Welcome to pyNastran’s documentation for Main!

The pyNastran software interfaces to Nastran’s complicated input and output files and provides a simplified interface to read/edit/write the various files. The software is compatible currently being used on Windows, Linux, and Mac.

The BDF reader/writer supports 406 cards including coordinate systems. Card objects have methods to access data such as Mass, Area, etc. The BDF writer writes a small field formatted file, but makes full use of the 8-character Nastran field. The OpenMDAO BDF parametrization syntax is also supported.

The OP2 reader/writer supports static/transient results, which unless you analyzing frequency response data should be good enough. It also supports OP2/F06 Writing for most of the objects. Results include: displacement, velocity, acceleration, temperature, eigenvectors, eigenvalues, SPC forces, MPC forces, grid point forces, load vectors, applied loads, strain energy, as well as stress and strain.

The Python OP4 reader/writer supports reading ASCII/binary sparse and dense matrices, and writing ASCII matrices.

A simple GUI has been developed that can view BDF models and display static/dynamic displacement/eignevectors (real/complex) and stress/strain (real) results from the OP2. Additionally, AVUS, Cart3d, Usm3d, Tetgen, STL, and Panair are somewhat supported and included for use.