Source code for

# pylint: disable=C0103,R0902,R0904,R0914,C0111
from __future__ import (nested_scopes, generators, division, absolute_import,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)
from six.moves import range

from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_8 import set_blank_if_default, print_card_8
from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_16 import print_card_16
from import (BaseCard, expand_thru_by,
from pyNastran.bdf.bdfInterface.assign_type import (fields, integer, double,
    integer_or_blank, double_or_blank, integer_or_string, string, blank)

[docs]class ThermalCard(BaseCard): def __init__(self, card, data): pass
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model): raise NotImplementedError('%s has not defined the cross_reference ' 'method' % self.type)
[docs] def _is_same_card(self, obj, debug=False): return False
[docs]class ThermalBC(ThermalCard): def __init__(self, card, data): pass
[docs]class ThermalElement(ThermalCard): pid = 0 def __init__(self, card, data): pass
[docs] def nodeIDs(self): return []
[docs] def Pid(self): if isinstance(, int): return else: return
[docs]class ThermalProperty(ThermalCard): def __init__(self, card, data): pass
#------------------------------------------------------- # Elements
[docs]class CHBDYE(ThermalElement): """ Defines a boundary condition surface element with reference to a heat conduction element. """ type = 'CHBDYE' hexMap = { 1: [4, 3, 2, 1], 2: [1, 2, 6, 5], 3: [2, 3, 7, 6], 4: [3, 4, 8, 7], 5: [4, 1, 5, 8], 6: [5, 6, 7, 8], } pentMap = { 1: [3, 2, 1], 2: [1, 2, 5, 4], 3: [2, 3, 6, 5], 4: [3, 1, 4, 6], 5: [4, 5, 6], } tetMap = { 1: [1, 3, 2], 2: [1, 2, 4], 3: [2, 3, 4], 4: [3, 1, 4], } sideMaps = { 'CHEXA': hexMap, 'CPENTA': pentMap, 'CTETRA': tetMap, 'CTRIA3': [1, 2, 3], 'CQUAD4': [1, 2, 3, 4], } def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''): ThermalElement.__init__(self, card, data) if comment: self._comment = comment if card: #: Surface element ID number for a side of an #: element. (0 < Integer < 100,000,000) self.eid = integer(card, 1, 'eid') #: A heat conduction element identification self.eid2 = integer(card, 2, 'eid2') #: A consistent element side identification number #: (1 < Integer < 6) self.side = integer(card, 3, 'side') assert 0 < self.side < 7 #: A VIEW entry identification number for the front face self.iViewFront = integer_or_blank(card, 4, 'iViewFront', 0) #: A VIEW entry identification number for the back face self.iViewBack = integer_or_blank(card, 5, 'iViewBack', 0) #: RADM identification number for front face of surface element #: (Integer > 0) self.radMidFront = integer_or_blank(card, 6, 'radMidFront', 0) #: RADM identification number for back face of surface element #: (Integer > 0) self.radMidBack = integer_or_blank(card, 7, 'radMidBack', 0) assert len(card) <= 8, 'len(CHBDYE card) = %i' % len(card) else: raise NotImplementedError(data) self.grids = []
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model): pass
[docs] def _verify(self, xref=False): eid = self.Eid() eid2 = self.Eid2() pid = self.Pid() assert isinstance(eid, int) assert isinstance(eid2, int) assert isinstance(pid, int)
# def sideToEIDs(self, eid): # sideIDs = self.sideMaps[eid.type][self.side] # # [1,2,3] # # # id-1 is for the 0 based python index # nodes = [enodes[id - 1] for id in range(len(eid.nodes)) # if id in sideIDs] # return side
[docs] def Eid(self): return self.eid
[docs] def Eid2(self): return self.eid2
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = ['CHBDYE', self.eid, self.eid2, self.side, self.iViewFront, self.iViewBack, self.radMidFront, self.radMidBack] return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): """ .. todo:: is this done """ #eids = collapse_thru_by(self.eids) list_fields = ['CHBDYE', self.eid, self.eid2, self.side, self.iViewFront, self.iViewBack, self.radMidFront, self.radMidBack] return list_fields
