Source code for pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.utils

    bdf merge        (IN_BDF_FILENAMES)... [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME]\n'
    bdf equivalence  IN_BDF_FILENAME EQ_TOL\n'
    bdf renumber     IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME]\n'
    bdf mirror       IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--plane PLANE] [--tol TOL]\n'
    bdf export_mcids IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_GEOM_FILENAME]\n'
    bdf split_cbars_by_pin_flags IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME]\n'
    bdf flutter UNITS [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME]

import os
import sys
from io import StringIO
from typing import Any
from cpylog import SimpleLogger
import pyNastran
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.bdf_renumber import bdf_renumber, superelement_renumber
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.export_mcids import export_mcids
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.pierce_shells import pierce_shell_model
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.remove_unused import remove_unused

# testing these imports are up to date
# if something is imported and tested, it should be removed from here
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.shift import update_nodes
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.mirror_mesh import write_bdf_symmetric
#from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.collapse_bad_quads import convert_bad_quads_to_tris
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.delete_bad_elements import delete_bad_shells, get_bad_shells
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.split_cbars_by_pin_flag import split_cbars_by_pin_flag
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.remove_unused import remove_unused
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.free_faces import write_skin_solid_faces
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.get_oml import get_oml_eids

from .cmd_line.bdf_merge import cmd_line_merge
from .cmd_line.bdf_equivalence import cmd_line_equivalence
from .cmd_line.export_caero_mesh import cmd_line_export_caero_mesh
from .cmd_line.create_flutter import cmd_line_create_flutter
from .cmd_line.utils import filter_no_args

[docs] def cmd_line_create_vectorized_numbered(argv=None, quiet=False): # pragma: no cover if argv is None: argv = sys.argv msg = ( 'Usage:\n' ' bdf create_vectorized_numbered IN_BDF_FILENAME [OUT_BDF_FILENAME]\n' ' bdf create_vectorized_numbered -h | --help\n' ' bdf create_vectorized_numbered -v | --version\n' '\n' 'Positional Arguments:\n' ' IN_BDF_FILENAME the model to convert\n' " OUT_BDF_FILENAME the converted model name (default=IN_BDF_FILENAME + '_convert.bdf')" '\n' 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) if len(argv) == 1: sys.exit(msg) from docopt import docopt ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) bdf_filename_in = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] if data['OUT_BDF_FILENAME']: bdf_filename_out = data['OUT_BDF_FILENAME'] else: base, ext = os.path.splitext(bdf_filename_in) bdf_filename_out = base + '_convert' + ext create_vectorized_numbered(bdf_filename_in, bdf_filename_out)
[docs] def cmd_line_delete_bad_shells(argv=None, quiet: bool=False) -> None: """command line interface to ``delete_bad_shells``""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt msg = ( 'Usage:\n' ' bdf delete_bad_shells IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--skew SKEW] [--max_theta MAX_THETA] [--min_theta MIN_THETA] [--max_ar MAX_AR] [--max_taper MAX_TAPER] [--max_warp MAX_WARP]\n' ' bdf delete_bad_shells -h | --help\n' ' bdf delete_bad_shells -v | --version\n' '\n' "Positional Arguments:\n" " IN_BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n" #" OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF/DAT/NAS file\n" '\n' 'Options:\n' " -o OUT, --output OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF/DAT/NAS file\n" " --skew SKEW The maximum skew angle (default=70.0)\n" " --max_theta MAX_THETA The maximum interior angle (default=175.0)\n" " --min_theta MIN_THETA The minimum interior angle (default=0.1)\n" " --max_ar MAX_AR The maximum aspect ratio (default=100.0)\n" " --max_taper MAX_TAPER The maximum taper ratio (default=4.0)\n" " --max_warp MAX_WARP The maximum warp angle (default=90.0)\n\n" 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) filter_no_args(msg, argv, quiet=quiet) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) try: bdf_filename = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] except: if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) raise bdf_out_filename = 'fixed_quality.bdf' #TOLERANCE LIMITS ARE: # SA = 30.00 # IA(MIN) = 30.00 # IA(MAX) = 150.00 # WF = 0.05 # TR = 0.50 # AR = 100.00 # # Skew angle for the quadrilateral element is defined to be the angle between the lines that join # midpoints of the opposite sides of the quadrilateral. Skew angle for the triangular element is # defined to be the smallest angle