Source code for pyNastran.bdf.bdf_interface.subcase_utils

 - expand_thru_case_control(set_value)
 - write_set(set_id, values, spaces='')
 - write_stress_type(key, options, value, spaces='')

from typing import List, Optional, Union, Set, Any
from pyNastran.utils.numpy_utils import integer_types
from import collapse_thru_packs

[docs]def expand_thru_case_control(data_in): # type: (List[Union[int, float, str]]) -> List[int] """ Expands a case control SET card Parameters ---------- set_value : str??? ??? Returns ------- values : List[int] / List[float] the values in the SET Examples -------- set_value = ['1 THRU 5', '20 THRU 30 BY 2'] >>> values = expand_thru_case_control(set_value) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30] Odd behavior: - 1 THRU 10 EXCEPT 4,5,6,11 results in [1,2,3,7,8,9,10,11] the EXCEPT is active while the value is less than the THRU value of 10 and the values are in ascending order What happens when: - a value is excluded and later added or - a value is included and later excluded """ data, stype = setup_data(data_in) if len(data) == 1 and stype == 'str': return data #print('***************************') #print('data =', data) if stype == 'int': out = [datai if isinstance(datai, int) else int(datai) for datai in data] out.sort() return out elif stype == 'float': return expand_float(data) elif stype == 'str': return data #------------------------------------------------------------------- # has a THRU, BY, or EXCEPT assert stype == 'int_thru', data ndata = len(data) - 1 out = [] removed_set = set() i = 0 is_thru = False while i < len(data): value = data[i] #print('---') #print('i=%s value=%r is_thru=%s' % (i, value, is_thru)) if is_thru: #print('$$$ starting thru') is_thru = False continue_after_range = False out2 = [] #print('*', i, value) value0 = out.pop() end_value = int(value) i += 1 #print('*value0 =', value0) #print('*end_value =', i, end_value) by_value = 1 if i <= ndata: next_svalue = data[i] #print('found by?', next_svalue) if isinstance(next_svalue, int) or next_svalue.isdigit(): # catches integers continue_after_range = True elif next_svalue == 'BY': i += 1 next_svalue2 = data[i] if isinstance(next_svalue2, int): by_value = next_svalue2 else: next_svalue2 = next_svalue2.upper() #print('next_svalue2 =', next_svalue2) by_value = int(next_svalue2) #print('by_value =', by_value) elif next_svalue == 'EXCEPT': i, removed_seti = get_except(data, i+1, ndata, end_value) removed_set.update(removed_seti) continue_after_range = True else: raise RuntimeError('next_svalue=%s data=%s' % (next_svalue, data)) #else: # out of range rangei = range(value0, end_value + 1, by_value) #print('range(%r, %r, %r) = %s' % (value0, end_value + 1, by_value, rangei)) out2.extend(rangei) if end_value != out2[-1]: out2.append(end_value) if continue_after_range: #print('continue_after_range; adding %s' % str(out2)) out.extend(out2) continue #print('looking for except...') i += 1 if i < ndata: exclude_svalue = data[i] #print('found exclude?', exclude_svalue) if exclude_svalue == 'EXCEPT': i, removed_seti = get_except(data, i, ndata, end_value) removed_set.update(removed_seti) raise RuntimeError('need a test problem for EXCEPT') #continue else: raise RuntimeError('need a test problem for skipping EXCEPT; ' 'datai=%s' % exclude_svalue) else: i -= 1 out.extend(out2) #print(i, value0, 'THRU', end_value) #print('------------') del by_value i += 1 elif isinstance(value, int): #print('value =', i, value) out.append(value) i += 1 continue else: #print('add', i, value) assert is_thru is False, data if value == 'THRU': is_thru = True else: ivalue = int(value) out.append(ivalue) i += 1 if len(removed_set): #print('data =', data) #print('out =', out) #print('removed_set =', removed_set) out_set = set(out) - removed_set out = list(out_set) out.sort() return out
[docs]def split_comma_space(datai): """normalizes the form of a SET into a comma separated list instead of being mixed""" if ',' in datai: # do I need a strip? sline = datai.replace(',', ' ').split() else: sline = datai.split() return sline
[docs]def setup_data(data_in): """helper method for ``expand_thru_case_control``""" data = [] for datai in data_in: if isinstance(datai, (int, float)): data.append(datai) else: datai = datai.upper().replace('INCLUDE', ' ') sline = split_comma_space(datai) data.extend(sline) stype = 'int' for datai in data: #print(datai, any(char.isalpha() for char in datai)) if isinstance(datai, int) or isinteger(datai): continue elif datai in ['THRU', 'EXCEPT', 'BY']: stype = 'int_thru' break #elif datai.isn elif '.' in datai: stype = 'float' break elif '/' in datai or any(char.isalpha() for char in datai): stype = 'str' break else: raise RuntimeError('datai=%r data=%s' % (datai, data)) #if stype in ['float', 'str']: #print(data) return data, stype
[docs]def isinteger(astring): """Is the given string an integer?""" try: int(astring) except ValueError: return False else: return True
[docs]def get_except(data, i, ndata, end_value): """helper method for expand that gets the values until the end of an EXCEPT chain""" removed = [] ivalue_old = 0 while i < len(data): value = data[i] #print(' exclude?', i, value) if isinstance(value, int): ivalue = value elif value.isdigit(): ivalue = int(value) elif value == 'THRU': ivalue_old = int(data[i-1]) ivalue_new = int(data[i+1]) rangei = range(ivalue_old, ivalue_new+1) removed.extend(rangei) i += 2 continue else: raise NotImplementedError('data[%i] = %s; data=%s' % (i, value, data)) #print(' ivalue=%s > end_value=%s' % (ivalue, end_value)) if ivalue > end_value and ivalue > ivalue_old: #print(' break') break removed.append(ivalue) ivalue_old = ivalue i += 1 removed_set = set(removed) #print('removed...', removed) #print('*datai =', data[i]) return i, removed_set
[docs]def expand_float(data): """helper method for ``expand_thru_case_control``""" out = [] for datai in data: out.append(float(datai)) out.sort() return out
[docs]def write_stress_type(key: str, options: List[str], value: Optional[str], spaces: str='') -> str: """ writes: - STRESS(SORT1) = ALL - GROUNDCHECK(PRINT,SET=(G,N,N+AUTOSPC,F,A),THRESH=1e-2,DATAREC=NO) = YES """ msg = '' str_options = ','.join(options) #print("str_options = %r" % (str_options)) #print("STRESS-type key=%s value=%s options=%s" #% (key, value, options)) if value is None: val = '' else: val = ' = %s' % value if len(str_options) > 0: msgi = '%s(%s)%s\n' % (key, str_options, val) if len(msgi) > 64: msgi = '%s(' % key msg_done = '' i = 0 while i < len(options): new_msgi = '%s,' % options[i] if (len(msgi) + len(new_msgi)) < 64: msgi += new_msgi else: msg_done += msgi + '\n' msgi = spaces + new_msgi i += 1 msg_done += msgi msgi = '' msg_done = msg_done.rstrip(' ,\n') + ')%s\n' % val assert len(msgi) < 68, 'len(msg)=%s; msg=\n%s' % (len(msgi), msgi) msg += msg_done else: assert len(msgi) < 68, 'len(msg)=%s; msg=\n%s' % (len(msgi), msgi) msg += msgi else: msgi = '%s%s\n' % (key, val) assert len(msgi) < 68, 'len(msg)=%s; msg=\n%s' % (len(msgi), msgi) msg += msgi msg = spaces + msg return msg
[docs]def write_set(set_id: int, values: List[int], spaces: str='') -> str: """ writes SET 80 = 3926, 3927, 3928, 4141, 4142, 4143, 4356, 4357, 4358, 4571, 4572, 4573, 3323 THRU 3462, 3464 THRU 3603, 3605 THRU 3683, 3910 THRU 3921, 4125 THRU 4136, 4340 THRU 4351 Parameters ---------- set_id : int / str? the Set ID values : List[int] the Set values spaces : str; default='' indentation Returns ------- msg : str the string of the set Examples -------- **Example 1** >>> set_id = 80 >>> values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7] >>> set = write_set(set_id, values, spaces='') >>> set SET 80 = 1 THRU 5, 7 **Example 2** >>> set_id = '' >>> values = ['ALL'] >>> set = write_set(set_id, values, spaces='') >>> set SET = ALL """ values.sort() starter = f'SET {set_id:d} = ' msg2 = spaces + starter msg = '' nchars = len(msg2) is_valid = True for value in values: if not isinstance(value, integer_types): is_valid = False break if is_valid: singles, doubles = collapse_thru_packs(values) out_values = singles for double in doubles: assert len(double) == 3, double sdouble = '%i THRU %i' % (double[0], double[2]) out_values.append(sdouble) else: out_values = values for out_value in out_values: new_string = '%s, ' % out_value if len(msg2 + new_string) > 70: msg += msg2 + '\n' msg2 = ' ' * nchars + new_string else: msg2 += new_string return msg + msg2.rstrip(' \n,') + '\n'