Source code for pyNastran.op2.result_objects.matrix

"""Defines the Matrix class"""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable, Union, Optional, Any, TYPE_CHECKING
from itertools import count
import scipy.sparse
#from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, csr_matrix  # type: ignore
import numpy as np

from pyNastran.utils.numpy_utils import integer_types
from import dtype_to_tin_tout_str
from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer import print_card_8, print_card_16, print_card_double
from pyNastran.op2.op2_interface.write_utils import export_to_hdf5
from pyNastran.utils import object_attributes, object_methods
sparse_types = (scipy.sparse.coo_matrix, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, scipy.sparse.csc_matrix)
if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from cpylog import SimpleLogger

[docs] class Matrix: """ Defines a Matrix object that's stored in: - op4.matrices - op2.matrices Attributes ---------- name : str the name of the matrix data : varies dense : np.ndarray sparse : coo_matrix data is generally initialized by setting the attribute externally is_matpool : bool is this a matpool matrix? A matpool has (grid, component) values similar to a DMIG. A non-matpool matrix is similar to a DMI. """ def __init__(self, name: str, form: Union[int, str], data: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix]]=None): """ Initializes a Matrix Parameters ---------- name : str the name of the matrix form : int the matrix type is_matpool : bool is this a matpool matrix? A matpool has (grid, component) values similar to a DMIG. A non-matpool matrix is similar to a DMI. +------+-----------------+ | Form | Meaning | +======+=================+ | 1 | Square | | 2 | Rectangular | | 6 | Symmetric | | 9 | Pseudo identity | +------+-----------------+ """ = name = data if isinstance(form, integer_types): pass else: form = form_to_int(form) self.form: int = form self.is_matpool = False # only exist for is_matpool = True; automatically set self.col_nid = None self.col_dof = None self.row_nid = None self.row_dof = None if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError(f'name={name!r} must be a string; type={type(name)}')
[docs] def set_matpool_data(self, data: np.ndarray, col_nid: np.ndarray, col_dof: np.ndarray, row_nid: np.ndarray, row_dof: np.ndarray) -> None: self.is_matpool = True = data self.col_nid = col_nid self.col_dof = col_nid self.row_nid = row_nid self.row_dof = row_dof
[docs] def symmetric_to_rectangular(self, log: SimpleLogger): """enforce symmetry if necessary""" if self.shape_str != 'symmetric': return if not isinstance(, sparse_types): return matrix = sparse_symmetric_to_rectangular(, log) = matrix # matrix is symmetric, but is not stored as symmetric self.matrix_shape = 'rectangular'
@property def shape_str(self) -> str: """gets the matrix description""" if self.form == 0: return 'N/A' if self.form == 1: return 'square' elif self.form == 2: return 'rectangular' elif self.form == 6: return 'symmetric' elif self.form == 9: return 'pseudo-identity' else: raise RuntimeError(f'form = {self.form!r}')
[docs] def export_to_hdf5(self, group, log) -> None: """exports the object to HDF5 format""" export_to_hdf5(self, group, log)
[docs] def build_dataframe(self): """exports the object to pandas format""" import pandas as pd matrix = if matrix is None: return if isinstance(matrix, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix): data = {'row': matrix.row, 'col': matrix.col, 'data' :} data_frame = pd.DataFrame(data=data).reindex(columns=['row', 'col', 'data']) elif isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray): data_frame = pd.DataFrame(data=matrix) else: raise NotImplementedError(type(matrix)) self.data_frame = data_frame
