Source code for pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.export_mcids

 - nodes, bars = export_mcids(bdf_filename, csv_filename=None)

from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict, Union, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
import numpy as np
from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import BDF, read_bdf, PCOMP, PCOMPG, PSHELL
from import (
    CTRIA3, CTRIA6, CQUAD4, CQUAD8, CTRIAR, CQUADR, rotate_by_thetad)
    from cpylog import SimpleLogger

    'CELAS1', 'CELAS2', 'CELAS3', 'CELAS4', 'CELAS5',
    'CDAMP1', 'CDAMP2', 'CDAMP3', 'CDAMP4', 'CDAMP5',
    'CROD', 'CONROD', 'CTUBE',
    'CBAR', 'CBEAM', 'CBEND', 'CBEAM3',
    'CRAC2D', 'CRAC3D',
    'CTRAX3', 'CTRAX6',

[docs]def export_mcids(bdf_filename: Union[BDF, str], csv_filename: Optional[str]=None, eids: Optional[List[int]]=None, export_xaxis: bool=True, export_yaxis: bool=True, consider_property_rotation: bool=True, iply: int=0, log=None, debug=False): """ Exports the element material coordinates systems for non-isotropic materials. Parameters ---------- bdf_filename : str/BDF a bdf filename or BDF model csv_filename : str; default=None str : the path to the output csv None : don't write a CSV eids : List[int] the element ids to consider export_xaxis : bool; default=True export the x-axis export_yaxis : bool; default=True export the x-axis consider_property_rotation : bool; default=True rotate the coordinate system iply : int; default=0 TODO: not validated the ply to consider pid_to_nplies : Dict[int pid, int nplies]; default=None -> auto optional dictionary to speed up analysis **PSHELL** iply location ---- -------- 0 mid1 or mid2 1 mid1 2 mid2 3 mid3 4 mid4 **PCOMP/PCOMPG** iply location ---- -------- 0 layer1 1 layer2 Returns ------- nodes : (nnodes, 3) float list the nodes bars : (nbars, 2) int list the "bars" that represent the x/y axes of the coordinate systems """ if isinstance(bdf_filename, BDF): model = bdf_filename else: model = read_bdf(bdf_filename, xref=False, log=log, debug=debug) #print(model.get_bdf_stats()) model.safe_cross_reference() elements = _get_elements(model, eids) pid_to_nplies, nplies_max = get_pid_to_nplies(model) if nplies_max == 0: return {}, 0 if iply >= nplies_max: raise RuntimeError(f'no ply {iply} found') eid = 1 nid = 1 nodes = [] bars = [] consider_property_rotation = True # not tested export_both_axes = export_xaxis and export_yaxis assert export_xaxis or export_yaxis #pids_failed = set() for unused_eidi, elem in sorted(elements.items()): if elem.type in {'CQUAD4', 'CQUAD8', 'CQUAD', 'CQUADR'}: pid = nplies = pid_to_nplies[pid] if iply >= nplies: continue nid, eid = _export_quad_mcid(model, elem, nodes, iply, nid, eid, #pids_failed, bars, export_both_axes, export_xaxis, consider_property_rotation) elif elem.type in {'CTRIA3', 'CTRIA6', 'CTRIAR'}: pid = nplies = pid_to_nplies[pid] if iply >= nplies: continue nid, eid = _export_tria_mcid(model, elem, nodes, iply, nid, eid, #pids_failed, bars, export_both_axes, export_xaxis, consider_property_rotation) elif elem.type in SKIP_ETYPES: continue else: raise NotImplementedError(f'element type={elem.type!r} is not supported\n{elem}') #if len(nodes) == 0 and pids_failed: #msg = 'No material coordinate systems could be found for iply=%s\n' % iply #pids_failed_list = list(pids_failed) #pids_failed_list.sort() #model.log.warning('pids_failed_list = %s' % str(pids_failed_list)) #pid_str = [str(pid) for pid in pids_failed_list] #msg += 'iPly=%r; Property IDs failed: [%s]\n' % (iply, ', '.join(pid_str)) #for pid in pids_failed_list: #prop =[pid] #msg += f'Property {pid}:\n{prop}\n' #raise RuntimeError(msg) _export_coord_axes(nodes, bars, csv_filename) return nodes, bars
