Source code for pyNastran.op2.result_objects.grid_point_weight

"""defines the GridPointWeight class"""
from io import StringIO
from struct import pack
import numpy as np

from pyNastran.utils import object_attributes, object_methods
from pyNastran.op2.result_objects.op2_objects import _write_table_header
from pyNastran.op2.op2_interface.write_utils import export_to_hdf5

float_types = (float, np.float32)
integer_types = (int, np.int32)

#                                                                       ?           ?       ?                                     ?
#good = (4, 2, 4, 8, 1464878927, 538976327, 8, 4, -1, 4, 4, 7, 4, 28, 101, 0, 0, 0, 0,   0, 1, 28, 4, -2, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 2, 4, 8,  1464878927, 538976327, 8, 4,                   -3, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 146, 4)
#bad  = (4, 2, 4, 8, 1464878927, 538976327, 8, 4, -1, 4, 4, 7, 4, 28, 102, 0, 0, 0, 512, 0, 0, 28, 4, -2, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 7, 4, 28, 1464878927, 538976327, 9, 27, 19, 0, 1, 28, 4, -3, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4)
[docs]class GridPointWeight: def __init__(self, reference_point, MO, S, mass, cg, IS, IQ, Q, approach_code=1, table_code=13, title='', subtitle='', label='', superelement_adaptivity_index=''): """ .. seealso:: """ # The Grid Point Weight Generator (GPWG) module computes the rigid body # mass properties of an entire structure with respect to a user specified point and with # respect to the center of mass. Output from the module is requested by a PARAM # GRDPNT card in the Bulk Data Deck which specifies from which grid point mass # computations are to be referenced. Optionally, the absence of a specific grid point # (i.e. PARAM, GRDPNT, 0) automatically causes the origin of the basic # coordinate system to be utilized as a reference. The mass properties are initially # defined in the basic coordinate system. Subsequently, the mass properties are # transformed to principal mass axes and to principal inertia axes. The actual printout # is composed of several elements. These are: self.reference_point = reference_point assert isinstance(reference_point, int), f'reference_point={reference_point!r}; type={type(reference_point)}' # M0 RIGID BODY MASS MATRIX IN BASIC COORDINATE SYSTEM # This is the rigid body mass matrix of the entire structure in # the basic coordinate system with respect to a reference point # chosen by the analyst. self.MO = MO assert MO.shape == (6, 6), MO.shape # S TRANSFORMATION MATRIX FOR SCALAR MASS PARTITION # S is the transformation from the basic coordinate system to the # set of principal axes for the 3 x 3 scalar mass partition of the # 6 x 6 mass matrix. The principal axes for just the scalar # partition are known as the principal mass axes. self.S = S assert S.shape == (3, 3), S.shape self.mass = mass assert mass.shape == (3,), mass.shape # XC.G. YC.G. ZC.G. # It is possible in NASTRAN to assemble a structural model having # different values of mass in each coordinate direction at a grid # point. This can arise, for