Source code for pyNastran.op2.tables.oef_forces.oef

#pylint: disable=C0301,W0212,C0103,W0201
Defines the Real/Complex Forces created by:

NX Case Control  Block         Description
===============  ==========    ===========
FORCE            OEF1          Element forces or heat flux (linear elements only)
FORCE            OEF1X         Element forces (nonlinear elements only)
????             HOEF1         ???
FORCE            DOEF1         Scaled Response Spectra
MODCON           OEFMC         Modal contributions
FORCE            OEF1X         Element forces with intermediate (CBAR and CBEAM)
                               station forces and forces on nonlinear elements
FLUX             HOEF1         Element heat flux

from __future__ import annotations
from struct import Struct
from typing import Union, Any, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
from numpy import frombuffer, vstack, sin, cos, radians, array, hstack, zeros

from pyNastran.op2.op2_interface.function_codes import func1, func7
from pyNastran.op2.op2_interface.op2_reader import mapfmt
from pyNastran.op2.tables.utils import get_eid_dt_from_eid_device
from pyNastran.op2.op2_helper import polar_to_real_imag
from pyNastran.op2.op2_interface.utils import apply_mag_phase, reshape_bytes_block_strip
from pyNastran.op2.op2_interface.msc_tables import MSC_OEF_REAL_MAPPER, MSC_OEF_IMAG_MAPPER
from pyNastran.op2.op2_interface.nx_tables import NX_OEF_REAL_MAPPER, NX_OEF_IMAG_MAPPER
from pyNastran.op2.op2_interface.op2_codes import SORT1_TABLES_BYTES, TABLES_BYTES

from pyNastran.op2.tables.oef_forces.oef_thermal_objects import (
from pyNastran.op2.tables.oef_forces.oef_force_objects import (
    RealRodForceArray, RealViscForceArray,
    RealCBarForceArray, RealCBar100ForceArray,
    RealCFastForceArrayNX, RealCWeldForceArray,
    RealCFastForceArrayMSC, RealCBushForceArray, RealCBearForceArray,
    RealSpringForceArray, RealDamperForceArray,
from pyNastran.op2.tables.oef_forces.oef_complex_force_objects import (
    ComplexCBarForceArray, ComplexCWeldForceArray, ComplexCWeldForceArrayMSC,
    ComplexCBushForceArray, ComplexCFastForceArrayMSC,
if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from pyNastran.op2.op2 import OP2

[docs] class OEF: """Defines OEFx table reading for element forces/heat flux""" def __init__(self, op2: OP2): self.op2 = op2 @property def size(self) -> int: return self.op2.size @property def factor(self) -> int: return self.op2.factor def _create_oes_object4(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.op2._create_oes_object4(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_oef_prefix_postfix(self): """ NX Case Control Block Description =============== ========== =========== NLSTRESS OESNLXR Nonlinear static stresses BOUTPUT OESNLBR Slideline stresses STRESS OESNLXD Nonlinear Transient Stresses STRESS OES1C/OSTR1C Ply stresses/strains STRESS OES1X Element stresses with intermediate (CBAR and CBEAM) station stresses and stresses on nonlinear elements STRESS OES/OESVM Element stresses (linear elements only) STRAIN OSTR1 Element strains STRESS/STRAIN DOES1/DOSTR1 Scaled Response Spectra MODCON OSTRMC Modal contributions """ op2 = self.op2 prefix = '' postfix = '' table_name_bytes = op2.table_name assert isinstance(table_name_bytes, bytes), table_name_bytes is_sort1 = table_name_bytes in SORT1_TABLES_BYTES assert table_name_bytes in TABLES_BYTES, table_name_bytes if table_name_bytes in [b'OEF1X', b'OEF1', b'OEF2']: if op2.thermal == 0: prefix = 'force.' elif op2.thermal == 1: prefix = 'thermal_load.' else: raise NotImplementedError(op2.code_information()) elif table_name_bytes in [b'HOEF1']: postfix = '_flux' #elif op2.table_name in ['OESNLXR']: #prefix = 'sideline_' #elif op2.table_name in ['OESNLXD', 'OESNL1X', 'OESNLXR']: #prefix = 'nonlinear_' #elif op2.table_name == 'OESNLBR': #prefix = 'sideline_' #elif op2.table_name == 'OESRT': #prefix = 'strength_ratio.' #elif op2.table_name in ['OESCP', 'OESTRCP']: #pass # TODO: update elif table_name_bytes in [b'OEFCRM1', b'OEFCRM2']: assert op2.table_code in [4, 504], op2.code_information() prefix = 'crm.' op2._op2_readers.reader_oes._set_as_random() elif table_name_bytes in [b'OEFPSD1', b'OEFPSD2']: assert op2.table_code in [4, 604], op2.code_information() op2._op2_readers.reader_oes._set_as_random() prefix = 'psd.' elif table_name_bytes in [b'OEFRMS1', b'OEFRMS2', b'OEFPK1']: assert op2.table_code in [4, 404, 804], op2.code_information() op2._op2_readers.reader_oes._set_as_random() is_sort1 = True op2._analysis_code_fmt = b'i' prefix = 'rms.' elif table_name_bytes in [b'OEFNO1', b'OEFNO2']: assert op2.table_code in [4, 904], op2.code_information() op2._op2_readers.reader_oes._set_as_random() op2.sort_method = 1 op2.data_code['nonlinear_factor'] = None op2._analysis_code_fmt = b'i' assert op2.sort_method == 1, op2.code_information() prefix = 'no.' elif table_name_bytes in [b'OEFATO1', b'OEFATO2']: assert op2.table_code in [4], op2.code_information() prefix = 'ato.' elif table_name_bytes in [b'RAFCONS']: prefix = 'RAFCONS.' elif table_name_bytes in [b'RAFEATC']: prefix = 'RAFEATC.' elif table_name_bytes in [b'DOEF1']: assert op2.table_code in [4], op2.code_information() prefix = shock_response_prefix(op2.thermal) elif table_name_bytes in [b'OEFIT']: assert op2.table_code in [25], op2.code_information() prefix = 'failure_indices.' #raise NotImplementedError(op2.code_information()) elif table_name_bytes in [b'OEFITSTN']: # composite failure indicies assert op2.table_code in [25], op2.code_information() prefix = 'failure_indices.' else: raise NotImplementedError('%r' % op2.table_name) op2.sort_bits.is_sort1 = is_sort1 # sort2 op2.sort_method = 1 if is_sort1 else 2 return prefix, postfix
def _oef_force_code(self): """ Gets the numwide codes for the element to determine if the real or complex result should be found. The format and sort codes do not always give the right answer... """ op2 = self.op2 if op2.is_nx: real_mapper = NX_OEF_REAL_MAPPER imag_mapper = NX_OEF_IMAG_MAPPER else: real_mapper = MSC_OEF_REAL_MAPPER imag_mapper = MSC_OEF_IMAG_MAPPER try: real = real_mapper[op2.element_type] except KeyError: real = None try: imag = imag_mapper[op2.element_type] except KeyError: imag = None return (real, imag) def _read_oef1_3(self, data: bytes, ndata: int): """Table 3 parser for OEF1 table""" op2 = self.op2 op2._analysis_code_fmt = b'i' op2._data_factor = 1 op2.words = [ 'aCode', 'tCode', 'element_type', 'isubcase', '???', '???', '???', '???', 'format_code', 'num_wide', 'o_code', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', 'Title', 'subtitle', 'label'] op2.parse_approach_code(data) #: element type op2.element_type = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'element_type', b'i', 3, False) # dynamic load set ID/random code #self.dLoadID = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'dLoadID', b'i', 8, False) #: format code op2.format_code = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'format_code', b'i', 9, False) #: number of words per entry in record #: .. note: is this needed for this table ??? op2.num_wide = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'num_wide', b'i', 10, False) #: undefined in DMAP... op2.o_code = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'o_code', b'i', 11, False) #: thermal flag; 1 for heat ransfer, 0 otherwise op2.thermal = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'thermal', b'i', 23, False) ## assuming tCode=1 if op2.analysis_code == 1: # statics op2.loadID = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'loadID', b'i', 5, False) # load set ID number op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['loadID']) op2.setNullNonlinearFactor() elif op2.analysis_code == 2: # normal modes/buckling (real eigenvalues) #: mode number op2.mode = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'mode', b'i', 5) #: eigenvalue op2.eign = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'eign', b'f', 6, False) op2.cycle = 0. op2._op2_readers.reader_oug.update_mode_cycle('cycle') op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['mode', 'eign', 'cycle']) # TODO: mode_cycle is not defined? #op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['mode', 'eign', 'mode_cycle']) elif op2.analysis_code == 3: # differential stiffness 0 #: load set ID number op2.loadID = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'loadID', b'i', 5) op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['loadID']) elif op2.analysis_code == 4: # differential stiffness 1 #: load set ID number op2.loadID = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'loadID', b'i', 5) op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['loadID']) elif op2.analysis_code == 5: # frequency self.freq = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'freq', b'f', 5) # frequency op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['freq']) elif op2.analysis_code == 6: # transient self.time = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'time', b'f', 5) # time step op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['time']) elif op2.analysis_code == 7: # pre-buckling #: load set ID number op2.loadID = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'loadID', b'i', 5) #op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names',['lsdvmn']) op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['loadID']) elif op2.analysis_code == 8: # post-buckling #: load set ID number op2.loadID = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'loadID', b'i', 5) #: real eigenvalue op2.eigr = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'eigr', b'f', 6, False) op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['loadID', 'eigr']) elif op2.analysis_code == 9: # complex eigenvalues #: mode number op2.mode = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'mode', b'i', 5) #: real eigenvalue op2.eigr = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'eigr', b'f', 6, False) #: imaginary eigenvalue op2.eigi = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'eigi', b'f', 7, False) op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['mode', 'eigr', 'eigi']) elif op2.analysis_code == 10: # nonlinear statics #: load step self.load_step = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'load_step', b'f', 5) op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['load_step']) elif op2.analysis_code == 11: # geometric nonlinear statics #: load set ID number op2.loadID = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'loadID', b'i', 5) op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['loadID']) else: msg = 'invalid analysis_code...analysis_code=%s' % str(op2.analysis_code) raise RuntimeError(msg) op2.fix_format_code() op2._parse_thermal_code() self._set_force_stress_element_name() if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' %-14s = %r\n' % ('element_name', op2.element_name)) op2.binary_debug.write(' %-14s = %r %s\n' % ('approach_code', op2.approach_code, op2.approach_code_str(op2.approach_code))) op2.binary_debug.write(' %-14s = %r\n' % ('tCode', op2.tCode)) op2.binary_debug.write(' %-14s = %r\n' % ('isubcase', op2.isubcase)) op2._read_title(data) if op2.element_type not in op2.element_mapper: msg = 'element_type = %s' % op2.element_type return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg) op2._write_debug_bits() assert op2.num_wide != 146, op2.code_information() #print('OEF-%s' % op2.element_name) #self._check_result_type() def _set_force_stress_element_name(self): """ Not all cards can have OES/OEF output, so if they do, we have in the wrong solver, specifically: - RBAR """ op2 = self.op2 try: op2.element_name = op2.element_mapper[op2.element_type] except KeyError: op2.log.error(op2.code_information()) raise if op2.element_type == 227 and op2.element_name == 'RBAR' and op2.is_msc: op2.to_nx(' because element_type=227 was found') op2.element_name = op2.element_mapper[op2.element_type] assert op2.element_name != '', op2.code_information() op2.data_code['element_name'] = op2.element_name def _read_oef2_3(self, data, unused_ndata): """Table 3 parser for OEF2 table""" op2 = self.op2 op2._data_factor = 1 op2.words = [ 'aCode', 'tCode', 'element_type', 'isubcase', '???', '???', '???', '???', 'format_code', 'num_wide', 'o_code', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', '???', 'Title', 'subtitle', 'label'] op2.parse_approach_code(data) # 3 op2.sort_method = 2 #: element type op2.element_type = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'element_type', b'i', 3, False) # dynamic load set ID/random code #self.dLoadID = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'dLoadID', b'i', 8, False) #: format code op2.format_code = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'format_code', b'i', 9, False) #: number of words per entry in record #: .. note: is this needed for this table ??? op2.num_wide = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'num_wide', b'i', 10, False) #: undefined in DMAP... op2.o_code = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'o_code', b'i', 11, False) #: thermal flag; 1 for heat ransfer, 0 otherwise op2.thermal = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'thermal', b'i', 23, False) op2.element_id = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'element_id', b'i', 5, fix_device_code=True) op2._element_id = op2.add_data_parameter(data, '_element_id', b'f', 5, apply_nonlinear_factor=False, add_to_dict=True) if op2.analysis_code == 1: # static...because reasons. op2._analysis_code_fmt = b'f' op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['element_id']) #op2.apply_data_code_value('analysis_method', 'static') elif op2.analysis_code == 2: # real eigenvalues op2._analysis_code_fmt = b'i' op2.eign = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'eign', b'f', 6, False) op2.mode_cycle = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'mode_cycle', b'i', 7, False) # mode or cycle .. todo:: confused on the type - F1??? op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['element_id', 'eign', 'mode_cycle']) elif op2.analysis_code == 5: # frequency op2._analysis_code_fmt = b'f' op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['element_id']) op2.apply_data_code_value('analysis_method', 'freq') elif op2.analysis_code == 6: # transient op2._analysis_code_fmt = b'f' op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['element_id']) op2.apply_data_code_value('analysis_method', 'time') elif op2.analysis_code == 7: # pre-buckling op2._analysis_code_fmt = b'i' op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['element_id']) op2.apply_data_code_value('analysis_method', 'lsdvmn') elif op2.analysis_code == 8: # post-buckling op2._analysis_code_fmt = b'f' op2.eigr = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'eigr', b'f', 6, False) op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['element_id', 'eigr']) op2.apply_data_code_value('analysis_method', 'eigr') elif op2.analysis_code == 9: # complex eigenvalues # mode number op2._analysis_code_fmt = b'i' op2.eigr = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'eigr', b'f', 6, False) op2.eigi = op2.add_data_parameter(data, 'eigi', b'f', 7, False) op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['element_id', 'eigr', 'eigi']) op2.apply_data_code_value('analysis_method', 'mode') elif op2.analysis_code == 10: # nonlinear statics # load step op2._analysis_code_fmt = b'f' op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['element_id']) op2.apply_data_code_value('analysis_method', 'lftsfq') elif op2.analysis_code == 11: # old geometric nonlinear statics # load set number op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['element_id']) elif op2.analysis_code == 12: # contran ? (may appear as aCode=6) --> straight from DMAP...grrr... op2.data_names = op2.apply_data_code_value('data_names', ['element_id']) else: msg = 'invalid analysis_code...analysis_code=%s' % op2.analysis_code raise RuntimeError(msg) op2.fix_format_code() op2._op2_readers.reader_oes._fix_oes_sort2(data) self._set_force_stress_element_name() #assert isinstance(op2.nonlinear_factor, int), op2.nonlinear_factor #self._check_result_type() def _read_oef1_4(self, data: bytes, ndata: int): """Table 4 parser for OEF1 table""" op2 = self.op2 if op2.thermal == 0: op2._setup_op2_subcase('FORCE') n = self._read_oef1_loads(data, ndata) elif op2.thermal == 1: n = self._read_oef1_thermal(data, ndata) elif op2.thermal in [2, 4, 8]: # 2=ABS, 4=SRSS, 8=NRL #C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\ms103.op2 # SRSS n = self._read_oef1_loads(data, ndata) else: n = op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, 'thermal=%s' % op2.thermal) return n def _read_oef2_4(self, data: bytes, ndata: int): op2 = self.op2 if op2.thermal == 0: # and op2.element_type not in [77]: op2._setup_op2_subcase('FORCE') n = self._read_oef1_loads(data, ndata) else: n = op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, 'thermal=%s' % op2.thermal) return n def _read_oef1_thermal(self, data: bytes, ndata: int): """Table 4 parser for OEF1 thermal table""" op2 = self.op2 if op2._results.is_not_saved('element_forces'): return ndata prefix, postfix = self.get_oef_prefix_postfix() n = 0 #thermal #is_magnitude_phase = op2.is_magnitude_phase() dt = op2.nonlinear_factor #flag = 'element_id' if op2.element_type in [1, 2, 3, 10, 34, 69]: # ROD,BEAM,TUBE,CONROD,BAR,BEND n, nelements, ntotal = self._thermal_1d_heat_flux(data, ndata, dt, prefix, postfix) if nelements is None: return n elif op2.element_type in [33, 53, 64, 74, 75, # CQUAD4, CTRIAX6, CQUAD8, CTRIA3, CTRIA6 39, 67, 68]: # TETRA, HEXA, PENTA n, nelements, ntotal = self._thermal_2d_3d_heat_flux(data, ndata, dt, prefix, postfix) elif op2.element_type in [107, 108, 109]: # CHBDYE, CHBDYG, CHBDYP n, nelements, ntotal = self._thermal_chbdy(data, ndata, dt, prefix, postfix) elif op2.element_type == 110: # CONV n, nelements, ntotal = self._thermal_conv(data, ndata, dt, prefix, postfix) elif op2.element_type in [145, 146, 147, # VUHEXA,VUPENTA,VUTETRA 189, 190, # VUQUAD,VUTRIA 191]: # VUBEAM # removed by msc/nx msg = f'{op2.element_name}-{op2.element_type} has been removed' return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg) else: msg = 'OEF sort1 thermal Type=%s num=%s' % (op2.element_name, op2.element_type) return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg) if nelements is None: return n assert op2.thermal == 1, op2.thermal assert ndata > 0, ndata try: assert nelements > 0, 'nelements=%r element_type=%s element_name=%r\n%s' % (nelements, op2.element_type, op2.element_name, op2.code_information()) except UnboundLocalError: raise UnboundLocalError('element_name=%r' % op2.element_name) #assert ndata % ntotal == 0, '%s n=%s nwide=%s len=%s ntotal=%s' % (op2.element_name, ndata % ntotal, ndata % op2.num_wide, ndata, ntotal) assert op2.num_wide * 4 == ntotal, 'numwide*4=%s ntotal=%s' % (op2.num_wide*4, ntotal) assert n > 0, 'n=%s element_type=%s element_name=%s numwide=%s' % ( n, op2.element_type, op2.element_name, op2.num_wide) return n def _thermal_1d_heat_flux(self, data, ndata, dt, prefix, postfix): """ 1-CROD 2-CBEAM 3-CTUBE 10-CONROD 34-CBAR 69-CBEND """ op2 = self.op2 n = 0 obj_vector_real = Real1DHeatFluxArray #if op2.element_type == 1: # CROD if op2.element_type == 1: result_name = prefix + 'crod_thermal_load' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 2: result_name = prefix + 'cbeam_thermal_load' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 3: result_name = prefix + 'ctube_thermal_load' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 10: result_name = prefix + 'conrod_thermal_load' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 34: result_name = prefix + 'cbar_thermal_load' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 69: result_name = prefix + 'cbend_thermal_load' + postfix else: raise NotImplementedError('element_type=%s element_name=%s' % ( op2.element_type, op2.element_name)) if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None op2._results._found_result(result_name) slot = op2.get_result(result_name) if op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == 9: # real ntotal = 36 nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, obj_vector_real) if auto_return: return nelements * op2.num_wide * 4, None, None obj = op2.obj #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write(' [cap, element1, element2, ..., cap]\n') #op2.binary_debug.write(' cap = %i # assume 1 cap when there could have been multiple\n' % ndata) #op2.binary_debug.write(' #elementi = [eid_device, axial, torque]\n') #op2.binary_debug.write(' nelements=%i; nnodes=1 # centroid\n' % nelements) if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * 4 * op2.num_wide itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 9) obj._times[obj.itime] = dt strings = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2._uendian + 'S4').reshape(nelements, 9) s = array([s1+s2 for s1, s2 in zip(strings[:, 1], strings[:, 2])]) #print(s) #print('itime = ', obj.itime) #print('---------') if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 9) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids obj.element_data_type[itotal:itotal2] = s #obj.element_type[obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = strings[:, 3:] #[etype, xgrad, ygrad, zgrad, xflux, yflux, zflux][obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = floats[:, 3:].copy() obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: if op2.size == 4: s = Struct(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'8s6f') else: s = Struct(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'16s6d') add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) (eid_device, etype, xgrad, ygrad, zgrad, xflux, yflux, zflux) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) add_sort_x(dt, eid, etype, xgrad, ygrad, zgrad, xflux, yflux, zflux) n += ntotal else: # pragma: no cover msg = op2.code_information() return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None return n, nelements, ntotal def _thermal_2d_3d_heat_flux(self, data, ndata, dt, prefix, postfix): """ 33-QUAD4-centroidal 53-TRIAX6 64-QUAD8 74-TRIA3 75-TRIA6 39-TETRA 67-HEXA 68-PENTA """ op2 = self.op2 n = 0 if op2.element_type == 33: result_name = prefix + 'cquad4_thermal_load' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 53: result_name = prefix + 'ctriax6_thermal_load' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 64: result_name = prefix + 'cquad8_thermal_load' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 74: result_name = prefix + 'ctria3_thermal_load' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 75: result_name = prefix + 'ctria6_thermal_load' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 39: result_name = prefix + 'ctetra_thermal_load' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 67: result_name = prefix + 'chexa_thermal_load' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 68: result_name = prefix + 'cpenta_thermal_load' + postfix else: raise NotImplementedError('element_type=%s element_name=%s' % ( op2.element_type, op2.element_name)) if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None obj_vector_real = RealHeatFlux_2D_3DArray #if op2.element_type == 1: # CROD #result_name = 'thermalLoad_2D_3D' if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None op2._results._found_result(result_name) slot = op2.get_result(result_name) if op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == 9: # real - 2D # [33, 53, 64, 74, 75] ntotal = 4 * op2.num_wide * self.factor ntotal = 36 * self.factor nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, obj_vector_real) if auto_return: return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write(' [cap, element1, element2, ..., cap]\n') #op2.binary_debug.write(' cap = %i # assume 1 cap when there could have been multiple\n' % ndata) #op2.binary_debug.write(' #elementi = [eid_device, axial, torque]\n') #op2.binary_debug.write(' nelements=%i; nnodes=1 # centroid\n' % nelements) if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * ntotal itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 9) obj._times[obj.itime] = dt #if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 9) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids strings = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2._uendian + 'S4').reshape(nelements, 9) obj.element_data_type[itotal:itotal2] = array([s1+s2 for s1, s2 in zip(strings[:, 1], strings[:, 2])]) #[etype, xgrad, ygrad, zgrad, xflux, yflux, zflux][obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = floats[:, 3:].copy() obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: # no zed on this element for some reason... if self.size == 4: fmt = op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'8s 6f' else: fmt = op2._endian + mapfmt(op2._analysis_code_fmt, self.size) + b'16s 6d' s = Struct(fmt) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] n += ntotal out = s.unpack(edata) (eid_device, etype, xgrad, ygrad, zgrad, xflux, yflux, zflux) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) add_sort_x(dt, eid, etype, xgrad, ygrad, zgrad, xflux, yflux, zflux) elif op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == 10: # real - 3D # [39, 67, 68]: # HEXA,PENTA ntotal = 40 * self.factor nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, obj_vector_real) if auto_return: return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj assert nelements > 0, 'ndata=%s ntotal=%s' % (ndata, ntotal) if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * ntotal itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 10) obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 10) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids strings = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2._uendian + 'S4').reshape(nelements, 10) obj.element_data_type[itotal:itotal2] = array([s1+s2 for s1, s2 in zip(strings[:, 1], strings[:, 2])]) #[etype, xgrad, ygrad, zgrad, xflux, yflux, zflux, zed][obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = floats[:, 3:-1].copy() obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: s = Struct(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'8s6fi') add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] n += ntotal out = s.unpack(edata) (eid_device, etype, xgrad, ygrad, zgrad, xflux, yflux, zflux, unused_zed) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) add_sort_x(dt, eid, etype, xgrad, ygrad, zgrad, xflux, yflux, zflux) else: raise RuntimeError(op2.code_information()) return n, nelements, ntotal def _thermal_chbdy(self, data, ndata, dt, prefix, postfix): """ 107-CHBDYE 108-CHBDYG 109-CHBDYP """ op2 = self.op2 n = 0 #if op2.table_name in ['OEF1X']: if op2.element_type == 107: result_name = prefix + 'chbdye_thermal_load' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 108: result_name = prefix + 'chbdyg_thermal_load' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 109: result_name = prefix + 'chbdyp_thermal_load' + postfix else: raise NotImplementedError('element_type=%s element_name=%s' % ( op2.element_type, op2.element_name)) if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None #elif op2.table_name in ['HOEF1']: #if op2.element_type == 107: #result_name = 'chbdye_thermal_flux' #elif op2.element_type == 108: #result_name = 'chbdyg_thermal_flux' #elif op2.element_type == 109: #result_name = 'chbdyp_thermal_flux' #else: #raise NotImplementedError('element_type=%s element_name=%s' % ( #op2.element_type, op2.element_name)) #else: #raise NotImplementedError(msg) if op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == 8: # real #result_name = 'thermalLoad_CHBDY' if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None op2._results._found_result(result_name) slot = op2.get_result(result_name) if op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == 8: # real obj_vector_real = RealChbdyHeatFluxArray ntotal = 32 nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, obj_vector_real) if auto_return: return nelements * op2.num_wide * 4, None, None obj = op2.obj #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write(' [cap, element1, element2, ..., cap]\n') #op2.binary_debug.write(' cap = %i # assume 1 cap when there could have been multiple\n' % ndata) #op2.binary_debug.write(' #elementi = [eid_device, etype, fapplied, free_conv, force_conv, frad, ftotal]\n') #op2.binary_debug.write(' nelements=%i; nnodes=1 # centroid\n' % nelements) if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * 4 * op2.num_wide itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 8) obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 8) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids #obj.element_type[obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = strings[:, 3:] #[fapplied, free_conv, force_conv, frad, ftotal][obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = floats[:, 3:].copy() obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: s1 = Struct(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'8s5f') add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+32] n += ntotal out = s1.unpack(edata) (eid_device, etype, fapplied, free_conv, force_conv, frad, ftotal) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' %s -> [%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s]\n' % (eid, eid_device, etype, fapplied, free_conv, force_conv, frad, ftotal)) add_sort_x(dt, eid, etype, fapplied, free_conv, force_conv, frad, ftotal) else: # pragma: no cover msg = op2.code_information() return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None return n, nelements, ntotal def _thermal_conv(self, data, ndata, dt, prefix, postfix): op2 = self.op2 n = 0 # 110-CONV result_name = prefix + 'conv_thermal_load' + postfix if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None op2._results._found_result(result_name) slot = op2.get_result(result_name) if op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == 4: ntotal = 16 nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, RealConvHeatFluxArray) if auto_return: return nelements * op2.num_wide * 4, None, None obj = op2.obj #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write(' [cap, element1, element2, ..., cap]\n') #op2.binary_debug.write(' cap = %i # assume 1 cap when there could have been multiple\n' % ndata) #op2.binary_debug.write(' #elementi = [eid_device, etype, fapplied, free_conv, force_conv, frad, ftotal]\n') #op2.binary_debug.write(' nelements=%i; nnodes=1 # centroid\n' % nelements) if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * 4 * op2.num_wide ielement = obj.ielement ielement2 = ielement + nelements floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 4).copy() obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 4).copy() eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 nids = ints[:, 2] assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() assert nids.min() >= 0, nids.min() obj.element_node[ielement:ielement2, 0] = eids obj.element_node[ielement:ielement2, 1] = nids #[eid, free_conv, cntl_node, free_conv_k][obj.itime, ielement:ielement2, :] = floats[:, [1, 3]] obj.itotal = ielement2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: s1 = Struct(op2._endian + mapfmt(op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'fif', op2.size)) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+16] n += 16 out = s1.unpack(edata) (eid_device, free_conv, cntl_node, free_conv_k) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) assert cntl_node >= 0, cntl_node add_sort_x(dt, eid, cntl_node, free_conv, free_conv_k) else: # pragma: no cover msg = op2.code_information() return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None return n, nelements, ntotal def _print_obj_name_on_crash(func): """ Decorator debugging function to print the object name and an needed parameters """ def new_func(self, data): """ The actual function exec'd by the decorated function. """ try: n = func(self, data) except Exception: raise #print("----------") #try: #print(op2.obj) #except Exception: #print("error printing %r" % op2.obj.__class__.__name__) #print(op2.data_code) #if op2.obj is not None: ##from pyNastran.utils import object_attributes ##print object_attributes(op2.obj) #print(op2.obj.data_code) #print("----------") #raise return n return new_func def _read_oef1_loads_nasa95(self, data: bytes, ndata: int): """Reads the OEF1 table for NASA 95 Nastran""" op2 = self.op2 if op2._results.is_not_saved('element_forces'): return ndata prefix, postfix = self.get_oef_prefix_postfix() _sort_method = func1(op2.tCode) result_type = op2.result_type # func7(op2.tCode) #print('prefix=%r postfix=%s element_name=%s' % (prefix, postfix, op2.element_name)) (num_wide_real, num_wide_imag) = self._oef_force_code() if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' num_wide_real = %r\n' % num_wide_real) op2.binary_debug.write(' num_wide_imag = %r\n' % num_wide_imag) n = 0 is_magnitude_phase = op2.is_magnitude_phase() dt = op2.nonlinear_factor if op2.element_type in [1, 3, 10]: # rods n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_crod(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif op2.element_type == 2: # cbeam #2-CBEAM n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_cbeam(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif op2.element_type in [11, 12, 13, 14, # springs 20, 21, 22, 23]: # dampers # 11-CELAS1 # 12-CELAS2 # 13-CELAS3 # 14-CELAS4 # 20-CDAMP1 # 21-CDAMP2 # 22-CDAMP3 # 23-CDAMP4 n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_celas_cdamp(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif op2.element_type == 24: # CVISC n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_cvisc(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif op2.element_type == 34: # cbar # 34-CBAR n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_cbar_34(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif op2.element_type in [83]: # centroidal shells # 33-CQUAD4??? # 83-CTRIA3 n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_shells_centroidal(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif op2.element_type == 4: # cshear n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_cshear(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif op2.element_type == 35: # cconeax n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_cconeax(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) else: return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, op2.code_information()) if nelements is None: return n #assert op2.thermal == 0, op2.thermal assert ndata > 0, ndata assert nelements > 0, 'nelements=%r element_type=%s element_name=%r num_wide=%s' % ( nelements, op2.element_type, op2.element_name, op2.num_wide) #assert ndata % ntotal == 0, '%s n=%s nwide=%s len=%s ntotal=%s' % (op2.element_name, ndata % ntotal, ndata % op2.num_wide, ndata, ntotal) assert op2.num_wide * 4 == ntotal, 'numwide*4=%s ntotal=%s' % (op2.num_wide*4, ntotal) assert n > 0, n return n # @_print_obj_name_on_crash def _read_oef1_loads(self, data: bytes, ndata: int): """Reads the OEF1 table; stores the element forces/heat flux.""" op2 = self.op2 #self._apply_oef_ato_crm_psd_rms_no('') # TODO: just testing if op2._results.is_not_saved('element_forces'): return ndata prefix, postfix = self.get_oef_prefix_postfix() _sort_method = func1(op2.tCode) result_type = op2.result_type # func7(op2.tCode) #print('prefix=%r postfix=%s element_name=%s' % (prefix, postfix, op2.element_name)) unused_flag = 'element_id' (num_wide_real, num_wide_imag) = self._oef_force_code() if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(f' num_wide_real = {num_wide_real!r}\n') op2.binary_debug.write(f' num_wide_imag = {num_wide_imag!r}\n') n = 0 is_magnitude_phase = op2.is_magnitude_phase() dt = op2.nonlinear_factor element_type = op2.element_type if element_type in [1, 3, 10]: # rods n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_crod(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif element_type == 2: # cbeam #2-CBEAM n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_cbeam(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif element_type in [11, 12, 13, 14, # springs 20, 21, 22, 23]: # dampers # 11-CELAS1 # 12-CELAS2 # 13-CELAS3 # 14-CELAS4 # 20-CDAMP1 # 21-CDAMP2 # 22-CDAMP3 # 23-CDAMP4 n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_celas_cdamp(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif element_type == 24: # CVISC n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_cvisc(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif element_type == 34: # cbar # 34-CBAR n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_cbar_34(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif element_type == 100: # cbar #100-BARS n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_cbar_100(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif element_type in [33, 74]: # centroidal shells # 33-CQUAD4 # 74-CTRIA3 n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_shells_centroidal(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif op2.is_nx and element_type in [227, 228]: # centroidal shells # 227-CTRIAR? (C:\MSC.Software\simcenter_nastran_2019.2\tpl_post1\cqrdbx102.op2) # 228-CQUADR n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_shells_centroidal(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif element_type in [64, 70, 75, 82, 144]: # bilinear shells # 64-CQUAD8 # 70-CTRIAR # 75-CTRIA6 # 82-CQUADR # 144-CQUAD4-bilinear n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_shells_nodal(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif element_type in [95, 96, 97, 98]: # composites # 95 - CQUAD4 # 96 - CQUAD8 # 97 - CTRIA3 # 98 - CTRIA6 (composite) n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_shells_composite(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif op2.is_nx and element_type in [232, 233]: # composites # 232 - CQUADR # 233 - CTRIAR n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_shells_composite(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif element_type in [39, 67, 68]: # solids # 39-CTETRA # 67-CHEXA # 68-CPENTA if op2.read_mode == 1: return ndata #op2._results._found_result('solid_forces') raise RuntimeError(op2.code_information()) #if op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == 0: # real ##self.create_transient_object(result_name, self.solidForces, RealCSolidForce) #raise RuntimeError(op2.code_information()) #else: #msg = op2.code_information() #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg) elif element_type == 53: # ctriax6 # 53-CTRIAX6 op2._results._found_result('ctriax_force') #if op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == 0: # real #pass #self.create_transient_object(self.ctriax_force, RealCTriaxForce) # undefined #else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError(op2.code_information()) #msg = op2.code_information() #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg) #return ndata elif element_type == 4: # cshear n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_cshear(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif element_type == 35: # coneax n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_cconeax(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif element_type == 38: # cgap n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_cgap(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif element_type == 69: # cbend n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_cbend(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif element_type in [76, 77, 78, 79]: # 76-HEXPR # 77-PENPR # 78-TETPR # 79-CPYRAM n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_csolid_pressure(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif element_type in [102, 280]: # 102: cbush # 280: cbear n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_cbush(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif element_type in [145, 146, 147]: # 145-VUHEXA # 146-VUPENTA # 147-VUTETRA #if op2.read_mode == 1: #return ndata return ndata elif element_type == 126 and op2.is_msc: # 119-CFAST-MSC n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_cbush(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif element_type == 119 and op2.is_nx: # 119-CFAST-NX n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_cbar_34(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) elif element_type in [117, 200]: # 117-CWELDC # 200-CWELD n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_cbar_34(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) #elif element_type == 119 and op2.is_msc: #raise NotImplementedError(op2.code_information()) elif element_type == 235: # 235-CQUADR return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, op2.code_information()) elif element_type in [189, 190, # VUQUAD, VTRIA - order? 191]: # VUBEAM # removed from msc/nx #n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_vu_shell(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, #result_type, prefix, postfix) #n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_vu_beam(data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, #result_type, prefix, postfix) msg = f'{op2.element_name}-{element_type} has been removed' return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg) elif op2.is_nx: if element_type in [118, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 356, 357, 363]: # 118 CWELDP # 343 CTRIA6 SOL 401 #344 CQUAD8 SOL 401 #345 CTRIAR SOL 401 # 347 CBAR SOL 401 # 348 CBEAM SOL 401 #346 CQUADR SOL 401 # 349 CBUSH1D SOL 401 # 350 CELAS1 SOL 401 # 351 CELAS2 SOL 401 # 352 CBUSH SOL 401 #356 Composite quadrilateral shell element (CQUAD8); SOL 402? #357 Composite triangular shell element (CTRIAR); SOL 402? # 363 CROD SOL 402 return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, op2.code_information()) #print(op2.code_information()) #nx_missing return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, op2.code_information()) else: if element_type == 118: # 118-WELDP n, nelements, ntotal = self._oef_cbar_34( data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix) else: #print(op2.code_information()) #msc_missing return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, op2.code_information()) if nelements is None: return n if element_type != 2: # CBEAM-2: has a finalize step op2._op2_readers.reader_oes.check_element_ids() #assert op2.thermal == 0, op2.thermal assert ndata > 0, ndata assert nelements > 0, 'nelements=%r element_type=%s element_name=%r num_wide=%s' % ( nelements, op2.element_type, op2.element_name, op2.num_wide) #assert ndata % ntotal == 0, '%s n=%s nwide=%s len=%s ntotal=%s' % (op2.element_name, ndata % ntotal, ndata % op2.num_wide, ndata, ntotal) assert op2.num_wide * 4 * self.factor == ntotal, f'numwide*4={op2.num_wide*4} ntotal={ntotal}' assert n is not None and n > 0, op2.code_information() return n def _oef_crod(self, data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix): """ 1-CROD 3-CTUBE 10-CONROD """ op2 = self.op2 n = 0 obj_real = RealRodForceArray obj_complex = ComplexRodForceArray if op2.element_type == 1: # CROD result_name = prefix + 'crod_force' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 3: # CTUBE result_name = prefix + 'ctube_force' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 10: # CONROD result_name = prefix + 'conrod_force' + postfix else: raise NotImplementedError(op2.code_information()) #msg = 'sort1 Type=%s num=%s' % (op2.element_name, op2.element_type) #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg) if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None op2._results._found_result(result_name) slot = op2.get_result(result_name) if op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == 3: # real ntotal = 3 * 4 * self.factor nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, obj_real) if auto_return: return nelements * op2.num_wide * 4, None, None obj = op2.obj if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' [cap, element1, element2, ..., cap]\n') op2.binary_debug.write(' cap = %i # assume 1 cap when there could have been multiple\n' % ndata) op2.binary_debug.write(' #elementi = [eid_device, axial, torque]\n') op2.binary_debug.write(' nelements=%i; nnodes=1 # centroid\n' % nelements) if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * ntotal itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 3) obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 3) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids #[axial, torsion][obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = floats[:, 1:].copy() obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: n = oef_crod_real_3(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal) elif op2.format_code in [2, 3] and op2.num_wide == 5: # imag ntotal = 20 * self.factor # 5*4 nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, obj_complex) if auto_return: return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' [cap, element1, element2, ..., cap]\n') op2.binary_debug.write(' cap = %i # assume 1 cap when there could have been multiple\n' % ndata) op2.binary_debug.write(' #elementi = [eid_device, axial, torque]\n') op2.binary_debug.write(' nelements=%i; nnodes=1 # centroid\n' % nelements) if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * ntotal itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 5).copy() obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 5) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids #[axial_force, torque] #(eid_device, axial_real, torque_real, axial_imag, torque_imag) = out real_imag = apply_mag_phase(floats, is_magnitude_phase, [1, 2], [3, 4])[obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = real_imag obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: n = oef_crod_imag_5(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal, is_magnitude_phase) else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(op2.code_information()) #msg = op2.code_information() #print(msg) #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None return n, nelements, ntotal def _oef_cbeam(self, data: bytes, ndata: int, dt, is_magnitude_phase: bool, result_type: str, prefix: str, postfix: str) -> int: """2-CBEAM""" op2 = self.op2 n = 0 result_name = prefix + 'cbeam_force' + postfix if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None op2._results._found_result(result_name) #if op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == 9: # real centroid ??? #raise RuntimeError('is this used?') #auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( #nelements, result_name, slot, RealCBeamForceArray) #if auto_return: #return nelements * op2.num_wide * 4 #obj = op2.obj ##is_vectorized = False #if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: #n = nelements * 4 * op2.num_wide #itotal = obj.itotal #itotal2 = obj.itotal + nelements #ielement2 = obj.ielement + nelements #floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 9)[:, 1:] #obj._times[obj.itime] = dt #if obj.itime == 0: #ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 9) #eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 #assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() #assert 0 not in eids, eids #obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids #obj.element_node[itotal:itotal2, 0] = eids ##obj.element_node[itotal:itotal2, 1] = nids ##[sd, bm1, bm2, ts1, ts2, af, ttrq, wtrq][obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = floats.copy() #obj.itotal = itotal2 #obj.ielement = ielement2 #else: #s = Struct(op2._endian + b'i8f') # 36 #ntotal = 36 #nelements = ndata // ntotal #obj = op2.obj #for i in range(nelements): #edata = data[n:n+36] #out = s.unpack(edata) #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_Beam - %s\n' % (str(out))) #(eid_device, sd, bm1, bm2, ts1, ts2, af, ttrq, wtrq) = out #eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( #eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) #n += 36 if result_type in [0, 2] and op2.num_wide == 100: # real/random if op2.sort_method == 2: msg = op2.code_information() if op2.read_mode == 2: return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None return ndata, None, None # real - format_code == 1 # random - format_code == 2 #result_name, is_random = self._apply_oef_ato_crm_psd_rms_no(result_name) slot = op2.get_result(result_name) ntotal = 400 * self.factor # 1+(10-1)*11=100 ->100*4 = 400 nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, RealCBeamForceArray) if auto_return: op2._data_factor = 11 return nelements * op2.num_wide * 4, None, None obj = op2.obj if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * ntotal itotal = obj.itotal itotal2 = obj.itotal + nelements * 11 #ielement = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.ielement + nelements floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 100)[:, 1:] obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 100) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() assert 0 not in eids, eids eids2 = np.repeat(eids, 11) ints2 = ints[:, 1:].reshape(nelements * 11, 9) nids = ints2[:, 0] obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids2 obj.element_node[itotal:itotal2, 0] = eids2 obj.element_node[itotal:itotal2, 1] = nids #[nid, sd, bm1, bm2, ts1, ts2, af, ttrq, wtrq] floats2 = floats.reshape(nelements * 11, 9)[:, 1:].copy() #sd = floats2[:, 0][obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = sd[obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = floats2 obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: n = oef_cbeam_real_100(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal, dt) elif result_type == 1 and op2.num_wide == 177: # imag slot = op2.get_result(result_name) ntotal = 708 * self.factor # 177*4 nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, ComplexCBeamForceArray) if auto_return: op2._data_factor = 11 return nelements * op2.num_wide * 4, None, None obj = op2.obj if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * ntotal itotal = obj.itotal itotal2 = obj.itotal + nelements * 11 #ielement = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.ielement + nelements floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 177)[:, 1:] obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 177) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() assert 0 not in eids, eids eids2 = np.repeat(eids, 11) ints2 = ints[:, 1:].reshape(nelements * 11, 16) nids = ints2[:, 0].copy() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids2 obj.element_node[itotal:itotal2, 0] = eids2 obj.element_node[itotal:itotal2, 1] = nids #[nid, sd, bm1r, bm2r, ts1r, ts2r, afr, ttrqr, wtrqr, # bm1i, bm2i, ts1i, ts2i, afi, ttrqi, wtrqi] floats2 = floats.reshape(nelements * 11, 16)[:, 1:].copy() isave1 = slice(1, 8) isave2 = slice(8, None) real_imag = apply_mag_phase(floats2, is_magnitude_phase, isave1, isave2) sd = floats2[:, 0][obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, 0] = sd[obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, 1:] = real_imag obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' [cap, element1, element2, ..., cap]\n') op2.binary_debug.write(' cap = %i # assume 1 cap when there could have been multiple\n' % ndata) #op2.binary_debug.write(' #elementi = [eid_device, force]\n') #op2.binary_debug.write(' nelements=%i; nnodes=1 # centroid\n' % nelements) ntotal = 708 * self.factor # (16*11+1)*4 = 177*4 nelements = ndata // ntotal n = oef_cbeam_imag_177(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal, is_magnitude_phase) else: raise RuntimeError(op2.code_information()) #msg = op2.code_information() #raise RuntimeError(msg) #print(msg) #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None return n, nelements, ntotal def _oef_celas_cdamp(self, data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix): """ 11-CELAS1 12-CELAS2 13-CELAS3 14-CELAS4 20-CDAMP1 21-CDAMP2 22-CDAMP3 23-CDAMP4 """ op2 = self.op2 n = 0 if op2.element_type == 11: result_name = prefix + 'celas1_force' + postfix obj_real = RealSpringForceArray obj_complex = ComplexSpringForceArray elif op2.element_type == 12: result_name = prefix + 'celas2_force' + postfix obj_real = RealSpringForceArray obj_complex = ComplexSpringForceArray elif op2.element_type == 13: result_name = prefix + 'celas3_force' + postfix obj_real = RealSpringForceArray obj_complex = ComplexSpringForceArray elif op2.element_type == 14: result_name = prefix + 'celas4_force' + postfix obj_real = RealSpringForceArray obj_complex = ComplexSpringForceArray elif op2.element_type == 20: result_name = prefix + 'cdamp1_force' + postfix obj_real = RealDamperForceArray obj_complex = ComplexDamperForceArray elif op2.element_type == 21: result_name = prefix + 'cdamp2_force' + postfix obj_real = RealDamperForceArray obj_complex = ComplexDamperForceArray elif op2.element_type == 22: result_name = prefix + 'cdamp3_force' + postfix obj_real = RealDamperForceArray obj_complex = ComplexDamperForceArray elif op2.element_type == 23: result_name = prefix + 'cdamp4_force' + postfix obj_real = RealDamperForceArray obj_complex = ComplexDamperForceArray else: raise NotImplementedError(op2.code_information()) if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None op2._results._found_result(result_name) slot = op2.get_result(result_name) if op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == 2: # real ntotal = 8 * self.factor # 2 * 4 nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, obj_real) if auto_return: return nelements * op2.num_wide * 4, None, None obj = op2.obj if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * ntotal itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 2) obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 2) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids #(eid_device, force)[obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, 0] = floats[:, 1].copy() obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: n = oef_celas_cdamp_real_2(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal, dt) elif op2.format_code in [2, 3] and op2.num_wide == 3: # imag ntotal = 12 * self.factor # 3*4 nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, obj_complex) if auto_return: return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' [cap, element1, element2, ..., cap]\n') op2.binary_debug.write(' cap = %i # assume 1 cap when there could have been multiple\n' % ndata) op2.binary_debug.write(' #elementi = [eid_device, force]\n') op2.binary_debug.write(' nelements=%i; nnodes=1 # centroid\n' % nelements) if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * ntotal itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 3).copy() obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 3) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids #[spring_force] real_imag = apply_mag_phase(floats, is_magnitude_phase, 1, 2)[obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, 0] = real_imag obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: n = oef_celas_cdamp_imag_3(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal, is_magnitude_phase) else: raise RuntimeError(op2.code_information()) #msg = 'OEF: element_name=%s element_type=%s' % (op2.element_name, op2.element_type) #msg = op2.code_information() #print(msg) #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None return n, nelements, ntotal def _oef_cvisc(self, data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix): op2 = self.op2 result_name = prefix + 'cvisc_force' + postfix if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None n = 0 op2._results._found_result(result_name) slot = op2.get_result(result_name) obj_real = RealViscForceArray if op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == 3: # real ntotal = 12 * self.factor # 3 * 4 nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, obj_real) if auto_return: return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * ntotal itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 3) obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 3) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids #(eid_device, axial, torque)[obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = floats[:, 1:].copy() obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: n = oef_cvisc_real_3(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal, dt) elif op2.format_code in [2, 3] and op2.num_wide == 5: # complex ntotal = 20 * self.factor # 5*4 nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, ComplexViscForceArray) if auto_return: return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' [cap, element1, element2, ..., cap]\n') op2.binary_debug.write(' cap = %i # assume 1 cap when there could have been multiple\n' % ndata) op2.binary_debug.write(' #elementi = [eid_device, axial, torque]\n') op2.binary_debug.write(' nelements=%i; nnodes=1 # centroid\n' % nelements) if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * ntotal itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 5).copy() obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 5) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids #[axial_force, torque] #(eid_device, axial_real, torque_real, axial_imag, torque_imag) = out real_imag = apply_mag_phase(floats, is_magnitude_phase, [1, 2], [3, 4])[obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = real_imag obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: n = oef_cvisc_imag_5(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal, is_magnitude_phase) else: raise RuntimeError(op2.code_information()) #msg = op2.code_information() #print(msg) #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None return n, nelements, ntotal def _oef_cbar_34(self, data: bytes, ndata: int, dt: Any, is_magnitude_phase: bool, result_type: str, prefix: str, postfix: str) -> tuple[int, int, int]: """ 34-CBAR 117-CWELDC 119-CFAST-NX (126-CFAST-MSC is like the CBUSH) 118-WELDP-MSC """ op2 = self.op2 n = 0 if op2.element_type == 34: result_name = prefix + 'cbar_force' + postfix obj_real = RealCBarForceArray obj_complex = ComplexCBarForceArray elif op2.element_type in [117, 200]: result_name = prefix + 'cweld_force' + postfix obj_real = RealCWeldForceArray obj_complex = ComplexCWeldForceArray assert op2.num_wide in [9, 17], op2.code_information() elif op2.element_type == 118: # WELDP result_name = prefix + 'cweld_force' + postfix obj_real = RealCWeldForceArrayMSC obj_complex = ComplexCWeldForceArrayMSC elif op2.element_type == 119: result_name = prefix + 'cfast_force' + postfix obj_real = RealCFastForceArrayNX assert op2.num_wide == 9, op2.code_information() else: raise NotImplementedError(op2.element_type) if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None op2._results._found_result(result_name) slot = op2.get_result(result_name) #print(result_type in [0, 2], op2.num_wide == 9) #print(result_type == 1, op2.num_wide == 17) if result_type in [0, 2] and op2.num_wide == 9: # real/random # real - format_code == 1 # random - format_code == 3 #result_name, is_random = self._apply_oef_ato_crm_psd_rms_no(result_name) slot = op2.get_result(result_name) ntotal = 36 * self.factor # 9*4 nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, obj_real) if auto_return: return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj #return nelements * op2.num_wide * 4 if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * ntotal itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 9) obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 9) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids #[bm1a, bm2a, bm1b, bm2b, ts1, ts2, af, trq][obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = floats[:, 1:].copy() obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 # elif op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: else: n = oef_cbar_real_9(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal) elif result_type == 1 and op2.num_wide == 17: # imag # TODO: vectorize ntotal = 68 * self.factor # 17*4 nelements = ndata // ntotal assert ndata % ntotal == 0 auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, obj_complex) if auto_return: return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj n = oef_cbar_imag_17(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal, is_magnitude_phase) else: raise RuntimeError(op2.code_information()) #print(op2.table_name) #msg = op2.code_information() #print(msg) #print(result_type) #raise NotImplementedError(op2.code_information()) #aaa #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None #print self.barForces return n, nelements, ntotal def _oef_cbar_100(self, data, ndata, dt, unused_is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix): op2 = self.op2 n = 0 #100-BARS result_name = prefix + 'cbar_force' + postfix # _10nodes if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None op2._results._found_result(result_name) slot = op2.get_result(result_name) if op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == 8: # real ntotal = 32 * self.factor # 8*4 nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, RealCBar100ForceArray) if auto_return: return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * ntotal itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 8) obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 8) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids #[axial, torsion, SMa, SMt][obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = floats[:, 1:].copy() obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: n = oef_cbar_100_real_8(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal) #elif op2.format_code in [2, 3] and op2.num_wide == 14: # imag else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(op2.code_information()) #msg = op2.code_information() #print(msg) #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg) return n, nelements, ntotal def _oef_shells_centroidal(self, data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix): """ 33-CQUAD4 74-CTRIA3 227-CTRIAR 228-CQUADR """ op2 = self.op2 assert op2.element_name != 'RBAR', op2.code_information() n = 0 if op2.element_type == 33: result_name = prefix + 'cquad4_force' + postfix elif op2.element_type in [74, 83]: result_name = prefix + 'ctria3_force' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 227: result_name = prefix + 'ctriar_force' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 228: result_name = prefix + 'cquadr_force' + postfix else: #msg = 'sort1 Type=%s num=%s' % (op2.element_name, op2.element_type) #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg) raise NotImplementedError(op2.code_information()) #result_name, is_random = self._apply_oef_ato_crm_psd_rms_no(result_name) if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None op2._results._found_result(result_name) slot = op2.get_result(result_name) assert op2._data_factor == 1, op2._data_factor if op2.format_code in [1, 2] and op2.num_wide == 9: # real - format_code == 1 # random - format_code == 2 ntotal = 36 * self.factor # 9*4 nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, RealPlateForceArray) if auto_return: return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * ntotal ielement = obj.ielement ielement2 = ielement + nelements floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 9) obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 9) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[ielement:ielement2] = eids #[mx, my, mxy, bmx, bmy, bmxy, tx, ty][obj.itime, ielement:ielement2, :] = floats[:, 1:].copy() obj.itotal = ielement2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: n = oef_cquad4_33_real_9(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal) elif op2.format_code in [2, 3] and op2.num_wide == 17: # imag ntotal = 68 * self.factor nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, ComplexPlateForceArray) if auto_return: return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * ntotal ielement = obj.ielement ielement2 = ielement + nelements itotal = obj.itotal itotal2 = itotal + nelements floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 17).copy() obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 17) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids #[mx, my, mxy, bmx, bmy, bmxy, tx, ty] isave1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] isave2 = [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16] real_imag = apply_mag_phase(floats, is_magnitude_phase, isave1, isave2)[obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = real_imag obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: n = oef_cquad4_33_imag_17(op2, data, ndata, obj, nelements, ntotal, is_magnitude_phase) else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(op2.code_information()) #msg = op2.code_information() #print(msg) #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None return n, nelements, ntotal def _oef_shells_nodal(self, data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix): """ 64-CQUAD8 70-CTRIAR 75-CTRIA6 82-CQUADR 144-CQUAD4-bilinear """ op2 = self.op2 n = 0 if op2.element_type == 64: result_name = prefix + 'cquad8_force' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 70: result_name = prefix + 'ctriar_force' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 75: result_name = prefix + 'ctria6_force' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 82: result_name = prefix + 'cquadr_force' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 144: result_name = prefix + 'cquad4_force' + postfix else: raise NotImplementedError(op2.code_information()) #msg = op2.code_information() #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg) if op2.element_type in [70, 75]: # CTRIAR,CTRIA6 nnodes = 3 elif op2.element_type in [64, 82, 144]: # CQUAD8,CQUADR,CQUAD4-bilinear nnodes = 4 else: raise NotImplementedError(op2.code_information()) #msg = 'name=%r type=%r' % (op2.element_name, op2.element_type) #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None op2._results._found_result(result_name) slot = op2.get_result(result_name) nnodes_all = nnodes + 1 numwide_real = 2 + nnodes_all * 9 # centroidal node is the + 1 numwide_imag = 2 + nnodes_all * 17 if op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == numwide_real: # real obj_real = RealPlateBilinearForceArray ntotal = (8 + nnodes_all * 36) * self.factor # centroidal node is the + 1 assert ntotal == op2.num_wide * 4 * self.factor, 'ntotal=%s numwide=%s' % (ntotal, op2.num_wide * 4) nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, obj_real) if auto_return: op2._data_factor = nnodes_all return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: nlayers = nelements * nnodes_all n = nelements * op2.num_wide * 4 istart = obj.itotal iend = istart + nlayers obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, numwide_real).copy() # Nastran makes this a 4 for CQUAD4s instead # of 0 like the bilinear stress element... ints[:, 2] = 0 nids = ints[:, 2:].reshape(nlayers, 9)[:, 0] eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 eids2 = vstack([eids] * nnodes_all).T.ravel() obj.element_node[istart:iend, 0] = eids2 obj.element_node[istart:iend, 1] = nids floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, numwide_real) results = floats[:, 2:].reshape(nlayers, 9)[:, 1:].copy() #[mx, my, mxy, bmx, bmy, bmxy, tx, ty][obj.itime, istart:iend, :] = results else: n = oef_cquad4_144_real_9(op2, data, obj, nelements, nnodes) elif op2.format_code in [2, 3] and op2.num_wide == numwide_imag: # complex ntotal = numwide_imag * 4 * self.factor nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, ComplexPlate2ForceArray) if auto_return: op2._data_factor = nnodes_all return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * ntotal itotal = obj.itotal ielement = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.ielement + nelements itotal2 = obj.itotal + nelements * nnodes_all floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, numwide_imag) obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, numwide_imag).copy() ints[:, 2] = 0 ints2 = ints[:, 2:].reshape(nelements * nnodes_all, 17) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 nids = ints2[:, 0] assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() eids2 = vstack([eids] * nnodes_all).T.ravel() obj.element[ielement:ielement2] = eids obj.element_node[itotal:itotal2, 0] = eids2 obj.element_node[itotal:itotal2, 1] = nids #[mx, my, mxy, bmx, bmy, bmxy, tx, ty] floats2 = floats[:, 2:].reshape(nelements * nnodes_all, 17).copy() isave1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] isave2 = [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16] real_imag = apply_mag_phase(floats2, is_magnitude_phase, isave1, isave2)[obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = real_imag obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: n = oef_cquad4_imag_17(op2, data, ndata, obj, nelements, nnodes, is_magnitude_phase) else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(op2.code_information()) #msg = op2.code_information() #print(msg) #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None return n, nelements, ntotal def _oef_shells_composite(self, data, ndata, dt, unused_is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix): """ 95 - CQUAD4 96 - CQUAD8 97 - CTRIA3 98 - CTRIA6 (composite) 232 - CQUADR 233 - CTRIAR """ op2 = self.op2 if op2.element_type == 95: result_name = prefix + 'cquad4_composite_force' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 96: result_name = prefix + 'cquad8_composite_force' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 97: result_name = prefix + 'ctria3_composite_force' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 98: result_name = prefix + 'ctria6_composite_force' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 232: result_name = prefix + 'cquadr_composite_force' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 233: result_name = prefix + 'ctriar_composite_force' + postfix else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError(op2.code_information()) if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None op2._results._found_result(result_name) slot = op2.get_result(result_name) n = 0 if op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == 9: # real ntotal = 36 * self.factor # 9 * 4 nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, FailureIndicesArray) #print('read_mode ', op2.read_mode, auto_return, is_vectorized) if auto_return: #op2._data_factor = nnodes_all return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj nelements = ndata // ntotal ## TODO: add #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write(' [cap, element1, element2, ..., cap]\n') #op2.binary_debug.write(' cap = %i # assume 1 cap when there could have been multiple\n' % ndata) ##op2.binary_debug.write(' #centeri = [eid_device, j, grid, fd1, sx1, sy1, txy1, angle1, major1, minor1, vm1,\n') ##op2.binary_debug.write(' # fd2, sx2, sy2, txy2, angle2, major2, minor2, vm2,)]\n') ##op2.binary_debug.write(' #nodeji = [eid, ilayer, o1, o2, t12, t1z, t2z, angle, major, minor, ovm)]\n') #op2.binary_debug.write(' nelements=%i; nnodes=1 # centroid\n' % nelements) n = oef_shells_composite_real_9(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal, dt) elif op2.format_code in {2, 3} and op2.num_wide == 9: # complex # device_code = 1 Print # analysis_code = 5 Frequency # table_code = 25 OEFIT-OEF - Composite failure indices # format_code = 2 Real/Imaginary # result_type = 1 Complex # sort_method = 1 # sort_code = 1 # sort_bits = (1, 0, 1) # data_format = 1 Real/Imaginary # sort_type = 0 Sort1 # is_random = 1 Random Responses # random_code = 0 # element_type = 95 QUAD4LC-composite # s_code = None ??? # thermal = 0 isHeatTransfer = False # thermal_bits = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # num_wide = 9 # isubcase = 1 # MSC Nastran msg = op2.code_information() msg = (f'etype={op2.element_name} ({op2.element_type}) ' f'{op2.table_name_str}-COMP-random-numwide={op2.num_wide} ' f'numwide_real=11 numwide_imag=9 result_type={result_type}') if data is None: return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None ' ELEMENT-ID = 11' ' F A I L U R E I N D I C E S F O R L A Y E R E D C O M P O S I T E E L E M E N T S ( Q U A D 4 )' ' PLY FAILURE FP=FAILURE INDEX FOR PLY FB=FAILURE INDEX FOR BONDING FAILURE INDEX FOR ELEMENT FLAG' ' ID THEORY FREQ (DIRECT STRESSES/STRAINS) (INTER-LAMINAR STRESSES) MAX OF FP,FB FOR ALL PLIES ' ' 1 HFABRIC 2.0000E+01 0.1217 1 ' ' 0.0000 ' ' 4.0000E+01 0.5472 -1 ' ' 0.0001 ' ' 6.0000E+01 0.2454 1 ' ' 0.0000 ' ' 8.0000E+01 0.3217 1 ' ' 0.0000 ' ' 2.0000E+02 0.7284 1 ' ' 0.0000 0.7284 ' assert op2.sort_method == 1, op2.code_information() ntotal = 36 * self.factor nelements = ndata // ntotal sf = Struct(op2._endian + b'i8s if i ff 4s') # if if i si = Struct(op2._endian + b'i8s if i fi 4s') # if if f sf2 = Struct(op2._endian + b'f') for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = si.unpack(edata) (ply_id, failure_theory_bytes, c, d, e, f, g, #ply_fp, failure_index_for_ply, #ply_fb, failure_index_for_bonding, #failure_index_for_element, end) = out failure_theory = failure_theory_bytes.decode(op2._encoding).rstrip() #print(f'ply_id={ply_id} failure_theory={failure_theory!r} ply_fp={ply_fp} failure_index_for_ply={failure_index_for_ply:.3g} ' #f'ply_fb={ply_fb} fi_bonding={failure_index_for_bonding:.3g} fi_for_element={failure_index_for_element:g}') #if failure_index_for_bonding != -1: #failure_index_for_bonding = -1000. #failure_index_for_element = f.unpack(edata[-8:-4]) #*junk, failure_index_for_bonding, failure_index_for_element, end = sf.unpack(edata) #print(f'ply_id={ply_id} failure_theory={failure_theory!r} ply_fp={ply_fp} fi_ply={failure_index_for_ply:.3g} ' #f'ply_fb={ply_fb} fi_bonding={failure_index_for_bonding:.3g} fi_for_element={failure_index_for_element:g}') #else: if g != -1: g, = sf2.unpack(edata[-8:-4]) #op2.show_data(edata) out = (ply_id, failure_theory_bytes, c, d, e, f, g) #print(out) assert end in {b' ', b'*** '}, end n += ntotal #aaa return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(op2.code_information()) #msg = op2.code_information() #print(msg) #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None return n, nelements, ntotal def _oef_cshear(self, data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix): """4-CSHEAR""" op2 = self.op2 result_name = prefix + 'cshear_force' + postfix if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None op2._results._found_result(result_name) slot = op2.get_result(result_name) n = 0 if op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == 17: # real ntotal = 68 # 17*4 nelements = ndata // ntotal obj_real = RealCShearForceArray auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, obj_real) if auto_return: return nelements * op2.num_wide * 4, None, None obj = op2.obj if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * 4 * op2.num_wide itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 17) obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 17) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids # [f41, f21, f12, f32, f23, f43, f34, f14, kf1, # s12, kf2, s23, kf3, s34, kf4, s41][obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = floats[:, 1:].copy() obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: n = oef_cshear_real_17(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal, dt) elif op2.format_code in [2, 3] and op2.num_wide == 33: # imag ntotal = 132 * self.factor # 33*4 nelements = ndata // ntotal obj_complex = ComplexCShearForceArray auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, obj_complex) if auto_return: return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write(' [cap, element1, element2, ..., cap]\n') #op2.binary_debug.write(' cap = %i # assume 1 cap when there could have been multiple\n' % ndata) #op2.binary_debug.write(' #elementi = [eid_device, axial, torque]\n') #op2.binary_debug.write(' nelements=%i; nnodes=1 # centroid\n' % nelements) if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * 4 * op2.num_wide itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 33).copy() obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 33) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids #[f41r, f21r, f12r, f32r, f23r, f43r, f34r, f14r # kf1r, s12r, kf2r, s23r, kf3r, s34r, kf4r, s41r # f41i, f21i, f12i, f32i, f23i, f43i, f34i, f14i # kf1i, s12i, kf2i, s23i, kf3i, s34i, kf4i, s41i] isave1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16] isave2 = [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32] real_imag = apply_mag_phase(floats, is_magnitude_phase, isave1, isave2)[obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = real_imag[obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = floats[:, 1:] obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: n = oef_cshear_imag_33(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal, is_magnitude_phase) else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(op2.code_information()) #msg = op2.code_information() #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None return n, nelements, ntotal def _oef_cconeax(self, data, ndata, dt, unused_is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix): """35-CONEAX""" op2 = self.op2 result_name = prefix + 'cconeax_force' + postfix if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None op2._results._found_result(result_name) slot = op2.get_result(result_name) n = 0 if op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == 7: # real ntotal = 28 # 7*4 nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, RealConeAxForceArray) if auto_return: return nelements * op2.num_wide * 4, None, None obj = op2.obj if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * 4 * op2.num_wide itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 7) obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 7) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids # [hopa, bmu, bmv, tm, su, sv][obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = floats[:, 1:].copy() obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: n = oef_cconeax_real_7(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal, dt) else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(op2.code_information()) #msg = op2.code_information() #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None return n, nelements, ntotal def _oef_cgap(self, data, ndata, dt, unused_is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix): """38-GAP""" op2 = self.op2 result_name = prefix + 'cgap_force' + postfix if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None op2._results._found_result(result_name) slot = op2.get_result(result_name) n = 0 if op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == 9: # real ntotal = 36 * self.factor # 9*4 nelements = ndata // ntotal obj = op2.obj auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, RealCGapForceArray) if auto_return: return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * ntotal itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 9) obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 9) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids # [fx, sfy, sfz, u, v, w, sv, sw][obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = floats[:, 1:].copy() obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: n = oef_cgap_real_9(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal) else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(op2.code_information()) #msg = op2.code_information() #print(msg) #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None return n, nelements, ntotal def _oef_cbend(self, data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix): """69-CBEND""" op2 = self.op2 result_name = prefix + 'cbend_force' + postfix if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None op2._results._found_result(result_name) slot = op2.get_result(result_name) n = 0 if op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == 15: # real ntotal = 60 # 15*4 nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, RealBendForceArray) if auto_return: return nelements * op2.num_wide * 4, None, None obj = op2.obj if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * 4 * op2.num_wide itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 15).copy() obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 15).copy() eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 nids_a = ints[:, 1] nids_b = ints[:, 8] assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element_node[itotal:itotal2, 0] = eids obj.element_node[itotal:itotal2, 1] = nids_a obj.element_node[itotal:itotal2, 2] = nids_b # [nid_a, bm1_a, bm2_a, ts1_a, ts2_a, af_a, trq_a, # nid_b, bm1_b, bm2_b, ts1_b, ts2_b, af_b, trq_b] assert floats[:, 2:8].shape[1] == 6, floats[:, 2:8].shape assert floats[:, 9:].shape[1] == 6, floats[:, 9:].shape[obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :6] = floats[:, 2:8][obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, 6:] = floats[:, 9:] obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: s = Struct(op2._endian + mapfmt(op2._analysis_code_fmt + b' i6fi6f', op2.size)) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_BEND-69 - %s\n' % (str(out))) (eid_device, nid_a, bm1_a, bm2_a, ts1_a, ts2_a, af_a, trq_a, nid_b, bm1_b, bm2_b, ts1_b, ts2_b, af_b, trq_b) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) add_sort_x( dt, eid, nid_a, bm1_a, bm2_a, ts1_a, ts2_a, af_a, trq_a, nid_b, bm1_b, bm2_b, ts1_b, ts2_b, af_b, trq_b) n += ntotal elif op2.format_code in [2, 3] and op2.num_wide == 27: # imag # TODO: vectorize ntotal = 108 # 27*4 nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, ComplexCBendForceArray) if auto_return: return nelements * op2.num_wide * 4, None, None obj = op2.obj if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * 4 * op2.num_wide itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 ireal = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20] iimag = [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26] # 0 1 # eid, nidA, # 2 3 4 5 6 7 # 8 9 10 11 12 13 # bm1Ar, bm2Ar, ts1Ar, ts2Ar, afAr, trqAr, # bm1Ai, bm2Ai, ts1Ai, ts2Ai, afAi, trqAi, # 14 # nidB # 15 16 17 18 19 20 # 21 22 23 24 25 26 # bm1Br, bm2Br, ts1Br, ts2Br, afBr, trqBr, # bm1Bi, bm2Bi, ts1Bi, ts2Bi, afBi, trqBi floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 27).copy() obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 27).copy() eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 nids_a = ints[:, 1] nids_b = ints[:, 14] assert nids_a.min() > 0, nids_a assert nids_b.min() > 0, nids_b assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() #print(nids_b) obj.element_node[itotal:itotal2, 0] = eids obj.element_node[itotal:itotal2, 1] = nids_a obj.element_node[itotal:itotal2, 2] = nids_b real_imag = apply_mag_phase(floats, is_magnitude_phase, ireal, iimag)[obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = real_imag #assert floats[:, 1:6].shape[1] == 12, floats[:, 1:6].shape #assert floats[:, 7:].shape[1] == 6, floats[:, 7:].shape[obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :6] = floats[:, 1:6][obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, 6:] = floats[:, 7:] obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: s = Struct(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b' i12f i12f') add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+108] n += ntotal out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_BEND-69 - %s\n' % (str(out))) (eid_device, nid_a, bm1_ar, bm2_ar, ts1_ar, ts2_ar, af_ar, trq_ar, bm1_ai, bm2_ai, ts1_ai, ts2_ai, af_ai, trq_ai, nid_b, bm1_br, bm2_br, ts1_br, ts2_br, af_br, trq_br, bm1_bi, bm2_bi, ts1_bi, ts2_bi, af_bi, trq_bi) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) if is_magnitude_phase: bm1_a = polar_to_real_imag(bm1_ar, bm1_ai) bm1_b = polar_to_real_imag(bm1_br, bm1_bi) bm2_a = polar_to_real_imag(bm2_ar, bm2_ai) bm2_b = polar_to_real_imag(bm2_br, bm2_bi) ts1_a = polar_to_real_imag(ts1_ar, ts1_ai) ts1_b = polar_to_real_imag(ts1_br, ts1_bi) ts2_a = polar_to_real_imag(ts2_ar, ts2_ai) ts2_b = polar_to_real_imag(ts2_br, ts2_bi) af_a = polar_to_real_imag(af_ar, af_ai) af_b = polar_to_real_imag(af_br, af_bi) trq_a = polar_to_real_imag(trq_ar, trq_ai) trq_b = polar_to_real_imag(trq_br, trq_bi) else: bm1_a = complex(bm1_ar, bm1_ai) bm1_b = complex(bm1_br, bm1_bi) bm2_a = complex(bm2_ar, bm2_ai) bm2_b = complex(bm2_br, bm2_bi) ts1_a = complex(ts1_ar, ts1_ai) ts1_b = complex(ts1_br, ts1_bi) ts2_a = complex(ts2_ar, ts2_ai) ts2_b = complex(ts2_br, ts2_bi) af_a = complex(af_ar, af_ai) af_b = complex(af_br, af_bi) trq_a = complex(trq_ar, trq_ai) trq_b = complex(trq_br, trq_bi) add_sort_x(dt, eid, nid_a, bm1_a, bm2_a, ts1_a, ts2_a, af_a, trq_a, nid_b, bm1_b, bm2_b, ts1_b, ts2_b, af_b, trq_b) else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(op2.code_information()) #msg = op2.code_information() #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None return n, nelements, ntotal def _oef_csolid_pressure(self, data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix): """ 76-HEXPR 77-PENPR 78-TETPR """ op2 = self.op2 n = 0 if op2.element_type == 76: result_name = prefix + 'chexa_pressure_force' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 77: result_name = prefix + 'cpenta_pressure_force' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 78: result_name = prefix + 'ctetra_pressure_force' + postfix elif op2.element_type == 79: result_name = prefix + 'cpyram_pressure_force' + postfix else: msg = op2.code_information() return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None slot = op2.get_result(result_name) op2._results._found_result(result_name) if op2.format_code == 1 and op2.num_wide == 10: # real ntotal = 40 * self.factor nelements = ndata // ntotal #nelements = ndata // ntotal obj_real = RealSolidPressureForceArray auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, obj_real) if auto_return: return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write(' [cap, element1, element2, ..., cap]\n') #op2.binary_debug.write(' cap = %i # assume 1 cap when there could have been multiple\n' % ndata) #op2.binary_debug.write(' #elementi = [eid_device, axial, torque]\n') #op2.binary_debug.write(' nelements=%i; nnodes=1 # centroid\n' % nelements) if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: # self.itime = 0 # self.ielement = 0 # self.itotal = 0 #self.ntimes = 0 #self.nelements = 0 n = nelements * ntotal itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 10) obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 10) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids #[axial_force, torque][obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = floats[:, 3:].copy() obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: n = oef_csolid_pressure_10(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal, dt) elif op2.format_code in [2, 3] and op2.num_wide == 16: # imag ntotal = 64 * self.factor nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, ComplexSolidPressureForceArray) if auto_return: return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj #if op2.is_debug_file: #op2.binary_debug.write(' [cap, element1, element2, ..., cap]\n') #op2.binary_debug.write(' cap = %i # assume 1 cap when there could have been multiple\n' % ndata) #op2.binary_debug.write(' #elementi = [eid_device, axial, torque]\n') #op2.binary_debug.write(' nelements=%i; nnodes=1 # centroid\n' % nelements) if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: n = nelements * ntotal itotal = obj.ielement ielement2 = obj.itotal + nelements itotal2 = ielement2 floats = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, 16).copy() obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, 16) eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 assert eids.min() > 0, eids.min() obj.element[itotal:itotal2] = eids #[xaccr, yaccr, zaccr, xvelr, yvelr, zvelr, pressure, # xacci, yacci, zacci, xveli, yveli, zveli] if is_magnitude_phase: mag = floats[:, [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]] phase = hstack([ floats[:, [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]], zeros((len(floats), 1), dtype='float32') ]) rtheta = radians(phase) real_imag = mag * (cos(rtheta) + 1.j * sin(rtheta)) else: real = floats[:, [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]] imag = hstack([ floats[:, [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]], zeros((len(floats), 1), dtype='float32') ]) real_imag = real + 1.j * imag[obj.itime, itotal:itotal2, :] = real_imag obj.itotal = itotal2 obj.ielement = ielement2 else: n = oef_csolid_imag_16(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal, is_magnitude_phase) else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(op2.code_information()) #msg = op2.code_information() #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None return n, nelements, ntotal def _oef_cbush(self, data, ndata, dt, is_magnitude_phase, result_type, prefix, postfix): """ 