Source code for pyNastran.bdf.bdf_interface.include_file

Defines utilities for parsing include files:
 - get_include_filename(card_lines, include_dir='', is_windows=None)

import os
import ntpath
import posixpath
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional, Any
from pathlib import PurePosixPath, PureWindowsPath
from pyNastran.bdf.errors import EnvironmentVariableError

IS_WINDOWS = 'nt' in
#is_linux = 'posix' in
#is_mac = 'darwin' in

[docs]def get_include_filename(card_lines: List[str], include_dir: str='', is_windows: Optional[bool]=None) -> str: """ Parses an INCLUDE file split into multiple lines (as a list). Parameters ---------- card_lines : List[str] the list of lines in the include card (all the lines!) include_dir : str; default='' the include directory Returns ------- filename : str the INCLUDE filename """ if is_windows is None: is_windows = IS_WINDOWS card_lines2 = [] for line in card_lines: line = line.strip('\t\r\n ') card_lines2.append(line) # combine the lines # ----------------- # initial: # INCLUDE '/dir123 # /dir456 # /dir789/filename.dat' # # final (not the extra single quotes): # "'/dir123/dir456/dir789/filename.dat'" card_lines2[0] = card_lines2[0][7:].strip() # remove the INCLUDE filename = ''.join(card_lines2) # drop the single quotes: # "'path1/path2/'" to "path1/path2/" filename = filename.strip('"').strip("'") if len(filename.strip()) == 0: raise SyntaxError('INCLUDE file is empty...card_lines=%s\n' 'there is a $ sign in the INCLUDE card' % card_lines) # not handled... # include '/mydir' /level1 /level2/ 'myfile.x' # # -> /proj/dept123/sect 456/joe/flange.bdf # probably not handled... # include c:\project, # $ A comment line # '\Data Files' \subdir\thisfile # # -> C:\PROJECT\Data Files\SUBDIR\THISFILE tokens = split_filename_into_tokens(include_dir, filename, is_windows) filename = str(tokens) return filename
[docs]def split_filename_into_tokens(include_dir: str, filename: str, is_windows: bool) -> Any: r""" Tokens are the individual components of paths Invalid Linux Tokens '\0' (NUL) Invalid Windows Tokens < (less than) > (greater than) : (colon - sometimes works, but is actually NTFS Alternate Data Streams) " (double quote) / (forward slash) \ (backslash) | (vertical bar or pipe) ? (question mark) * (asterisk) All control codes (<= 31) """ if is_windows: inc = PureWindowsPath(include_dir) pth = PureWindowsPath(filename).parts # fails if the comment has stripped out the file (e.g., "INCLUDE '$ENV/model.bdf'") pth0 = pth[0] # Linux style paths # /work/model.bdf if len(pth0) == 1 and pth0[0] == '\\': # utterly breaks os.path.join raise SyntaxError('filename=%r cannot start with / on Windows' % filename) else: inc = PurePosixPath(include_dir) pth = PurePosixPath(filename).parts # fails if the comment has stripped out the file (e.g., "INCLUDE '$ENV/model.bdf'") pth0 = pth[0] if len(pth0) >= 2 and pth0[:2] == r'\\': # Windows network paths # \\nas3\work\model.bdf raise SyntaxError("filename=%r cannot start with \\\\ on Linux" % filename) pth2 = split_tokens(pth, is_windows) if is_windows: pth3 = ntpath.join(*pth2) else: pth3 = posixpath.join(*pth2) pth_out = inc / pth3 return pth_out
[docs]def split_tokens(tokens, is_windows): # type: (Tuple[str], bool) -> List[str] """converts a series of path tokens into a joinable path""" tokens2 = [] # type: List[str] is_mac_linux = not is_windows for itoken, token in enumerate(tokens): # this is technically legal... # INCLUDE '/testdir/dir1/dir2/*/myfile.dat' assert '*' not in token, '* in path not supported; tokens=%s' % tokens if is_windows: assert '$' not in token, '$ in path not supported; tokens=%s' % tokens else: assert '%' not in token, '%% in path not supported; tokens=%s' % tokens if itoken == 0 and is_mac_linux and ':' in token: ## no C:/dir/model.bdf on linux/mac #raise SyntaxError('token cannot include colons (:); token=%r; tokens=%s' % ( #token, str(tokens))) # this has an environment variable or a drive letter #print(token) stokens = token.split(':') if len(stokens) != 2: msg = "len(stokens)=%s must be 2; stokens=%s" % (len(stokens), stokens) raise SyntaxError(msg) if len(stokens[0]) == 1: if len(stokens[1]) not in [0, 1]: raise SyntaxError('tokens=%r token=%r stokens=%s stoken[1]=%r len=%r' % ( tokens, token, stokens, stokens[1], len(stokens[1]))) if len(stokens[0]) < 2: raise SyntaxError('token cannot include colons (:); token=%r; tokens=%s' % ( token, str(tokens))) # variables in Windows are not case sensitive; not handled? token0 = stokens[0] if is_windows: assert '$' not in stokens[0], token0 assert '%' not in stokens[0], token0 if '%' in token0: assert token0[0] == '%', token0 assert token0[-1] == '%', token0 token0 = '%' + token0 + '%' else: token0 = '$' + token0 #tokeni = os.path.expandvars('$' + stokens[0]) tokeni = os.path.expandvars(token0) if '$' in tokeni: raise SyntaxError('tokeni=%r has a $ in it after expanding (token0=%r)...\n' 'tokens=%s stokens=%s' % (tokeni, token0, tokens, stokens)) tokensi = PureWindowsPath(tokeni).parts else: if '$' in token0: assert token0[0] == '$', token0 else: token0 = '$' + token0 assert '%' not in stokens[0], token0 tokeni = os.path.expandvars(token0) tokensi = PurePosixPath(tokeni).parts tokens2.extend(tokensi) tokens2.append(stokens[1]) elif ':' in token: # Windows # this has an environment variable or a drive letter stokens = token.split(':') if len(stokens[0]) == 1: if len(stokens[1]) not in [0, 1]: raise SyntaxError('tokens=%r token=%r stokens=%s stoken[1]=%r len=%r' % ( tokens, token, stokens, stokens[1], len(stokens[1]))) # drive letter if itoken != 0: raise SyntaxError('the drive letter is in the wrong place; ' 'itoken=%s; token=%r; stoken=%s; tokens=%s' % ( itoken, token, stokens, tokens)) tokens2.append(token) else: # variables in Windows are not case sensitive; not handled? environment_vars_to_expand = stokens[:-1] if len(environment_vars_to_expand) != 1: raise SyntaxError( 'Only 1 environment variable can be expanded; ' 'environment_vars_to_expand = %r' % environment_vars_to_expand) for env_var in environment_vars_to_expand: if env_var.strip('$ %') not in os.environ: environment_variables = list(os.environ.keys()) environment_variables.sort() raise EnvironmentVariableError( f"Can't find environment variable={repr(env_var)}" f'\nenviron={environment_variables}\n' f'which is required for {repr(tokens)}') env_vari = os.path.expandvars('$' + env_var.strip('%')) if '$' in env_vari: raise SyntaxError('env_vari=%r has a $ in it after expanding (token0=%r)...\n' 'tokens=%s stokens=%s' % (env_vari, env_var, tokens, stokens)) if is_windows: tokensi = PureWindowsPath(env_vari).parts else: tokensi = PurePosixPath(env_vari).parts tokens2.extend(tokensi) tokens2.append(stokens[-1]) else: # standard tokens2.append(token) return tokens2