Source code for pyNastran.op2.tables.ogs_grid_point_stresses.ogs_surface_stresses

import numpy as np

from pyNastran.utils.numpy_utils import integer_types
from pyNastran.op2.result_objects.op2_objects import ScalarObject
from pyNastran.f06.f06_formatting import (
    write_floats_10e, _eigenvalue_header)

[docs]class GridPointSurfaceStressesArray(ScalarObject): """ ' S T R E S S E S A T G R I D P O I N T S - - S U R F A C E 5\n', '0 SURFACE X-AXIS X NORMAL(Z-AXIS) Z REFERENCE COORDINATE SYSTEM FOR SURFACE DEFINITION CID 0\n', ' GRID ELEMENT STRESSES IN SURFACE SYSTEM PRINCIPAL STRESSES MAX \n', ' ID ID FIBRE NORMAL-X NORMAL-Y SHEAR-XY ANGLE MAJOR MINOR SHEAR VON MISES\n'] '0 13683 3736 TRIAX6 4.996584E+00 0.0 1.203093E+02 0.0 0.0 0.0' ' 13683 3737 TRIAX6 -4.996584E+00 0.0 -1.203093E+02 0.0 0.0 0.0' ' 13683 *TOTALS* 6.366463E-12 0.0 -1.364242E-12 0.0 0.0 0.0' """ def __init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt): ScalarObject.__init__(self, data_code, isubcase, apply_data_code=True) self.ntotal = 0 self.ntimes = 0 self.nelements = 0 self.itotal = 0 self.ielement = 0 = None self.itime = None self.node_element = None self.location = None self._times = None def _reset_indices(self): self.itotal = 0 self.ielement = 0
[docs] def build(self): """sizes the vectorized attributes of the GridPointStressesArray""" if self.is_built: return #print('ntimes=%s nelements=%s ntotal=%s' % (self.ntimes, self.nelements, self.ntotal)) self.itime = 0 self.ielement = 0 self.itotal = 0 assert self.ntimes > 0, 'ntimes=%s' % self.ntimes assert self.nelements > 0, 'nelements=%s' % self.nelements assert self.ntotal > 0, 'ntotal=%s' % self.ntotal #self.names = [] self.nelements //= self.ntimes self.node_element = np.zeros((self.ntotal, 2), dtype='int32') #oxx, oyy, txy, angle, major, minor, ovm = np.zeros((self.ntimes, self.ntotal, 8), dtype='float32') self.location = np.empty(self.ntotal, dtype='U8') dtype = 'float32' if isinstance(self.nonlinear_factor, integer_types): dtype = 'int32' self._times = np.zeros(self.ntimes, dtype=dtype) self.is_built = True
#def build_dataframe(self): #"""creates a pandas dataframe""" #import pandas as pd #headers = self.get_headers() #element_node = [self.element_node[:, 0], self.element_node[:, 1]] #if self.nonlinear_factor not in (None, np.nan): #column_names, column_values = self._build_dataframe_transient_header() #self.data_frame = pd.Panel(, items=column_values, major_axis=element_node, minor_axis=headers).to_frame() #self.data_frame.columns.names = column_names #else: #self.data_frame = pd.Panel(, major_axis=element_node, minor_axis=headers).to_frame() #self.data_frame.columns.names = ['Static'] #self.data_frame.index.names = ['NodeID', 'ElementID', 'Item'] def add_sort1(self, dt, nid, eid, fiber, nx, ny, txy, angle, majorP, minorP, tmax, ovm): """unvectorized method for adding SORT1 transient data""" #assert isinstance(eid, integer_types) and eid > 0, 'dt=%s eid=%s' % (dt, eid) self._times[self.itime] = dt self.node_element[self.itotal, :] = [nid, eid] self.location[self.itotal] = fiber[self.itime, self.itotal, :] = [nx, ny, txy, angle, majorP, minorP, tmax, ovm] self.itotal += 1
