
This is the pyNastran.op2.op2_geom.rst file.

op2_geom Module

Inheritance diagram of pyNastran.op2.op2_geom
  • read_op2_geom(op2_filename=None, combine=True, subcases=None,
    exclude_results=None, include_results=None, validate=True, xref=True, build_dataframe=False, skip_undefined_matrices=True, mode=’msc’, log=None, debug=True, debug_file=None, encoding=None)
  • OP2Geom(make_geom=True, debug=False, log=None, debug_file=None, mode=’msc’) - OP2
class pyNastran.op2.op2_geom.OP2Geom(make_geom=True, debug=False, log=None, debug_file=None, mode='msc')[source]

Bases: pyNastran.bdf.bdf.BDF, pyNastran.op2.op2_geom.OP2GeomCommon

creates an interface for the OP2 and BDF classes

Initializes the OP2 object

make_geom : bool; default=False

reads the BDF tables

debug : bool; default=False

enables the debug log and sets the debug in the logger

log: log()

a logging object to write debug messages to (.. seealso:: import logging)

debug_file : default=None -> no debug

sets the filename that will be written to

mode : str; default=’msc’

{msc, nx}

export_hdf5_file(self, hdf5_file, exporter=None)[source]

Converts the OP2 objects into hdf5 object

hdf5_file : H5File()

an h5py object

exporter : HDF5Exporter; default=None


TODO: doesn’t support:
  • BucklingEigenvalues

converts the GPDT & EQEXIN tables to node ids

read_op2(self, op2_filename=None, combine=True, build_dataframe=None, skip_undefined_matrices=False, encoding=None)[source]

see OP2.read_op2

class pyNastran.op2.op2_geom.OP2GeomCommon(make_geom=True, debug=False, log=None, debug_file=None, mode=None)[source]

Bases: pyNastran.op2.op2.OP2, pyNastran.op2.tables.geom.geom1.GEOM1, pyNastran.op2.tables.geom.geom2.GEOM2, pyNastran.op2.tables.geom.geom3.GEOM3, pyNastran.op2.tables.geom.geom4.GEOM4, pyNastran.op2.tables.geom.ept.EPT, pyNastran.op2.tables.geom.mpt.MPT, pyNastran.op2.tables.geom.edt.EDT, pyNastran.op2.tables.geom.edom.EDOM, pyNastran.op2.tables.geom.dit.DIT, pyNastran.op2.tables.geom.dynamics.DYNAMICS

interface for the OP2Geom class for to loading subclasses

Initializes the OP2 object

make_geom : bool; default=False

reads the BDF tables

debug : bool; default=False

enables the debug log and sets the debug in the logger

log: log()

a logging object to write debug messages to (.. seealso:: import logging)

debug_file : default=None -> no debug

sets the filename that will be written to

mode : str; default=None -> ‘msc’

{msc, nx}

save(self, obj_filename='model.obj', unxref=True)[source]

Saves a pickleable object

pyNastran.op2.op2_geom.read_op2_geom(op2_filename=None, combine=True, subcases=None, exclude_results=None, include_results=None, validate=True, xref=True, build_dataframe=False, skip_undefined_matrices=True, mode='msc', log=None, debug=True, debug_file=None, encoding=None)[source]

Creates the OP2 object without calling the OP2 class.

op2_filename : str (default=None -> popup)

the op2_filename

combine : bool; default=True

True : objects are isubcase based False : objects are (isubcase, subtitle) based;

will be used for superelements regardless of the option

subcases : List[int, …] / int; default=None->all subcases

list of [subcase1_ID,subcase2_ID]

exclude_results / include_results : List[str] / str; default=None

a list of result types to exclude/include one of these must be None

validate : bool

runs various checks on the BDF (default=True)

xref : bool

should the bdf be cross referenced (default=True)

build_dataframe : bool; default=False

builds a pandas DataFrame for op2 objects

skip_undefined_matrices : bool; default=False

True : prevents matrix reading crashes

log : Log()

a logging object to write debug messages to

(.. seealso:: import logging)

debug : bool; default=False

enables the debug log and sets the debug in the logger

debug_file : str; default=None (No debug)

sets the filename that will be written to

encoding : str

the unicode encoding (default=None; system default)

model : OP2()

an OP2 object


creates the OP2 object without all the read methods ..


this method will change in order to return an object that does not have so many methods