Source code for pyNastran.bdf.subcase

"""Subcase creation/extraction class"""
from typing import List, Dict, Any
from six import string_types, PY2, PY3, text_type, binary_type
from numpy import ndarray

from pyNastran.utils.numpy_utils import integer_types
from pyNastran.utils import object_attributes

from pyNastran.bdf.bdf_interface.utils import deprecated

from pyNastran.bdf.bdf_interface.subcase_cards import CLASS_MAP
from pyNastran.bdf.bdf_interface.subcase_utils import (
    write_stress_type, write_set, expand_thru_case_control)

    # these are cards that look like:
    #    LOAD = 6
    'SPC', 'MPC', 'TRIM', 'FMETHOD', 'METHOD', 'LOAD',

    # these are types that look like:
    # they all support PLOT

[docs]class Subcase(object): """ Subcase creation/extraction class """ allowed_param_types = [ 'SET-type', 'CSV-type', 'SUBCASE-type', 'KEY-type', 'STRESS-type', 'STRING-type', 'OBJ-type', ] solCodeMap = { 1: 101, 21: 101, 24: 101, 26: 101, 61: 101, 64: 106, # correct 66: 106, # correct 68: 106, # correct 76: 101, 99: 129, # correct 144: 101, # correct 187: 101, } def __init__(self, id=0): = id self.params = {} self.sol = None self.log = None #print("\n***adding subcase %s***" %
[docs] def load_hdf5_file(self, hdf5_file, encoding): from pyNastran.utils.dict_to_h5py import _cast keys = list(hdf5_file.keys()) for key in keys: #print(key) group = hdf5_file[key] if key in ['id']: # scalars value = _cast(group) setattr(self, key, value) elif key == 'params': #print(group) #print(group.keys()) for group_key in group.keys(): #self.log.debug('%s %s' % (group_key, key)) value, options, param_type = _load_hdf5_param(group, group_key, encoding) #self.log.debug('%s (%s, %s, %s)' % (key, value, options, param_type)) if isinstance(options, list): options = [ option.decode(encoding) if isinstance(option, binary_type) else option for option in options] self.params[group_key] = (value, options, param_type) str(self) else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('failed exporting Subcase/%s' % key)
[docs] def export_to_hdf5(self, hdf5_file, encoding): keys_to_skip = ['log', 'solCodeMap', 'allowed_param_types'] h5attrs = object_attributes(self, mode='both', keys_to_skip=keys_to_skip) #print('Subcase %i' % for h5attr in h5attrs: value = getattr(self, h5attr) if h5attr in ['id']: # scalars # simple export hdf5_file.create_dataset(h5attr, data=value) elif h5attr in ['sol']: # scalars/None if value is None: continue hdf5_file.create_dataset(h5attr, data=value) elif h5attr in ['params']: if len(value) == 0: continue keys = list(self.params.keys()) params_group = hdf5_file.create_group('params') #print('keys =', keys) unused_keys_bytes = [key.encode(encoding) for key in keys] #params_group.create_dataset('keys', data=keys_bytes) for key, (value, options, param_type) in self.params.items(): #print(' %-14s: %-8r %r %r' % (key, value, options, param_type)) if key == '': sub_group = params_group.create_group('blank') sub_group.create_dataset('value', data=value) else: #print('key = %r' % key) sub_group = params_group.create_group(key) if value is not None: if isinstance(value, list): value_bytes = [ valuei.encode(encoding) if isinstance(valuei, text_type) else valuei for valuei in value] sub_group.create_dataset('value', data=value_bytes) elif isinstance(value, (integer_types, float, string_types)): sub_group.create_dataset('value', data=value) elif hasattr(value, 'export_to_hdf5'): sub_groupi = sub_group.create_group('object') sub_groupi.attrs['type'] = key value.export_to_hdf5(sub_groupi, encoding) else: print('value = %r' % value) raise NotImplementedError(value) if param_type is not None: sub_group.create_dataset('param_type', data=param_type) if options is not None: if isinstance(options, list): options_bytes = [ option.encode(encoding) if isinstance(option, text_type) else option for option in options] sub_group.create_dataset('options', data=options_bytes) else: sub_group.create_dataset('options', data=options) #if h5attr in ['_begin_count', 'debug', 'write_begin_bulk']: # scalars ## do nothing on purpose #hdf5_file.create_dataset(h5attr, data=value) #elif h5attr in ['reject_lines', 'begin_bulk', 'lines', 'output_lines']: # lists of strings #if len(value) == 0: #continue #value_bytes = [line.encode(encoding) for line in value] ##print(value_bytes) #hdf5_file.create_dataset(h5attr, data=value_bytes) #elif h5attr == 'subcases': #keys = list(self.subcases.keys()) #subcase_group = hdf5_file.create_group('subcases') #subcase_group.create_dataset('keys', data=keys) #for key, subcase in self.subcases.items(): #sub_group = subcase_group.create_group(str(key)) #subcase.export_to_hdf5(subcase_group, encoding) else: # pragma: no cover print(key, value) raise RuntimeError('cant export to hdf5 Subcase/%s' % h5attr)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """ Custom method for copy.deepcopy to improve speed by more than 2x (tested with timeit). Default method is a bit slow for a list of lists and can take a long time to read a bdf with many subcases this method removes some of the overhead if the subcase is the default subcase, it is shallow copied instead this greatly improves bdf read speed, since it avoids deepcopying large sets defined in the default subcase for every subcase that is defined. """ _copy = self.__copy__() memo[id(self)] = _copy if == 0: return _copy def _deepcopy(lst): """ Deep copies objects that aren't lists; references lists. """ _cpy = list(lst) for i in range(len(_cpy)): cpyi = _cpy[i] if isinstance(cpyi, list): _cpy[i] = _deepcopy(cpyi) return _cpy params = _copy.params for key, val in self.params.items(): if isinstance(val, list): val = _deepcopy(val) params[key] = val return _copy def __copy__(self): _copy = self.