Source code for pyNastran.converters.cart3d.input_c3d_reader

from __future__ import print_function
from collections import defaultdict
from numpy import array, linspace, vstack
from import points_elements_from_quad_points
from cpylog import get_logger2

[docs]def read_input_c3d(input_c3d_filename, log=None, debug=False, stack=True): """ reads the input.c3d file >>> input_c3d_filename = 'bJet/input.c3d' >>> nodes, elements = read_input_c3d(input_c3d_filename) """ model = InputC3dReader(log=log, debug=debug) return model.read_input_c3d(input_c3d_filename, stack=stack)
[docs]class InputC3dReader(object): def __init__(self, log=None, debug=False): self.log = get_logger2(log, debug=debug)
[docs] def read_input_c3d(self, input_c3d_filename, stack=True): """reads the input.c3d file"""'reading input_c3d=%r' % input_c3d_filename) with open(input_c3d_filename, 'r') as c3d_filename: lines = c3d_filename.readlines() packs = defaultdict(list) is_comment = False for line in lines: line = line.strip() #print(is_comment, line) if '"' in line: is_comment = not is_comment continue if is_comment or line.startswith('+'): continue line = line.split('#')[0].strip() if not line: continue #if line[0].isalpha(): #print('# %s' % line) #continue self.log.debug('%r' % line) if len(line) > 2 and line[0].isdigit() and line[1] == '.': pack_key = int(line.split('.')[0]) else: pack_values = line.split() packs[pack_key].append(pack_values) for key, values in sorted(packs.items()): self.log.debug(str(key)) for value in values: self.log.debug(' %s' % value) self.log.debug(str(packs[1])) unused_geometry_filename = packs[1][0] xyz_size = [float(val) for val in packs[2][1]] xyz_dim = [int(val) for val in packs[3][0]] nodes, elements = self._create_nodes_elements(xyz_size, xyz_dim, stack=stack) return nodes, elements
def _create_nodes_elements(self, xyz_size, xyz_dim, stack=True): """helper for ``read_input_c3d``""" xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = xyz_size xdim, ydim, zdim = xyz_dim x = linspace(0., 1., num=xdim) y = linspace(0., 1., num=ydim) z = linspace(0., 1., num=zdim) self.log.debug(str(x)) # organized in x, y, z planes order planes = ( # yz # xmin, xmax ((xmin, ymin, zmin), (xmin, ymin, zmax), (xmin, ymax, zmax), (xmin, ymax, zmin), y, z), ((xmax, ymin, zmin), (xmax, ymin, zmax), (xmax, ymax, zmax), (xmax, ymax, zmin), y, z), # wrong ## xz # ymin, ymax ((xmin, ymin, zmin), (xmin, ymin, zmax), (xmax, ymin, zmax), (xmax, ymin, zmin), x, z), ((xmin, ymax, zmin), (xmin, ymax, zmax), (xmax, ymax, zmax), (xmax, ymax, zmin), x, z), # xy # zmin, zmax ((xmin, ymin, zmin), (xmin, ymax, zmin), (xmax, ymax, zmin), (xmax, ymin, zmin), x, y), ((xmin, ymin, zmax), (xmin, ymax, zmax), (xmax, ymax, zmax), (xmax, ymin, zmax), x, y), ) points = [] elements = [] nnodes = 0 for plane in planes: p1, p2, p3, p4, xi, yi = plane p1 = array(p1, dtype='float32') p2 = array(p2, dtype='float32') p3 = array(p3, dtype='float32') p4 = array(p4, dtype='float32') self.log.debug(str(plane[:1])) pointsi, elementsi = points_elements_from_quad_points(p1, p2, p3, p4, xi, yi) points.append(pointsi) if stack: elements.append(elementsi + nnodes) nnodes += pointsi.shape[0] else: elements.append(elementsi) #break #print(points) if stack: points = vstack(points) elements = vstack(elements) return points, elements