at any of the three vertices. # # Taper ratio for the quadrilateral element is defined to be the absolute value of the ratio of the area # of the triangle formed at each corner grid point to one half the area of the quadrilateral minus # 1.0. The largest of the four ratios is compared against the tolerance value. Note that as the ratio # approaches 0.0, the shape approaches a rectangle. # taper = |atri / (0.5 * aquad) - 1 | # # Surface warping factor for a quadrilateral is defined to be the distance of the corner points of the # element to the mean plane of the grid points divided by the average of the element diagonal # lengths. For flat elements (such that all of the grid points lie in a plane), this factor is zero. defaults = { '--skew': 70., '--max_theta': 175., '--min_theta': 0.1, '--max_ar': 100., '--max_taper': 4., '--max_warp': 90., #'SKEW': 70., #'MAX_THETA': 175., #'MIN_THETA': 0.1, #'MAX_AR': 100., #'MAX_TAPER': 4., #'MAX_WARP': 90., } _apply_float_values_to_dict(data, defaults) try: skew = float(data['--skew']) max_theta = float(data['--max_theta']) min_theta = float(data['--min_theta']) max_aspect_ratio = float(data['--max_ar']) max_taper_ratio = float(data['--max_taper']) max_warping = float(data['--max_warp']) #skew = float(data['SKEW']) #max_theta = float(data['MAX_THETA']) #min_theta = float(data['MIN_THETA']) #max_aspect_ratio = float(data['MAX_AR']) #max_taper_ratio = float(data['MAX_TAPER']) #max_warping = float(data['MAX_WARP']) except: if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) raise if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) #print('max_aspect_ratio =', max_aspect_ratio) #sss #if bdf_filename_out is None: #bdf_filename_out = 'merged.bdf' size = 8 #from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.bdf_equivalence import bdf_equivalence_nodes from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import read_bdf level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) model = read_bdf(bdf_filename, validate=True, xref=True, punch=False, encoding=None, log=log, debug=True, mode='msc') delete_bad_shells(model, min_theta=min_theta, max_theta=max_theta, max_skew=skew, max_aspect_ratio=max_aspect_ratio, max_taper_ratio=max_taper_ratio, max_warping=max_warping) model.write_bdf(bdf_out_filename, size=size, nodes_size=16, elements_size=16, loads_size=8)
[docs] def _apply_float_values_to_dict(data: dict[str, Any], defaults: dict[str, float]) -> None: for name, default_value in defaults.items(): if data[name] is None: #print(f'applying {name}') data[name] = default_value
[docs] def cmd_line_bin(argv=None, quiet=False): # pragma: no cover """bins the model into nbins""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt msg = ( "Usage:\n" #" bdf bin IN_BDF_FILENAME AXIS1 AXIS2 [--cid CID] [--step SIZE]\n" " bdf bin IN_BDF_FILENAME AXIS1 AXIS2 [--cid CID] [--nbins NBINS]\n" ' bdf bin -h | --help\n' ' bdf bin -v | --version\n' '\n' "Positional Arguments:\n" " IN_BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n" " AXIS1 axis to loop over\n" " AXIS2 axis to bin\n" '\n' 'Options:\n' " --cid CID the coordinate system to bin (default:0)\n" " --step SIZE the step size for binning\n\n" " --nbins NBINS the number of bins\n\n" 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n\n" 'Plot z (2) as a function of y (1) in y-stepsizes of 0.1:\n' ' bdf bin fem.bdf 1 2 --cid 0 --step 0.1\n\n' 'Plot z (2) as a function of y (1) with 50 bins:\n' ' bdf bin fem.bdf 1 2 --cid 0 --nbins 50' ) if len(argv) == 1: sys.exit(msg) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) bdf_filename = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] axis1 = int(data['AXIS1']) axis2 = int(data['AXIS2']) cid = 0 if data['--cid']: cid = int(data['--cid']) #stepsize = 0.1 #if data['--step']: #stepsize = float(data['--step']) nbins = 10 if data['--nbins']: nbins = int(data['--nbins']) assert nbins >= 2, nbins if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import read_bdf level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) model = read_bdf(bdf_filename, log=log) xyz_cid = model.get_xyz_in_coord(cid=cid, fdtype='float64') y = xyz_cid[:, axis1] z = xyz_cid[:, axis2] plt.figure(1) #n, bins, patches = plt.hist( [x0,x1,x2], 10, weights=[w0, w1, w2], histtype='bar') ys = [] #zs = [] zs_min = [] zs_max = [] y0 = y.min() y1 = y.max() dy = (y1 - y0) / nbins y0i = y0 y1i = y0 + dy for unused_i in range(nbins): j = np.where((y0i <= y) & (y <= y1i))[0] if not len(j): continue ys.append(y[j].mean()) zs_min.append(z[j].min()) zs_max.append(z[j].max()) y0i += dy y1i += dy zs_max = np.array(zs_max) zs_min = np.array(zs_min) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print('ys = %s' % ys) print('zs_max = %s' % zs_max) print('zs_min = %s' % zs_min) plt.plot(ys, zs_max, 'r-o', label='max') plt.plot(ys, zs_min, 'b-o', label='min') plt.plot(ys, zs_max - zs_min, 'g-o', label='delta') #plt.xlim([y0, y1]) plt.xlabel('Axis %s' % axis1) plt.ylabel('Axis %s' % axis2) plt.grid(True) plt.legend()