[docs] def write(self, mat, print_full: bool=True) -> None: """writes to the F06""" mat.write(np.compat.asbytes(str(self) + '\n')) matrix = if is None: skip_msg = f'skipping {!r} because data is None\n\n' mat.write(skip_msg.encode('ascii')) return if isinstance(matrix, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix): if print_full: for row, col, value in zip(matrix.row, matrix.col, mat.write(np.compat.asbytes("(%d, %d) %s\n" % (row, col, value))) else: mat.write(str(matrix)) else: mat.write(np.compat.asbytes('name=%r; shape=%s; form=%d; Type=%r\n' % (, str('L', ''), self.form, self.shape_str))) if print_full: np.savetxt(mat,, fmt='%.18e', delimiter=',') #f06.write(str(matrix)) #print('WARNING: matrix type=%s does not support writing' % type(matrix)) mat.write(np.compat.asbytes('\n\n'))
[docs] def object_attributes(self, mode: str='public', keys_to_skip=None, filter_properties: bool=False): if keys_to_skip is None: keys_to_skip = [] my_keys_to_skip = ['object_methods', 'object_attributes',] return object_attributes(self, mode=mode, keys_to_skip=keys_to_skip+my_keys_to_skip, filter_properties=filter_properties)
[docs] def object_methods(self, mode: str='public', keys_to_skip=None): if keys_to_skip is None: keys_to_skip = [] my_keys_to_skip = [] my_keys_to_skip = ['object_methods', 'object_attributes',] return object_methods(self, mode=mode, keys_to_skip=keys_to_skip+my_keys_to_skip)
def __repr__(self) -> str: header = f'Matrix[{!r}];' if is None: shape = 'data=None; ' class_name = '<NoneType>' dtype = '<NoneType>; ' else: class_name = str(type('<class ', '').replace('>', '').replace("'", '') + ';' shape = ' shape=%s;' % str('L', '') dtype = '%s;' % msg = '%-18s %-18s type=%-33s dtype=%-10s desc=%s' % ( header, shape, class_name, dtype, self.shape_str) return msg @property def dtype_str(self) -> str: assert isinstance(, (np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix)), type( return @property def GCi(self) -> np.ndarray: return self.GCi_GCj[0] @property def GCj(self) -> np.ndarray: return self.GCi_GCj[1] @property def GCi_GCj(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: if isinstance(, np.ndarray): # same for real/imaginary i, j = np.where( != 0.) elif isinstance(, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix): # same for real/imaginary i = j = else: raise TypeError( return i, j
[docs] def data_i_j(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: if isinstance(, np.ndarray): i, j = np.where( != 0.) data =[i, j] #real = data.real[i, j] #if is_complex: #imag = data.imag[i, j] elif isinstance(, scipy.sparse.coo_matrix): i = j = data = #real = data.real #if is_complex: #imag = data.imag elif isinstance(, sparse_types): coo = i = coo.row j = coo.col data = else: raise TypeError( assert len(data) == len(i) assert len(data) == len(j) return data, i, j
@property def Real(self) -> np.ndarray: return self.data_i_j()[0].real @property def Complex(self) -> np.ndarray: return self.data_i_j()[0].imag
[docs] def to_gcj_gci_form(self): """once in matrix form, we need to transform to GCj, GCi, Real/Complex form""" assert isinstance(self.col_nid, np.ndarray), self.col_nid assert isinstance(self.col_dof, np.ndarray), self.row_dof assert isinstance(self.row_nid, np.ndarray), self.col_nid assert isinstance(self.row_dof, np.ndarray), self.row_dof data = nrows, ncols = data.shape # fix columns to consider #is_real = self.dtype_str in {'float32', 'float64'} #sparse_csr = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix( #sparse_coo = sparse_csr.tocoo() # this should be the answer.... max_cols = (np.abs(data.real) + np.abs(data.imag)).max(axis=1) assert ncols == len(max_cols) jcols = np.where(max_cols > 0.)