test_bdf demo
In this demo, we’ll show off test_bdf
from IPython.display import HTML as html_print
from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import BDF, read_bdf, CaseControlDeck
model = BDF()
# add_grid(nid, xyz, cp=0, cd=0, ps='', seid=0)
model.add_grid(1, [0., 0., 0.])
model.add_grid(2, [1., 0., 0.])
model.add_grid(3, [1., 1., 0.])
model.add_grid(4, [0., 1., 0.])
eid = 10
pid = 100
mid = 1000
# add_cbar(eid, pid, nids, x, g0, offt='GGG', pa=0, pb=0, wa=None, wb=None)
model.add_cbar(eid, pid, [1, 2], [0., 0., 1.], None, offt='GGG')
model.add_cbar(eid+1, pid, [2, 3], [0., 0., 1.], None, offt='GGG')
model.add_cbar(eid+2, pid, [3, 4], [0., 0., 1.], None, offt='GGG')
model.add_cbar(eid+3, pid, [4, 1], [0., 0., 1.], None, offt='GGG')
eid_cquad4 = 15
pid_pshell = 101
# add_pshell(pid, mid1=None, t=None, mid2=None, twelveIt3=1.0,
# mid3=None, tst=0.833333,
# nsm=0.0, z1=None, z2=None, mid4=None)
model.add_pshell(pid_pshell, mid1=mid, t=0.1, mid2=mid, mid3=mid)
model.add_cquad4(eid_cquad4, pid_pshell, [1, 2, 3, 4])
dim = [3., 3., 1., 1.] # TODO: should be [1., 2., 3., 4.]
# add_pbarl(pid, mid, Type, dim, group='MSCBML0', nsm=0.0)
pbarl = model.add_pbarl(pid, mid, 'BOX', dim, nsm=0.0)
E = 3.e7
G = None
nu = 0.3
mat = model.add_mat1(mid, E, G, nu)
spc_id = 1
nids = 1
# add_spc1(conid, components, nodes
model.add_spc1(spc_id, 123456, nids)
dresp_id = 100
label = 'resp1'
response_type = 'STRESS'
property_type = 'PSHELL'
pid = 3
atta = 9 # von mises upper surface stress
region = None
attb = None
atti = [pid_pshell]
# add_dresp1(dresp_id, label, response_type, property_type, region, atta, attb, atti)
model.add_dresp1(dresp_id, label, response_type, property_type, region, atta, attb, atti)
dresp_id += 1
atta = 17 # von mises lower surface stress
model.add_dresp1(dresp_id, label, response_type, property_type, region, atta, attb, atti)
# add_dconstr(oid, dresp_id, lid=-1e+20, uid=1e+20, lowfq=0.0, highfq=1e+20)
dconstr_id = 10000
model.add_dconstr(dconstr_id, dresp_id, lid=-35000., uid=35000.)
dresp_id += 1
dresp = model.add_dresp1(dresp_id, 'WT', 'WEIGHT', None, None, None, None, None)
oid = 1000
dvids = 1
coeffs = 1.
# add_dvprel1(oid, prop_type, pid, pname_fid, dvids, coeffs,
# p_min=None, p_max=1e+20, c0=0.0)
model.add_dvprel1(oid, 'PSHELL', pid_pshell, 'T', dvids, coeffs)
# add_desvar(desvar_id, label, xinit, xlb=-1e+20, xub=1e+20,
# delx=None, ddval=None)
model.add_desvar(1, 'DIM1', 0.1, xlb=1e-5)
model.add_desvar(2, 'DIM2', 0.2, xlb=1e-5)
model.add_desvar(3, 'DIM3', 0.3, xlb=1e-5)
model.add_desvar(4, 'DIM4', 0.4, xlb=1e-5)
model.add_desvar(5, 'DV5', 0.1, xlb=1e-5)
eid = 10 # TODO: remove
load_id = 1
# add_pload4(sid, eids, pressures, g1=None, g34=None,
# cid=0, nvector=None, surf_or_line='SURF', line_load_dir='NORM')
pload4 = model.add_pload4(load_id, [eid_cquad4], [1., None, None, None],
comment=' load')
eid = 10 # TODO: should be 100
scale = 'LE' # TODO: should be 100.
# add_pload1(sid, eid, load_type, scale, x1, p1, x2=None, p2=None)
model.add_pload1(load_id, eid, 'FZ', scale, 0., 1.) # TODO: change atti to None
# add_eigrl(sid, v1=None, v2=None, nd=None, msglvl=0, maxset=None, shfscl=None,
# norm=None, options=None, values=None)
eigrl = model.add_eigrl(42, nd=42)
model.sol = 103 # start=103
cc = CaseControlDeck([
'DESOBJ = 102', # DRESP1
'DESSUB = %s' % dconstr_id, # DCONSTR
' METHOD = 42', # TODO: remove
' LOAD = %s' % load_id, # TODO: remove
' SPC = %s' % spc_id,
#' TRIM = 42', # TODO: add
model.case_control_deck = cc
# rerun between each change
# 1. change SOL=103 -> SOL=144
model.sol = 144
# 2. add the trim in the case control deck
mach = 0.8
q = 100.
labels = ['Z']
uxs = [2.5]
trim = model.add_trim(42, mach, q, labels, uxs, aeqr=1.0, trim_type=1)
# 3. add a trim card
# x. change to SOL=200
!cat junk.bdf
TRIM 42 .8 100. Z 2.5
{42: TRIM 42 .8 100. Z 2.5
$pyNastran: version=msc
$pyNastran: punch=False
$pyNastran: encoding=utf-8
$pyNastran: nnodes=4
$pyNastran: nelements=5
SOL 144
DESOBJ = 102
DESSUB = 10000
LOAD = 1
SPC = 1
GRID 1 0. 0. 0.
