Source code for pyNastran.op2.tables.geom.mpt

"""defines readers for BDF objects in the OP2 MPT/MPTS table"""
#pylint: disable=C0111,C0103,C0301,W0612,R0914,R0201
from struct import Struct
from typing import Tuple, List

from import (CREEP, MAT1, MAT2, MAT3, MAT4, MAT5,
                                           MAT8, MAT9, MAT10, MAT11, MATHP)
from import MATS1, MATT1, MATT2, MATT3, MATT4, MATT5, MATT9
from pyNastran.op2.tables.geom.geom_common import GeomCommon
                                                 #PHBDY, CONV, CONVM, RADBC)
from import RADM
from pyNastran.op2.op2_interface.op2_reader import mapfmt # , reshape_bytes_block

[docs]class MPT(GeomCommon): """defines methods for reading op2 materials & time-stepping methods""" def _read_mpt_4(self, data, ndata): return self._read_geom_4(self._mpt_map, data, ndata) def __init__(self): GeomCommon.__init__(self) self.big_materials = {} #F:\work\pyNastran\examples\Dropbox\move_tpl\chkout01.op2 self._mpt_map = { (1003, 10, 245) : ['CREEP', self._read_creep], # record 1 (103, 1, 77) : ['MAT1', self._read_mat1], # record 3-msc-dmap2014 (203, 2, 78) : ['MAT2', self._read_mat2], # record 3 (1403, 14, 122) : ['MAT3', self._read_mat3], # record 4 (2103, 21, 234) : ['MAT4', self._read_mat4], # record 5 (2203, 22, 235) : ['MAT5', self._read_mat5], # record 6 (2503, 25, 288) : ['MAT8', self._read_mat8], # record 7 (2603, 26, 300) : ['MAT9', self._read_mat9], # record 8 - buggy (2801, 28, 365) : ['MAT10', self._read_mat10], # record 9 (2903, 29, 371) : ['MAT11', self._read_mat11], # record ??? - NX specific - buggy? (4506, 45, 374) : ['MATHP', self._read_mathp], # record 11 (503, 5, 90) : ['MATS1', self._read_mats1], # record 12 (703, 7, 91) : ['MATT1', self._read_matt1], # record 13 - not done (803, 8, 102) : ['MATT2', self._read_matt2], # record 14 #(1503, 14, 189) : ['MATT3', self._read_matt3], # record 15 - not done (1503, 15, 189) : ['MATT3', self._read_matt3], (2303, 23, 237) : ['MATT4', self._read_matt4], # record 16 - not done (2403, 24, 238) : ['MATT5', self._read_matt5], # record 17 - not done (2703, 27, 301) : ['MATT9', self._read_matt9], # record 19 - not done (8802, 88, 413) : ['RADM', self._read_radm], # record 25 - not done # record 26 (3003, 30, 286) : ['NLPARM', self._read_nlparm], # record 27 (3104, 32, 350) : ['NLPCI', self._read_nlpci], # record 28 (3103, 31, 337) : ['TSTEPNL', self._read_tstepnl], # record 29 (3303, 33, 988) : ['MATT11', self._read_matt11], (903, 9, 336) : ['MATT8', self._read_matt8], (8902, 89, 423) : ['RADMT', self._read_radmt], (9002, 90, 410) : ['RADBND', self._read_radbnd], (4801, 48, 961): ['MATPOR', self._read_fake], (5101, 51, 642): ['MATDMG', self._read_fake], (14403, 144, 840): ['NLSTEP', self._read_fake], (4603, 46, 623): ['MATCRP', self._read_fake], (4701, 50, 965): ['MAT10C', self._read_fake], (3403, 34, 902): ['MATFT', self._read_fake], (2008, 20, 249): ['MATTC', self._read_fake], (4201, 42, 966): ['MATSR', self._read_fake], (8310, 83, 403): ['MATG', self._read_fake], (5303, 53, 906): ['MATCZ', self._read_fake], }
[docs] def add_op2_material(self, mat): #if mat.mid > 100000000: #raise RuntimeError('bad parsing...') self._add_structural_material_object(mat, allow_overwrites=False)
#print(str(mat)[:-1]) def _read_creep(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ CREEP(1003,10,245) - record 1 """ ntotal = 64 * self.factor nmaterials = (len(data) - n) // ntotal s = Struct(mapfmt(self._endian + b'i2f4ifi7f', self.size)) for unused_i in range(nmaterials): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) #(mid, T0, exp, form, tidkp, tidcp, tidcs, thresh, #Type, ag1, ag2, ag3, ag4, ag5, ag6, ag7) = out if self.is_debug_file: self.binary_debug.write(' CREEP=%s\n' % str(out)) mat = CREEP.add_op2_data(out) self._add_creep_material_object(mat, allow_overwrites=False) n += ntotal self.card_count['CREEP'] = nmaterials return n def _read_mat1(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ MAT1(103,1,77) - record 2 """ ntotal = 48 * self.factor # 12*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(self._endian + b'i10fi', self.size)) nmaterials = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nmaterials): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) #(mid, E, G, nu, rho, A, tref, ge, St, Sc, Ss, mcsid) = out mat = MAT1.add_op2_data(out) self.add_op2_material(mat) n += ntotal self.card_count['MAT1'] = nmaterials return n def _read_mat2(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ MAT2(203,2,78) - record 3 """ ndatai = len(data) - n if ndatai % 68 == 0: ntotal = 68 # 17*4 s = Struct(self._endian + b'i15fi') else: ntotal = (17 + 6) * 4 nleftover = ndatai % ntotal s = Struct(self._endian + b'i15fi 6i') self.log.warning(f'unexpected MAT2 format; ndatai={ndatai} ntotal={ntotal} nmaterials={ndatai // ntotal} ' f'leftover={ndatai % ntotal}') assert nleftover == 0, nleftover nmaterials = ndatai // ntotal nbig_materials = 0 for unused_i in range(nmaterials): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if self.is_debug_file: self.binary_debug.write(' MAT2=%s\n' % str(out)) if ntotal == 68: (mid, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, rho, aj1, aj2, aj3, tref, ge, St, Sc, Ss, mcsid) = out mat = MAT2.add_op2_data(out) else: (mid, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, rho, aj1, aj2, aj3, tref, ge, St, Sc, Ss, mcsid, *blanks) = out mat = MAT2.add_op2_data(out) self.log.debug(mat) #print("MAT2 = ",out) if 0 < mid <= 1e8: # just a checker for out of range materials self.add_op2_material(mat) else: nbig_materials += 1 self.big_materials[mid] = mat n += ntotal ncards = nmaterials - nbig_materials if ncards: self.card_count['MAT2'] = ncards return n def _read_mat3(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ MAT3(1403,14,122) - record 4 """ ntotal = 64 * self.factor s = Struct(mapfmt(self._endian + b'i8fi5fi', self.size)) nmaterials = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nmaterials): out = s.unpack(data[n:n+ntotal]) (mid, ex, eth, ez, nuxth, nuthz, nuzx, rho, gzx, blank, ax, ath, az, tref, ge, blank) = out if self.is_debug_file: self.binary_debug.write(' MAT3=%s\n' % str(out)) mat = MAT3.add_op2_data([mid, ex, eth, ez, nuxth, nuthz, nuzx, rho, gzx, ax, ath, az, tref, ge]) self.add_op2_material(mat) n += ntotal self.card_count['MAT3'] = nmaterials return n def _read_mat4(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ MAT4(2103,21,234) - record 5 """ ntotal = 44 * self.factor s = Struct(mapfmt(self._endian + b'i10f', self.size)) nmaterials = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nmaterials): out = s.unpack(data[n:n+ntotal]) #(mid, k, cp, rho, h, mu, hgen, refenth, tch, tdelta, qlat) = out mat = MAT4.add_op2_data(out) self._add_thermal_material_object(mat, allow_overwrites=False) n += ntotal self.card_count['MAT4'] = nmaterials return n def _read_mat5(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ MAT5(2203,22,235) - record 6 """ s = Struct(self._endian + b'i9f') nmaterials = (len(data) - n) // 40 for unused_i in range(nmaterials): out = s.unpack(data[n:n+40]) #(mid, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, cp, rho, hgen) = out if self.is_debug_file: self.binary_debug.write(' MAT5=%s\n' % str(out)) mat = MAT5.add_op2_data(out) self._add_thermal_material_object(mat, allow_overwrites=False) n += 40 self.card_count['MAT5'] = nmaterials return n def _read_mat8(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ MAT8(2503,25,288) - record 7 """ ntotal = 76 * self.factor s = Struct(mapfmt(self._endian + b'i18f', self.size)) nmaterials = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nmaterials): out = s.unpack(data[n:n+ntotal]) #(mid, E1, E2, nu12, G12, G1z, G2z, rho, a1, a2, # tref, Xt, Xc, Yt, Yc, S, ge, f12, strn) = out mat = MAT8.add_op2_data(out) self.add_op2_material(mat) n += ntotal self.card_count['MAT8'] = nmaterials return n def _read_mat9(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ MAT9(2603,26,300) - record 9 """'skipping MAT9') #return len(data) ndatai = len(data) - n if ndatai % 140 == 0: s2 = Struct(self._endian + b'i 30f iiii') ntotal = 140 else: # pragma: no cover self.log.warning('unexpected MAT9 format...') ntotal = (35 + 21) * 4 # 35 s2 = Struct(self._endian + b'i 30f iiii 21i') #ntotal = 56 * 4 #s1 = Struct(self._endian + b'i 21f 34i') #s2 = Struct(self._endian + b'i 21f 34f') nmaterials = ndatai // ntotal assert ndatai % ntotal == 0, f'ndatai={ndatai} ntotal={ntotal} nmaterials={nmaterials} leftover={ndatai % ntotal}' if self.is_debug_file: self.binary_debug.write( ' MAT9=(mid, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, ' 'g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, g16, g17, g18, g19, g20, g21, ' 'rho, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, tref, ge, ' 'blank1, blank2, blank3, blank4)\n') for unused_i in range(nmaterials): out = s2.unpack(data[n:n+ntotal]) if self.is_debug_file: self.binary_debug.write(' MAT9=%s\n' % str(out)) if len(out) == 35: #print(out) (mid, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, g16, g17, g18, g19, g20, g21, rho, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, tref, ge, blank1, blank2, blank3, blank4) = out else: (mid, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, g16, g17, g18, g19, g20, g21, rho, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, tref, ge, blank1, blank2, blank3, blank4, *blanks) = out self.show_data(data[n:n+ntotal], types='if') self.log.debug(blanks) assert blank1 == 0, blank1 data_in = [mid, [g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, g16, g17, g18, g19, g20, g21], rho, [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6], tref, ge] mat = MAT9.add_op2_data(data_in) try: self.add_op2_material(mat) except AssertionError: print(mat) self.card_count['MAT9'] = nmaterials return len(data) n += ntotal self.card_count['MAT9'] = nmaterials return n def _read_mat10(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ MAT10(2801,28,365) - record 9 Word Name Type Description 1 MID I Material identification number 2 BULK RS Bulk modulus 3 RHO RS Mass density 4 C RS Speed of sound 5 GE RS Structural damping coefficient """ ntotal = 20 * self.factor # 5*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(self._endian + b'i4f', self.size)) ndatai = (len(data) - n) nmaterials = ndatai // ntotal assert ndatai % ntotal == 0 assert nmaterials > 0, nmaterials for unused_i in range(nmaterials): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) n += ntotal (mid, bulk, rho, c, ge) = out if self.is_debug_file: self.binary_debug.write(' MAT10=%s\n' % str(out)) if mid == 0 and bulk == 0. and rho == 0. and c == 0. and ge == 0.: self.log.debug(' skipping empty MAT10...') continue mat = MAT10.add_op2_data(out) assert mat.mid > 0, mat self.add_op2_material(mat) self.card_count['MAT10'] = nmaterials return n def _read_mat11(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ MAT11(2903,29,371) """ ntotal = 128 * self.factor # 23*4 struc = Struct(mapfmt(self._endian + b'i 15f 16i', self.size)) nmaterials = (len(data) - n) // ntotal assert nmaterials > 0, nmaterials for unused_i in range(nmaterials): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = struc.unpack(edata) #(mid, e1, e2, e3, nu12, nu13, nu23, g12, g13, g23, #rho, a1, a2, a3, tref, ge) = out[:16] if self.is_debug_file: self.binary_debug.write(' MA11=%s\n' % str(out)) mat = MAT11.add_op2_data(out) self.add_op2_material(mat) n += ntotal self.card_count['MAT11'] = nmaterials return n def _read_mat11_old(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ MAT11(2903,29,371) """ ntotal = 80 # 20*4 s = Struct(self._endian + b'i 15f 4s 4s 4s 4s') nmaterials = (len(data) - n) // ntotal assert nmaterials > 0, nmaterials for unused_i in range(nmaterials): edata = data[n:n+80] out = s.unpack(edata) (mid, e1, e2, e3, nu12, nu13, nu23, g12, g13, g23, rho, a1, a2, a3, tref, ge, blank1, blank2, blank3, blank4) = out if self.is_debug_file: self.binary_debug.write(' MAT11-old=%s\n' % str(out)) mat = MAT11.add_op2_data(out) assert mid > 0, mat self.add_op2_material(mat) n += 80 self.card_count['MAT11'] = nmaterials return n def _read_mathp(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ MATHP(4506,45,374) - Record 11 NX/MSC 1 MID I Material identification number 2 A10 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 3 A01 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 4 D1 RS Material constant related to volumetric deformation 5 RHO RS Mass density 6 ALPHA RS Coefficient of volumetric thermal expansion 7 TREF RS Reference temperature 8 GE RS Structural damping element coefficient 9 SF I ??? 