[docs]def _get_elements(model, eids): if isinstance(eids, int): eids = [eids] if eids is None: elements = model.elements else: elements = {eid : model.elements[eid] for eid in eids} return elements
[docs]def _load_bdf(bdf_filename: Union[BDF, str], log: Optional[SimpleLogger]=None, debug: bool=True) -> BDF: if isinstance(bdf_filename, BDF): model = bdf_filename else: model = read_bdf(bdf_filename, xref=False, log=log, debug=debug) #print(model.get_bdf_stats()) model.safe_cross_reference() return model
[docs]def export_mcids_all(bdf_filename: Union[BDF, str], eids: Optional[List[int]]=None, log: Optional[SimpleLogger]=None, debug: bool=False): """ Exports the element material coordinates systems for non-isotropic materials. Note that for two quads identically oriented/numbered PSHELL quads with theta different between the two, the mcid will be different. Parameters ---------- bdf_filename : str/BDF a bdf filename or BDF model csv_filename : str; default=None str : the path to the output csv None : don't write a CSV eids : List[int] the element ids to consider **PSHELL** iply location ---- -------- 0 mid1 or mid2 1 mid1 2 mid2 3 mid3 4 mid4 **PCOMP/PCOMPG** iply location ---- -------- 0 layer1 1 layer2 Returns ------- nodes : (nnodes, 3) float list the nodes bars : (nbars, 2) int list the "bars" that represent the x/y axes of the coordinate systems """ model = _load_bdf(bdf_filename, log=None, debug=True) pid_to_nplies, nplies_max = get_pid_to_nplies(model) if nplies_max == 0: return {}, 0 elements = _get_elements(model, eids) # -2: elment coord # -1: MCID # 0: ply 1 # 1: ply 2 # ... iply_to_nids = {iply : 0 for iply in range(-2, nplies_max)} iply_to_nodes = {iply : [] for iply in range(-2, nplies_max)} iply_to_bars = {iply : [] for iply in range(-2, nplies_max)} for unused_eidi, elem in sorted(elements.items()): if elem.type in {'CQUAD4', 'CQUAD8', 'CQUAD', 'CQUADR'}: pid = nplies = pid_to_nplies[pid] if nplies == 0: continue _export_quad_mcid_all( model, elem, nplies, iply_to_nids, iply_to_nodes, iply_to_bars) elif elem.type in {'CTRIA3', 'CTRIA6', 'CTRIAR'}: pid = nplies = pid_to_nplies[pid] if nplies == 0: continue _export_tri_mcid_all( model, elem, nplies, iply_to_nids, iply_to_nodes, iply_to_bars) elif elem.type in SKIP_ETYPES: continue else: raise NotImplementedError(f'element type={elem.type!r} is not supported\n{elem}') dxyz, centroid, ielement, jelement, normal = elem.element_coordinate_system() iaxis = centroid + ielement * dxyz #iaxis = centroid + imati * dxyz #jaxis = centroid + jmati * dxyz ilayer = -2 iply_to_nids[ilayer] = _export_xaxis( iply_to_nids[ilayer], iply_to_nodes[ilayer], iply_to_bars[ilayer], centroid, iaxis) #print(iply_to_nids) #_export_coord_axes(nodes, bars, csv_filename) return iply_to_nodes, iply_to_bars