[docs] def cmd_line_renumber(argv=None, quiet=False): """command line interface to bdf_renumber""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt msg = ( "Usage:\n" ' bdf renumber IN_BDF_FILENAME OUT_BDF_FILENAME [--superelement] [--size SIZE]\n' ' bdf renumber IN_BDF_FILENAME [--superelement] [--size SIZE]\n' ' bdf renumber -h | --help\n' ' bdf renumber -v | --version\n' '\n' 'Positional Arguments:\n' ' IN_BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n' ' OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF/DAT/NAS file\n' '\n' 'Options:\n' '--superelement calls superelement_renumber\n' '--size SIZE set the field size (default=16)\n\n' 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) if len(argv) == 1: sys.exit(msg) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) bdf_filename = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] bdf_filename_out = data['OUT_BDF_FILENAME'] if bdf_filename_out is None: bdf_filename_out = 'renumber.bdf' size = 16 if data['--size']: if 'SIZE' in data: size_str = data['SIZE'] else: size_str = data['--size'] size = int(size_str) assert size in [8, 16], f'size={size} args={argv}' #cards_to_skip = [ #'AEFACT', 'CAERO1', 'CAERO2', 'SPLINE1', 'SPLINE2', #'AERO', 'AEROS', 'PAERO1', 'PAERO2', 'MKAERO1'] cards_to_skip = [] level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) if data['--superelement']: superelement_renumber(bdf_filename, bdf_filename_out, size=size, is_double=False, starting_id_dict=None, #round_ids=False, cards_to_skip=cards_to_skip, log=log) else: bdf_renumber(bdf_filename, bdf_filename_out, size=size, is_double=False, starting_id_dict=None, round_ids=False, cards_to_skip=cards_to_skip, log=log)
[docs] def cmd_line_mirror(argv=None, quiet: bool=False): """command line interface to write_bdf_symmetric""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt import pyNastran msg = ( "Usage:\n" " bdf mirror IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--punch] [--plane PLANE] [--tol TOL]\n" " bdf mirror IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--punch] [--plane PLANE] [--noeq]\n" ' bdf mirror -h | --help\n' ' bdf mirror -v | --version\n' '\n' "Positional Arguments:\n" " IN_BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n" #" OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF/DAT/NAS file\n" '\n' 'Options:\n' " -o OUT, --output OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF/DAT/NAS file\n" ' --punch flag to identify a *.pch/*.inc file\n' " --plane PLANE the symmetry plane (xz, yz, xy); default=xz\n" ' --tol TOL the spherical equivalence tolerance; default=1e-6\n' ' --noeq disable equivalencing\n' "\n" # (default=0.000001) 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) filter_no_args(msg, argv, quiet=quiet) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if data['--tol'] is False: data['TOL'] = 0.000001 if isinstance(data['TOL'], str): data['TOL'] = float(data['TOL']) tol = data['TOL'] assert data['--noeq'] in [True, False] if data['--noeq']: tol = -1. plane = 'xz' if data['--plane'] is not None: # None or str plane = data['--plane'] if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) size = 16 punch = data['--punch'] bdf_filename = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] bdf_filename_out = data['--output'] if bdf_filename_out is None: bdf_filename_out = 'mirrored.bdf' #from io import StringIO from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import read_bdf, BDF from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.bdf_equivalence import bdf_equivalence_nodes level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) model = BDF(log=log) model.set_error_storage(nparse_errors=100, stop_on_parsing_error=True, nxref_errors=100, stop_on_xref_error=False) model = read_bdf(bdf_filename, punch=punch, log=log) #model.read_bdf(bdf_filename, validate=True, xref=False, punch=punch, read_includes=True, save_file_structure=False, encoding=None) #grids = {} #for set_id, seti in model.sets.items(): #for i in seti.ids: #if i not in grids: ##x = set_id + float(i) #y = float(i) #grids[i] = f'GRID,{i:d},0,0.,{y},1.' #for i, grid in sorted(grids.items()): #print(grid) #model.cross_reference(xref=True, xref_nodes=True, xref_elements=True, xref_nodes_with_elements=False, xref_properties=True, #xref_masses=True, xref_materials=True, xref_loads=True, xref_constraints=True, xref_aero=True, xref_sets=False, xref_optimization=True, word='') bdf_filename_stringio = StringIO() unused_model, unused_nid_offset, eid_offset = write_bdf_symmetric( model, bdf_filename_stringio, encoding=None, size=size, is_double=False, enddata=None, close=False, plane=plane, log=log) if eid_offset > 0 and tol >= 0.0: bdf_equivalence_nodes(bdf_filename_stringio, bdf_filename_out, tol, renumber_nodes=False, neq_max=10, xref=True, node_set=None, size=size, is_double=False, remove_collapsed_elements=False, avoid_collapsed_elements=False, crash_on_collapse=False, debug=True, log=log) else: if eid_offset == 0:'writing mirrored model %s without equivalencing because there are no elements' % bdf_filename_out) else:'writing mirrored model %s without equivalencing' % bdf_filename_out) with open(bdf_filename_out, 'w') as bdf_file: bdf_file.write(bdf_filename_stringio.getvalue())