[0] GCj = [] ncol = len(jcols) col_nidj = self.col_nid[jcols] col_dofj = self.col_dof[jcols] GCj = np.vstack([col_nidj, col_dofj]).ravel(ncol, 2).T print(f'GCj = {GCj}') GCi_out = [] GCj_out = [] for j, gcj in zip(jcols, GCj): print(f'gcj = {gcj}') dataj =[:, j] abs_dataj = np.abs(dataj.real) + np.abs(dataj.imag) irows = np.where(abs_dataj > 0)[0] nrow = len(irows) row_nidi = self.row_nid[irows] row_dofi = self.row_dof[irows] GCi = np.vstack([row_nidi, row_dofi]).ravel(nrow, 2).T print(f'GCi = {GCi}') GCj_out.append([gcj] * nrow) GCi_out.append(GCi) GCi_out_array = np.array(GCi_out, dtype='int32') GCj_out_array = np.array(GCi_out, dtype='int32') return GCi_out_array, GCj_out_array
@property def tin(self) -> int: tin_str = dtype_to_tin_tout_str( tin_str_to_tin = { 'float32': 1, 'float64': 2, 'complex64': 3, 'complex128': 4, } tin = tin_str_to_tin[tin_str] return tin @property def is_real(self) -> bool: """ 1-Real, Single Precision 2=Real, Double Precision 3=Complex, Single 4=Complex, Double """ return self.tin in {1, 2} @property def is_complex(self) -> bool: return not self.is_real @property def is_sparse(self): return scipy.sparse.issparse( @property def is_dense(self): return not self.is_sparse
[docs] def to_sparse(self, sparse_type: str='coo') -> None: if isinstance(, np.ndarray): dtype = data_array, i, j = self.data_i_j() if sparse_type == 'coo': data = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix( (data_array, (i, j)), shape=self.shape, dtype=dtype, copy=False) elif sparse_type == 'csr': data = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix( (data_array, (i, j)), shape=self.shape, dtype=dtype, copy=False) elif sparse_type == 'csc': data = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix( (data_array, (i, j)), shape=self.shape, dtype=dtype, copy=False) else: raise ValueError(f'sparse_type={sparse_type!r}; supports=[coo, csr, csc]') = data elif isinstance(, sparse_types): = else: raise TypeError(
[docs] def to_dense(self) -> None: if isinstance(, np.ndarray): pass elif isinstance(, sparse_types): = else: raise TypeError(
@property def shape(self) -> tuple[int, int]: return
[docs] def write_dmi(self, size: int=8) -> str: """ DMI Notes: - Additional Forms: - 3 = Diagonal matrix (elements on the diagonal are stored in a column vector having m rows) - 4 = Lower triangular factor - 5 = Upper triangular factor - 8 = Identity matrix (m = number of rows, n = m) - The total number of DMIs and DTIs may not exceed 1000. - For symmetric matrices, the entire matrix must be input. - Form 7 matrices may not be defined on this entry. - Form 3 matrices are converted to Form 6 matrices, which may be used by any module. - The DMIG entry is more convenient for matrices with rows and columns that are referenced by grid or scalar point degrees-of-freedom. """ #if self.shape_str == 'symmetric': #raise ValueError('call symmetric_to_rectangular before writing a DMI') msg = '\n$' + '-' * 80 msg += '\n$ %s Matrix %s\n' % ('DMI', nrows, ncols = self.shape tin = self.tin tout = tin list_fields = ['DMI',, 0, self.form, tin, tout, None, nrows, ncols] msg += print_card_8(list_fields) func_small: Callable[list[Any]] = print_card_8 if size == 8 else print_card_16 func: Callable[list[Any]] = func_small if tin in {1, 3} else print_card_double if self.is_complex: msg += _dmi_get_complex_fields(self, func) else: msg += _dmi_get_real_fields(self, func) return msg