__class__() = _copy.sol = self.sol _copy.log = self.log _copy.params.update(self.params) return _copy def deprecated(self, old_name, new_name, deprecated_version): # type: (str, str, str) -> None """ Throws a deprecation message and crashes if past a specific version. Parameters ---------- old_name : str the old function name new_name : str the new function name deprecated_version : float the version the method was first deprecated in """ return deprecated(old_name, new_name, deprecated_version, levels=[0, 1, 2]) def add_op2_data(self, data_code, msg, log): """ >>> self.subcase.add_op2_data(self.data_code, 'VECTOR') """ assert log is not None, log #subtable_name = data_code['subtable_name'] table_name = data_code['table_name'] if (PY2 and isinstance(table_name, str)) or (PY3 and not isinstance(table_name, str)): # table_name is a byte string table_name = table_name.decode('latin1') else: raise NotImplementedError('table_name=%r PY2=%s PY3=%s' % (table_name, PY2, PY3)) table_code = data_code['table_code'] unused_sort_code = data_code['sort_code'] unused_device_code = data_code['device_code'] #print(data_code) #print('table_name=%r table_code=%s sort_code=%r device_code=%r' % ( #table_name, table_code, sort_code, device_code)) table_name = table_name.strip() #if 'TITLE' in #print(data_code) options = [] if data_code['title']: self.add('TITLE', data_code['title'], [], 'STRING-type') if data_code['subtitle']: self.add('SUBTITLE', data_code['subtitle'], [], 'STRING-type') if data_code['label']: self.add('LABEL', data_code['label'], [], 'STRING-type') if table_name in ['OUGV1', 'BOUGV1', 'OUGV2', 'OUG1', 'OUGV1PAT', 'OUGMC1', 'OUGMC2']: if table_code == 1: thermal = data_code['thermal'] if thermal == 0: self.add('DISPLACEMENT', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif thermal == 1: self.add('ANALYSIS', 'HEAT', [], 'KEY-type') else: self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_code == 7: self.add('VECTOR', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_code == 10: self.add('VELOCITY', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_code == 11: self.add('ACCELERATION', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_code == 44: # OUGMC1 thermal = data_code['thermal'] assert thermal == 0, thermal self.add('DISPLACEMENT', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_name == 'OAG1': if table_code == 11: thermal = data_code['thermal'] assert thermal == 0, data_code self.add('ACCELERATION', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) # OAG-random elif table_name in ['OAGPSD1', 'OAGPSD2']: options = ['PSDF'] self.add('ACCELERATION', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_name in ['OAGCRM1', 'OAGCRM2']: options = ['CRM'] self.add('ACCELERATION', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_name in ['OAGRMS1', 'OAGRMS2']: options = ['RMS'] self.add('ACCELERATION', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_name in ['OAGNO1', 'OAGNO2']: options = ['NO'] self.add('ACCELERATION', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_name == 'TOUGV1': thermal = data_code['thermal'] if thermal == 1: self.add('ANALYSIS', 'HEAT', options, 'KEY-type') else: self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_name in ['ROUGV1', 'ROUGV2']: thermal = data_code['thermal'] if thermal == 0: self.add('DISPLACEMENT', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_name in ['OPHIG', 'BOPHIG', 'BOPHIGF']: if table_code == 7: self.add('ANALYSIS', 'HEAT', [], 'KEY-type') else: self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_name == 'OUPV1': if table_code == 1: self.add('SDISPLACEMENT', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_code == 10: self.add('SVELOCITY', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_code == 11: self.add('SACCELERATION', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_name == 'OPHSA': if table_code == 14: self.add('SVECTOR', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_name in ['OUXY1', 'OUXY2']: if table_code == 15: self.add('SDISPLACEMENT', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_code == 16: self.add('SVELOCITY', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_code == 17: self.add('SACCELERATION', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_name in ['OQG1', 'OQG2', 'OQGV1']: if table_code == 3: self.add('SPCFORCES', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_name in ['OEF1X', 'OEF1', 'RAFCONS', 'RAFEATC']: if table_code in [4]: self.add('FORCE', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_name in ['OEF2']: options.append('SORT2') if table_code == 4: self.add('FORCE', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_name in ['OEFATO1', 'OEFATO2']: options.append('PSDF') self.add('FORCE', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_name in ['OEFCRM1', 'OEFCRM2']: options.append('CRM') self.add('FORCE', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_name in ['OEFRMS1', 'OEFRMS2']: options.append('RMS') self.add('FORCE', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_name in ['OEFNO1', 'OEFNO2']: options.append('NO') self.add('FORCE', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_name in ['OEFPSD1', 'OEFPSD2']: options.append('PSDF') self.add('FORCE', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_name in ['OESATO1', 'OESATO2']: options.append('PSDF') self.add('STRESS', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_name in ['OESCRM1', 'OESCRM2']: options.append('CRM') self.add('STRESS', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_name in ['OESRMS1', 'OESRMS2', 'OESXRMS1']: options.append('RMS') self.add('STRESS', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_name in ['OESNO1', 'OESNO2', 'OESXNO1']: options.append('NO') self.add('STRESS', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_name in ['OESPSD1', 'OESPSD2']: options.append('PSDF') self.add('STRESS', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_name in ['OSTRATO1', 'OSTRATO2']: options.append('PSDF') self.add('STRAIN', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_name in ['OSTRCRM1', 'OSTRCRM2']: options.append('CRM') self.add('STRAIN', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_name in ['OSTRRMS1', 'OSTRRMS2']: options.append('RMS') self.add('STRAIN', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_name in ['OSTRNO1', 'OSTRNO2']: options.append('NO') self.add('STRAIN', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_name in ['OSTRPSD1', 'OSTRPSD2']: options.append('PSDF') self.add('STRAIN', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') elif table_name in ['OEFIT', 'OEFITSTN']: if table_code in [25]: self.add('FORCE', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: # pragma: no cover self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_name in ['OQMG1', 'OQMG2']: if table_code in [3, 39]: self.add('MPCFORCES', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: # pragma: no cover self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_name in ['OGPFB1', 'RAGCONS', 'RAGEATC']: if table_code == 19: self.add('GPFORCE', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: # pragma: no cover self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) # stress elif table_name in ['OES1', 'OES1X', 'OES1X1', 'OES1C', 'OESCP', 'OESNL2', 'OESNLXD', 'OESNLXR', 'OESNLBR', 'OESTRCP', 'OESVM1', 'OESVM1C', 'OESNL1X', 'OESNLXR2', 'RASCONS', 'RASEATC']: #assert data_code['is_stress_flag'] == True, data_code options.append('SORT1') if table_code == 5: self.add('STRESS', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: # pragma: no cover self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_name in ['OES2', 'OES2C', 'OESVM2', ]: options.append('SORT2') if table_code == 5: self.add('STRESS', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: # pragma: no cover self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_name in ['OESXRM1C']: if table_code == 805: self.add('STRESS', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: # pragma: no cover self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_name in ['OESXNO1C']: if table_code == 905: self.add('STRESS', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: # pragma: no cover self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_name in ['OSTR2', 'OSTR2C']: options.append('SORT2') if table_code == 5: self.add('STRAIN', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: # pragma: no cover self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_name in ['OESRT']: #assert data_code['is_stress_flag'] == True, data_code if table_code in [25, 89]: self.add('STRESS', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: # pragma: no cover self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_name in ['OCRUG']: if table_code in [1]: self.add('DISP', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: # pragma: no cover self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) # strain elif table_name in ['OSTR1X', 'OSTR1C', 'OSTR1', 'RAECONS', 'RAEEATC']: assert data_code['is_strain_flag'] is True, data_code if table_code == 5: self.add('STRAIN', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: # pragma: no cover self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) elif table_name in ['OSTRVM1', 'OSTRVM1C', 'OSTRVM2']: #assert data_code['is_stress_flag'] == True, data_code if table_code == 5: self.add('STRAIN', 'ALL', options, 'STRESS-type') else: # pragma: no cover self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) # special tables elif table_name in ['RADCONS', 'RADEFFM', 'RADEATC', 'RAPEATC', 'RAQEATC', 'RADCONS', 'RASEATC', 'RAFEATC', 'RAEEATC', 'RANEATC', 'RAGEATC', 'RAQCONS', 'RAPCONS']: pass elif table_name in ['OUGPSD2', 'OSTRNO1', 'OSTNO1C', 'OSTRNO1C', 'OSTRMS1C', 'OSTRRMS1', 'OSTRRMS1C', 'OQMPSD2']: pass else: # pragma: no cover self._write_op2_error_msg(log, self.log, msg, data_code) #print(self) def _write_op2_error_msg(self, log, log_error, msg, data_code): if log is not None: log.error(msg) log.error(data_code) elif log_error is not None: log_error.error(msg) log_error.error(data_code) else: # pragma: no cover # log_error is None print('Error calling subcase.add_op2_data...') print(msg) print(data_code) raise RuntimeError(data_code) def __contains__(self, param_name): """ Checks to see if a parameter name is in the subcase. Parameters ---------- param_name : str the case control parameters to check for .. code-block:: python model = BDF() model.read_bdf(bdf_filename) case_control = model.case_control_deck subcase1 = case_control.subcases[1] if 'LOAD' in subcase1: print('found LOAD for subcase 1') """ if param_name in self.params: return True return False
[docs] def has_parameter(self, *param_names): """ Checks to see if one or more parameter names are in the subcase. Parameters ---------- param_names : str; List[str] the case control parameters to check for Returns ------- exists : List[bool] do the parameters exist .. code-block:: python model = BDF() model.read_bdf(bdf_filename) case_control = model.case_control_deck subcase1 = case_control.subcases[1] if any(subcase1.has_parameter('LOAD', 'TEMPERATURE(LOAD)')): print('found LOAD for subcase 1') """ exists = [param_name.upper() in self.params for param_name in param_names] return exists
