Source code for pyNastran.op2.op2_interface.op2_codes

from __future__ import (nested_scopes, generators, division, absolute_import,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)
from six import string_types, PY2, PY3

# strings
                b'OESRMS2', b'OESNO2', b'OESXRMS1',
                b'OES1C', b'OSTR1C']
                b'OES2C', b'OSTR2C']

    # dmap 2014
    0: '',
    1: 'OUG - Displacement vector',
    2: 'OPG - Load vector',
    3: 'OQG - SPC Force vector',
    4: 'OEF - Element force/flux',
    5: 'OES - Element stress/strain',
    6: 'LAMA - Eigenvalue summary',
    7: 'OUG - Eigenvector',
    8: 'Grid Point Singularity Table (obsolete)',
    9: 'OEIGS - Eigenvalue analysis summary',
    10: 'OUG - Velocity vector',
    11: 'OUG - Acceleration vector',
    12: 'OPG - Nonlinear force vector',
    13: 'OGPWG - Grid point weight generator',
    14: 'OUG - Eigenvector (solution set)',
    15: 'OUG - Displacement vector (solution set)',
    16: 'OUG - Velocity vector (solution set)',
    17: 'OUG - Acceleration vector (solutin set)',
    18: 'OEE - Element strain energy',
    19: 'OGF - Grid point force balance',
    20: 'OES - Stresses at grid points',
    21: 'OES - Strain/curvature at grid points',
    22: 'OELOF1 - Element internal forces/moments',
    23: 'OELOP1 - Summation of element oriented forces on adjacent elements',
    24: 'OEP - Element pressures',
    25: 'OEF - Composite failure indices',
    26: 'OGS - Grid point stresses (surface)',
    27: 'OGS - Grid point stresses (volume - direct)',
    28: 'OGS - Grid point stresses (volume - princial)',
    29: 'OGS - Element stress discontinuities (surface)',
    30: 'OGS - Element stress discontinuities (volume - direct)',
    31: 'OGS - Element stress discontinuities (volume - princial)',
    32: 'OGS - Grid point stress discontinuities (surface)',
    33: 'OGS - Grid point stress discontinuities (volume - direct)',
    34: 'OGS - Grid point stress discontinuities (volume - princial)',
    35: 'OGS - Grid point stresses (plane strain)',
    36: 'OEE - Element kinetic energy',
    37: 'OEE - Element energy loss',
    38: 'OMM - MaxMin summary',
    39: 'OQG - MPC forces',
    40: 'OGPKE - Grip point kinetic energy',
    #51: 'OFMPF2M - ???',
    #52: 'OSMPF2M - ???',
    #53: 'OPMPF2M - ???',
    #54: 'OLMPF2M - ???',
    #55: 'OGMPF2M - ???',
    # nx 8.5
    0: '',
    1: 'OUG - Displacement vector',
    2: 'OPG - Load vector',
    3: 'OQG - SPC/MPC Force vector',
    4: 'OEF - Element force/flux',
    5: 'OES - Element stress/strain',
    6: 'LAMA - Eigenvalue summary',
    7: 'OUG - Eigenvector',
    8: 'Grid Point Singularity Table (obsolete)',
    9: 'OEIGS - Eigenvalue analysis summary',
    10: 'OUG - Velocity vector',
    11: 'OUG - Acceleration vector',
    12: 'OPG - Nonlinear force vector',
    13: 'OGPWG - Grid point weight generator',
    14: 'OUG - Eigenvector (solution set)',
    15: 'OUG - Displacement vector (solution set)',
    16: 'OUG - Velocity vector (solution set)',
    17: 'OUG - Acceleration vector (solutin set)',
    18: 'OEE - Element strain energy',
    19: 'OGF - Grid point force balance',
    20: 'OES - Stresses at grid points',
    21: 'OES - Strain/curvature at grid points',
    22: 'OELOF1 - Element internal forces/moments',
    23: 'OELOP1 - Summation of element oriented forces on adjacent elements',
    24: 'OEP - Element pressures',
    25: 'OEF - Composite failure indices',
    26: 'OGS - Grid point stresses (surface)',
    27: 'OGS - Grid point stresses (volume - direct)',
    28: 'OGS - Grid point stresses (volume - princial)',
    29: 'OGS - Element stress discontinuities (surface)',
    30: 'OGS - Element stress discontinuities (volume - direct)',
    31: 'OGS - Element stress discontinuities (volume - princial)',
    32: 'OGS - Grid point stress discontinuities (surface)',
    33: 'OGS - Grid point stress discontinuities (volume - direct)',
    34: 'OGS - Grid point stress discontinuities (volume - princial)',
    35: 'OGS - Grid point stresses (plane strain)',
    36: 'OEE - Element kinetic energy',
    37: 'OEE - Element energy loss',

    38 : 'OMSEC - Constant modal strain energy',
    39 : 'OMSED - Oscillating modal strain energy',
    40 : 'OMKEC - Constant modal kinetic energy',
    41 : 'OMKED - Oscillating modal kinetic energy',
    42 : 'OMECON - Constant total modal energy',
    43 : 'OMEOSC - Oscillating total modal energy',
    44 : 'OUGMC - Displacement/velocity/acceleration modal contributions',
    45 : 'OEFMC - Element force modal contributions',
    46 : 'OESMC - Element stress modal contributions',
    47 : 'OSTRMC - Element strain modal contributions',
    48 : 'OQGMC - SPC force modal contributions',
    49 : 'OUGPC - Panel contributions',
    50 : 'OUGGC - Grid contributions',
    51 : 'OUGRC - Reciprocal panel contributions',
    61 : 'OGK - Gasket Element Results',
    62 : 'OBC - Contact Pressure and Traction',
    63 : 'OQG - Contact Force Results',
    64 : 'OSPDSI - Contact Separation Distance - Initial',
    65 : 'OSPDS - Contact Separation Distance',
    66 : 'OBG - Glue force results (normal and in-plane tractions)',
    67 : 'OQG - Glue force resutls',
    68 : '??? - Tosca normalized material properties',

