Source code for pyNastran.converters.stl.stl

#pylint:  disable=C0111
from __future__ import print_function
import copy
from struct import unpack, Struct, pack
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
import scipy

from cpylog import get_logger2
from pyNastran.utils import is_binary_file

[docs]def read_stl(stl_filename, remove_elements_with_bad_normals=False, log=None, debug=False): """ Reads an STL file Parameters ---------- stl_filename : str the filename to read remove_elements_with_bad_normals : bool; default=False removes elements with NAN normal Returns ------- model : STL() the stl model """ model = STL(log=log, debug=debug) model.read_stl(stl_filename) if remove_elements_with_bad_normals: model.remove_elements_with_bad_normals() return model
[docs]class STL(object): #model_type = 'stl' #is_structured = False #is_outward_normals = True def __init__(self, log=None, debug=False): """ Initializes the STL object Parameters ---------- debug : bool/None; default=True used to set the logger if no logger is passed in True: logs debug/info/error messages False: logs info/error messages None: logs error messages log : logging module object / None if log is set, debug is ignored and uses the settings the logging object has """ self.log = get_logger2(log, debug=debug) self.nodes = None self.elements = None self.header = '' self.infilename = None
[docs] def write_stl(self, stl_out_filename, is_binary=False, float_fmt='%6.12f', normalize_normal_vectors=False, stop_on_failure=True): """ Writes an STL file Parameters ---------- stl_out_filename : str the filename to write is_binary : bool; default=False should a binary file be written float_fmt : str; default='%6.12f' the format to use if an ASCII file is used normalize_normal_vectors : bool; default=False should the vectors be normalized """"---writing STL...%r---" % stl_out_filename) self._validate() solid_name = 'dummy_name' if is_binary: self.write_binary_stl(stl_out_filename, normalize_normal_vectors=normalize_normal_vectors, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure) else: self.write_stl_ascii(stl_out_filename, solid_name, float_fmt=float_fmt, normalize_normal_vectors=normalize_normal_vectors, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure)
[docs] def read_stl(self, stl_filename): """ Reads an STL file Parameters ---------- stl_filename : str the filename to read """ self.infilename = stl_filename"---reading STL...%r---" % self.infilename) if is_binary_file(stl_filename): self.read_binary_stl(stl_filename) else: self.read_ascii_stl(stl_filename)"nodes=%s nelements=%s" % (self.nodes, self.nelements)) #assert self.nodes > 0, 'nodes=%s' % self.nodes #assert self.nelements > 0, 'nelements=%s' % self.nelements
[docs] def write_binary_stl(self, stl_filename, normalize_normal_vectors=False, stop_on_failure=True): """ Write an STL binary file Parameters ---------- stl_filename : str the filename to read normalize_normal_vectors : bool; default=False should the vectors be normalized """ self._validate() with open(stl_filename, 'wb') as infile: if hasattr(self, 'header'): self.header.ljust(80, '\0') header = '%-80s' % self.header[:80] else: header = '%-80s' % stl_filename[:80] infile.write(pack(b'80s', header.encode('ascii'))) #avector = [0., 0., 0.] #bvector = [0., 0., 0.] #cvector = [0., 0., 0.] nelements = self.elements.shape[0] infile.write(pack('i', nelements)) elements = self.elements p1 = self.nodes[elements[:, 0], :] p2 = self.nodes[elements[:, 1], :] p3 = self.nodes[elements[:, 2], :] avector = p2 - p1 bvector = p3 - p1 n = np.cross(avector, bvector) del avector, bvector if normalize_normal_vectors: normals_norm = np.linalg.norm(n, axis=1) inotnan = np.where(normals_norm != 0.)