def __getitem__(self, param_name): """ Gets the [value, options] for a subcase. Parameters ---------- param_name : str the case control parameters to get Returns ------- value : varies the value of the parameter 'ALL' in STRESS(PLOT,PRINT) = ALL options : List[varies] the values in parentheses ['PLOT', 'PRINT'] in STRESS(PLOT,PRINT) = ALL .. code-block:: python model = BDF() model.read_bdf(bdf_filename) case_control = model.case_control_deck subcase1 = case_control.subcases[1] value, options = subcase1['LOAD'] """ return self.get_parameter(param_name)
[docs] def suppress_output(self, suppress_to='PLOT'): """ Replaces F06 printing with OP2 printing Converts: STRESS(PRINT,SORT1,REAL) FORCE(PRINT,PLOT,SORT1,REAL) to: STRESS(PLOT,SORT1,REAL) FORCE(PLOT,SORT1,REAL) .. warning:: needs more validation """ for key, param in self.params.items(): (unused_value, options, unused_param_type) = param if key in INT_CARDS or key in ('SUBTITLE', 'LABEL', 'TITLE', 'ECHO'): pass elif key in PLOTTABLE_TYPES: if suppress_to not in options: param[1].append(suppress_to) if 'PRINT' in options: param[1].remove('PRINT') else: raise NotImplementedError(key)
[docs] def get_parameter(self, param_name, msg='', obj=False): """ Gets the [value, options] for a subcase. Parameters ---------- param_name : str the case control parameters to get obj : bool; default=False should the object be returned Returns ------- value : varies the value of the parameter 'ALL' in STRESS(PLOT,PRINT) = ALL options : List[varies] the values in parentheses ['PLOT', 'PRINT'] in STRESS(PLOT,PRINT) = ALL .. code-block:: python model = BDF() model.read_bdf(bdf_filename) case_control = model.case_control_deck subcase1 = case_control.subcases[1] value, options = subcase1['LOAD'] """ param_name = update_param_name(param_name) if param_name not in self.params: raise KeyError('%s doesnt exist in subcase=%s in the case ' 'control deck%s.' % (param_name,, msg)) value, options, param_type = self.params[param_name] #print('param_name=%r value=%s options=%s param_type=%r' % ( #param_name, value, options, param_type)) if param_type == 'OBJ-type' and not obj: return value.value, options return value, options
[docs] def add(self, key, value, options, param_type): if param_type not in self.allowed_param_types: msg = 'param_type=%r allowed_types=%s' % (param_type, ''.join(self.allowed_param_types)) raise TypeError(msg) self._add_data(key, value, options, param_type)
[docs] def update(self, key, value, options, param_type): if param_type not in self.allowed_param_types: msg = 'param_type=%r allowed_types=%s' % (param_type, ''.join(self.allowed_param_types)) raise TypeError(msg) assert key in self.params, 'key=%r is not in isubcase=%s' % (key, self._add_data(key, value, options, param_type)
def _add_data(self, key, value, options, param_type): key = update_param_name(key) if key == 'ANALYSIS' and value == 'FLUT': value = 'FLUTTER' #print("adding isubcase=%s key=%r value=%r options=%r " #"param_type=%r" %(, key, value, options, param_type)) if isinstance(value, string_types) and value.isdigit(): value = int(value) if param_type == 'OBJ-type': self.params[key] = value else: (key, value, options) = self._simplify_data(key, value, options, param_type) self.params[key] = [value, options, param_type] def _simplify_data(self, key, value, options, param_type): if param_type == 'SET-type': #print("adding isubcase=%s key=%r value=%r options=%r " #"param_type=%r" % (, key, value, options, param_type)) #print("adding isubcase=%s key=%r value=%r options=%r " #"param_type=%r" % (, key, value, options, param_type)) values2 = expand_thru_case_control(value) assert isinstance(values2, list), type(values2) if isinstance(options, list): msg = 'invalid type for options=%s value; expected an integer; got a list' % key raise TypeError(msg) options = int(options) return (key, values2, options) elif param_type == 'CSV-type': #print("adding isubcase=%s key=%r value=|%s| options=|%s| " # "param_type=%s" %(, key, value, options, param_type)) if value.isdigit(): # PARAM,DBFIXED,-1 value = value #elif param_type == 'OBJ-type': ##self.params[value.type] = value #return value.type, elif param_type == 'OBJ-type': raise RuntimeError('this function should never be called with an OBJ-type...') else: #if 0: #a = 'key=%r' % key #b = 'value=%r' % value #c = 'options=%r' % options #d = 'param_type=%r' % param_type #print("_adding isubcase=%s %-18s %-12s %-12s %-12s" %(, a, b, c, d)) if isinstance(value, integer_types) or value is None: pass elif isinstance(value, (list, ndarray)): # new??? msg = 'invalid type for key=%s value; expected an integer; got a list' % key raise TypeError(msg) elif value.isdigit(): # STRESS = ALL value = value #else: pass return key, value, options