    None: '',
    0: 'GRID',
    1: 'CROD',
    2: 'CBEAM',
    3: 'CTUBE',
    4: 'CSHEAR',
    5: 'FORMON12-FORCEi/MOMENTi follower',
    6: 'FORCE',
    7: 'PLOAD4',
    8: 'PLOADX1',
    9: 'PLOAD/PLOAD2',
    10: 'CONROD',
    11: 'CELAS1',
    12: 'CELAS2',
    13: 'CELAS3',
    14: 'CELAS4',
    15: 'AEROT3',
    16: 'AEROBEAM',
    17: 'CTRIAX',
    18: 'CQUADX',
    19: 'CQUAD1-old',
    20: 'CDAMP1',
    21: 'CDAMP2',
    22: 'CDAMP3',
    23: 'CDAMP4',
    24: 'CVISC',
    25: 'CMASS1',
    26: 'CMASS2',
    27: 'CMASS3',
    28: 'MASS4',
    29: 'CONM1',
    30: 'CONM2',
    31: 'PLOTEL',
    32: None,
    33: 'CQUAD4',
    34: 'CBAR-34',
    35: 'CCONEAX',
    36: 'CTRIARG-old',
    37: 'CTRAPRG-old',
    38: 'CGAP',
    39: 'CTETRA',
    40: 'CBUSH1D',
    41: 'CHEXA1-old',
    42: 'CHEXA2-old',
    43: 'CFLUID2',
    44: 'CFLUID3',
    45: 'CFLUID4',
    46: 'FLMASS',
    47: 'AXIF2',
    48: 'AXIF3',
    49: 'AXIF4',
    50: 'SLOT3',
    51: 'SLOT4',
    52: 'CHBDYG/CHBDYP',
    53: 'CTRIAX6',
    54: 'TRIM6-old',
    55: 'CDUM3',
    56: 'CDUM4',
    57: 'CDUM5',
    58: 'CDUM6',
    59: 'CDUM7',
    60: 'CDUM8/CCRAC2D',
    61: 'CDUM9/CCRAC3D',
    62: 'CQDMEM1',
    63: 'IFQUAD',
    64: 'CQUAD8',
    65: 'IFHEX',
    66: 'IFPENT',
    67: 'CHEXA',
    68: 'CPENTA',
    69: 'CBEND',
    70: 'CTRIAR',
    71: None,
    72: 'AEROQ4',
    73: 'IFQDX',
    74: 'CTRIA3',
    75: 'CTRIA6',
    76: 'HEXPR',
    77: 'PENPR',
    78: 'TETPR',
    79: None,
    80: None,
    81: None,
    82: 'QUADR',
    83: 'HACAB',
    84: 'HACBR',
    85: 'TETRANL-nonlinear',
    86: 'GAPNL-nonlinear',
    87: 'TUBENL-nonlinear',
    88: 'TRIA3NL-nonlinear',
    89: 'RODNL-nonlinear',
    90: 'QUAD4NL-nonlinear',
    91: 'PENTANL-nonlinear',
    92: 'CONRODNL-nonlinear',
    93: 'HEXANL-nonlinear',
    94: 'BEAMNL-nonlinear',
    95: 'QUAD4LC-composite',
    96: 'QUAD8LC-composite',
    97: 'TRIA3LC-composite',
    98: 'TRIA6LC-composite',
    99: None,
    100: 'BAR-100',
    101: 'AABSF',
    102: 'CBUSH',
    103: 'QUADP',
    104: 'TRIAP',
    105: 'BEAMP',
    106: 'DAMP5',
    107: 'CHBDYE',
    108: 'CHBDYG',
    109: 'CHBDYP',
    110: 'CONV',
    111: 'CONVM',
    112: 'QBDY3',
    113: 'QVECT',
    114: 'QVOL',
    115: 'RADBC',
    116: 'SLIF1D',
    117: 'WELDC',
    118: 'WELDP',
    119: 'SEAM',
    120: 'GENEL',
    121: 'DMIG',
    122: 'DIEL-old',
    123: 'HEXAE-old',
    124: 'IND-old',
    125: 'LINE-old',
    126: 'FASTP',
    127: 'CQUAD-old',
    128: 'CQUADX-old',
    129: 'RELUC-old',
    130: 'RES-old',
    131: 'CTETRAE-old',
    132: 'CTRIA-old',
    133: 'CTRIAX-old',
    134: 'LINEOB-old',
    135: 'LINXOB-old',
    136: 'QUADOB-old',
    137: 'TRIAOB-old',
    138: 'LINEX-old',
    139: 'QUAD4FD',
    140: 'HEXA8FD',
    141: 'HEXAP',
    142: 'PENTAP',
    143: 'TETRAP',
    144: 'QUAD144',
    145: 'VUHEXA',
    146: 'VUPENTA',
    147: 'VUTETRA',
    148: 'HEXAM-old',
    149: 'PENTAM-old',
    150: 'TETRAM-old',
    151: 'QUAD-old',
    152: 'TRIAM-old',
    153: 'QUADXM-old',
    154: 'TRIAXM-old',
    155: 'RADINT',
    156: 'BUSH2D',
    157: 'LINEPW-old',
    158: 'QUADOBM-old',
    159: 'SEAMP',
    160: 'PENTA6FD',
    161: 'TETRA4FD',
    162: 'TRIA3FD',
    163: 'HEXAFD',
    164: 'QUADFD',
    165: 'PENTAFD',
    166: 'TETRAFD',
    167: 'TRIAFD',
    168: 'TRIAX3FD',
    169: 'TRIAXFD',
    170: 'QUADX4FD',
    171: 'QUADXFD',
    172: 'QUADRNL',
    173: 'TRIARNL',
    174: 'LINEOBM-old',
    175: 'LINXOBM-old',
    176: 'QUADWGM-old',
    177: 'TRIAWGM-old',
    178: 'QUADIB-old',
    179: 'TRIAIB-old',
    180: 'LINEIB-old',
    181: 'LINEXIB-old',
    182: 'QUADIBM-old',
    183: 'TRIAIBM-old',
    184: 'CBEAM3',
    185: 'LINXIBM-old',
    186: 'QUADPWM-old',
    187: 'TRIAPWM-old',
    188: 'LINEPWM-old',
    189: 'VUQUAD',
    190: 'VUTRIA',
    191: 'VUBEAM',
    192: 'CVINT',
    193: 'QUADFR-old',
    194: 'TRIAFR-old',
    195: 'LINEFR-old',
    196: 'LINXFR-old',
    197: 'SFINT',
    198: 'CNVPEL',
    199: 'VUHBDY',
    200: 'WELD',
    201: 'QUAD4FD',
    202: 'HEXA8FD',
    203: 'SLIF1D',
    204: 'PENTA6FD',
    205: 'TETRA4FD',
    206: 'TRIA3FD',
    207: 'HEXAFD',
    208: 'QUADFD',
    209: 'PENTAFD',
    210: 'TETRAFD',
    211: 'TRIAFD',
    212: 'TRIAX3FD',
    213: 'TRIAXFD',
    214: 'QUADX4FD',
    215: 'QUADXFD',
    216: 'TETRA4FD',
    217: 'TRIA3FD',
    218: 'HEXAFD',
    219: 'QUADFD',
    220: 'PENTAFD',
    221: 'TETRAFD',
    222: 'TRIAX3FD',
    223: 'QUADXFD',
    224: 'ELAS1',
    225: 'ELAS3',
    226: 'BUSH',
    227: 'RBAR',
    228: 'RBE1',
    229: 'RBE3',
    230: 'RJOINT',
    231: 'RROD',
    232: 'QUADRLC',
    233: 'TRIARLC',
    234: None,
    235: 'CQUADR',
    236: 'CTRIAR',
    237 : 'CTRIAR',
    238 : 'CBAR',
    239 : 'CEAM',
    240 : 'CBAR',
    241 : 'AXISYM',
    0 : 'GRID',
    1 : 'CROD',
    2 : 'CBEAM',
    3 : 'CTUBE',
    4 : 'CSHEAR',
    5 : 'FORCEi/MOMENTi follower',
    6 : 'CTRIA1-old',
    7 : 'PLOAD4 follower',
    8 : 'FLOAD/PLOAD2 follower',
    9 : 'PLOAD/PLOAD2',
    10 : 'CONROD',
    11 : 'CELAS1',
    12 : 'CELAS2',
    13 : 'CELAS3',
    14 : 'CELAS4',
    15 : 'AEROT3',
    16 : 'AEROBEAM',
    17 : 'CTRIA2-old',
    18 : 'CQUAD2-old',
    19 : 'CQUAD1-old',
    20 : 'CDAMP1',
    21 : 'CDAMP2',
    22 : 'CDAMP3',
    23 : 'CDAMP4',
    24 : 'CVISC',
    25 : 'CMASS1',
    26 : 'CMASS2',
    27 : 'CMASS3',
    28 : 'CMASS4',
    29 : 'CONM1',

