Source code for pyNastran.utils.__init__

 - deprecated(old_name, new_name, deprecated_version, levels=None)
 - print_bad_path(path)
 - object_attributes(obj, mode='public', keys_to_skip=None)
 - object_methods(obj, mode='public', keys_to_skip=None)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from types import MethodType, FunctionType
import os
import io
import sys
import getpass
import inspect
import warnings
from pathlib import PurePath
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import List, Optional, Union, Any
import pyNastran

[docs]def ipython_info() -> Optional[str]: """determines if iPython/Jupyter notebook is running""" try: return get_ipython() except NameError: return None
[docs]def is_file_obj(filename: str) -> bool: """does this object behave like a file object?""" return ( (hasattr(filename, 'read') and hasattr(filename, 'write')) or isinstance(filename, (io.IOBase, io.StringIO)) )
[docs]def b(string: str) -> bytes: """reimplementation of six.b(...) to work in Python 2""" return string.encode('latin-1')
#def merge_dicts(dict_list, strict: bool=True): #"""merges two or more dictionaries""" #assert isinstance(dict_list, list), type(dict_list) #dict_out = {} #for adict in dict_list: #assert isinstance(adict, dict), adict #for key, value in adict.items(): #if key not in dict_out: #dict_out[key] = value #elif strict: #raise RuntimeError('key=%r exists in multiple dictionaries' % key) #else: #print('key=%r is dropped?' % key) #return dict_out
[docs]def remove_files(filenames): """remvoes a series of files; quietly continues if the file can't be removed""" for filename in filenames: try: os.remove(filename) except OSError: pass
[docs]def is_binary_file(filename: Union[str, PurePath]) -> bool: """ Return true if the given filename is binary. Parameters ---------- filename : str the filename to test Returns ------- binary_flag : bool True if filename is a binary file (contains null byte) and False otherwise. :raises: IOError if the file cannot be opened. Based on the idea (.. seealso:: that file is binary if it contains null. .. warning:: this may not work for unicode.""" assert isinstance(filename, (str, PurePath)), f'{filename!r} is not a valid filename' check_path(filename) with, mode='rb') as fil: for chunk in iter(lambda:, bytes()): if b'\0' in chunk: # found null byte return True return False
[docs]def check_path(filename: str, name: str='file') -> None: """checks that the file exists""" try: exists = os.path.exists(filename) except TypeError: msg = 'cannot find %s=%r\n' % (name, filename) raise TypeError(msg) if not exists: msg = 'cannot find %s=%r\n%s' % (name, filename, print_bad_path(filename)) raise FileNotFoundError(msg)
def _filename(filename: str) -> str: """ Prepends some magic data to a filename in order to have long filenames. .. warning:: This might be Windows specific. """ if len(filename) > 255: return '\\\\?\\' + filename return filename def __object_attr(obj, mode, keys_to_skip, attr_type, filter_properties: bool=False): """list object attributes of a given type""" #print('keys_to_skip=%s' % keys_to_skip) keys_to_skip = [] if keys_to_skip is None else keys_to_skip test = { 'public': lambda k: (not k.startswith('_') and k not in keys_to_skip), 'private': lambda k: (k.startswith('_') and not k.startswith('__') and k not in keys_to_skip), 'both': lambda k: (not k.startswith('__') and k not in keys_to_skip), 'all': lambda k: (k not in keys_to_skip), } if not mode in test: raise ValueError('Wrong mode! Accepted modes: public, private, both, all.') check = test[mode] out = [] obj_type = type(obj) for key in dir(obj): #if isinstance(key, abstractmethod): # doesn't work... #print(key, ' abstractmethod') #if isinstance(key, FunctionType): #print(key, ' FunctionType') #if isinstance(key, MethodType): #print(key, ' MethodType') if key in keys_to_skip or not check(key): continue try: value = getattr(obj, key) save_value = attr_type(value) if not save_value: continue if filter_properties: if not isinstance(getattr(obj_type, key, None), property): out.append(key) else: out.append(key) except Exception: pass out.sort() return out #return sorted([k for k in dir(obj) if (check(k) and # attr_type(getattr(obj, k)))])