[0] inan = np.where(normals_norm == 0.)[0] n[inan, :] = np.nan n[inotnan, :] /= normals_norm[inotnan, np.newaxis] s = Struct('12fH') for eid, unused_element in enumerate(elements): data = s.pack(n[eid, 0], n[eid, 1], n[eid, 2], p1[eid, 0], p1[eid, 1], p1[eid, 2], p2[eid, 0], p2[eid, 1], p2[eid, 2], p3[eid, 0], p3[eid, 1], p3[eid, 2], 0) infile.write(data)
[docs] def read_binary_stl(self, stl_filename): """ Read an STL binary file Parameters ---------- stl_filename : str the filename to read """ with open(stl_filename, 'rb') as infile: data = ndata = len(data) j = 0 while j < ndata:' read_binary_stl: j=%s ndata=%s' % (j, ndata)) self.header = data[j:j+80] nelements, = unpack('i', data[j+80:j+84]) j += 84 inode = 0 nodes_dict = {} assert nelements > 0, 'nelements=%s' % nelements elements = np.zeros((nelements, 3), 'int32') s = Struct('12fH') for ielement in range(nelements): (unused_nx, unused_ny, unused_nz, ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz, unused_i) = s.unpack(data[j:j+50]) t1 = (ax, ay, az) t2 = (bx, by, bz) t3 = (cx, cy, cz) if t1 in nodes_dict: i1 = nodes_dict[t1] else: i1 = inode nodes_dict[t1] = inode inode += 1 if t2 in nodes_dict: i2 = nodes_dict[t2] else: i2 = inode nodes_dict[t2] = inode inode += 1 if t3 in nodes_dict: i3 = nodes_dict[t3] else: i3 = inode nodes_dict[t3] = inode inode += 1 elements[ielement] = [i1, i2, i3] j += 50 assert inode > 0, inode nnodes = inode + 1 # accounting for indexing self.elements = elements nodes = np.zeros((nnodes, 3), 'float64') for node, inode in nodes_dict.items(): nodes[inode] = node self.nodes = nodes
def _get_normals_data(self, elements): """ This is intended as a submethod to help handle the problem of bad normals """ nodes = self.nodes #self.log.debug("get_normals...elements.shape %s" % str(elements.shape)) p1 = nodes[elements[:, 0]] p2 = nodes[elements[:, 1]] p3 = nodes[elements[:, 2]] v12 = p2 - p1 v13 = p3 - p1 v123 = np.cross(v12, v13) normals_norm = np.linalg.norm(v123, axis=1) inan = np.where(normals_norm == 0.)[0] return v123, normals_norm, inan
[docs] def remove_elements_with_bad_normals(self): """removes dot and line elements""" elements = self.elements v123, normals_norm, inan = self._get_normals_data(elements) if len(inan): inotnan = np.where(normals_norm != 0)[0] self.elements = elements[inotnan, :] normals_norm = normals_norm[inotnan] v123 = v123[inotnan]'removing %i elements with coincident nodes' % len(inan)) normals = v123 normals[:, 0] /= normals_norm normals[:, 1] /= normals_norm normals[:, 2] /= normals_norm return normals
[docs] def get_area(self, elements, stop_on_failure=True): unused_v123, normals_norm, inan = self._get_normals_data(elements) if stop_on_failure: msg = 'Failed Elements: %s\n' % inan if len(inan) > 0: for inani in inan: msg += ' eid=%s nodes=%s\n' % (inani, elements[inani, :]) for ni in elements[inani]: msg += ' nid=%s node=%s\n' % (ni, self.nodes[ni, :]) raise RuntimeError(msg) return 0.5 * normals_norm
