Source code for pyNastran.bdf.bdf

# pylint: disable=W0212,C0103,W0633,W0611,W0201,C0301,R0915,R0912
# coding: utf-8
Main BDF class.  Defines:
  - BDF
from __future__ import (nested_scopes, generators, division, absolute_import,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)
from six import string_types, iteritems, itervalues, next

#from codecs import open as codec_open
import io
import os
import sys
import traceback

from numpy import unique

from pyNastran.bdf.utils import (to_fields, get_include_filename,
                                 clean_empty_lines, _clean_comment, CardParseSyntaxError)
from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_8 import print_card_8
from import wipe_empty_fields

from pyNastran.utils import (object_attributes, print_bad_path)
from import list_print
from pyNastran.utils.log import get_logger2

from pyNastran.bdf.bdfInterface.assign_type import (integer,
                                                    integer_or_string, string)

from import CFAST, CGAP, CRAC2D, CRAC3D
                                                       PRAC2D, PRAC3D, PCONEAX)

from import (CELAS1, CELAS2, CELAS3, CELAS4,
from import PELAS, PELAST

from import (CTETRA4, CTETRA10, CPYRAM5, CPYRAM13,
                                                CPENTA6, CPENTA15,
                                                CHEXA8, CHEXA20, SolidElement)
from import (RBAR, RBAR1, RBE1, RBE2, RBE3, RigidElement)

                                                CSHEAR, CTRIA3, CTRIA6, CTRIAX,
                                                CTRIAX6, CTRIAR, ShellElement)
from import CBUSH, CBUSH1D, CBUSH2D
from import PBUSH, PBUSH1D
from import (CVISC, CDAMP1, CDAMP2, CDAMP3, CDAMP4,
                                                 CDAMP5, DamperElement)
from import (PVISC, PDAMP, PDAMP5, PDAMPT)
from import CROD, CONROD, CTUBE, RodElement
from import CBAR, LineElement, CBEAM3 # CBEND
from import CBEAM
from import PROD, PTUBE
from import (PBAR, PBARL, )  # PBEND
from import  PBEAM, PBEAML, PBCOMP
from import (CONM1, CONM2, CMASS1, CMASS2, CMASS3, CMASS4,
                                               PointElement, PointMassElement)  # CMASS5
from import (PMASS, NSM)
                                      AESURFS, AERO, AEROS, CSSCHD,
                                      CAERO1, CAERO2, CAERO3, CAERO4, CAERO5,
                                      PAERO1, PAERO2, PAERO3,
                                      FLFACT, FLUTTER, GUST, MKAERO1,
                                      MKAERO2, SPLINE1, SPLINE2, SPLINE4,
                                      SPLINE5, TRIM)
from import (SPC, SPCADD, SPCD, SPCAX, SPC1,
                                             MPC, MPCADD, SUPORT1, SUPORT,
from import (CORD1R, CORD1C, CORD1S,
                                                   CORD2R, CORD2C, CORD2S, CORD3G)
from import (DEQATN, DMIG, DMI, DMIJ, DMIK, DMIJI, NastranMatrix)
from import (LOAD, GRAV, ACCEL, ACCEL1, FORCE,
                                                   FORCE1, FORCE2, MOMENT, MOMENT1, MOMENT2,
                                                   PLOAD, PLOAD1, PLOAD2, PLOAD4, PLOADX1)

from import (MAT1, MAT2, MAT3, MAT4, MAT5,
                                           MAT8, MAT9, MAT10, MAT11,
                                           MATHP, CREEP, EQUIV)
from import MATT1, MATT2, MATT4, MATT5, MATS1  # TODO: add MATT3, MATT8, MATT9

from import GRID, GRDSET, SPOINTs
                                              DRESP1, DRESP2, DVMREL1, DVPREL1, DVPREL2)
from import PARAM
from import (ASET, BSET, CSET, QSET,
                                          ASET1, BSET1, CSET1, QSET1,
                                          SET1, SET3, SESET, SEQSEP, RADSET)
                                                 PHBDY, CONV, RADM, RADBC,)
from import (TABLED1, TABLED2, TABLED3, TABLED4,
                                            TABLEM1, TABLEM2, TABLEM3, TABLEM4,
                                            TABLES1, TABDMP1, TABLEST, TABRND1, TABRNDG, TIC)
from pyNastran.bdf.caseControlDeck import CaseControlDeck
from pyNastran.bdf.bdf_Methods import BDFMethods
from pyNastran.bdf.bdfInterface.getCard import GetMethods
from pyNastran.bdf.bdfInterface.addCard import AddMethods
from pyNastran.bdf.bdfInterface.BDF_Card import BDFCard
from pyNastran.bdf.bdfInterface.assign_type import interpret_value
from pyNastran.bdf.bdfInterface.bdf_writeMesh import WriteMesh
from pyNastran.bdf.bdfInterface.crossReference import XrefMesh
from pyNastran.bdf.bdfInterface.attributes import BDFAttributes

