumber=True, encoding=None, size=size, is_double=False, cards_to_skip=cards_to_skip)
[docs]def cmd_line_convert(argv=None, quiet=False): """command line interface to bdf_merge""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt import pyNastran msg = ( "Usage:\n" ' bdf convert IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--in_units IN_UNITS] [--out_units OUT_UNITS]\n' ' bdf convert -h | --help\n' ' bdf convert -v | --version\n' '\n' 'Options:\n' ' -o OUT, --output OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF/DAT/NAS file\n\n' ' --in_units IN_UNITS length,mass\n\n' ' --out_units OUT_UNITS length,mass\n\n' 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) if len(argv) == 1: sys.exit(msg) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) #size = 16 bdf_filename = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] bdf_filename_out = data['--output'] if bdf_filename_out is None: #bdf_filename_out = 'merged.bdf' bdf_filename_out = bdf_filename + '.convert.bdf' in_units = data['IN_UNITS'] if in_units is None: in_units = 'm,kg' out_units = data['OUT_UNITS'] if out_units is None: out_units = 'm,kg' length_in, mass_in = in_units.split(',') length_out, mass_out = out_units.split(',') units_to = [length_out, mass_out, 's'] units = [length_in, mass_in, 's'] #cards_to_skip = [ #'AEFACT', 'CAERO1', 'CAERO2', 'SPLINE1', 'SPLINE2', #'AERO', 'AEROS', 'PAERO1', 'PAERO2', 'MKAERO1'] from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import read_bdf from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.convert import convert level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) model = read_bdf(bdf_filename, validate=True, xref=True, punch=False, save_file_structure=False, skip_cards=None, read_cards=None, encoding=None, log=log, debug=True, mode='msc') convert(model, units_to, units=units) for prop in prop.comment = '' model.write_bdf(bdf_filename_out)
[docs]def cmd_line_scale(argv=None, quiet=False): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv import argparse #import textwrap import pyNastran parent_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( #prog = 'pyNastranGUI', #usage = usage, #description='A foo that bars', #epilog="And that's how you'd foo a bar", #formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, #description=textwrap.dedent(text), #version=pyNastran.__version__, #add_help=False, ) # positional arguments parent_parser.add_argument('scale', type=str) parent_parser.add_argument('INPUT', help='path to output BDF/DAT/NAS file', type=str) parent_parser.add_argument('OUTPUT', nargs='?', help='path to output file', type=str) #' --l LENGTH_SF length scale factor\n' #' --m MASS_SF mass scale factor\n' #' --f FORCE_SF force scale factor\n' #' --p PRESSURE_SF pressure scale factor\n' #' --t TIME_SF time scale factor\n' #' --v VEL_SF velocity scale factor\n' parent_parser.add_argument('-l', '--length', help='length scale factor') parent_parser.add_argument('-m', '--mass', help='mass scale factor') parent_parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', help='force scale factor') parent_parser.add_argument('-p', '--pressure', help='pressure scale factor') parent_parser.add_argument('-t', '--time', help='time scale factor') parent_parser.add_argument('-V', '--velocity', help='velocity scale factor') #parent_parser.add_argument('--user_geom', type=str, help='log msg') #parent_parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', help='prints debug messages (default=True)', action='store_true') #parent_parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', help='show this help message and exits', action='store_true') parent_parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version=pyNastran.__version__) args = parent_parser.parse_args(args=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(args) scales = [] terms = [] bdf_filename = args.INPUT bdf_filename_out = args.OUTPUT if bdf_filename_out is None: bdf_filename_base, ext = os.path.splitext(bdf_filename) bdf_filename_out = '%s.scaled%s' % (bdf_filename_base, ext) #assert bdf_filename_out is not None if args.mass: scale = float(args.mass) scales.append(scale) terms.append('M') if args.length: scale = float(args.length) scales.append(scale) terms.append('L') if args.time: scale = float(args.time) scales.append(scale) terms.append('T') if args.force: scale = float(args.force) scales.append(scale) terms.append('F') if args.pressure: scale = float(args.pressure) scales.append(scale) terms.append('P') if args.velocity: scale = float(args.velocity) scales.append(scale) terms.append('V') from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.convert import scale_by_terms level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) scale_by_terms(bdf_filename, terms, scales, bdf_filename_out=bdf_filename_out, log=log)