[docs] def get_normals(self, elements, stop_on_failure=True): """ Parameters ---------- elements : (n, 3) ndarray ints the elements to get the normals for nodes : (n, ) ndarray; default=None -> all a subset of the nodes stop_on_failure : bool (default=True) True: crash if there are coincident points False: delete elements """ nodes = self.nodes v123, normals_norm, inan = self._get_normals_data(elements) if stop_on_failure: msg = 'Failed Elements: %s\n' % inan if len(inan) > 0: for ifail, inani in enumerate(inan): msg += ' eid=%s nodes=%s\n' % (inani, elements[inani, :]) for ni in elements[inani]: msg += ' nid=%s node=%s\n' % (ni, nodes[ni, :]) if ifail > 10: break msg += 'Failed Elements: %s; n=%s\n' % (inan, len(inan)) raise RuntimeError(msg) # we need to divide our (n,3) array in 3 steps normals = v123 # / normals_norm normals[:, 0] /= normals_norm normals[:, 1] /= normals_norm normals[:, 2] /= normals_norm else: inotnan = np.where(normals_norm != 0.)[0] #inan = np.where(normals_norm == 0.)[0] if len(inan): #normals_norm[inan] = np.array([1., 0., 0.]) normals_norm[inan] = 1. #normals_norm[inan, [1,2]] = 0. #elements = elements[inotnan, :] #normals_norm = normals_norm[inotnan] #v123 = v123[inotnan] # we need to divide our (n,3) array in 3 steps if 0: normals = v123 # / normals_norm normals[:, 0] /= normals_norm normals[:, 1] /= normals_norm normals[:, 2] /= normals_norm normals[inan, :] = -1.01 else: normals = v123 # / normals_norm normals[inotnan, 0] /= normals_norm[inotnan] normals[inotnan, 1] /= normals_norm[inotnan] normals[inotnan, 2] /= normals_norm[inotnan] return normals
[docs] def flip_normals(self, i=None): """ Flips the normals of the specified elements. Parameters ---------- i : (n, ) ndarray ints; default=None -> all the indicies to flip """"---flip_normals---") if i is None: elements = self.elements else: elements = self.elements[i, :] n0, n1, n2 = elements[:, 0], elements[:, 1], elements[:, 2] elements2 = elements.copy() elements2[:, 0] = n0 elements2[:, 1] = n2 elements2[:, 2] = n1 if i is None: self.elements = elements2 else: self.elements[i, :] = elements2 #[i, :]
[docs] def get_normals_at_nodes(self, normals=None, nid_to_eid=None): """ Calculates the normal vector of the nodes based on the average element normal. Parameters ---------- normals : (n, 3) ndarray floats The elemental normals nid_to_eid : Dict[int] = [int, int, ... ] key = node_id value = list of element_ids Returns ------- normals_at_nodes : (nnodes, 3) ndarray ints the normals """ elements = self.elements nodes = self.nodes if normals is None: normals = self.get_normals(elements) if nid_to_eid is None: nid_to_eid = defaultdict(list) eid = 0 for (n1, n2, n3) in elements: nid_to_eid[n1].append(eid) nid_to_eid[n2].append(eid) nid_to_eid[n3].append(eid) eid += 1 del eid, n1, n2, n3 normals_at_nodes = np.zeros(nodes.shape, 'float64') eid = 0 for nid, elementsi in nid_to_eid.items(): pe = normals[elementsi] m = pe.mean(axis=0) normals_at_nodes[nid] = m / np.linalg.norm(m) eid += 1 return normals_at_nodes
[docs] def equivalence_nodes(self, tol=1e-5): """equivalences the nodes of the model and updates the elements""" nnodes = self.nodes.shape[0] # build the kdtree kdt = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(self.nodes) # find the node ids of interest nids_new = np.unique(self.elements.ravel()) nids_new.sort() # check the closest 10 nodes for equality unused_deq, ieq = kdt.query(self.nodes[nids_new, :], k=10, distance_upper_bound=tol) # get the ids of the duplicate nodes slots = np.where(ieq[:, 1:] < nnodes) replacer = np.unique(ieq[slots]) # update the duplcated node id with it's partner # we'll pick the minimum ID for r in replacer: ip = np.where(ieq[r, :] < nnodes)[0] possible = ieq[r, ip] # node 11 can become node 10, but node 10 cannot become node 11 ip2 = np.where(r > possible)[0] if len(ip2): # replace the node ids possible2 = possible[ip2] r_new_nid = possible2.min() ireplace = np.where(self.elements == r) self.elements[ireplace] = r_new_nid