    30 : 'CONM2',
    31 : 'PLOTEL',
    32 : None,
    33 : 'CQUAD4',
    34 : 'CBAR-34',
    35 : 'CCONE',
    36 : 'CTRIARG-old',
    37 : 'CTRAPRG-old',
    38 : 'CGAP',
    39 : 'CTETRA',

    40 : 'CBUSH1D',
    41 : 'CHEXA1-old',
    42 : 'CHEXA2-old',
    43 : 'CFLUID2',
    44 : 'CFLUID3',
    45 : 'CFLUID4',
    46 : 'FLMASS',
    47 : 'AXIF2',
    48 : 'AXIF3',
    49 : 'AXIF4',

    50 : 'SLOT3',
    51 : 'SLOT4',
    52 : 'CHBDYG/CHBDYP',
    53 : 'CTRIAX6',
    54 : 'TRIM6-old',
    55 : 'CDUM3',
    56 : 'CDUM4',
    57 : 'CDUM5',
    58 : 'CDUM6',
    59 : 'CDUM7',

    60 : 'CDUM8',
    61 : 'CDUM9',
    62 : 'CQDMEM1-old',
    63 : 'CQDMEM2-old',
    64 : 'CQUAD8',
    65 : 'CHEX8-old',
    66 : 'CHEX20-old',
    67 : 'CHEXA',
    68 : 'CPENTA',
    69 : 'CBEND',

    70 : 'CTRIAR',
    71 : '',
    72 : 'AEROQ4',
    73 : 'CFTUBE-old',
    74 : 'CTRIA3',
    75 : 'CTRIA6',
    76 : 'CHEXPR',
    77 : 'CPENPR',
    78 : 'CTETPR',
    79 : 'CPYRAM',
    80 : '',
    81 : '',
    82 : 'CQUADR',
    83 : 'HACAB',
    84 : 'HACBR',
    85 : 'TETRA-nonlinear',
    86 : 'GAP-nonlinear',
    87 : 'TUBE-nonlinear',
    88 : 'TRIA3-nonlinear',
    89 : 'ROD-nonlinear',
    90 : 'QUAD4-nonlinear',
    91 : 'PENTA-nonlinear',
    92 : 'CONROD-nonlinear',
    93 : 'HEXA-nonlinear',
    94 : 'BEAM-nonlinear',
    95 : 'QUAD4-nonlinear',
    96 : 'QUAD8-nonlinear',
    97 : 'TRIA3-nonlinear',
    98 : 'TRIA6-nonlinear',
    99 : '',
    100 : 'CBAR-100',
    101 : 'AABSF',
    102 : 'CBUSH',
    103 : 'CQUADP',
    104 : 'CTRIAP',
    105 : 'CBEAMP',
    106 : 'CDAMP5',
    107 : 'CHBDYE',
    108 : 'CHBDYG',
    109 : 'CHBDYP',