[docs] def get_stats(self, short=False): if not self.is_built: return [ '<%s>\n' % self.__class__.__name__, ' ntimes: %i\n' % self.ntimes, ' ntotal: %i\n' % self.ntotal, ] ntimes, nelements, _ = assert self.ntimes == ntimes, 'ntimes=%s expected=%s' % (self.ntimes, ntimes) assert self.nelements == nelements, 'nelements=%s expected=%s' % (self.nelements, nelements) msg = [] if self.nonlinear_factor not in (None, np.nan): # transient msg.append(' type=%s ntimes=%i nelements=%i\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, ntimes, nelements)) ntimes_word = 'ntimes' else: msg.append(' type=%s nelements=%i\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, nelements)) ntimes_word = '1' headers = self.get_headers() n = len(headers) msg.append(' data: [%s, nelements, %i] where %i=[%s]\n' % (ntimes_word, n, n, str(', '.join(headers)))) msg.append(' node_element.shape = %s\n' % str(self.node_element.shape).replace('L', '')) msg.append(' location.shape = %s\n' % str(self.location.shape).replace('L', '')) msg.append(' data.shape = %s\n' % str('L', '')) msg += self.get_data_code() return msg
[docs] def get_headers(self): headers = ['nx', 'ny', 'txy', 'angle', 'majorP', 'minorP', 'tmax', 'ovm'] return headers
[docs] def write_f06(self, f06_file, header=None, page_stamp='PAGE %s', page_num=1, is_mag_phase=False, is_sort1=True): if header is None: header = [] cid = self.refid axis_int = self.oCoord axis_map = {0 : 'X', 1 : 'Y', 2 : 'Z'} axis = axis_map[axis_int] msg = [ ' S T R E S S E S A T G R I D P O I N T S - - S U R F A C E %s\n' % self.ogs_id, '0 SURFACE X-AXIS X NORMAL(Z-AXIS) %s REFERENCE COORDINATE SYSTEM FOR SURFACE DEFINITION CID %s\n' % (axis, cid), ' GRID ELEMENT STRESSES IN SURFACE SYSTEM PRINCIPAL STRESSES MAX \n', ' ID ID FIBRE NORMAL-X NORMAL-Y SHEAR-XY ANGLE MAJOR MINOR SHEAR VON MISES\n'] #'0 13683 3736 TRIAX6 4.996584E+00 0.0 1.203093E+02 0.0 0.0 0.0' #' 13683 3737 TRIAX6 -4.996584E+00 0.0 -1.203093E+02 0.0 0.0 0.0' #' 13683 *TOTALS* 6.366463E-12 0.0 -1.364242E-12 0.0 0.0 0.0' ntimes =[0] nids = self.node_element[:, 0] eids = self.node_element[:, 1] for itime in range(ntimes): dt = self._times[itime] header = _eigenvalue_header(self, header, itime, ntimes, dt) f06_file.write(''.join(header + msg)) nx =[itime, :, 0] ny =[itime, :, 1] txy =[itime, :, 2] angle =[itime, :, 3] majorp =[itime, :, 4] minorp =[itime, :, 5] tmax =[itime, :, 6] ovm =[itime, :, 7] fibers = self.location nid_old = -1 for (nid, eid, fiber, nxi, nyi, txyi, anglei, majorpi, minorpi, tmaxi, ovmi) in zip( nids, eids, fibers, nx, ny, txy, angle, majorp, minorp, tmax, ovm): [nxi, nyi, txyi, majorpi, minorpi, tmaxi, ovmi] = write_floats_10e([ nxi, nyi, txyi, majorpi, minorpi, tmaxi, ovmi]) if nid > nid_old: f06_file.write( '0%8s %8s %4s %-10s %-10s %-10s %8.4f %10s %10s %10s %s\n' % ( nid, eid, fiber, nxi, nyi, txyi, anglei, majorpi, minorpi, tmaxi, ovmi)) else: f06_file.write( ' %8s %8s %4s %-10s %-10s %-10s %8.4f %10s %10s %10s %s\n' % ( '', '', fiber, nxi, nyi, txyi, anglei, majorpi, minorpi, tmaxi, ovmi)) nid_old = nid f06_file.write(page_stamp % page_num) page_num += 1 return page_num - 1
