Source code for pyNastran.converters.tecplot.tecplot_to_cart3d

 - tecplot_to_cart3d_filename(tecplot_filename, cart3d_filename, debug=True)
 - tecplot_to_cart3d(tecplot_filename, cart3d_filename=None, debug=True)

import numpy as np
#from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.remove_unused import remove_unassociated_nodes
from pyNastran.converters.tecplot.tecplot import read_tecplot
from pyNastran.converters.cart3d.cart3d import Cart3D

[docs]def tecplot_to_cart3d_filename(tecplot_filename, cart3d_filename, debug=True): """Converts a Tecplot file to Cart3d.""" return tecplot_to_cart3d(tecplot_filename, cart3d_filename, debug=debug)
[docs]def tecplot_to_cart3d(tecplot_filename, cart3d_filename=None, debug=True): """ Converts a Tecplot file to Cart3d. It's assumed that quads are actually degenerate triangles """ if isinstance(tecplot_filename, str): model = read_tecplot(tecplot_filename, debug=debug) else: model = tecplot_filename if len(model.tri_elements) and len(model.quad_elements): tris = np.vstack([ model.tri_elements, model.quad_elements[:, :3], ]) elif len(model.tri_elements): tris = model.tri_elements elif len(model.quad_elements): tris = model.quad_elements[:, :3] else: raise NotImplementedError('need quads/tris') npoints =[0] nelements = tris.shape[0] assert tris.shape[1] == 3, tris.shape #print('npoints=%s nelements=%s' % (npoints, nelements)) #removed_nodes = False regions = np.zeros(nelements, dtype='int32') ones_float = np.ones(npoints, dtype='float64') cart3d_model = Cart3D() cart3d_model.points = cart3d_model.regions = regions cart3d_model.elements = tris + 1 assert npoints > 0, npoints headers_no_xyz = model.variables[3:] # drop the xyz, get what's left if 'cp' in headers_no_xyz: iCp = headers_no_xyz.index('cp') cp = model.results[:, iCp] assert len(cp) == npoints cart3d_model.loads = { 'Cp' : cp, # nodal Cp 'rho' : ones_float, 'rhoU' : ones_float, 'rhoV' : ones_float, 'rhoW' : ones_float, 'E' : ones_float, } else: model.log.debug('skipping Cp') if cart3d_filename is not None: cart3d_model.write_cart3d(cart3d_filename) return cart3d_model
[docs]def main(): # pragma: no cover """runs the test problem""" tecplot_filename2 = r'PressureMapping\point_fmt.dat' cart3d_filename2 = 'wing.tri' tecplot_to_cart3d_filename(tecplot_filename2, cart3d_filename2, debug=True)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover main()