Source code for pyNastran.bdf.utils

Defines various utilities including:
 - parse_patran_syntax
 - parse_patran_syntax_dict
 - Position
 - PositionWRT
 - TransformLoadWRT

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
from copy import deepcopy
from six import string_types
from typing import List, Union, Dict, Tuple, Optional

import numpy as np  # type: ignore
from numpy import unique, cross, dot, array  # type: ignore

from import collapse_colon_packs
from pyNastran.bdf.bdf_interface.utils import deprecated
from pyNastran.utils.numpy_utils import integer_types

[docs]def transform_load(F, M, cid, cid_new, model): """ Transforms a force/moment from an arbitrary coordinate system to another coordinate system. Parameters ---------- Fxyz : (3, ) float ndarray the force in an arbitrary coordinate system Mxyz : (3, ) float ndarray the moment in an arbitrary coordinate system cid : int the coordinate ID for xyz cid_new : int the desired coordinate ID model : BDF() the BDF model object Returns ------- Fxyz_local : (3, ) float ndarray the force in an arbitrary coordinate system Mxyz_local : (3, ) float ndarray the force in an arbitrary coordinate system """ if cid == cid_new: # same coordinate system return F, M # find the vector r for doing: # M = r x F cp_ref = _coord(model, cid) coord_to_ref = _coord(model, cid_new) r = cp_ref.origin - coord_to_ref.origin # change R-theta-z to xyz Fxyz_local_1 = cp_ref.coord_to_xyz(F) Mxyz_local_1 = cp_ref.coord_to_xyz(M) # pGlobal = pLocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 # pGlobal = pLocal2 * beta2 + porigin2 # pLocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 = pLocal2 * beta2 + porigin2 # plocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 - porigin2 = plocal2 * beta2 # (plocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 - porigin2) * beta2.T = plocal2 # # origin transforms only apply to nodes, so... # Fglobal = Flocal1 * beta1 # Flocal2 = (Flocal1 * beta1) * beta2.T Fxyz_global = dot(Fxyz_local_1, cp_ref.beta()) Fxyz_local_2 = dot(dot(Fxyz_local_1, cp_ref.beta()), coord_to_ref.beta().T) # find the moment about the new origin due to the force unused_Mxyz_global = cross(r, Fxyz_global) dMxyz_local_2 = cross(r, Fxyz_local_2) Mxyz_local_2 = Mxyz_local_1 + dMxyz_local_2 # rotate the delta moment into the local frame unused_M_local = coord_to_ref.xyz_to_coord(Mxyz_local_2) return Fxyz_local_2, Mxyz_local_2
[docs]def parse_patran_syntax(node_sets, pound=None): # type: (str, Optional[int]) -> np.ndarray """ Parses Patran's syntax for compressing nodes/elements Parameters ---------- node_sets : str the node_set to parse pound : int / str value : the pound value (e.g. # in 1:#, which means all) Returns ------- nodes : List[int] the integer values Patran has a short syntax of the form: +------------+----------------------+ | String | Output | +------------+----------------------+ |"1 2 3" | [1, 2, 3] | +------------+----------------------+ |"5:10" | [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] | +------------+----------------------+ |"12:20:2" | [12, 14, 16, 18, 20] | +------------+----------------------+ Examples -------- **Example 1** >>> node_sets = "1 2 3 5:10 12:20:2" >>> data = parse_patran_syntax(node_sets) >>> data data = [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20] **Example 2** >>> node_sets = "1 2 3:#" >>> data = parse_patran_syntax(node_sets, pound=10) >>> data data = [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] .. warning:: Don't include the n/node or e/element or any other identifier, just a string of "1 2 3 5:10 12:20:2". Use parse_patran_syntax_dict to consider the identifier. """ assert isinstance(node_sets, string_types), type(node_sets) if pound is not None: assert isinstance(pound, (string_types, integer_types)), type(pound) node_sets = node_sets.replace('#', str(pound).strip()) if len(node_sets) == 0: return array([], dtype='int32') snodes = node_sets.split() nodes = [] # type: List[int] for snode in snodes: _apply_comma_colon_int_node(nodes, snode) return unique(nodes)
