Source code for pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.find_coplanar_elements

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Union, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.internal_utils import get_bdf_model
if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import BDF

[docs] def find_coplanar_triangles(bdf_filename: Union[BDF, str], eids: Optional[list[int]]=None) -> list[int]: """ Finds coplanar triangles Parameters ---------- bdf_filename : BDF/str BDF: a model str: the path to the bdf input file eids : list the element ids to consider Returns ------- coplanar_eids : list[int] the elements that are coplanar """ model = get_bdf_model(bdf_filename, xref=False, log=None, debug=False) log = model.log if eids is None: eids = model.elements.keys() i = 0 eids_removed = [] neids = len(eids) nids = np.zeros((neids, 3), dtype='int32') for eid in eids: elem = model.elements[eid] try: nids[i, :] = elem.nodes except ValueError: eids_removed.append(eid) assert len(elem.nodes) != 3, str(elem) continue i += 1 if i != neids: log.warning(f'removed {neids-i} non-triangles; eids_removed={eids_removed}') nids = nids[:i, :] #nids = np.array([ #[10, 20, 30], #[20, 30, 10], #[10, 30, 20], #], dtype='int32') # [1, 2, 3] # [2, 3, 1] # [1, 3, 2] #imin = nids.argmin(axis=1) #imax = nids.argmax(axis=1) imin = nids.min(axis=1) imax = nids.max(axis=1) #print('imin = %s' % (imin)) # [0, 2, 0] #print('imax = %s' % (imax)) # [2, 1, 1] imid = [] for row, imini, imaxi in zip(nids, imin, imax): #a = [imini, imaxi] #print(row, imini, imaxi) a = list(row) #a.remove(row[imini]) #a.remove(row[imaxi]) #print(a) a.remove(imini) #print(a) a.remove(imaxi) #print(a) #print('') imid.append(a[0]) #print('imid = %s' % (imid)) # [1, 0, 2] nids2 = np.vstack([imin, imid, imax]).T aset = set() eids_to_remove = set() for eid, row in zip(eids, nids2): new_row = tuple(list(row)) if new_row in aset: log.debug(f'eid={eid} exists already...') eids_to_remove.add(eid) else: aset.add(new_row) return model, eids_to_remove