Source code for pyNastran.op2.test.test_op2

from six import string_types, iteritems, PY2
import os
import sys
import time
from traceback import print_exc

import pyNastran
from pyNastran import is_release
from pyNastran.f06.errors import FatalError
from pyNastran.op2.op2 import OP2, FatalError, SortCodeError

    from pyNastran.op2.op2_geom import OP2Geom_Scalar, OP2Geom
    is_geom = True
except ImportError:
    is_geom = False

# we need to check the memory usage
is_linux = None
is_memory = True
    if == 'nt':  # windows
        windows_flag = True
        is_linux = False
        import wmi
        comp = wmi.WMI()

        """Functions for getting memory usage of Windows processes."""

        __all__ = ['get_current_process', 'get_memory_info', 'get_memory_usage']

        import ctypes
        from ctypes import wintypes

        GetCurrentProcess = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetCurrentProcess
        GetCurrentProcess.argtypes = []
        GetCurrentProcess.restype = wintypes.HANDLE

        SIZE_T = ctypes.c_size_t

        class PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX(ctypes.Structure):
            _fields_ = [
                ('cb', wintypes.DWORD),
                ('PageFaultCount', wintypes.DWORD),
                ('PeakWorkingSetSize', SIZE_T),
                ('WorkingSetSize', SIZE_T),
                ('QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage', SIZE_T),
                ('QuotaPagedPoolUsage', SIZE_T),
                ('QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage', SIZE_T),
                ('QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage', SIZE_T),
                ('PagefileUsage', SIZE_T),
                ('PeakPagefileUsage', SIZE_T),
                ('PrivateUsage', SIZE_T),

        GetProcessMemoryInfo = ctypes.windll.psapi.GetProcessMemoryInfo
        GetProcessMemoryInfo.argtypes = [
        GetProcessMemoryInfo.restype = wintypes.BOOL

        def get_current_process():
            """Return handle to current process."""
            return GetCurrentProcess()

        def get_memory_info(process=None):
            """Return Win32 process memory counters structure as a dict."""
            if process is None:
                process = get_current_process()
            counters = PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX()
            ret = GetProcessMemoryInfo(process, ctypes.byref(counters),
            if not ret:
                raise ctypes.WinError()
            info = dict((name, getattr(counters, name))
                        for name, _ in counters._fields_)
            return info

        def get_memory_usage(process=None):
            """Return this process's memory usage in bytes."""
            info = get_memory_info(process=process)
            return info['PrivateUsage']

    elif in ['posix', 'mac']:  # linux/mac
        import resource
        windows_flag = False
        is_linux = True
    is_memory = False