example, by assembling scalar mass # components or from omitting some components by means of bar # element pin flags. Consequently three distinct mass systems are # assembled one in each of the three directions of the principal # mass axes (the S system). This third tabulation has five columns. # The first column lists the axis direction in the S coordinates. # The second column lists the mass associated with the appropriate # axis direction. The final three columns list the x, y, and z # coordinate distances from the reference point to the center of # mass for each of the three mass systems. = cg assert cg.shape == (3, 3), cg.shape # I(S) INERTIAS RELATIVE TO C.G. # This is the 3 x 3 mass moment of inertia partition with respect # to the center of gravity referred to the principal mass axes # (the S system). # # This is not necessarily a diagonal matrix because the # determination of the S system does not involve second moments. # The values of inertias at the center of gravity are found from # the values at the reference point employing the # parallel axes rule. self.IS = IS assert IS.shape == (3, 3), IS.shape # I(Q) PRINCIPAL INERTIAS # The principal moments of inertia at the center of gravity are displayed # in matrix form with reference to the Q system of axes. The Q system is # obtained from an eigenvalue analysis of the I(S) matrix. self.IQ = IQ assert IQ.shape == (3, ), f'IQ.shape={IQ.shape}; IQ=\n{IQ}' # Q TRANSFORMATION MATRIX I(Q) = Q^T*IBAR(S)*Q # Q is the coordinate transformation between the S axes and the Q axes. # IBAR(S) is the same as I(s) except that the signs of the off-diagonal # terms are reversed. self.Q = Q assert Q.shape == (3, 3), Q.shape self.title = title self.subtitle = subtitle self.label = label self.superelement_adaptivity_index = subtitle self.approach_code = approach_code self.table_code = table_code
[docs] def export_to_hdf5(self, group, log) -> None: """exports the object to HDF5 format""" export_to_hdf5(self, group, log)
[docs] def object_attributes(self, mode='public', keys_to_skip=None, filter_properties=False): if keys_to_skip is None: keys_to_skip = [] my_keys_to_skip = [ 'object_methods', 'object_attributes', ] return object_attributes(self, mode=mode, keys_to_skip=keys_to_skip+my_keys_to_skip, filter_properties=filter_properties)
[docs] def object_methods(self, mode='public', keys_to_skip=None): if keys_to_skip is None: keys_to_skip = [] my_keys_to_skip = [] my_keys_to_skip = [ 'object_methods', 'object_attributes', ] return object_methods(self, mode=mode, keys_to_skip=keys_to_skip+my_keys_to_skip)
def __eq__(self, weight): msg = '' if not self.reference_point == weight.reference_point: msg += f'reference_point: {self.reference_point} -> {weight.reference_point}\n' if not np.array_equal(self.MO, weight.MO): msg += f'reference_point: {self.MO} -> {weight.MO}\n' if not np.array_equal(self.S, weight.S): msg += f'reference_point: {self.S} -> {weight.S}\n' if not np.array_equal(self.mass, weight.mass): msg += f'reference_point: {self.mass} -> {weight.mass}\n' if not np.array_equal(, msg += f'reference_point: {} -> {}\n' if not np.array_equal(self.IS, weight.IS): msg += f'reference_point: {self.IS} -> {weight.IS}\n' if not np.array_equal(self.IQ, weight.IQ): msg += f'reference_point: {self.IQ} -> {weight.IQ}\n' if not np.array_equal(self.Q, weight.Q): msg += f'reference_point: {self.Q} -> {weight.Q}' if msg: raise ValueError('GridPointWeight:\n' + msg) return True
