pybdf Module

Inheritance diagram of pyNastran.bdf.bdf_interface.pybdf
Main BDF class. Defines:
  • BDFInputPy
class pyNastran.bdf.bdf_interface.pybdf.BDFInputPy(read_includes, dumplines, encoding, nastran_format='msc', consider_superelements=True, log=None, debug=False)[source]

Bases: object

BDF reader class that only handles lines and not building cards or parsing cards

BDF reader class that only handles lines and not building cards or parsing cards

read_includes : bool

should include files be read

dumplines : bool

Writes ‘pyNastran_dump.bdf’ up to some failed line index

encoding : str

the character encoding (e.g., utf8, latin1, cp1252)

nastran_format : str; default=’msc’

‘zona’ has a special read method {msc, nx, zona}

consider_superelements : bool; default=True

parse ‘begin super=2’

log : logger(); default=None

a logger for printing INCLUDE files that are loadaed

debug : bool; default=False

used when testing; for the logger

get_lines(self, bdf_filename, punch=False, make_ilines=True)[source]

Opens the bdf and extracts the lines by group

bdf_filename : str

the main bdf_filename

punch : bool; default=False

is this a punch file True : no executive/case control decks False : executive/case control decks exist

make_ilines : bool; default=True

flag for bulk_data_ilines

system_lines : List[str]

the system control lines (typically empty; used for alters)

executive_control_lines : List[str]

the executive control lines (stores SOL 101)

case_control_lines : List[str]

the case control lines (stores subcases)

bulk_data_lines : List[str]

the bulk data lines (stores geometry, boundary conditions, loads, etc.)

bulk_data_ilines : None / (nlines, 2) int ndarray
if make_ilines = True:

the [ifile, iline] pair for each line in the file

if make_ilines = False:

ilines = None

get_main_lines(self, bdf_filename)[source]

Opens the bdf and extracts the lines

bdf_filename : str / StringIO

the main bdf_filename

lines : List[str]

all the lines packed into a single line stream

lines_to_deck_lines(self, lines, make_ilines=True)[source]

Merges the includes into the main deck.

lines : List[str]

the lines from the main BDF

make_ilines : bool; default=True

flag for ilines

active_lines : List[str]

all the active lines in the deck

ilines : (nlines, 2) int ndarray
if make_ilines = True:

the [ifile, iline] pair for each line in the file

if make_ilines = False:

ilines = None