Source code for pyNastran.converters.abaqus.abaqus_cards

 - SolidSection
 - ShellSection
 - Material
 - Assembly
 - Part

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Union, TextIO, Optional, Any, TYPE_CHECKING
import numpy as np
from pyNastran.converters.abaqus.elements import Elements
if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from cpylog import SimpleLogger

[docs] class Frequency: def __init__(self, solver: str, nmodes: int): self.solver = solver self.nmodes = nmodes def __repr__(self) -> str: msg = f'Frequency(solver={self.solver} nmodes={self.nmodes})' return msg
[docs] class Boundary: def __init__(self, nid_dof_to_value: dict[tuple[int, int], float]): """ *BOUNDARY nid, dof1, dof2, displacement 1,1,,0 1,2,,0 1,3,,0 20,1,,0 """ self.type = 'displacement' self.nid_dof_to_value = nid_dof_to_value
[docs] def write(self): if len(self.nid_dof_to_value) == 0: return '' msg = '*BOUNDARY\n' for (nid, dof), value in self.nid_dof_to_value.items(): msg += f'{nid}, {dof}, {value}\n' return msg
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, slines: list[list[str]]): """ 1) node or node set, first degree of freedom, last degree of freedom 2) node or node set, first degree of freedom, last degree of freedom, value """ nid_dof_to_value = {} for sline in slines: sline = [val.strip() for val in sline] nsline = len(sline) nid_name = sline[0] try: nid = int(nid_name) except ValueError: if nid_name.isnumeric(): raise RuntimeError(f'Boundary field 1 must be an integer or string without a space; nid_name={nid_name!r}') if ' ' in nid_name: raise RuntimeError(f'Boundary field 1 must be an integer or string without a space; nid_name={nid_name!r}') nid = nid_name dof1 = int(sline[1]) if nsline == 2: nid_dof_to_value[(nid, dof1)] = 0. continue dofs = [dof1] if sline[2]: dof2 = int(sline[2]) if dof1 != dof2: assert dof1 <= dof2, (dof1, dof2) dofs = range(dof1, dof2+1) value = 0.0 if nsline > 3 and sline[3]: value = float(sline[3]) for dof in dofs: nid_dof_to_value[(nid, dof)] = value return Boundary(nid_dof_to_value)
def __repr__(self) -> str: msg = f'Boundary(nid_dof_to_value={str(self.nid_dof_to_value)})' return msg
[docs] class Mass: def __init__(self, elset: str, value: float): self.elset = elset self.value = value def __repr__(self): """prints a summary for the solid section""" msg = 'BeamSection(\n' #msg += ' param_map = %r,\n' % self.param_map msg += f' elset = {self.elset},\n' msg += f' value = {self.value},\n' msg += ')\n' return msg
[docs] class BeamSection: section_name_to_npoints = { 'RECT': 2, # consistent with PBARL 'PIPE': 2, # r (outside radius), t (wall thickness) } def __init__(self, elset: str, material_name: str, section: str, dimensions: np.ndarray, x_vector: np.ndarray): self.elset = elset self.material_name = material_name self.section = section self.dimensions = dimensions self.x_vector = x_vector npoints = self.section_name_to_npoints[section] assert len(dimensions) == npoints, dimensions def __repr__(self): """prints a summary for the solid section""" msg = 'BeamSection(\n' #msg += ' param_map = %r,\n' % self.param_map msg += f' elset = {self.elset},\n' msg += f' material_name = {self.material_name},\n' msg += f' section = {self.section},\n' msg += f' dimensions = {self.dimensions},\n' msg += f' x_vector = {self.x_vector},\n' msg += ')\n' return msg
[docs] class ShellSection: """ A ShellSection defines thickness and a material for a PSHELL/PCOMP *SHELL SECTION, ELSET=PLATE, MATERIAL=A, ORIENTATION=GLOBAL, OFFSET=0.0 0.005 *SHELL SECTION, ELSET=CARBON_FIBER, ORIENTATION=GLOBAL, OFFSET=0.0 0.005,,CF 0.005,,CF 0.005,,CF """ def __init__(self, log: SimpleLogger, material_name: str, elset: str, thickness: list[float], orientation: int=-1, offset: float=0.0): #self.data_lines = data_lines #self.material = param_map['material'] self.material_name = material_name self.elset = elset self.thickness = thickness self.orientation = orientation self.offset = offset self.log = log