[docs] def get_op2_data(self, sol, solmap_to_value): self.sol = sol label = 'SUBCASE %s' % ( op2_params = { 'isubcase': None, 'tables': [], 'analysis_codes': [], 'device_codes': [], 'sort_codes': [], 'table_codes': [], 'label': label, 'subtitle': None, 'title': None, 'format_codes': [], 'stress_codes': [], 'thermal': None} results = ['DISPLACEMENT', 'EKE', 'EDE', 'ELSDCON', 'ENTHALPY', 'EQUILIBRIUM', 'ESE', 'FLUX', 'FORCE', 'GPFORCE', 'GPKE', 'GPSDCON', 'GPSTRAIN', 'GPSTRESS', 'HOUTPUT', 'MODALKE', 'MODALSE', 'MPCFORCES', 'NLSTRESS', 'NOUTPUT', 'OLOAD', 'PFGRID', 'PFMODE', 'PFPANEL', 'RCROSS', 'RESVEC', 'SACCELERATION', 'SDISPACEMENT', 'SPCFORCES', 'STRAIN', 'STRESS', 'SVECTOR', 'SVELOCITY', 'THERMAL', 'VECTOR', 'VELOCITY', 'VUGRID', 'WEIGHTCHECK'] # converts from solution 200 to solution 144 if self.sol == 200 or 'ANALYSIS' in self.params: param = self.params['ANALYSIS'] (value, options, param_type) = param sol = solmap_to_value[value.upper()] #print("***value=%s sol=%s" % (value, sol)) else: # leaves SOL the same sol = self.sol if sol in self.solCodeMap: # reduces SOL 144 to SOL 101 sol = self.solCodeMap[sol] for (key, param) in self.params.items(): key = key.upper() (value, options, param_type) = param #msg = (" -key=|%s| value=|%s| options=%s param_type=|%s|" # % (key, value, options, param_type)) thermal = 0 for (key, param) in self.params.items(): key = key.upper() (value, options, param_type) = param #msg = (" *key=|%s| value=|%s| options=%s param_type=|%s|" # % (key, value, options, param_type) #print(msg) #msg += self.printParam(key, param) if param_type == 'SUBCASE-type': op2_params['isubcase'].append(value) elif key in ['BEGIN', 'ECHO', 'ANALYSIS'] or 'SET' in key: pass elif key == 'TEMPERATURE': thermal = 1 elif key in results: sort_code = get_sort_code(options, value) device_code = get_device_code(options, value) if key in ['STRESS', 'STRAIN']: stress_code = get_stress_code(key, options, value) op2_params['stress_codes'].append(stress_code) else: op2_params['stress_codes'].append(0) format_code = get_format_code(options, value) table_code = get_table_code(sol, key, options) analysis_code = get_analysis_code(sol) approach_code = analysis_code * 10 + device_code tcode = table_code * 1000 + sort_code op2_params['tables'].append(key) op2_params['analysis_codes'].append(analysis_code) op2_params['approach_codes'].append(approach_code) op2_params['device_codes'].append(device_code) op2_params['format_codes'].append(format_code) op2_params['sort_codes'].append(sort_code) op2_params['table_codes'].append(table_code) op2_params['tcodes'].append(tcode) #analysisMethod = value #elif key in ['ADACT', 'ADAPT', 'AERCONFIG', 'TITLE', 'SUBTITLE', # 'LABEL', 'LOAD', 'SUPORT', 'SUPORT1', 'MPC', 'SPC', # 'TSTEPNL', 'NLPARM', 'TRIM', 'GUST', 'METHOD', # 'DESOBJ', 'DESSUB', 'FMETHOD', 'SEALL']: else: op2_params[key.lower()] = value #else: # raise NotImplementedErrror('unsupported entry...\n%s' %(msg)) op2_params['thermal'] = thermal
#print("\nThe estimated results...") #for (key, value) in sorted(op2_params.items()): #if value is not None: #print(" key=%r value=%r" % (key, value))
[docs] def print_param(self, key, param): """ Prints a single entry of the a subcase from the global or local subcase list. """ msg = '' #msg += 'id=%s ' %( (value, options, param_type) = param spaces = '' if > 0: spaces = ' ' #print('key=%s param=%s param_type=%s' % (key, param, param_type)) if param_type == 'SUBCASE-type': if > 0: msgi = 'SUBCASE %s\n' % ( assert len(msgi) < 72, 'len(msg)=%s; msg=\n%s' % (len(msgi), msgi) msg += msgi #else: global subcase ID=0 and is not printed # pass elif param_type == 'KEY-type': #print (KEY-TYPE: %r" % value) assert value is not None, param if ',' in value: sline = value.split(',') two_spaces = ',\n' + 2 * spaces msgi = spaces + two_spaces.join(sline) + '\n' assert len(msgi) < 68, 'len(msg)=%s; msg=\n%s' % (len(msgi), msgi) msg += msgi else: msgi = spaces + '%s\n' % value #assert len(msgi) < 68, 'len(msg)=%s; msg=\n%s' % (len(msgi), msgi) msg += msgi elif param_type == 'STRING-type': msgi = spaces + '%s = %s\n' % (key, value) if key not in ['TITLE', 'LABEL', 'SUBTITLE']: assert len(msgi) < 68, 'len(msg)=%s; msg=\n%s' % (len(msgi), msgi) msg += msgi elif param_type == 'CSV-type': msgi = spaces + '%s,%s,%s\n' % (key, value, options) assert len(msgi) < 68, 'len(msg)=%s; msg=\n%s' % (len(msgi), msgi) msg += msgi elif param_type == 'STRESS-type': msg += write_stress_type(key, options, value, spaces) elif param_type == 'SET-type': #: .. todo:: collapse data...not written yet msg += write_set(options, value, spaces) elif param_type == 'OBJ-type': msg += value.write(spaces) else: # SET-type is not supported yet... msg = ('\nkey=%r param=%r\n' 'allowed_params=[SET-type, STRESS-type, STRING-type, SUBCASE-type, KEY-type]\n' 'CSV-type -> PARAM,FIXEDB,-1\n' 'KEY-type -> ???\n' # the catch all 'SET-type -> SET 99 = 1234\n' 'SUBCASE-type -> ???\n' 'STRESS-type -> DISP(PLOT, SORT1)=ALL\n' ' STRESS(PLOT, SORT1)=ALL\n' 'STRING-type -> LABEL = A label\n' ' TITLE = A title\n' ' SUBTITLE = A subtitle\n' ''% (key, param)) raise NotImplementedError(msg) #print("msg = %r" % (msg)) return msg
#def cross_reference(self, model): #""" #Method crossReference: #Parameters #---------- #model : BDF() #the BDF object #.. note:: this is not integrated and probably never will be as it's #not really that necessary. it's only really useful when running an #analysis. #""" #raise NotImplementedError() #print("keys = %s" % (sorted(self.params.keys()))) #if 'LOAD' in self.params: #load_id = self.params['LOAD'][0] #load_obj = model.loads[load_id] #load_obj.cross_reference(model) #if 'SUPORT' in self.params: #pass #if 'MPC' in self.params: ##mpc_id = self.params['MPC'][0] ##mpc_obj = model.mpcs[mpc_id] ##mpc_obj.cross_reference(model) #pass #if 'SPC' in self.params: ##spcID = self.params['SPC'][0] ##print "SPC ID = %r" % spcID ##spcObj = model.spcObject ##spcObj.cross_reference(spcID, model) #pass #if 'TSTEPNL' in self.params: #tstepnl_id = self.params['TSTEPNL'][0] #tstepnl_obj = model.tstepnl[tstepnl_id] #tstepnl_obj.cross_reference(model) #if 'NLPARM' in self.params: #nlparm_id = self.params['NLPARM'][0] #nlparm_obj = model.nlparms[nlparm_id] #nlparm_obj.cross_reference(model) #if 'TRIM' in self.params: #trim_id = self.params['TRIM'][0] #trim_obj = model.trims[trim_id] #trim_obj.cross_reference(model) #if 'GUST' in self.params: #gust_id = self.params['GUST'][0] #gust_obj = model.gusts[gust_id] #gust_obj.cross_reference(model) #if 'DLOAD' in self.params: # ??? #pass