[docs] def cmd_line_flip_shell_normals(argv=None, quiet: bool=False): """command line interface to flip_shell_normals""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt import pyNastran msg = ( "Usage:\n" " bdf flip_shell_normals IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--punch] [--zero_zoffset]\n" " bdf flip_shell_normals IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--punch] [--zero_zoffset]\n" ' bdf flip_shell_normals -h | --help\n' ' bdf flip_shell_normals -v | --version\n' '\n' "Positional Arguments:\n" " IN_BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n" #" OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF/DAT/NAS file\n" '\n' 'Options:\n' " -o OUT, --output OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF/DAT/NAS file\n" ' --punch flag to identify a *.pch/*.inc file\n' "\n" # (default=0.000001) 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) filter_no_args(msg, argv, quiet=quiet) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) size = 16 punch = data['--punch'] zero_zoffset = data['--zero_zoffset'] bdf_filename = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] bdf_filename_out = data['--output'] if bdf_filename_out is None: bdf_filename_out = 'flipped_shell_normals.bdf' #from io import StringIO from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import read_bdf, BDF level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) model = BDF(log=log) model.set_error_storage(nparse_errors=100, stop_on_parsing_error=True, nxref_errors=100, stop_on_xref_error=False) model = read_bdf(bdf_filename, punch=punch, log=log, xref=False) skip_elements = { # nothing to convert (verified) 'CCONEAX', 'CELAS1', 'CELAS2', 'CELAS3', 'CELAS4', 'CDAMP1', 'CDAMP2', 'CDAMP3', 'CDAMP4', 'CDAMP5', 'CMASS1', 'CMASS2', 'CMASS3', 'CMASS4', 'CVISC', 'CBUSH', 'CBUSH1D', 'CBUSH2D', 'CROD', 'CTUBE', 'CBAR', 'CBEAM', 'CSHEAR', 'CQUADX', 'CTRIAX', 'CTRIAX6', 'CTETRA', 'CPENTA', 'CHEXA', 'CPYRAM', 'CRAC2D', 'CRAC3D', 'CHBDYG', 'CHBDYE', 'CHBDYP', # TODO: NX-verify 'CTRAX3', 'CTRAX6', 'CPLSTN3', 'CPLSTN6', 'CPLSTN4', 'CPLSTN8', 'CQUADX4', 'CQUADX8', # acoustic 'CHACAB', } shells = { 'CTRIA3', 'CTRIA6', 'CTRIAR', 'CQUAD4', 'CQUAD8', 'CQUADR', 'CQUAD', } for eid, elem in model.elements.items(): elem_type = elem.type if elem_type in shells: elem.flip_normal() if zero_zoffset: elem.zoffset = 0. elif elem_type in skip_elements: pass else: log.warning(f'cannot flip {elem_type}') model.write_bdf(bdf_filename_out, encoding=None, size=size, nodes_size=16, elements_size=8, loads_size=8, is_double=False, interspersed=False, enddata=None, write_header=True, close=True)
[docs] def cmd_line_convert(argv=None, quiet=False): """command line interface to bdf_merge""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt msg = ( "Usage:\n" ' bdf convert IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--in_units IN_UNITS] [--out_units OUT_UNITS]\n' ' bdf convert -h | --help\n' ' bdf convert -v | --version\n' '\n' 'Options:\n' ' -o OUT, --output OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF/DAT/NAS file\n' ' --in_units IN_UNITS length,mass\n' ' --out_units OUT_UNITS length,mass\n\n' 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n\n" 'Example:\n' ' bdf convert model.bdf --in_units m,kg --out_units in,lbm\n' ' bdf convert model.bdf --in_units m,kg --out_units in,slinch\n' ' bdf convert model.bdf --in_units m,kg --out_units ft,slug\n' ' bdf convert model.bdf --in_units m,kg --out_units ft,lbm\n' ) if len(argv) == 1: sys.exit(msg) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) #size = 16 bdf_filename = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] bdf_filename_out = data['--output'] if bdf_filename_out is None: #bdf_filename_out = 'merged.bdf' bdf_filename_out = bdf_filename + '.convert.bdf' in_units = data['IN_UNITS'] if in_units is None: in_units = 'm,kg' out_units = data['OUT_UNITS'] if out_units is None: out_units = 'm,kg' length_in, mass_in = in_units.split(',') length_out, mass_out = out_units.split(',') units_to = [length_out, mass_out, 's'] units = [length_in, mass_in, 's'] length_to_mass = { 'in': {'lbm', 'slinch'}, 'ft': {'lbm', 'slug'}, 'm': {'g', 'kg', 'Mg'}, 'cm': {'g', 'kg', 'Mg'}, 'mm': {'g', 'kg', 'Mg'}, } length_allowed = {'in', 'ft', 'm', 'cm', 'mm'} assert length_in in length_allowed, f'mass_out={mass_out!r} allowed={length_allowed}' assert length_out in {'in', 'ft', 'm', 'cm', 'mm'}, f'mass_out={mass_out!r} allowed={length_allowed}' assert mass_in in length_to_mass[length_in], f'mass_out={mass_out!r} allowed={length_to_mass[length_in]}' assert mass_out in length_to_mass[length_out], f'mass_out={mass_out!r} allowed={length_to_mass[length_out]}' #cards_to_skip = [ #'AEFACT', 'CAERO1', 'CAERO2', 'SPLINE1', 'SPLINE2', #'AERO', 'AEROS', 'PAERO1', 'PAERO2', 'MKAERO1'] from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import read_bdf from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.convert import convert level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) model = read_bdf(bdf_filename, validate=True, xref=True, punch=False, save_file_structure=False, skip_cards=None, read_cards=None, encoding=None, log=log, debug=True, mode='msc') convert(model, units_to, units=units) for prop in prop.comment = '' model.write_bdf(bdf_filename_out)