[docs] @classmethod def add_from_data_lines(cls, param_map: dict[str, str], data_lines: list[str], log: SimpleLogger): elset = param_map['elset'] orientation = param_map.get('orientation', -1) offset = param_map.get('offset', 0.0) if param_map['is_composite']: material_name = [] thickness = [] orientation_name = [] for line in data_lines: #thickness (required) #not used #name of the material to be used for this layer (required) #name of the orientation to be used for this layer (optional) sline = line.split(',') if len(sline) == 3: thickness_stri, junk, material_namei = sline orientation_namei = None else: thickness_stri, junk, material_namei, orientation_namei = sline ## TODO: how does orientation work (from the flags) ## with the orientation name in this table? raise RuntimeError(sline) material_namei = material_namei.strip().lower() thicknessi = float(thickness_stri) thickness.append(thicknessi) material_name.append(material_namei) orientation_name.append(orientation_namei) else: orientation_name = None material_name = param_map['material'] log.debug(f'material_name = {material_name}') #if len(data_lines) == 0: #pass thicknessi = 0.0 if len(data_lines) == 1: assert len(data_lines) == 1, data_lines line0 = data_lines[0].split() assert len(line0) == 1, data_lines thicknessi = float(line0[0]) else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(data_lines) thickness = [thicknessi] for line in data_lines: log.debug(f'shell - {line!r}') return ShellSection(log, material_name, elset, thickness, orientation=orientation, offset=offset)
def __repr__(self): """prints a summary for the solid section""" msg = 'ShellSection(\n' #msg += ' param_map = %r,\n' % self.param_map msg += f' material_name = {self.material_name},\n' msg += f' thickness = {self.thickness},\n' msg += f' orientation = {self.orientation},\n' msg += f' offset = {self.offset},\n' msg += ')\n' return msg
[docs] class SolidSection: """a SolidSection defines depth and a material""" def __init__(self, material_name: str, elset: str, thickness: float, log: SimpleLogger): self.material_name = material_name self.elset = elset self.thickness = thickness self.log = log
[docs] @classmethod def add_from_data_lines(cls, param_map: dict[str, str], data_lines: list[str], log: SimpleLogger): material_name = param_map['material'] #print('param_map =', param_map) elset = param_map.get('elset', None) log.debug(f'material_name = {material_name}') param_map = param_map data_lines = data_lines thickness = 0. #print('param_map =', param_map) if len(data_lines) == 0: pass elif len(data_lines) == 1: assert len(data_lines) == 1, data_lines line0 = data_lines[0].split() assert len(line0) == 1, data_lines try: thickness = float(line0[0]) except ValueError: pass for line in data_lines:'solid - %r' % line) return SolidSection(material_name, elset, thickness, log)
def __repr__(self): """prints a summary for the solid section""" msg = 'SolidSection(\n' msg += f' material_name = {self.material_name},\n' msg += f' elset = {self.elset},\n' #msg += ' param_map = %r,\n' % self.param_map msg += ' thickness = %s,\n' % self.thickness msg += ')\n' return msg
[docs] class Material: """a Material object is a series of nodes & elements (of various types)""" def __init__(self, name: str, sections: dict[str, float], density: float=0.0, ndepvars: Optional[int]=None, ndelete: Optional[int]=None): assert isinstance(density, float), density = name self.density = density #self.is_elastic = is_elastic #self.depvar = None self.ndelete = ndelete self.ndepvars = ndepvars self.user_material = None #print(sections) #if 'density' in sections: #self.density = sections['density'] #if 'depvar' in sections: #self.depvar = sections['depvar'] #if 'user_material' in sections: #self.user_material = sections['user_material'] self.sections = sections def __repr__(self) -> str: """prints a summary for the material""" msg = 'Material(\n' msg += ' name=%r,\n' % for key, value in self.sections.items(): msg += ' %r : %r,\n' % (key, value) msg += ')\n' return msg