[docs]def object_methods(obj: Any, mode: str='public', keys_to_skip: Optional[List[str]]=None) -> List[str]: """ List the names of methods of a class as strings. Returns public methods as default. Parameters ---------- obj : instance the object for checking mode : str defines what kind of methods will be listed * "public" - names that do not begin with underscore * "private" - names that begin with single underscore * "both" - private and public * "all" - all methods that are defined for the object keys_to_skip : List[str]; default=None -> [] names to not consider to avoid deprecation warnings Returns ------- method : List[str] sorted list of the names of methods of a given type or None if the mode is wrong """ return __object_attr(obj, mode, keys_to_skip, lambda x: isinstance(x, MethodType))
[docs]def object_stats(obj: Any, mode: str='public', keys_to_skip: Optional[List[str]]=None, filter_properties: bool=False) -> str: """Prints out an easy to read summary of the object""" msg = '%s:\n' % obj.__class__.__name__ attrs = object_attributes( obj, mode=mode, keys_to_skip=keys_to_skip, filter_properties=filter_properties) for name in sorted(attrs): #if short and '_ref' in name: #continue value = getattr(obj, name) msg += ' %-6s : %r\n' % (name, value) return msg
[docs]def object_attributes(obj: Any, mode: str='public', keys_to_skip: Optional[List[str]]=None, filter_properties: bool=False) -> List[str]: """ List the names of attributes of a class as strings. Returns public attributes as default. Parameters ---------- obj : instance the object for checking mode : str defines what kind of attributes will be listed * 'public' - names that do not begin with underscore * 'private' - names that begin with single underscore * 'both' - private and public * 'all' - all attributes that are defined for the object keys_to_skip : List[str]; default=None -> [] names to not consider to avoid deprecation warnings filter_properties: bool: default=False filters the @property objects Returns ------- attribute_names : List[str] sorted list of the names of attributes of a given type or None if the mode is wrong """ #if hasattr(obj, '__properties__'): #keys_to_skip += obj.__properties__() return __object_attr( obj, mode, keys_to_skip, lambda x: not isinstance(x, (MethodType, FunctionType)), filter_properties=filter_properties, )
#def remove_files(*filenames): #"""delete a list of files""" #failed_list = [] #for filename in filenames: #try: #os.remove(filename) #except OSError: # OSError is the general version of WindowsError #failed_list.append(filename) #return failed_list
[docs]def int_version(name: str, version: str) -> List[int]: """splits the version into a tuple of integers""" sversion = version.split('-')[0].split('+')[0].split('a')[0].split('b')[0].split('rc')[0] #numpy #scipy #matplotlib #qtpy #vtk #cpylog #pyNastran # '1.20.0rc1' # '1.4.0+dev.8913610a0' # matplotlib 3.1rc1 # matplotlib 3.5.5b1 try: return [int(val) for val in sversion.split('.')] except ValueError: raise SyntaxError('cannot determine version for %s %s' % (name, sversion))
def deprecated(old_name: str, new_name: str, deprecated_version: str, levels: Optional[List[int]]=None) -> None: """ Throws a deprecation message and crashes if past a specific version. Parameters ---------- old_name : str the old function name new_name : str the new function name deprecated_version : float the version the method was first deprecated in levels : List[int] the deprecation levels to show [1, 2, 3] shows 3 levels up from this function (good for classes) None : ??? TODO: turn this into a decorator? """ assert isinstance(deprecated_version, str), type(deprecated_version) assert isinstance(levels, list), type(levels) assert old_name != new_name, "'%s' and '%s' are the same..." % (old_name, new_name) version = pyNastran.__version__.split('_')[0] dep_ver_tuple = tuple([int(i) for i in deprecated_version.split('.')]) ver_tuple = tuple([int(i) for i in version.split('.')[:2]]) #new_line = '' msg = "'%s' was deprecated in v%s (current=%s)" % ( old_name, deprecated_version, version) if new_name: msg += "; replace it with '%s'\n" % new_name for level in levels: # jump to get out of the inspection code frame = sys._getframe(3 + level) line_no = frame.f_lineno code = frame.f_code try: #filename = os.path.basename(frame.f_globals['__file__']) filename = os.path.basename(inspect.getfile(code)) except Exception: print(code) raise source_lines, line_no0 = inspect.getsourcelines(code) delta_nlines = line_no - line_no0 try: line = source_lines[delta_nlines] except IndexError: break msg += ' %-25s:%-4s %s\n' % (filename, str(line_no) + ';', line.strip()) user_name = getpass.getuser() if ver_tuple > dep_ver_tuple: # or 'id' in msg: # fail raise NotImplementedError(msg) elif user_name not in ['sdoyle', 'travis']: warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning)