Source code for pyNastran.op2.tables.ogf_gridPointForces.ogf_objects

from __future__ import annotations
import sys
import inspect
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from struct import Struct, pack
from typing import TextIO, Optional, cast, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
in1d = np.in1d
#in1d = np.in1d if hasattr(np, 'in1d') else getattr(np, 'in')
#from numpy import zeros, unique, array_equal, empty

from cpylog import SimpleLogger

from pyNastran.op2.result_objects.op2_objects import BaseElement, get_times_dtype
from pyNastran.f06.f06_formatting import (
    write_floats_13e, write_floats_13e_long,
    _eigenvalue_header, write_imag_floats_13e)
from pyNastran.op2.vector_utils import (
    transform_force_moment, transform_force_moment_sum, sortedsum1d)
from pyNastran.utils.numpy_utils import integer_types, float_types
from pyNastran.op2.op2_interface.write_utils import set_table3_field
from pyNastran.op2.writer.utils import fix_table3_types

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from pyNastran.nptyping_interface import (
        NDArrayN3float, NDArray3float, NDArrayN2int, NDArrayNint, NDArrayNfloat)
    from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import BDF, CORD, SimpleLogger

[docs] class GridPointForces(BaseElement): def __init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase): BaseElement.__init__(self, data_code, isubcase, apply_data_code=True) #self.code = [self.format_code, self.sort_code, self.s_code] #self.ntimes = 0 # or frequency/mode self.ntotal = 0 self.itotal = 0 def _write_table_3(self, op2_file, op2_ascii, new_result, itable, itime): #, itable=-3, itime=0): frame = inspect.currentframe() call_frame = inspect.getouterframes(frame, 2) op2_ascii.write('%s.write_table_3: %s\n' % (self.__class__.__name__, call_frame[1][3])) if new_result and itable != -3: header = [ 4, 146, 4, ] else: header = [ 4, itable, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 146, 4, ] op2_file.write(pack(b'%ii' % len(header), *header)) op2_ascii.write('table_3_header = %s\n' % header) approach_code = self.approach_code table_code = self.table_code isubcase = self.isubcase element_type = 0 #self.element_type #[ #'aCode', 'tCode', 'element_type', 'isubcase', #'???', '???', '???', 'load_set' #'format_code', 'num_wide', 's_code', '???', #'???', '???', '???', '???', #'???', '???', '???', '???', #'???', '???', '???', '???', #'???', 'Title', 'subtitle', 'label'] #random_code = self.random_code format_code = self.format_code s_code = 0 # self.s_code num_wide = self.num_wide acoustic_flag = 0 thermal = 0 title = b'%-128s' % self.title.encode('ascii') subtitle = b'%-128s' % self.subtitle.encode('ascii') label = b'%-128s' % self.label.encode('ascii') #oCode = 0 load_set = 0 #print(self.code_information()) ftable3 = b'i' * 50 + b'128s 128s 128s' field6 = 0 field7 = 0 if self.analysis_code == 1: field5 = self.lsdvmns[itime] elif self.analysis_code == 2: ## mode number ## mode or cycle .. todo:: confused on the type - F1??? #self.mode2 = self.add_data_parameter(data, 'mode2', b'i', 7, False) #self.cycle = self.add_data_parameter(data, 'cycle', b'f', 7, False) field5 = self.modes[itime] field6 = self.eigns[itime] field7 = self.cycles[itime] assert isinstance(field6, float), type(field6) assert isinstance(field7, float), type(field7) ftable3 = set_table3_field(ftable3, 6, b'f') # field 6 ftable3 = set_table3_field(ftable3, 7, b'f') # field 7 elif self.analysis_code == 5: field5 = self.freqs[itime] ftable3 = set_table3_field(ftable3, 5, b'f') # field 5 elif self.analysis_code == 6: field5 = self.times[itime] ftable3 = set_table3_field(ftable3, 5, b'f') # field 5 elif self.analysis_code == 10: # nonlinear statics field5 = self.lftsfqs[itime] ftable3 = set_table3_field(ftable3, 5, b'f') # field 5; load step else: raise NotImplementedError(self.analysis_code) table3 = [ approach_code, table_code, element_type, isubcase, field5, field6, field7, load_set, format_code, num_wide, s_code, acoustic_flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, thermal, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, title, subtitle, label, ] assert table3[22] == thermal table3 = fix_table3_types(table3, size=4) data = [584] + table3 + [584] fmt = b'i' + ftable3 + b'i' #print(fmt) #print(data) #f.write(pack(fascii, '%s header 3c' % self.table_name, fmt, data)) op2_ascii.write('%s header 3c = %s\n' % (self.table_name, data)) op2_file.write(pack(fmt, *data))
[docs] class RealGridPointForcesArray(GridPointForces): """ G R I D P O I N T F O R C E B A L A N C E POINT-ID ELEMENT-ID SOURCE T1 T2 T3 R1 R2 R3 0 13683 3736 TRIAX6 4.996584E+00 0.0 1.203093E+02 0.0 0.0 0.0 13683 3737 TRIAX6 -4.996584E+00 0.0 -1.203093E+02 0.0 0.0 0.0 13683 *TOTALS* 6.366463E-12 0.0 -1.364242E-12 0.0 0.0 0.0 """ def __init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt): GridPointForces.__init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase) #self.code = [self.format_code, self.sort_code, self.s_code] #self.ntimes = 0 # or frequency/mode self.ntotal = 0 self.itotal = 0 # do the element_names/node_element vectors change with the time step self.is_unique = False self.element_names = [] #self.ielement = 0 #self.nelements = 0 # result specific #self.nnodes = None
[docs] def finalize(self) -> None: """required so the OP2 writer works...""" self.format_code = 1
def __pos__(self) -> RealGridPointForcesArray: """positive; +a""" return self def __neg__(self) -> RealGridPointForcesArray: """negative; -a""" new_table = deepcopy(self) *= -1.0 return new_table def __add__(self, table: RealGridPointForcesArray) -> RealGridPointForcesArray: """a + b""" if isinstance(table, RealGridPointForcesArray): self._check_math(table) new_data = + #_fix_min_max(new_data) elif isinstance(table, (integer_types, RealGridPointForcesArray)): new_data = + table else: raise TypeError(table) new_table = deepcopy(self) = new_data return new_table # __radd__: reverse order adding (b+a) def __iadd__(self, table: RealGridPointForcesArray) -> RealGridPointForcesArray: """inplace adding; a += b""" if isinstance(table, RealGridPointForcesArray): self._check_math(table) += #_fix_min_max( elif isinstance(table, (integer_types, float_types)): -= table else: raise TypeError(table) return self def __sub__(self, table: RealGridPointForcesArray): """a - b""" if isinstance(table, RealGridPointForcesArray): self._check_math(table) new_data = - elif isinstance(table, (integer_types, float_types)): new_data = - table else: raise TypeError(table) new_table = deepcopy(self) = new_data return new_table def __mul__(self, table: RealGridPointForcesArray): """a * b""" if isinstance(table, RealGridPointForcesArray): self._check_math(table) new_data = * elif isinstance(table, (integer_types, float_types)): new_data = * table else: raise TypeError(table) new_table = deepcopy(self) = new_data return new_table def __truediv__(self, table: RealGridPointForcesArray): """a / b""" if isinstance(table, RealGridPointForcesArray): self._check_math(table) new_data = / elif isinstance(table, (integer_types, float_types)): new_data = / table else: raise TypeError(table) new_table = deepcopy(self) = new_data return new_table def _check_math(self, table: RealGridPointForcesArray) -> None: """verifies that the shapes are the same""" assert self.ntimes == table.ntimes, f'ntimes={self.ntimes} table.times={table.ntimes}' assert self.ntotal == table.ntotal, f'ntotal={self.ntotal} table.ntotal={table.ntotal}' assert self.node_element.shape == table.node_element.shape, f'node_element.shape={self.node_element.shape} table.element_node.shape={table.node_element.shape}' assert self.element_names.shape == table.element_names.shape, f'element_names.shape={self.element_names.shape} table.element_names.shape={table.element_names.shape}' assert ==, f'data.shape={}{}' @property def is_real(self) -> bool: return True @property def is_complex(self) -> bool: return False def _reset_indices(self) -> None: self.itotal = 0 #self.ielement = 0 @property def element_name(self) -> str: headers = [name.strip() for name in np.unique(self.element_names) if name.strip()] #headers = np.unique(self.element_names) return str(', '.join(headers))
[docs] def build(self) -> None: """sizes the vectorized attributes of the RealGridPointForcesArray""" #print("self.ielement = %s" % self.ielement) #print('ntimes=%s nelements=%s ntotal=%s' % (self.ntimes, self.nelements, self.ntotal)) assert self.ntimes > 0, 'ntimes=%s' % self.ntimes #assert self.nelements > 0, 'nelements=%s' % self.nelements assert self.ntotal > 0, 'ntotal=%s' % self.ntotal #if self.ntotal != max(self._ntotals) or self.ntotal != min(self._ntotals): #raise ValueError('RealGridPointForcesArray: ntotal=%s _ntotals=%s' % ( #self.ntotal, self._ntotals)) self.is_unique = False if self.ntotal != min(self._ntotals) or 1: self.ntotal = max(self._ntotals) self.is_unique = True #self.names = [] #self.nnodes = nnodes_per_element #self.nelements //= nnodes_per_element self.itime = 0 #self.ielement = 0 self.itotal = 0 #self.ntimes = 0 #self.nelements = 0 #print("***name=%s ntimes=%s ntotal=%s" % ( #self.element_names, self.ntimes, self.ntotal)) dtype, idtype, fdtype = get_times_dtype(self.nonlinear_factor, self.size, self.analysis_fmt) self._times = np.zeros(self.ntimes, dtype=self.analysis_fmt) assert self.ntotal < 2147483647, self.ntotal # max int if self.is_unique: assert isinstance(self.ntotal, integer_types), 'ntotal=%r type=%s' % (self.ntotal, type(self.ntotal)) self.node_element = np.zeros((self.ntimes, self.ntotal, 2), dtype=idtype) self.element_names = np.empty((self.ntimes, self.ntotal), dtype='U8') else: self.node_element = np.zeros((self.ntotal, 2), dtype=idtype) self.element_names = np.empty(self.ntotal, dtype='U8') #[t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3] = np.zeros((self.ntimes, self.ntotal, 6), dtype=fdtype)
[docs] def build_dataframe(self) -> None: """ major-axis - the axis mode 1 2 3 freq 1.0 2.0 3.0 nodeID ElementID Item 1 2 T1 T2 ... major_axis / top = [ [1, 2, 3], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] ] minor_axis / headers = [T1, T2, T3, R1, R2, R3] name = mode """ #name = headers = self.get_headers() if self.is_unique: data_frame = self._build_unique_dataframe(headers) else: import pandas as pd node_element = [self.node_element[:, 0], self.node_element[:, 1]] if self.nonlinear_factor not in (None, np.nan): column_names, column_values = self._build_dataframe_transient_header() data_frame = pd.Panel(, items=column_values, major_axis=node_element, minor_axis=headers).to_frame() data_frame.columns.names = column_names data_frame.index.names = ['NodeID', 'ElementID', 'Item'] else: data_frame = pd.Panel(, major_axis=node_element, minor_axis=headers).to_frame() data_frame.columns.names = ['Static'] data_frame.index.names = ['NodeID', 'ElementID', 'Item'] #print(self.data_frame) self.data_frame = data_frame
def _build_unique_dataframe(self, headers: list[str]): import pandas as pd ntimes =[0] nnodes =[1] #nvalues = ntimes * nnodes node_element = self.node_element.reshape((ntimes * nnodes, 2)) if self.nonlinear_factor not in (None, np.nan): column_names, column_values = self._build_dataframe_transient_header() #column_names = column_names[0] #column_values = column_values[0] column_values2 = [] for value in column_values: values2 = [] for valuei in value: values = np.ones(nnodes) * valuei values2.append(values) values3 = np.vstack(values2).ravel() column_values2.append(values3) df1 = pd.DataFrame(column_values2).T df1.columns = column_names #df1.columns.names = column_names #self.data_frame.columns.names = column_names df2 = pd.DataFrame(node_element) df2.columns = ['NodeID', 'ElementID'] df3 = pd.DataFrame(self.element_names.ravel()) df3.columns = ['ElementType'] dfs = [df2, df3] for i, header in enumerate(headers): df = pd.DataFrame([:, :, i].ravel()) df.columns = [header] dfs.append(df) data_frame = df1.join(dfs) #print(self.data_frame) else: df1 = pd.DataFrame(node_element) df1.columns = ['NodeID', 'ElementID'] df2 = pd.DataFrame(self.element_names[0, :]) df2.columns = ['ElementType'] df3 = pd.DataFrame([0]) df3.columns = headers data_frame = df1.join([df2, df3]) #print(data_frame) return data_frame def __eq__(self, table) -> bool: # pragma: no cover is_valid = False try: self.assert_equal(table) is_valid = True except Exception: pass return is_valid
[docs] def assert_equal(self, table, rtol=1.e-5, atol=1.e-8): self._eq_header(table) assert self.is_sort1 == table.is_sort1 if not np.array_equal(self.node_element, table.node_element) and np.array_equal(self.element_names, table.element_names): assert self.node_element.shape == table.node_element.shape, 'node_element shape=%s table.shape=%s' % (self.node_element.shape, table.node_element.shape) assert self.element_names.shape == table.element_names.shape, 'element_names shape=%s table.shape=%s' % (self.element_names.shape, table.element_names.shape) msg = 'table_name=%r class_name=%s\n' % (self.table_name, self.__class__.__name__) msg += '%s\n' % str(self.code_information()) msg += '(Nid, Eid, EName)\n' for (nid1, eid1), ename1, (nid2, eid2), ename2 in zip(self.node_element, self.element_names, table.element_names, table.element_names): msg += '(%s, %s, %s) (%s, %s, %s)\n' % (nid1, eid1, ename1, nid2, eid2, ename2) print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) atols = [] rtols = [] if self.is_unique: # node_element varies with time if not np.array_equal(, msg = 'table_name=%r class_name=%s\n' % (self.table_name, self.__class__.__name__) msg += '%s\n' % str(self.code_information()) i = 0 for itime in range(self.ntimes): #print('node_element = ', self.node_element) #print('shape = ', self.node_element.shape) msg += '#i, Nid, Eid, Name (itime=%s)\n' % itime for ie, e in enumerate(self.node_element[itime, :, :]): #print('e = ', e) (nid, eid) = e ename1 = self.element_names[itime, ie] ename2 = self.element_names[itime, ie] t1 =[itime, ie, :] t2 =[itime, ie, :] if not np.allclose(t1, t2, rtol=rtol, atol=atol): (t11, t21, t31, r11, r21, r31) = t1 (t12, t22, t32, r12, r22, r32) = t2 inonzero = np.where(t1 != 0.)[0] atoli = np.abs(t2 - t1).max() rtoli = np.abs(t2[inonzero] / t1[inonzero]).max() pre_msg = '(%s, %s, %s, %s) ' % (ie, nid, eid, ename1) msg += '%s(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n%s(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n' % ( pre_msg, t11, t21, t31, r11, r21, r31, ' ' * len(pre_msg), t12, t22, t32, r12, r22, r32) i += 1 atols.append(atoli) rtols.append(rtoli) if i > 30: print(atols) msg += 'atol.max() = %s\n' % max(atols) msg += 'rtol.max() = %s\n' % max(rtols) print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) #print(msg) if i > 0: msg += 'atol.max() = %s\n' % max(atols) msg += 'rtol.max() = %s\n' % max(rtols) #print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) else: # node_element does not vary with time if not np.array_equal(, msg = 'table_name=%r class_name=%s\n' % (self.table_name, self.__class__.__name__) msg += '%s\n' % str(self.code_information()) i = 0 for itime in range(self.ntimes): for ie, e in enumerate(self.node_element): (nid, eid) = e ename1 = self.element_names[ie] ename2 = self.element_names[ie] t1 =[itime, ie, :] t2 =[itime, ie, :] (t11, t21, t31, r11, r21, r31) = t1 (t12, t22, t32, r12, r22, r32) = t2 if not np.allclose(t1, t2, rtol=rtol, atol=atol): pre_msg = '(%s, %s, %s) ' % (nid, eid, ename1) msg += '%s(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n%s(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n' % ( pre_msg, t11, t21, t31, r11, r21, r31, ' ' * len(pre_msg), t12, t22, t32, r12, r22, r32 ) i += 1 if i > 10: msg += 'atol.max() = %s\n' % max(atols) msg += 'rtol.max() = %s\n' % max(rtols) print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if i > 0: msg += 'atol.max() = %s\n' % max(atols) msg += 'rtol.max() = %s\n' % max(rtols) #print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return True
