op2 Package

This is the pyNastran.op2.rst file.

op2 Module

Inheritance diagram of pyNastran.op2.op2

Main OP2 class

class pyNastran.op2.op2.OP2(debug=True, log=None, debug_file=None)[source]

Bases: pyNastran.op2.op2_scalar.OP2_Scalar

Initializes the OP2 object

  • debug – enables the debug log and sets the debug in the logger (default=False)
  • log – a logging object to write debug messages to (.. seealso:: import logging)
  • debug_file – sets the filename that will be written to (default=None -> no debug)

we want the data to be in the same format and grouped by subcase, so we take

stress = {
    (1, 'SUPERELEMENT 0') : result1,
    (1, 'SUPERELEMENT 10') : result2,
    (1, 'SUPERELEMENT 20') : result3,
    (2, 'SUPERELEMENT 0') : result4,

and convert it to:

stress = {
    1 : result1 + result2 + results3,
    2 : result4,
read_op2(op2_filename=None, vectorized=True, combine=True)[source]

Starts the OP2 file reading :param op2_filename: the op2_filename (default=None -> popup) :param vectorized: should the vectorized objects be used (default=True) :param combine: should objects be isubcase based (True) or

(isubcase, subtitle) based (False) The second will be used for superelements regardless of the option (default=True)

Enables vectorization

The code will degenerate to dictionary based results when a result does not support vectorization.

Vectorization is always True here. :param ask: Do you want to see a GUI of result types.

Case # Vectorization Ask Read Modes
1 True True 1, 2
2 True False 1, 2
3 False True 1, 2
4 False False 0
Vectorization - A storage structure that allows for faster read/access

speeds and better memory usage, but comes with a more difficult to use data structure.

It limits the node IDs to all be integers (e.g. element centroid). Composite plate elements (even for just CTRIA3s) with an inconsistent number of layers will have a more difficult data structure. Models with solid elements of mixed type will also be more complicated (or potentially split up).

Scanning - a quick check used to figure out how many results to process
that takes almost no time

Reading - process the op2 data Build - call the __init__ on a results object (e.g. DisplacementObject) Start Over - Go to the start of the op2 file Ask - launch a GUI dialog to let the user click which results to load

  1. The default OP2 dictionary based-approach with no asking GUI
  2. The first read of a result to get the shape of the data (and result types if vectorization=True or result types if vectorization=False)
  3. The second read of a result to get the results
  1. Scan the block to get the size, build the object (read_mode=1), ask the user, start over, fill the objects (read_mode=2). Degenerate to read_mode=0 when read_mode=2 cannot be used based upon the value of ask.
  2. Same as case #1, but don’t ask the user. Scan the block to get the size, build the object (read_mode=1), start over, fill the objects (read_mode=2).
  3. Scan the block to get the object types (read_mode=1), ask the user, build the object & fill it (read_mode=2)
  4. Read the block to get the size, build the object & fill it (read_mode=0)

op2_scalar Module

Inheritance diagram of pyNastran.op2.op2_scalar

Defines the OP2 class.

class pyNastran.op2.op2_scalar.OP2_Scalar(debug=False, log=None, debug_file=None)[source]

Bases: pyNastran.op2.tables.lama_eigenvalues.lama.LAMA, pyNastran.op2.tables.oee_energy.onr.ONR, pyNastran.op2.tables.opg_appliedLoads.ogpf.OGPF, pyNastran.op2.tables.oef_forces.oef.OEF, pyNastran.op2.tables.oes_stressStrain.oes.OES, pyNastran.op2.tables.ogs.OGS, pyNastran.op2.tables.opg_appliedLoads.opg.OPG, pyNastran.op2.tables.oqg_constraintForces.oqg.OQG, pyNastran.op2.tables.oug.oug.OUG, pyNastran.op2.tables.ogpwg.OGPWG, pyNastran.op2.fortran_format.FortranFormat

Defines an interface for the Nastran OP2 file.

Initializes the OP2_Scalar object

  • debug – enables the debug log and sets the debug in the logger (default=False)
  • log – a logging object to write debug messages to (.. seealso:: import logging)
  • debug_file – sets the filename that will be written to (default=None -> no debug)
_print_month(month, day, year, zero, one)[source]

Creates the self.date attribute from the 2-digit year.

  • month – the month (integer <= 12)
  • day – the day (integer <= 31)
  • year – the day (integer <= 99)
  • zero – a dummy integer (???)
  • one – a dummy integer (???)

Reads the DIT table (poorly). The DIT table stores information about table cards (e.g. TABLED1, TABLEM1).

Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer

Reads a geometry table :param self: the OP2 object pointer

Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer


this table follows a totally different pattern...

The KELM table stores information about the K matrix???

Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer
Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer

Reads the PCOMPTS table (poorly). The PCOMPTS table stores information about the PCOMP cards???