10 NA I Order of the distortional strain energy polynomial function 11 ND I Order of the volumetric strain energy polynomial function 12 KP RS ??? 13 A20 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 14 A11 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 15 A02 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 16 D2 RS Material constant related to volumetric deformation 17 A30 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 18 A21 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 19 A12 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 20 A03 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 21 D3 RS Material constant related to volumetric deformation 22 A40 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 23 A31 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 24 A22 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 25 A13 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 26 A04 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 27 D4 RS Material constant related to volumetric deformation 28 A50 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 29 A41 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 30 A32 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 31 A23 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 32 A14 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 33 A05 RS Material constant related to distortional deformation 34 D5 RS Material constant related to volumetric deformation 35 CONTFLG I Continuation flag CONTFLG =1 With continuation 36 TAB1 I TABLES1 identification number which defines tension/compression 37 TAB2 I TABLES1 identification number which defines equibiaxial tension 38 TAB3 I TABLES1 identification number which defines simple shear 39 TAB4 I TABLES1 identification number which defines pure shear 40 UNDEF(3) None 43 TAB5 I TABLES1 identification number which defines volumetric compression CONTFLG =0 Without continuation End CONTFLG """ nmaterials = 0 s1 = Struct(mapfmt(self._endian + b'i7f3i23fi', self.size)) s2 = Struct(mapfmt(self._endian + b'8i', self.size)) n2 = len(data) ntotal1 = 140 * self.factor ntotal2 = 32 * self.factor # 7*4 while n < n2: edata = data[n:n+ntotal1] out1 = s1.unpack(edata) n += ntotal1 (mid, a10, a01, d1, rho, alpha, tref, ge, sf, na, nd, kp, a20, a11, a02, d2, a30, a21, a12, a03, d3, a40, a31, a22, a13, a04, d4, a50, a41, a32, a23, a14, a05, d5, continue_flag) = out1 if n == n2: # we have to hack the continue_flag because it's wrong... # C:\Users\sdoyle\Dropbox\move_tpl\ehq45.op2 continue_flag = 0 out1 = (mid, a10, a01, d1, rho, alpha, tref, ge, sf, na, nd, kp, a20, a11, a02, d2, a30, a21, a12, a03, d3, a40, a31, a22, a13, a04, d4, a50, a41, a32, a23, a14, a05, d5, continue_flag) data_in = [out1] if continue_flag: edata = data[n:n+ntotal2] out2 = s2.unpack(edata) n += ntotal2 #(tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4, x1, x2, x3, tab5) = out2 data_in.append(out2) mat = MATHP.add_op2_data(data_in) if self.is_debug_file: self.binary_debug.write(' MATHP=%s\n' % str(out1)) self._add_hyperelastic_material_object(mat) nmaterials += 1 assert nmaterials > 0, 'MATP nmaterials=%s' % nmaterials self.card_count['MATHP'] = nmaterials return n def _read_mats1(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ MATS1(503,5,90) - record 12 """ ntotal = 44 * self.factor # 11*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(self._endian + b'3ifiiff3i', self.size)) nmaterials = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nmaterials): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) (mid, tid, Type, h, yf, hr, limit1, limit2, a, bmat, c) = out assert a == 0, a assert bmat == 0, bmat assert c == 0, c data_in = [mid, tid, Type, h, yf, hr, limit1, limit2] if self.is_debug_file: self.binary_debug.write(' MATS1=%s\n' % str(out)) mat = MATS1.add_op2_data(data_in) self._add_material_dependence_object(mat, allow_overwrites=False) n += ntotal self.card_count['MATS1'] = nmaterials return n def _read_matt1(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ MATT1(703,7,91) checked NX-10.1, MSC-2016 """ s = Struct(mapfmt(self._endian + b'12i', self.size)) ntotal = 48 * self.factor # 12*4 ncards = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(ncards): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if self.is_debug_file: self.binary_debug.write(' MATT1=%s\n' % str(out)) #(mid, tableid, ...., None) = out mat = MATT1.add_op2_data(out) self._add_material_dependence_object(mat) n += ntotal self.increase_card_count('MATT1', ncards) return n def _read_matt2(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ 1 MID I Material identification number 2 TID(15) I TABLEMi entry identification numbers 17 UNDEF none Not used """ ntotal = 68 * self.factor # 17*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(self._endian + b'17i', self.size)) nmaterials = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nmaterials): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) (mid, g11_table, g12_table, g13_table, g22_table, g23_table, g33_table, rho_table, a1_table, a2_table, a3_table, unused_zeroa, ge_table, st_table, sc_table, ss_table, unused_zerob) = out assert unused_zeroa == 0, f'unused_zeroa={unused_zeroa} out={out}' assert unused_zerob == 0, f'unused_zerob={unused_zerob} out={out}' if self.is_debug_file: self.binary_debug.write(' MATT2=%s\n' % str(out)) mat = MATT2(mid, g11_table, g12_table, g13_table, g22_table, g23_table, g33_table, rho_table, a1_table, a2_table, a3_table, ge_table, st_table, sc_table, ss_table, comment='') self._add_material_dependence_object(mat, allow_overwrites=False) n += ntotal self.card_count['MATT2'] = nmaterials return n def _read_matt3(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Word Name Type Description 1 MID I Material identification number 2 TID(15) I entry identification numbers """ ntotal = 64 * self.factor # 16*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(self._endian + b'16i', self.size)) nmaterials = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nmaterials): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) (mid, *tables, a, b, c, d) = out if self.is_debug_file: self.binary_debug.write(' MATT3=%s\n' % str(out)) assert a == 0, out assert b == 0, out assert c == 0, out assert d == 0, out #mat = MATT3(mid, ex_table=None, eth_table=None, ez_table=None, nuth_table=None, #nuxz_table=None, rho_table=None, gzx_table=None, #ax_table=None, ath_table=None, az_table=None, ge_table=None,) mat = MATT3(mid, *tables, comment='') self._add_material_dependence_object(mat, allow_overwrites=False) n += ntotal self.card_count['MATT3'] = nmaterials return n def _read_matt4(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ MATT4(2303,23,237) checked NX-10.1, MSC-2016 """ struct_7i = Struct(mapfmt(self._endian + b'7i', self.size)) ntotal = 28 * self.factor # 7*4 ncards = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(ncards): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = struct_7i.unpack(edata) if self.is_debug_file: self.binary_debug.write(' MATT4=%s\n' % str(out)) #(mid, tk, tcp, null, th, tmu, thgen) = out mat = MATT4.add_op2_data(out) self._add_material_dependence_object(mat) n += ntotal self.increase_card_count('MATT4', ncards) return n def _read_matt5(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ MATT5(2403,24,238) checked NX-10.1, MSC-2016 """ s = Struct(self._endian + b'10i') ntotal = 40 # 10*4 ncards = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(ncards): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if self.is_debug_file: self.binary_debug.write(' MATT4=%s\n' % str(out)) #(mid, kxx_table, kxy_table, kxz_table, kyy_table, kyz_table, kzz_table, # cp_table, null, hgen_table) = out mat = MATT5.add_op2_data(out) self._add_material_dependence_object(mat) n += ntotal self.increase_card_count('MATT5', ncards) return n # MATT8 - unused def _read_matt8(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: self.log.warning('skipping MATT8 in MPT') return len(data) def _read_matt9(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ Word Name Type Description 1 MID I Material identification number 2 TC(21) I TABLEMi identification numbers for material property matrix 23 TRHO I TABLEMi identification number for mass density 24 TA(6) I TABLEMi identification numbers for thermal expansion coefficients 30 UNDEF None 31 TGE I TABLEMi identification number for structural damping coefficient 32 UNDEF(4) None """ ntotal = 140 * self.factor # 35*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(self._endian + b'35i', self.size)) nmaterials = (len(data) - n) // ntotal for unused_i in range(nmaterials): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) (mid, *tc_tables, trho, ta1, ta2, ta3, ta4, ta5, ta6, a, tge, b, c, d, e) = out if self.is_debug_file: self.binary_debug.write(' MATT9=%s\n' % str(out)) assert a == 0, out assert b == 0, out assert c == 0, out assert d == 0, out assert e == 0, out #MATT9(mid, g11_table=None, g12_table=None, g13_table=None, g14_table=None, #g15_table=None, g16_table=None, g22_table=None, g23_table=None, #g24_table=None, g25_table=None, g26_table=None, g33_table=None, #g34_table=None, g35_table=None, g36_table=None, g44_table=None, #g45_table=None, g46_table=None, g55_table=None, g56_table=None, #g66_table=None, rho_table=None, #a1_table=None, a2_table=None, a3_table=None, #a4_table=None, a5_table=None, a6_table=None, ge_table=None, comment='') mat = MATT9(mid, *tc_tables, trho, ta1, ta2, ta3, ta4, ta5, ta6, tge, comment='') self._add_material_dependence_object(mat, allow_overwrites=False) n += ntotal self.card_count['MATT9'] = nmaterials return n def _read_matt11(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: self.log.warning('skipping MATT11 in MPT') return len(data) # MBOLT # MBOLTUS # MSTACK # NLAUTO def _read_radbnd(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int:'skipping RADBND in MPT') return len(data) def _read_radm(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ RADM(8802,88,413) - record 25 .. todo:: add object """ struct_i = self.struct_i nmaterials = 0 ndata = len(data) while n < ndata: # 1*4 packs = [] edata = data[n:n+4] number, = struct_i.unpack(edata) n += 4 iformat = b'i %if' % (number) struct_i_nf = Struct(self._endian + iformat) #mid, absorb, emiss1, emiss2, ... ndata_per_pack = 1 + number nstr_per_pack = ndata_per_pack * 4 nfields = (ndata - n) // 4 npacks = nfields // ndata_per_pack for unused_ipack in range(npacks): edata = data[n:n+nstr_per_pack] pack = list(struct_i_nf.unpack(edata)) packs.append(pack) n += nstr_per_pack mat = RADM.add_op2_data(pack) self._add_thermal_bc_object(mat, mat.radmid) nmaterials += 1 self.card_count['RADM'] = nmaterials return n def _read_radmt(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int:'skipping RADMT in MPT') return len(data) def _read_nlparm(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """ NLPARM(3003,30,286) - record 27 NX 2019.2 Word Name Type Description 1 SID I Set identification number 2 NINC I Number of increments 3 DT RS Incremental time interval for creep analysis 4 KMETHOD I Method for controlling stiffness updates 5 KSTEP I Number of iterations before the stiffness update 6 MAXITER I Limit on number of iterations for each load increment 7 CONV I Flags to select convergence criteria 8 INTOUT I Intermediate output flag 9 EPSU RS Error tolerance for displacement U criterion 10 EPSP RS Error tolerance for displacement P criterion 11 EPSW RS Error tolerance for displacement W criterion 12 MAXDIV I Limit on probable divergence conditions 13 MAXQN I Maximum number of quasi-Newton correction vectors 14 MAXLS I Maximum number of line searches 15 FSTRESS RS Fraction of effective stress 16 LSTOL RS Line search tolerance 17 MAXBIS I Maximum number of bisections 18 MAXR RS Maximum ratio for the adjusted arc-length increment 19 RTOLB RS Maximum value of incremental rotation ndata = 80: sid nic dt km ks max con int epu epp epw mx mx mx fstr lso mx mx rtolb ints = (1, 10, 0, 1, 5, 25, -1, 0, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 3, 25, 4, 0.20, 0.5, 5, 20.0, 20.0, 0) floats = (1, 10, 0.0, 1, 5, 25, -1, 0.0, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 3, 25, 4, 0.20, 0.5, 5, 20.0, 20.0, 0.0) """ ntotal = 76 * self.factor # 19*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(self._endian + b'iif5i3f3iffiff', self.size)) ndatai = len(data) - n nentries = ndatai // ntotal assert nentries > 0 #assert ndatai % ntotal == 0 for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) #(sid,ninc,dt,kMethod,kStep,maxIter,conv,intOut,epsU,epsP,epsW, # maxDiv,maxQn,maxLs,fStress,lsTol,maxBisect,maxR,rTolB) = out if self.is_debug_file: self.binary_debug.write(' NLPARM=%s\n' % str(out)) self._add_nlparm_object(NLPARM.add_op2_data(out)) n += ntotal self.card_count['NLPARM'] = nentries return n def _read_nlpci(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int:'skipping NLPCI in MPT') return len(data) def _read_tstepnl(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> int: """common method to read MSC/NX TSTEPNLs""" n = self._read_dual_card(data, n, self._read_tstepnl_nx, self._read_tstepnl_msc, 'TSTEPNL', self._add_tstepnl_object) return n def _read_tstepnl_nx(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> Tuple[int, List[TSTEPNL]]: """ TSTEPNL(3103,31,337) - record 29 NX 2019.2 23 KDAMP I Flags to include differential stiffness to form structural damping 24 KUPDATE I Method for dynamic matrix update 25 KUSTEP I Number of iterations before the stiffness update 26 TINTOPT I Time integration method 27 GAMMA RS Amplitude decay factor for 2nd order transient integration """ ntotal = 108 * self.factor # 27*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(self._endian + b'iif5i3f3if3i4f 4if', self.size)) nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 assert nentries > 0, nentries tstepnls = [] for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) #(sid,ndt,dt,no,kMethod,kStep,maxIter,conv,epsU,epsP,epsW, # maxDiv,maxQn,maxLs,fStress,lsTol,maxBisect,adjust,mStep,rb,maxR,uTol,rTolB) = out method = out[4] if method in [4]: self.log.warning('method=4; skipping TSTEPNL=%r' % str(out)) else: tstepnl = TSTEPNL.add_op2_data(out) tstepnls.append(tstepnl) n += ntotal return n, tstepnls def _read_tstepnl_msc(self, data: bytes, n: int) -> Tuple[int, List[TSTEPNL]]: """ TSTEPNL(3103,31,337) - record 29 MSC 2005.2 1 SID I Set identification number 2 NDT I Number of time steps of value DT 3 DT RS Time increment 4 NO I Time step interval for output 5 METHOD I Method for dynamic matrix update 6 KSTEP I Time step interval or number of converged bisections 7 MAXITER I Limit on number of iterations 8 CONV I Flags to select convergence criteria 9 EPSU RS Error tolerance for displacement U criterion 10 EPSP RS Error tolerance for displacement P criterion 11 EPSW RS Error tolerance for displacement W criterion 12 MAXDIV I Limit on probable divergence conditions 13 MAXQN I Maximum number of quasi-Newton correction vectors 14 MAXLS I Maximum number of line searches 15 FSTRESS RS Fraction of effective stress 16 MAXBIS I Maximum number of bisections 17 ADJUST I Time step skip factor for automatic time step adjustment 18 MSTEP I Number of steps to obtain the dominant period response 19 RB RS Define bounds for maintaining the same time step 20 MAXR RS Maximum ratio for the adjusted arc-length increment 21 UTOL RS Tolerance on displacement or temperature increment 22 RTOLB RS Maximum value of incremental rotation """ ntotal = 88 * self.factor # 22*4 s = Struct(mapfmt(self._endian + b'iif5i3f3if3i4f', self.size)) nentries = (len(data) - n) // ntotal assert (len(data) - n) % ntotal == 0 assert nentries > 0, nentries tstepnls = [] for unused_i in range(nentries): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) #(sid,ndt,dt,no,kMethod,kStep,maxIter,conv,epsU,epsP,epsW, # maxDiv,maxQn,maxLs,fStress,lsTol,maxBisect,adjust,mStep,rb,maxR,uTol,rTolB) = out method = out[4] if method in [4]: self.log.warning('method=4; skipping TSTEPNL=%r' % str(out)) else: tstepnl = TSTEPNL.add_op2_data(out) tstepnls.append(tstepnl) n += ntotal return n, tstepnls