def __eq__(self, table): assert self.is_sort1 == table.is_sort1 self._eq_header(table) if not np.array_equal(, msg = 'table_name=%r class_name=%s\n' % (self.table_name, self.__class__.__name__) msg += '%s\n' % str(self.code_information()) ntimes =[0] i = 0 if self.is_sort1: for itime in range(ntimes): for inid, (nid, eid) in enumerate(self.node_element): t1 =[itime, inid, :] t2 =[itime, inid, :] (nx1, ny1, txy1, majorp1, minorp1, tmax1, ovm1) = t1 (nx2, ny2, txy2, majorp2, minorp2, tmax2, ovm2) = t2 if not np.allclose(t1, t2): #if not np.array_equal(t1, t2): msg += '%s %s\n (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n' % ( nid, eid, nx1, ny1, txy1, majorp1, minorp1, tmax1, ovm1, nx2, ny2, txy2, majorp2, minorp2, tmax2, ovm2) i += 1 if i > 10: print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) else: raise NotImplementedError(self.is_sort2) if i > 0: print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return True
[docs]class GridPointStressesVolumePrincipalArray(ScalarObject): def __init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt): ScalarObject.__init__(self, data_code, isubcase, apply_data_code=True) self.ntotal = 0 self.ntimes = 0 self.nelements = 0 self.itotal = 0 self.ielement = 0 = None self.itime = None self._times = None
[docs] def get_headers(self): headers = [ 'lxa', 'lxb', 'lxc', 'lya', 'lyb', 'lyc', 'lza', 'lzb', 'lzc', 'sa', 'sb', 'sc', 'epr', 'ovm'] return headers
def __eq__(self, table): self._eq_header(table) if not np.array_equal(, msg = 'table_name=%r class_name=%s\n' % (self.table_name, self.__class__.__name__) msg += '%s\n' % str(self.code_information()) ntimes =[0] i = 0 if self.is_sort1: for itime in range(ntimes): for inid, nid in enumerate(self.node): t1 =[itime, inid, :] t2 =[itime, inid, :] (lxa1, lxb1, lxc1, lya1, lyb1, lyc1, lza1, lzb1, lzc1, sa1, sb1, sc1, epr1, ovm1) = t1 (lxa2, lxb2, lxc2, lya2, lyb2, lyc2, lza2, lzb2, lzc2, sa2, sb2, sc2, epr2, ovm2) = t2 if not np.allclose(t1, t2): #if not np.array_equal(t1, t2): msg += '%s\n (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n' % ( nid, lxa1, lxb1, lxc1, lya1, lyb1, lyc1, lza1, lxa2, lxb2, lxc2, lya2, lyb2, lyc2, lza2) i += 1 if i > 10: print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) else: raise NotImplementedError(self.is_sort2) if i > 0: print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return True def _reset_indices(self): self.itotal = 0 self.ielement = 0 @property def is_real(self): return True @property def is_complex(self): return False
[docs] def build(self): """sizes the vectorized attributes of the GridPointStressesArray""" #print('ntimes=%s nelements=%s ntotal=%s' % (self.ntimes, self.nelements, self.ntotal)) #print('self.IDs', self.itime = 0 self.ielement = 0 self.itotal = 0 assert self.ntimes > 0, 'ntimes=%s' % self.ntimes assert self.nelements > 0, 'nelements=%s' % self.nelements assert self.ntotal > 0, 'ntotal=%s' % self.ntotal self.nelements //= self.ntimes self.node = np.zeros(self.ntotal, dtype='int32') #lxa, lxb, lxc, lya, lyb, lyc, lza, lzb, lzc, sa, sb, sc, epr, ovm = np.zeros((self.ntimes, self.ntotal, 14), dtype='float32') self.location = np.empty(self.ntotal, dtype='U8') dtype = 'float32' if isinstance(self.nonlinear_factor, integer_types): dtype = 'int32' self._times = np.zeros(self.ntimes, dtype=dtype) self.is_built = True