    110 : 'CONV',
    111 : 'CONVM',
    112 : 'QBDY3',
    113 : 'QVECT',
    114 : 'QVOL',
    115 : 'RADBC',
    116 : 'SLIF1D',
    117 : 'CWELDC',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    118 : 'CWELDP',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    119 : 'CFAST',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    120 : '',

    121 : '',
    122 : '',
    123 : '',
    124 : '',
    125 : '',
    126 : '',
    127 : 'CQUAD',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    128 : 'CQUADX',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    129 : 'RELUC',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    130 : 'RES',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table

    131 : 'TETRAE',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    132 : 'CTRIA',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    133 : 'CTRIAX',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    134 : 'LINEOB',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    135 : 'LINXOB',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    136 : 'QUADOB',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    137 : 'TRIAOB',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    138 : 'LINX',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    139 : 'CQUAD4FD',
    140 : 'CHEXA8FD',

    141 : 'CHEXAP',
    142 : 'CPENTAP',
    143 : 'CTETRAP',
    144 : 'CQUAD144',
    145 : 'VUHEXA',
    146 : 'VUPENTA',
    147 : 'VUTETRA',
    148 : 'HEXAM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    149 : 'PENTAM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    150 : 'TETRAM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table

    151 : 'QUADM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    152 : 'TRIAM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    153 : 'QUADXM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    154 : 'TRIAXM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    155 : 'QUADPW',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    156 : 'TRIAPW',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    157 : 'LINEPW',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    158 : 'QUADOBM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    159 : 'TRIAOBM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    160 : 'CPENTA6FD',

    161 : 'CTETRA4FD',
    162 : 'CTRIA3FD',
    163 : 'CHEXAFD',
    164 : 'CQUADFD',
    165 : 'CPENTAFD',
    166 : 'CTETRAFD',
    167 : 'CTRIAFD',
    168 : 'CTRIAX3FD',
    169 : 'CTRIAXFD',
    170 : 'CQUADX4FD',

    171 : 'CQUADXFD',
    172 : '',
    173 : '',
    174 : 'LINEOBM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    175 : 'LINXOBM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    176 : 'QUADWGM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    177 : 'TRIAWGM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    178 : 'QUADIB',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    179 : 'TRIAIB',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    180 : 'LINEIB',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table

    181 : 'LINXIB',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    182 : 'QUADIBM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    183 : 'TRIAIBM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    184 : 'LINEIBM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    185 : 'LINXIBM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    186 : 'QUADPWM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    187 : 'TRIAPWM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    188 : 'LINEPWM',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    189 : 'VUQUAD',
    190 : 'VUTRIA',

    191 : 'VUBEAM',
    192 : 'CVINT',
    193 : 'QUADFR',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    194 : 'TRIAFR',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    195 : 'LINEFR',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    196 : 'LINXFR',  # unlisted in the main table, used in OEF table
    197 : 'SFINT',  # TODO: GMINTS-OEF??
    198 : 'CNVPEL',
    199 : 'VUHBDY',
    200 : 'CWELD',

    201 : 'CQUAD4FD',
    202 : 'CHEXA8FD',
    203 : 'SLIF1D',
    204 : 'CPENTA6FD',
    205 : 'CTETRA4FD',
    206 : 'CTRIA3FD',
    207 : 'CHEXAFD',
    208 : 'CQUADFD',
    209 : 'CPENTAFD',
    210 : 'CTETRAFD',

    211 : 'CTRIAFD',
    212 : 'CTRIAX3FD',
    213 : 'CTRIAXFD',
    214 : 'CQUADX4FD',
    215 : 'CQUADXFD',
    216 : 'CTETRA4FD',
    217 : 'CTRIA3FD',
    218 : 'CHEXAFD',
    219 : 'CQUADFD',
    220 : 'CPENTAFD',

    221 : 'CTETRAFD',
    222 : 'CTRIAX3FD',
    223 : 'CQUADXFD',
    224 : 'CELAS1',
    225 : 'CELAS3',
    226 : 'CBUSH',
    227 : 'CTRIAR',
    228 : 'CQUADR',
    229 : '',
    230 : '',

    231 : '',
    232 : 'CQUADR-composite',
    233 : 'CTRIAR-composite',
    234 : '',
    235 : '',
    236 : '',
    237 : '',
    238 : '',
    239 : '',

    # per nx 8.5 QRG
    240 : 'CTRIA6',
    241 : 'CQUAD8',
    242 : 'CTRAX3',
    243 : 'CQUADX4',
    244 : 'CTRAX6',
    245 : 'CQUADX8',
    246 : 'CTRAX3',
    247 : 'CQUADX4',
    248 : 'CTRAX6',
    249 : 'CQUADX8',
    255 : 'CPYRAM',
    256 : 'CPYRAM',
    257 : 'CPYRAMFD',
    258 : 'CPYRAMFD',
    259 : 'CTRAX3FD',

