Source code for pyNastran.op2.tables.oes_stressStrain.real.oes_bush1d

from itertools import count
from typing import List

import numpy as np
from numpy import zeros, searchsorted, ravel

from pyNastran.utils.numpy_utils import integer_types
from pyNastran.op2.tables.oes_stressStrain.real.oes_objects import OES_Object
from pyNastran.f06.f06_formatting import write_floats_13e, _eigenvalue_header

[docs]class RealBush1DStressArray(OES_Object): def __init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt): OES_Object.__init__(self, data_code, isubcase, apply_data_code=True) #self.code = [self.format_code, self.sort_code, self.s_code] #self.ntimes = 0 # or frequency/mode #self.ntotal = 0 self.ielement = 0 self.nelements = 0 # result specific @property def is_stress(self) -> bool: return True @property def is_real(self) -> bool: return True @property def is_complex(self) -> bool: return False @property def nnodes_per_elements(self) -> int: if self.element_type == 40: nnodes_per_element = 1 else: raise NotImplementedError(self.element_type) return nnodes_per_element def _reset_indices(self): self.itotal = 0 self.ielement = 0 def _get_msgs(self): words = [ #' ELEMENT-ID = 104' ' S T R E S S E S ( F O R C E S ) I N B U S H 1 D E L E M E N T S ( C B U S H 1 D )\n', ' \n', ' AXIAL AXIAL AXIAL AXIAL AXIAL PLASTIC\n', ' TIME FORCE DISPLACEMENT VELOCITY STRESS STRAIN STRAIN STATUS\n', #' 2.000000E-02 1.960396E+01 1.960396E-04 1.940792E-02 1.960396E+01 1.960396E-04 0.000000E+00 \n', ] return words # raise NotImplementedError('%s needs to implement _get_msgs' % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def get_headers(self) -> List[str]: headers = ['element_force', 'axial_displacement', 'axial_velocity', 'axial_stress', 'axial_strain', 'plastic_strain'] return headers
[docs] def build(self): """sizes the vectorized attributes of the RealBush1DStressArray""" #print("self.ielement =", self.ielement) #print('ntimes=%s nelements=%s ntotal=%s' % (self.ntimes, self.nelements, self.ntotal)) assert self.ntimes > 0, 'ntimes=%s' % self.ntimes assert self.nelements > 0, 'nelements=%s' % self.nelements assert self.ntotal > 0, 'ntotal=%s' % self.ntotal self.itime = 0 self.ielement = 0 self.itotal = 0 #self.ntimes = 0 #self.nelements = 0 self.is_built = True #print("***name=%s type=%s nnodes_per_element=%s ntimes=%s nelements=%s ntotal=%s" % ( #self.element_name, self.element_type, nnodes_per_element, self.ntimes, self.nelements, #self.ntotal)) dtype = 'float32' if isinstance(self.nonlinear_factor, integer_types): dtype = 'int32' self._times = zeros(self.ntimes, dtype=dtype) self.element = zeros(self.ntotal, dtype='int32') self.is_failed = zeros((self.ntimes, self.ntotal, 1), dtype='int32') # [element_force, axial_displacement, axial_velocity, axial_stress, axial_strain, plastic_strain, is_failed] = zeros((self.ntimes, self.ntotal, 6), dtype='float32')
[docs] def build_dataframe(self): """creates a pandas dataframe""" import pandas as pd headers = self.get_headers() if self.nonlinear_factor not in (None, np.nan): # Time 0.02 0.04 0.06 # ElementID Item #104 element_force 38.633198 113.462921 220.903046 # axial_displacement 0.000194 0.000761 0.001673 # axial_velocity 0.019220 0.037323 0.053638 # axial_stress NaN NaN NaN # axial_strain NaN NaN NaN # plastic_strain 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 column_names, column_values = self._build_dataframe_transient_header() data_frame = self._build_pandas_transient_elements( column_values, column_names, headers, self.element, else: #Static element_force axial_displacement axial_velocity axial_stress axial_strain plastic_strain #ElementID #17801 1.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 #17807 1.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 data_frame = pd.DataFrame([0], columns=headers, index=self.element) = 'ElementID' data_frame.columns.names = ['Static'] self.data_frame = data_frame