102-CBUSH 126-CFAST-MSC 280-CBEAR """ op2 = self.op2 num_wide = op2.num_wide if op2.element_type == 102: result_name = prefix + 'cbush_force' + postfix real_obj = RealCBushForceArray complex_obj = ComplexCBushForceArray assert num_wide in [7, 13], op2.code_information() elif op2.element_type == 126: result_name = prefix + 'cfast_force' + postfix real_obj = RealCFastForceArrayMSC complex_obj = ComplexCFastForceArrayMSC assert num_wide in [7, 13], op2.code_information() elif op2.element_type == 280: result_name = prefix + 'cbear_force' + postfix assert num_wide in [7, 13], op2.code_information() real_obj = RealCBearForceArray complex_obj = ComplexCBearForceArray else: raise NotImplementedError(op2.code_information()) #print(op2.code_information()) if op2._results.is_not_saved(result_name): return ndata, None, None #result_name, is_random = self._apply_oef_ato_crm_psd_rms_no(result_name) op2._results._found_result(result_name) slot = op2.get_result(result_name) n = 0 #op2.log.warning('dt=%s num_wide=%s result_type=%s', dt, num_wide, result_type) if result_type in {0, 2} and num_wide == 7: # real/random numwide_real = 7 # real - format_code == 1 # random - format_code == 3 ntotal = 28 * self.factor # 7*4 nelements = ndata // ntotal auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, real_obj) if auto_return: return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj if op2.use_vector and is_vectorized and op2.sort_method == 1: # self.itime = 0 # self.ielement = 0 # self.itotal = 0 #self.ntimes = 0 #self.nelements = 0 n = nelements * ntotal istart = obj.itotal iend = istart + nelements obj._times[obj.itime] = dt if obj.itime == 0: ints = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.idtype8).reshape(nelements, numwide_real).copy() eids = ints[:, 0] // 10 obj.element[istart:iend] = eids results = frombuffer(data, dtype=op2.fdtype8).reshape(nelements, numwide_real) #[fx, fy, fz, mx, my, mz][obj.itime, istart:iend, :] = results[:, 1:].copy() else: n = oef_cbush_real_7(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal, dt) elif result_type == 1 and op2.num_wide == 13: # imag # TCODE,7 =1 Real/imaginary or magnitude/phase # 2 FXR RS Force x - real/mag. part # 3 FYR RS Force y - real/mag. part # 4 FZR RS Force z - real/mag. part # 5 MXR RS Moment x - real/mag. part # 6 MYR RS Moment y - real/mag. part # 7 MZR RS Moment z - real/mag. part # 8 FXI RS Force x - imag./phase part # 9 FYI RS Force y - imag./phase part # 10 FZI RS Force z - imag./phase part # 11 MXI RS Moment x - imag./phase part # 12 MYI RS Moment y - imag./phase part # 13 MZI RS Moment z - imag./phase part # TODO: vectorize ntotal = 52 * self.factor # 13*4 nelements = ndata // ntotal #result_name = prefix + 'cbush_force' + postfix auto_return, is_vectorized = self._create_oes_object4( nelements, result_name, slot, complex_obj) if auto_return: return nelements * ntotal, None, None obj = op2.obj n = oef_cbush_imag_13(op2, data, obj, nelements, ntotal, is_magnitude_phase) #elif op2.format_code == 2 and op2.num_wide == 7: #op2.log.warning(op2.code_information()) else: raise NotImplementedError(op2.code_information()) #else: # pragma: no cover #msg = op2.code_information() #print(msg) #return op2._not_implemented_or_skip(data, ndata, msg), None, None return n, nelements, ntotal
[docs] def oef_crod_real_3(op2: OP2, data: bytes, obj: RealRodForceArray, nelements: int, ntotal: int) -> int: n = 0 fmt = mapfmt(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'ff', op2.size) # 3 s = Struct(fmt) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) (eid_device, axial, torque) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_Rod - %s\n' % (str(out))) add_sort_x(dt, eid, axial, torque) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def oef_crod_imag_5(op2: OP2, data: bytes, obj: ComplexRodForceArray, nelements: int, ntotal: int, is_magnitude_phase: bool) -> int: n = 0 fmt = mapfmt(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'4f', op2.size) s = Struct(fmt) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_CRod - %s\n' % (str(out))) (eid_device, axial_real, torque_real, axial_imag, torque_imag) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) if is_magnitude_phase: axial = polar_to_real_imag(axial_real, axial_imag) torque = polar_to_real_imag(torque_real, torque_imag) else: axial = complex(axial_real, axial_imag) torque = complex(torque_real, torque_imag) add_sort_x(dt, eid, axial, torque) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def oef_celas_cdamp_imag_3(self, data: bytes, obj: Union[ComplexSpringForceArray, ComplexDamperForceArray], nelements: int, ntotal: int, is_magnitude_phase: bool) -> int: op2 = self n = 0 fmt = mapfmt(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'2f', self.size) structi = Struct(fmt) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = structi.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_SpringDamper - %s\n' % str(out)) (eid_device, force_real, force_imag) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) if is_magnitude_phase: force = polar_to_real_imag(force_real, force_imag) else: force = complex(force_real, force_imag) add_sort_x(dt, eid, force) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def oef_cgap_real_9(self, data: bytes, obj: RealCGapForceArray, nelements: int, ntotal: int) -> int: op2 = self n = 0 s = Struct(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'8f') add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+36] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_CGAP-38 - %s\n' % (str(out))) (eid_device, fx, sfy, sfz, u, v, w, sv, sw) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) #data_in = [eid, fx, sfy, sfz, u, v, w, sv, sw] #print "%s" %(self.get_element_type(op2.element_type)), data_in #eid = obj.add_new_eid_sort1(out) add_sort_x(dt, eid, fx, sfy, sfz, u, v, w, sv, sw) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def oef_cbar_real_9(self, data: bytes, obj: RealCBarForceArray, nelements: int, ntotal: int) -> int: op2 = self n = 0 fmt = mapfmt(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'8f', self.size) s = Struct(fmt) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_CBar - %s\n' % (str(out))) (eid_device, bm1a, bm2a, bm1b, bm2b, ts1, ts2, af, trq) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) #data_in = [eid, bm1a, bm2a, bm1b, bm2b, ts1, ts2, af, trq] add_sort_x(dt, eid, bm1a, bm2a, bm1b, bm2b, ts1, ts2, af, trq) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def oef_cbar_imag_17(self, data: bytes, obj: ComplexCBarForceArray, nelements: int, ntotal: int, is_magnitude_phase: bool) -> int: op2 = self n = 0 fmt = mapfmt(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'16f', self.size) s = Struct(fmt) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) (eid_device, bm1ar, bm2ar, bm1br, bm2br, ts1r, ts2r, afr, trqr, bm1ai, bm2ai, bm1bi, bm2bi, ts1i, ts2i, afi, trqi) = out if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_CBar - %s\n' % (str(out))) eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) if is_magnitude_phase: bm1a = polar_to_real_imag(bm1ar, bm1ai) bm2a = polar_to_real_imag(bm2ar, bm2ai) bm1b = polar_to_real_imag(bm1br, bm1bi) bm2b = polar_to_real_imag(bm2br, bm2bi) ts1 = polar_to_real_imag(ts1r, ts1i) ts2 = polar_to_real_imag(ts2r, ts2i) af = polar_to_real_imag(afr, afi) trq = polar_to_real_imag(trqr, trqi) else: bm1a = complex(bm1ar, bm1ai) bm2a = complex(bm2ar, bm2ai) bm1b = complex(bm1br, bm1bi) bm2b = complex(bm2br, bm2bi) ts1 = complex(ts1r, ts1i) ts2 = complex(ts2r, ts2i) af = complex(afr, afi) trq = complex(trqr, trqi) #data_in = [bm1a, bm2a, bm1b, bm2b, ts1, ts2, af, trq] #print("eid_device=%s eid=%s dt=%s %s" % ( #eid_device, eid, dt, self.get_element_type(op2.element_type)), data_in) add_sort_x(dt, eid, bm1a, bm2a, bm1b, bm2b, ts1, ts2, af, trq) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def oef_cbar_100_real_8(self, data: bytes, obj: RealCBar100ForceArray, nelements: int, ntotal: int) -> int: op2 = self n = 0 s = Struct(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'7f') add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_CBar100 - %s\n' % (str(out))) (eid_device, sd, bm1, bm2, ts1, ts2, af, trq) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) add_sort_x(dt, eid, sd, bm1, bm2, ts1, ts2, af, trq) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def oef_cbeam_real_100(self, data: bytes, obj: RealCBeamForceArray, nelements: int, ntotal: int, dt: Any) -> int: op2 = self n = 0 ntotal1 = 4 * self.factor ntotal2 = 36 * self.factor if self.size == 4: s1 = self.struct_i s2 = Struct(op2._endian + b'i8f') # 36 else: s1 = self.struct_q s2 = Struct(op2._endian + b'q8d') # 36 sort_method = op2.sort_method add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal1] eid_device, = s1.unpack(edata) eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, sort_method) n += ntotal1 for istation in range(11): edata = data[n:n+ntotal2] out = s2.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_Beam - %s\n' % (str(out))) (nid, sd, bm1, bm2, ts1, ts2, af, ttrq, wtrq) = out if istation == 0 or sd > 0: add_sort_x(dt, eid, nid, sd, bm1, bm2, ts1, ts2, af, ttrq, wtrq) n += ntotal2 return n
[docs] def oef_cbeam_imag_177(self, data: bytes, obj: ComplexCBeamForceArray, nelements: int, ntotal: int, is_magnitude_phase: bool) -> int: op2 = self n = 0 #s1 = self.struct_i ntotal1 = 4 * self.factor ntotal2 = 64 * self.factor s1 = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'i', op2.size)) # self.struct_i s2 = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + b'i15f', op2.size)) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal1] eid_device, = s1.unpack(edata) eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) n += ntotal1 for unused_istation in range(11): edata = data[n:n+ntotal2] n += ntotal2 out = s2.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_Beam - %s\n' % (str(out))) (nid, sd, bm1r, bm2r, ts1r, ts2r, afr, ttrqr, wtrqr, bm1i, bm2i, ts1i, ts2i, afi, ttrqi, wtrqi) = out if is_magnitude_phase: bm1 = polar_to_real_imag(bm1r, bm1i) bm2 = polar_to_real_imag(bm2r, bm2i) ts1 = polar_to_real_imag(ts1r, ts1i) ts2 = polar_to_real_imag(ts2r, ts2i) af = polar_to_real_imag(afr, afi) ttrq = polar_to_real_imag(ttrqr, ttrqi) wtrq = polar_to_real_imag(wtrqr, wtrqi) else: bm1 = complex(bm1r, bm1i) bm2 = complex(bm2r, bm2i) ts1 = complex(ts1r, ts1i) ts2 = complex(ts2r, ts2i) af = complex(afr, afi) ttrq = complex(ttrqr, ttrqi) wtrq = complex(wtrqr, wtrqi) #if i == 0: #obj.add_new_element_sort1( #dt, eid, nid, sd, bm1, bm2, ts1, ts2, #af, ttrq, wtrq) #elif sd > 0.: add_sort_x( dt, eid, nid, sd, bm1, bm2, ts1, ts2, af, ttrq, wtrq) #else: ## don't add this field #pass #raise RuntimeError('CBEAM error; i=%s sd=%s' % (i, sd)) return n
[docs] def oef_shells_composite_real_9(self, data: bytes, obj: FailureIndicesArray, nelements: int, ntotal: int, dt: Any) -> int: """ 2 THEORY(2) CHA/R4 4 PLY I 5 DIRECT RS 6 INDEX CHA/R4 7 LAMIN RS (I) 8 MAX RS (I) 9 FLAG CHA """ op2 = self n = 0 size = self.size if size == 4: # 5 6 7 8-i/f 9 s1 = Struct(op2._endian + b'i8sif i f i 4s') s2 = Struct(op2._endian + b'i8sif 4s f f 4s') elif size == 8: s1 = Struct(op2._endian + b'q16sqd q d q 8s') s2 = Struct(op2._endian + b'q16sqd 8s d d 8s') else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(size) eid_old = None #print(op2.element_type) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): #2 THEORY(2) CHAR4 Theory #4 LAMID I Lamina number #5 FP RS Failure index for direct stresses #6 FM RS Failure mode for maximum strain theory #7 FB RS Failure index for interlaminar shear stress or -1 #8 FMAX RS Maximum of FP and FB or -1. #9 FFLAG CHAR4 Failure flag edata = data[n:n+ntotal] # 4*9 #print(self.show_data(edata[4+8+4:-4-4], types='ifs')) out1 = s1.unpack(edata) out2 = s2.unpack(edata) # failure_stress_for_ply = failure_strain_for_ply = failure_index_for_ply??? # i 8s i f (eid, failure_theoryb, ply_id, failure_stress_for_ply, # 4s 7-f/i 8-f/i 9-4s flagi, interlaminar_stress, max_value, failure_flagb, #failure_index_for_bonding, #failure_index_for_element, #flag, #direct_stress_or_strain, #interlaminar_stress, #max_of_fb_fp_for_all_plies ) = out1 (_eid, _failure_theoryb, _ply_id, _failure_stress_for_ply, # 4s 7-f/i 8-f/i 9-4s flagb, _interlaminar_stress, max_value_float, _failure_flagb, #failure_index_for_bonding, #failure_index_for_element, #flag, #direct_stress_or_strain, #interlaminar_stress, #max_of_fb_fp_for_all_plies ) = out2 #print(interlaminar_stress, _interlaminar_stress) #print('failure_flagb = %r' % failure_flagb) if flagi == 0: flag = '' else: #print('flagb = %r' % flagb) flag = reshape_bytes_block_strip(flagb, size=size) failure_theory = reshape_bytes_block_strip(failure_theoryb, size=size) failure_flag = reshape_bytes_block_strip(failure_flagb, size=size) #print('flag = %r' % flag) #print('failure_flag = %r' % failure_flag) if max_value == -1: max_value = np.nan else: max_value = max_value_float # out2[6] if eid == -1: #print(f' ply_id={ply_id} failure_stress_for_ply={failure_stress_for_ply:g} ' #f'flag={flag!r} interlaminar_stress={interlaminar_stress} ' #f'max_value={max_value:g} failure_flag={failure_flag!r}') eid = eid_old else: #print(f"eid={eid} ft={failure_theory!r}\n" #f' ply_id={ply_id} failure_stress_for_ply={failure_stress_for_ply:g} ' #f'flag={flag!r} interlaminar_stress={interlaminar_stress} ' #f'max_value={max_value} failure_flag={failure_flag!r}') eid_old = eid assert flag in ['', '-1', '-2', '-12', 'IN'], f'flag={flag!r} flagb={flagb!r}' # 'HILL' for the Hill theory. # 'HOFF' for the Hoffman theory. # 'TSAI' for the Tsai-Wu theory. # 'STRN' for the Maximum Strain theory. # 'HFAIL' for the Hashin failure criterion # 'HTAPE' for the Hashin tape criterion # 'HFABR' for the Hashin fabric criterion assert failure_theory in ['TSAI-WU', 'STRAIN', 'HILL', 'HOFFMAN', 'HFAIL', 'HFABRIC', 'HTAPE', ''], f'failure_theory={failure_theory!r}' assert failure_flag in ['', '***'], 'failure_flag=%r' % failure_flag add_sort_x(dt, eid, failure_theory, ply_id, failure_stress_for_ply, flag, interlaminar_stress, max_value, failure_flag) n += ntotal #add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) #s = Struct(op2._endian + b'i8si4f4s') #for i in range(nelements): #if i % 10000 == 0: #print 'i = ', i #edata = data[n:n+ntotal] # 4*9 #out = s.unpack(edata) #(eid_device, theory, lamid, failure_index_direct_stress, failure_mode_max_shear, #failure_index_interlaminar_shear, fmax, failure_flag) = out #eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( #eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) #if op2.is_debug_file: #if eid > 0: #op2.binary_debug.write(' eid=%i; C=[%s]\n' % (', '.join(['%r' % di for di in out]) )) #else: #op2.binary_debug.write(' %s C=[%s]\n' % (' ' * len(str(eid)), ', '.join(['%r' % di for di in out]) )) #if eid > 0: #obj.add_new_eid_sort1(eType, dt, eid, o1, o2, t12, t1z, t2z, angle, major, minor, ovm) #else: #add_sort_x(dt, eid, o1, o2, t12, t1z, t2z, angle, major, minor, ovm) #n += ntotal return n