Reads a results table

Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer

Reads all the geometry/result tables. The OP2 header is not read by this function.

Parameters:table_name – the first table’s name

Reads the PCOMPTS table (poorly). The PCOMPTS table stores information about the PCOMP cards???


bypasses the next table as quickly as possible


Skips the majority of geometry/result tables as they follow a very standard format. Other tables don’t follow this format.


Clears out the data members contained within the self.words variable. This prevents mixups when working on the next table, but otherwise has no effect.


Starts the OP2 file reading

Parameters:op2_filename – the op2 file
op2_filename Description
None a dialog is popped up
string the path is used
read_table_name(rewind=False, stop_on_failure=True)[source]

Reads the next OP2 table name (e.g. OUG1, OES1X1)

set_as_vectorized(vectorized=False, ask=False)[source]

Allows you to read only the subcases in the list of iSubcases

Parameters:subcases – list of [subcase1_ID,subcase2_ID] (default=None; all subcases)

Takes a dictionary of list of times in a transient case and gets the output closest to those times.

class pyNastran.op2.op2_scalar.TrashWriter(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

A dummy file that just trashes all data

close(*args, **kwargs)[source]
open(*args, **kwargs)[source]
write(*args, **kwargs)[source]

fortran_format Module

Inheritance diagram of pyNastran.op2.fortran_format

class pyNastran.op2.fortran_format.FortranFormat[source]

Bases: object

Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer

The record length helps us figure out data block size, which is used to quickly size the arrays. We just need a bit of meta data and can jump around quickly.

Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer
_read_record(stream=False, debug=True)[source]
Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer
_read_subtable_3_4(table3_parser, table4_parser, passer)[source]
_read_subtable_results(table4_parser, record_len)[source]

# if reading the data # 0 - non-vectorized # 1 - 1st pass to size the array (vectorized) # 2 - 2nd pass to read the data (vectorized)

Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer
Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer

Creates a “for” loop that keeps giving us records until we’re done.

Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer
get_nmarkers(n, rewind=True)[source]

Gets n markers, so if n=2, it will get 2 markers.

  • self – the OP2 object pointer
  • n – number of markers to get
  • rewind – should the file be returned to the starting point
Retval markers:

list of [1, 2, 3, ...] markers


Jumps to position n in the file

  • self – the OP2 object pointer
  • n – the position to goto
isAllSubcases = None

stores if the user entered [] for iSubcases


Lets the code check whether or not to read a subcase

Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer
Retval is_valid:
 should this subcase defined by self.isubcase be read?

dummy function used for unsupported tables :param self: the OP2 object pointer

Reads a block following a pattern of:
[nbytes, data, nbytes]
Retval data:the data in binary

Gets specified markers, where a marker has the form of [4, value, 4]. The “marker” corresponds to the value, so 3 markers takes up 9 integers. These are used to indicate position in the file as well as the number of bytes to read.

  • self – the OP2 object pointer
  • markers – markers to get; markers = [-10, 1]
show(n, types='ifs')[source]
Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer
show_data(data, types='ifs')[source]
show_ndata(n, types='ifs')[source]
Skips a block following a pattern of:
[nbytes, data, nbytes]
Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer
Retval data:since data can never be None, a None value indicates something bad happened.
write_data(f, data, types='ifs')[source]

Useful function for seeing what’s going on locally when debugging.

Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer
write_ndata(f, n, types='ifs')[source]

Useful function for seeing what’s going on locally when debugging.

Parameters:self – the OP2 object pointer

op2Codes Module

Inheritance diagram of pyNastran.op2.op2Codes

class pyNastran.op2.op2Codes.Op2Codes[source]

Bases: object

_set_op2_date(month, day, year)[source]

prints the general table information DMAP - page 60-63


op2_helper Module

pyNastran.op2.op2_helper.polar_to_real_imag(mag, phase)[source]

Converts magnitude-phase to real-imaginary so all complex results are consistent

  • mag – magnitude c^2
  • phase – phase angle phi (degrees; theta)
Returns realValue:

the real component a of a+bi

Returns imagValue:

the imaginary component b of a+bi


returns the magnitude and phase (degrees) of a complex number

op2_common Module

Inheritance diagram of pyNastran.op2.op2_common

class pyNastran.op2.op2_common.OP2Common[source]

Bases: pyNastran.op2.op2Codes.Op2Codes, pyNastran.f06.f06Writer.F06Writer

ID = None

the corresponding piece to isubcase used only for SORT2 (not supported)