    261 : 'CTRAX3FD',
    262 : 'CQUADX4FD',
    263 : 'CTRAX6FD',
    264 : 'QUADX3FD',

    266 : 'QUADX8FD',

    269 : 'CHEXAL',
    270 : 'CPENTAL',
    271 : 'CPLSTN3',
    272 : 'CPLSTN4',
    273 : 'CPLSTN6',
    274 : 'CPLSTN3',
    275 : 'CPLSTS3',
    276 : 'CPLSTS4',
    277 : 'CPLSTS6',
    278 : 'CPLSTS8',
    # 279
    280 : 'CBEAR',
    281 : 'CPLSTN3',
    282 : 'CPLSTN4',
    283 : 'CPLSTN6',
    284 : 'CPLSTN8',
    285 : 'CPLSTS3',
    287 : 'CPLSTS6',
    288 : 'CPLSTS8',
    289 : 'CPLSTN4',
    290 : 'CPLSTS4',
    291 : 'CPLSTN3',
    292 : 'CPLSTN4',
    293 : 'CPLSTN6',
    294 : 'CPLSTS8',
    295 : 'CPLSTS3',
    296 : 'CPLSTS4',
    297 : 'CPLSTS6',
    298 : 'CPLSTS8',

    300 : 'HEXA',
    301 : 'PENTA',
    302 : 'TETRA',
    303 : 'PYRAM',

    304 : 'HEXAL',
    305 : 'PENTAL',
    306 : 'HEXALN',
    307 : 'CPENTALN',

    312 : 'TRAX3',
    313 : 'QUADX4',
    314 : 'TRAX6',
    315 : 'QUADX8',

    316 : 'PLSTN3',
    317 : 'PLSTN4',
    318 : 'PLSTN6',
    319 : 'PLSTN8',

    320 : 'PLSTS3',
    321 : 'PLSTS4',
    322 : 'PLSTS6',
    323 : 'PLSTS8',

    328 : 'GPLSTN3',
    329 : 'GPLSTN4',
    330 : 'GPLSTN6',
    331 : 'GPLSTN8',

    337 : 'CHOCK3',
    338 : 'CHOCK4',
    339 : 'CHOCK6',
    340 : 'CHOCK8',
    # SOL 401
    341 : 'CTRIA3 SOL 401',
    342 : 'CQUAD4 SOL 401',
    343 : 'CTRIA6 SOL 401',
    344 : 'CQUAD8 SOL 401',
    345 : 'CTRIAR SOL 401',
    346 : 'CQUADR SOL 401',
    347 : 'CBAR SOL 401',
    348 : 'CBEAM SOL 401',
    349 : 'CBUSH1D SOL 401',
    350 : 'CELAS1 SOL 401',
    351 : 'CELAS2 SOL 401',
    352 : 'CBUSH SOL 401',

    #ELTYPE=267 - Composite HEXA element (CHEXAL)
    #ELTYPE=268 - Composite PENTA element (CPENTAL)
    355 : 'Composite triangular shell element (CTRIA6); SOL 402?',
    356 : 'Composite quadrilateral shell element (CQUAD8); SOL 402?',
    357 : 'Composite triangular shell element (CTRIAR); SOL 402?',
    358 : 'Composite quadrilateral shell element (CQUADR); SOL 402?',

    # SOL 402
    363 : 'CROD SOL 402',

    400 : 'CELAS1 - Basic System',
    401 : 'CELAS2 - Basic System',
    402 : 'CDAMP1 - Basic System',
    403 : 'CDAMP2 - Basic System',
    404 : 'CBUSH1D - Basic System',
    405 : 'CBUSH - Basic System',
    406 : 'CVISC - Basic System',

    1 : "Statics",
    2 : "Normal modes or buckling (real eigenvalues)",
    3 : "Differential Stiffness 0 - obsolete",
    4 : "Differential Stiffness 1 - obsolete",
    5 : "Frequency",
    6 : "Transient",
    7 : "Pre-buckling",
    8 : "Post-buckling",
    9 : "Complex eigenvalues",
    10 : "Nonlinear statics",
    11 : "Geometric nonlinear statics",

    1 : "Print",
    2 : "Plot",
    3 : "Print and Plot",
    4 : "Punch",
    5 : "Print and Punch",
    6 : "Plot and Punch",
    7 : "Print, Plot, and Punch",

    0 : 'isHeatTransfer = False',
    1 : 'isHeatTransfer = True',
    2 : 'Scaled response spectra ABS',
    #3 : 'Scaled response spectra SRSS',
    4 : 'Scaled response spectra SRSS', # NRL???
    5 : 'Scaled response spectra NRLO',
    #6 :
    #7 :
    8 : 'Scaled response spectra NRL',

