Source code for pyNastran.bdf.patran_utils.patran_rpt

from numpy import loadtxt, argsort, allclose, vstack, array, abs, where

[docs]def rpt_read(): with open('patran.rpt', 'r') as patran_rpt: lines = patran_rpt.readlines()[14:] nheader = 2 headers = '' for iheader in range(nheader): header = lines[iheader].strip('\n\r\t') headers += header headers = headers.split('-') headers2 = [] for header in headers: if header: headers2.append(header) headers = headers2 #headers2 = [header if header.strip() for header in headers] print(headers) i = 2 j = 0 res = 0 results = {0:[], 1:[]} while i < len(lines): data = [] for iheader in range(nheader): data += lines[i + iheader].strip().split() if "MSC.Patran" in data: res += 1 i += 11 continue if len(data) == 0: break results[res].append(data) #print "i=%s j=%s data =%s" %(i, j, data) i += nheader j += 1 if int(float(data[0])) == 0: raise NotImplementedError() key_map = {} for ikey, key in enumerate(headers): key_map[key] = ikey return headers, results, key_map
[docs]def main(): unused_headers, results, key_map = rpt_read() for key, rows in results.items(): data2 = {} iz = key_map['X Location'] iozz = key_map['Z Component'] csv_filename = 'rpt_%i.csv' % key with open(csv_filename, 'w') as csv_file: csv_file.write('#x,ozz\n') for row in rows: z = float(row[iz]) ozz = float(row[iozz]) #print("z=%s ozz=%s" % (z, ozz)) csv_file.write('%g,%g\n' % (z, ozz)) ix = 0 dx = 0.1 iname = 1 csv_simplify(csv_filename, None, ix, iname, tol=dx)
[docs]def csv_simplify(csv_filename, x0, ix, iname, tol=0.05): A = loadtxt(csv_filename, delimiter=',') with open(csv_filename + '2', 'wb') as csv_file: isort = argsort(A[:, ix]) X = A[isort, ix] a_response = A[isort, iname] csv_file.write('#z,response\n') update_flag = 1 tol = 0.001 response = None for i, x in enumerate(X): # reset the max RSS per subcase if update_flag: x_orig = X[i] update_flag = False # if the points are the same in the direction of interest, find the max print("x=%s x_orig=%s" % (x, x_orig)) if allclose(x, x_orig, atol=tol): if response is None: response = a_response[i] else: response = vstack((response, a_response[i])) update_flag = False else: print("response = %s" % response) if len(response.shape) == 2: # max response = response[0:].max(axis=0) # min #response = response[0].max(axis=0) # abs(max), abs(min) + sign if 0: values2 = array([response.max(), response.min()]) # we figure out the absolute max/min abs_vals = abs(values2) abs_val = abs_vals.max() # find the location of the absolute max value # 1. we take the first value (the where[0]) to chop the # return value since there is no else conditional # 2. we take the first value (the where[0][0]) to only # get the max value if 2+ values are returned j = where(abs_val == abs_vals)[0][0] # get the raw value from the absoluted value, so: # value = abs(raw_value) response = response[j] #print response1, response2 #csv_file.write("%g,%g,%g,%g\n" % ( #x, response1, response2, response1 / 1e6, response2 / 1e6)) csv_file.write("%g,%g,%g\n" % (x, response, response / 1e6)) #f.write("-------------------\n") x_orig = X[i] response = a_response[i]
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover main()