[docs]def cmd_line_export_mcids(argv=None, quiet=False): """command line interface to export_mcids""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt import pyNastran msg = ( 'Usage:\n' ' bdf export_mcids IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_CSV_FILENAME] [--iplies PLIES] [--no_x | --no_y]\n' ' bdf export_mcids -h | --help\n' ' bdf export_mcids -v | --version\n' '\n' 'Positional Arguments:\n' ' IN_BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n' '\n' 'Options:\n' ' -o OUT, --output OUT_CSV_FILENAME path to output CSV file\n' ' --iplies PLIES the plies indices to export; comma separated (default=0)\n' '\n' 'Data Suppression:\n' " --no_x, don't write the x axis\n" " --no_y, don't write the y axis\n" '\n' 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) if len(argv) == 1: sys.exit(msg) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) #size = 16 bdf_filename = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] csv_filename_in = data['--output'] if csv_filename_in is None: csv_filename_in = 'mcids.csv' export_xaxis = True export_yaxis = True if data['--no_x']: export_xaxis = False if data['--no_y']: export_yaxis = False csv_filename_base = os.path.splitext(csv_filename_in)[0] iplies = [0] if data['--iplies']: iplies = data['--iplies'].split(',') iplies = [int(iply) for iply in iplies] if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print('iplies = %s' % iplies) from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import read_bdf level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) model = read_bdf(bdf_filename, log=log, xref=False) model.safe_cross_reference() for iply in iplies: csv_filename = csv_filename_base + '_ply=%i.csv' % iply export_mcids(model, csv_filename, export_xaxis=export_xaxis, export_yaxis=export_yaxis, iply=iply)'wrote %s' % csv_filename)
[docs]def cmd_line_split_cbars_by_pin_flag(argv=None, quiet=False): """command line interface to split_cbars_by_pin_flag""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt import pyNastran msg = ( 'Usage:\n' ' bdf split_cbars_by_pin_flags IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [-p PIN_FLAGS_CSV_FILENAME]\n' ' bdf split_cbars_by_pin_flags -h | --help\n' ' bdf split_cbars_by_pin_flags -v | --version\n' '\n' "Positional Arguments:\n" " IN_BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n" '\n' 'Options:\n' " -o OUT, --output OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF file\n" " -p PIN, --pin PIN_FLAGS_CSV_FILENAME path to pin_flags_csv file\n\n" 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) if len(argv) == 1: sys.exit(msg) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) #size = 16 bdf_filename_in = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] bdf_filename_out = data['--output'] if bdf_filename_out is None: bdf_filename_out = 'model_new.bdf' pin_flags_filename = data['--pin'] if pin_flags_filename is None: pin_flags_filename = 'pin_flags.csv' split_cbars_by_pin_flag(bdf_filename_in, pin_flags_filename=pin_flags_filename, bdf_filename_out=bdf_filename_out)
[docs]def cmd_line_transform(argv=None, quiet=False): """command line interface to export_caero_mesh""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt import pyNastran msg = ( 'Usage:\n' ' bdf transform IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_CAERO_BDF_FILENAME] [--shift XYZ]\n' ' bdf transform -h | --help\n' ' bdf transform -v | --version\n' '\n' 'Positional Arguments:\n' ' IN_BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n' '\n' 'Options:\n' ' -o OUT, --output OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF file\n' '\n' 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) if len(argv) == 1: sys.exit(msg) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) #size = 16 bdf_filename = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] bdf_filename_out = data['--output'] if bdf_filename_out is None: bdf_filename_out = 'transform.bdf' dxyz = None import numpy as np if data['--shift']: dxyz = np.array(data['XYZ'].split(','), dtype='float64') assert len(dxyz) == 3, dxyz from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import read_bdf level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) model = read_bdf(bdf_filename, log=log) nid_cp_cd, xyz_cid0, unused_xyz_cp, unused_icd_transform, unused_icp_transform = model.get_xyz_in_coord_array( cid=0, fdtype='float64', idtype='int32') update_nodes_flag = False # we pretend to change the SPOINT location if dxyz is not None: xyz_cid0 += dxyz update_nodes_flag = True if update_nodes_flag: update_nodes(model, nid_cp_cd, xyz_cid0) model.write_bdf(bdf_filename_out)