[docs]def get_sort_method_from_table_name(table_name): """helper method""" if table_name in SORT1_TABLES: sort_method = 1 elif table_name in SORT2_TABLES: sort_method = 2 elif table_name in NO_SORT_METHOD: table_name_str = table_name.decode('utf8') table_num = table_name_str[-1] sort_method = -1 #raise ValueError('%r is not a table' % table_name_str) else: table_name_str = table_name.decode('utf8') table_num = table_name_str[-1] try: sort_method = int(table_num) except ValueError: print('error determining sort_method: table_name=%r' % table_name_str) raise return sort_method
class Op2Codes(object): def __init__(self): pass def set_table_type(self): if self.is_msc: self.element_mapper = MSC_ELEMENTS else: self.element_mapper = NX_ELEMENTS def get_element_type(self, elem_code): if self.is_msc: self.element_mapper = MSC_ELEMENTS else: self.element_mapper = NX_ELEMENTS try: etype = self.element_mapper[elem_code] except TypeError: print('elem_code=%r' % elem_code) raise return etype def print_table_code(self, table_code): table_code_content = table_code % 1000 #dataFormat = table_code/1000 msg = '' #msg += 'tableCodeContent=%s dataFormat=%s\n' %(tableCodeContent,dataFormat) if self.is_msc: msg += 'n=%s table=%s-%s' % (self.n, self.table_name, MSC_TABLE_CONTENT[table_code_content]) else: msg += 'n=%s table=%s-%s' % (self.n, self.table_name, NX_TABLE_CONTENT[table_code_content]) return msg def approach_code_str(self, approach_code): """TODO: not done""" return '' def code_information(self, include_time=True): """ prints the general table information DMAP - page 60-63 """ device_code = self.device_code #analysis_code = self.analysis_code #table_code = self.table_code sort_code = self.sort_code format_code = None if hasattr(self, 'format_code'): format_code = self.format_code s_code = None if hasattr(self, 's_code'): s_code = self.s_code thermal = None if hasattr(self, 'thermal'): thermal = self.thermal s_word = '' stress_word = '' if hasattr(self, 'stress_bits'): if self.is_stress: stress_word = 'Stress' else: stress_word = 'Strain' s_word = get_scode_word(s_code, self.stress_bits) element_type = None if hasattr(self, 'element_type'): element_type = self.element_type format_word = '???' if format_code == 1: format_word = "Real" elif format_code == 2: format_word = "Real/Imaginary" elif format_code == 3: format_word = "Magnitude/Phase" else: format_word = '\n%18s1 - Real\n' % '' format_word += '%18s2 - Real/Imaginary\n' % '' format_word += '%18s3 - Magnitude/Phase\n' % '' #msg = 'unsupported format_code: format_code=%s\n' % format_code #raise InvalidFormatCodeError(msg) if self.sort_bits[0] == 0: sort_word1 = 'Real' else: sort_word1 = 'Real/Imaginary' if self.sort_bits[1] == 0: sort_word2 = 'Sort1' else: sort_word2 = 'Sort2' if self.sort_bits[2] == 0: sort_word3 = 'Sorted Responses' else: sort_word3 = 'Random Responses' #if self.sort_code==0: sortWord = 'Real' #elif self.sort_code==1: sortWord = 'Real/Imaginary' #elif self.sort_code==2: sortWord = 'Random Responses' #else: #sortWord = '???' #msg = 'unsupported sort_code: sort_code=%s\n' %(sort_code) #print msg #raise RuntimeError(msg) try: thermal_word = THERMAL_MAP[thermal] except KeyError: thermal_word = '???' #msg = 'unsupported thermal: thermal=%s\n' %(thermal) #raise ValueError(msg) try: analysis = ANALYSIS_CODE_MAP[self.analysis_code] except KeyError: analysis = '???' try: device = DEVICE_CODE_MAP[self.device_code] except KeyError: device = '???' if thermal == 0: force_flux = 'Force' elif thermal == 1: force_flux = 'Flux' else: force_flux = 'Force (or Flux); thermal=%r' % thermal if thermal == 0: disp_temp = 'Displacement' elif thermal == 1: disp_temp = 'Temperature' #elif thermal is None: #raise RuntimeError('thermal_code is not specified; thermal_code=None') else: disp_temp = 'Displacement/Temperature; thermal=%r' % thermal table = '???' table_code = self.table_code if table_code in [501, 510, 511]: table_code -= 500 elif table_code in [601, 610, 611]: table_code -= 600 elif table_code in [701, 710, 711]: table_code -= 700 elif table_code in [801, 810, 811]: table_code -= 800 elif table_code in [901, 910, 911]: table_code -= 900 if table_code == 1: table = "OUG - %s vector/scalar" % disp_temp elif table_code == 2: table = "OPG - Load vector" elif table_code == 3: table = "OQG - SPC Force vector" elif table_code == 4: table = "OEF - Element %s" % force_flux elif table_code == 5: table = "OES - Element %s" % stress_word elif table_code == 6: table = "LAMA - Eigenvalue summary" elif table_code == 7: table = "OUG - Eigenvector" elif table_code == 8: table = "none - Grid point singularity table (obsolete)" elif table_code == 9: table = "OEIGS - Eigenvalue analysis summary" elif table_code == 10: table = "OUG - Velocity vector" elif table_code == 11: table = "OUG - Acceleration vector" elif table_code == 12: table = "OPG - Nonlinear force vector" elif table_code == 13: table = "OGPWG - Grid point weight generator" elif table_code == 14: table = "OUG - Eigenvector (solution set)" elif table_code == 15: table = "OUG - Displacement vector (solution set)" elif table_code == 16: table = "OUG - Velocity vector (solution set)" elif table_code == 17: table = "OUG - Acceleration vector (solution set)" elif table_code == 18: table = "OEE - Element strain energy" elif table_code == 19: table = "OGF - Grid point force balance" elif table_code == 20: table = "OES - Stresses at grid points (from the CURV module)" elif table_code == 21: table = "OES - Strain/curvature at grid points" elif table_code == 22: table = "OELOF1 - Element internal forces and moments" elif table_code == 23: table = "OELOP1 - Summation of