[docs] def extract_freebody_loads(self, eids: NDArrayNint, coord_out: CORD, coords: dict[int, CORD], nid_cd: NDArrayN2int, icd_transform: dict[int, NDArrayNint], itime: int=0, debug: bool=False, log: Optional[SimpleLogger]=None): """ Extracts Patran-style freebody loads. Freebody loads are the external loads. Parameters ---------- eids : (Nelements, ) int ndarray all the elements to consider coord_out : CORD2R() the output coordinate system coords : dict[int] = CORDx all the coordinate systems key : int value : CORDx nid_cd : (Nnodes, 2) int ndarray the (BDF.point_ids, cd) array icd_transform : dict[cd] = (Nnodesi, ) int ndarray the mapping for nid_cd itime : int; default=0 the time to extract loads for debug : bool; default=False debugging flag log : log; default=None a log object that gets used when debug=True Returns ------- force_out : (Nnodes, 3) float ndarray the ith float components in the coord_out coordinate frame moment_out : (Nnodes, 3) float ndarray the ith moment components about the summation point in the coord_out coordinate frame .. todo:: doesn't seem to handle cylindrical/spherical systems .. warning:: not done """ nid_cd = _get_nid_cd_from_nid_cp_cd(nid_cd) eids = np.asarray(eids) #nids = np.asarray(nids) # todo handle multiple values for itime gpforce_nids = self.node_element[itime, :, 0] gpforce_eids = self.node_element[itime, :, 1] # TODO: remove 0s in gpforce_nids/gpforce_eids to handle transient results # be careful of the sum row assert isinstance(eids[0], integer_types), type(eids[0]) is_in = in1d(gpforce_eids, eids, assume_unique=False) irange = np.arange(len(gpforce_nids), dtype='int32')[is_in] nids = gpforce_nids[irange] if debug and log is not None: log.debug('gpforce_eids = %s' % gpforce_eids[is_in]) log.debug('nids = %s' % gpforce_nids[irange]) log.debug('eids = %s' % gpforce_eids[irange]) try: is_in3 = in1d(nid_cd[:, 0], nids, assume_unique=False) except IndexError: msg = 'nids_cd=%s nids=%s' % (nid_cd, nids) raise IndexError(msg) force_global =[itime, irange, :3] moment_global =[itime, irange, 3:] #data_global = sortedsum1d(nids,[itime, irange, :], axis=0) #force_global2 = data_global[:, :3] #moment_global2 = data_global[:, 3:] force_global = sortedsum1d(nids, force_global) moment_global = sortedsum1d(nids, moment_global) #print(force_global) #print(force_global2) #assert np.array_equal(force_global, force_global2) #assert np.array_equal(moment_global, moment_global2) force, moment = transform_force_moment( force_global, moment_global, coord_out, coords, nid_cd[is_in3, :], icd_transform, xyz_cid0=None, summation_point_cid0=None, consider_rxf=False, debug=debug, log=log) return force, moment
[docs] def extract_interface_loads(self, nids: NDArrayNint, eids: NDArrayNint, coord_out: CORD, coords: dict[int, CORD], nid_cd: NDArrayN2int, icd_transform: dict[int, CORD], xyz_cid0: NDArrayN3float, summation_point: Optional[NDArray3float]=None, consider_rxf: bool=True, itime: int=0, assume_sorted: bool=False, stop_on_nan: bool=False, debug: bool=False, log: Optional[SimpleLogger]=None, idtype: str='int32') -> tuple[NDArray3float, NDArray3float]: """ Extracts Patran-style interface loads. Interface loads are the internal loads at a cut. Parameters ---------- nids : (Nnodes, ) int ndarray all the nodes to consider; must be sorted eids : (Nelements, ) int ndarray all the elements to consider; must be sorted coord_out : CORD2R() the output coordinate system coords : dict[int] = CORDx all the coordinate systems key : int value : CORDx nid_cd : (Nnodes, 2) int ndarray the (BDF.point_ids, cd) array icd_transform : dict[cd] = (Nnodesi, ) int ndarray the mapping for nid_cd xyz_cid0 : (nnodes + nspoints + nepoints, 3) ndarray the grid locations in coordinate system 0 summation_point0 : (3, ) float ndarray; default=None None : no load summation array : the summation point in the global frame consider_rxf : bool; default=True considers the r x F term itime : int; default=0 the time to extract loads for debug : bool; default=False debugging flag logger : logger; default=None a logger object that gets used when debug=True assume_sorted : bool; default=False sorts the nodes/elements if they're not is sorting required? Returns ------- force_out_sum : (3, ) float ndarray the sum of forces in the coord_out coordinate frame moment_out_sum : (3, ) float ndarray the sum of moments about the summation point in the coord_out coordinate frame .. todo:: doesn't seem to handle cylindrical/spherical systems .. todo:: Add support for: 2D output style: - This would allow for shell problems to have loads applied in the plane of the shells - This would require normals 1D output style: - Make loads in the direction of the element This process can't be done for 0D or 3D elements """ # force_out : (Nnodes, 3) float ndarray # the ith float components in the coord_out coordinate frame # moment_out : (Nnodes, 3) float ndarray # the ith moment components about the summation point in the # coord_out coordinate frame _check_array(nids, 'int', 1) _check_array(nid_cd, 'int', 2) _check_array(eids, 'int', 1) _check_array(xyz_cid0, 'float', 2) unused_force_out, unused_moment_out, force_out_sum, moment_out_sum = self._extract_interface_loads( nids, eids, coord_out, coords, nid_cd, icd_transform, xyz_cid0, summation_point=summation_point, consider_rxf=consider_rxf, itime=itime, assume_sorted=assume_sorted, stop_on_nan=stop_on_nan, debug=debug, log=log, idtype=idtype) return force_out_sum, moment_out_sum
def _extract_interface_loads(self, nids: NDArrayNint, eids: NDArrayNint, coord_out: CORD, coords: dict[int, CORD], nid_cd: NDArrayN2int, icd_transform: dict[int, CORD], xyz_cid0: NDArrayN3float, summation_point: Optional[NDArray3float]=None, consider_rxf: bool=True, itime: int=0, assume_sorted: bool=False, debug: bool=False, stop_on_nan: bool=False, log: Optional[SimpleLogger]=None, idtype: str='int32') -> tuple[NDArrayN3float, NDArrayN3float, NDArray3float, NDArray3float]: """see ``extract_interface_loads``""" fdtype = nid_cd = _get_nid_cd_from_nid_cp_cd(nid_cd) if summation_point is None: summation_point = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) else: summation_point = np.asarray(summation_point) #assert coord_in.Type == 'R', 'Only rectangular coordinate systems are supported; coord_in=\n%s' % str(coord_in) #assert coord_out.Type == 'R', 'Only rectangular coordinate systems are supported; coord_out=\n%s' % str(coord_out) assert eids is not None, eids assert nids is not None, nids assert isinstance(itime, integer_types), type(itime) eids = np.asarray(eids) nids = np.asarray(nids) if not assume_sorted: eids.sort() nids.sort() out = self._extract_interface_loads_helper( nids, eids, log, idtype, fdtype, itime=itime, debug=debug) gpforce_nids, gpforce_eids, irange, force_out, moment_out = out if len(irange) == 0: force_out_sum = np.full(3, np.nan, dtype=force_out.dtype) moment_out_sum = np.full(3, np.nan, dtype=force_out.dtype) if stop_on_nan: raise RuntimeError(f'no nodes/elements in intersect; summation_point={summation_point}') return force_out, moment_out, force_out_sum, moment_out_sum if debug and log is not None: f06_filename = f'grid_point_forcesi_itime={itime}.debug.f06' with open(f06_filename, 'w') as f06_file: self.write_f06_time(f06_file, itime=itime, i=irange) #log.debug('gpforce_eids =' % gpforce_eids[is_in]) log = cast(SimpleLogger, log) log.debug('gpforce_nids = %s' % gpforce_nids[irange]) log.debug('gpforce_eids = %s' % gpforce_eids[irange]) # get analysis coordinate systems try: is_in_cd = in1d(nid_cd[:, 0], nids, assume_unique=False) except IndexError: msg = 'nids_cd=%s nids=%s' % (nid_cd, nids) raise IndexError(msg) nid_cd_used = nid_cd[is_in_cd, :] nids_used = nid_cd_used[:, 0] gp_nids_used = gpforce_nids[irange] isort = np.searchsorted(nids_used, gp_nids_used) force_global =[itime, irange, :3] moment_global =[itime, irange, 3:] # update only the nodes that are in the CD coordinate systems (is_in_cd) #force_out_sum = np.full(3, np.nan, dtype=fdtype) #moment_out_sum = np.full(3, np.nan, dtype=fdtype) nid_cd_used_sorted = nid_cd[is_in_cd, :][isort] xyz_cid0_used_sorted = xyz_cid0[is_in_cd, :][isort] force_out, moment_out, force_out_sum, moment_out_sum = transform_force_moment_sum( force_global, moment_global, coord_out, coords, nid_cd_used_sorted, icd_transform, xyz_cid0_used_sorted, summation_point_cid0=summation_point, consider_rxf=consider_rxf, debug=debug, log=log) if not np.isfinite(force_out_sum[0]) and stop_on_nan: raise RuntimeError(f'no nodes/elements in intersect; summation_point={summation_point}') return force_out, moment_out, force_out_sum, moment_out_sum def _extract_interface_loads_helper( self, nids: NDArrayNint, eids: NDArrayNint, log: SimpleLogger, idtype: str, fdtype: str, itime:int=0, debug: bool=False) -> tuple[NDArrayNint, NDArrayNint, NDArrayN3float, NDArrayN3float]: """ Returns ------- gpforce_nids : (nnode, ) int array all the nodes gpforce_eids : (nnode, ) int array all the elements irange : (nnode_filtered, ) int array the index into GPFORCE data of the rows to include force_out : (nstations, 3) float array the forces moment_out : (nstations, 3) float array the moments """ force_out = np.full((0, 3), np.nan, dtype=fdtype) moment_out = np.full((0, 3), np.nan, dtype=fdtype) #force_out_sum = np.full(3, np.nan, dtype=fdtype) #moment_out_sum = np.full(3, np.nan, dtype=fdtype) # TODO: Handle multiple values for itime # Is this even possible? gpforce_nids = self.node_element[itime, :, 0] gpforce_eids = self.node_element[itime, :, 1] # TODO: Remove 0s in gpforce_nids/gpforce_eids to handle transient results # be careful of the sum row. # Do I even need to do this? assert isinstance(eids[0], integer_types), type(eids[0]) assert isinstance(nids[0], integer_types), type(nids[0]) # filter out rows not in the node set is_in = in1d(gpforce_nids, nids, assume_unique=False) if not np.any(is_in): msg = 'no nodes found\n' if log: log.warning(msg) else: warnings.warn(msg) irange = np.array([], dtype='int32') return gpforce_nids, gpforce_eids, irange, force_out, moment_out # filter out rows not in the element set is_in2 = in1d(gpforce_eids[is_in], eids, assume_unique=False) if not np.any(is_in2): msg = 'no elements found\n' log.warning(msg) irange = np.array([], dtype='int32') return gpforce_nids, gpforce_eids, irange, force_out, moment_out igpforce_nids = np.arange(len(gpforce_nids), dtype=idtype) irange = igpforce_nids[is_in][is_in2] if irange.size == 0: msg = ( 'no nodes/elements found\n' f'eids={eids}\n' f'gpforce_nids={gpforce_nids}\n' f'gpforce_eids={gpforce_eids}\n' f'gpforce_nids_found={gpforce_nids[is_in][is_in2]}\n' f'gpforce_eids_found={gpforce_eids[is_in][is_in2]}\n' ) log.warning(msg) #raise RuntimeError(msg) return gpforce_nids, gpforce_eids, irange, force_out, moment_out
[docs] def find_centroid_of_load(self, f, m): # pragma: no cover """ Mx = ry*Fz - rz*Fy My = rz*Fx - rx*Fz Mz = rx*Fy - ry*Fx {M} = [F]{r} [F] = [ [ 0, -Fy, Fz], [-Fz, 0, Fx], [ Fy, -Fx, 0], ] {r} = [F]^-1 {M} When the determinant of [F] is nonzero (2D): Life is easy When the determinant of [F] is zero: When Fx != Fy != Fz and they don't equal 0 there are 3 solutions: where M=[0, 0, 0] det([F]) = 0: [F]{x} = [lambda]{x} where one of the eigenvalues is 0? (the trivial case) and However, [F] is singular, so let rx=0: Mx = ry*Fz - rz*Fy My = rz*Fx Mz = -ry*Fx let Fx=0, so ry, rz != 0, but My=Mz=0 -> ry = rz*Fy/Fz let rz = 1 -> ry = Fy/Fz <0, Fy/Fz, 1> """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def shear_moment_diagram(self, # model, nids: np.ndarray, xyz_cid0: np.ndarray, nid_cd: NDArrayN2int, icd_transform: dict[int, NDArrayNint], eids: np.ndarray, element_centroids_cid0: NDArrayN3float, stations: NDArrayNfloat, coords: dict[int, CORD], coord_out: CORD, iaxis_march: Optional[NDArray3float]=None, itime: int=0, icoord: int=None, idir: int=0, nodes_tol: Optional[float]=None, stop_on_nan: bool=False, debug: bool=False, log: Optional[SimpleLogger]=None) -> tuple[NDArray3float, NDArray3float, dict[int, CORD], NDArrayNint, NDArrayNint]: """ Computes a series of forces/moments at various stations along a structure. Parameters ---------- xyz_cid0 : (Nnodes, 3) float ndarray all the nodes in the model xyz position in the global frame eids : (Nelements, ) int ndarray an array of element ids to consider nids : (Nnodes, ) int ndarray an array of node ids corresponding to xyz_cid0 icd_transform : dict[cd] = (Nnodesi, ) int ndarray the mapping for nid_cd element_centroids_cid0 : (Nelements, 3) float ndarray an array of element centroids corresponding to eids coords : dict[int] = CORDx all the coordinate systems key : int value : CORDx nid_cd : (Nnodes, 2) int ndarray the (BDF.point_ids, cd) array stations : (nstations, ) float ndarray The station to sum forces/moments about, where a station is the value of coord_out in the idir (e.g., for station=1, cid=0, idir=0, then x=1). It is necessary that the spacing is constant. Stations should be sorted (negative to positive), but it not necessary (it makes it easier to see a monotonic change in the number of nodes/elements). Try to avoid picking exactly on symmetry planes/boundaries of elements or nodes. coord_out : CORD2R() the output coordinate system iaxis_march : (3,) float narray; default=None -> coord_out.i the normalized x-axis that defines the direction to march icoord : int; default=None -> coord_out+1 the starting index for the coordinate systems that will be created and placed in new_coords; useful for debugging nodes_tol : float; default=None -> dstation the tolerance bending the plane to pull nodes from Returns ------- force_sum / moment_sum : (nstations, 3) float ndarray the forces/moments at the station new_coords: dict[int, CORD2R] the station march coords starting from icoord nelems, nnodes: (nstations,) int ndarray the number of elements/nodes included in the summation Notes ----- 1. Clip elements based on centroid. Elements that are less than the ith station are kept. 2. Get the nodes on the opposite side of the clip plane and the ones within nodes_tol of the plane. 3. Extract the interface loads and sum them about the summation point. Examples -------- Imagine a swept aircraft wing. Define a coordinate system in the primary direction of the sweep. Note that station 0 doesn't have to be perfectly at the root of the wing. Create stations from this point. .. todo:: Not Tested...Does 3b work? Can 3a give the right answer? """ _check_array(nids, 'int', 1) _check_array(nid_cd, 'int', 2) _check_array(eids, 'int', 1) _check_array(xyz_cid0, 'float', 2) _check_array(element_centroids_cid0, 'float', 2) _check_array(stations, 'float', 1) assert len(nids) == nid_cd.shape[0] assert len(nids) == xyz_cid0.shape[0] assert len(eids) == element_centroids_cid0.shape[0] assert isinstance(coords, dict), coords assert isinstance(icd_transform, dict), icd_transform if icoord is None: icoord = max(coords) + 1 nid_cd = _get_nid_cd_from_nid_cp_cd(nid_cd) idtype = nid_cd.dtype fdtype = xyz_cid0.dtype if iaxis_march is None: iaxis_march = deepcopy(coord_out.i) eids = np.asarray(eids, dtype=idtype) nids = np.asarray(nids, dtype=idtype) assert len(eids.shape) == 1, eids.shape assert len(nids.shape) == 1, nids.shape assert len(stations.shape) == 1, stations.shape nstations = len(stations) assert coord_out.type in ['CORD2R', 'CORD1R'], coord_out.type #assert coord_march.type in ['CORD2R', 'CORD1R'], coord_march.type #i_axis_march = deepcopy(coord_march.i) #del iaxis_march assert np.array_equal(nids, np.unique(nids)) assert np.array_equal(eids, np.unique(eids)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- element_centroids_coord = coord_out.transform_node_to_local_array(element_centroids_cid0) xyz_coord = coord_out.transform_node_to_local_array(xyz_cid0) # we can hardcode this cause we transformed it into the output frame # which is similar to the output coordinate frame # minus sign because we march into the page for axial # x_elem_centroid = element_centroids_coord[:, idir] x_coord = xyz_coord[:, idir] eids = np.unique(eids) force_sum = np.full((nstations, 3), np.nan, dtype=fdtype) moment_sum = np.full((nstations, 3), np.nan, dtype=fdtype) offset = np.zeros(3, dtype=fdtype) new_coords = {} nelems_list = [] nnodes_list = [] # calculate the value of dstation_x for the 1st station doffset = (stations[1] - stations[0]) * iaxis_march dsummation_point = coord_out.origin + doffset dsummation_point_coord = coord_out.transform_node_to_local(dsummation_point) dstation = dsummation_point_coord[idir] if nodes_tol is None: nodes_tol = dstation #assert nodes_tol >= 0., nodes_tol for istation, station in enumerate(stations): # summation point creation # in the global coordinate system offset = station * iaxis_march summation_point = coord_out.origin + offset # in basic frame summation_point_coord = coord_out.transform_node_to_local(summation_point) station_x = summation_point_coord[idir] # we're picking the elements on one side of the centroid # and nodes on the other side # Calculate the nodes on the boundary. # # If we make a cutting plane and find all the nodes on # one side of the cutting plane, we can take all the # nodes within some tolerance of the station direction and # find the free nodes # ielem = np.where(x_elem_centroid <= station_x)[0] nelem = len(ielem) nelems_list.append(nelem) # We want to do this similarly for the elements. Ideally, # we want a single line of elements (and not include extra) # to reduce the size of the array sooner. # # We'll include a few extra nodes (with dstation) to include # all the nodes for the boundary elements. The extra nodes # will have +forces and -forces, so