[docs] def get_stats(self, key='', short=True): key2 = f'[{key!r}]' if short: msg = (f'GridPointWeight{key2}: ref_point=%s mass=%g; ' '[reference_point, M0, S, mass, cg, IS, IQ, Q]\n' % ( self.reference_point, self.mass.max())) else: RB = self.MO msg = ( f'GridPointWeight{key2}:' f' reference_point={self.reference_point:d}\n' f' mass=[{self.mass[0]:10g} {self.mass[1]:10g} {self.mass[2]:10g}]\n' f' cg = [{[0, 0]:10g} {[0, 1]:10g} {[0, 2]:10g}]\n' f' [{[1, 0]:10g} {[1, 1]:10g} {[1, 2]:10g}]\n' f' [{[2, 0]:10g} {[2, 1]:10g} {[2, 2]:10g}]\n\n' f' MO = [{RB[0, 0]:10g} {RB[0, 1]:10g} {RB[0, 2]:10g} {RB[0, 3]:10g} {RB[0, 4]:10g} {RB[0, 5]:10g}]\n' f' [{RB[1, 0]:10g} {RB[1, 1]:10g} {RB[1, 2]:10g} {RB[1, 3]:10g} {RB[1, 4]:10g} {RB[1, 5]:10g}]\n' f' [{RB[2, 0]:10g} {RB[2, 1]:10g} {RB[2, 2]:10g} {RB[2, 3]:10g} {RB[2, 4]:10g} {RB[2, 5]:10g}]\n' f' [{RB[3, 0]:10g} {RB[3, 1]:10g} {RB[3, 2]:10g} {RB[3, 3]:10g} {RB[3, 4]:10g} {RB[3, 5]:10g}]\n' f' [{RB[4, 0]:10g} {RB[4, 1]:10g} {RB[4, 2]:10g} {RB[4, 3]:10g} {RB[4, 4]:10g} {RB[4, 5]:10g}]\n' f' [{RB[5, 0]:10g} {RB[5, 1]:10g} {RB[5, 2]:10g} {RB[5, 3]:10g} {RB[5, 4]:10g} {RB[5, 5]:10g}]\n\n' f' IS = [{self.IS[0, 0]:10g} {self.IS[0, 1]:10g} {self.IS[0, 2]:10g}]\n' f' [{self.IS[1, 0]:10g} {self.IS[1, 1]:10g} {self.IS[1, 2]:10g}]\n' f' [{self.IS[2, 0]:10g} {self.IS[2, 1]:10g} {self.IS[2, 2]:10g}]\n\n' f" IQ = [{self.IQ[0]:10g} {'':10s} {'':10s}]\n" f" [{'':10s} {self.IQ[1]:10g} {'':10s}]\n" f" [{'':10s} {'':10s} {self.IQ[2]:10g}]\n\n" f' Q = [{self.Q[0, 0]:10g} {self.Q[0, 1]:10g} {self.Q[0, 2]:10g}]\n' f' [{self.Q[1, 0]:10g} {self.Q[1, 1]:10g} {self.Q[1, 2]:10g}]\n' f' [{self.Q[2, 0]:10g} {self.Q[2, 1]:10g} {self.Q[2, 2]:10g}]\n' ) return msg
def __repr__(self): f = StringIO() page_stamp = 'PAGE %i' page_num = 1 self.write_f06(f, page_stamp, page_num) msg = f.getvalue() return msg def _write_table_3(self, op2_file, fascii, new_result, table_name, itable=-3): import inspect frame = inspect.currentframe() call_frame = inspect.getouterframes(frame, 2) fascii.write('%s.write_table_3: %s\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, call_frame[1][3])) if new_result and itable != -3: header = [ 4, 146, 4, ] else: header = [ 4, itable, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 146, 4, ] op2_file.write(pack(b'%ii' % len(header), *header)) fascii.write('table_3_header = %s\n' % header) #op2_file.write(pack('12i', *[4, itable, 4, #4, 1, 4, #4, 0, 4, #4, 146, 4, #])) approach_code = self.approach_code table_code = self.table_code #isubcase = self.isubcase #random_code = self.random_code #format_code = 1 isubcase = 0 num_wide = 79 # self.num_wide #acoustic_flag = self.acoustic_flag if hasattr(self, 'acoustic_flag') else 0 reference_point = self.reference_point #reference_point = 22 #thermal = self.thermal title = b'%-128s' % self.title.encode('ascii') subtitle = b'%-128s' % self.subtitle.encode('ascii') # missing superelement_adaptivity_index label = b'%-128s' % self.label.encode('ascii') #1, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 78, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ftable3 = b'i' * 50 + b'128s 128s 128s' #print(self.get_stats()) table3 = [ approach_code, table_code, reference_point, isubcase, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, num_wide, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, title, subtitle, label, ] n = 0 from itertools import count for i, val, ftable3i in zip(count(), table3, ftable3.decode('ascii')): assert val is not None, 'i=%s val=%s ftable3i=%s\n%s' % (i, val, ftable3i, self.get_stats()) if isinstance(val, integer_types): n += 4 assert ftable3i == 'i', 'i=%s val=%s type=%s' % (i, val, ftable3i) elif isinstance(val, float_types): n += 4 assert ftable3i == 'f', 'i=%s val=%s type=%s' % (i, val, ftable3i) else: n += len(val) assert n == 584, n data = [584] + table3 + [584] fmt = b'i' + ftable3 + b'i' #op2_file.write(pack(fascii, '%s header 3c' % table_name, fmt, data)) fascii.write('%s header 3c = %s\n' % (table_name, data)) #j = 7 #print(ftable3[:j]) #print(table3[:j]) #pack(ftable3[:j], *table3[:j]) op2_file.write(pack(fmt, *data))
[docs] def write_op2(self, op2_file, op2_ascii, date, endian=b'<'): itable = -1 import inspect #allowed_tables = [ #'OUGV1', 'BOUGV1', 'BOPHIG', 'BOPG1', #'OUPV1', #'OQP1', 'OQMG1', 'OQG1', 'OQGV1', 'OPNL1', #'OPG1', 'OPGV1', #'OAGATO1', 'OAGCRM1', 'OAGNO1', 'OAGPSD1', 'OAGRMS1', #'OQGPSD1', #'OCRPG', 'OCRUG', 'OUG1', #'OUGV1PAT', #] #assert self.table_name in allowed_tables, self.table_name table_name = 'OGPWG' frame = inspect.currentframe() call_frame = inspect.getouterframes(frame, 2) op2_ascii.write(f'{self.__class__.__name__}.write_op2: {call_frame[1][3]}\n') subtable_name = b'OGPWG' if itable == -1: _write_table_header(op2_file, op2_ascii, date, table_name, subtable_name) itable = -3 #s = Struct(op2_format) #unused_node = self.node_gridtype[:, 0] #gridtype = self.node_gridtype[:, 1] #format_table4_1 = Struct(self._endian + b'15i') #format_table4_2 = Struct(self._endian + b'3i') # table 4 info #ntimes =[0] #nnodes =[1] #nnodes_device = self.node_gridtype[:, 0] * 10 + self.device_code #(2+6) => (node_id, gridtypei, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i) #ntotal = nnodes * (2 + 6) #print('shape = %s' % str( #assert nnodes > 1, nnodes #assert ntotal > 1, ntotal #unused_device_code = self.device_code #fascii.write(' ntimes = %s\n' % self.ntimes) #fmt = '%2i %6f' #print('ntotal=%s' % (ntotal)) #for itime in range(self.ntimes): # good = (4, -4, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 78, 4, 312, 1057795080, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1057795080, 0, 0, 0, 1111254630, 0, 0, 1057795080, 0, -1036229018, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1143715840, -1451229184, 0, 0, 0, -1036229018, -1451229184, 1169886464, 0, 0, 1111254630, 0, 0, 0, 