def _apply_comma_colon_int_node(nodes, snode): """helper method for parse_patran_syntax""" if ',' in snode: comma_split_node = snode.split(',') for comma_node in comma_split_node: _apply_comma_colon_int_node(nodes, comma_node) elif ':' in snode: new_set = _apply_colon_set(snode) nodes += new_set else: nodes.append(int(snode)) def _apply_colon_set(snode): """helper method for parse_patran_syntax""" ssnode = snode.split(':') if len(ssnode) == 2: nmin = int(ssnode[0]) nmax = int(ssnode[1]) new_set = list(range(nmin, nmax + 1)) elif len(ssnode) == 3: nmin = int(ssnode[0]) nmax = int(ssnode[1]) delta = int(ssnode[2]) nmin, nmax = min([nmin, nmax]), max([nmin, nmax]) if delta > 0: new_set = list(range(nmin, nmax + 1, delta)) else: new_set = list(range(nmin, nmax + 1, -delta)) else: raise NotImplementedError(snode) return new_set
[docs]def write_patran_syntax_dict(dict_sets): # type: (Dict[str, np.ndarray]) -> str """ writes partran syntax Parameters ---------- dict_sets : Dict[str] = List[int] str : the key values : the integer values for that key Returns ------- node_sets : str the node_set to parse See ``parse_patran_syntax_dict`` for explanation of usage """ msg = '' for key, dict_set in sorted(dict_sets.items()): singles, doubles = collapse_colon_packs(dict_set, thru_split=4) double_list = ('%s:%s' % (double[0], double[2]) if len(double) == 3 else '%s:%s:%s' % (double[0], double[2], double[4]) for double in doubles) double_str = ' '.join(double_list) msg += '%s %s %s ' % ( key, ' '.join(str(single) for single in singles), double_str, ) assert '%' not in msg, msg return msg.strip().replace(' ', ' ')
[docs]def parse_patran_syntax_dict(node_sets, pound_dict=None, msg=''): # type: (str, Dict[str, Optional[int]], str) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray] """ Parses Patran's syntax for compressing nodes/elements Parameters ---------- node_sets : str the node_set to parse pound_dict : List[str] : int key : the string value : the pound value (e.g. 1:#) msg : str error message; currently unused Returns ------- nodes : Dict[str] = List[int] str : the key values : the integer values for that key Examples -------- **Example 1** >>> node_sets = "e 1:3 n 2:6:2 Node 10:13" >>> data = parse_patran_syntax_dict(node_sets) >>> data = { 'e' : [1, 2, 3], 'n' : [2, 4, 6], 'Node' : [10, 11, 12, 13], } **Example 2** >>> node_sets = "e 1:3 n 2:6:2 Node 10:#" # a pound character will be set to 20, but only for 'Node', but not # 'n' so define it twice if needed >>> pounds = {'Node' : 20} >>> data = parse_patran_syntax_dict(node_sets, pounds=pounds) >>> data = { 'e' : [1, 2, 3], 'n' : [2, 4, 6], 'Node' : [10, 11, 12, 13], } Notes ----- An identifier (e.g. "e") must be used. Use parse_patran_syntax to skip the identifier. .. warning:: case sensitive """ data = {} # type: Dict[str, List[int]] try: snodes = node_sets.split() except AttributeError: print('node_sets =', node_sets, type(node_sets)) raise except TypeError: print('node_sets =', node_sets, type(node_sets)) raise if pound_dict is None: pound_dict = {} key = None for snode in snodes: if ':' in snode: ssnode = snode.split(':') if len(ssnode) == 2: if ssnode[0].isdigit(): nmin = int(ssnode[0]) else: raise NotImplementedError('ssnode=%s must be int,int' % ssnode) if ssnode[1].isdigit(): nmax = int(ssnode[1]) elif ssnode[1] == '#' and key in pound_dict: nmax = int(pound_dict[key]) else: raise NotImplementedError('ssnode=%s must be int,int' % ssnode) new_set = list(range(nmin, nmax + 1)) elif len(ssnode) == 3: if ssnode[0].isdigit(): nmin = int(ssnode[0]) else: raise NotImplementedError('ssnode=%s must be int,int,int' % ssnode) if ssnode[1].isdigit(): nmax = int(ssnode[1]) elif ssnode[1] == '#' and key in pound_dict: nmax = int(pound_dict[key]) else: raise NotImplementedError('ssnode=%s must be int,int,int' % ssnode) delta = int(ssnode[2]) nmin, nmax = min([nmin, nmax]), max([nmin, nmax]) if delta > 0: new_set = list(range(nmin, nmax + 1, delta)) else: new_set = list(range(nmin, nmax + 1, -delta)) else: raise NotImplementedError(snode) if key is None: msg = 'data must be of the form "Node 10:13", not "10:13"\n' msg += 'new_set=%s' % array(new_set, dtype='int32') raise SyntaxError(msg) data[key] += new_set else: if snode.isdigit(): data[key].append(int(snode)) else: key = snode if key is None: msg = 'data must be of the form "Node 10:13", not "10:13"' raise SyntaxError(msg) if key not in data: data[key] = [] for key, ints in data.items(): data[key] = unique(ints) return data
