Source code for pyNastran.converters.cart3d.input_cntl_reader

from collections import OrderedDict
from cpylog import get_logger2

[docs]def read_input_cntl(input_cntl_filename, log=None, debug=False): cntl = InputCntlReader(log=log, debug=debug) cntl.read_input_cntl(input_cntl_filename) return cntl
[docs]class InputCntlReader(object): def __init__(self, log=None, debug=False): self.log = get_logger2(log, debug=debug)
[docs] def read_input_cntl(self, input_cntl_filename):'reading input_cntl=%r' % input_cntl_filename) with open(input_cntl_filename, 'r') as input_cntl: lines = input_cntl.readlines() self.sections = self._read_sections(lines) return self.sections
[docs] def get_flow_conditions(self): section = self.sections['Case_Information'] name, comment, table = section mach = None alpha = None beta = None gamma = None for line, commenti in table: sline = line.split() flow_type = sline[0] #Mach 0.84 # (double) #alpha 2.81 # (double) - angle of attach #beta 0.0 # (double) - sideslip Angle if flow_type == 'Mach': mach = float(sline[1]) elif flow_type == 'alpha': alpha = float(sline[1]) elif flow_type == 'beta': beta = float(sline[1]) elif flow_type == 'gamma': gamma = float(sline[1]) else: msg = 'flow_type=%r allowed=[Mach, alpha, beta, gamma]\nsline=%s' % ( flow_type, str(sline)) raise NotImplementedError(msg) return mach, alpha, beta, gamma
[docs] def get_post_processing(self): section = self.sections['Post_Processing'] name, comment, table = section imoment = 0 for line, commenti in table: sline = line.split() post_processing_type = sline[0] xslices = [] yslices = [] zslices = [] line_sensors = {} point_sensors = {} equivalent_area_sensors = {} if post_processing_type == 'Xslices': xslices += [float(val) for val in sline[1:]] elif post_processing_type == 'Yslices': yslices += [float(val) for val in sline[1:]] elif post_processing_type == 'Zslices': zslices += [float(val) for val in sline[1:]] elif post_processing_type == 'lineSensor': name = sline[1] assert len(sline) == 8, sline xyz1 = [float(val) for val in sline[2:5]] xyz2 = [float(val) for val in sline[5:]] assert len(xyz1) == 3, len(xyz1) assert len(xyz2) == 3, len(xyz2) line_sensors[name] = [name, xyz1, xyz2] elif post_processing_type == 'eaSensor': pass elif post_processing_type == 'pointSensor': name = sline[1] assert len(sline) == 5, sline xyz1 = [float(val) for val in sline[2:5]] assert len(xyz1) == 3, len(xyz1) point_sensors[name] = [name, xyz1] elif post_processing_type == 'Moment_Line': assert len(sline) == 7, sline xyz1 = [float(val) for val in sline[1:4]] xyz2 = [float(val) for val in sline[4:]] assert len(xyz1) == 3, len(xyz1) assert len(xyz2) == 3, len(xyz2) moment_lines[imoment] = [imoment, xyz1, xyz2] imoment += 1 else: raise NotImplementedError(post_processing_type)
[docs] def get_boundary_conditions(self): section = self.sections['Boundary_Conditions'] name, comment, table = section self.log.debug(str(table)) self.log.debug('-------') self.log.debug(str(table[0])) self.log.debug('-------*********') xline = table[0][0] self.log.debug(xline) yline = table[1][0] self.log.debug(yline) zline = table[2][0] self.log.debug(zline) xsline = None ysline = None zsline = None xyz_found = [False, False, False] surf_bcs = {} for line, commenti in table: sline = line.split() bc_type = sline[0] if bc_type == 'Dir_Lo_Hi': assert len(sline) == 4, 'Dir_Lo_Hi Error; sline=%s' % str(sline) xyzi = int(sline[1]) if xyzi == 0: xsline = [int(val) for val in xline.split()[2:]] elif xyzi == 1: ysline = [int(val) for val in yline.split()[2:]] elif xyzi == 2: zsline = [int(val) for val in zline.split()[2:]] else: raise RuntimeError(sline) assert xyz_found[xyzi] is False, xyz_found xyz_found[xyzi] = True elif bc_type == 'SurfBC': bc_id = int(sline[1]) # rho, xvel, yvel, zvel, press = values values = [float(val) for val in sline[2:]] if len(sline) != 7: msg = 'len(sline)=%s; expected 7; sline=%s' % (len(sline), sline) raise RuntimeError(msg) assert bc_id not in surf_bcs, 'bc_id=%i exists; keys=%s' % (bc_id, surf_bcs.keys()) surf_bcs[bc_id] = values else: raise NotImplementedError(sline) assert all(xyz_found) is True, xyz_found bcs = (xsline[0], xsline[1], ysline[0], ysline[1], zsline[0], zsline[1], surf_bcs) return bcs
def _read_sections(self, lines): name = 'Header' sections = OrderedDict() comment = '' data = [] for line in lines: line_strip = line.strip() if not line_strip: continue if line_strip.startswith('#'): comment += line.rstrip() + '\n' elif line_strip.startswith('$__'): sections[name] = [name, comment, data] #print(line_strip) if '#' in line_strip: linei, commenti = line_strip.split('#', 1) linei = linei.strip() else: linei = line_strip commenti = '' name = linei[3:-1] data = [] comment = '' if commenti: comment = commenti + '\n' elif '#' in line_strip: #print(line_strip) linei, commenti = line_strip.split('#', 1) if commenti: comment += commenti + '\n' if linei: data.append((linei, comment)) comment = '' else: data.append((line_strip, comment)) comment = '' sections[name] = [name, comment, data] for name, section in sections.items(): name, comment, data = section self.log.debug('name = %r' % name) if comment.strip() and 1: self.log.debug('comment = ') self.log.debug(comment) self.log.debug('*****') for (datai, commenti) in data: self.log.debug(datai) self.log.debug('#' * 80) return sections
[docs]def main(): # pragma: no cover input_cntl_filename = r'F:\work\pyNastran\pyNastran\master2\pyNastran\converters\cart3d\models\bJet\input.cntl' cntl = InputCntlReader() sections = cntl.read_input_cntl(input_cntl_filename)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover main()