[docs] def cmd_line_scale(argv=None, quiet=False): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv import argparse #import textwrap parent_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( #prog = 'pyNastranGUI', #usage = usage, #description='A foo that bars', #epilog="And that's how you'd foo a bar", #formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, #description=textwrap.dedent(text), #version=pyNastran.__version__, #add_help=False, ) # positional arguments parent_parser.add_argument('scale', type=str) parent_parser.add_argument('INPUT', help='path to output BDF/DAT/NAS file', type=str) parent_parser.add_argument('OUTPUT', nargs='?', help='path to output file', type=str) #' --l LENGTH_SF length scale factor\n' #' --m MASS_SF mass scale factor\n' #' --f FORCE_SF force scale factor\n' #' --p PRESSURE_SF pressure scale factor\n' #' --t TIME_SF time scale factor\n' #' --v VEL_SF velocity scale factor\n' parent_parser.add_argument('-l', '--length', help='length scale factor') parent_parser.add_argument('-m', '--mass', help='mass scale factor') parent_parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', help='force scale factor') parent_parser.add_argument('-p', '--pressure', help='pressure scale factor') parent_parser.add_argument('-t', '--time', help='time scale factor') parent_parser.add_argument('-V', '--velocity', help='velocity scale factor') #parent_parser.add_argument('--user_geom', type=str, help='log msg') #parent_parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', help='prints debug messages (default=True)', action='store_true') #parent_parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', help='show this help message and exits', action='store_true') parent_parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version=pyNastran.__version__) args = parent_parser.parse_args(args=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(args) scales = [] terms = [] bdf_filename = args.INPUT bdf_filename_out = args.OUTPUT if bdf_filename_out is None: bdf_filename_base, ext = os.path.splitext(bdf_filename) bdf_filename_out = '%s.scaled%s' % (bdf_filename_base, ext) #assert bdf_filename_out is not None if args.mass: scale = float(args.mass) scales.append(scale) terms.append('M') if args.length: scale = float(args.length) scales.append(scale) terms.append('L') if args.time: scale = float(args.time) scales.append(scale) terms.append('T') if args.force: scale = float(args.force) scales.append(scale) terms.append('F') if args.pressure: scale = float(args.pressure) scales.append(scale) terms.append('P') if args.velocity: scale = float(args.velocity) scales.append(scale) terms.append('V') from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.convert import scale_by_terms level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) scale_by_terms(bdf_filename, terms, scales, bdf_filename_out=bdf_filename_out, log=log)
[docs] def cmd_line_export_mcids(argv=None, quiet=False): """command line interface to export_mcids""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt msg = ( 'Usage:\n' ' bdf export_mcids IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_CSV_FILENAME] [--iplies PLIES] [--no_x | --no_y]\n' ' bdf export_mcids -h | --help\n' ' bdf export_mcids -v | --version\n' '\n' 'Positional Arguments:\n' ' IN_BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n' '\n' 'Options:\n' ' -o OUT, --output OUT_CSV_FILENAME path to output CSV file\n' ' --iplies PLIES the plies indices to export; comma separated (default=0)\n' '\n' 'Data Suppression:\n' " --no_x, don't write the x axis\n" " --no_y, don't write the y axis\n" '\n' 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) filter_no_args(msg, argv, quiet=quiet) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) #size = 16 bdf_filename = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] csv_filename_in = data['--output'] if csv_filename_in is None: csv_filename_in = 'mcids.csv' export_xaxis = True export_yaxis = True if data['--no_x']: export_xaxis = False if data['--no_y']: export_yaxis = False csv_filename_base = os.path.splitext(csv_filename_in)[0] iplies = [0] if data['--iplies']: iplies = data['--iplies'].split(',') iplies = [int(iply) for iply in iplies] if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print('iplies = %s' % iplies) from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import read_bdf level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) model = read_bdf(bdf_filename, log=log, xref=False) model.safe_cross_reference() for iply in iplies: csv_filename = csv_filename_base + '_ply=%i.csv' % iply export_mcids(model, csv_filename, export_xaxis=export_xaxis, export_yaxis=export_yaxis, iply=iply)'wrote %s' % csv_filename)