element oriented forces on adjacent elements" elif table_code == 24: table = "OEP - Element pressures" elif table_code == 25: table = "OEF - Composite failure indicies" elif table_code == 26: table = "OGS - Grid point stresses (surface)" elif table_code == 27: table = "OGS - Grid point stresses (volume -- direct)" elif table_code == 28: table = "OGS - Grid point stresses (volume -- principal)" elif table_code == 29: table = "OGS - Element stress discontinuities (surface)" elif table_code == 30: table = "OGS - Element stress discontinuities (volume -- direct)" elif table_code == 31: table = "OGS - Element stress discontinuities (volume -- principal)" elif table_code == 32: table = "OGS - Grid point stress discontinuities (surface)" elif table_code == 33: table = "OGS - Grid point stress discontinuities (volume -- direct)" elif table_code == 34: table = "OGS - Grid point stress discontinuities (volume -- principal)" elif table_code == 35: table = "OGS - Grid point stress discontinuities (plane strain)" elif table_code == 36: table = "OEE - Element kinetic energy" elif table_code == 37: table = "OEE - Element energy loss" elif table_code == 38: table = "OMM - Max/Min summary" elif table_code == 39: table = "OQG - MPC Forces" elif table_code == 40: table = "OGPKE - Grip point kinetic energy" else: table = '%s - Unknown' % self.table_name msg = '--Table3Data--\n\n' msg += " device_code = %-3s %s\n" % (self.device_code, device) msg += " analysis_code = %-3s %s\n" % (self.analysis_code, analysis) msg += " table_code = %-3s %s-%s\n" % (self.table_code, self.table_name_str, table) msg += " format_code = %-3s %s\n" % (format_code, format_word) msg += " sort_method = %s\n" % self.sort_method msg += " sort_code = %s\n" % self.sort_code msg += " sort_bits = (%s, %s, %s)\n" % tuple(self.sort_bits) msg += " data_format = %-3s %s\n" % (self.sort_bits[0], sort_word1) msg += " sort_type = %-3s %s\n" % (self.sort_bits[1], sort_word2) msg += " is_random = %-3s %s\n" % (self.sort_bits[2], sort_word3) random_code = self.random_code if hasattr(self, 'random_code') else 0 msg += " random_code = %-3s\n" % (random_code) if element_type is not None: if isinstance(element_type, string_types): etype = element_type else: etype = self.get_element_type(element_type) msg += " element_type = %-3s %s\n" % (element_type, etype) if s_word: # stress code msg += " s_code = %-3s %s\n" % (s_code, s_word) if thermal is not None: msg += " thermal = %-3s %s\n" % (thermal, thermal_word) if hasattr(self, 'thermal_bits'): msg += " thermal_bits = %s\n" % str(self.thermal_bits) if hasattr(self, 'num_wide'): msg += " num_wide = %-3s\n" % self.num_wide if hasattr(self, 'isubcase'): msg += " isubcase = %-3s\n" % self.isubcase else: msg += " ID = %-3s\n" % self.ID dt_names = [ 'dt', 'time', 'mode', 'eign', 'cycle', 'mode2', 'freq', 'lsdvmn', 'eigr', 'eigi', 'lftsfq'] for name in dt_names: if hasattr(self, name): dvalue = getattr(self, name) msg += " %-6s = %s\n" % (name, dvalue) if self.is_msc: msg += ' MSC Nastran\n' else: msg += ' NX Nastran\n' #print msg assert isinstance(self.format_code, int), type(self.format_code) return msg @property def table_name_str(self): """ Converts the table_name from bytes/str to a str Returns ------- table_name_str : varies PY2 : unicode PY3 : str ..note :: Refers to bytes/str in the Python 3 sense. """ table_name = self.table_name if PY2 and isinstance(self.table_name, str): table_name = self.table_name.decode(self._encoding) elif PY3 and isinstance(table_name, bytes): table_name = self.table_name.decode(self._encoding) return table_name #---- def is_thermal(self): """is this result thermal solution?""" if self.thermal == 0: return False elif self.thermal == 1: return True return '???' #---- # format_code 3 def is_magnitude_phase(self): if self.format_code == 3: return True return False def is_sort1_new(self): # pragma: no cover #is_sort1_table = self.is_sort1 table_name = self.table_name_str if table_name in SORT1_TABLES: is_sort1_table = True elif table_name in SORT2_TABLES: is_sort1_table = False else: try: sort_method, is_real, is_random = self._table_specs() return True if sort_method == 1 else False except AssertionError: try: is_sort1_table = int(table_name[-1]) == 1 except ValueError: raise ValueError('is this SORT1/2? table_name=%r' % table_name) return is_sort1_table @property def is_sort1(self): #is_sort1_table = self.is_sort1 try: sort_method, is_real, is_random = self._table_specs() return True if sort_method == 1 else False except AssertionError: table_name = self.table_name_str if table_name in SORT1_TABLES: is_sort1_table = True elif table_name in SORT2_TABLES: is_sort1_table = False else: try: is_sort1_table = int(table_name[-1]) == 1 except ValueError: raise ValueError('is this SORT1/2? table_name=%r' % table_name) return is_sort1_table @property def is_sort2(self): #return not self.is_sort1 try: sort_method, is_real, is_random = self._table_specs() return True if sort_method == 2 else False except AssertionError: table_name = self.table_name_str if table_name in SORT2_TABLES: is_sort2_table = True elif table_name in SORT1_TABLES: is_sort2_table = False else: try: is_sort2_table = int(table_name[-1]) == 2 except ValueError: raise ValueError('is this SORT1/2? table_name=%r' % table_name) return is_sort2_table def update_t_code(self): """ Value Sort type Data format Random ===== ========= =========== ====== 0 SORT1 Real No 1 SORT1 Complex No 2 SORT2 Real No 3 SORT2 Complex No 4 SORT1 Real Yes 5 SORT2 Complex? Yes 6 SORT2 Real Yes table_code%1000 = function3() SPCForce = table_code % 1000 (function 3) """ is_complex, is_sort2, is_random = self.sort_bits