[docs] def finish_subcase(self): """ Removes the subcase parameter from the subcase to avoid printing it in a funny spot """ if 'SUBCASE' in self.params: del self.params['SUBCASE']
#print "self.params %s = %s" %(,self.params)
[docs] def write_subcase(self, subcase0): """ Internal method to print a subcase Parameters ---------- subcase0 : Subcase() the global Subcase object Returns ------- msg : str the string of the current Subcase """ if == 0: msg = str(self) else: msg = 'SUBCASE %s\n' % nparams = 0 for (key, param) in self.subcase_sorted(self.params.items()): if key in subcase0.params and subcase0.params[key] == param: pass # dont write global subcase parameters else: #print("key=%s param=%s" %(key, param)) #(unused_value, unused_options, unused_param_type) = param #print(" *key=%r value=%r options=%s " #"param_type=%r" % (key, value, options, param_type)) msg += self.print_param(key, param) nparams += 1 #print "" if nparams == 0: for (key, param) in self.subcase_sorted(self.params.items()): #print("key=%s param=%s" %(key, param)) #(unused_value, unused_options, unused_param_type) = param #print(" *key=%r value=%r options=%s " #"param_type=%r" % (key, value, options, param_type)) msg += self.print_param(key, param) nparams += 1 assert nparams > 0, 'No subcase parameters are defined for isubcase=%s...' % return msg
[docs] def subcase_sorted(self, lst): """ Does a "smart" sort on the keys such that SET cards increment in numerical order. Also puts the sets first. Parameters ---------- lst : List[str] the list of subcase list objects (list_a) Returns ------- list_b : List[str] the sorted version of list_a """ # presort the list to put all the SET cards next to each other # instead of list_a.sort() as it allows lst to be any iterable lst = sorted(lst) i = 0 # needed in case the loop doesn't execute iset = None # index of first SET card in the deck set_dict = {} list_before = [] set_keys = [] for (i, entry) in enumerate(lst): key = entry[0] # type: str if 'SET' in key[0:3]: if key == 'SET': # handles "SET = ALL" key = 0 else: # handles "SET 100 = 1,2,3" sline = key.split(' ') try: key = int(sline[1]) except: msg = 'error caclulating key; sline=%s' % sline raise RuntimeError(msg) # store the integer ID and the SET-type list set_dict[key] = entry set_keys.append(key) else: # only store the entries before the SET cards list_before.append(entry) if iset: break # grab the other entries list_after = lst[i + 1:] # write the SET cards in a sorted order set_list = [] for key in sorted(set_keys): set_list.append(set_dict[key]) # combine all the cards list_b = set_list + list_before + list_after return list_b
def __repr__(self): """ Prints out EVERY entry in the subcase. Skips parameters already in the global subcase. .. note:: this function is only used for debugging. """ #msg = "-------SUBCASE %s-------\n" %( msg = '' if > 0: msg += 'SUBCASE %s\n' % nparams = 0 for key, param in self.subcase_sorted(self.params.items()): #(unused_value, unused_options, unused_param_type) = param #print('key=%r value=%s options=%s' % (key, value, options)) msg += self.print_param(key, param) nparams += 1 if > 0: assert nparams > 0, 'No subcase parameters are defined for isubcase=%s...' % return msg
def _load_hdf5_param(group, key, encoding): import h5py from pyNastran.utils.dict_to_h5py import _cast #print('-----------------------------------------') #print(type(key), key) sub_group = group[key] keys = list(sub_group.keys()) #print('subgroup.keys() =', sub_group.keys()) if key == 'blank': key = '' if 'options' in sub_group: keys.remove('options') options = _cast(sub_group['options']) if isinstance(options, (integer_types, text_type)): pass else: options = options.tolist() options = [ option.decode(encoding) if isinstance(option, binary_type) else option for option in options] else: options = None param_type = None if 'param_type' in sub_group: param_type = _cast(sub_group['param_type']) keys.remove('param_type') #print('param_type ', param_type) value = None if 'value' in sub_group: keys.remove('value') value = _cast(sub_group['value']) if isinstance(value, binary_type): value = value.decode(encoding) elif isinstance(value, (integer_types, text_type)): pass else: value = value.tolist() elif 'object' in sub_group: keys.remove('object') sub_groupi = sub_group['object'] Type = sub_groupi.attrs['type'] use_data = True if 'options' in sub_groupi: options2 = _cast(sub_groupi['options']).tolist() value = _cast(sub_groupi['value']) #print('sub_keys =', sub_groupi, sub_groupi.keys()) options_str = [ option.decode(encoding) if isinstance(option, binary_type) else option for option in options2] use_data = False data_group = sub_groupi['data'] keys2 = _cast(data_group['keys']).tolist() h5_values = data_group['values'] if isinstance(h5_values, values2 = [None] * len(keys2) for ih5 in h5_values.keys(): ih5_int = int(ih5) h5_value = _cast(h5_values[ih5]) values2[ih5_int] = h5_value else: values2 = _cast(h5_values).tolist() #print('data_keys =', data_group, data_group.keys()) unused_keys_str = [ keyi.decode(encoding) if isinstance(keyi, binary_type) else keyi for keyi in keys2] unused_values_str = [ valuei.decode(encoding) if isinstance(valuei, binary_type) else valuei for valuei in values2] #print('keys2 =', keys2) #print('values2 =', values2) #print('options2 =', options2) if use_data: #print('keys2 =', keys2) #print('values2 =', values2) data = [] for key, value in zip(keys2, values2): data.append((key, value)) class_obj = CLASS_MAP[Type](data) assert options is None, options else: class_obj = CLASS_MAP[Type](key, value, options_str) options = options_str value = class_obj #print(class_obj) #class_obj.load_hdf5_file(hdf5_file, encoding) if len(keys) > 0: #keyi = _cast(sub_group['key']) #print('keyi = %r' % keyi) raise RuntimeError('keys = %s' % keys) #print(value, options, param_type) return value, options, param_type