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment() + print_card_8(card) return self.comment() + print_card_16(card)
[docs]class CHBDYG(ThermalElement): """ Defines a boundary condition surface element without reference to a property entry. """ type = 'CHBDYG' def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''): ThermalElement.__init__(self, card, data) if comment: self._comment = comment if card: #: Surface element ID self.eid = integer(card, 1, 'eid') # no field 2 #: Surface type self.Type = string(card, 3, 'Type') assert self.Type in ['REV', 'AREA3', 'AREA4', 'AREA6', 'AREA8'] #: A VIEW entry identification number for the front face self.iViewFront = integer_or_blank(card, 4, 'iViewFront', 0) #: A VIEW entry identification number for the back face self.iViewBack = integer_or_blank(card, 8, 'iViewBack', 0) #: RADM identification number for front face of surface element #: (Integer > 0) self.radMidFront = integer_or_blank(card, 6, 'radMidFront', 0) #: RADM identification number for back face of surface element #: (Integer > 0) self.radMidBack = integer_or_blank(card, 7, 'radMidBack', 0) # no field 8 #: Grid point IDs of grids bounding the surface (Integer > 0) self.grids = [] n = 1 for i in range(9, len(card)): grid = integer_or_blank(card, i, 'grid%i' % n) if grid is not None: self.grids.append(grid) assert len(self.grids) > 0, 'card=%s' % card else: self.eid = data[0] self.Type = data[1] self.iViewFront = data[2] self.iViewBack = data[3] self.radMidFront = data[4] self.radMidBack = data[5] self.grids = data[6:14]
[docs] def _verify(self, xref=False): eid = self.Eid() pid = self.Pid() assert isinstance(eid, int) assert isinstance(pid, int)
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model): pass
#msg = ' which is required by CHBDYG eid=%s' % self.eid = model.Phbdy(, msg=msg) #self.grids
[docs] def Eid(self): return self.eid
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = (['CHBDYG', self.eid, None, self.Type, self.iViewFront, self.iViewBack, self.radMidFront, self.radMidBack, None,] + self.grids) return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): iViewFront = set_blank_if_default(self.iViewFront, 0) iViewBack = set_blank_if_default(self.iViewBack, 0) radMidFront = set_blank_if_default(self.radMidFront, 0) radMidBack = set_blank_if_default(self.radMidBack, 0) list_fields = (['CHBDYG', self.eid, None, self.Type, iViewFront, iViewBack, radMidFront, radMidBack, None, ] + self.grids) return list_fields
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment() + print_card_8(card) return self.comment() + print_card_16(card)
[docs]class CHBDYP(ThermalElement): """ Defines a boundary condition surface element with reference to a PHBDY entry """ type = 'CHBDYP' def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''): ThermalElement.__init__(self, card, data) if comment: self._comment = comment if card: #: Surface element ID self.eid = integer(card, 1, 'eid') #: PHBDY property entry identification numbers. (Integer > 0) = integer(card, 2, 'pid') assert > 0 self.Type = string(card, 3, 'Type') #print("self.Type = %s" % self.Type) # msg = 'CHBDYP Type=%r' % self.Type #assert self.Type in ['POINT','LINE','ELCYL','FTUBE','TUBE'], msg #: A VIEW entry identification number for the front face. self.iViewFront = integer_or_blank(card, 4, 'iViewFront', 0) #: A VIEW entry identification number for the back face. self.iViewBack = integer_or_blank(card, 5, 'iViewBack', 0) #: Grid point identification numbers of grids bounding the surface. #: (Integer > 0) self.g1 = integer(card, 6, 'g1') #: Grid point identification numbers of grids bounding the surface. #: (Integer > 0) if self.Type != 'POINT': self.g2 = integer(card, 7, 'g2') else: self.g2 = blank(card, 7, 'g2') #: Orientation grid