Source code for pyNastran.converters.cart3d.cart3d

  - Cart3D(log=None, debug=False)
     - read_cart3d(self, infilename, result_names=None)
     - write_cart3d(self, outfilename, is_binary=False, float_fmt='%6.7f')

     - flip_model()
     - make_mirror_model(self, nodes, elements, regions, loads, axis='y', tol=0.000001)
     - make_half_model(self, axis='y', remap_nodes=True)
     - get_free_edges(self, elements)
     - get_area(self)
     - get_normals(self)
     - get_normals_at_nodes(self, cnormals)

  - comp2tri(in_filenames, out_filename,
             is_binary=False, float_fmt='%6.7f')

import sys
from math import ceil
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Union, Optional

import numpy as np
from cpylog import SimpleLogger, get_logger2

from pyNastran.utils import is_binary_file, _filename
from pyNastran.converters.cart3d.cart3d_reader_writer import (
    Cart3dReaderWriter, _write_cart3d_binary, _write_cart3d_ascii)

[docs] class Cart3D(Cart3dReaderWriter): """Cart3d interface class""" model_type = 'cart3d' is_structured = False is_outward_normals = True def __init__(self, log=None, debug=False): Cart3dReaderWriter.__init__(self, log=log, debug=debug) self.loads = {} self.points = None self.elements = None
[docs] def flip_model(self) -> None: """flip the model about the y-axis""" self.points[:, 1] *= -1. self.elements = np.hstack([ self.elements[:, 0:1], self.elements[:, 2:3], self.elements[:, 1:2], ])
[docs] def make_mirror_model(self, nodes, elements, regions, loads, axis='y', tol=0.000001): """ Makes a full cart3d model about the given axis. Parameters ---------- nodes : (nnodes, 3) ndarray the nodes elements : (nelements, 3) ndarray the elmements regions : (nelements) ndarray the regions loads : dict[str] = (nnodes) ndarray not supported axis : str; {"x", "y", "z", "-x", "-y", "-z"} a string of the axis tol : float; default=0.000001 the tolerance for the centerline points """ raise NotImplementedError()'---starting make_mirror_model---') #assert tol >= 0, 'tol=%r' % tol # prevents hacks to the axis #nnodes = nodes.shape[0] #assert nnodes > 0, 'nnodes=%s' % nnodes #nelements = elements.shape[0] #assert nelements > 0, 'nelements=%s' % nelements #ax, ax0 = self._get_ax(axis, self.log) #if ax in [0, 1, 2]: # positive x, y, z values; mirror to -side #iy0 = np.where(nodes[:, ax] > tol)[0] #ax2 = ax #elif ax in [3, 4, 5]: # negative x, y, z values; mirror to +side #iy0 = np.where(nodes[:, ax-3] < -tol)[0] #ax2 = ax - 3 # we create ax2 in order to generalize the data updating #else: #raise NotImplementedError(axis) ## the nodes to be duplicated are the nodes that aren't below the tolerance #nodes_upper = nodes[iy0] #nodes_upper[:, ax2] *= -1.0 # flip the nodes about the axis #nodes2 = np.vstack([nodes, nodes_upper]) #nnodes2 = nodes2.shape[0] #assert nnodes2 > nnodes, 'nnodes2=%s nnodes=%s' % (nnodes2, nnodes) #nnodes_upper = nodes_upper.shape[0] #elements_upper = elements.copy() #nelements = elements.shape[0] ## remap the mirrored nodes with the new node ids #for eid in range(nelements): #element = elements_upper[eid, :] #for i, eidi in enumerate(element): #if eidi in iy0: #elements_upper[eid][i] = nnodes_upper + eidi ## we need to reverse the element in order to get ## the proper normal vector #elements_upper[eid] = elements_upper[eid, ::-1] #elements2 = np.vstack([elements, elements_upper]) #nelements2 = elements2.shape[0] #assert nelements2 > nelements, 