def _validate(self): assert len(self.nodes) > 0, 'No nodes were found in the model' assert len(self.elements) > 0, 'No nodes were found in the model'
[docs] def write_stl_ascii(self, out_filename, solid_name, float_fmt='%.6f', normalize_normal_vectors=False, stop_on_failure=True): """ Writes an STL in ASCII format solid solid_name facet normal -6.601157e-001 6.730213e-001 3.336009e-001 outer loop vertex 8.232952e-002 2.722531e-001 1.190414e+001 vertex 8.279775e-002 2.717848e-001 1.190598e+001 vertex 8.557653e-002 2.745033e-001 1.190598e+001 endloop endfacet end solid """"---write_stl_ascii...%r---" % out_filename) self._validate() noormal_format = ' facet normal %s %s %s\n' % (float_fmt, float_fmt, float_fmt) vertex_format = ' vertex %s %s %s\n' % (float_fmt, float_fmt, float_fmt) msg = 'solid %s\n' % solid_name normals = self.get_normals(self.elements, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure) nodes = self.nodes elements = self.elements with open(out_filename, 'w') as out: out.write(msg) for element, normal in zip(elements, normals): try: p1, p2, p3 = nodes[element] except IndexError: print(element) raise #msg += ' facet normal -6.601157e-001 6.730213e-001 3.336009e-001\n' msg = noormal_format % tuple(normal) msg += ' outer loop\n' msg += vertex_format % tuple(p1) msg += vertex_format % tuple(p2) msg += vertex_format % tuple(p3) msg += ' endloop\n' msg += ' endfacet\n' #print(msg) out.write(msg) msg = 'endsolid\n' out.write(msg)
[docs] def read_ascii_stl(self, stl_filename): """ Reads an STL that's in ASCII format """ with open(stl_filename, 'r') as infile: line = infile.readline() inode = 0 ielement = 0 nodes_dict = {} elements = [] while line: if 'solid' in line[:6].lower(): line = infile.readline() # facet while 'facet' in line.strip()[:5].lower(): #facet normal -6.665299e-001 6.795624e-001 3.064844e-001 # outer loop # vertex 8.142845e-002 2.731541e-001 1.190024e+001 # vertex 8.186898e-002 2.727136e-001 1.190215e+001 # vertex 8.467505e-002 2.754588e-001 1.190215e+001 # endloop #endfacet infile.readline() # outer loop L1 = infile.readline().strip() L2 = infile.readline().strip() L3 = infile.readline().strip() v1 = L1.split()[1:] v2 = L2.split()[1:] v3 = L3.split()[1:] infile.readline() # endloop infile.readline() # endfacet t1 = tuple(v1) t2 = tuple(v2) t3 = tuple(v3) assert len(v1) == 3, '%r' % L1 assert len(v2) == 3, '%r' % L2 assert len(v3) == 3, '%r' % L3 if t1 in nodes_dict: i1 = nodes_dict[t1] else: i1 = inode nodes_dict[t1] = inode inode += 1 if t2 in nodes_dict: i2 = nodes_dict[t2] else: i2 = inode nodes_dict[t2] = inode inode += 1 if t3 in nodes_dict: i3 = nodes_dict[t3] else: i3 = inode nodes_dict[t3] = inode inode += 1 element = [i1, i2, i3] elements.append(element) ielement += 1 line = infile.readline() # facet #print "end of solid..." elif 'endsolid' in line.lower(): line = infile.readline() elif line.strip() == '': line = infile.readline() else: self.log.error(line) #line = f.readline() raise NotImplementedError('multiple solids are not supported; line=%r' % line) #break assert inode > 0, inode nnodes = inode + 1 # accounting for indexing self.elements = np.array(elements, 'int32') nodes = np.zeros((nnodes, 3), 'float64') for node, inode in nodes_dict.items(): nodes[inode] = node self.nodes = nodes