GRID 2 1. 0. 0.
GRID 3 1. 1. 0.
GRID 4 0. 1. 0.
CBAR 10 100 1 2 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 11 100 2 3 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 12 100 3 4 0. 0. 1.
CBAR 13 100 4 1 0. 0. 1.
CQUAD4 15 101 1 2 3 4
PBARL 100 1000 BOX
3. 3. 1. 1. 0.
PSHELL 101 1000 .1 1000 1000
MAT1 1000 3.+7 .3
$ load
PLOAD4 1 15 1.
0 0. 0. 0. SURF
PLOAD1 1 10 FZ LE 0. 1. 0. 1.
EIGRL 42 42
TRIM 42 .8 100. Z 2.5
SPC1 1 123456 1
DCONSTR 10000 101 -35000. 35000.
DESVAR 1 DIM1 .1 .00001
DESVAR 2 DIM2 .2 .00001
DESVAR 3 DIM3 .3 .00001
DESVAR 4 DIM4 .4 .00001
DESVAR 5 DV5 .1 .00001
DRESP1 100 resp1 STRESS PSHELL 9 101
DRESP1 101 resp1 STRESS PSHELL 17 101
1 1.
c:python37libsite-packagesIPythonutils_process_win32.py:131: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedWriter name=5> return process_handler(cmd, _system_body) ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback c:python37libsite-packagesIPythonutils_process_win32.py:131: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedReader name=6> return process_handler(cmd, _system_body) ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback c:python37libsite-packagesIPythonutils_process_win32.py:131: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedReader name=7> return process_handler(cmd, _system_body) ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
from pyNastran.bdf.test.test_bdf import run_bdf as test_bdf
test_bdf('.', 'junk.bdf')
debug = False
bdf_model = junk.bdf
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-22-746e54da5a3e> in <module>
1 from pyNastran.bdf.test.test_bdf import run_bdf as test_bdf
2 model.write_bdf('junk.bdf')
----> 3 test_bdf('.', 'junk.bdf')
c:\nasa\m4\formats\git\pynastran\pyNastran\bdf\test\test_bdf.py in run_bdf(folder, bdf_filename, debug, xref, check, punch, mesh_form, is_folder, print_stats, encoding, sum_load, size, is_double, hdf5, stop, nastran, post, dynamic_vars, quiet, dumplines, dictsort, run_extract_bodies, run_skin_solids, save_file_structure, nerrors, dev, crash_cards, safe_xref, run_pickle, stop_on_failure, log)
342 run_pickle=run_pickle,
343 stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure,
--> 344 log=log,
345 )
346 return fem1, fem2, diff_cards
c:\nasa\m4\formats\git\pynastran\pyNastran\bdf\test\test_bdf.py in run_and_compare_fems(bdf_model, out_model, debug, xref, check, punch, mesh_form, print_stats, encoding, sum_load, size, is_double, save_file_structure, stop, nastran, post, hdf5, dynamic_vars, quiet, dumplines, dictsort, nerrors, dev, crash_cards, safe_xref, run_extract_bodies, run_skin_solids, run_pickle, stop_on_failure, log)
412 encoding=encoding, debug=debug, quiet=quiet,
413 ierror=ierror, nerrors=nerrors,
--> 414 stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure, log=log)
416 diff_cards = compare(fem1, fem2, xref=xref, check=check,
c:\nasa\m4\formats\git\pynastran\pyNastran\bdf\test\test_bdf.py in run_fem2(bdf_model, out_model, xref, punch, sum_load, size, is_double, mesh_form, safe_xref, encoding, debug, quiet, stop_on_failure, ierror, nerrors, log)
878 fem2, p0, sol_base, subcase_keys, subcases, sol_200_map,
879 ierror=ierror, nerrors=nerrors,
--> 880 stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure)
882 if mesh_form is not None:
c:\nasa\m4\formats\git\pynastran\pyNastran\bdf\test\test_bdf.py in validate_case_control(fem2, p0, sol_base, subcase_keys, subcases, unused_sol_200_map, stop_on_failure, ierror, nerrors)
922 ierror = check_case(
923 sol_base, subcase, fem2, p0, isubcase, subcases,
--> 924 ierror=ierror, nerrors=nerrors, stop_on_failure=stop_on_failure)
925 return ierror
c:\nasa\m4\formats\git\pynastran\pyNastran\bdf\test\test_bdf.py in check_case(sol, subcase, fem2, p0, isubcase, subcases, ierror, nerrors, stop_on_failure)
1107 elif sol == 144:
-> 1108 ierror = _check_static_aero_case(fem2, log, sol, subcase, ierror, nerrors)
1109 elif sol == 145:
1110 ierror = _check_flutter_case(fem2, log, sol, subcase, ierror, nerrors)
c:\nasa\m4\formats\git\pynastran\pyNastran\bdf\test\test_bdf.py in _check_static_aero_case(fem2, log, sol, subcase, ierror, nerrors)
1161 sol, subcase)
1162 log.error(msg)
-> 1163 ierror = stop_if_max_error(msg, RuntimeError, ierror, nerrors)
1164 if fem2.aeros is None:
1165 msg = 'An AEROS card is required for STATIC AERO - SOL %i; AEROS=%s' % (sol, fem2.aeros)
c:\nasa\m4\formats\git\pynastran\pyNastran\bdf\test\test_bdf.py in stop_if_max_error(msg, error, ierror, nerrors)
954 """if the error count is greater than nerrors, stop"""
955 if ierror == nerrors:
--> 956 raise error(msg)
957 ierror += 1
958 return ierror
RuntimeError: A TRIM or DIVERG card is required for STATIC AERO - SOL 144
DESOBJ = 102
DESSUB = 10000
LOAD = 1
SPC = 1