[docs] def cmd_line_remove_unused(argv=None, quiet=False): """command line interface to remove_unused""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt msg = ( 'Usage:\n' ' bdf remove_unused IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME]\n' ' bdf remove_unused -h | --help\n' ' bdf remove_unused -v | --version\n' '\n' 'Positional Arguments:\n' ' IN_BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n' '\n' 'Options:\n' ' -o OUT, --output OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF file\n' '\n' 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) filter_no_args(msg, argv, quiet=quiet) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) #size = 16 bdf_filename = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] out_bdf_filename = data['--output'] if out_bdf_filename is None: abs_name = os.path.abspath(bdf_filename) dirname = os.path.dirname(abs_name) basename = os.path.basename(abs_name) out_bdf_filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'clean_' + basename) from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import read_bdf level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) model = read_bdf(bdf_filename, log=log, xref=False) #model.cross_reference() remove_unused(model, remove_nids=True, remove_cids=True, remove_pids=True, remove_mids=True, remove_spcs=True, remove_mpcs=True, remove_optimization=True, reset_type_to_id_map=False) model.write_bdf(out_bdf_filename, nodes_size=None, is_double=False, interspersed=False)
#for iply in iplies: #csv_filename = csv_filename_base + '_ply=%i.csv' % iply #export_mcids(model, csv_filename, #export_xaxis=export_xaxis, export_yaxis=export_yaxis, iply=iply)'wrote %s' % csv_filename)
[docs] def cmd_line_free_faces(argv=None, quiet=False): """command line interface to bdf free_faces""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() usage = ( 'Usage:\n' ' bdf free_faces BDF_FILENAME SKIN_FILENAME [-d] [-l] [-f] [--encoding ENCODE]\n' ' bdf free_faces -h | --help\n' ' bdf free_faces -v | --version\n' '\n' ) arg_msg = ( "Positional Arguments:\n" " BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n" " SKIN_FILENAME path to output BDF/DAT/NAS file\n" '\n' 'Options:\n' ' -l, --large writes the BDF in large field, single precision format (default=False)\n' ' -d, --double writes the BDF in large field, double precision format (default=False)\n' f' --encoding ENCODE the encoding method (default=None -> {encoding!r})\n' '\n' 'Developer:\n' ' -f, --profile Profiles the code (default=False)\n' '\n' "Info:\n" ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) filter_no_args(arg_msg, argv, quiet=quiet) arg_msg += '\n' examples = ( 'Examples\n' '--------\n' ' bdf free_faces solid.bdf skin.bdf\n' ' bdf free_faces solid.bdf skin.bdf --large\n' ) import argparse parent_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # positional arguments parent_parser.add_argument('BDF_FILENAME', help='path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file', type=str) parent_parser.add_argument('SKIN_FILENAME', help='path to output BDF/DAT/NAS file', type=str) size_group = parent_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() size_group.add_argument('-d', '--double', help='writes the BDF in large field, single precision format', action='store_true') size_group.add_argument('-l', '--large', help='writes the BDF in large field, double precision format', action='store_true') size_group.add_argument('--encoding', help='the encoding method (default=None -> {repr(encoding)})', type=str) parent_parser.add_argument('--profile', help='Profiles the code', action='store_true') parent_parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version=pyNastran.__version__) from pyNastran.utils.arg_handling import argparse_to_dict, update_message update_message(parent_parser, usage, arg_msg, examples) if not quiet: print(argv) args = parent_parser.parse_args(args=argv[2:]) data = argparse_to_dict(args) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover for key, value in sorted(data.items()): print("%-12s = %r" % (key.strip('--'), value)) import time time0 = time.time() is_double = False if data['double']: size = 16 is_double = True elif data['large']: size = 16 else: size = 8 bdf_filename = data['BDF_FILENAME'] skin_filename = data['SKIN_FILENAME'] from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.bdf_equivalence import bdf_equivalence_nodes tol = 1e-005 bdf_filename_merged = 'merged.bdf' level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) bdf_equivalence_nodes(bdf_filename, bdf_filename_merged, tol, renumber_nodes=False, neq_max=10, xref=True, node_set=None, size=8, is_double=is_double, remove_collapsed_elements=False, avoid_collapsed_elements=False, crash_on_collapse=False, log=log, debug=True) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print('done with equivalencing') write_skin_solid_faces( bdf_filename_merged, skin_filename, write_solids=False, write_shells=True, size=size, is_double=is_double, encoding=None, log=log, ) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print('total time: %.2f sec' % (time.time() - time0))