[docs]class BDF(BDFMethods, GetMethods, AddMethods, WriteMesh, XrefMesh, BDFAttributes): """ NASTRAN BDF Reader/Writer/Editor class. """ #: this is a nastran model modelType = 'nastran' #: required for sphinx bug #: #__slots__ = ['_is_dynamic_syntax'] def __init__(self, debug=True, log=None): """ Initializes the BDF object :param self: the BDF object :param debug: used to set the logger if no logger is passed in True: logs debug/info/error messages False: logs info/error messages None: logs error messages :param log: a python logging module object; if log is set, debug is ignored and uses the settings the logging object has """ assert debug in [True, False, None], 'debug=%r' % debug self.echo = False # file management parameters self._ifile = -1 self.include_dir = '' self.active_filename = None self.active_filenames = [] self._stored_Is = {} self._stored_lines = {} self._stored_comments = {} self._line_streams = {} self._card_streams = {} self._break_comment = None self._relpath = True if sys.version_info < (2, 6): self._relpath = False self.log = get_logger2(log, debug) #: list of all read in cards - useful in determining if entire BDF #: was read & really useful in debugging self.card_count = {} #: stores the card_count of cards that have been rejected self.reject_count = {} #: was an ENDDATA card found #self.foundEndData = False #: allows the BDF variables to be scoped properly (i think...) GetMethods.__init__(self) AddMethods.__init__(self) BDFMethods.__init__(self) WriteMesh.__init__(self) XrefMesh.__init__(self) #BDF_Attributes.__init__(self) #: useful in debugging errors in input self.debug = debug #: flag that allows for OpenMDAO-style optimization syntax to be used self._is_dynamic_syntax = False #: lines that were rejected b/c they were for a card that isnt supported self.rejects = [] #: cards that were created, but not processed self.reject_cards = [] #: list of execive control deck lines self.executive_control_lines = [] #: list of case control deck lines self.case_control_lines = [] self.__init_attributes() #: the list of possible cards that will be parsed self.cards_to_read = set([ 'ECHOON', 'ECHOOFF', 'PARAM', 'GRID', 'GRDSET', 'SPOINT', # 'RINGAX', #'POINT', 'POINTAX', 'RINGAX', # mass 'CONM1', 'CONM2', 'CMASS1', 'CMASS2', 'CMASS3', 'CMASS4', # elements 'CELAS1', 'CELAS2', 'CELAS3', 'CELAS4', # 'CELAS5', 'CBUSH', 'CBUSH1D', 'CBUSH2D', 'CDAMP1', 'CDAMP2', 'CDAMP3', 'CDAMP4', 'CDAMP5', 'CFAST', 'CBAR', 'CROD', 'CTUBE', 'CBEAM', 'CBEAM3', 'CONROD', 'CBEND', 'CTRIA3', 'CTRIA6', 'CTRIAR', 'CTRIAX', 'CTRIAX6', 'CQUAD4', 'CQUAD8', 'CQUADR', 'CQUADX', 'CQUAD', 'CTETRA', 'CPYRAM', 'CPENTA', 'CHEXA', 'CSHEAR', 'CVISC', 'CRAC2D', 'CRAC3D', 'CGAP', # rigid elements 'RBAR', 'RBAR1', 'RBE1', 'RBE2', 'RBE3', # properties 'PMASS', 'PELAS', 'PGAP', 'PFAST', 'PLPLANE', 'PBUSH', 'PBUSH1D', 'PDAMP', 'PDAMP5', 'PDAMPT', 'PROD', 'PBAR', 'PBARL', 'PBEAM', 'PTUBE', 'PBEND', 'PBCOMP', 'PBEAML', # not fully supported # 'PBEAM3', 'PSHELL', 'PCOMP', 'PCOMPG', 'PSHEAR', 'PSOLID', 'PLSOLID', 'PVISC', 'PRAC2D', 'PRAC3D', # creep materials 'CREEP', # materials 'MAT1', 'MAT2', 'MAT3', 'MAT8', 'MAT9', 'MAT10', 'MAT11', 'MATHP', 'MATT1', 'MATT2', 'MATT4', 'MATT5', #'MATT3', 'MATT8', 'MATT9', 'MATS1', #'MATS3', 'MATS8', # 'MATHE' #'EQUIV', # testing only, should never