[docs]def get_pid_to_nplies(model: BDF) -> Tuple[Dict[int, int], int]: pid_to_nplies = defaultdict(int) for pid, prop in if prop.type in ['PCOMP', 'PCOMPG']: pid_to_nplies[pid] = prop.nplies elif prop.type == 'PSHELL': pid_to_nplies[pid] = 1 all_plies = list(pid_to_nplies.values()) if len(all_plies) == 0: return {}, 0 nplies_max = max(all_plies) assert isinstance(nplies_max, int), nplies_max return pid_to_nplies, nplies_max
[docs]def get_pid_ref_prop_type(model: BDF, elem) -> Tuple[Union[PCOMP, PCOMPG, PSHELL], str]: """helper method for ``export_mcids``""" pid_ref = elem.pid_ref try: prop_type = pid_ref.type except AttributeError: print(elem.get_stats()) print( raise assert hasattr(elem, 'theta_mcid'), elem.get_stats() return pid_ref, prop_type
[docs]def _export_quad_mcid(model: BDF, elem, nodes, iply: int, nid: int, eid: int, #pids_failed: Set[int], bars: List[List[int]], export_both_axes: bool, export_xaxis: bool, consider_property_rotation: bool) -> Tuple[int, int]: """helper method for ``export_mcids``""" pid_ref, prop_type = get_pid_ref_prop_type(model, elem) if prop_type == 'PSHELL': mids = [mat.type for mat in pid_ref.materials() if mat is not None and mat.mid > 0] if 'MAT8' not in mids: return nid, eid elif prop_type in ['PCOMP', 'PCOMPG']: pass #elif prop_type in ['PLPLANE']: #return nid, eid else: raise NotImplementedError(pid_ref) dxyz, centroid, imat, jmat, normal = _get_quad_vectors_mcid(elem) nid, eid = _rotate_single_coord( elem, pid_ref, iply, nid, eid, nodes, bars, dxyz, centroid, imat, jmat, normal, export_both_axes=export_both_axes, export_xaxis=export_xaxis, consider_property_rotation=consider_property_rotation) return nid, eid
[docs]def _export_quad_mcid_all(model: BDF, elem: ShellElement, nplies: int, nids: Dict[int, int], nodes: Dict[int, List[np.ndarray]], bars: Dict[int, List[Tuple[int, int]]]) -> None: """helper method for ``export_mcids``""" pid_ref, prop_type = get_pid_ref_prop_type(model, elem) if prop_type == 'PSHELL': mids = [mat.type for mat in pid_ref.materials() if mat is not None and mat.mid > 0] if 'MAT8' not in mids: _make_element_coord_quad(elem, pid_ref, nids, nodes, bars) return elif prop_type in ['PCOMP', 'PCOMPG']: pass #elif prop_type in ['PLPLANE']: #return nid, eid else: raise NotImplementedError(pid_ref) dxyz, centroid, imat, jmat, normal = _get_quad_vectors_mcid(elem) _rotate_coords(elem, pid_ref, nplies, nids, nodes, bars, dxyz, centroid, imat, jmat, normal)
[docs]def _make_element_coord_tri(elem: ShellElement, pid_ref, nids, nodes, bars): dxyz, centroid, imat, jmat, normal = _get_tri_vectors_mcid(elem) nplies = 0 # only make the element coordinate system _rotate_coords(elem, pid_ref, nplies, nids, nodes, bars, dxyz, centroid, imat, jmat, normal)
[docs]def _make_element_coord_quad(elem: ShellElement, pid_ref, nids, nodes, bars): dxyz, centroid, imat, jmat, normal = _get_quad_vectors_mcid(elem) nplies = 0 # only make the element coordinate system _rotate_coords(elem, pid_ref, nplies, nids, nodes, bars, dxyz, centroid, imat, jmat, normal)