def __eq__(self, table): # pragma: no cover assert self.is_sort1 == table.is_sort1 self._eq_header(table) i = 0 if not np.array_equal(, msg = 'table_name=%r class_name=%s\n' % (self.table_name, self.__class__.__name__) msg += '%s\n' % str(self.code_information()) ntimes =[0] if self.is_sort1: for itime in range(ntimes): for ieid, eid, in enumerate(self.element): t1 =[itime, ieid, :] t2 =[itime, ieid, :] #i_not_nan = np.isnp.where(t1 != np.nan)[0] i_not_nan = np.isfinite(t1) (axial_stress1, equiv_stress1, total_strain1, eff_plastic_creep_strain1, eff_creep_strain1, linear_torsional_stress1) = t1 (axial_stress2, equiv_stress2, total_strain2, eff_plastic_creep_strain2, eff_creep_strain2, linear_torsional_stress2) = t2 if not np.allclose(t1[i_not_nan], t2[i_not_nan]): #if not np.array_equal(t1, t2): msg += '%s\n (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n' % ( eid, axial_stress1, equiv_stress1, total_strain1, eff_plastic_creep_strain1, eff_creep_strain1, linear_torsional_stress1, axial_stress2, equiv_stress2, total_strain2, eff_plastic_creep_strain2, eff_creep_strain2, linear_torsional_stress2) i += 1 if i > 10: print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) else: raise NotImplementedError(self.is_sort2) if i > 0: print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return True def add_sort1(self, dt, eid, element_force, axial_displacement, axial_velocity, axial_stress, axial_strain, plastic_strain, is_failed): """unvectorized method for adding SORT1 transient data""" assert isinstance(eid, integer_types) and eid > 0, 'dt=%s eid=%s' % (dt, eid) # pyNastran_examples\move_tpl\ar29scb1.op2 #print('dt=%s eid=%s force=%s' % (dt, eid, element_force)) #print('element.shape=%s' % self.element.shape) #print('data.shape=%s' % str( #print('times.shape=%s' % self._times.shape) #print('itime=%s ielement=%s itotal=%s' % (self.itime, self.itotal, self.ielement)) self._times[self.itime] = dt self.element[self.itotal] = eid self.is_failed[self.itime, self.itotal, 0] = is_failed[self.itime, self.itotal, :] = [ element_force, axial_displacement, axial_velocity, axial_stress, axial_strain, plastic_strain] self.itotal += 1 self.ielement += 1
[docs] def get_stats(self, short=False) -> List[str]: if not self.is_built: return ['<%s>\n' % self.__class__.__name__, ' ntimes: %i\n' % self.ntimes, ' ntotal: %i\n' % self.ntotal, ] nelements = self.ntotal ntimes = self.ntimes #ntotal = self.ntotal nelements = self.ntotal msg = [] if self.nonlinear_factor not in (None, np.nan): # transient msg.append(' type=%s ntimes=%i nelements=%i\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, ntimes, nelements)) ntimes_word = 'ntimes' else: msg.append(' type=%s nelements=%i\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, nelements)) ntimes_word = '1' headers = self.get_headers() n = len(headers) assert n ==[2], 'nheaders=%s shape=%s' % (n, str( msg.append(' data: [%s, ntotal, %i] where %i=[%s]\n' % (ntimes_word, n, n, str(', '.join(headers)))) msg.append(' element.shape = %s\n' % str(self.element.shape).replace('L', '')) msg.append(' is_failed.shape = %s\n' % str(self.is_failed.shape).replace('L', '')) msg.append(' data.shape = %s\n' % str('L', '')) msg.append(' element type: %s\n' % self.element_name) msg += self.get_data_code() return msg
[docs] def get_element_index(self, eids): # elements are always sorted; nodes are not itot = searchsorted(eids, self.element) #[0] return itot
[docs] def eid_to_element_node_index(self, eids): ind = ravel([searchsorted(self.element == eid) for eid in eids]) return ind
[docs] def write_f06(self, f06_file, header=None, page_stamp='PAGE %s', page_num=1, is_mag_phase=False, is_sort1=True): if header is None: header = [] msg = self._get_msgs() ntimes =[0] eids = self.element for itime in range(ntimes): dt = self._times[itime] header = _eigenvalue_header(self, header, itime, ntimes, dt) f06_file.write(''.join(header + msg)) #[element_force, axial_displacement, axial_velocity, axial_stress, axial_strain, plastic_strain, is_failed] element_force =[itime, :, 0] axial_displacement =[itime, :, 1] axial_velocity =[itime, :, 2] axial_stress =[itime, :, 3] axial_strain =[itime, :, 4] plastic_strain =[itime, :, 5] is_failed = self.is_failed[itime, :, 0] for (i, eid, element_forcei, axial_displacementi, axial_velocityi, axial_stressi, axial_straini, plastic_straini, is_failedi) in zip( count(), eids, element_force, axial_displacement, axial_velocity, axial_stress, axial_strain, plastic_strain, is_failed): vals = [element_forcei, axial_displacementi, axial_velocityi, axial_stressi, axial_straini, plastic_straini, is_failedi] vals2 = write_floats_13e(vals) [element_forcei, axial_displacementi, axial_velocityi, axial_stressi, axial_straini, plastic_straini, is_failedi] = vals2 f06_file.write( '0%8i %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' % (eid, element_forcei, axial_displacementi, axial_velocityi, axial_stressi, axial_straini, plastic_straini, is_failedi)) f06_file.write(page_stamp % page_num) page_num += 1 if self.nonlinear_factor in (None, np.nan): page_num -= 1 return page_num