[docs] def write(self, abq_file) -> None: """ *Material, name=Glassy828DEA *Density 1180., *Elastic 2.14078e+09, 0.42718 *Material, name=MAT1_828DEA_Dam *Density 1180., *Depvar, delete=4 20, *User Material, constants=16 ** K CTELIN C10 C01 DAM_FORM FUNC_FORM EVOLF EVMF 3.2e+09, 5.667e-05, 3.75e+08, 0., 2., 1., 50000., 0.05 **EVM0ISO EVM0VOL EVM0VM DAM_METHOD ALPHA A B C 0., 0.5, 0.5, 1., 0., 0., 0.5, 0.6 *Material, name=Steel *Density 7800., *Elastic 2e+11, 0.3 """ name = write_name( abq_file.write(f'*Material, name={name}\n') if 'elastic' in self.sections: e, g = self.sections['elastic'] abq_file.write(f'*Elastic\n') abq_file.write(f'{e},{g}\n') if 'engineering constants' in self.sections: #*Shell section, Elset=Internal_Selection-1_Shell_section-1, COMPOSITE #0.25,,Steel #0.25,,Steel #*Material, Name=CF #*ELASTIC,TYPE=ENGINEERING CONSTANTS #135000.,10000.,10000.,0.3,0.3,,5000.,5000., #5000,273 eng_consts = self.sections['engineering constants'] eng_const_strs = ['%g' % val for val in eng_consts] args1 = eng_const_strs[:8] args2 = eng_const_strs[8:] assert len(args1) == 8, args1 assert len(args2) == 2, args2 abq_file.write(f'*Elastic,type=Engineering Constants\n') abq_file.write.write(','.join(args1)) abq_file.write.write(','.join(args2)) if self.density > 0.: abq_file.write(f'*Density\n {self.density},\n') if self.ndepvars: ndelete = '' if self.ndelete is None else f', delete={self.ndelete}' abq_file.write(f'*Depvar{ndelete}\n {self.ndepvars},\n') if self.user_material: nconstants = '' abq_file.write(f'*User Material{nconstants}\n {self.user_material},\n')
#abq_file.write('** skipping Material %s\n' %
[docs] class Assembly: def __init__(self, element_types, node_sets, element_sets): self.element_types = element_types self.node_sets = node_sets self.element_sets = element_sets
[docs] def write(self, abq_file): abq_file.write('** skipping Assembly\n')
def __repr__(self): """summary for the Assembly""" etypes = list(self.element_types.keys()) nsets = list(self.node_sets.keys()) esets = list(self.element_sets.keys()) msg = ( 'Assembly:\n' f' element_types = {etypes}\n' f' node_sets = {nsets}\n' f' element_sets = {esets}\n' ) return msg
[docs] class Part: """a Part object is a series of nodes & elements (of various types)""" def __init__(self, name: str, nids: np.ndarray, nodes: np.ndarray, element_types: dict[str, np.ndarray], node_sets: dict[str, np.ndarray], element_sets: dict[str, tuple[np.ndarray, str]], beam_sections: list[BeamSection], solid_sections: list[SolidSection], shell_sections: list[ShellSection], log: SimpleLogger): """ creates a Part object Parameters ---------- name : str the name element_types : dict[element_type] : (node_ids, set_name) element_type : str the element type bars: r2d2 : (nelements, 2) int ndarray b31 : (nelements, 2) int ndarray b31h : (nelements, 2) int ndarray shells: cpe3 : (nelements, 3) int ndarray cpe4 : (nelements, 4) int ndarray cpe4r : (nelements, 4) int ndarray cps3 : (nelements, 3) int ndarray cps4 : (nelements, 4) int ndarray cps4r : (nelements, 4) int ndarray coh2d4 : (nelements, 4) int ndarray cohax4 : (nelements, 4) int ndarray cax3 : (nelements, 3) int ndarray cax4r : (nelements, 4) int ndarray solids: c3d10h : (nelements, 10) int ndarray """ = name self.log = log self.node_sets = node_sets self.element_sets = element_sets self.elements = Elements(element_types, self.log) if beam_sections is None: beam_sections = [] if solid_sections is None: solid_sections = [] if shell_sections is None: shell_sections = [] self.beam_sections = beam_sections self.solid_sections = solid_sections self.shell_sections = shell_sections for set_name, node_set in self.node_sets.items(): assert isinstance(node_set, np.ndarray), set_name for set_name, element_set in self.element_sets.items(): assert isinstance(element_set, np.ndarray), set_name self.nids, self.nodes = cast_nodes(nids, nodes, self.log, require=True)