[docs] def cmd_line_split_cbars_by_pin_flag(argv=None, quiet=False): """command line interface to split_cbars_by_pin_flag""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt msg = ( 'Usage:\n' ' bdf split_cbars_by_pin_flags IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [-p PIN_FLAGS_CSV_FILENAME]\n' ' bdf split_cbars_by_pin_flags -h | --help\n' ' bdf split_cbars_by_pin_flags -v | --version\n' '\n' 'Positional Arguments:\n' ' IN_BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n' '\n' 'Options:\n' ' -o OUT, --output OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF file\n' ' -p PIN, --pin PIN_FLAGS_CSV_FILENAME path to pin_flags_csv file\n' '\n' 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) filter_no_args(msg, argv, quiet=quiet) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) #size = 16 bdf_filename_in = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] bdf_filename_out = data['--output'] if bdf_filename_out is None: bdf_filename_out = 'model_new.bdf' pin_flags_filename = data['--pin'] if pin_flags_filename is None: pin_flags_filename = 'pin_flags.csv' split_cbars_by_pin_flag(bdf_filename_in, pin_flags_filename=pin_flags_filename, bdf_filename_out=bdf_filename_out)
[docs] def cmd_line_transform(argv=None, quiet=False): """command line interface to export_caero_mesh""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt msg = ( 'Usage:\n' ' bdf transform IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--shift XYZ]\n' ' bdf transform -h | --help\n' ' bdf transform -v | --version\n' '\n' 'Positional Arguments:\n' ' IN_BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n' '\n' 'Options:\n' ' -o OUT, --output OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF file\n' '\n' 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" ) filter_no_args(msg, argv, quiet=quiet) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) #size = 16 bdf_filename = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] bdf_filename_out = data['--output'] if bdf_filename_out is None: bdf_filename_out = 'transform.bdf' dxyz = None import numpy as np if data['--shift']: dxyz = np.array(data['XYZ'].split(','), dtype='float64') assert len(dxyz) == 3, dxyz from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import read_bdf level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) model = read_bdf(bdf_filename, log=log) nid_cp_cd, xyz_cid0, unused_xyz_cp, unused_icd_transform, unused_icp_transform = model.get_xyz_in_coord_array( cid=0, fdtype='float64', idtype='int32') update_nodes_flag = False # we pretend to change the SPOINT location if dxyz is not None: xyz_cid0 += dxyz update_nodes_flag = True if update_nodes_flag: update_nodes(model, nid_cp_cd, xyz_cid0) model.write_bdf(bdf_filename_out)
[docs] def cmd_line_filter(argv=None, quiet=False): # pragma: no cover """command line interface to bdf filter""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv from docopt import docopt msg = ( 'Usage:\n' ' bdf filter IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME]\n' ' bdf filter IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--x YSIGN_X] [--y YSIGN_Y] [--z YSIGN_Z]\n' ' bdf filter -h | --help\n' ' bdf filter -v | --version\n' '\n' 'Positional Arguments:\n' ' IN_BDF_FILENAME path to input BDF/DAT/NAS file\n' '\n' 'Options:\n' ' -o OUT, --output OUT_BDF_FILENAME path to output BDF file (default=filter.bdf)\n' " --x YSIGN_X a string (e.g., '< 0.')\n" " --y YSIGN_Y a string (e.g., '< 0.')\n" " --z YSIGN_Z a string (e.g., '< 0.')\n" '\n' 'Info:\n' ' -h, --help show this help message and exit\n' " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" '\n' 'Examples\n' '1. remove unused cards:\n' ' >>> bdf filter fem.bdf' '2. remove GRID points and associated cards with y value < 0:\n' " >>> bdf filter fem.bdf --y '< 0.'" ) filter_no_args(msg, argv, quiet=quiet) ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) #type_defaults = { # '--nerrors' : [int, 100], #} data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) #size = 16 bdf_filename = data['IN_BDF_FILENAME'] bdf_filename_out = data['--output'] if bdf_filename_out is None: bdf_filename_out = 'filter.bdf' import numpy as np func_map = { '<' : np.less, '>' : np.greater, '<=' : np.less_equal, '>=' : np.greater_equal, } xsign = None ysign = None zsign = None if data['--x']: xsign, xval = data['--x'].split(' ') xval = float(xval) assert xsign in ['<', '>', '<=', '>='], xsign if data['--y']: # --y < 0 ysign, yval = data['--y'].split(' ') yval = float(yval) assert ysign in ['<', '>', '<=', '>='], ysign if data['--z']: zsign, zval = data['--z'].split(' ') zval = float(zval) assert zsign in ['<', '>', '<=', '>='], zsign from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import read_bdf level = 'debug' if not quiet else 'warning' log = SimpleLogger(level=level, encoding='utf-8', log_func=None) model = read_bdf(bdf_filename, log=log) #nid_cp_cd, xyz_cid0, xyz_cp, icd_transform, icp_transform = model.get_xyz_in_coord_array( #cid=0, fdtype='float64', idtype='int32') eids = [] xyz_cid0 = [] for eid, elem in sorted(model.elements.items()): xyz = elem.Centroid() xyz_cid0.append(xyz) eids.append(eid) xyz_cid0 = np.array(xyz_cid0) eids = np.array(eids) # we