[docs]def parse_patran_syntax_dict_map(node_sets, type_map, msg=''): # type: (str, Dict[str, str], str) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray] """ Parses Patran's syntax for compressing nodes/elements Parameters ---------- node_sets : str the node_set to parse type_map : dict[key_in] : key_out key_in : str the name of the input string key_out : str the name of the out string #pound_dict : List[str] : int #key : the string #value : the pound value (e.g. 1:#) msg : str error message; currently unused Returns ------- nodes : Dict[str] = List[int] str : the key values : the integer values for that key Examples -------- **Example 1** .. code-block:: python # we drop the coordinate systems because we didn't request them # (coord is not referenced) # >>> node_sets = "e 1:3 n 2:6:2 Node 10:13 N 15 coord 1:10" >>> type_map = { 'n' : 'Node', 'Node' : 'Node', 'e' : 'Element', 'Elm' : 'Element', 'Element' : 'Element', } **Example 2** >>> data = parse_patran_syntax_dict(node_sets, type_map) >>> data = { 'Element' : [1, 2, 3], 'Node' : [2, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15], } .. todo:: doesn't support pound_dict """ # makes it so we can pass in 'N' and 'n' and still get 'Node' out update_type_map = {} # type: Dict[str, str] for key, value in type_map.items(): if key in update_type_map: assert update_type_map[key] == value update_type_map[key.upper()] = value dict_in = parse_patran_syntax_dict(node_sets.upper(), pound_dict=None) dict_temp = {} # type: Dict[str, np.ndarray] for key_in, value in sorted(dict_in.items()): key_in2 = key_in.upper() if key_in2 in update_type_map: key_out = update_type_map[key_in2] #print('key_in=%r key_out=%r' % (key_in, key_out)) if key_out in dict_temp: dict_temp[key_out].append(value) else: dict_temp[key_out] = [value] else: print('skipping key=%r while parsing %s' % (key_in, msg)) dict_out = {} # type: Dict[str, np.ndarray] for key, value_list in dict_temp.items(): if len(value_list) == 1: value = value_list[0] else: value = np.hstack(value_list) value.sort() dict_out[key] = value return dict_out
[docs]def Position(xyz, cid, model, is_cid_int=None): """ Gets the point in the global XYZ coordinate system. Parameters ---------- xyz : (3,) ndarray the position of the GRID in an arbitrary coordinate system cid : int the coordinate ID for xyz model : BDF() the BDF model object is_cid_int : bool is cid/cid_new an integer or a Coord object (deprecated) Returns ------- xyz2 : (3,) ndarray the position of the GRID in an arbitrary coordinate system """ if is_cid_int is not None: # pragma: no cover deprecated('Position(xyz, cid, model, is_cid_int=%s)' % is_cid_int, 'Position(xyz, cid, model)', '1.2', levels=[-1]) cp_ref = _coord(model, cid) xyz2 = cp_ref.transform_node_to_global(xyz) return xyz2
[docs]def TransformLoadWRT(F, M, cid, cid_new, model, is_cid_int=None): """ Transforms a force/moment from an arbitrary coordinate system to another coordinate system. Parameters ---------- Fxyz : (3, ) float ndarray the force in an arbitrary coordinate system Mxyz : (3, ) float ndarray the moment in an arbitrary coordinate system cid : int the coordinate ID for xyz cid_new : int the desired coordinate ID model : BDF() the BDF model object is_cid_int : bool is cid/cid_new an integer or a Coord object (deprecated) Returns ------- Fxyz_local : (3, ) float ndarray the force in an arbitrary coordinate system Mxyz_local : (3, ) float ndarray the force in an arbitrary coordinate system """ if is_cid_int is not None: # pragma: no cover deprecated('TransformLoadWRT(F, M, cid, cid_new, model, is_cid_int=%s)' % is_cid_int, 'TransformLoadWRT(F, M, cid, cid_new, model)', '1.2', levels=[-1]) if cid == cid_new: # same coordinate system return F, M # find the vector r for doing: # M = r x F cp_ref = _coord(model, cid) coord_to_ref = _coord(model, cid_new) r = cp_ref.origin - coord_to_ref.origin # change R-theta-z to xyz Fxyz_local_1 = cp_ref.coord_to_xyz(F) Mxyz_local_1 = cp_ref.coord_to_xyz(M) # pGlobal = pLocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 # pGlobal = pLocal2 * beta2 + porigin2 # pLocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 = pLocal2 * beta2 + porigin2 # plocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 - porigin2 = plocal2 * beta2 # (plocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 - porigin2) * beta2.T = plocal2 # # origin transforms only apply to nodes, so... # Fglobal = Flocal1 * beta1 # Flocal2 = (Flocal1 * beta1) * beta2.T Fxyz_global = dot(Fxyz_local_1, cp_ref.beta()) Fxyz_local_2 = dot(dot(Fxyz_local_1, cp_ref.beta()), coord_to_ref.beta().T) # find the moment about the new origin due to the force Mxyz_global = cross(r, Fxyz_global) dMxyz_local_2 = cross(r, Fxyz_local_2) Mxyz_local_2 = Mxyz_local_1 + dMxyz_local_2 # rotate the delta moment into the local frame M_local = coord_to_ref.xyz_to_coord(Mxyz_local_2) return Fxyz_local_2, Mxyz_local_2
[docs]def PositionWRT(xyz, cid, cid_new, model, is_cid_int=None): """ Gets the location of the GRID which started in some arbitrary system and returns it in the desired coordinate system Parameters ---------- xyz : (3, ) float ndarray the position of the GRID in an arbitrary coordinate system cid : int the coordinate ID for xyz cid_new : int the desired coordinate ID model : BDF() the BDF model object is_cid_int : bool is cid/cid_new an integer or a Coord object (deprecated) Returns ------- xyz_local : (3, ) float ndarray the position of the GRID in an arbitrary coordinate system """ if is_cid_int is not None: # pragma: no cover deprecated('PositionWRT(xyz, cid, cid_new, model, is_cid_int=%s)' % is_cid_int, 'PositionWRT(xyz, cid, cid_new, model)', '1.2', levels=[-1]) if cid == cid_new: # same coordinate system return xyz cp_ref = _coord(model, cid) coord_to_ref = _coord(model, cid_new) if 0: # pragma: no cover # pGlobal = pLocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 # pGlobal = pLocal2 * beta2 + porigin2 # pLocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 = pLocal2 * beta2 + porigin2 # plocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 - porigin2 = plocal2 * beta2 # (plocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 - porigin2) * beta2.T = plocal2 # convert R-Theta-Z_1 to xyz_1 p1_local = cp_ref.coord_to_xyz(xyz) # transform xyz_1 to xyz_2 p2_local = dot( dot(p1_local, cp_ref.beta()) + cp_ref.origin - coord_to_ref.origin, coord_to_ref.beta().T) # convert xyz_2 to R-Theta-Z_2 xyz_local = coord_to_ref.xyz_to_coord(p2_local) else: # converting the xyz point arbitrary->global xyz_global = cp_ref.transform_node_to_global(xyz) # now converting it to the output coordinate system xyz_local = coord_to_ref.transform_node_to_local(xyz_global) return xyz_local
[docs]def split_eids_along_nids(model, eids, nids): """ Dissassociate a list of elements along a list of nodes. The expected use of this function is that you have two bodies that are incorrectly equivalenced and you would like to create duplicate nodes at the same location and associate the new nodes with one half of the elements. Pick the nodes along the line and the elements along one side of the line. Parameters ---------- model : BDF() the BDF model eids : list/tuple element ids to disassociate nids : list/tuple node ids to disassociate Implicitly returns model with additional nodes. Notes ----- xref should be set to False for this function. """ #assert model.xref == False, model.xref nid = max(model.nodes.keys()) + 1 nid_map = {} for nidi in nids: node = model.nodes[nidi] node2 = deepcopy(node) node2.nid = nid model.nodes[nid] = node2 nid_map[nidi] = nid nid += 1 for eid in eids: nodes = [] elem = model.elements[eid] for nidi in elem.nodes: if nidi in nid_map: nodes.append(nid_map[nidi]) else: nodes.append(nidi) assert len(np.unique(nodes)) == len(nodes), 'nodes=%s' % nodes elem.nodes = nodes
def _coord(model, cid): """helper method""" if isinstance(cid, integer_types): cp_ref = model.Coord(cid) else: cp_ref = cid return cp_ref