_create_table_object(result_name, nnodes, slot, slot_object, slot_vector, is_cid=False)[source]
_not_implemented_or_skip(data, msg='')[source]
sort_code sort_bits
0 [0, 0, 0]
1 [0, 0, 1]
2 [0, 1, 0]
3 [0, 1, 1]
... ...
7 [1, 1, 1]

sort_code = 0 -> sort_bits = [0,0,0] sort_code = 1 -> sort_bits = [0,0,1] sort_code = 2 -> sort_bits = [0,1,0] sort_code = 3 -> sort_bits = [0,1,1] etc. sort_code = 7 -> sort_bits = [1,1,1]

sort_bits[0] = 0 -> is_sort1=True isSort2=False sort_bits[1] = 0 -> isReal=True isReal/Imaginary=False sort_bits[2] = 0 -> isSorted=True isRandom=False

_read_complex_table(data, result_name, flag)[source]
_read_complex_table2(data, result_name, flag)[source]
_read_geom_4(mapper, data)[source]
_read_real_table(data, result_name, flag, is_cid=False)[source]
_read_table(data, result_name, storage_obj, real_obj, complex_obj, real_vector, complex_vector, node_elem, random_code=None, is_cid=False)[source]
Value Sort Type Data Format Random ?
0 SORT1 Real No
1 SORT1 Complex No
2 SORT2 Real No
3 SORT2 Complex No
4 SORT1 Real Yes
5 SORT2 Real Yes
add_data_parameter(data, var_name, Type, field_num, applyNonlinearFactor=True, fixDeviceCode=False, add_to_dict=True)[source]
apply_data_code_value(name, value)[source]
binary_debug = None

op2 debug file or None (for self.debug=False)

create_transient_object(storageObj, classObj, is_cid=False, debug=False)[source]

Creates a transient object (or None if the subcase should be skippied).

  • storageName – the name of the dictionary to store the object in (e.g. ‘displacements’)
  • classObj – the class object to instantiate
  • debug – developer debug


dt can also be load_step depending on the class

data_code = None

the storage dictionary that is passed to OP2 objects (e.g. DisplacementObject) the key-value pairs are extracted and used to generate dynamic self variables for the OP2 objects

debug = None

should the op2 debugging file be written

expected_times = None

the list/set/tuple of times/modes/frequencies that should be read currently unused

is_vectorized = None


isubcase = None

current subcase ID non-transient (SOL101) cases have isubcase set to None transient (or frequency/modal) cases have isubcase set to a int/float value

read_mode = None

flag for vectorization 0 - no vectorization 1 - first pass 2 - second pass

result_names = None

the results

subcases = None

set of all the subcases that have been found

table_name = None

The current table_name (e.g. OES1) None indicates no table_name has been read

words = None

the list of “words” on a subtable 3

exception pyNastran.op2.op2_common.SortCodeError[source]

Bases: exceptions.RuntimeError

op2_f06_common Module

Inheritance diagram of pyNastran.op2.op2_f06_common

class pyNastran.op2.op2_f06_common.OP2_F06_Common[source]

Bases: object

Title = None

BDF Title

_get_result_length(res_types, res_key)[source]

testing method...don’t use


Gets info about the contents of the different attributes of the OP2 class.


Gets the names of the results.

iSubcaseNameMap = None

a dictionary that maps an integer of the subcaseName to the subcaseID

vector_utils Module

pyNastran.op2.vector_utils.abs_max_min(values, global_abs_max=True)[source]

This is useful for figuring out absolute max or min principal stresses across single/multiple elements and finding a global max/min value.

Parameters:values (common NDARRAY/list/tuple shapes: 1. [nprincipal_stresses] 2. [nelements, nprincipal_stresses]) – an ND-array of values
Returns abs_max_mins:
 an array of the max or min principal stress
nvalues >= 1
>>> element1 = [0.0, -1.0, 2.0]  # 2.0
>>> element2 = [0.0, -3.0, 2.0]  # -3.0
>>> values = abs_max_min_global([element1, element2])
>>> values
>>> element1 = [0.0, -1.0, 2.0]  # 2.0
>>> values = abs_max_min_global([element1])
>>> values


[3.0, 2.0, -3.0] will return 3.0, and [-3.0, 2.0, 3.0] will return 3.0


This is useful for figuring out principal stresses across multiple elements.

Parameters:values (NDARRAY shape=[nelements, nprincipal_stresses]) – an array of values, where the rows are interated over and the columns are going to be compressed
Returns abs_max_mins:
 an array of the max or min principal stress
>>> element1 = [0.0,  1.0, 2.0]  # 2.0
>>> element2 = [0.0, -1.0, 2.0]  # 2.0
>>> element3 = [0.0, -3.0, 2.0]  # -3.0
>>> values = [element1 element2, element3]
>>> values0 = abs_max_min_vectorized(values)
>>> values0
[2.0, 2.0, -3.0]


[3.0, 2.0, -3.0] will return 3.0, and [-3.0, 2.0, 3.0] will return 3.0

pyNastran.op2.vector_utils.iformat(Format, precision=2)[source]