they'll cancel. The alternative # is that we miss some the boundary nodes and get no force/moment. # jnode = np.where(x_coord >= (station_x-nodes_tol))[0] nnode = len(jnode) nnodes_list.append(nnode) coord_save = deepcopy(coord_out) coord_save.cid = icoord coord_save.translate(offset) assert np.allclose(coord_save.e1, summation_point) new_coords[icoord] = deepcopy(coord_save) #station_x_old = station_x # we'd break if we knew the user was traveling in the # "correct" direction, but we don't icoord += 1 if nelem == 0: continue if nnode == 0: continue eidsi = eids[ielem] nidsj = nids[jnode] assert len(eidsi) == len(np.unique(eidsi)) assert len(nidsj) == len(np.unique(nidsj)) if 0: # pragma: no cover # I don't think this will work... forcei, momenti = self.extract_freebody_loads( eidsi, coord_out, coords, nid_cd, icd_transform, # xyz_cid0, summation_point, itime=itime, debug=debug, log=log) force_sum[istation, :] = forcei.sum(axis=0) # TODO: extract_freebody_loads doesn't sum forces/moments # sum loads about summation point moment_sum[istation, :] = momenti.sum(axis=0) else: #print(f'eids={eidsi}; nids={nidsj}') force_sumi, moment_sumi = self.extract_interface_loads( nidsj, eidsi, coord_out, coords, nid_cd, icd_transform, xyz_cid0, summation_point, assume_sorted=True, itime=itime, stop_on_nan=stop_on_nan, debug=debug, log=log)'neids={len(ielem):d} nnodes={len(jnode):d} station={station:g}; ' #f'force={force_sumi} moment={moment_sumi}') if not np.isfinite(force_sumi[0]): if stop_on_nan: raise RuntimeError(f'station={station} is nan; force_sum={force_sumi}') continue force_sum[istation, :] = force_sumi moment_sum[istation, :] = moment_sumi nelems = np.array(nelems_list, dtype=idtype) nnodes = np.array(nnodes_list, dtype=idtype) return force_sum, moment_sum, new_coords, nelems, nnodes
def add_sort1(self, dt, node_id, eid, ename, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): """unvectorized method for adding SORT1 transient data""" assert self.sort_method == 1, self assert eid is not None, eid #print(self.code_information()) #assert isinstance(eid, integer_types) and eid > 0, 'dt=%s eid=%s' % (dt, eid) assert isinstance(node_id, int), node_id self._times[self.itime] = dt if self.is_unique: self.node_element[self.itime, self.itotal, :] = [node_id, eid] self.element_names[self.itime, self.itotal] = ename else: self.node_element[self.itotal, :] = [node_id, eid] self.element_names[self.itotal] = ename #self.node_element[self.itotal, :] = [eid, node_id] #self.element_names[self.itotal] = ename[self.itime, self.itotal, :] = [t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3] self.itotal += 1
[docs] def get_stats(self, short: bool=False) -> list[str]: if not self.is_built: return [ f'<{self.__class__.__name__}>; table_name={self.table_name!r}\n', f' ntimes: {self.ntimes:d}\n', f' ntotal: {self.ntotal:d}\n', f' _ntotals: {self._ntotals}\n', ] #nelements = self.nelements ntimes = self.ntimes #nnodes = self.nnodes ntotal = self.ntotal nelements = np.unique(self.node_element[:, 1]).size msg = [] if self.nonlinear_factor not in (None, np.nan): # transient msgi = ' type=%s ntimes=%i nelements=%i ntotal=%i\n' % ( self.__class__.__name__, ntimes, nelements, ntotal) if self.ntotal != min(self._ntotals): msgi += f' _ntotals={self._ntotals}\n' ntimes_word = 'ntimes' else: msgi = ' type=%s nelements=%i total=%i\n' % ( self.__class__.__name__, nelements, ntotal) if self.ntotal != min(self._ntotals): msgi += f' _ntotals={self._ntotals}\n' ntimes_word = '1' msg.append(msgi) headers = self.get_headers() n = len(headers) #element_names = [name.strip() for name in unique(self.element_names)] msg.append(' data: [%s, ntotal, %i] where %i=[%s]\n' % ( ntimes_word, n, n, ', '.join(headers))) msg.append(' data.shape=%s\n' % str( msg.append(f' element type: {self.element_name}\n') msg += self.get_data_code() return msg
#def get_element_index(self, eids): #itot = searchsorted(eids, self.node_element[:, 0]) #return itot #def eid_to_element_node_index(self, eids): #ind = ravel([searchsorted(self.node_element[:, 0] == eid) for eid in eids]) #return ind
[docs] def write_csv(self, csv_file: TextIO, is_exponent_format: bool=False, is_mag_phase: bool=False, is_sort1: bool=True, write_header: bool=True): """ Grid Point Forces Table ----------------------- Flag, NID, SubcaseID, iTime, EID, TYPE, Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My, Mz 13, 101, 1, 1, 0, APPLIED, 30.9864, 19.7278, 70.2515, 53.3872, 80.9687, 77.4302 13, 101, 1, 1, 301, RBE3, 41.9012, 53.6651, 0.09483, 76.041, 67.506, 98.0225 13, 101, 1, 1, 0, SPC, 71.6306, 97.0527, 89.8733, 5.89262, 61.0523, 48.9043 13, 101, 1, 1, 301, CTRIA3, 84.5273, 69.36, 92.3295, 52.7074, 77.9904, 68.905 13, 101, 1, 1, 302, CQUAD4, 97.7843, 11.7545, 99.3901, 44.9476, 70.818, 7.47876 """ if write_header: name = str(self.__class__.__name__) csv_file.write('# %s\n' % name) headers = ['Flag', 'NID', 'SubcaseID', 'iTime', 'Nid', 'Eid', 'EName', 'T1', 'T2', 'T3', 'R1', 'R2', 'R3'] csv_file.write('# ' + ','.join(headers) + '\n') flag = 13 isubcase = self.isubcase assert self.is_unique, self.is_unique # sort1 as sort1 nids = self.node_element[:, :, 0] eids = self.node_element[:, :, 1] nid_len = '%d' % len(str(nids.max())) eid_len = '%d' % len(str(eids.max())) for itime in range(self.ntimes): #dt = self._times[itime] t1 =[itime, :, 0] t2 =[itime, :, 1] t3 =[itime, :, 2] r1 =[itime, :, 3] r2 =[itime, :, 4] r3 =[itime, :, 5] nids = self.node_element[itime, :, 0] eids = self.node_element[itime, :, 1] enames = self.element_names[itime, :] #ntotal = self._ntotals[itime] for (nid, eid, ename, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i) in zip( nids, eids, enames, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): if is_exponent_format: vals2 = write_floats_13e_long([t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i]) [t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i] = vals2 csv_file.write(f'{flag}, {isubcase}, {itime}, {nid:{nid_len}d}, {eid:{eid_len}d}, {ename.strip():>8s}, ' f'{t1i}, {t2i}, {t3i}, {r1i}, {r2i}, {r3i}\n') return
[docs] def write_f06(self, f06_file: TextIO, header=None, page_stamp='PAGE %s', page_num: int=1, is_mag_phase: bool=False, is_sort1: bool=True): if header is None: header = [] msg = self._get_f06_msg() ntimes =[0] if self.is_unique: for itime in range(ntimes): dt = self._times[itime] header = _eigenvalue_header(self, header, itime, ntimes, dt) f06_file.write(''.join(header + msg)) #print(" itime=%s ieids=%s" % ( #str(, itime, str(ieids))) #[t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3] t1 =[itime, :, 0] t2 =[itime, :, 1] t3 =[itime, :, 2] r1 =[itime, :, 3] r2 =[itime, :, 4] r3 =[itime, :, 5] nids = self.node_element[itime, :, 0] eids = self.node_element[itime, :, 1] enames = self.element_names[itime, :] zero = ' ' ntotal = self._ntotals[itime] #print(self._ntotals) assert len(eids) == len(nids) assert len(enames) == len(nids), 'enames=%s nnids=%s' % (len(enames), len(nids)) assert len(t1) == len(nids) assert len(t2) == len(nids) assert len(t3) == len(nids) assert len(r1) == len(nids) assert len(r2) == len(nids) assert len(nids) == ntotal, 'len(nids)=%s ntotal=%s' % (len(nids), ntotal) for (i, nid, eid, ename, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i) in zip( range(ntotal), nids, eids, enames, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): #print(nid, eid, ename, t1i) vals = [t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i] vals2 = write_floats_13e(vals) [f1, f2, f3, m1, m2, m3] = vals2 if eid == 0: f06_file.write(' %8s %10s %s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' % ( nid, eid, ename, f1, f2, f3, m1, m2, m3)) zero = '0' else: f06_file.write('%s %8s %10s %s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' % ( zero, nid, eid, ename, f1, f2, f3, m1, m2, m3)) zero = ' ' f06_file.write(page_stamp % page_num) page_num += 1 else: nids = self.node_element[:, 0] eids = self.node_element[:, 1] enames = self.element_names for itime in range(ntimes): dt = self._times[itime] header = _eigenvalue_header(self, header, itime, ntimes, dt) f06_file.write(''.join(header + msg)) #print(" itime=%s ieids=%s" % ( #str(, itime, str(ieids))) #[t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3] t1 =[itime, :, 0] t2 =[itime, :, 1] t3 =[itime, :, 2] r1 =[itime, :, 3] r2 =[itime, :, 4] r3 =[itime, :, 5] zero = ' ' for (nid, eid, ename, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i) in zip( nids, eids, enames, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): vals = [t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i] vals2 = write_floats_13e(vals) [f1, f2, f3, m1, m2, m3] = vals2 if eid == 0: f06_file.write(' %8s %10s %s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' % ( nid, eid, ename, f1, f2, f3, m1, m2, m3)) zero = '0' else: f06_file.write('%s %8s %10s %s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' % ( zero, nid, eid, ename, f1, f2, f3, m1, m2, m3)) zero = ' ' f06_file.write(page_stamp % page_num) page_num += 1 return page_num - 1