be activated... # thermal materials 'MAT4', 'MAT5', # spc/mpc constraints 'SPC', 'SPCADD', 'SPC1', 'SPCD', 'SPCAX', 'MPC', 'MPCADD', 'SUPORT', 'SUPORT1', # loads 'LOAD', 'LSEQ', 'RANDPS', 'DLOAD', 'SLOAD', 'TLOAD1', 'TLOAD2', 'RLOAD1', 'RLOAD2', 'FORCE', 'FORCE1', 'FORCE2', 'MOMENT', 'MOMENT1', 'MOMENT2', 'GRAV', 'ACCEL', 'ACCEL1', 'PLOAD', 'PLOAD1', 'PLOAD2', 'PLOAD4', 'PLOADX1', 'RFORCE', # aero cards 'AERO', 'AEROS', 'GUST', 'FLUTTER', 'FLFACT', 'MKAERO1', 'MKAERO2', 'AEFACT', 'AELINK', 'AELIST', 'AEPARAM', 'AESTAT', 'AESURF', 'CAERO1', 'CAERO2', 'CAERO3', 'CAERO4', # 'CAERO5', 'PAERO1', 'PAERO2', 'PAERO3', # 'PAERO4', 'PAERO5', 'SPLINE1', 'SPLINE2', 'SPLINE4', 'SPLINE5', #'SPLINE3', 'SPLINE6', 'SPLINE7', 'TRIM', # coords 'CORD1R', 'CORD1C', 'CORD1S', 'CORD2R', 'CORD2C', 'CORD2S', # temperature cards 'TEMP', # 'TEMPD', 'QBDY1', 'QBDY2', 'QBDY3', 'QHBDY', 'CHBDYE', 'CHBDYG', 'CHBDYP', 'PCONV', 'PCONVM', 'PHBDY', 'RADBC', 'CONV', # 'RADM', # dynamic cards 'DAREA', 'NLPARM', 'NLPCI', 'TSTEP', 'TSTEPNL', # frequencies 'FREQ', 'FREQ1', 'FREQ2', # direct matrix input cards 'DMIG', 'DMIJ', 'DMIJI', 'DMIK', 'DMI', 'DEQATN', # optimization cards 'DCONSTR', 'DESVAR', 'DDVAL', 'DRESP1', 'DRESP2', 'DVPREL1', 'DVPREL2', 'DOPTPRM', 'DVMREL1', 'DLINK', 'DRESP3', #'DSCREEN', # sets 'ASET', 'BSET', 'CSET', 'QSET', # 'USET', 'ASET1', 'BSET1', 'CSET1', 'QSET1', # 'USET1', 'SET1', 'SET3', # super-element sets 'SESET', # tables #'DTABLE', 'TABLEHT', 'TABRNDG', 'TABLED1', 'TABLED2', 'TABLED3', 'TABLED4', 'TABLEM1', 'TABLEM2', 'TABLEM3', 'TABLEM4', 'TABDMP1', 'TABLES1', 'TABLEST', 'TABRND1', 'TABRNDG', # initial conditions - sid (set ID) #'TIC', (in #: methods 'EIGB', 'EIGR', 'EIGRL', #: cMethods 'EIGC', 'EIGP', #: contact 'BCTPARA', 'BCRPARA', 'BCTADD', 'BCTSET', 'BSURF', 'BSURFS', # other 'INCLUDE', # '=' 'ENDDATA', ]) caseControlCards = set(['FREQ', 'GUST', 'MPC', 'SPC', 'NLPARM', 'NSM', 'TEMP', 'TSTEPNL', 'INCLUDE']) self.uniqueBulkDataCards = self.cards_to_read.difference(caseControlCards) #: / is the delete from restart card self.specialCards = ['DEQATN', '/']
[docs] def disable_cards(self, cards): """ Method for removing broken cards from the reader :param self: the BDF object :param cards: a list/set of cards that should not be read """ disableSet = set(cards) self.cards_to_read.difference(disableSet)
def __init_attributes(self): """ Creates storage objects for the BDF object. This would be in the init but doing it this way allows for better inheritance References: 1. """ self.bdf_filename = None self._auto_reject = False self._solmap_to_value = { 'NONLIN': 101, # 66 -> 101 per Reference 1 'SESTATIC': 101, 'SESTATICS': 101, 'SEMODES': 103, 'BUCKLING': 105, 'SEBUCKL': 105, 'NLSTATIC': 106, 'SEDCEIG': 107, 'SEDFREQ': 108, 'SEDTRAN': 109, 'SEMCEIG': 110, 'SEMFREQ': 111, 'SEMTRAN': 112, 'CYCSTATX': 114, 'CYCMODE': 115, 'CYCBUCKL': 116, 'CYCFREQ': 118, 'NLTRAN': 129, 'AESTAT': 144, 'FLUTTR': 145, 'SEAERO': 146, 'NLSCSH': 153, 'NLTCSH': 159, 'DBTRANS': 190, 'DESOPT': 200, # guessing #'CTRAN' : 115, 'CFREQ' : 118, # solution 200 names 'STATICS': 101, 'MODES': 103, 'BUCK': 105, 'DFREQ': 108, 'MFREQ': 111, 'MTRAN': 112, 'DCEIG': 107, 'MCEIG': 110, #'HEAT' : None, #'STRUCTURE': None, #'DIVERGE' : None, 'FLUTTER': 145, 'SAERO': 146, } self.rsolmap_toStr = { 66: 'NONLIN', 