[docs] def oef_cbush_real_7(self, data: bytes, obj: Union[RealCBushForceArray, RealCFastForceArrayMSC, RealCBearForceArray], nelements: int, ntotal: int, dt: Any) -> int: op2 = self n = 0 struct1 = Struct(op2._endian + mapfmt(op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'6f', op2.size)) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = struct1.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_CBUSH-102 - %s\n' % (str(out))) (eid_device, fx, fy, fz, mx, my, mz) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) #op2.log.debug('eid=%s dt=%s', eid, dt) add_sort_x(dt, eid, fx, fy, fz, mx, my, mz) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def oef_cbush_imag_13(self, data: bytes, obj: Union[ComplexCBushForceArray, ComplexCFastForceArrayMSC], nelements: int, ntotal: int, is_magnitude_phase: bool) -> int: """ 102-CBUSH 126-CFAST-MSC 280-CBEAR """ op2 = self n = 0 s = Struct(op2._endian + mapfmt(op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'12f', op2.size)) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_CBUSH-102 - %s\n' % (str(out))) (eid_device, fxr, fyr, fzr, mxr, myr, mzr, fxi, fyi, fzi, mxi, myi, mzi) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) if is_magnitude_phase: fx = polar_to_real_imag(fxr, fxi) mx = polar_to_real_imag(mxr, mxi) fy = polar_to_real_imag(fyr, fyi) my = polar_to_real_imag(myr, myi) fz = polar_to_real_imag(fzr, fzi) mz = polar_to_real_imag(mzr, mzi) else: fx = complex(fxr, fxi) mx = complex(mxr, mxi) fy = complex(fyr, fyi) my = complex(myr, myi) fz = complex(fzr, fzi) mz = complex(mzr, mzi) add_sort_x(dt, eid, fx, fy, fz, mx, my, mz) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def oef_cvisc_real_3(self, data: bytes, obj: RealViscForceArray, nelements: int, ntotal: int, dt: Any) -> int: op2 = self n = 0 fmt = mapfmt(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'ff', self.size) s = Struct(fmt) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_CVisc - %s\n' % (str(out))) (eid_device, axial, torque) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) add_sort_x(dt, eid, axial, torque) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def oef_cvisc_imag_5(self, data: bytes, obj: ComplexViscForceArray, nelements: int, ntotal: int, is_magnitude_phase: bool) -> int: op2 = self n = 0 s = Struct(op2._endian + mapfmt(op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'4f', op2.size)) # 5 add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+20] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_CVisc - %s\n' % (str(out))) (eid_device, axial_real, torque_real, axial_imag, torque_imag) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) if is_magnitude_phase: axial = polar_to_real_imag(axial_real, axial_imag) torque = polar_to_real_imag(torque_real, torque_imag) else: axial = complex(axial_real, axial_imag) torque = complex(torque_real, torque_imag) add_sort_x(dt, eid, axial, torque) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def oef_celas_cdamp_real_2(self, data: bytes, obj: Union[RealSpringForceArray, RealDamperForceArray], nelements: int, ntotal: int, dt: Any) -> int: op2 = self n = 0 fmt = mapfmt(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'f', self.size) s = Struct(fmt) # 2 add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_SpringDamper - %s\n' % str(out)) (eid_device, force) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) add_sort_x(dt, eid, force) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def oef_cshear_real_17(self, data: bytes, obj: RealCShearForceArray, nelements: int, ntotal: int, dt: Any) -> int: op2 = self n = 0 s = Struct(op2._endian + mapfmt(op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'16f', op2.size)) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_Shear - %s\n' % (str(out))) (eid_device, f41, f21, f12, f32, f23, f43, f34, f14, kf1, s12, kf2, s23, kf3, s34, kf4, s41) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) #data_in = [eid, #f41, f21, f12, f32, f23, f43, f34, #f14, kf1, s12, kf2, s23, kf3, s34, kf4, s41] #print "%s" % (self.get_element_type(op2.element_type)), data_in add_sort_x(dt, eid, f41, f21, f12, f32, f23, f43, f34, f14, kf1, s12, kf2, s23, kf3, s34, kf4, s41) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def oef_cshear_imag_33(self, data: bytes, obj: ComplexCShearForceArray, nelements: int, ntotal: int, is_magnitude_phase: bool) -> int: op2 = self #ntotal1 = 132 * self.factor n = 0 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'32f', op2.size)) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] n += ntotal out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_Shear - %s\n' % (str(out))) (eid_device, f41r, f21r, f12r, f32r, f23r, f43r, f34r, f14r, # 8 kf1r, s12r, kf2r, s23r, kf3r, s34r, kf4r, s41r, # 16 f41i, f21i, f12i, f32i, f23i, f43i, f34i, f14i, kf1i, s12i, kf2i, s23i, kf3i, s34i, kf4i, s41i) = out if is_magnitude_phase: f41 = polar_to_real_imag(f41r, f41i) kf1 = polar_to_real_imag(kf1r, kf1i) f21 = polar_to_real_imag(f21r, f21i) kf2 = polar_to_real_imag(kf2r, kf2i) f12 = polar_to_real_imag(f12r, f12i) kf3 = polar_to_real_imag(kf3r, kf3i) f23 = polar_to_real_imag(f23r, f23i) kf4 = polar_to_real_imag(kf4r, kf4i) f32 = polar_to_real_imag(f32r, f32i) s12 = polar_to_real_imag(s12r, s12i) f43 = polar_to_real_imag(f43r, f43i) s23 = polar_to_real_imag(s23r, s23i) f34 = polar_to_real_imag(f34r, f34i) s34 = polar_to_real_imag(s34r, s34i) f14 = polar_to_real_imag(f14r, f14i) s41 = polar_to_real_imag(s41r, s41i) else: f41 = complex(f41r, f41i) kf1 = complex(kf1r, kf1i) f21 = complex(f21r, f21i) kf2 = complex(kf2r, kf2i) f12 = complex(f12r, f12i) kf3 = complex(kf3r, kf3i) f23 = complex(f23r, f23i) kf4 = complex(kf4r, kf4i) f32 = complex(f32r, f32i) s12 = complex(s12r, s12i) f43 = complex(f43r, f43i) s23 = complex(s23r, s23i) f34 = complex(f34r, f34i) s34 = complex(s34r, s34i) f14 = complex(f14r, f14i) s41 = complex(s41r, s41i) eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) add_sort_x(dt, eid, f41, f21, f12, f32, f23, f43, f34, f14, kf1, s12, kf2, s23, kf3, s34, kf4, s41) return n
[docs] def oef_cquad4_33_real_9(self, data: bytes, obj: RealPlateForceArray, nelements: int, ntotal: int) -> int: op2 = self n = 0 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'8f', op2.size)) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('real_OEF_Plate-%s - %s\n' % (op2.element_type, str(out))) (eid_device, mx, my, mxy, bmx, bmy, bmxy, tx, ty) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) add_sort_x(dt, eid, mx, my, mxy, bmx, bmy, bmxy, tx, ty) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def oef_cquad4_33_imag_17(self, data: bytes, ndata: int, obj: ComplexPlateForceArray, nelements: int, ntotal: int, is_magnitude_phase: bool) -> int: op2 = self n = 0 s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'16f', op2.size)) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) (eid_device, mxr, myr, mxyr, bmxr, bmyr, bmxyr, txr, tyr, mxi, myi, mxyi, bmxi, bmyi, bmxyi, txi, tyi) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('complex_OEF_Plate-%s - %s\n' % (op2.element_type, str(out))) if is_magnitude_phase: mx = polar_to_real_imag(mxr, mxi) my = polar_to_real_imag(myr, myi) mxy = polar_to_real_imag(mxyr, mxyi) bmx = polar_to_real_imag(bmxr, bmxi) bmy = polar_to_real_imag(bmyr, bmyi) bmxy = polar_to_real_imag(bmxyr, bmxyi) tx = polar_to_real_imag(txr, txi) ty = polar_to_real_imag(tyr, tyi) else: mx = complex(mxr, mxi) my = complex(myr, myi) mxy = complex(mxyr, mxyi) bmx = complex(bmxr, bmxi) bmy = complex(bmyr, bmyi) bmxy = complex(bmxyr, bmxyi) tx = complex(txr, txi) ty = complex(tyr, tyi) add_sort_x(dt, eid, mx, my, mxy, bmx, bmy, bmxy, tx, ty) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def oef_cquad4_144_real_9(op2: OP2, data: bytes, obj: RealPlateBilinearForceArray, nelements: int, nnodes: int) -> int: n = 0 n44 = 44 * op2.factor n36 = 36 * op2.factor if op2.size == 4: fmt1 = op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'4si8f' # 8+36 fmt2 = op2._endian + b'i8f' # 36 else: fmt1 = op2._endian + mapfmt(op2._analysis_code_fmt, 8) + b'8sq8d' fmt2 = op2._endian + b'q8d' s1 = Struct(fmt1) s2 = Struct(fmt2) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + n44] out = s1.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_Plate2-%s - %s\n' % (op2.element_type, str(out))) (eid_device, term, _nid, mx, my, mxy, bmx, bmy, bmxy, tx, ty) = out #term= 'CEN\' #_nid = 4 # -> CEN/4 nid = 0 inode = 0 eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) add_sort_x(dt, eid, term, inode, nid, mx, my, mxy, bmx, bmy, bmxy, tx, ty) n += n44 for jnode in range(nnodes): edata = data[n : n + n36] out = s2.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write(' %s\n' % (str(out))) (nid, mx, my, mxy, bmx, bmy, bmxy, tx, ty) = out assert nid > 0, 'nid=%s' % nid add_sort_x(dt, eid, term, jnode+1, nid, mx, my, mxy, bmx, bmy, bmxy, tx, ty) n += n36 return n
[docs] def oef_cquad4_imag_17(self, data: bytes, ndata: int, obj: ComplexPlate2ForceArray, nelements: int, nnodes: int, is_magnitude_phase: bool) -> int: op2 = self n = 0 if self.size == 4: s1 = Struct(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'4si16f') # 2+17=19 * 4 = 76 s2 = Struct(op2._endian + b'i16f') # 17 * 4 = 68 else: s1 = Struct(op2._endian + mapfmt(op2._analysis_code_fmt, 8) + b'8sq16d') # 2+17=19 * 4 = 768 s2 = Struct(op2._endian + b'q16d') # 17 * 4 = 68 ntotal = (8 + (nnodes + 1) * 68) * self.factor ntotal1 = 76 * self.factor ntotal2 = 68 * self.factor nelements = ndata // ntotal obj = op2.obj add_new_element_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_new_element_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for ielem in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n + ntotal1] #op2.show_data(edata) n += ntotal1 out = s1.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_Plate2-%s - %s\n' % (op2.element_type, str(out))) (eid_device, term, nid, mxr, myr, mxyr, bmxr, bmyr, bmxyr, txr, tyr, mxi, myi, mxyi, bmxi, bmyi, bmxyi, txi, tyi) = out #print('term =', term) #print('nid =', nid) #term = 'CEN\' eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) if is_magnitude_phase: mx = polar_to_real_imag(mxr, mxi) my = polar_to_real_imag(myr, myi) mxy = polar_to_real_imag(mxyr, mxyi) bmx = polar_to_real_imag(bmxr, bmxi) bmy = polar_to_real_imag(bmyr, bmyi) bmxy = polar_to_real_imag(bmxyr, bmxyi) tx = polar_to_real_imag(txr, txi) ty = polar_to_real_imag(tyr, tyi) else: mx = complex(mxr, mxi) my = complex(myr, myi) mxy = complex(mxyr, mxyi) bmx = complex(bmxr, bmxi) bmy = complex(bmyr, bmyi) bmxy = complex(bmxyr, bmxyi) tx = complex(txr, txi) ty = complex(tyr, tyi) # this nid is just from CEN/4 <---- 4 nid = 0 add_new_element_sort_x(dt, eid, term, nid, mx, my, mxy, bmx, bmy, bmxy, tx, ty) for inid in range(nnodes): # .. todo:: fix crash... edata = data[n:n+ntotal2] n += ntotal2 out = s2.unpack(edata) (nid, mxr, myr, mxyr, bmxr, bmyr, bmxyr, txr, tyr, mxi, myi, mxyi, bmxi, bmyi, bmxyi, txi, tyi) = out if is_magnitude_phase: mx = polar_to_real_imag(mxr, mxi) my = polar_to_real_imag(myr, myi) mxy = polar_to_real_imag(mxyr, mxyi) bmx = polar_to_real_imag(bmxr, bmxi) bmy = polar_to_real_imag(bmyr, bmyi) bmxy = polar_to_real_imag(bmxyr, bmxyi) tx = polar_to_real_imag(txr, txi) ty = polar_to_real_imag(tyr, tyi) else: mx = complex(mxr, mxi) my = complex(myr, myi) mxy = complex(mxyr, mxyi) bmx = complex(bmxr, bmxi) bmy = complex(bmyr, bmyi) bmxy = complex(bmxyr, bmxyi) tx = complex(txr, txi) ty = complex(tyr, tyi) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_Plate2 - eid=%i nid=%s out=%s\n' % ( eid, nid, str(out))) add_sort_x(dt, eid, inid, nid, mx, my, mxy, bmx, bmy, bmxy, tx, ty) #aaa return n
[docs] def oef_cconeax_real_7(self, data: bytes, obj: Union[RealConeAxForceArray], nelements: int, ntotal: int, dt: Any) -> int: op2 = self n = 0 s = Struct(op2._endian + mapfmt(op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'6f', op2.size)) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_CONEAX-35 - %s\n' % (str(out))) (eid_device, hopa, bmu, bmv, tm, su, sv) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) add_sort_x(dt, eid, hopa, bmu, bmv, tm, su, sv) n += ntotal return n
[docs] def oef_csolid_pressure_10(self, data: bytes, obj: Union[RealSolidPressureForceArray], nelements: int, ntotal: int, dt: Any) -> int: op2 = self n = 0 if self.size == 4: fmt = op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'8s7f' else: fmt = op2._endian + mapfmt(op2._analysis_code_fmt, self.size) + b'16s7d' s = Struct(fmt) add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n : n + ntotal] n += ntotal out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('OEF_PentaPressure-%s %s\n' % (op2.element_type, str(out))) (eid_device, ename, ax, ay, az, vx, vy, vz, pressure) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) add_sort_x(dt, eid, ename, ax, ay, az, vx, vy, vz, pressure) return n
[docs] def oef_csolid_imag_16(self, data: bytes, obj: ComplexSolidPressureForceArray, nelements: int, ntotal: int, is_magnitude_phase: bool) -> int: op2 = self n = 0 if self.size == 4: s = Struct(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt + b'8s 13f') else: s = Struct(mapfmt(op2._endian + op2._analysis_code_fmt, self.size) + b'16s 13d') add_sort_x = getattr(obj, 'add_sort' + str(op2.sort_method)) for unused_i in range(nelements): edata = data[n:n+ntotal] n += ntotal #print(len(edata)) out = s.unpack(edata) if op2.is_debug_file: op2.binary_debug.write('_oef_csolid_pressure-%s %s\n' % (op2.element_type, str(out))) (eid_device, ename, axr, ayr, azr, vxr, vyr, vzr, pressure, axi, ayi, azi, vxi, vyi, vzi) = out eid, dt = get_eid_dt_from_eid_device( eid_device, op2.nonlinear_factor, op2.sort_method) ename = ename.decode('utf-8').strip() if is_magnitude_phase: ax = polar_to_real_imag(axr, axi) vx = polar_to_real_imag(vxr, vxi) ay = polar_to_real_imag(ayr, ayi) vy = polar_to_real_imag(vyr, vyi) az = polar_to_real_imag(azr, azi) vz = polar_to_real_imag(vzr, vzi) else: ax = complex(axr, axi) vx = complex(vxr, vxi) ay = complex(ayr, ayi) vy = complex(vyr, vyi) az = complex(azr, azi) vz = complex(vzr, vzi) cpressure = complex(pressure, 0.) add_sort_x(dt, eid, ename, ax, ay, az, vx, vy, vz, cpressure) return n
[docs] def shock_response_prefix(thermal: int) -> str: prefix = '' if thermal == 0: pass elif thermal == 2: prefix = 'abs.' # Scaled response spectra ABS elif thermal == 4: #D:\NASA\git\examples\move_tpl\ms103.op2 #C:\NASA\m4\formats\git\examples\move_tpl\ms103.op2 prefix = 'srss.' # # Scaled response spectra SRSS elif thermal == 8: prefix = 'nrl.' # Scaled response spectra NRL else: assert thermal in [2, 4, 8], thermal # , op2.code_information() # abs return prefix