
This is the pyNastran.f06.rst file.

f06_writer Module

Inheritance diagram of pyNastran.f06.f06_writer
defines the F06Writer class and:
  • write_f06(…)

pyNastran.f06.f06_writer.make_end(end_flag: bool = False, options: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) → str[source]

creates the F06 footer

pyNastran.f06.f06_writer.make_f06_header() → str[source]
pyNastran.f06.f06_writer.make_stamp(title: Optional[str], today: Optional[] = None, build: Optional[str] = None) → str[source]
pyNastran.f06.f06_writer.sorted_bulk_data_header() → str[source]

creates the bulk data echo header

f06_formatting Module


Gets the “first” key in a dictionary

The entry is kind of irrelevant.


Gets the “first” key in a dictionary

The entry is kind of irrelevant.

pyNastran.f06.f06_formatting.write_float_10e(val: float) → str[source]
pyNastran.f06.f06_formatting.write_float_11e(val: float) → str[source]

writes a Nastran formatted 11.4 float

pyNastran.f06.f06_formatting.write_float_12e(val: float) → str[source]

writes a Nastran formatted 12.5 float

pyNastran.f06.f06_formatting.write_float_13e(val: float) → str[source]

writes a Nastran formatted 13.6 float

pyNastran.f06.f06_formatting.write_floats_10e(vals: List[float]) → List[str][source]

writes a series of Nastran formatted 10.3 floats

pyNastran.f06.f06_formatting.write_floats_12e(vals: List[float]) → List[str][source]

writes a series of Nastran formatted 12.5 floats

pyNastran.f06.f06_formatting.write_floats_13e(vals: List[float]) → List[str][source]

writes a series of Nastran formatted 13.6 floats

pyNastran.f06.f06_formatting.write_floats_8p1e(vals: List[float]) → List[str][source]

writes an 8.1E formatted number

pyNastran.f06.f06_formatting.write_floats_8p4f(vals: List[float]) → List[str][source]

writes an 8.4F formatted number

pyNastran.f06.f06_formatting.write_imag_floats_13e(vals: List[float], is_mag_phase: bool) → List[str][source]

errors Module

Inheritance diagram of pyNastran.f06.errors
exception pyNastran.f06.errors.FatalError[source]

Bases: RuntimeError