[docs]def update_param_name(param_name): """ Takes an abbreviated name and expands it so the user can type DISP or DISPLACEMENT and get the same answer Parameters ---------- param_name : str the parameter name to be standardized (e.g. DISP vs. DIPLACEMENT) .. todo:: not a complete list """ param_name = param_name.strip().upper() if param_name.startswith('ACCE'): param_name = 'ACCELERATION' elif param_name.startswith('DESO'): param_name = 'DESOBJ' elif param_name.startswith('DESS'): param_name = 'DESSUB' elif param_name.startswith('DISP'): param_name = 'DISPLACEMENT' elif param_name.startswith('EXPO'): param_name = 'EXPORTLID' elif param_name.startswith('ELFO'): param_name = 'FORCE' elif param_name.startswith('ELST'): param_name = 'STRESS' # or ELSTRESS elif param_name.startswith('FORC'): param_name = 'FORCE' elif param_name.startswith('FREQ'): param_name = 'FREQUENCY' elif param_name.startswith('GPFO'): param_name = 'GPFORCE' elif param_name == 'GPST': raise SyntaxError('invalid GPST stress/strain') elif param_name.startswith('HARMONIC'): param_name = 'HARMONICS' elif param_name.startswith('METH'): param_name = 'METHOD' elif param_name.startswith('MPCF'): param_name = 'MPCFORCES' elif param_name.startswith('NLPAR'): param_name = 'NLPARM' elif param_name.startswith('OLOA'): param_name = 'OLOAD' elif param_name.startswith('PRES'): param_name = 'PRESSURE' elif param_name.startswith('SDAMP'): param_name = 'SDAMPING' elif param_name.startswith('SDISP'): param_name = 'SDISPLACEMENT' elif param_name.startswith('SMETH'): param_name = 'SMETHOD' elif param_name.startswith('SPCF'): param_name = 'SPCFORCES' elif param_name.startswith('STRA'): param_name = 'STRAIN' elif param_name.startswith('STRE'): param_name = 'STRESS' elif param_name.startswith('SUBT'): param_name = 'SUBTITLE' elif param_name.startswith('SUPO'): param_name = 'SUPORT1' elif param_name.startswith('SVEC'): param_name = 'SVECTOR' elif param_name.startswith('SVELO'): param_name = 'SVELOCITY' elif param_name.startswith('THER'): param_name = 'THERMAL' elif param_name.startswith('VECT'): #param_name = 'PRESSURE' # or VECTOR param_name = 'DISPLACEMENT' # or VECTOR elif param_name.startswith('VELO'): param_name = 'VELOCITY' elif param_name.startswith('TITL'): param_name = 'TITLE' elif param_name.startswith('MAXLINE'): param_name = 'MAXLINES' elif param_name.startswith('LINE'): param_name = 'LINE' elif param_name.startswith('AXISYM'): param_name = 'AXISYMMETRIC' elif param_name.startswith('SUBSE'): param_name = 'SUBSEQ' elif param_name.startswith('XTIT'): param_name = 'XTITLE' elif param_name.startswith('YTIT'): param_name = 'YTITLE' elif param_name.startswith('SACCE'): param_name = 'SACCELERATION' elif param_name.startswith('GPSTRE'): param_name = 'GPSTRESS' elif param_name.startswith('GPSTR'): param_name = 'GPSTRAIN' elif param_name in ['DEFO', 'DEFOR']: param_name = 'DEFORM' elif param_name == 'TEMPERATURE(INIT)': param_name = 'TEMPERATURE(INITIAL)' #elif param_name.startswith('DFRE'): param_name = 'D' # handled in #elif param_name.startswith('TEMP'): param_name = 'TEMPERATURE' #print '*param_name = ',param_name return param_name
[docs]def get_analysis_code(sol): """ Maps the solution number to the OP2 analysis code. * 8 - post-buckling (maybe 7 depending on NLPARM???) # not important * 3/4 - differential stiffness (obsolete) * 11 - old geometric nonlinear statics * 12 - contran (???) .. todo:: verify """ codes = { 101 : 1, # staics 103 : 2, # modes 105 : 7, # pre-buckling 106 : 10, # nonlinear statics 107 : 9, # complex eigenvalues 108 : 5, # frequency 111 : 5, 112 : 6, 114 : 1, 115 : 2, 116 : 7, 118 : 5, 129 : 6, # nonlinear 144 : 1, # static aero 145 : 1, 146 : 1, # flutter 153 : 10, 159 : 6, # transient thermal } #print("sol=%s" % sol) approach_code = codes[sol] #print('approach_code = %s' % approach_code) return approach_code
[docs]def get_device_code(options, unused_value): # type: (Any, Any) -> int """ Gets the device code of a given set of options and value Parameters ---------- options : list[int/float/str] the options for a parameter unused_value : int/float/str the value of the parameter Returns ------- device_code : int The OP2 device code 0 - No output 1 - PRINT 2 - PLOT 3 - PRINT, PLOT 4 - PUNCH 5 - PRINT, PUNCH 6 - PRINT, PLOT, PUNCH """ device_code = 0 if 'PRINT' in options: device_code += 1 if 'PLOT' in options: device_code += 2 if 'PUNCH' in options: device_code += 4 device_code = max(device_code, 1) #if device_code==0: # device_code=1 # PRINT return device_code
