Source code for pyNastran.bdf.test.unit.line_parsing

from six.moves import range
from pyNastran.bdf.bdfInterface.assign_type import interpret_value
#from pyNastran.bdf.caseControlDeck import CaseControlDeck

[docs]def parseSetSline(listA): print("listA = ", listA) listB = [] for spot in listA: spot = spot.strip() print("spot = ", spot) if spot == '': pass elif ' ' in spot: sline = spot.split(' ') print("sline = ", sline) if sline[1] == 'THRU': if 'BY' in sline: by = sline[4] else: by = 1 #print("BY = %s" % by) vals = set([]) startValue = interpret_value(sline[0]) endValue = interpret_value(sline[2]) + 1 for i in range(startValue, endValue, by): vals.add(i) #print("vals = ", vals) if 'EXCEPT' in sline: iExcept = sline.index('EXCEPT') #print("e = ", sline[iExcept]) excepted = int(sline[iExcept + 1]) vals.remove(excepted) vals = list(vals) listB += vals print("vals = ", vals) else: print("sline = ", sline) else: #print("spot = %s" % (spot)) if '/' in spot: listB.append(spot) else: listB.append(interpret_value(spot)) return listB
[docs]def parseSetType(i, line, lines, key, value): (key, ID) = key.split() key = key + ' ' + ID #print('SET-type key=%s ID=%s' %(key, ID)) sline = value.strip(' ,').split(',') # float/int values fivalues = parseSetSline(sline) #: .. todo:: should be more efficient multiline reader... # read more lines.... if line[-1].strip() == ',': i += 1 #print("rawSETLine = %r" % lines[i]) while 1: if ',' == lines[i].strip()[-1]: sline = lines[i][:-1].strip().split(',') fivalues += parseSetSline(sline) else: # last case sline = lines[i].strip().split(',') fivalues += parseSetSline(sline) #print("fivalues last = i=%s |%r|" % (i, lines[i])) i += 1 break i += 1 #print("len(fivalues) = %s" % len(fivalues)) value = fivalues options = int(ID) # needed a place to put it... paramType = 'SET-type' return (i, key, value, options, paramType)
[docs]def _parseEntry(lines): i = 0 options = [] value = None key = None paramType = None line = lines[i] #print(line) #print("*****lines = ", lines) equalsCount = 0 for letter in line: if letter == '=': equalsCount += 1 lineUpper = line.upper() if lineUpper.startswith('SUBCASE'): #print("line = |%r|" % line) line2 = line.replace('=', '') sline = line2.split() if len(sline) != 2: msg = "trying to parse |%s|..." % line raise SyntaxError("Invalid Subcase: %s" % msg) (key, isubcase) = sline #print("key=%r isubcase=%r" % (key, isubcase)) value = int(isubcase) #self. subcase = int(isubcase) paramType = 'SUBCASE-type' elif (lineUpper.startswith(('LABEL', 'SUBTITLE')) or lineUpper.startswith('TITLE')): eIndex = line.index('=') key = line[0:eIndex].strip() value = line[eIndex + 1:].strip() options = [] paramType = 'STRING-type' elif equalsCount == 1: # STRESS if '=' in line: (key, value) = line.strip().split('=') else: msg = 'expected item of form "name = value" line=|%r|' % ( line.strip()) raise RuntimeError(msg) key = key.strip() #print(value) value = value.strip() #print("key=%r value=%r" % (key, value)) paramType = 'STRESS-type' #if 'SET' in key: #(i,key,value,options,paramType) = parseSetType(i,line,lines,key,value) if '(' in key: # comma may be in line - STRESS-type #paramType = 'STRESS-type' sline = key.strip(')').split('(') key = sline[0] options = sline[1].split(',') # handle TEMPERATURE(INITIAL) and TEMPERATURE(LOAD) cards if key == 'TEMPERATURE' or key == 'TEMP': key = 'TEMPERATURE(%s)' % (options[0]) options = [] #print("key=%r options=%s" % (key, options)) elif ' ' in key and ',' in value: # SET-type (with spaces, so SET 1 = 1, not SET = ALL) (i, key, value, options, paramType) = parseSetType( i, line, lines, key, value) elif ',' in value: # STRESS-type; special TITLE = stuffA,stuffB #print('A ??? line = ',line) #raise RuntimeError(line) pass else: # STRESS-type; TITLE = stuff #print('B ??? line = ',line) if ' ' in value: sline = value.split(' ') print("sline = ", sline) value = parseSetSline(sline) else: value = interpret_value(value) elif lineUpper.startswith('BEGIN'): # begin bulk try: (key, value) = lineUpper.split(' ') except: msg = 'excepted "BEGIN BULK" found=|%r|' % (line) raise RuntimeError(msg) paramType = 'BEGIN_BULK-type' elif 'PARAM' in lineUpper: # param sline = line.split(',') if len(sline) != 3: raise SyntaxError("Param Parse: trying to parse %r..." % line) (key, value, options) = sline paramType = 'CSV-type' elif ' ' not in line: key = line.strip() value = line.strip() options = None paramType = 'KEY-type' else: msg = 'generic catch all...line=%r' % line #print('C ??? line = ', line) #raise RuntimeError(msg) key = '' value = line options = None paramType = 'KEY-type' i += 1 #print("done with %s" % key) return (i, key, value, options, paramType)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover pass #print(_parseEntry(['SET =ALL'])) #print(_parseEntry(['SET 77=5'])) #print(_parseEntry(['SET 88=5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 THRU 55 EXCEPT 15, 16, 77, 78, 79, 100 THRU 300'])) #print(_parseEntry(['SET 99=1 THRU 110'])) #print(_parseEntry(['SET 2001=M1,M2'])) #print(_parseEntry(['SET 101=1.0, 2.0, 3.0'])) #deck = CaseControlDeck(lines) #print(_parseEntry(['SET 105=1.009, 10.2, 13.4, 14.0, 15.0'])) #print(_parseEntry(['SET 1001=101/T1, 501/T3, 991/R3']))