[docs]def parse_table_names_from_F06(f06Name): """gets the op2 names from the f06""" infile = open(f06Name,'r') marker = 'NAME OF DATA BLOCK WRITTEN ON FORTRAN UNIT IS' names = [] for line in infile: if marker in line: word = line.replace(marker,'').strip().strip('.') names.append(word) infile.close() return names
[docs]def get_failed_files(filename): infile = open(filename, 'r') lines = infile.readlines() infile.close() files = [] for line in lines: files.append(line.strip()) return files
[docs]def run_lots_of_files(files, make_geom=True, write_bdf=False, write_f06=True, delete_f06=True, write_op2=False, is_vector=False, vector_stop=True, debug=True, saveCases=True, skipFiles=[], stopOnFailure=False, nStart=0, nStop=1000000000, binary_debug=False): n = '' assert make_geom in [True, False] assert write_bdf in [True, False] assert write_f06 in [True, False] if is_vector in [True, False]: is_vector = [is_vector] vector_stop = [vector_stop] iSubcases = [] failed_cases = [] nFailed = 0 nTotal = 0 nPassed = 0 t0 = time.time() for i, op2file in enumerate(files[nStart:nStop], nStart): # 149 basename = os.path.basename(op2file) #if baseName not in skipFiles and not baseName.startswith('acms') and i not in nSkip: if basename not in skipFiles and '#' not in op2file: print("%" * 80) print('file=%s\n' % op2file) n = '%s ' % i sys.stderr.write('%sfile=%s\n' % (n, op2file)) nTotal += 1 is_passed = True is_vector_failed = [] for vectori, vector_stopi in zip(is_vector, vector_stop): print('------running is_vector=%s------' % vectori) is_passed_i = run_op2(op2file, make_geom=make_geom, write_bdf=write_bdf, write_f06=write_f06, write_op2=write_op2, is_mag_phase=False, is_vector=vectori, delete_f06=delete_f06, iSubcases=iSubcases, debug=debug, stopOnFailure=stopOnFailure, binary_debug=binary_debug) # True/False if not is_passed_i and vector_stopi: is_passed = False if not is_passed_i: is_vector_failed.append(vectori) if not is_passed: sys.stderr.write('**file=%s vector_failed=%s\n' % (op2file, is_vector_failed)) failed_cases.append(op2file) nFailed += 1 else: nPassed += 1 #sys.exit('end of') if saveCases: if PY2: f = open('','wb') else: f = open('','w') for op2file in failed_cases: f.write('%s\n' % op2file) f.close() seconds = time.time() - t0 minutes = seconds / 60. print("dt = %s seconds = %s minutes" % (seconds, minutes)) msg = '-----done with all models %s/%s=%.2f%% nFailed=%s-----' % ( nPassed, nTotal, 100. * nPassed / float(nTotal), nTotal - nPassed) print(msg) sys.exit(msg)
[docs]def run_op2(op2_filename, make_geom=False, write_bdf=False, write_f06=True, write_op2=False, is_mag_phase=False, is_vector=False, delete_f06=False, iSubcases=[], exclude=[], debug=False, binary_debug=False, stopOnFailure=True): assert '.op2' in op2_filename.lower(), 'op2FileName=%s is not an OP2' % op2_filename isPassed = False fname_base, ext = os.path.splitext(op2_filename) bdf_filename = fname_base + '.test_op2.bdf' if isinstance(iSubcases, string_types): if '_' in iSubcases: iSubcases = [int(i) for i in iSubcases.split('_')] else: iSubcases = [int(iSubcases)] print('iSubcases = %s' % iSubcases) debug_file = None if binary_debug or write_op2: debug_file = 'debug.out' #print('debug_file = %r' % debug_file, os.getcwd()) if make_geom and not is_geom: raise RuntimeError('make_geom=%s is not supported' % make_geom) if is_vector: if make_geom: op2 = OP2Geom(debug=debug, debug_file=debug_file) else: op2 = OP2(debug=debug, debug_file=debug_file) else: if make_geom: op2 = OP2Geom_Scalar(make_geom=make_geom, debug=debug, debug_file=debug_file) else: op2 = OP2(debug=debug, debug_file=debug_file) op2.set_subcases(iSubcases) op2.remove_results(exclude) if is_memory: if is_linux: # linux kb = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss else: # windows kb = get_memory_usage() / 1024 mb = kb / 1024. #mbs.append(mb) print("Memory usage start: %s (KB); %.2f (MB)" % (kb, mb)) try: #op2.read_bdf(op2.bdfFileName, includeDir=None, xref=False) op2.read_op2(op2_filename, vectorized=is_vector) print("---stats for %s---" % op2_filename) #op2.get_op2_stats() print(op2.get_op2_stats()) if write_bdf: op2.write_bdf(bdf_filename) if write_bdf and 0: op2.write_bdf('fem.test_op2.bdf', interspersed=True) #tableNamesF06 = parse_table_names_from_F06(op2.f06FileName) #tableNamesOP2 = op2.getTableNamesFromOP2() if is_memory: if is_linux: # linux kb = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss else: # windows kb = get_memory_usage() / 1024 mb = kb / 1024. #mbs.append(mb) print("Memory usage end: %s (KB); %.2f (MB)" % (kb, mb)) if write_f06: model, ext = os.path.splitext(op2_filename) op2.write_f06(model + '.test_op2.f06', is_mag_phase=is_mag_phase) if delete_f06: try: os.remove(model + '.test_op2.f06') except: pass if write_op2: model, ext = os.path.splitext(op2_filename) op2.write_op2(model + '.test_op2.op2', is_mag_phase=is_mag_phase) if delete_f06: try: os.remove(model + '.test_op2.op2') except: pass del op2 if is_memory: if is_linux: # linux kb = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss else: # windows kb = get_memory_usage() / 1024 mb = kb / 1024. #mbs.append(mb) print("Memory usage cleanup: %s (KB); %.2f (MB)" % (kb, mb)) #print("subcases = ", op2.subcases) #assert tableNamesF06==tableNamesOP2, 'tableNamesF06=%s tableNamesOP2=%s' % (tableNamesF06, tableNamesOP2) #op2.caseControlDeck.sol = op2.sol #print(op2.caseControlDeck.get_op2_data()) #print(op2.caseControlDeck.get_op2_data()) isPassed = True except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stdout.flush() print_exc(file=sys.stdout) sys.stderr.write('**file=%s\n' % op2_filename) sys.exit('keyboard stop...') #except SortCodeError: # inherits from Runtime; comment this #isPassed = True #except RuntimeError: # the op2 is bad, not my fault; comment this #isPassed = True #if stopOnFailure: #raise #else: #isPassed = True #except IOError: # missing file; this block should be commented #if stopOnFailure: #raise #isPassed = True #except UnicodeDecodeError: # this block should be commented #isPassed = True #except FatalError: # this block should be commented #if stopOnFailure: #raise #isPassed = True #except AssertionError: # comment this # isPassed = True #except RuntimeError: #invalid analysis code; this block should be commented # isPassed = True except SystemExit: #print_exc(file=sys.stdout) #sys.exit('stopping on sys.exit') raise #except NameError: # variable isnt defined # if stopOnFailure: # raise # else: # isPassed = True #except IndexError: # bad bdf # isPassed = True except SyntaxError: #Param Parse; this block should be commented if stopOnFailure: raise isPassed = True except: #print e if stopOnFailure: raise else: print_exc(file=sys.stdout) isPassed = False return isPassed
[docs]def main(): from docopt import docopt ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) msg = "Usage:\n" if is_release: msg += "test_op2 [-q] [-b] [-f] [-z] [-t] [-s <sub>] [-x <arg>]... OP2_FILENAME\n" else: msg += "test_op2 [-q] [-b] [-g] [-w] [-f] [-o] [-z] [-t] [-s <sub>] [-x <arg>]... OP2_FILENAME\n" msg += " test_op2 -h | --help\n" msg += " test_op2 -v | --version\n" msg += "\n" msg += "Tests to see if an OP2 will work with pyNastran %s.\n" % ver msg += "\n" msg += "Positional Arguments:\n" msg += " OP2_FILENAME Path to OP2 file\n" msg += "\n" msg += "Options:\n" msg += " -b, --binarydebug Dumps the OP2 as a readable text file (default=False)\n" msg += " -q, --quiet Suppresses debug messages (default=False)\n" if not is_release: msg += " -g, --geometry Reads the OP2 for geometry, which can be written out (default=False)\n" msg += " -w, --write_bdf Writes the bdf to fem.test_op2.bdf (default=False)\n" msg += " -f, --write_f06 Writes the f06 to fem.test_op2.f06 (default=True)\n" if not is_release: msg += " -o, --write_op2 Writes the op2 to fem.test_op2.op2 (default=False)\n" msg += " -z, --is_mag_phase F06 Writer writes Magnitude/Phase instead of\n" msg += " Real/Imaginary (still stores Real/Imag); (default=False)\n" msg += " -s <sub>, --subcase Specify one or more subcases to parse; (e.g. 2_5)\n" msg += " -t, --vector Vectorizes the results (default=False)\n" msg += " -x <arg>, --exclude Exclude specific results\n" msg += " -h, --help Show this help message and exit\n" msg += " -v, --version Show program's version number and exit\n" if len(sys.argv) == 1: sys.exit(msg) data = docopt(msg, version=ver) if '--geometry' not in data: data['--geometry'] = False if '--write_op2' not in data: data['--write_op2'] = False if '--write_bdf' not in data: data['--write_bdf'] = False #print("data", data) for key, value in sorted(iteritems(data)): print("%-12s = %r" % (key.strip('--'), value)) if os.path.exists('skippedCards.out'): os.remove('skippedCards.out') import time t0 = time.time() run_op2(data['OP2_FILENAME'], make_geom = data['--geometry'], write_bdf = data['--write_bdf'], write_f06 = data['--write_f06'], write_op2 = data['--write_op2'], is_mag_phase = data['--is_mag_phase'], is_vector = data['--vector'], iSubcases = data['--subcase'], exclude = data['--exclude'], debug = not(data['--quiet']), binary_debug = data['--binarydebug']) print("dt = %f" % (time.time() - t0))
if __name__=='__main__': # op2 main()