[docs]def _rotate_coords(elem: ShellElement, pid_ref, nplies: int, nids: Dict[int, int], nodes: Dict[int, List[Any]], bars: Dict[int, List[Any]], dxyz: float, centroid: np.ndarray, imat: np.ndarray, jmat: np.ndarray, normal: np.ndarray) -> None: """ iply Final Label Description ==== =========== =========== -1 0 material coordinate system 0 1 ply 1 1 2 ply 2 2 3 ply 3 #nplies = 3 nids - {-1: 0, 0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0} nodes = {-1: [], 0: [], 1: [], 2: []} bars = {-1: [], 0: [], 1: [], 2: []} """ # material coordinate system iaxis = centroid + imat * dxyz nids[-1] = _export_xaxis(nids[-1], nodes[-1], bars[-1], centroid, iaxis) for iply in range(nplies): imati, unused_jmat = _rotate_mcid( elem, pid_ref, iply, imat, jmat, normal, consider_property_rotation=True) iaxis = centroid + imati * dxyz #jaxis = centroid + jmati * dxyz nids[iply] = _export_xaxis(nids[iply], nodes[iply], bars[iply], centroid, iaxis)
[docs]def _export_tri_mcid_all(model: BDF, elem: ShellElement, nplies: int, nids: Dict[int, int], nodes: Dict[int, List[np.ndarray]], bars: Dict[int, List[Tuple[int, int]]]) -> None: """helper method for ``export_mcids``""" pid_ref, prop_type = get_pid_ref_prop_type(model, elem) if prop_type == 'PSHELL': mids = [mat.type for mat in pid_ref.materials() if mat is not None and mat.mid > 0] if 'MAT8' not in mids: _make_element_coord_tri(elem, pid_ref, nids, nodes, bars) return elif prop_type in ['PCOMP', 'PCOMPG']: pass #elif prop_type in ['PLPLANE']: #return nid, eid else: raise NotImplementedError(pid_ref) dxyz, centroid, imat, jmat, normal = _get_tri_vectors_mcid(elem) _rotate_coords(elem, pid_ref, nplies, nids, nodes, bars, dxyz, centroid, imat, jmat, normal)
[docs]def _get_tri_vectors_mcid(elem: CTRIA3): try: node1, node2, node3 = elem.nodes_ref[:3] except (IndexError, ValueError): print(elem.get_stats()) raise xyz1 = node1.get_position() xyz2 = node2.get_position() xyz3 = node3.get_position() # take the mean edge length to size the vectors in the GUI dxyz21 = np.linalg.norm(xyz2 - xyz1) dxyz32 = np.linalg.norm(xyz3 - xyz2) dxyz13 = np.linalg.norm(xyz1 - xyz3) dxyz = np.mean([dxyz21, dxyz32, dxyz13]) / 2. # adjusted for element coordinate system # equivalent to PCOMP thetad=0.0 dxyz2, centroid, imat, jmat, normal = elem.material_coordinate_system() return dxyz, centroid, imat, jmat, normal
[docs]def _get_quad_vectors_mcid(elem: CQUAD4): try: node1, node2, node3, node4 = elem.nodes_ref[:4] except (IndexError, ValueError): print(elem.get_stats()) raise xyz1 = node1.get_position() xyz2 = node2.get_position() xyz3 = node3.get_position() xyz4 = node4.get_position() # take the mean length to size the vectors in the GUI dxyz21 = np.linalg.norm(xyz2 - xyz1) dxyz32 = np.linalg.norm(xyz3 - xyz2) dxyz43 = np.linalg.norm(xyz4 - xyz3) dxyz14 = np.linalg.norm(xyz1 - xyz4) dxyz = np.mean([dxyz21, dxyz32, dxyz43, dxyz14]) / 2. # adjusted for element coordinate system # equivalent to PCOMP thetad=0.0 dxyz2, centroid, imat, jmat, normal = elem.material_coordinate_system() return dxyz, centroid, imat, jmat, normal
[docs]def _export_tria_mcid(model: BDF, elem: ShellElement, nodes, iply: int, nid: int, eid: int, #pids_failed: Set[int], bars, export_both_axes: bool, export_xaxis: bool, consider_property_rotation: bool) -> Tuple[int, int]: """helper method for ``export_mcids``""" pid_ref, prop_type = get_pid_ref_prop_type(model, elem) if prop_type == 'PSHELL': mids = [mat.type for mat in pid_ref.materials() if mat is not None and mat.mid > 0] if 'MAT8' not in mids: return nid, eid elif prop_type in ['PCOMP', 'PCOMPG']: pass #elif prop_type in ['PLPLANE']: #return nid, eid else: raise NotImplementedError(pid_ref) # adjusted for element coordinate system # equivalent to PCOMP thetad=0.0 dxyz, centroid, imat, jmat, normal = _get_tri_vectors_mcid(elem) nid, eid = _rotate_single_coord( elem, pid_ref, iply, nid, eid, nodes, bars, dxyz, centroid, imat, jmat, normal, export_both_axes=export_both_axes, export_xaxis=export_xaxis, consider_property_rotation=consider_property_rotation) return nid, eid