point. (Integer > 0; Default = 0) self.g0 = integer_or_blank(card, 8, 'g0', 0) #: RADM identification number for front face of surface element. #: (Integer > 0) self.radMidFront = integer_or_blank(card, 9, 'radMidFront', 0) #: RADM identification number for back face of surface element. #: (Integer > 0) self.radMidBack = integer_or_blank(card, 10, 'radMidBack', 0) #: Grid point identification number of a midside node if it is used #: with the line type surface element. self.gmid = integer_or_blank(card, 11, 'gmid') #: Coordinate system for defining orientation vector. #: (Integer > 0; Default = 0 self.ce = integer_or_blank(card, 12, 'ce', 0) #: Components of the orientation vector in coordinate system CE. #: The origin of the orientation vector is grid point G1. #: (Real or blank) self.e1 = double_or_blank(card, 13, 'e3') self.e2 = double_or_blank(card, 14, 'e3') self.e3 = double_or_blank(card, 15, 'e3') assert len(card) <= 16, 'len(CHBDYP card) = %i' % len(card) else: raise NotImplementedError(data)
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model): msg = ' which is required by CHBDYP pid=%s' % = model.Phbdy(, msg=msg)
[docs] def _verify(self, xref=False): eid = self.Eid() pid = self.Pid() assert isinstance(eid, int) assert isinstance(pid, int)
[docs] def Eid(self): return self.eid
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = ['CHBDYP', self.eid, self.Pid(), self.Type, self.iViewFront, self.iViewBack, self.g1, self.g2, self.g0, self.radMidFront, self.radMidBack, self.gmid, self.ce, self.e1, self.e2, self.e3] return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): iViewFront = set_blank_if_default(self.iViewFront, 0) iViewBack = set_blank_if_default(self.iViewBack, 0) radMidFront = set_blank_if_default(self.radMidFront, 0) radMidBack = set_blank_if_default(self.radMidBack, 0) g0 = set_blank_if_default(self.g0, 0) ce = set_blank_if_default(self.ce, 0) list_fields = ['CHBDYP', self.eid, self.Pid(), self.Type, iViewFront, iViewBack, self.g1, self.g2, g0, radMidFront, radMidBack, self.gmid, ce, self.e1, self.e2, self.e3] return list_fields
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment() + print_card_8(card) return self.comment() + print_card_16(card)
# Elements #------------------------------------------------------- # Properties
[docs]class PCONV(ThermalProperty): """ Specifies the free convection boundary condition properties of a boundary condition surface element used for heat transfer analysis. """ type = 'PCONV' def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''): if comment: self._comment = comment if card: #: Convection property identification number. (Integer > 0) self.pconid = integer(card, 1, 'pconid') assert self.pconid > 0 #: Material property identification number. (Integer > 0) self.mid = integer(card, 2, 'mid') assert self.mid > 0 #: Type of formula used for free convection. #: (Integer 0, 1, 10, 11, 20, or 21) self.form = integer_or_blank(card, 3, 'form', 0) assert self.form in [0, 1, 10, 11, 20, 21] #: Free convection exponent as implemented within the context of the #: particular form that is chosen self.expf = double_or_blank(card, 4, 'expf', 0.0) #: Formula type for various configurations of free convection self.ftype = integer_or_blank(card, 5, 'ftype', 0) #: Identification number of a TABLEHT entry that specifies the two #: variable tabular function of the free convection heat transfer #: coefficient self.tid = integer_or_blank(card, 6, 'tid') #: Characteristic length self.chlen = double_or_blank(card, 9, 'chlen') #: Grid ID of the referenced inlet point self.gidin = double_or_blank(card, 10, 'gidin') #: Coordinate system for defining orientation vector. #: (Integer > 0;Default = 0 self.ce = integer_or_blank(card, 11, 'ce', 0) #: Components of the orientation vector in coordinate system CE. The #: origin of the orientation vector is grid point G1. (Real or blank) self.e1 = double_or_blank(card, 12, 'e1') self.e2 = double_or_blank(card, 13, 'e2') self.e3 = double_or_blank(card, 14, 'e3') assert len(card) <= 15, 'len(PCONV card) = %i' % len(card) else: raise NotImplementedError(data) #def cross_reference(self,model): # pass