map_sort_bits = { # is_complex, is_sort2, is_random (0, 0, 0) : 0, (1, 0, 0) : 1, (0, 1, 0) : 2, (1, 1, 0) : 3, # random (0, 0, 1) : 4, (1, 1, 1) : 5, # not 100% (0, 1, 1) : 6, } t_code = map_sort_bits[(is_complex, is_sort2, is_random)] def _table_specs(self): """ +-------+-----------+-------------+----------+ | Value | Sort Type | Data Format | Random ? | +-------+-----------+-------------+----------+ | 0 | SORT1 | Real | No | +-------+-----------+-------------+----------+ | 1 | SORT1 | Complex | No | +-------+-----------+-------------+----------+ | 2 | SORT2 | Real | No | +-------+-----------+-------------+----------+ | 3 | SORT2 | Complex | No | +-------+-----------+-------------+----------+ | 4 | SORT1 | Real | Yes | +-------+-----------+-------------+----------+ | 5 | SORT1 | Real | ??? | +-------+-----------+-------------+----------+ | 6 | SORT2 | Real | Yes | +-------+-----------+-------------+----------+ | 7 | ??? | ??? | ??? | +-------+-----------+-------------+----------+ +-----+-------------+---------+ | Bit | 0 | 1 | +-----+-------------+---------+ | 0 | Not Random | Random | | 1 | SORT1 | SORT2 | | 2 | Real | Complex | +-----+-------------+---------+ """ #tcode = self.table_code // 1000 table_code = self.tCode tcode = self.sort_code sort_code = tcode #if self.table_name_str == 'OQGPSD2': #print(self.code_information()) #print('table_name=%s tCode=%s sort_code=%s self.sort_bits=%s' % (self.table_name_str, self.tCode, sort_code, self.sort_bits)) assert sort_code in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 'sort_code=%s\n%s' % (sort_code, self.code_information()) try: sort_method, is_real, is_random = determine_sort_bits_meaning(table_code, sort_code, self.sort_bits) except AssertionError: #print(self.code_information()) raise return sort_method, is_real, is_random #---- # sort_code # disabled 11/2015 #def isSortedResponse(self): #if self.sort_bits[0] == 0: #return True #return False # disabled 11/2015 #def isRandomResponse(self): #return not self.isSortedResponse() #---- # combos #def isRealOrRandom(self): # been broken for a long time #return self.isReal() or self.isRandom() #def isRealImaginaryOrMagnitudePhase(self): # been broken for a long time #return self.is_real_imaginary or self.MagnitudePhase() #----
[docs]def get_scode_word(s_code, stress_bits): if s_code == 0: s_word = 'Coordinate Element - Stress Max Shear (Octahedral)' assert stress_bits == [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], stress_bits elif s_code == 14: s_word = 'Coordinate Element - Strain Fiber Max Shear (Octahedral)' assert stress_bits == [0, 1, 1, 1, 0], stress_bits elif s_code == 1: s_word = 'Coordinate Element - Stress von Mises' assert stress_bits == [0, 0, 0, 0, 1], stress_bits elif s_code == 10: s_word = 'Coordinate Element - Strain Curvature Max Shear (Octahedral)' assert stress_bits == [0, 1, 0, 1, 0], stress_bits elif s_code == 11: s_word = 'Coordinate Element - Strain Curvature von Mises' assert stress_bits == [0, 1, 0, 1, 1], stress_bits elif s_code == 15: s_word = 'Coordinate Element - Strain Fiber von Mises' assert stress_bits == [0, 1, 1, 1, 1], stress_bits elif s_code == 16: s_word = 'Coordinate Material - Stress Max Shear (Octahedral)' assert stress_bits == [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], stress_bits elif s_code == 17: s_word = 'Coordinate Material - Stress von Mises' assert stress_bits == [1, 0, 0, 0, 1], stress_bits elif s_code == 26: s_word = 'Coordinate Material - Strain Curvature Max Shear' assert stress_bits == [1, 1, 0, 1, 0], stress_bits elif s_code == 30: s_word = 'Coordinate Material - Strain Fiber Max Shear (Octahedral)' assert stress_bits == [1, 1, 1, 1, 0], stress_bits elif s_code == 27: s_word = 'Coordinate Material - Strain Curvature von Mises' assert stress_bits == (1, 1, 0, 1, 1), stress_bits elif s_code == 31: s_word = 'Coordinate Material - Strain Fiber von Mises' assert stress_bits == (1, 1, 1, 1, 1), stress_bits else: #s_word = 'Stress or Strain - UNDEFINED' s_word = '???' return s_word
[docs]def determine_sort_bits_meaning(table_code, sort_code, sort_bits): """ Value Sort type Data format Random ===== ========= =========== ====== 0 SORT1 Real No 1 SORT1 Complex No 2 SORT2 Real No 3 SORT2 Complex No 4 SORT1 Real Yes 5 SORT2 ??? Yes 6 SORT2 Real Yes table_code%1000 = function3() SPCForce = table_code % 1000 (function 3) """ sort_method = 1 is_real = True is_random = False # old #if sort_code in [2, 3, 5, 6]: #sort_method = 2 #if sort_code in [1, 3]: #is_real = False #if sort_code in [4, 5, 6]: #is_random = True # new if sort_code in [2, 3, 5, 6]: sort_method = 2 if sort_code in [1, 3]: is_real = False if sort_code in [4, 5, 6]: is_random = True try: if is_random: assert sort_bits[0] == 1, 'should be RANDOM; sort_bits=%s; sort_code=%s' % (sort_bits, sort_code) else: assert sort_bits[0] == 0, 'should be NOT RANDOM; sort_bits=%s; sort_code=%s' % (sort_bits, sort_code) if sort_method == 1: assert sort_bits[1] == 0, 'should be SORT1; sort_bits=%s; sort_code=%s' % (sort_bits, sort_code) else: assert sort_bits[1] == 1, 'should be SORT2; sort_bits=%s; sort_code=%s' % (sort_bits, sort_code) if is_real: assert sort_bits[2] == 0, 'should be REAL; sort_bits=%s; sort_code=%s; table_code=%s table_code%%1000=%s' % (sort_bits, sort_code, table_code, table_code % 1000) else: assert sort_bits[2] == 1, 'should be IMAG; sort_bits=%s; sort_code=%s; table_code=%s table_code%%1000=%s' % (sort_bits, sort_code, table_code, table_code % 1000) except AssertionError: #print('sort_method=%r; is_real=%r is_random=%r' % (sort_method, is_real, is_random)) raise return sort_method, is_real, is_random