[docs] def get_stats(self, short=False): if not self.is_built: return [ '<%s>\n' % self.__class__.__name__, ' ntimes: %i\n' % self.ntimes, ' ntotal: %i\n' % self.ntotal, ] ntimes, nelements, _ = assert self.ntimes == ntimes, 'ntimes=%s expected=%s' % (self.ntimes, ntimes) assert self.nelements == nelements, 'nelements=%s expected=%s' % (self.nelements, nelements) msg = [] if self.nonlinear_factor not in (None, np.nan): # transient msg.append(' type=%s ntimes=%i nelements=%i\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, ntimes, nelements)) ntimes_word = 'ntimes' else: msg.append(' type=%s nelements=%i\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, nelements)) ntimes_word = '1' headers = self.get_headers() n = len(headers) msg.append(' data: [%s, nelements, %i] where %i=[%s]\n' % (ntimes_word, n, n, str(', '.join(headers)))) msg.append(' node.shape = %s\n' % str(self.node.shape).replace('L', '')) msg.append(' location.shape = %s\n' % str(self.location.shape).replace('L', '')) msg.append(' data.shape = %s\n' % str('L', '')) msg += self.get_data_code() return msg
def add_sort1(self, dt, nid, lxa, lxb, lxc, lya, lyb, lyc, lza, lzb, lzc, sa, sb, sc, epr, ovm): assert isinstance(nid, int) and nid > 0, 'dt=%s nid=%s' % (dt, nid) self._times[self.itime] = dt self.node[self.itotal] = nid[self.itime, self.itotal, :] = [lxa, lxb, lxc, lya, lyb, lyc, lza, lzb, lzc, sa, sb, sc, epr, ovm] self.itotal += 1
[docs]class GridPointStressesVolumeDirectArray(ScalarObject): def __init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt): ScalarObject.__init__(self, data_code, isubcase, apply_data_code=True) self.ntotal = 0 self.ntimes = 0 self.nelements = 0 self.itotal = 0 self.ielement = 0 = None self.itime = None self._times = None
[docs] def get_headers(self): headers = ['ox', 'oy', 'oz', 'txy', 'tyz', 'txz', 'pressure', 'ovm'] return headers
def _reset_indices(self): self.itotal = 0 self.ielement = 0 @property def is_real(self): return True @property def is_complex(self): return False
[docs] def build(self): """sizes the vectorized attributes of the GridPointStressesArray""" #print('ntimes=%s nelements=%s ntotal=%s' % (self.ntimes, self.nelements, self.ntotal)) #print('self.IDs', self.itime = 0 self.ielement = 0 self.itotal = 0 assert self.ntimes > 0, 'ntimes=%s' % self.ntimes assert self.nelements > 0, 'nelements=%s' % self.nelements assert self.ntotal > 0, 'ntotal=%s' % self.ntotal self.nelements //= self.ntimes self.node = np.zeros(self.ntotal, dtype='int32') #oxx, oyy, txy, angle, major, minor, ovm = np.zeros((self.ntimes, self.ntotal, 8), dtype='float32') self.location = np.empty(self.ntotal, dtype='U8') dtype = 'float32' if isinstance(self.nonlinear_factor, integer_types): dtype = 'int32' self._times = np.zeros(self.ntimes, dtype=dtype) self.is_built = True
[docs] def get_stats(self, short=False): if not self.is_built: return [ '<%s>\n' % self.__class__.__name__, ' ntimes: %i\n' % self.ntimes, ' ntotal: %i\n' % self.ntotal, ] ntimes, nelements, _ = assert self.ntimes == ntimes, 'ntimes=%s expected=%s' % (self.ntimes, ntimes) assert self.nelements == nelements, 'nelements=%s expected=%s' % (self.nelements, nelements) msg = [] if self.nonlinear_factor not in (None, np.nan): # transient msg.append(' type=%s ntimes=%i nelements=%i\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, ntimes, nelements)) ntimes_word = 'ntimes' else: msg.append(' type=%s nelements=%i\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, nelements)) ntimes_word = '1' headers = self.get_headers() n = len(headers) msg.append(' data: [%s, nelements, %i] where %i=[%s]\n' % (ntimes_word, n, n, str(', '.join(headers)))) msg.append(' node.shape = %s\n' % str(self.node.shape).replace('L', '')) msg.append(' location.shape = %s\n' % str(self.location.shape).replace('L', '')) msg.append(' data.shape = %s\n' % str('L', '')) msg += self.get_data_code() return msg