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = ['PCONV', self.pconid, self.mid, self.form, self.expf, self.ftype, self.tid, None, None, self.chlen, self.gidin, self.ce, self.e1, self.e2, self.e3] return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): form = set_blank_if_default(self.form, 0) expf = set_blank_if_default(self.expf, 0.0) ftype = set_blank_if_default(self.ftype, 0) ce = set_blank_if_default(self.ce, 0) list_fields = ['PCONV', self.pconid, self.mid, form, expf, ftype, self.tid, None, None, self.chlen, self.gidin, ce, self.e1, self.e2, self.e3] return list_fields
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment() + print_card_8(card) return self.comment() + print_card_16(card)
[docs]class PCONVM(ThermalProperty): """ Specifies the free convection boundary condition properties of a boundary condition surface element used for heat transfer analysis. """ type = 'PCONVM' def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''): if comment: self._comment = comment if card: #: Convection property identification number. (Integer > 0) self.pconid = integer(card, 1, 'pconid') assert self.pconid > 0 #: Material property identification number. (Integer > 0) self.mid = integer(card, 2, 'mid') assert self.mid > 0 #: Type of formula used for free convection. #: (Integer 0, 1, 10, 11, 20, or 21) self.form = integer_or_blank(card, 3, 'form', 0) assert self.form in [0, 1, 10, 11, 20, 21] #: Flag for mass flow convection. (Integer = 0 or 1; Default = 0) self.flag = integer_or_blank(card, 4, 'flag', 0) #: Constant coefficient used for forced convection self.coef = double(card, 5, 'coef') #: Reynolds number convection exponent. (Real > 0.0; Default = 0.0) self.expr = double_or_blank(card, 6, 'expr', 0.0) #: Prandtl number convection exponent for heat transfer into the #: workingfluid. (Real > 0.0; Default = 0.0) self.exppi = double_or_blank(card, 7, 'exppi', 0.0) #: Prandtl number convection exponent for heat transfer into the #: working fluid. (Real > 0.0; Default = 0.0) self.exppo = double_or_blank(card, 8, 'exppo', 0.0) assert len(card) <= 9, 'len(PCONVM card) = %i' % len(card) else: raise NotImplementedError(data) #def cross_reference(self,model): # pass
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = ['PCONVM', self.pconid, self.mid, self.form, self.flag, self.coef, self.expr, self.exppi, self.exppo] return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): form = set_blank_if_default(self.form, 0) flag = set_blank_if_default(self.flag, 0) expr = set_blank_if_default(self.expr, 0.0) exppi = set_blank_if_default(self.exppi, 0.0) exppo = set_blank_if_default(self.exppo, 0.0) list_fields = ['PCONVM', self.pconid, self.mid, form, flag, self.coef, expr, exppi, exppo] return list_fields
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment() + print_card_8(card) return self.comment() + print_card_16(card)
[docs]class PHBDY(ThermalProperty): """ A property entry referenced by CHBDYP entries to give auxiliary geometric information for boundary condition surface elements """ type = 'PHBDY' def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''): if comment: self._comment = comment if card: #: Property identification number. (Unique Integer among all PHBDY #: entries). (Integer > 0) = integer(card, 1, 'pid') assert > 0 #: Area factor of the surface used only for CHBDYP element #: TYPE = 'POINT', TYPE = 'LINE', TYPE = 'TUBE', or #: TYPE = 'ELCYL'. For TYPE = 'TUBE', AF is the constant thickness #: of the hollow tube. (Real > 0.0 or blank) = double_or_blank(card, 2, 'af') #: Diameters associated with the surface. Used with CHBDYP element #: TYPE='ELCYL','TUBE','FTUBE' self.d1 = double_or_blank(card, 3, 'd1') self.d2 = double_or_blank(card, 4, 'd2', self.d1) assert len(card) <= 5, 'len(PHBDY card) = %i' % len(card) else: raise NotImplementedError(data) #def cross_reference(self,model): # pass