101: 'SESTSTATIC', # linear static 103: 'SEMODES', # modal 105: 'BUCKLING', # buckling 106: 'NLSTATIC', # non-linear static 107: 'SEDCEIG', # direct complex frequency response 108: 'SEDFREQ', # direct frequency response 109: 'SEDTRAN', # direct transient response 110: 'SEMCEIG', # modal complex eigenvalue 111: 'SEMFREQ', # modal frequency response 112: 'SEMTRAN', # modal transient response 114: 'CYCSTATX', 115: 'CYCMODE', 116: 'CYCBUCKL', 118: 'CYCFREQ', 129: 'NLTRAN', # nonlinear transient 144: 'AESTAT', # static aeroelastic 145: 'FLUTTR', # flutter/aeroservoelastic 146: 'SEAERO', # dynamic aeroelastic 153: 'NLSCSH', # nonlinear static thermal 159: 'NLTCSH', # nonlinear transient thermal 190: 'DBTRANS', 200: 'DESOPT', # optimization } # ------------------------ bad duplicates ---------------------------- self._iparse_errors = 0 self._nparse_errors = 0 self._stop_on_parsing_error = True self._stored_parse_errors = [] self._duplicate_nodes = [] self._duplicate_elements = [] self._duplicate_properties = [] self._duplicate_materials = [] self._duplicate_masses = [] self._duplicate_thermal_materials = [] self._duplicate_coords = [] # ------------------------ structural defaults ----------------------- #: the analysis type self.sol = None #: used in solution 600, method self.solMethod = None #: the line with SOL on it, marks ??? self.iSolLine = None self.caseControlDeck = None #: store the PARAM cards self.params = {} # ------------------------------- nodes ------------------------------- # main structural block #: stores SPOINT, GRID cards self.nodes = {} #: stores POINT cards self.points = {} #self.grids = {} self.spoints = None #self.epoints = None #: stores GRIDSET card self.gridSet = None #: stores elements (CQUAD4, CTRIA3, CHEXA8, CTETRA4, CROD, CONROD, #: etc.) self.elements = {} #: stores rigid elements (RBE2, RBE3, RJOINT, etc.) self.rigidElements = {} #: store CONM1, CONM2, CMASS1,CMASS2, CMASS3, CMASS4, CMASS5 self.masses = {} self.properties_mass = {} # PMASS #: stores LOTS of propeties (PBAR, PBEAM, PSHELL, PCOMP, etc.) = {} #: stores MAT1, MAT2, MAT3, MAT8, MAT10, MAT11 self.materials = {} #: defines the MAT4, MAT5 self.thermalMaterials = {} #: defines the MATHE, MATHP self.hyperelasticMaterials = {} #: stores MATSx self.MATS1 = {} self.MATS3 = {} self.MATS8 = {} #: stores MATTx self.MATT1 = {} self.MATT2 = {} self.MATT3 = {} self.MATT4 = {} self.MATT5 = {} self.MATT8 = {} self.MATT9 = {} #: stores the CREEP card self.creepMaterials = {} # loads #: stores LOAD, FORCE, MOMENT, etc. self.loads = {} # stores DLOAD entries. self.dloads = {} # stores RLOAD1, RLOAD2, TLOAD1, TLOAD2, and ACSRCE entries. self.dload_entries = {} #self.gusts = {} # Case Control GUST = 100 #self.random = {} # Case Control RANDOM = 100 #: stores coordinate systems self.coords = {0: CORD2R()} # --------------------------- constraints ---------------------------- #: stores SUPORT1s #self.constraints = {} # suport1, anything else??? self.suports = [] # suport, suport1 #: stores SPCADD,SPC,SPC1,SPCD,SPCAX self.spcObject = ConstraintObject() #: stores MPCADD,MPC self.mpcObject = ConstraintObject() self.spcs = {} self.spcadds = {} self.mpcs = {} self.mpcadds = {} # --------------------------- dynamic ---------------------------- #: stores DAREA self.dareas = {} self.pbusht = {} self.pdampt = {} self.pelast = {} #: frequencies self.frequencies = {} # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #: direct matrix input - DMIG self.dmis = {} self.dmigs = {} self.dmijs = {} self.dmijis = {} self.dmiks = {} self.dequations = {} # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #: SETx self.sets = {} self.asets = [] self.bsets = [] self.csets = [] self.qsets = [] #: SESETx self.setsSuper = {} # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #: tables self.tables = {} #: randomTables self.randomTables = {} # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #: EIGB, EIGR, EIGRL methods self.methods = {} # EIGC, EIGP methods self.cMethods = {} # ---------------------------- optimization -------------------------- # optimization self.dconstrs = {} self.desvars = {} self.ddvals = {} self.dlinks = {} self.dresps = {} #: stores DVPREL1, DVPREL2...might change to DVxRel self.dvprels = {} self.dvmrels = {} self.doptprm = None self.dscreen = {} # ------------------------- nonlinear defaults ----------------------- #: stores NLPCI self.nlpcis = {} #: stores NLPARM self.nlparms = {} #: stores TSTEPs self.tsteps = {} #: stores TSTEPNL self.tstepnls = {} # --------------------------- aero defaults -------------------------- # aero cards #: stores CAEROx self.caeros = {} #: stores PAEROx self.paeros = {} #: stores AERO = {} #: stores AEROS self.aeros = {} #: stores AEFACT self.aefacts = {} #: stores AELINK self.aelinks = {} #: stores AELIST self.aelists = {} #: stores AEPARAM self.aeparams = {} #: stores AESURF self.aesurfs = {} #: stores AESTAT self.aestats = {} #: stores GUST cards self.gusts = {} #: stores FLFACT self.flfacts = {} #: .. todo:: can this be simplified ??? #: stores FLUTTER self.flutters = {} #: mkaeros self.mkaeros = [] #: store SPLINE1,SPLINE2,SPLINE4,SPLINE5 self.splines = {} #: stores TRIM self.trims = {} # ------------------------- thermal defaults ------------------------- # BCs #: stores thermal boundary conditions - CONV,RADBC self.bcs = {} # e.g. RADBC #: stores PHBDY self.phbdys = {} #: stores convection properties - PCONV, PCONVM ??? self.convectionProperties = {} # -------------------------contact cards------------------------------- self.bcrparas = {} self.bctadds = {} self.bctparas = {} self.bctsets = {} self.bsurf = {} self.bsurfs = {}
[docs] def set_error_storage(self, nparse_errors=100, stop_on_parsing_error=True, nxref_errors=100, stop_on_xref_error=True): """ Catch parsing errors and store them up to print them out all at once (not all errors are caught). :param self: the BDF object :param nparse_errors: how many parse errors should be stored (default=0; all=None; no storage=0) :param stop_on_parsing_error: should an error be raised if there are parsing errors (default=True) :param nxref_errors: how many cross-reference errors should be stored (default=0; all=None; no storage=0) :param stop_on_xref_error: should an error be raised if there are cross-reference errors (default=True) """ self._nparse_errors = nparse_errors self._nxref_errors = nxref_errors self._stop_on_parsing_error = stop_on_parsing_error self._stop_on_xref_error = stop_on_xref_error