'nelements2=%s nelements=%s' % (nelements2, nelements) #nregions = len(np.unique(regions)) #regions_upper = regions.copy() + nregions #regions2 = np.hstack([regions, regions_upper]) #loads2 = {} #for key, data in loads.items(): ## flip the sign on the flipping axis terms #if((key in ['U', 'rhoU'] and ax2 == 0) or #(key in ['V', 'rhoV'] and ax2 == 1) or #(key in ['W', 'rhoW'] and ax2 == 2)): #data_upper = -data[iy0] #else: #data_upper = data[iy0] #loads2[key] = np.hstack([data, data_upper])'---finished make_mirror_model---') #return (nodes2, elements2, regions2, loads2)
[docs] def make_half_model(self, axis: str='y', remap_nodes: bool=True): """ Makes a half model from a full model Notes ----- Cp is really loads['Cp'] and was meant for loads analysis only """ nodes = self.nodes elements = self.elements regions = self.regions loads = self.loads if loads is None: loads = {} nnodes = nodes.shape[0] assert nnodes > 0, 'nnodes=%s' % nnodes nelements = elements.shape[0] assert nelements > 0, 'nelements=%s' % nelements'---starting make_half_model---') ax, ax0 = _get_ax(axis, self.log) self.log.debug('find elements to remove') #print(f'axis={axis} ax={ax}') ynode = nodes[:, ax0] y1 = ynode[elements[:, 0]] y2 = ynode[elements[:, 1]] y3 = ynode[elements[:, 2]] if ax in [0, 1, 2]: # keep values > 0 ielements_save = np.where((y1 >= 0.0) & (y2 >= 0.0) & (y3 >= 0.0))[0] elif ax in [3, 4, 5]: # keep values < 0 ielements_save = np.where((y1 <= 0.0) & (y2 <= 0.0) & (y3 <= 0.0))[0] else: raise NotImplementedError('axis=%r ax=%s' % (axis, ax)) elements2 = elements[ielements_save, :] regions2 = regions[ielements_save] nelements2 = elements2.shape[0] assert 0 < nelements2 < nelements, 'nelements=%s nelements2=%s' % (nelements, nelements2) # location of nodes to keep inodes_save = np.unique(elements2.ravel()) #------------------------------------------ #checks #inodes_map = np.arange(len(inodes_save)) is_nodes = 0 < len(inodes_save) < nnodes if not is_nodes: msg = 'There are no nodes in the model; len(inodes_save)=%s nnodes=%s' % ( len(inodes_save), nnodes) raise RuntimeError(msg) nodes2 = nodes[inodes_save, :] nnodes2 = nodes2.shape[0] assert 0 < nnodes2 < nnodes, 'no nodes were removed; nnodes=%s nnodes2=%s' % (nnodes, nnodes2) #------------------------------------------ # renumbers mesh # node id renumbering emin0 = elements2.min() emax0 = elements2.max() # only renumber if we need to if emin0 > 0 or emax0 != nelements2: # we're making a 0-based node map of old -> new node_id nodes_map = {} for i, nid in enumerate(inodes_save): nodes_map[nid] = i # update the node ids for ielement in range(nelements2): element2 = elements2[ielement, :] elements2[ielement, :] = [nodes_map[nid] for nid in element2] assert len(elements2) > 0, elements2.shape min_e = elements2.min() assert min_e == 0, 'min(elements)=%s' % min_e #------------------------------------------ loads2 = {} # 'Cp', 'Mach', 'U', etc. for key, load in loads.items(): loads2[key] = load[inodes_save]'---finished make_half_model---') self.nodes = nodes2 self.elements = elements2 self.regions = regions2 self.loads = loads2 return (nodes2, elements2, regions2, loads2)