[docs]def cmd_line_filter(argv=None, quiet=False): # pragma: no cover """command line interface to bdf filter""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt import pyNastran msg = ( 'Usage:\n' ' bdf filter IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_CAERO_BDF_FILENAME]\n' ' bdf filter IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_CAERO_BDF_FILENAME] [--x YSIGN_X] [--y YSIGN_Y] [--z YSIGN_Z]\n' ' bdf filter -h | --help\n' ' bdf filter -v | --version\n' '\n' 'Positional Arguments:\n' ' IN_BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n' '\n' 'Options:\n' ' -o OUT, --output OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF file (default=filter.bdf)\n' " --x YSIGN_X a string (e.g., '< 0.')\n" " --y YSIGN_Y a string (e.g., '< 0.')\n" " --z YSIGN_Z a string (e.g., '< 0.')\n" '\n' 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" '\n' 'Examples\n' '1. remove unused cards:\n' ' >>> bdf filter fem.bdf' '2. remove GRID points and associated cards with y value < 0:\n' " >>> bdf filter fem.bdf --y '< 0.'" ) if len(argv) == 1: sys.exit(msg) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) #size = 16 bdf_filename = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] bdf_filename_out = data['--output'] if bdf_filename_out is None: bdf_filename_out = 'filter.bdf' import numpy as np func_map = { '<' : np.less, '>' : np.greater, '<=' : np.less_equal, '>=' : np.greater_equal, } xsign = None ysign = None zsign = None if data['--x']: xsign, xval = data['--x'].split(' ') xval = float(xval) assert xsign in ['<', '>', '<=', '>='], xsign if data['--y']: # --y < 0 ysign, yval = data['--y'].split(' ') yval = float(yval) assert ysign in ['<', '>', '<=', '>='], ysign if data['--z']: zsign, zval = data['--z'].split(' ') zval = float(zval) assert zsign in ['<', '>', '<=', '>='], zsign from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import read_bdf level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) model = read_bdf(bdf_filename, log=log) #nid_cp_cd, xyz_cid0, xyz_cp, icd_transform, icp_transform = model.get_xyz_in_coord_array( #cid=0, fdtype='float64', idtype='int32') eids = [] xyz_cid0 = [] for eid, elem in sorted(model.elements.items()): xyz = elem.Centroid() xyz_cid0.append(xyz) eids.append(eid) xyz_cid0 = np.array(xyz_cid0) eids = np.array(eids) # we pretend to change the SPOINT location update_nodesi = False # we pretend to change the SPOINT location iunion = None if xsign: xvals = xyz_cid0[:, 0] xfunc = func_map[xsign] ix = xfunc(xvals, xval) iunion = _union(xval, ix, iunion) update_nodesi = True if ysign: yvals = xyz_cid0[:, 1] yfunc = func_map[ysign] iy = yfunc(yvals, yval) iunion = _union(yval, iy, iunion) update_nodesi = True if zsign: zvals = xyz_cid0[:, 2] zfunc = func_map[zsign] iz = zfunc(zvals, zval) iunion = _union(zval, iz, iunion) update_nodesi = True if update_nodesi: eids_to_remove = eids[iunion] for eid in eids_to_remove: etype = model.elements[eid].type model._type_to_id_map[etype].remove(eid) del model.elements[eid] #update_nodes(model, nid_cp_cd, xyz_cid0) # unxref'd model remove_unused(model, remove_nids=True, remove_cids=True, remove_pids=True, remove_mids=True) model.write_bdf(bdf_filename_out)
[docs]def _union(xval, iunion, ix): """helper method for ``filter``""" import numpy as np if xval: if iunion: iunion = np.union1d(iunion, ix) else: pass return iunion
[docs]def cmd_line_export_caero_mesh(argv=None, quiet=False): """command line interface to export_caero_mesh""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt import pyNastran msg = ( 'Usage:\n' ' bdf export_caero_mesh IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--subpanels]\n' ' bdf export_caero_mesh -h | --help\n' ' bdf export_caero_mesh -v | --version\n' '\n' 'Positional Arguments:\n' ' IN_BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n' '\n' 'Options:\n' ' -o OUT, --output OUT_CAERO_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF file\n' ' -subpanels write the subpanels (default=False)\n' '\n' 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) if len(argv) == 1: sys.exit(msg) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) size = 16 bdf_filename = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] caero_bdf_filename = data['--output'] if caero_bdf_filename is None: caero_bdf_filename = 