[docs] def check_materials(self, materials): """validates the materials""" for section in self.solid_sections: key = section.material_name if key in materials: self.log.debug('material=%r for part=%r exists' % (key, else: self.log.warning('key=%r is an invalid material' % key)
def __repr__(self): """prints a summary for the part""" nnodes = self.nodes.shape[0] repr(self.elements) neids = self.elements.nelements msg = ( f'Part(name={}, nnodes={nnodes:d}, neids={neids:d})\n' ) nsets = list(self.node_sets.keys()) esets = list(self.element_sets.keys()) msg += f' Node Sets: {nsets}\n' msg += f' Element Sets: {esets}\n' for section in self.solid_sections: msg += str(section) + '\n' return msg
[docs] def write(self, abq_file, is_2d=False): """writes a Part""" #name, nids, nodes, element_types, node_sets, element_sets, # solid_sections, log abq_file.write('*Part,name=%s\n' % write_name( abq_file.write('*Node\n') if is_2d: for nid, node in zip(self.nids, self.nodes): abq_file.write('%i,\t%s,\t%s,\t%s\n' % (nid, node[0], node[1], node[2])) else: for nid, node in zip(self.nids, self.nodes): abq_file.write('%i,\t%s,\t%s\n' % (nid, node[0], node[1])) #for mat in self.materials: for shell_section in self.shell_sections: #print(shell_section) shell_section.write(abq_file) #for solid_section in self.solid_sections: #solid_section.write(abq_file) for set_name, values in sorted(self.node_sets.items()): write_node_set_to_file(abq_file, set_name, values) self.elements.write(abq_file) for set_name, values in sorted(self.element_sets.items()): write_element_set_to_file(abq_file, set_name, values) abq_file.write('*end part\n')
[docs] class Step: def __init__(self, name: str, boundaries: list[Any], node_output: list[str], element_output: list[str], cloads: dict[str, Any], dloads: dict[str, Any], surfaces: list[Any], frequencies: list[Frequency], is_nlgeom: bool=False): """ *Step, name=Stretch, nlgeom=YES *Static 0.1, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1 *Boundary, op=MOD Block-1.Top, 1, 1, 0.0 Block-1.Top, 2, 2, 1.0 Block-1.Top, 3, 3, 0.0 NewBlock-1.Top, 1, 1, 0.0 NewBlock-1.Top, 2, 2, 1.0 NewBlock-1.Top, 3, 3, 0.0 *Output, field, variable=ALL *Output, history, variable=PRESELECT *End Step """ = name self.is_nlgeom = is_nlgeom self.boundaries: list[Boundary] = boundaries self.node_output = node_output self.element_output = element_output self.cloads: list[tuple[Union[int, str], int, float]] = cloads self.dloads = dloads self.frequencies = frequencies assert isinstance(cloads, list), cloads assert isinstance(dloads, list), dloads def __repr__(self) -> str: msg = ( 'Step:\n' f' name={!r}\n' f' is_nlgeom={self.is_nlgeom}\n' f' boundaries={self.boundaries}\n' f' node_output={self.node_output}\n' f' element_output={self.element_output}\n' f' cloads={self.cloads}\n' f' frequencies={self.frequencies}\n' ) return msg
[docs] def write(self, abq_file: TextIO) -> None: """writes a Step""" name = write_name( nlgeom = ', nlgeom=YES' if self.is_nlgeom else '' abq_file.write(f'*Step, name={name}{nlgeom}\n') abq_file.write('*Static\n') abq_file.write('0.1, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1\n') for boundary in self.boundaries: abq_file.write(boundary.write()) for cload in self.cloads: abq_file.write('*CLOAD\n') for (nid, dof, mag) in cload: #[36, 1, 100.0] abq_file.write(f'{nid}, {dof}, {mag}\n') #for name, cload in self.cloads.items(): #abq_file.write('*CLOAD\n') #abq_file.write(f'**name={name}\n') #for (nid, dof, mag) in cload: ##[36, 1, 100.0] #abq_file.write(f'{nid}, {dof}, {mag}\n') for output in self.node_output + self.element_output: abq_file.write(output + '\n') abq_file.write(f'*End Step\n')