1171293184, 1065353216) #bad = (4, -4, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 78, 4, 312, 1057795080, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1057795080, 0, 0, 0, 1111254630, 0, 0, 1057795080, 0, -1036229018, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1143715840, -1451229184, 0, 0, 0, -1036229018, -1451229184, 1169886464, 0, 0, 1111254630, 0, 0, 0, 1171293184, 1065353216, 0, 0, 0, 1065353216, 0, 0, 0, 1065353216, 1057795080, 0, -2147483648, 0, 1057795080, 1118530999, 0, -2147483648, 1057795080, 1118530999, 0, 0, 1143715840, 696254464, 0, 696254464, 1156812654, 0, 0, 0, 1160033719, 1143715840, 1156812654, 1160033719, 1065353216, 0, 0, 0, 1065353216, 0, 0, 0, 1065353216, 312, -5, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 8, 1447515471, 538976305) ntotal = 78 # 79 * 4 = 316 new_result = True self._write_table_3(op2_file, op2_ascii, new_result, table_name, itable) # record 4 itable -= 1 # -4 header = [4, itable, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, ntotal, 4, 4*ntotal] op2_file.write(pack(b'%ii' % len(header), *header)) op2_ascii.write('r4 [4, 0, 4]\n') op2_ascii.write(f'r4 [4, {itable:d}, 4]\n') op2_ascii.write('r4 [4, %i, 4]\n' % (4*ntotal)) # ------------------------------------------------------- fmt = endian + b'78f' mcg = np.zeros((3, 4), mcg[:, 0] = self.mass mcg[:, 1:] = data = (self.MO.ravel().tolist() + self.S.ravel().tolist() + mcg.ravel().tolist() + self.IS.ravel().tolist() + self.IQ.ravel().tolist() + self.Q.ravel().tolist()) assert None not in data, data msgi = pack(fmt, *data) op2_file.write(msgi) # ------------------------------------------------------- itable -= 1 header = [4 * ntotal, 4, itable, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 0, 4, ] op2_file.write(pack(endian + b'13i', *header)) op2_ascii.write('footer = %s\n' % header) return itable
[docs] def write_f06(self, f06_file, page_stamp, page_num): """ writes the f06 Parameters ---------- f06_file : file / StringIO a file-like object page_stamp : str the page formatter (e.g., 'PAGE %i') page_num : int the active page number Returns ------- page_num : int the new page number """ msg = [' O U T P U T F R O M G R I D P O I N T W E I G H T G E N E R A T O R'] msg.append('0 REFERENCE POINT = %i' % self.reference_point) # MO msg.append(' M O') for i in range(6): msg.append(' * %13.6E %13.6E %13.6E %13.6E %13.6E %13.6E *' % tuple(self.MO[i, :])) msg.append(' S') for i in range(3): msg.append(' * %13.6E %13.6E %13.6E *' % tuple(self.S[i, :])) msg.append(' DIRECTION') msg.append(' MASS AXIS SYSTEM (S) MASS X-C.G. Y-C.G. Z-C.G.') msg.append(' X %12.6E %13.6E %13.6E %13.6E' % (self.mass[0],[0, 0],[0, 1],[0, 2])) msg.append(' Y %12.6E %13.6E %13.6E %13.6E' % (self.mass[1],[1, 0],[1, 1],[1, 2])) msg.append(' Z %12.6E %13.6E %13.6E %13.6E' % (self.mass[2],[2, 0],[2, 1],[2, 2])) msg.append(' I(S)') for i in range(3): msg.append(' * %13.6E %13.6E %13.6E *' % tuple(self.IS[i, :])) msg.append(' I(Q)') msg.append(' * %13.6E %13s %13s *' % (self.IQ[0], '', '')) msg.append(' * %13s %13.6E %13s *' % ('', self.IQ[1], '')) msg.append(' * %13s %13s %13.6E *' % ('', '', self.IQ[2])) msg.append(' Q') for i in range(3): msg.append(' * %13.6E %13.6E %13.6E *' % tuple(self.Q[i, :])) msg.append('\n' + page_stamp % page_num + '\n') f06_file.write('\n'.join(msg)) return page_num + 1