[docs] def keep_elements(self, ielements: np.ndarray, remove_associated_nodes: bool=True) -> np.ndarray: """keeps a set of elements from the model""" assert len(ielements) > 0, ielements self.log.debug(f'elements.shape = {self.elements.shape}') self.elements = self.elements[ielements, :] self.regions = self.regions[ielements] if remove_associated_nodes: used_nodes = np.unique(self.elements.ravel()) self.nodes = self.nodes[used_nodes, :] self.elements = np.searchsorted(used_nodes, self.elements) loads2 = {} for key, load in self.loads.items(): load2 = load[used_nodes] loads2[key] = load2 # in-place operation on loads for key, load in loads2.items(): self.loads[key] = load return self.elements
[docs] def remove_elements(self, ielements: np.ndarray, remove_associated_nodes: bool=True) -> np.ndarray: """removes a set of elements from the model""" assert ielements is not None, ielements assert len(ielements) > 0, ielements nelements = self.nelements iall_elements = np.arange(nelements) ielements_to_keep = np.setdiff1d(iall_elements, ielements) self.keep_elements(ielements_to_keep, remove_associated_nodes=remove_associated_nodes) return self.elements
[docs] def get_free_edges(self, elements): """ Cart3d must be a closed model with each edge shared by 2 elements The free edges indicate the problematic areas. Returns ------- free edges : (nedges, 2) int ndarray the free edge node ids """ edge_to_eid_map = defaultdict(list) for i, element in enumerate(elements): edge1 = tuple(sorted([element[0], element[1]])) edge2 = tuple(sorted([element[1], element[2]])) edge3 = tuple(sorted([element[2], element[0]])) edge_to_eid_map[edge1].append(i) edge_to_eid_map[edge2].append(i) edge_to_eid_map[edge3].append(i) free_edges = [] for edge, eids in sorted(edge_to_eid_map.items()): if len(eids) != 2: free_edges.append(edge) return np.array(free_edges, dtype='int32')
[docs] def read_cart3d(self, infilename, result_names=None): """extracts the points, elements, and Cp""" self.infilename = infilename"---reading cart3d...%r---" % self.infilename) if is_binary_file(infilename): endian = self._endian self._read_cart3d_binary(infilename, endian) else: self._read_cart3d_ascii(infilename, self._encoding, result_names=result_names) self.log.debug(f'npoints={self.npoints:d} nelements={self.nelements:d} nresults={self.nresults:d}') assert self.npoints > 0, f'npoints={self.npoints:d}' assert self.nelements > 0, f'nelements={self.nelements:d}'
[docs] def write_cart3d(self, outfilename, is_binary=False, float_fmt='%6.7f'): """ writes a cart3d file """ assert len(self.points) > 0, 'len(self.points)=%s' % len(self.points) if self.loads is None or self.loads == {}: #loads = {} is_loads = False else: is_loads = True'---writing cart3d...{outfilename!r}---') if is_binary: _write_cart3d_binary(outfilename, self.points, self.elements, self.regions, self.loads, self._endian) else: _write_cart3d_ascii(outfilename, self.points, self.elements, self.regions, self.loads, float_fmt)
def _read_results_ascii(self, i, infile, nresults, result_names=None): """ Reads the Cp results. Results are read on a nodal basis from the following table: Cp rho,rhoU,rhoV,rhoW,rhoE With the following definitions: Cp = (p - 1/gamma) / (0.5*M_inf*M_inf) rhoVel^2 = rhoU^2+rhoV^2+rhoW^2 M^2 = rhoVel^2/rho^2 Thus: p = (gamma-1)*(e- (rhoU**2+rhoV**2+rhoW**2)/(2.*rho)) p_dimensional = qInf * Cp + pInf # ??? rho,rhoU,rhoV,rhoW,rhoE Parameters ---------- result_names : list[str]; default=None (All) result_names = ['Cp', 'rho', 'rhoU', 'rhoV', 'rhoW', 'rhoE', 'Mach', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'E'] """ if nresults == 0: return #loads = {} if result_names is None: result_names = ['Cp', 'rho', 'rhoU', 'rhoV', 'rhoW', 'rhoE', 'Mach', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'E', 'a', 'T', 'Pressure', 'q'] self.log.debug('---starting read_results---') results = np.zeros((self.npoints, 6), dtype='float32') nresult_lines = int(ceil(nresults / 5.)) - 1 for ipoint in range(self.npoints): # rho rhoU,rhoV,rhoW,pressure/rhoE/E sline = infile.readline().strip().split() i += 1 for unused_n in range(nresult_lines): sline += infile.readline().strip().split() # Cp i += 1 #gamma = 1.4 #else: # p=0. sline = _get_list(sline) # Cp # rho rhoU rhoV rhoW E # 0.416594 # 1.095611 0.435676 0.003920 0.011579 0.856058 results[ipoint, :] = sline #p=0 #cp = sline[0] #rho = float(sline[1]) #if(rho > abs(0.000001)): #rhoU = float(sline[2]) #rhoV = float(sline[3]) #rhoW = float(sline[4]) #rhoE = float(sline[5]) #mach2 = (rhoU) ** 2 + (rhoV) ** 2 + (rhoW) ** 2 / rho ** 2 #mach = sqrt(mach2) #if mach > 10: #print("nid=%s Cp=%s mach=%s rho=%s rhoU=%s rhoV=%s rhoW=%s" % ( #pointNum, cp, mach, rho, rhoU, rhoV, rhoW)) #print("pt=%s i=%s Cp=%s p=%s" %(pointNum,i,sline[0],p)) del sline self.loads = self._calculate_results(result_names, results) def _calculate_results(self, result_names: list[str], results: np.ndarray, loads=None) -> dict[str, np.ndarray]: """ Takes the Cart3d variables and calculates additional variables Parameters ---------- result_names : list[str] the variables to calculate results : (n,6) float ndarray the non-dimensional primitive flow variables loads : dict; default=None -> {} key : str Cp, rho rhoU, rhoV, rhoW, rhoE value : (nnode,6) float np.ndarray the load array """ if loads is None: loads = {} Cp = results[:, 0] rho = results[:, 1] rho_u = results[:, 2] rho_v = results[:, 3] rho_w = results[:, 4] E = results[:, 5] ibad = np.where(rho <= 0.000001)[0] if len(ibad) > 0: if 'Mach' in result_names: Mach = np.sqrt(rho_u**2 + rho_v**2 + rho_w**2)# / rho Mach[ibad] = 0.0 if 'U' in result_names: U = rho_u / rho U[ibad] = 0.0 if 'U' in result_names: V = rho_v / rho V[ibad] = 0.0 if 'W' in result_names: W = rho_w / rho W[ibad] = 0.0 #if 'rhoE' in result_names: #rho_e = rhoE / rho #e[ibad] = 0.0 is_bad = True #n = 0 #for i in ibad: #print("nid=%s Cp=%s mach=%s rho=%s rhoU=%s rhoV=%s rhoW=%s" % ( #i, Cp[i], Mach[i], rho[i], rho_u[i], rho_v[i], rho_w[i])) #Mach[i] = 0.0 #n += 1 #if n > 10: # break else: is_bad = False #loc = locals() if 'Cp' in result_names: loads['Cp'] = Cp if 'rhoU' in result_names: loads['rhoU'] = rho_u if 'rhoV' in result_names: loads['rhoV'] = rho_v if 'rhoW' in result_names: loads['rhoW'] = rho_w #if 'rhoE' in result_names: #loads['rhoE'] = rho_e if 'rho' in result_names: loads['rho'] = rho if 'Mach' in result_names: if not is_bad: #Mach = np.sqrt(rho_u**2 + rho_v**2 + rho_w**2) / rho Mach = np.sqrt(rho_u**2 + rho_v**2 + rho_w**2) loads['Mach'] = Mach if 'U' in result_names: if not is_bad: U = rho_u / rho loads['U'] = U if 'V' in result_names: if not is_bad: V = rho_v / rho loads['V'] = V if 'W' in result_names: if not is_bad: W = rho_w / rho loads['W'] = W if 'E' in result_names: #if not is_bad: #E = rhoE / rho loads['E'] = E gamma = 1.4 qinf = 1.0 pinf = 1. / gamma Tinf = 1.0 #Cp = (p - pinf) / qinf p = Cp * qinf + pinf T = (Tinf * gamma) * p / rho q = 0.5 * rho * Mach ** 2 if 'a' in result_names: #print('T: min=%s max=%s' % (T.min(), T.max())) loads['a'] = np.sqrt(T) if 'T' in result_names: loads['T'] = T if 'Pressure' in result_names: loads['Pressure'] = p if 'q' in result_names: loads['q'] = q # dynamic pressure # speed of sound # total pressure = p0/rhoi*ainf**2 # total density # entropy # kinetic energy # enthalpy # energy, E # total energy # total enthalpy #i = where(Mach == max(Mach))[0][0]"i=%s Cp=%s rho=%s rho_u=%s rho_v=%s rho_w=%s Mach=%s" % ( #i, Cp[i], rho[i], rho_u[i], rho_v[i], rho_w[i], Mach[i])) self.log.debug('---finished read_results---') return loads