[docs] def sparse_symmetric_to_rectangular(matrix: sparse_types, log: SimpleLogger): # get the upper and lower triangular matrices upper_tri = scipy.sparse.triu(matrix) lower_tri = scipy.sparse.tril(matrix) # extracts a [1, 2, 3, ..., n] off the diagonal of the matrix # and make it a diagonal matrix diagi = scipy.sparse.diags(scipy.sparse.diagional(upper_tri)) # Check to see which triangle is populated. # If they both are, make sure they're equal # or average them and throw a warning lnnz = (lower_tri - diagi).nnz unnz = (upper_tri - diagi).nnz assert isinstance(lnnz, int), type(lnnz) assert isinstance(unnz, int), type(unnz) # both upper and lower triangle are populated if lnnz > 0 and unnz > 0: upper_tri_t = upper_tri.T if lower_tri == upper_tri_t: matrix = upper_tri + upper_tri_t - diagi else: log.warning( f'Matrix {!r} marked as symmetric does not contain ' 'symmetric data. Data will be symmetrized by averaging.') matrix = (matrix + matrix.T) / 2. elif lnnz > 0: # lower triangle is populated matrix = lower_tri + lower_tri.T - diagi elif unnz > 0: # upper triangle is populated matrix = upper_tri + upper_tri.T - diagi else: # matrix is diagonal (or null) matrix = diagi #data = matrix return matrix
[docs] def form_to_int(form: str) -> int: """gets the matrix description""" assert isinstance(form, str), form if form == 'N/A': return 0 if form == 'square': return 1 elif form == 'rectangular': return 2 elif form == 'symmetric': return 6 elif form == 'pseudo-identity': return 9 raise RuntimeError(f'form = {form!r}')
def _dmi_get_real_fields(dmi: Matrix, func: Callable[list[Any]]) -> str: """writes a real DMI""" msg = '' name = #nrows = dmi.nrows nrows = dmi.shape[0] real_array, GCi, GCj = dmi.data_i_j() uGCj = np.unique(GCj) for gcj in uGCj: i = np.where(gcj == GCj)[0] gcis = GCi[i] reals = real_array[i] list_fields = ['DMI', name, gcj] max_value = reals.max() if len(i) == (reals != 0).sum(): # dense list_fields.append(1) list_fields.extend(reals) msg += func(list_fields) continue if len(reals) == 1: list_fields.extend([1, max_value]) msg += func(list_fields) continue if max_value == reals.min(): #DMI WKK 1 1 1.0 THRU 112 list_fields.extend([1, max_value, 'THRU', nrows]) msg += func(list_fields) continue if len(i) == (reals != 0).sum(): # dense list_fields.append(1) list_fields.extend(reals) msg += func(list_fields) continue isort = np.argsort(gcis) # will always write the first one gci_last = -1 for gci, real in zip(gcis[isort], reals[isort]): if gci == gci_last + 1: pass else: list_fields.append(gci) list_fields.append(real) gci_last = gci msg += func(list_fields) return msg def _dmi_get_complex_fields(dmi: Matrix, func: Callable[list[Any]]) -> str: """writes a complex DMI""" msg = '' name = #nrows = dmi.nrows data, GCi, GCj = dmi.data_i_j() real_array = data.real imag_array = data.imag uGCj = np.unique(dmi.GCj) for gcj in uGCj: i = np.where(gcj == dmi.GCj)[0] gcis = dmi.GCi[i] reals = real_array[i] complexs = imag_array[i] isort = np.argsort(gcis) list_fields = ['DMI', name, gcj] #if reals.max() == 0. and reals.min() == 0. and complexs.max() == 0. and complexs.min() == 0.: #continue # will always write the first one gci_last = -10 #print('gcis=%s \nreals=%s \ncomplexs=%s' % ( #gcis[isort], reals[isort], complexs[isort])) if gcis.max() == gcis.min(): list_fields += [gcis[0]] for reali, complexi in zip(reals, complexs): list_fields.extend([reali, complexi]) msg += func(list_fields) else: #print(f'list_fields0 = {list_fields}') for i, gci, reali, complexi in zip(count(), gcis[isort], reals[isort], complexs[isort]): #print('B', gci, reali, complexi, gci_last) if gci != gci_last + 1 and i != 0: pass else: list_fields.append(gci) list_fields.append(reali) list_fields.append(complexi) gci_last = gci #print(f'list_fields = {list_fields}') msg += func(list_fields) return msg