[docs] def cast_nodes(nids_list: list[Any], nodes_list: list[Any], log: SimpleLogger, require: bool=True) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: if len(nids_list) == 0 and require is False: assert len(nodes_list) == 0, len(nodes_list) return None, None try: nids = np.array(nids_list, dtype='int32') except ValueError: msg = f'nids={nids} are not integers' raise ValueError(msg) nnodes = len(nids) node0 = nodes_list[0] node_shape = len(node0) if node_shape == 3: nodes = np.array(nodes_list, dtype='float32')'3d model found; nodes.shape={nodes.shape}') elif node_shape == 2: # abaqus can have only x/y coordinates, so we fake the z coordinate nodes = np.zeros((nnodes, 3), dtype='float32') nodes2 = np.array(nodes_list, dtype='float32') #print(nodes2.shape, self.nodes.shape) nodes[:, :2] = nodes2'2d model found; nodes.shape={nodes.shape}') else: raise NotImplementedError(node0) assert nodes.shape[0] == nnodes, f'nodes.shape={nodes.shape} nnodes={nnodes}' return nids, nodes
[docs] def write_name(name): """Abaqus has odd rules for writing words without spaces vs. with spaces""" return '%r' % name if ' ' in name else '%s' % name
[docs] def write_element_set_to_file(abq_file, set_name, values_array): """writes an element set""" abq_file.write('*Elset, elset=%s\n' % write_name(set_name)) write_set_to_file(abq_file, values_array)
[docs] def write_node_set_to_file(abq_file, set_name, values_array): """writes a node set""" abq_file.write('*Nset, nset=%s\n' % write_name(set_name)) write_set_to_file(abq_file, values_array)
[docs] def write_set_to_file(abq_file, values_array): """writes 16 integer values per line to a set card""" assert isinstance(values_array, np.ndarray), type(values_array) nvalues = len(values_array) nrows = nvalues // 16 nleftover = nvalues % 16 if nrows: values_array_square = values_array[:nrows*16].reshape(nrows, 16) fmt = '%i,\t' * 16 + '\n' fmt2 = '%i,\t' * 15 + '%i\n' for row in values_array_square[:-1, :]: abq_file.write(fmt % tuple(row)) abq_file.write(fmt2 % tuple(values_array_square[-1, :])) if nleftover: fmt = '%i,\t' * (nleftover - 1) + '%i\n' leftover = values_array[nrows*16:] abq_file.write(fmt % tuple(leftover))
[docs] class Transform: def __init__(self, Type: str, nset: str, pa: np.ndarray, pb: np.ndarray): self.Type = Type self.nset = nset = pa self.pb = pb
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, transform_type: str, nset: str, tranform_fields: list[str]): pa = np.array(tranform_fields[:3], dtype='float64') pb = np.array(tranform_fields[3:], dtype='float64') return Transform(transform_type, nset, pa, pb)
[docs] class Surface: def __init__(self, name: str, surface_type: str, set_names: list[str], faces: list[str]): = name self.surface_type = surface_type self.set_names = set_names self.faces = faces str(self) def __repr__(self) -> str: msg = (f'Surface(name={!r}, surface_type={self.surface_type!r}, ' f'set_names={self.set_names}, faces={self.faces})') return msg
[docs] class Tie: def __init__(self, name: str, master: str, slave: str, position_tolerance: float): = name self.master = master self.slave = slave self.position_tolerance = position_tolerance str(self) def __repr__(self) -> str: msg = ( f'Tie(name={!r}, ' f'master={self.master!r}, slave={self.slave!r}, ' 'position_tolerance={self.position_tolerance})') return msg
[docs] class Orientation: def __init__(self, name: str, system: str, origin: np.ndarray, x_axis=None, xy_plane=None, axis=None, alpha=None): = name.lower() self.system = system self.origin = origin self.x_axis = x_axis self.xy_plane = xy_plane self.axis = axis self.alpha = alpha