OP2: Numpy Demo #2 (Composite Plate Stress)

The Jupyter notebook for this demo can be found in: - docs/quick_start/demo/op2_demo_numpy1.ipynb - https://github.com/SteveDoyle2/pyNastran/tree/main/docs/quick_start/demo/op2_demo_numpy1.ipynb

It’s recommended that you first go through: - https://github.com/SteveDoyle2/pyNastran/tree/main/docs/quick_start/demo/op2_intro.ipynb - https://github.com/SteveDoyle2/pyNastran/tree/main/docs/quick_start/demo/op2_demo.ipynb - https://github.com/SteveDoyle2/pyNastran/tree/main/docs/quick_start/demo/op2_demo_numpy1.ipynb

In this tutorial, composite plate stresses will be covered.

Load the model

If the BWB example OP2 doesn’t exist, we’ll run Nastran to create it.

import os
import copy
import numpy as np
np.set_printoptions(precision=2, threshold=20, linewidth=100, suppress=True)

import pyNastran
from pyNastran.op2.op2 import read_op2
from pyNastran.utils.nastran_utils import run_nastran
pkg_path = pyNastran.__path__[0]
model_path = os.path.join(pkg_path, '..', 'models')

bdf_filename = os.path.join(model_path, 'bwb', 'bwb_saero.bdf')
op2_filename = os.path.join(model_path, 'bwb', 'bwb_saero.op2')
if not os.path.exists(op2_filename):
    keywords = ['scr=yes', 'bat=no', 'old=no']
    run_nastran(bdf_filename, nastran_cmd='nastran', keywords=keywords, run=True)
    import shutil
    op2_filename2 = os.path.join('bwb_saero.op2')
    shutil.move(op2_filename2, op2_filename)

assert os.path.exists(op2_filename), print_bad_path(op2_filename)
model = read_op2(op2_filename, build_dataframe=False, debug=False)

INFO: op2_scalar.py:1469 op2_filename = 'c:\\nasa\\m4\\formats\\git\\pynastran_1.2\\pyNastran\\..\\models\\bwb\\bwb_saero.op2'

Accessing the Composite Stress

isubcase = 1
stress = model.cquad4_composite_stress[isubcase]
headers = stress.get_headers()
imax = headers.index('major')
type=RealCompositePlateStressArray nelements=9236 ntotal=92360
data: [1, ntotal, 9] where 9=[o11, o22, t12, t1z, t2z, angle, major, minor, max_shear]
element_layer.shape = (92360, 2)
data.shape = (1, 92360, 9)
element type: QUAD4LC-composite
lsdvmns = [1]

Composite Stress/Strain data is tricky to access as there is not a good way to index the data

Let’s cheat a bit using the element ids and layers to make a pivot table. - table is (ntimes, nelements, nlayers, ndata) - max_principal_stress_table is (nelements, nlayers)

from pyNastran.femutils.utils import pivot_table

eids = stress.element_layer[:, 0]
layers = stress.element_layer[:, 1]

## now pivot the stress
table, rows_new = pivot_table(stress.data, eids, layers)

# now access the max principal stress for the static result
# table is (itime, nelements, nlayers, data)
itime = 0
max_principal_stress_table = table[itime,:,:,imax]
ueids = np.unique(eids)
print('max_principal_stress_table:\n%s' % max_principal_stress_table)
[[ 239.3   163.91   98.41 ...  -35.77  -34.6   -19.86]
 [  18.61   78.52   25.52 ...  -63.92  -62.48  -12.99]
 [   2.99  105.48   49.37 ... -137.74 -127.07  -41.14]
 [ 157.    170.3   112.79 ...   44.56   47.13   38.9 ]
 [ 123.96  143.01   97.41 ...   40.99   44.06   42.47]
 [  90.04  109.97   79.86 ...   33.18   36.12   24.04]]

More realistic pivot table

All the elements have 10 layers. Let’s remove the last 5 layers.

By having empty layers, the pivot table now has nan data in it.

# drop out 5 layers
eids2 = stress.element_layer[:-5, 0]
layers2 = stress.element_layer[:-5, 1]
data2 = stress.data[:, :-5, :]

# now pivot the stress
table, rows_new = pivot_table(data2, eids2, layers2)

# access the table data
# table is (itime, nelements, nlayers, data)
itime = 0
max_principal_stress_table2 = table[itime,:,:,imax]
print('max_principal_stress_table2:\n%s' % max_principal_stress_table2)
[[ 239.3   163.91   98.41 ...  -35.77  -34.6   -19.86]
 [  18.61   78.52   25.52 ...  -63.92  -62.48  -12.99]
 [   2.99  105.48   49.37 ... -137.74 -127.07  -41.14]
 [ 157.    170.3   112.79 ...   44.56   47.13   38.9 ]
 [ 123.96  143.01   97.41 ...   40.99   44.06   42.47]
 [  90.04  109.97   79.86 ...     nan     nan     nan]]