def add_sort1(self, dt, nid, nx, ny, nz, txy, tyz, txz, pressure, ovm): assert isinstance(nid, int) and nid > 0, 'dt=%s nid=%s' % (dt, nid) self._times[self.itime] = dt self.node[self.itotal] = nid[self.itime, self.itotal, :] = [nx, ny, nz, txy, tyz, txz, pressure, ovm] self.itotal += 1
[docs] def write_f06(self, f06_file, header=None, page_stamp='PAGE %s', page_num=1, is_mag_phase=False, is_sort1=True): """ ' D I R E C T S T R E S S E S A T G R I D P O I N T S - - V O L U M E 101' ' OUTPUT COORDINATE SYSTEM = 0 BASIC ' ' GRID NORMAL-X NORMAL-Y NORMAL-Z SHEAR-XY SHEAR-YZ SHEAR-ZX MEAN VON MISES' ' ID PRESSURE' ' 1 1.455E+03 -1.548E+02 -2.927E+02 -1.573E+01 3.326E+01 -3.438E+03 -3.357E+02 6.188E+03' ' 2 1.093E+03 -1.996E+02 -1.682E+02 1.542E+02 5.962E+01 -4.104E+03 -2.417E+02 7.227E+03' """ if header is None: header = [] cid = self.refid #axis_int = self.oCoord #axis_map = {0 : 'X', 1 : 'Y', 2 : 'Z'} #axis = axis_map[axis_int] msg = [ ' D I R E C T S T R E S S E S A T G R I D P O I N T S - - V O L U M E %3i\n' ' OUTPUT COORDINATE SYSTEM = %7i ELEMENT \n' ' GRID NORMAL-X NORMAL-Y NORMAL-Z SHEAR-XY SHEAR-YZ SHEAR-ZX MEAN VON MISES\n' ' ID PRESSURE\n' % ( #' 8086 6.136E-02 2.131E-01 8.353E-02 -2.268E+00 -2.274E-13 1.525E-13 -1.193E-01 3.930E+00' self.ogs_id, cid) ] ntimes =[0] nids = self.node zero = ' ' for itime in range(ntimes): dt = self._times[itime] header = _eigenvalue_header(self, header, itime, ntimes, dt) f06_file.write(''.join(header + msg)) nx =[itime, :, 0] ny =[itime, :, 1] nz =[itime, :, 2] txy =[itime, :, 3] tyz =[itime, :, 4] txz =[itime, :, 5] pressure =[itime, :, 6] ovm =[itime, :, 7] for (nid, nxi, nyi, nzi, txyi, tyzi, txzi, pressurei, ovmi) in zip( nids, nx, ny, nz, txy, tyz, txz, pressure, ovm): [nxi, nyi, nzi, txyi, tyzi, txzi, pressurei, ovmi] = write_floats_10e([ nxi, nyi, nzi, txyi, tyzi, txzi, pressurei, ovmi]) f06_file.write('%s%8s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-s\n' % ( zero, nid, nxi, nyi, nzi, txyi, tyzi, txzi, pressurei, ovmi.rstrip())) f06_file.write(page_stamp % page_num) page_num += 1 return page_num - 1
def __eq__(self, table): assert self.is_sort1 == table.is_sort1 self._eq_header(table) if not np.array_equal(, msg = 'table_name=%r class_name=%s\n' % (self.table_name, self.__class__.__name__) msg += '%s\n' % str(self.code_information()) ntimes =[0] i = 0 if self.is_sort1: for itime in range(ntimes): for inid, nid in enumerate(self.node): t1 =[itime, inid, :] t2 =[itime, inid, :] (nx1, ny1, nz1, txy1, tyz1, txz1, pressure1, ovm1) = t1 (nx2, ny2, nz2, txy2, tyz2, txz2, pressure2, ovm2) = t2 if not np.allclose(t1, t2): #if not np.array_equal(t1, t2): msg += '%s\n (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n' % ( nid, nx1, ny1, nz1, txy1, tyz1, txz1, pressure1, ovm1, nx2, ny2, nz2, txy2, tyz2, txz2, pressure2, ovm2) i += 1 if i > 10: print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) else: raise NotImplementedError(self.is_sort2) if i > 0: print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return True
#msg = [ #' P R I N C I P A L G R I D P O I N T S T R E S S D I S C O N T I N U I T I E S - - V O L U M E %s\n' #' OUTPUT COORDINATE SYSTEM = %7i ELEMENT \n' #' GRID PRINCIPAL STRESS DISCONTINUITY MEAN VON MISES ERROR\n' #' ID A B C PRESSURE EST.\n' % ( #ivolume, cid) #' 8086 5.448E-09 9.886E-08 2.026E-15 2.484E-09 1.086E-07 5.716E-08' #] # not sure what result this is for #zero = ' ' #f06_file.write('%s%8s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-s\n' % ( #zero, nid, nxi, nyi, nzi, txyi, tyzi, txzi, pressurei, ovmi.rstrip())) GridPointStressesVolumeDiscontinutiesArray = None # tCode=34
[docs]class GridPointStressesSurfaceDiscontinutiesArray(ScalarObject): # tCode=35 def __init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt): ScalarObject.__init__(self, data_code, isubcase, apply_data_code=True) self.ntotal = 0 self.ntimes = 0 self.nelements = 0 self.itotal = 0 self.ielement = 0 = None self.itime = None #self.node_element = None self._times = None
[docs] def get_headers(self): headers = ['oxx', 'oyy', 'ozz', 'txy', 'pressure'] return headers
def _reset_indices(self): self.itotal = 0 self.ielement = 0 @property def is_real(self): return True @property def is_complex(self): return False
[docs] def build(self): """sizes the vectorized attributes of the GridPointStressesArray""" #print('ntimes=%s nelements=%s ntotal=%s' % (self.ntimes, self.nelements, self.ntotal)) #print('self.IDs', self.itime = 0 self.ielement = 0 self.itotal = 0 assert self.ntimes > 0, 'ntimes=%s' % self.ntimes assert self.nelements > 0, 'nelements=%s' % self.nelements assert self.ntotal > 0, 'ntotal=%s' % self.ntotal #self.names = [] self.nelements //= self.ntimes self.node = np.zeros(self.ntotal, dtype='int32') #oxx, oyy, ozz, txy, pressure = np.zeros((self.ntimes, self.ntotal, 5), dtype='float32') self.location = np.empty(self.ntotal, dtype='U8') dtype = 'float32' if isinstance(self.nonlinear_factor, integer_types): dtype = 'int32' self._times = np.zeros(self.ntimes, dtype=dtype) self.is_built = True
[docs] def get_stats(self, short=False): if not self.is_built: return [ '<%s>\n' % self.__class__.__name__, ' ntimes: %i\n' % self.ntimes, ' ntotal: %i\n' % self.ntotal, ] ntimes, nelements, _ = assert self.ntimes == ntimes, 'ntimes=%s expected=%s' % (self.ntimes, ntimes) assert self.nelements == nelements, 'nelements=%s expected=%s' % (self.nelements, nelements) msg = [] if self.nonlinear_factor not in (None, np.nan): # transient msg.append(' type=%s ntimes=%i nelements=%i\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, ntimes, nelements)) ntimes_word = 'ntimes' else: msg.append(' type=%s nelements=%i\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, nelements)) ntimes_word = '1' headers = self.get_headers() n = len(headers) msg.append(' data: [%s, nelements, %i] where %i=[%s]\n' % (ntimes_word, n, n, str(', '.join(headers)))) msg.append(' node.shape = %s\n' % str(self.node.shape).replace('L', '')) msg.append(' location.shape = %s\n' % str(self.location.shape).replace('L', '')) msg.append(' data.shape = %s\n' % str('L', '')) msg += self.get_data_code() return msg
def add_sort1(self, dt, nid, oxx, oyy, ozz, txy, pressure): assert isinstance(nid, int) and nid > 0, 'dt=%s nid=%s' % (dt, nid) self._times[self.itime] = dt self.node[self.itotal] = nid[self.itime, self.itotal, :] = [oxx, oyy, ozz, txy, pressure] self.itotal += 1