[docs]def make_grid_point_weight(reference_point, MO, approach_code=1, table_code=13, title='', subtitle='', label='', superelement_adaptivity_index='') -> None: """creates a grid point weight table""" Mtt_ = MO[:3, :3] Mrr_ = MO[3:, 3:] Mtr_ = MO[:3, 3:] Mtd = np.diag(Mtt_) delta = np.linalg.norm(Mtd) e_ = [Mtt_[0, 1], Mtt_[0, 2], Mtt_[1, 2]] epsilon = np.linalg.norm(e_) #print(Mtd) #print(Mte) #print(Mtd) #print(Mte) if epsilon/delta > 0.001: unused_eigvals, S = np.linalg.eigh(Mtt_) #print('S1:') #print(S) #print(f'eigvals = {eigvals}') msg = ( '*** USER WARNING MESSAGE 3042 MODULE = GPWG\n' f'INCONSISTENT SCALAR MASSES HAVE BEEN USED. EPSILON/DELTA = {epsilon/delta:.7E}\n') print(msg) #print('S*:') #print(S) else: S = np.eye(3, dtype=Mtt_.dtype) #iswap = [] #if np.sign(S[0, 0]) != np.sign(Mtt_[0, 0]): #mass[0] *= -1. #S[:, 0] *= -1 #iswap.append(0) #if np.sign(S[1, 1]) != np.sign(Mtt_[1, 1]): #iswap.append(1) #if S[1, 1] < 0.: #iswap.append(1) #if S[2, 2] < 0.: #iswap.append(2) #if abs(S[0, 0]) < np.abs(S[:, 0]).max(): #print('swap0') #iswap.append(0) #if S[0, 0] < 0.: #S[:, 0] *= -1 #if abs(S[1, 1]) < np.abs(S[1, 0]).max(): #iswap.append(1) #if abs(S[0, 0]) < np.abs(S[1, 0]): #iswap.append(2) #if iswap: #i1, i2 = iswap #print(f'swap; {iswap}') #m1, m2 = mass[iswap] #mass[[i2, i1]] = mass[iswap] #S[[i2, i1], :] = S[iswap, :] #S[:, [i2, i1]] = S[:, iswap] #print('S2:') #print(S) #print('S3:') #S = np.array([ #[.432, 0.902, 0.], #[-.902, .432, 0.], #[0., 0., 1.], #]) #print(S) Mtt = S.T @ Mtt_ @ S # Mt Mtr = S.T @ Mtr_ @ S Mrr = S.T @ Mrr_ @ S # Mr = I(Q)? #print('---------') #print(Mtt) #cg = Mtr / mass[:, np.newaxis] mx, my, mz = Mtt[0, 0], Mtt[1, 1], Mtt[2, 2] mass = np.hstack([mx, my, mz]) cg = np.vstack([ [Mtr[0, 0], -Mtr[0, 2], Mtr[0, 1]], # Xx, Yx, Zx [Mtr[1, 2], Mtr[1, 1], -Mtr[1, 0]], # Xy, Yy, Zy [-Mtr[2, 1], Mtr[2, 0], -Mtr[2, 2]], # Xz, Yz, Zz ]) if abs(mx) > 0: cg[0, :] /= mx if abs(my) > 0: cg[1, :] /= my if abs(mz) > 0: cg[2, :] /= mz Xx, Yx, Zx = cg[0, :] Xy, Yy, Zy = cg[1, :] Xz, Yz, Zz = cg[2, :] IS = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=MO.dtype) IS[0, 0] = Mrr[0, 0] - my * Zy ** 2 - mz * Yz ** 2 IS[1, 1] = Mrr[1, 1] - mz * Xz ** 2 - mx * Zx ** 2 IS[2, 2] = Mrr[2, 2] - mx * Yx ** 2 - my * Xy ** 2 IS[1, 0] = IS[0, 1] = -Mrr[0, 1] - mz * Xz * Yz IS[2, 0] = IS[0, 2] = -Mrr[0, 2] - my * Xy * Zy IS[2, 1] = IS[1, 2] = -Mrr[1, 2] - mx * Yx * Zx neg_off_diag = np.array([ [1, -1, -1], [-1, 1, -1], [-1, -1, 1]], dtype=MO.dtype) IQi = neg_off_diag * IS #print(IQi) IQ, Q = np.linalg.eigh(IQi) #IQ = np.diag(Q.T @ IS @ Q) weight = GridPointWeight( reference_point, MO, S, mass, cg, IS, IQ, Q, approach_code=approach_code, table_code=table_code, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, label=label, superelement_adaptivity_index=superelement_adaptivity_index) return weight