pretend to change the SPOINT location update_nodesi = False # we pretend to change the SPOINT location iunion = None if xsign: xvals = xyz_cid0[:, 0] xfunc = func_map[xsign] ix = xfunc(xvals, xval) iunion = _union(xval, ix, iunion) update_nodesi = True if ysign: yvals = xyz_cid0[:, 1] yfunc = func_map[ysign] iy = yfunc(yvals, yval) iunion = _union(yval, iy, iunion) update_nodesi = True if zsign: zvals = xyz_cid0[:, 2] zfunc = func_map[zsign] iz = zfunc(zvals, zval) iunion = _union(zval, iz, iunion) update_nodesi = True if update_nodesi: eids_to_remove = eids[iunion] for eid in eids_to_remove: etype = model.elements[eid].type model._type_to_id_map[etype].remove(eid) del model.elements[eid] #update_nodes(model, nid_cp_cd, xyz_cid0) # unxref'd model remove_unused(model, remove_nids=True, remove_cids=True, remove_pids=True, remove_mids=True) model.write_bdf(bdf_filename_out)
[docs] def _union(xval, iunion, ix): """helper method for ``filter``""" import numpy as np if xval: if iunion: iunion = np.union1d(iunion, ix) else: pass return iunion
[docs] def cmd_line(argv=None, quiet: bool=False): """command line interface to multiple other command line scripts""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv dev = False msg = ( 'Usage:\n' ' bdf merge (IN_BDF_FILENAMES)... [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME]\n' ' bdf equivalence IN_BDF_FILENAME EQ_TOL\n' ' bdf renumber IN_BDF_FILENAME [OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--superelement] [--size SIZE]\n' ' bdf remove_unused IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME]\n' ' bdf filter IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--x YSIGN X] [--y YSIGN Y] [--z YSIGN Z]\n' ' bdf delete_bad_shells IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--skew SKEW] [--max_theta MAX_THETA] [--min_theta MIN_THETA] [--max_ar MAX_AR] [--max_taper MAX_TAPER] [--max_warp MAX_WARP]\n' ' bdf mirror IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--plane PLANE] [--tol TOL]\n' ' bdf convert IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--in_units IN_UNITS] [--out_units OUT_UNITS]\n' ' bdf scale IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--lsf LENGTH_SF] [--msf MASS_SF] [--fsf FORCE_SF] [--psf PRESSURE_SF] [--tsf TIME_SF] [--vsf VEL_SF]\n' ' bdf export_mcids IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_CSV_FILENAME] [--no_x | --no_y]\n' ' bdf free_faces BDF_FILENAME SKIN_FILENAME [-d | -l] [-f] [--encoding ENCODE]\n' ' bdf flutter UNITS eas EAS1 EAS2 SWEEP_UNIT N CONST_TYPE CONST_VAL [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--size SIZE | --clean]' ' bdf flip_shell_normals IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--punch] [--zero_zoffset]\n' ' bdf transform IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--shift XYZ]\n' ' bdf export_caero_mesh IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [--subpanels] [--pid PID]\n' ' bdf split_cbars_by_pin_flags IN_BDF_FILENAME [-o OUT_BDF_FILENAME] [-p PIN_FLAGS_CSV_FILENAME]\n' ) if dev: msg += ' bdf create_vectorized_numbered IN_BDF_FILENAME [OUT_BDF_FILENAME]\n' msg += ' bdf bin IN_BDF_FILENAME AXIS1 AXIS2 [--cid CID] [--step SIZE]\n' msg += ( #'\n' ' bdf merge -h | --help\n' ' bdf equivalence -h | --help\n' ' bdf renumber -h | --help\n' ' bdf remove_unused -h | --help\n' ' bdf delete_bad_shells -h | --help\n' ' bdf filter -h | --help\n' ' bdf mirror -h | --help\n' ' bdf convert -h | --help\n' ' bdf scale -h | --help\n' ' bdf export_mcids -h | --help\n' ' bdf free_faces -h | --help\n' ' bdf flip_shell_normals -h | --help\n' ' bdf transform -h | --help\n' ' bdf filter -h | --help\n' ' bdf flutter -h | --help\n' ' bdf export_caero_mesh -h | --help\n' ' bdf split_cbars_by_pin_flags -h | --help\n' ) if dev: msg += ( ' bdf create_vectorized_numbered -h | --help\n' ' bdf bin -h | --help\n' ) msg += ' bdf -v | --version\n' msg += '\n' filter_no_args(msg + 'Not enough arguments.\n', argv, quiet=quiet) #assert sys.argv[0] != 'bdf', msg method = argv[1] maps = { 'merge': cmd_line_merge, 'equivalence': cmd_line_equivalence, 'renumber': cmd_line_renumber, 'mirror': cmd_line_mirror, 'convert': cmd_line_convert, 'delete_bad_shells': cmd_line_delete_bad_shells, 'scale': cmd_line_scale, 'export_mcids': cmd_line_export_mcids, 'remove_unused': cmd_line_remove_unused, 'split_cbars_by_pin_flags': cmd_line_split_cbars_by_pin_flag, 'export_caero_mesh': cmd_line_export_caero_mesh, 'transform': cmd_line_transform, 'filter': cmd_line_filter, 'free_faces': cmd_line_free_faces, 'flip_shell_normals': cmd_line_flip_shell_normals, } if dev: maps.update({ 'bin': cmd_line_bin, 'create_vectorized_numbered': cmd_line_create_vectorized_numbered, 'flutter': cmd_line_create_flutter, }) if method in ['-v', '--version']: print(pyNastran.__version__) else: try: func = maps[method] except KeyError: print(argv) sys.exit(msg) func(argv, quiet=quiet)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover # for the exe, we pass all the args, but we hack them to have the bdf prefix from copy import deepcopy argv = deepcopy(sys.argv) argv[0] = 'bdf' cmd_line(argv=argv)