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = ['PHBDY',,, self.d1, self.d2] return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): d2 = set_blank_if_default(self.d2, self.d1) list_fields = ['PHBDY',,, self.d1, d2] return list_fields
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment() + print_card_8(card) return self.comment() + print_card_16(card)
# Properties #------------------------------------------------------- # Boundary Conditions
[docs]class CONV(ThermalBC): """ Specifies a free convection boundary condition for heat transfer analysis through connection to a surface element (CHBDYi entry). """ type = 'CONV' def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''): if comment: self._comment = comment #ThermalBC.__init__(self, card, data) if card: #: CHBDYG, CHBDYE, or CHBDYP surface element identification number. #: (Integer > 0) self.eid = integer(card, 1, 'eid') assert self.eid > 0 #: Convection property identification number of a PCONV entry self.pconID = integer(card, 2, 'pconID') #: Point for film convection fluid property temperature self.flmnd = integer_or_blank(card, 3, 'flmnd', 0) #: Control point for free convection boundary condition. self.cntrlnd = integer_or_blank(card, 4, 'cntrlnd', 0) TA1 = integer(card, 5, 'TA1') assert TA1 > 0 #: Ambient points used for convection 0's are allowed for TA2 and #: higher. (Integer > 0 for TA1 and Integer > 0 for TA2 through TA8; #: Default for TA2 through TA8 is TA1.) TA2 = integer_or_blank(card, 6, 'ta2', TA1) TA3 = integer_or_blank(card, 7, 'ta3', TA1) TA4 = integer_or_blank(card, 8, 'ta4', TA1) TA5 = integer_or_blank(card, 9, 'ta5', TA1) TA6 = integer_or_blank(card, 10, 'ta6', TA1) TA7 = integer_or_blank(card, 11, 'ta7', TA1) TA8 = integer_or_blank(card, 12, 'ta8', TA1) self.ta = [TA1, TA2, TA3, TA4, TA5, TA6, TA7, TA8] assert len(card) <= 13, 'len(CONV card) = %i' % len(card) else: raise NotImplementedError(data)
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model): msg = ' which is required by CONV eid=%s' % self.eid self.eid = model.Element(self.eid, msg=msg) if model._xref == 1: # True assert self.eid.type in ['CHBDYG', 'CHBDYE', 'CHBDYP']
[docs] def TA(self, i=None): if i is None: return self.ta return self.ta[i]
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = ['CONV', self.eid, self.pconID, self.flmnd, self.cntrlnd] + self.ta return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): flmnd = set_blank_if_default(self.flmnd, 0) cntrlnd = set_blank_if_default(self.cntrlnd, 0) ta0 = self.ta[0] ta = [ta0] for tai in self.ta[1:]: ta.append(set_blank_if_default(tai, ta0)) list_fields = ['CONV', self.eid, self.pconID, flmnd, cntrlnd] + ta return list_fields
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment() + print_card_8(card) return self.comment() + print_card_16(card)
[docs]class CONVM(ThermalBC): """ Specifies a forced convection boundary condition for heat transfer analysis through connection to a surface element (CHBDYi entry). """ type = 'CONV' def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''): if comment: self._comment = comment if card: self.eid = integer(card, 1, 'eid') self.pconvmID = integer(card, 2, 'pconvmID') self.filmNode = integer_or_blank(card, 3, 'filmNode', 0) assert self.filmNode >= 0 self.cntmdot = integer(card, 4, 'cntmdot') assert self.cntmdot > 0 self.ta1 = integer(card, 5, 'ta1') self.ta2 = integer_or_blank(card, 6, 'ta2', self.ta1) self.mdot = double_or_blank(card, 7, 'mdot', 1.0) assert len(card) <= 8, 'len(CONVM card) = %i' % len(card) else: raise NotImplementedError(data)