[docs] def write_f06_time(self, f06_file, itime=0, i=None, header=None, page_num=1, page_stamp=''): if header is None: header = [] dt = self._times[itime] msg = self._get_f06_msg() ntimes =[0] header = _eigenvalue_header(self, header, itime, ntimes, dt) f06_file.write(''.join(header + msg)) #print(" itime=%s ieids=%s" % ( #str(, itime, str(ieids))) #[t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3] t1 =[itime, i, 0] t2 =[itime, i, 1] t3 =[itime, i, 2] r1 =[itime, i, 3] r2 =[itime, i, 4] r3 =[itime, i, 5] nids = self.node_element[itime, i, 0] eids = self.node_element[itime, i, 1] enames = self.element_names[itime, i] zero = ' ' ntotal = self._ntotals[itime] #print(self._ntotals) assert len(eids) == len(nids) assert len(enames) == len(nids), 'enames=%s nnids=%s' % (len(enames), len(nids)) assert len(t1) == len(nids) assert len(t2) == len(nids) assert len(t3) == len(nids) assert len(r1) == len(nids) assert len(r2) == len(nids) assert len(nids) <= ntotal, 'len(nids)=%s ntotal=%s' % (len(nids), ntotal) for (i, nid, eid, ename, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i) in zip( range(ntotal), nids, eids, enames, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): #print(nid, eid, ename, t1i) vals = [t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i] vals2 = write_floats_13e(vals) [f1, f2, f3, m1, m2, m3] = vals2 if eid == 0: f06_file.write(' %8s %10s %s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' % ( nid, eid, ename, f1, f2, f3, m1, m2, m3)) zero = '0' else: f06_file.write('%s %8s %10s %s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' % ( zero, nid, eid, ename, f1, f2, f3, m1, m2, m3)) zero = ' ' #f.write(page_stamp % page_num) page_num += 1
def _get_f06_msg(self): msg = [ ' G R I D P O I N T F O R C E B A L A N C E\n', ' \n', ' POINT-ID ELEMENT-ID SOURCE T1 T2 T3 R1 R2 R3\n', #'0 13683 3736 TRIAX6 4.996584E+00 0.0 1.203093E+02 0.0 0.0 0.0' #' 13683 3737 TRIAX6 -4.996584E+00 0.0 -1.203093E+02 0.0 0.0 0.0' #' 13683 *TOTALS* 6.366463E-12 0.0 -1.364242E-12 0.0 0.0 0.0' ] return msg
[docs] def get_headers(self) -> list[str]: headers = ['f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'm1', 'm2', 'm3'] return headers
[docs] def write_op2(self, op2_file, op2_ascii, itable, new_result, date, is_mag_phase=False, endian='>'): """writes an OP2""" frame = inspect.currentframe() call_frame = inspect.getouterframes(frame, 2) op2_ascii.write(f'{self.__class__.__name__}.write_op2: {call_frame[1][3]}\n') if itable == -1: self._write_table_header(op2_file, op2_ascii, date, subtable_name_default=b'OGPFB1 ', include_date=False) itable = -3 #if isinstance(self.nonlinear_factor, float): #op2_format = '%sif' % (7 * self.ntimes) #raise NotImplementedError() #else: #op2_format = 'i21f' #s = Struct(op2_format) # table 4 info #ntimes =[0] #nnodes =[1] # 21 = 1 node, 3 principal, 6 components, 9 vectors, 2 p/ovm #ntotal = ((nnodes * 21) + 1) + (nelements * 4) ntotali = self.num_wide #print('shape = %s' % str( #assert self.ntimes == 1, self.ntimes #device_code = self.device_code op2_ascii.write(f' ntimes = {self.ntimes}\n') #fmt = '%2i %6f' #print('ntotal=%s' % (ntotal)) #assert ntotal == 193, ntotal if self.is_sort1: struct1 = Struct(endian + b'2i 8s 6f') else: raise NotImplementedError('SORT2') for itime in range(self.ntimes): self._write_table_3(op2_file, op2_ascii, new_result, itable, itime) # record 4 #print('stress itable = %s' % itable) itable -= 1 t1 =[itime, :, 0] t2 =[itime, :, 1] t3 =[itime, :, 2] r1 =[itime, :, 3] r2 =[itime, :, 4] r3 =[itime, :, 5] nids = self.node_element[itime, :, 0] eids = self.node_element[itime, :, 1] enames = self.element_names[itime, :] nids_device = nids * 10 + self.device_code assert nids.min() > 0, nids.min() nnodes = len(nids) ntotal = ntotali * nnodes header = [4, itable, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, ntotal, 4, 4 * ntotal] op2_file.write(pack('%ii' % len(header), *header)) op2_ascii.write('r4 [4, 0, 4]\n') op2_ascii.write(f'r4 [4, {itable:d}, 4]\n') op2_ascii.write(f'r4 [4, {4 * ntotal:d}, 4]\n') #zero = ' ' ntotali = self._ntotals[itime] #print(self._ntotals) assert len(eids) == len(nids) assert len(enames) == len(nids), 'enames=%s nnids=%s' % (len(enames), len(nids)) assert len(t1) == len(nids) assert len(t2) == len(nids) assert len(t3) == len(nids) assert len(r1) == len(nids) assert len(r2) == len(nids) assert len(nids) <= ntotali, 'len(nids)=%s ntotali=%s' % (len(nids), ntotali) for (i, nid, eid, ename, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i) in zip( range(ntotali), nids_device, eids, enames, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): #print(nid, eid, ename, t1i) data = [nid, eid, ename.encode('ascii'), t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i] #print(' nid=%s eid=%s data=%s' % (nid, eid, str(data[2:]))) op2_ascii.write(' nid=%-3s eid=%-3s data=%s\n' % (nid, eid, str(data[2:]))) op2_file.write(struct1.pack(*data)) itable -= 1 header = [4 * ntotal,] op2_file.write(pack('i', *header)) op2_ascii.write('footer = %s\n' % header) new_result = False return itable
[docs] class ComplexGridPointForcesArray(GridPointForces): def __init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase, dt): GridPointForces.__init__(self, data_code, is_sort1, isubcase) #self.code = [self.format_code, self.sort_code, self.s_code] # do the element_names/node_element vectors change with the time step self.is_unique = False #self.ielement = 0 #self.nelements = 0 # result specific #self.nnodes = None @property def is_real(self) -> bool: return False @property def is_complex(self) -> bool: return True def _reset_indices(self) -> None: self.itotal = 0 #self.ielement = 0 @property def element_name(self): headers = [name.strip() for name in np.unique(self.element_names)] #headers = np.unique(self.element_names) return str(', '.join(headers))
[docs] def build(self): """sizes the vectorized attributes of the ComplexGridPointForcesArray""" #print('ntimes=%s nelements=%s ntotal=%s' % ( #self.ntimes, self.nelements, self.ntotal)) #self.ntotal += 5 # TODO: remove #print("self.ntotal = %s" % self.ntotal) #print("self.itotal = %s" % self.itotal) #print("self._ntotals = %s" % self._ntotals) #self.is_unique = False if self.ntotal != max(self._ntotals) or 1: self.ntotal = max(self._ntotals) self.is_unique = True assert self.ntimes > 0, 'ntimes=%s' % self.ntimes #assert self.nelements > 0, 'nelements=%s' % self.nelements assert self.ntotal > 0, 'ntotal=%s' % self.ntotal #self.names = [] #self.nnodes = nnodes_per_element #self.nelements //= nnodes_per_element self.itime = 0 #self.ielement = 0 self.itotal = 0 #self.ntimes = 0 #self.nelements = 0 #print("***name=%s type=%s nnodes_per_element=%s ntimes=%s nelements=%s ntotal=%s" % ( #self.element_names, self.element_type, nnodes_per_element, #self.ntimes, self.nelements, self.ntotal)) dtype, idtype, fdtype = get_times_dtype(self.nonlinear_factor, self.size, self.analysis_fmt) self._times = np.zeros(self.ntimes, dtype=self.analysis_fmt) if self.is_unique: self.node_element = np.zeros((self.ntimes, self.ntotal, 2), dtype=idtype) self.element_names = np.empty((self.ntimes, self.ntotal), dtype='U8') else: self.node_element = np.zeros((self.ntotal, 2), dtype=idtype) self.element_names = np.empty(self.ntotal, dtype='U8') #[t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3] = np.zeros((self.ntimes, self.ntotal, 6), dtype='complex64')
