Source code for pyNastran.op2.export_to_vtk

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import print_function#, unicode_literals

from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import BDF
from pyNastran.op2.op2 import OP2
from numpy import zeros, searchsorted, arange

#def pack_nodes(fmt, data):
    #return ''

[docs]def pack_int_array(fmt, data): return ' '.join([str(val) for val in data]) + '\n'
[docs]def pack_float_1d_array(fmt, data): return ' '.join([str(val) for val in data.ravel()]) + '\n'
[docs]def pack_float_3d_array(fmt, data): msg = '' for datai in data[0, :, :]: msgi = '' for dataii in datai: msgi += '%s ' % dataii msg += msgi[:-1] + '\n' return msg #+ '\n\n'
[docs]def pack_float_2d_array(fmt, data): msg = '' for datai in data: msgi = '' for dataii in datai: msgi += '%s ' % dataii msg += msgi[:-1] + '\n' return msg #+ '\n'
#def pack(fmt, data): # return ''
[docs]def export_to_vtk(model): bdf_filename = model + '.bdf' op2_filename = model + '.op2' vtk_filename = model + '.vtk' export_to_vtk_filename(bdf_filename, op2_filename, vtk_filename)'finished exporting %s' % vtk_filename)
[docs]def export_to_vtk_filename(bdf_filename, op2_filename, vtk_filename, debug=False, log=None): with open(vtk_filename, 'w') as vtk_file: vtk_file.write('# vtk DataFile Version 3.1\n') vtk_file.write('created by pyNastran\n') #vtk_file.write('BINARY\n') vtk_file.write('ASCII\n') vtk_file.write('DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID\n') etype_map = { # line 'CDAMP1' : 3, 'CDAMP2' : 3, 'CDAMP3' : 3, 'CDAMP4' : 3, 'CELAS1' : 3, 'CELAS2' : 3, 'CELAS3' : 3, 'CELAS4' : 3, 'CBAR' : 3, 'CBEAM' : 3, 'CROD' : 3, 'CONROD' : 3, 'CTUBE' : 3, 'CTRIA3' : 5, # triangle 'CQUAD4' : 9, # quad 'CSHEAR' : 9, # quad # quadratic 'CTRIA6' : 22, # quadratic triangle #'CQUAD8' : 23/28/30, 'CTETRA' : 10, 'CPENTA' : 13, # wedge 'CPYRAM' : 14, 'CHEXA' : 12, # hex # quadratic solids #'CTETRA' : 64, #'CPENTA' : 65, # wedge #'CPYRAM' : 66, #'CHEXA' : 67, # hex } bdf = BDF(debug=debug, log=log) bdf.read_bdf(bdf_filename) op2 = OP2(debug=debug, log=log) op2.read_op2(op2_filename) out = bdf.get_card_ids_by_card_types() #print('cards = [', ', '.join(sorted(out.keys())), ']') grids = sorted(out['GRID']) spoint = sorted(out['SPOINT']) epoint = sorted(out['EPOINT']) ngrid = len(grids) nspoint = len(spoint) nepoint = len(epoint) nnodes = ngrid + nspoint + nepoint ncrod = len(out['CROD']) nconrod = len(out['CONROD']) nctube = len(out['CTUBE']) ncbeam = len(out['CBEAM']) ncbar = len(out['CBAR']) nline = ncrod + nconrod + nctube + ncbeam + ncbar ncelas1 = len(out['CELAS1']) ncelas2 = len(out['CELAS2']) ncelas3 = len(out['CELAS3']) ncelas4 = len(out['CELAS4']) ncdamp1 = len(out['CDAMP1']) ncdamp2 = len(out['CDAMP2']) ncdamp3 = len(out['CDAMP3']) ncdamp4 = len(out['CDAMP4']) n0d = (ncelas1 + ncelas2 + ncelas3 + ncelas4 + ncdamp1 + ncdamp2 + ncdamp3 + ncdamp4) nctria3 = len(out['CTRIA3']) ncquad4 = len(out['CQUAD4']) nctria6 = len(out['CTRIA6']) ncquad8 = len(out['CQUAD8']) ncshear = len(out['CSHEAR']) nshell = nctria3 + ncquad4 + nctria6 + ncquad8 + ncshear nctetra4 = len(out['CTETRA']) ncpyram5 = len(out['CPYRAM']) ncpenta6 = len(out['CPENTA']) nchexa8 = len(out['CHEXA']) nctetra10 = 0 ncpyram8 = 0 ncpenta15 = 0 nchexa20 = 0 nsolid = (nctetra4 + ncpyram5 + ncpenta6 + nchexa8 + nctetra10 + ncpyram8 + ncpenta15 + nchexa20) #nelements = n0d + nline + nshell + nsolid nelements = 0 etypes = [ 'CELAS1', 'CELAS2', 'CELAS3', 'CELAS4', 'CDAMP1', 'CDAMP2', 'CDAMP3', 'CDAMP4', 'CROD', 'CONROD', 'CTUBE', 'CBAR', 'CBEAM', 'CFAST', 'CBUSH', 'CBUSH1D', 'CBUSH2D', 'CTRIA3', 'CQUAD4', 'CTRIA6', 'CQUAD8', 'CSHEAR', 'CTETRA', 'CPENTA', 'CPYRAM', 'CHEXA', ] assert len(etypes) == len(set(etypes)), 'there are duplicate etypes' for etype in etypes: if etype in out: ne = len(out[etype]) nelements += ne nproperties = nelements bdf_nelements = bdf.nelements # SPOINT & EPOINT are implicitly defined xyz_cid0 = zeros((nnodes, 3), dtype='float32') nids = zeros(nnodes, dtype='float32') for i, nid in enumerate(grids): xyz_cid0[i, :] = bdf.nodes[nid].get_position() nids[:ngrid] = grids if nspoint: nids[i:i+nspoint] = spoint if nepoint: nids[i+nspoint:] = epoint nid_fmt = '%ii' % nnodes xyz_fmt = '%ii' % (nnodes * 3) vtk_file.write('POINTS %i float\n' % nnodes) vtk_file.write(pack_float_2d_array(xyz_fmt, xyz_cid0)) nelements = n0d + nline + nshell + nsolid nmaterials = nelements eid_fmt = '%ii' % nelements eids = zeros(nelements, dtype='int32') cell_types = zeros(nelements, dtype='int32') pids = zeros(nelements, dtype='int32') mids = zeros(nelements, dtype='int32') # we'll add 1 to the slot count of each # so for a single CROD, it has 2 nodes and 1 extra value (to indicate it's a line) # for a total of 3 nline_slots = nline * 3 nshell_slots = 4 * nctria3 + 5 * (ncquad4 + ncshear) + 7 * nctria6 + 9 * ncquad8 nsolid_slots = 5 * nctetra4 + 6 * ncpyram5 + 7 * ncpenta6 + 9 * nchexa8 bdf.log.debug('nline=%s nshell=%s nsolid=%s' % (nline, nshell, nsolid)) assert nelements == bdf_nelements, 'nelements=%s bdf.nelements=%s card_count=\n%s' % ( nelements, bdf_nelements, bdf.card_count) nelements_slots = nline_slots + nshell_slots + nsolid_slots i = 0 vtk_file.write('CELLS %i %i\n' % (nelements, nelements_slots)) for eid, elem in sorted(bdf.elements.items()): etype = etype_map[elem.type] nids2 = searchsorted(nids, elem.node_ids) nnodesi = len(nids2) vtk_file.write('%i %s\n' % (nnodesi, str(nids2)[1:-1])) if elem.type in ['CTETRA', 'CPENTA', 'CHEXA', 'CPYRAM', 'CBEAM', 'CROD', 'CBAR']: pid = elem.Pid() mid = elem.Mid() elif elem.type in ['CELAS1', 'CELAS2', 'CELAS3', 'CELAS4', 'CDAMP1', 'CDAMP2', 'CDAMP3', 'CDAMP4', 'CBUSH', 'CFAST']: pid = elem.Pid() mid = 0 elif elem.type in ['CQUAD4', 