[docs] def get_area(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Gets the element area Returns ------- area : (nelement,) float ndarray the element areas """ ne = self.elements.shape[0] n = _get_area_vector(self.nodes, self.elements) ni = np.linalg.norm(n, axis=1) assert len(ni) == ne, 'len(ni)=%s ne=%s' % (len(ni), ne) return 0.5 * ni
[docs] def get_normals(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Gets the centroidal normals Returns ------- cnormals : (n, 3) ndarray normalized centroidal normal vectors """ ne = self.elements.shape[0] n = _get_area_vector(self.nodes, self.elements) ni = np.linalg.norm(n, axis=1) assert len(ni) == ne, 'len(ni)=%s ne=%s' % (len(ni), ne) assert ni.min() > 0.0, ni[np.where(ni <= 0.0)[0]] n /= ni[:, None] # normal vector return n
[docs] def get_area_centroid_normals(self): """ Gets the area, centroid, and centroidal normals Returns ------- area : (nelement,) float ndarray the element areas centroid : (nelement, 3) float ndarray centroid of the element cnormals : (nelement, 3) float ndarray normalized centroidal normal vectors """ area, centroid, normals = get_area_centroid_normals(self.nodes, self.elements) return area, centroid, normals
[docs] def get_normals_at_nodes(self, cnormals: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Gets the nodal normals Parameters ---------- cnormals : (nelement, 3) float ndarray normalized centroidal normal vectors Returns ------- nnormals : (nnode, 3) float ndarray normalized nodal normal vectors """ elements = self.elements #nodes = self.nodes nnodes = self.nnodes nid_to_eids = defaultdict(list) # find the elements to consider for each node for eid, element in enumerate(elements): n1, n2, n3 = element nid_to_eids[n1].append(eid) nid_to_eids[n2].append(eid) nid_to_eids[n3].append(eid) nnormals = np.zeros((nnodes, 3), dtype='float64') for nid in range(nnodes): eids = nid_to_eids[nid] if len(eids) == 0: raise RuntimeError('nid=%s is not used' % nid) #ni_avg = cnormals[eids, :] nnormals[nid] = cnormals[eids, :].sum(axis=0) ni = np.linalg.norm(nnormals, axis=1) assert ni.min() > 0, ni nnormals /= ni[:, None] # normal vector return nnormals
[docs] def read_cart3d(cart3d_filename, log=None, debug=False, result_names=None) -> Cart3D: """loads a Cart3D file""" model = Cart3D(log=log, debug=debug) model.read_cart3d(cart3d_filename, result_names) return model
[docs] def comp2tri(in_filenames, out_filename, is_binary=False, float_fmt='%6.7f', log=None, debug=False) -> Cart3D: """ Combines multiple Cart3d files (binary or ascii) into a single file. Parameters ---------- in_filenames : list[str] list of filenames out_filename : str output filename is_binary : bool; default=False is the output file binary float_fmt : str; default='%6.7f' the format string to use for ascii writing Notes ----- assumes loads is None """ points = [] elements = [] regions = [] npoints = 0 nregions = 0 model = Cart3D(log=log, debug=debug) for infilename in in_filenames: model.read_cart3d(infilename) npointsi = model.nodes.shape[0] nregionsi = len(np.unique(model.regions)) points.append(model.nodes) elements.append(model.elements + npoints) regions.append(model.regions + nregions) npoints += npointsi nregions += nregionsi points = np.vstack(points) elements = np.vstack(elements) regions = np.vstack(regions) model.points = points model.elements = elements model.regions = regions if out_filename: model.write_cart3d(out_filename, is_binary=is_binary, float_fmt=float_fmt) return model