'caero.bdf' is_subpanel_model = data['--subpanels'] from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import read_bdf from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.export_caero_mesh import export_caero_mesh skip_cards = [ # elements 'CELAS1', 'CELAS2', 'CELAS3', 'CELAS4', 'CONM2', 'CROD', 'CTUBE', 'CONROD', 'CBAR', 'CBEAM', 'CQUAD4', 'CTRIA3', 'CTETRA', 'CHEXA', 'CPENTA', 'CPYRAM', 'RBE1', 'RBE2', 'RBE3', 'RBAR', # properties 'PELAS', 'PDAMP', 'PROD', 'PTUBE', 'PBAR', 'PBARL', 'PBEAM', 'PBEAML', 'PBCOMP', 'PSHEAR', 'PSHELL', 'PCOMP', 'PCOMPG', 'PSOLID', 'MAT1', 'MAT8', # loads 'PLOAD', 'PLOAD2', 'PLOAD4', 'FORCE', 'FORCE1', 'FORCE2', 'MOMENT', 'MOMENT1', 'MOMENT2', 'GRAV', 'ACCEL', 'ACCEL1', # constraints 'SPC', 'SPC1', 'MPC', 'SPCADD', 'MPCADD', 'DEQATN', # optimization 'DVPREL1', 'DVPREL2', 'DVMREL1', 'DVMREL2', 'DVCREL1', 'DVCREL2', 'DCONADD', 'DRESP1', 'DRESP2', 'DRESP3', 'DESVAR', # aero: mabye enable later 'TRIM', 'AESTAT', 'FLUTTER', 'FLFACT', ] level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) model = read_bdf(bdf_filename, log=log, skip_cards=skip_cards) export_caero_mesh(model, caero_bdf_filename, is_subpanel_model=is_subpanel_model)
[docs]def cmd_line(argv=None, quiet=False): """command line interface to multiple other command line scripts""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv dev = True msg = ( 'Usage:\n' ' bdf merge (IN_BDF_FILENAMES)... [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME]\n' ' bdf equivalence IN_BDF_FILENAME EQ_TOL\n' ' bdf renumber IN_BDF_FILENAME [OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--superelement] [--size SIZE]\n' ' bdf mirror IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--plane PLANE] [--tol TOL]\n' ' bdf convert bdf convert IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--in_units IN_UNITS] [--out_units OUT_UNITS]\n' ' bdf scale bdf scale IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--lsf LENGTH_SF] [--msf MASS_SF] [--fsf FORCE_SF] [--psf PRESSURE_SF] [--tsf TIME_SF] [--vsf VEL_SF]\n' ' bdf export_mcids IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_CSV_FILENAME] [--no_x | --no_y]\n' ' bdf transform IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--shift XYZ]\n' ' bdf export_caero_mesh IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--subpanels]\n' ' bdf split_cbars_by_pin_flags IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [-p PIN_FLAGS_CSV_FILENAME]\n' ) if dev: msg += ' bdf create_vectorized_numbered IN_BDF_FILENAME [OUT_BDF_FILENAME]\n' msg += ' bdf filter IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_CAERO_BDF_FILENAME] [--x YSIGN X] [--y YSIGN Y] [--z YSIGN Z]\n' msg += ' bdf bin IN_BDF_FILENAME AXIS1 AXIS2 [--cid CID] [--step SIZE]\n' msg += ( '\n' ' bdf merge -h | --help\n' ' bdf equivalence -h | --help\n' ' bdf renumber -h | --help\n' ' bdf mirror -h | --help\n' ' bdf convert -h | --help\n' ' bdf scale -h | --help\n' ' bdf export_mcids -h | --help\n' ' bdf transform -h | --help\n' ' bdf filter -h | --help\n' ' bdf export_caero_mesh -h | --help\n' ' bdf split_cbars_by_pin_flags -h | --help\n' ) if dev: msg += ' bdf create_vectorized_numbered -h | --help\n' msg += ' bdf filter -h | --help\n' msg += ' bdf bin -h | --help\n' msg += ' bdf -v | --version\n' msg += '\n' if len(argv) == 1: sys.exit(msg + 'Not enough arguments.\n') #assert sys.argv[0] != 'bdf', msg if argv[1] == 'merge': cmd_line_merge(argv, quiet=quiet) elif argv[1] == 'equivalence': cmd_line_equivalence(argv, quiet=quiet) elif argv[1] == 'renumber': cmd_line_renumber(argv, quiet=quiet) elif argv[1] == 'mirror': cmd_line_mirror(argv, quiet=quiet) elif argv[1] == 'convert': cmd_line_convert(argv, quiet=quiet) elif argv[1] == 'scale': cmd_line_scale(argv, quiet=quiet) elif argv[1] == 'export_mcids': cmd_line_export_mcids(argv, quiet=quiet) elif argv[1] == 'split_cbars_by_pin_flags': cmd_line_split_cbars_by_pin_flag(argv, quiet=quiet) elif argv[1] == 'export_caero_mesh': cmd_line_export_caero_mesh(argv, quiet=quiet) elif argv[1] == 'transform': cmd_line_transform(argv, quiet=quiet) elif argv[1] == 'filter' and dev: # TODO: make better name cmd_line_filter(argv, quiet=quiet) elif argv[1] == 'bin' and dev: cmd_line_bin(argv, quiet=quiet) elif argv[1] == 'create_vectorized_numbered' and dev: cmd_line_create_vectorized_numbered(argv, quiet=quiet) elif argv[1] in ['-v', '--version']: import pyNastran print(pyNastran.__version__) else: print(argv) sys.exit(msg)
#raise NotImplementedError('arg1=%r' % sys.argv[1]) if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover sys.argv = sys.argv[1:] cmd_line()