'CQUAD8', 'CQUADX', 'CQUADX8', 'CQUAD', 'CTRIA3', 'CTRIA6', 'CTRIAX', 'CTRIAX6', 'CSHEAR']: pid = elem.Pid() prop = elem.pid_ref if prop.type in ['PCOMP', 'PCOMPG']: mid = prop.Mid(0) elif prop.type in ['PSHELL']: mid = prop.Mid1() elif prop.type in ['PSHEAR']: mid = prop.Mid() else: raise NotImplementedError(prop) elif elem.type in ['CONROD']: pid = 0 mid = elem.Mid() else: raise NotImplementedError(elem) eids[i] = eid pids[i] = pid mids[i] = mid cell_types[i] = etype i += 1 assert nelements == bdf_nelements, 'i=%s nelements=%s bdf.nelements=%s' % (i, nelements, bdf_nelements) #vtk_file.write('\n') vtk_file.write('CELL_TYPES %i\n' % nelements) vtk_file.write(pack_int_array(eid_fmt, cell_types)) vtk_file.write('\n') vtk_file.write('POINT_DATA %i\n' % nnodes) vtk_file.write('NodeID %i float\n' % nnodes) vtk_file.write(pack_int_array(nid_fmt, nids)) fmt = '%si' % nelements if nelements: vtk_file.write('ElementID %i float\n' % nelements) vtk_file.write(pack_int_array(eid_fmt, eids)) if nproperties: vtk_file.write('PropertyID %i float\n' % nproperties) vtk_file.write(pack_int_array(eid_fmt, pids)) if nmaterials: vtk_file.write('MaterialID %i float\n' % nmaterials) vtk_file.write(pack_int_array(eid_fmt, mids)) nodal_cases = [op2.eigenvectors, op2.displacements, op2.velocities, op2.accelerations] fmt = '%sf' % (nnodes * 6) for cases in nodal_cases: keys = list(cases.keys()) if not keys: continue key0 = keys[0] #print(key0) node_ids = cases[key0].node_gridtype[:, 0] if nnodes == len(node_ids): # every node exists i = arange(nnodes) ni = nnodes else: # node_ids is a subset of nids i = searchsorted(nids, node_ids) ni = len(i) names = ['T1', 'T2', 'T3', 'R1', 'R2', 'R3'] for isubcase, case in sorted(cases.items()): if case.is_real: #if i is None: #data = #ni = nnodes #else: #data = zeros((nnodes, 6), dtype='float32') #data[:, i, :] = data =[:, i, :] ntimes =[0] case_type = case.__class__.__name__ for itime in range(ntimes): if 0: for icol, name in enumerate(names): title = '%s_%s_isubcase=%s_itime=%s' % (case_type, name, isubcase, itime) vtk_file.write('SCALARS %s float\n' % title) vtk_file.write('LOOKUP_TABLE default\n') #datai = data[itime, i, icol] vtk_file.write(pack_float_1d_array(fmt, data[itime, i, icol])) if 1: title = '%s_isubcase=%s_itime=%s' % (case_type, isubcase, itime) #FIELD RealDisplacementArray_FIELD_isubcase=1_itime=0 6 #t1 1 72 float #0.00764469 0.00762899 ... vtk_file.write('FIELD %s 6\n' % title) for icol, name in enumerate(names): vtk_file.write('%s 1 %s float\n' % (name, ni)) datai =[itime, i, icol] vtk_file.write(pack_float_1d_array(fmt, data[itime, i, icol])) if 0: title = '%s_FIELD_isubcase=%s_itime=%s' % (case_type, isubcase, itime) vtk_file.write('FIELD %s 6 %i float\n' % (title, ni)) vtk_file.write('LOOKUP_TABLE default\n') vtk_file.write(pack_float_2d_array(fmt, data[itime, i, :]))
#CELLS 217 1039