[docs] def convert_to_float(svalues: list[str]) -> list[float]: """Takes a list of strings and converts them to floats.""" values = [] for value in svalues: values.append(float(value)) return values
def _get_list(sline: list[str]) -> list[float]: """Takes a list of strings and converts them to floats.""" try: sline2 = convert_to_float(sline) except ValueError: print("sline = %s" % sline) raise SyntaxError('cannot parse %s' % sline) return sline2
[docs] def get_average_load(load: dict[str, np.ndarray], elements: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Gets the area, centroid, and centroidal normals Returns ------- load : (nnode,) float ndarray the nodal load """ xyz1 = load[elements[:, 0]] xyz2 = load[elements[:, 1]] xyz3 = load[elements[:, 2]] avg = (xyz1 + xyz2 + xyz3) / 3. return avg
[docs] def get_area_centroid_normals(nodes: np.ndarray, elements: np.ndarray) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Gets the area, centroid, and centroidal normals Parameters ---------- nodes : (nnode,3) float ndarray the nodal load elements : (nelement,3) int ndarray the nodal load Returns ------- area : (nelement,) float ndarray the element areas centroid : (nelement, 3) float ndarray centroid of the element cnormals : (nelement, 3) float ndarray normalized centroidal normal vectors """ ne = elements.shape[0] assert ne > 0, elements.shape normal = _get_area_vector(nodes, elements) ni = np.linalg.norm(normal, axis=1) area = 0.5 * ni assert len(ni) == ne, 'len(ni)=%s ne=%s' % (len(ni), ne) assert ni.min() > 0.0, ni[np.where(ni <= 0.0)[0]] normal /= ni[:, None] # normal vector xyz1 = nodes[elements[:, 0], :] xyz2 = nodes[elements[:, 1], :] xyz3 = nodes[elements[:, 2], :] centroid = (xyz1 + xyz2 + xyz3) / 3. return area, centroid, normal
def _get_area_vector(nodes: np.ndarray, elements: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Gets the area vector (unnormalized normal vector) Parameters ---------- nodes : (nnode,3) float ndarray the nodal load elements : (nelement,3) int ndarray the nodal load Returns ------- normals : (nelement, 3) float ndarray unnormalized centroidal normal vectors """ p1 = nodes[elements[:, 0], :] p2 = nodes[elements[:, 1], :] p3 = nodes[elements[:, 2], :] ne = elements.shape[0] avec = p2 - p1 bvec = p3 - p1 n = np.cross(avec, bvec) assert len(n) == ne, 'len(n)=%s ne=%s' % (len(n), ne) return n def _get_ax(axis: Union[str, int], log: SimpleLogger) -> tuple[int, int]: """helper method to convert an axis_string into an integer""" if isinstance(axis, str): axis = axis.lower().strip() if axis in ['+x', 'x', 0]: ax = 0 elif axis in ['+y', 'y', 1]: ax = 1 elif axis in ['+z', 'z', 2]: ax = 2 elif axis in ['-x', 3]: ax = 3 elif axis == ['-y', 4]: ax = 4 elif axis == ['-z', 5]: ax = 5 else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError('axis=%r' % axis) log.debug("axis=%r ax=%s" % (axis, ax)) # shift ax to the actual column index in the nodes array ax0 = ax if ax in [0, 1, 2] else ax - 3 return ax, ax0