[docs] def scale_nodes(self, xscale, yscale=None, zscale=None): """ Scales the model Parameters ---------- xscale : float the scaling factor for the x axis; also the default scaling factor yscale/zscale : float; default=xscale the scaling factors for the y/z axes """ if yscale is None: yscale = xscale if zscale is None: zscale = xscale self.nodes[:, 0] *= xscale self.nodes[:, 1] *= yscale self.nodes[:, 2] *= zscale
[docs] def shift_nodes(self, xshift, yshift, zshift): """Shifts the model""" self.nodes[:, 0] += xshift self.nodes[:, 1] += yshift self.nodes[:, 2] += zshift
[docs] def flip_axes(self, axes, scale): """ Swaps the axes Parameters ---------- axes : str 'xy', 'yz', 'xz' scale : float why is this here, but is not applied to all axes? """ if axes == 'xy': x = copy.deepcopy(self.nodes[:, 0]) y = copy.deepcopy(self.nodes[:, 1]) self.nodes[:, 0] = y * scale self.nodes[:, 1] = x * scale elif axes == 'yz': y = copy.deepcopy(self.nodes[:, 1]) z = copy.deepcopy(self.nodes[:, 2]) self.nodes[:, 1] = z * scale self.nodes[:, 2] = y * scale elif axes == 'xz': x = copy.deepcopy(self.nodes[:, 0]) z = copy.deepcopy(self.nodes[:, 2]) self.nodes[:, 0] = z * scale self.nodes[:, 2] = x * scale
[docs] def create_mirror_model(self, xyz, tol): """ Creates a mirror model. Parameters ---------- xyz : str {x, y, z} the direction of symmetry tol: float the tolerance for symmetry plane nodes .. note:: All elements on the symmetry plane will be removed """ assert xyz in ['x', 'y', 'z'], 'xyz=%r' % xyz assert tol >= 0.0, 'tol=%s' % tol nnodes = self.nodes.shape[0] if xyz == 'x': xyzi = 0 elif xyz == 'y': xyzi = 1 elif xyz == 'z': xyzi = 2 else: raise RuntimeError(xyz) # the nodes on the symmetry plane i = np.where(self.nodes[:, xyzi] < tol)[0] # smash the symmetry nodes to 0.0 self.nodes[i, xyzi] = 0. nodes_sym = copy.deepcopy(self.nodes) nodes_sym[:, xyzi] *= -1. # we're lazy and duplicating all the nodes # but will only write out a subset of them nodes = np.vstack([self.nodes, nodes_sym]) # create the symmetrical elements elements2 = [] elements3 = [] for element in self.elements: # the 3 "y" locations for the element epoints = nodes[element, xyzi] # [0] je = np.where(epoints <= tol)[0] if len(je) < 3: # not a symmetry element, so we save it elements2.append(element) # duplicate the node if it's not on the symmetry plane element3 = [elementi if elementi in i else (elementi + nnodes) for elementi in element] # the normal is now backwards, so we flip it element3.reverse() elements3.append(element3) self.nodes = nodes self.elements = np.array(elements2 + elements3, dtype='int32')
def _rotate_model(stl): # pragma: no cover nodes = stl.nodes elements = stl.elements if 0: # rotate the model x, y, z = nodes[:, 0], nodes[:, 1], nodes[:, 2] #i = where(y > 0.0)[0] R = x**2 + y**2 theta = np.arctan2(y, x) iRz = np.where(R == 0)[0] theta[iRz] = 0.0 min_theta = min(theta) unused_dtheta = max(theta) - np.pi / 4 theta2 = theta + min_theta x2 = R * np.cos(theta2) y2 = R * np.sin(theta2) #print("x.shape", x.shape, y2.shape) nodes_rotated = np.transpose(np.vstack([x2, y2, z])) #print("nodes.shape", nodes_rotated.shape) #print(nodes_rotated) if 0: # project the volume (unused_nodes2, unused_elements2) = stl.project_mesh(nodes_rotated, elements) # write the model stl_geom_out = 'rotated.stl' stl.write_stl_ascii(stl_geom_out, 'sphere') if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover from pyNastran.converters.stl.stl_reshape import main main()