[docs] def build_dataframe(self): """ major-axis - the axis mode 1 2 3 freq 1.0 2.0 3.0 nodeID ElementID Item 1 2 T1 T2 ... major_axis / top = [ [1, 2, 3], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] ] minor_axis / headers = [T1, T2, T3, R1, R2, R3] name = mode """ import pandas as pd headers = self.get_headers() #name = if self.is_unique: ntimes =[0] nnodes =[1] #nvalues = ntimes * nnodes node_element = self.node_element.reshape((ntimes * nnodes, 2)) df1 = pd.DataFrame(node_element) df1.columns = ['NodeID', 'ElementID'] df2 = pd.DataFrame(self.element_names[0, :]) df2.columns = ['ElementType'] df3 = pd.DataFrame([0]) df3.columns = headers data_frame = df1.join([df2, df3]) #print(data_frame) else: node_element = [self.node_element[:, 0], self.node_element[:, 1]] if self.nonlinear_factor not in (None, np.nan): column_names, column_values = self._build_dataframe_transient_header() data_frame = pd.Panel(, items=column_values, major_axis=node_element, minor_axis=headers).to_frame() data_frame.columns.names = column_names data_frame.index.names = ['NodeID', 'ElementID', 'Item'] else: data_frame = pd.Panel(, major_axis=node_element, minor_axis=headers).to_frame() data_frame.columns.names = ['Static'] data_frame.index.names = ['NodeID', 'ElementID', 'Item'] #print(self.data_frame) self.data_frame = data_frame
def _build_dataframe(self): """:: major-axis - the axis mode 1 2 3 freq 1.0 2.0 3.0 nodeID ElementID Item 1 2 T1 T2 ... major_axis / top = [ [1, 2, 3], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] ] minor_axis / headers = [T1, T2, T3, R1, R2, R3] name = mode """ headers = self.get_headers() import pandas as pd column_names, column_values = self._build_dataframe_transient_header() if self.is_unique: #node_element = [self.node_element[:, 0], self.node_element[:, 1]] ntimes =[0] nnodes =[1] node_element_temp = self.node_element.reshape((ntimes * nnodes, 2)) node_element = [node_element_temp[:, 0], node_element_temp[:, 1]] self.data_frame = pd.Panel(, items=column_values, major_axis=node_element, minor_axis=headers).to_frame() self.data_frame.columns.names = column_names self.data_frame.index.names = ['NodeID', 'ElementID', 'Item'] else: node_element = [self.node_element[:, 0], self.node_element[:, 1]] #print('column_names =', column_names) #for name, values in zip(column_names, column_values): #print(' %s = %s' % (name, values)) self.data_frame = pd.Panel(, items=column_values, major_axis=node_element, minor_axis=headers).to_frame() self.data_frame.columns.names = column_names self.data_frame.index.names = ['NodeID', 'ElementID', 'Item'] def __eq__(self, table): # pragma: no cover self._eq_header(table) assert self.is_sort1 == table.is_sort1 if not np.array_equal(self.node_element, table.node_element) and np.array_equal(self.element_names, table.element_names): assert self.node_element.shape == table.node_element.shape, 'node_element shape=%s table.shape=%s' % (self.node_element.shape, table.node_element.shape) assert self.element_names.shape == table.element_names.shape, 'element_names shape=%s table.shape=%s' % (self.element_names.shape, table.element_names.shape) msg = 'table_name=%r class_name=%s\n' % (self.table_name, self.__class__.__name__) msg += '%s\n' % str(self.code_information()) msg += '(Eid, Nid, EName)\n' for (nid1, eid1), ename1, (nid2, eid2), ename2 in zip(self.node_element, self.element_names, table.element_names, table.element_names): msg += '(%s, %s, %s) (%s, %s, %s)\n' % (nid1, eid1, ename1, nid2, eid2, ename2) print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if self.is_unique: if not np.array_equal(, msg = 'table_name=%r class_name=%s\n' % (self.table_name, self.__class__.__name__) msg += '%s\n' % str(self.code_information()) i = 0 for itime in range(self.ntimes): #print('is_unique =', self.is_unique) sys.stdout.flush() for ie, e in enumerate(self.node_element[itime, :, :]): print(e) (eid, nid) = e ename1 = self.element_names[itime, ie] ename2 = self.element_names[itime, ie] t1 =[itime, ie, :] t2 =[itime, ie, :] (t11, t21, t31, r11, r21, r31) = t1 (t12, t22, t32, r12, r22, r32) = t2 if not np.array_equal(t1, t2): msg += '(%s, %s, %s) (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n' % ( eid, nid, ename1, t11, t21, t31, r11, r21, r31, t12, t22, t32, r12, r22, r32) i += 1 if i > 10: print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) #print(msg) if i > 0: raise ValueError(msg) else: if not np.array_equal(, msg = 'table_name=%r class_name=%s\n' % (self.table_name, self.__class__.__name__) msg += '%s\n' % str(self.code_information()) i = 0 for itime in range(self.ntimes): for ie, e in enumerate(self.node_element): (eid, nid) = e ename1 = self.element_names[ie] ename2 = self.element_names[ie] t1 =[itime, ie, :] t2 =[itime, ie, :] (t11, t21, t31, r11, r21, r31) = t1 (t12, t22, t32, r12, r22, r32) = t2 if not np.array_equal(t1, t2): msg += '(%s, %s, %s) (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n' % ( eid, nid, ename1, t12, t22, t32, r12, r22, r32, t12, t22, t32, r12, r22, r32) i += 1 if i > 10: print(msg) raise ValueError(msg) #print(msg) if i > 0: raise ValueError(msg) return True def add_sort1(self, dt, node_id, eid, ename, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): """unvectorized method for adding SORT1 transient data""" assert self.sort_method == 1, self assert eid is not None, eid #assert isinstance(eid, integer_types) and eid > 0, 'dt=%s eid=%s' % (dt, eid) assert isinstance(node_id, int), node_id self._times[self.itime] = dt if self.is_unique: self.node_element[self.itime, self.itotal, :] = [node_id, eid] self.element_names[self.itime, self.itotal] = ename else: self.node_element[self.itotal, :] = [node_id, eid] self.element_names[self.itotal] = ename set_3d_data(, self.itime, self.itotal, [t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3], self.size) self.itotal += 1
[docs] def get_stats(self, short: bool=False) -> list[str]: if not self.is_built: return [ f'<{self.__class__.__name__}>; table_name={self.table_name!r}\n', f' ntimes: {self.ntimes:d}\n', f' ntotal: {self.ntotal:d}\n', ] #nelements = self.nelements ntimes = self.ntimes #nnodes = self.nnodes ntotal = self.ntotal nelements = np.unique(self.node_element[:, 1]).size msg = [] if self.nonlinear_factor not in (None, np.nan): # transient msgi = ' type=%s ntimes=%i nelements=%i ntotal=%i\n' % ( self.__class__.__name__, ntimes, nelements, ntotal) ntimes_word = 'ntimes' else: msgi = ' type=%s nelements=%i total=%i\n' % ( self.__class__.__name__, nelements, ntotal) ntimes_word = '1' msg.append(msgi) headers = self.get_headers() n = len(headers) #element_names = [name.strip() for name in unique(self.element_names)] msg.append(' data: [%s, ntotal, %i] where %i=[%s]\n' % ( ntimes_word, n, n, ', '.join(headers))) msg.append(f' node_element.shape={self.node_element.shape}\n') msg.append(f' element_names.shape={self.element_names.shape}\n') msg.append(f' data.shape={}\n') msg.append(f' element type: {self.element_name}\n') msg += self.get_data_code() return msg
#def get_element_index(self, eids): #itot = searchsorted(eids, self.node_element[:, 0]) #return itot #def eid_to_element_node_index(self, eids): #ind = ravel([searchsorted(self.node_element[:, 0] == eid) for eid in eids]) #return ind
[docs] def write_f06(self, f06_file, header=None, page_stamp='PAGE %s', page_num: int=1, is_mag_phase: bool=False, is_sort1: bool=True): if header is None: header = [] msg = self._get_f06_msg(is_mag_phase=is_mag_phase, is_sort1=is_sort1) ntimes =[0] if self.is_unique: for itime in range(ntimes): dt = self._times[itime] header = _eigenvalue_header(self, header, itime, ntimes, dt) f06_file.write(''.join(header + msg)) #print(" itime=%s ieids=%s" % ( #str(, itime, str(ieids))) #[t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3] t1 =[itime, :, 0] t2 =[itime, :, 1] t3 =[itime, :, 2] r1 =[itime, :, 3] r2 =[itime, :, 4] r3 =[itime, :, 5] eids = self.node_element[itime, :, 1] nids = self.node_element[itime, :, 0] enames = self.element_names[itime, :] zero = ' ' ntotal = self._ntotals[itime] for (unused_i, nid, eid, ename, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i) in zip( range(ntotal), nids, eids, enames, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): vals = [t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i] vals2 = write_imag_floats_13e(vals, is_mag_phase) [f1r, f2r, f3r, m1r, m2r, m3r, f1i, f2i, f3i, m1i, m2i, m3i] = vals2 if eid == 0: f06_file.write( ' %8s %10s %8s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' ' %8s %10s %8s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' % ( nid, eid, ename, f1r, f2r, f3r, m1r, m2r, m3r, '', '', '', f1i, f2i, f3i, m1i, m2i, m3i, )) zero = '0' else: f06_file.write( '%s %8s %10s %8s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' ' %8s %10s %8s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' % ( zero, nid, eid, ename, f1r, f2r, f3r, m1r, m2r, m3r, '', '', '', f1i, f2i, f3i, m1i, m2i, m3i,)) zero = ' ' f06_file.write(page_stamp % page_num) page_num += 1 else: eids = self.node_element[:, 1] nids = self.node_element[:, 0] enames = self.element_names for itime in range(ntimes): dt = self._times[itime] header = _eigenvalue_header(self, header, itime, ntimes, dt) f06_file.write(''.join(header + msg)) #print(" itime=%s ieids=%s" % ( #str(, itime, str(ieids))) #[t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3] t1 =[itime, :, 0] t2 =[itime, :, 1] t3 =[itime, :, 2] r1 =[itime, :, 3] r2 =[itime, :, 4] r3 =[itime, :, 5] zero = ' ' for (nid, eid, ename, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i) in zip( nids, eids, enames, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): vals = [t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i] vals2 = write_imag_floats_13e(vals, is_mag_phase) [f1r, f2r, f3r, m1r, m2r, m3r, f1i, f2i, f3i, m1i, m2i, m3i] = vals2 if eid == 0: f06_file.write( ' %8s %10s %8s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' ' %8s %10s %8s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' % ( nid, eid, ename, f1r, f2r, f3r, m1r, m2r, m3r, '', '', '', f1i, f2i, f3i, m1i, m2i, m3i, )) zero = '0' else: f06_file.write( '%s %8s %10s %8s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' ' %8s %10s %8s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' % ( zero, nid, eid, ename, f1r, f2r, f3r, m1r, m2r, m3r, '', '', '', f1i, f2i, f3i, m1i, m2i, m3i,)) zero = ' ' f06_file.write(page_stamp % page_num) page_num += 1 eids = self.node_element[:, 1] nids = self.node_element[:, 0] enames = self.element_names for itime in range(ntimes): dt = self._times[itime] header = _eigenvalue_header(self, header, itime, ntimes, dt) f06_file.write(''.join(header + msg)) #print(" itime=%s ieids=%s" % ( #str(, itime, str(ieids))) #[t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3] t1 =[itime, :, 0] t2 =[itime, :, 1] t3 =[itime, :, 2] r1 =[itime, :, 3] r2 =[itime, :, 4] r3 =[itime, :, 5] zero = ' ' for (nid, eid, ename, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i) in zip( nids, eids, enames, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): vals = [t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i] vals2 = write_imag_floats_13e(vals, is_mag_phase) [f1r, f2r, f3r, m1r, m2r, m3r, f1i, f2i, f3i, m1i, m2i, m3i] = vals2 if eid == 0: f06_file.write( ' %8s %10s %8s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' ' %8s %10s %8s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' % ( nid, eid, ename, f1r, f2r, f3r, m1r, m2r, m3r, '', '', '', f1i, f2i, f3i, m1i, m2i, m3i, )) zero = '0' else: f06_file.write( '%s %8s %10s %8s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' ' %8s %10s %8s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s %s\n' % ( zero, nid, eid, ename, f1r, f2r, f3r, m1r, m2r, m3r, '', '', '', f1i, f2i, f3i, m1i, m2i, m3i,)) zero = ' ' f06_file.write(page_stamp % page_num) page_num += 1 return page_num - 1
def _get_f06_msg(self, is_mag_phase=True, is_sort1=True): msg = [ ' C O M P L E X G R I D P O I N T F O R C E B A L A N C E\n', #sort, #' \n' #' POINT-ID ELEMENT-ID SOURCE T1 T2 T3 R1 R2 R3\n' #' 19 21 TRIA3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' #' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' ] if is_mag_phase: msg += [' (REAL/IMAGINARY)\n \n'] raise NotImplementedError('mag/phase') else: msg += [' (REAL/IMAGINARY)\n \n'] if is_sort1: #msg += [' FREQ ELEMENT-ID SOURCE T1 T2 T3 R1 R2 R3\n'] msg += [' POINT-ID ELEMENT-ID SOURCE T1 T2 T3 R1 R2 R3\n'] else: # TODO: get this right msg += [' POINT-ID ELEMENT-ID SOURCE T1 T2 T3 R1 R2 R3\n'] return msg
[docs] def get_headers(self) -> list[str]: headers = ['f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'm1', 'm2', 'm3'] return headers
[docs] def write_op2(self, op2_file, op2_ascii, itable, new_result, date, is_mag_phase=False, endian='>'): """writes an OP2""" import inspect from struct import Struct, pack frame = inspect.currentframe() call_frame = inspect.getouterframes(frame, 2) op2_ascii.write(f'{self.__class__.__name__}.write_op2: {call_frame[1][3]}\n') if itable == -1: self._write_table_header(op2_file, op2_ascii, date) itable = -3 # table 4 info #ntimes =[0] #nnodes =[1] # 21 = 1 node, 3 principal, 6 components, 9 vectors, 2 p/ovm #ntotal = ((nnodes * 21) + 1) + (nelements * 4) ntotali = self.num_wide #print('shape = %s' % str( #device_code = self.device_code op2_ascii.write(f' ntimes = {self.ntimes}\n') #fmt = '%2i %6f' #print('ntotal=%s' % (ntotal)) if self.is_sort1: struct1 = Struct(endian + b'2i 8s 12f') else: raise NotImplementedError('SORT2') for itime in range(self.ntimes): self._write_table_3(op2_file, op2_ascii, new_result, itable, itime) # record 4 itable -= 1 nids_all = self.node_element[itime, :, 0] inids = np.where(nids_all > 0)[0] nids = nids_all[inids] eids = self.node_element[itime, inids, 1] enames = self.element_names[itime, inids] t1 =[itime, inids, 0] t2 =[itime, inids, 1] t3 =[itime, inids, 2] r1 =[itime, inids, 3] r2 =[itime, inids, 4] r3 =[itime, inids, 5] nids_device = nids * 10 + self.device_code assert nids.min() > 0, nids.min() nnodes = len(nids) ntotal = ntotali * nnodes header = [4, itable, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, ntotal, 4, 4 * ntotal] op2_file.write(pack('%ii' % len(header), *header)) op2_ascii.write('r4 [4, 0, 4]\n') op2_ascii.write(f'r4 [4, {itable:d}, 4]\n') op2_ascii.write(f'r4 [4, {4 * ntotal:d}, 4]\n') #zero = ' ' ntotal = self._ntotals[itime] #print(self._ntotals) assert len(eids) == len(nids) assert len(enames) == len(nids), 'enames=%s nnids=%s' % (len(enames), len(nids)) assert len(t1) == len(nids) assert len(t2) == len(nids) assert len(t3) == len(nids) assert len(r1) == len(nids) assert len(r2) == len(nids) assert len(nids) <= ntotal, 'len(nids)=%s ntotal=%s' % (len(nids), ntotal) for (i, nid, eid, ename, t1i, t2i, t3i, r1i, r2i, r3i) in zip( range(ntotal), nids_device, eids, enames, t1, t2, t3, r1, r2, r3): #print(nid, eid, ename, t1i) data = [nid, eid, ename.encode('ascii'), t1i.real, t2i.real, t3i.real, r1i.real, r2i.real, r3i.real, t1i.imag, t2i.imag, t3i.imag, r1i.imag, r2i.imag, r3i.imag] #print(' nid=%s eid=%s data=%s' % (nid, eid, str(data[2:]))) op2_ascii.write(' nid=%-3s eid=%-3s data=%s\n' % (nid, eid, str(data[2:]))) op2_file.write(struct1.pack(*data)) assert len(data) + 1 == self.num_wide itable -= 1 header = [4 * ntotal,] op2_file.write(pack('i', *header)) op2_ascii.write('footer = %s\n' % header) new_result = False return itable
def _get_nid_cd_from_nid_cp_cd(nid_cd: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: if nid_cd.shape[1] == 3: assert isinstance(nid_cd[0, :].tolist()[0], int), nid_cd nid_cp_cd = nid_cd nid_cd = nid_cp_cd[:, [0, 2]] assert nid_cd.shape[1] == 2, nid_cd return nid_cd def _check_array(x, dtype, dim: int, msg=''): if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): assert len(x.shape) == dim, x.shape if dtype == 'float': assert in ['float32', 'float64'], elif dtype == 'int': assert in ['int32', 'int64'], else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError(dtype) else: assert isinstance(x, (list, tuple)), x if dim == 1: val = x[0] elif dim == 2: val = x[0][0] else: raise NotImplementedError(dim) if dtype == 'float': assert isinstance(val, (float, np.float32, np.float64)), x elif dtype == 'int': assert isinstance(val, (int, np.int32, np.int64)), x else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError(dtype) return
[docs] def set_3d_data(data: np.ndarray, itime: int, itotal: int, values: list[float], size: int): """annoying way to handle underflow""" if size == 4: #MIN_FLOAT32 = np.finfo(np.float32).min datai = np.array(values) try: datai = datai.astype(data.dtype) data[itime, itotal, :] = datai except FloatingPointError: if in {'float32', 'float64'}: for i, dataii in enumerate(datai): try: data[itime, itotal, i] = dataii except FloatingPointError: data[itime, itotal, i] = 0. else: for i, dataii in enumerate(datai): try: data.real[itime, itotal, i] = dataii.real except FloatingPointError: data.real[itime, itotal, i] = 0. try: data.imag[itime, itotal, i] = dataii.imag except FloatingPointError: data.imag[itime, itotal, i] = 0. else: data[itime, itotal, :] = values