[docs]def _rotate_single_coord(elem: ShellElement, pid_ref, iply: int, nid, eid, nodes, bars, dxyz: float, centroid: np.ndarray, imat: np.ndarray, jmat: np.ndarray, normal: np.ndarray, export_both_axes: bool, export_xaxis: bool, consider_property_rotation: bool) -> Tuple[int, int]: # rotate the coord imat, jmat = _rotate_mcid( elem, pid_ref, iply, imat, jmat, normal, consider_property_rotation=consider_property_rotation) # size the axes based on the mean edge length iaxis = centroid + imat * dxyz jaxis = centroid + jmat * dxyz nid, eid = _add_elements(nid, eid, nodes, bars, centroid, iaxis, jaxis, export_both_axes, export_xaxis) return nid, eid
[docs]def _export_coord_axes(nodes, bars, csv_filename: str): """save the coordinate systems in a csv file""" if csv_filename: with open(csv_filename, 'w') as out_file: for node in nodes: out_file.write('GRID,%i,%s,%s,%s\n' % node) for bari in bars: out_file.write('BAR,%i,%i,%i\n' % bari)
[docs]def _rotate_mcid(elem: ShellElement, pid_ref: Union[PCOMP, PCOMPG, PSHELL], iply: int, imat: np.ndarray, jmat: np.ndarray, normal: np.ndarray, consider_property_rotation: bool=True) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Rotates a material coordinate system. Assumes the element theta/mcid has already been acounted for. """ if not consider_property_rotation: return imat, jmat if pid_ref.type == 'PSHELL': return imat, jmat elif pid_ref.type in ['PCOMP', 'PCOMPG']: thetad = pid_ref.get_theta(iply) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'property type={elem.pid_ref.type!r} is not supported\n' f'{elem}{elem.pid_ref}') assert isinstance(thetad, float), thetad if isinstance(thetad, float) and thetad == 0.0: return imat, jmat imat2, jmat2 = rotate_by_thetad(thetad, imat, jmat, normal) return imat2, jmat2
[docs]def _add_elements(nid: int, eid: int, nodes: List[Tuple[int, float, float, float]], bars: List[Tuple[int, int, int]], centroid: np.ndarray, iaxis: np.ndarray, jaxis: np.ndarray, export_both_axes: bool, export_xaxis: bool) -> Tuple[int, int]: """adds the element data""" if export_both_axes: nodes.append((nid, centroid[0], centroid[1], centroid[2])) nodes.append((nid + 1, iaxis[0], iaxis[1], iaxis[2])) nodes.append((nid + 2, jaxis[0], jaxis[1], jaxis[2])) bars.append((eid, nid, nid + 1)) # x-axis bars.append((eid + 1, nid, nid + 2)) # y-axis nid += 3 eid += 2 elif export_xaxis: nodes.append((nid, centroid[0], centroid[1], centroid[2])) nodes.append((nid + 1, iaxis[0], iaxis[1], iaxis[2])) bars.append((eid, nid, nid + 1)) # x-axis nid += 2 eid += 1 else: # export_yaxis nodes.append((nid, centroid[0], centroid[1], centroid[2])) nodes.append((nid + 1, jaxis[0], jaxis[1], jaxis[2])) bars.append((eid, nid, nid + 1)) # y-axis nid += 2 eid += 1 return nid, eid
[docs]def _export_xaxis(nid: int, nodes: List[np.ndarray], bars: List[np.ndarray], centroid: np.ndarray, iaxis: np.ndarray) -> int: nodes.append(centroid) nodes.append(iaxis) elemi = (nid, nid + 1) bars.append(elemi) # x-axis nid += 2 return nid