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model): msg = ' which is required by CONVM eid=%s' % self.eid self.eid = model.CYBDY(self.eid, msg=msg) self.pconvmID = model.PCONV(self.pconvmID, msg=msg) self.filmNode = model.Grid(self.filmNode, msg=msg)
[docs] def film_node(self): if isinstance(self.filmNode, int): return self.filmNode return self.filmNode.nid
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = ['CONVM', self.eid, self.pconvmID, self.filmNode, self.cntmdot, self.ta1, self.ta2, self.mdot] return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): filmNode = set_blank_if_default(self.filmNode, 0) ta2 = set_blank_if_default(self.ta2, self.ta1) mdot = set_blank_if_default(self.mdot, 1.0) list_fields = ['CONVM', self.eid, self.pconvmID, filmNode, self.cntmdot, self.ta1, ta2, mdot] return list_fields
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment() + print_card_8(card) return self.comment() + print_card_16(card)
[docs]class RADM(ThermalBC): """ Defines the radiation properties of a boundary element for heat transfer analysis """ type = 'RADM' def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''): ThermalBC.__init__(self, card, data) if comment: self._comment = comment if card: #: Material identification number self.radmid = integer(card, 1, 'radmid') assert self.radmid > 0 self.absorb = double(card, 2, 'absorb') assert 0. <= self.absorb <= 1.0 nfields = card.nfields self.emissivity = fields(double, card, 'emissivity', i=3, j=nfields) else: raise NotImplementedError(data) for e in self.emissivity: assert 0. <= e <= 1.0 #def cross_reference(self,model): # pass
[docs] def repr_fields(self): list_fields = ['RADM', self.radmid, self.absorb] + self.emissivity return list_fields
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment() + print_card_8(card) return self.comment() + print_card_16(card)
[docs]class RADBC(ThermalBC): """ Specifies an CHBDYi element face for application of radiation boundary conditions """ type = 'RADBC' def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''): ThermalBC.__init__(self, card, data) if comment: self._comment = comment if card: #: NODAMB Ambient point for radiation exchange. (Integer > 0) self.nodamb = integer(card, 1, 'nodamb') assert self.nodamb > 0 #: Radiation view factor between the face and the ambient point. #: (Real > 0.0) self.famb = double(card, 2, 'famb') assert self.famb > 0.0 #: Control point for thermal flux load. (Integer > 0; Default = 0) self.cntrlnd = integer_or_blank(card, 3, 'cntrlnd', 0) assert self.cntrlnd >= 0 nfields = card.nfields eids = fields(integer_or_string, card, 'eid', i=4, j=nfields) #: CHBDYi element identification number self.eids = expand_thru_by(eids) else: raise NotImplementedError(data) min_eid = min(self.eids) if min_eid < 1: msg = 'min(eids)=%i' % min_eid raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def cross_reference(self, model): msg = ' which is required by RADBC pid=%s' % self.nodamb for i, eid in enumerate(self.eids): self.eids[i] = model.Element(eid, msg=msg)
[docs] def Eids(self): eids = [] for eid in self.eids: eids.append(self.Eid(eid)) return eids
[docs] def Eid(self, eid): if isinstance(eid, int): return eid return eid.eid
[docs] def raw_fields(self): list_fields = (['RADBC', self.nodamb, self.famb, self.cntrlnd] + self.Eids()) return list_fields
[docs] def repr_fields(self): cntrlnd = set_blank_if_default(self.cntrlnd, 0) eids = collapse_thru_by(self.Eids()) list_fields = ['RADBC', self.nodamb, self.famb, cntrlnd] + eids return list_fields
[docs] def write_card(self, size=8, is_double=False): card = self.repr_fields() if size == 8: return self.comment() + print_card_8(card) return self.comment() + print_card_16(card)
# Boundary Conditions #-------------------------------------------------------