[docs]def get_table_code(sol, table_name, unused_options): """ Gets the table code of a given parameter. For example, the DISPLACMENT(PLOT,POST)=ALL makes an OUGV1 table and stores the displacement. This has an OP2 table code of 1, unless you're running a modal solution, in which case it makes an OUGV1 table of eigenvectors and has a table code of 7. Parameters ---------- options : list[int/float/str] the options for a parameter value : int/float/str the value of the parameter Returns ------- table_code : int the OP2 table_code """ if table_name in ['VECTOR', 'PRESSURE']: table_name = 'DISPLACEMENT' # equivalent tables... key = (sol, table_name) tables = { # SOL, table_name table_code (101, 'ACCELERATION'): 11, (103, 'ACCELERATION'): 11, (106, 'ACCELERATION'): 11, (107, 'ACCELERATION'): 11, (108, 'ACCELERATION'): 11, (129, 'ACCELERATION'): 11, #(144, 'ACCELERATION'): 11, (145, 'ACCELERATION'): 11, (146, 'ACCELERATION'): 11, (101, 'DISPLACEMENT'): 1, (103, 'DISPLACEMENT'): 7, # VECTOR (105, 'DISPLACEMENT'): 7, (106, 'DISPLACEMENT'): 1, (107, 'DISPLACEMENT'): 7, (108, 'DISPLACEMENT'): 1, (109, 'DISPLACEMENT'): 1, (111, 'DISPLACEMENT'): 7, (112, 'DISPLACEMENT'): 1, (129, 'DISPLACEMENT'): 7, #(144, 'DISPLACEMENT'): 1, (145, 'DISPLACEMENT'): 1, (146, 'DISPLACEMENT'): 1, (101, 'ESE'): 18, # energy (103, 'ESE'): 18, # energy (105, 'ESE'): 18, # energy (106, 'ESE'): 18, # energy (107, 'ESE'): 18, # energy (108, 'ESE'): 18, # energy (109, 'ESE'): 18, # energy (110, 'ESE'): 18, # energy (111, 'ESE'): 18, # energy (112, 'ESE'): 18, # energy (145, 'ESE'): 18, # energy (146, 'ESE'): 18, # energy (101, 'FORCE'): 3, # ??? (103, 'FORCE'): 3, # ??? (105, 'FORCE'): 3, # ??? (106, 'FORCE'): 3, # ??? (107, 'FORCE'): 4, # ??? (108, 'FORCE'): 3, # ??? (111, 'FORCE'): 3, # ??? (112, 'FORCE'): 3, # ??? (129, 'FORCE'): 3, # ??? (145, 'FORCE'): 3, # ??? (146, 'FORCE'): 3, # ??? (101, 'GPFORCE'): 19, (105, 'GPFORCE'): 19, (106, 'GPFORCE'): 19, (107, 'GPFORCE'): 19, (108, 'GPFORCE'): 19, (111, 'GPFORCE'): 19, (112, 'GPFORCE'): 19, (129, 'GPFORCE'): 19, (145, 'GPFORCE'): 19, (146, 'GPFORCE'): 19, (101, 'GPSTRESS'): 20, (105, 'GPSTRESS'): 20, (106, 'GPSTRESS'): 20, (107, 'GPSTRESS'): 20, (108, 'GPSTRESS'): 20, (111, 'GPSTRESS'): 20, (112, 'GPSTRESS'): 20, (129, 'GPSTRESS'): 20, (145, 'GPSTRESS'): 20, (146, 'GPSTRESS'): 20, (101, 'GPSTRAIN'): 21, (105, 'GPSTRAIN'): 21, (106, 'GPSTRAIN'): 21, (107, 'GPSTRAIN'): 21, (108, 'GPSTRAIN'): 21, (111, 'GPSTRAIN'): 21, (112, 'GPSTRAIN'): 21, (129, 'GPSTRAIN'): 21, (145, 'GPSTRAIN'): 21, (146, 'GPSTRAIN'): 21, (101, 'MPCFORCES'): 3, (103, 'MPCFORCES'): 3, (106, 'MPCFORCES'): 3, (108, 'MPCFORCES'): 3, (112, 'MPCFORCES'): 3, (129, 'MPCFORCES'): 3, #(144, 'MPCFORCES'): 3, (145, 'MPCFORCES'): 3, (146, 'MPCFORCES'): 3, (101, 'OLOAD'): 2, (103, 'OLOAD'): 2, (105, 'OLOAD'): 2, (106, 'OLOAD'): 2, (107, 'OLOAD'): 2, (108, 'OLOAD'): 2, (111, 'OLOAD'): 2, (112, 'OLOAD'): 2, (129, 'OLOAD'): 2, #(144, 'OLOAD'): 2, (145, 'OLOAD'): 2, (146, 'OLOAD'): 2, (101, 'SPCFORCES'): 3, (103, 'SPCFORCES'): 3, (105, 'SPCFORCES'): 3, (106, 'SPCFORCES'): 3, (107, 'SPCFORCES'): 3, (108, 'SPCFORCES'): 3, (110, 'SPCFORCES'): 3, (111, 'SPCFORCES'): 3, (112, 'SPCFORCES'): 3, (129, 'SPCFORCES'): 3, #(144, 'SPCFORCES'): 3, (145, 'SPCFORCES'): 3, (146, 'SPCFORCES'): 3, (101, 'STRAIN'): 5, # 5/20/21 ??? (105, 'STRAIN'): 5, (106, 'STRAIN'): 5, (107, 'STRAIN'): 5, (108, 'STRAIN'): 5, (110, 'STRAIN'): 5, (111, 'STRAIN'): 5, (112, 'STRAIN'): 5, (129, 'STRAIN'): 5, (145, 'STRAIN'): 5, (146, 'STRAIN'): 5, (101, 'STRESS'): 5, # 5/20/21 ??? (103, 'STRESS'): 5, (105, 'STRESS'): 5, (106, 'STRESS'): 5, (107, 'STRESS'): 5, (108, 'STRESS'): 5, (111, 'STRESS'): 5, (112, 'STRESS'): 5, (129, 'STRESS'): 5, (145, 'STRESS'): 5, (146, 'STRESS'): 5, (145, 'SVECTOR'): 14, (101, 'FLUX'): 4, (103, 'FLUX'): 4, (106, 'FLUX'): 4, (112, 'FLUX'): 4, (108, 'FLUX'): 4, (153, 'FLUX'): 4, (159, 'FLUX'): 4, (101, 'THERMAL'): 3, # 3/4 ??? (159, 'THERMAL'): 3, # 3/4 ??? (101, 'VELOCITY'): 10, (103, 'VELOCITY'): 10, (106, 'VELOCITY'): 10, (107, 'VELOCITY'): 10, (108, 'VELOCITY'): 10, (111, 'VELOCITY'): 10, (112, 'VELOCITY'): 10, (129, 'VELOCITY'): 10, #(144, 'VELOCITY'): 10, (145, 'VELOCITY'): 10, (146, 'VELOCITY'): 10, (101, 'VUGRID'): 10, } #print("key=%s" % str(key)) if key not in tables: raise KeyError(key) table_code = tables[key] return table_code
[docs]def get_sort_code(options, unused_value): """ Gets the sort code of a given set of options and value Parameters ---------- options : List[int/str] the options for a parameter unused_value : int; str the value of the parameter """ sort_code = 0 if 'COMPLEX' in options: sort_code += 1 if 'SORT2' in options: sort_code += 2 if 'RANDOM' in options: sort_code += 4 return sort_code
[docs]def get_format_code(options, unused_value): # type: (Any, Any) -> int """ Gets the format code that will be used by the op2 based on the options. Parameters ---------- options : list[int/float/str] the options for a parameter unused_value : int/float/str the value of the parameter .. todo:: not done...only supports REAL, IMAG, PHASE, not RANDOM """ format_code = 0 if 'REAL' in options: format_code += 1 if 'IMAG' in options: format_code += 2 if 'PHASE' in options: format_code += 4 format_code = max(format_code, 1) return format_code
[docs]def get_stress_code(key, options, unused_value): # type: (str, Dict[str, Any], Any) -> int """ Method get_stress_code: .. note:: the individual element must take the stress_code and reduce it to what the element can return. For example, for an isotropic CQUAD4 the fiber field doesnt mean anything. BAR - no von mises/fiber ISOTROPIC - no fiber .. todo:: how does the MATERIAL bit get turned on? I'm assuming it's element dependent... """ stress_code = 0 if 'VONMISES' in options: stress_code += 1 if key == 'STRAIN': stress_code += 10 # 2+8=10 - fields 2 and 4 if 'FIBER' in options: stress_code += 4 #if 'MATERIAL' in options: # stress_code += 16 material coord (1) vs element (0) return stress_code