[docs] def read_bdf(self, bdf_filename=None, include_dir=None, xref=True, punch=False): """ Read method for the bdf files :param self: the BDF object :param bdf_filename: the input bdf (default=None; popup a dialog) :param include_dir: the relative path to any include files (default=None if no include files) :param xref: should the bdf be cross referenced (default=True) :param punch: indicates whether the file is a punch file (default=False) .. code-block:: python >>> bdf = BDF() >>> bdf.read_bdf(bdf_filename, xref=True) >>> g1 = bdf.Node(1) >>> print(g1.Position()) [10.0, 12.0, 42.0] >>> bdf.write_card(bdf_filename2) >>> print(bdf.card_stats()) ---BDF Statistics--- SOL 101 bdf.nodes = 20 bdf.elements = 10 etc. """ #self.set_error_storage(nparse_errors=None, stop_on_parsing_error=True, # nxref_errors=None, stop_on_xref_error=True) #self._encoding = encoding if bdf_filename is None: from pyNastran.utils.gui_io import load_file_dialog wildcard_wx = "Nastran BDF (*.bdf; *.dat; *.nas; *.pch)|" \ "*.bdf;*.dat;*.nas;*.pch|" \ "All files (*.*)|*.*" wildcard_qt = "Nastran BDF (*.bdf *.dat *.nas *.pch);;All files (*)" title = 'Please select a BDF/DAT/PCH to load' bdf_filename, wildcard_level = load_file_dialog(title, wildcard_wx, wildcard_qt) assert bdf_filename is not None, bdf_filename #: the active filename (string) self.bdf_filename = bdf_filename if include_dir is None: include_dir = os.path.dirname(bdf_filename) #: the directory of the 1st BDF (include BDFs are relative to this one) self.include_dir = include_dir if not os.path.exists(bdf_filename): msg = 'cannot find bdf_filename=%r\n%s' % (bdf_filename, print_bad_path(bdf_filename)) raise IOError(msg) if bdf_filename.lower().endswith('.pch'): punch = True try: self._open_file(self.bdf_filename) self.log.debug('---starting BDF.read_bdf of %s---' % self.bdf_filename) if not punch: self.log.debug('---reading executive & case control decks---') self._read_executive_control_deck() self._read_case_control_deck() else: self.log.debug('---skipping executive & case control decks---') self._read_bulk_data_deck() self.pop_parse_errors() self.cross_reference(xref=xref) self._xref = xref self._cleanup_file_streams() except: self._cleanup_file_streams() raise self.log.debug('---finished BDF.read_bdf of %s---' % self.bdf_filename) self.pop_xref_errors()
[docs] def pop_parse_errors(self): if self._stop_on_parsing_error: if self._iparse_errors == 1 and self._nparse_errors == 0: raise is_error = False msg = '' if self._duplicate_elements: duplicate_eids = [elem.eid for elem in self._duplicate_elements] uduplicate_eids = unique(duplicate_eids) uduplicate_eids.sort() msg += 'self.elements IDs are not unique=%s\n' % uduplicate_eids for eid in uduplicate_eids: msg += 'old_element=\n%s\n' % self.elements[eid].print_repr_card() msg += 'new_elements=\n' for elem, eidi in zip(self._duplicate_elements, duplicate_eids): if eidi == eid: msg += elem.print_repr_card() msg += '\n' is_error = True if self._duplicate_properties: duplicate_pids = [ for prop in self._duplicate_properties] uduplicate_pids = unique(duplicate_pids) uduplicate_pids.sort() msg += ' IDs are not unique=%s\n' % uduplicate_pids for pid in duplicate_pids: msg += 'old_property=\n%s\n' %[pid].print_repr_card() msg += 'new_properties=\n' for prop, pidi in zip(self._duplicate_properties, duplicate_pids): if pidi == pid: msg += prop.print_repr_card() msg += '\n' is_error = True if self._duplicate_masses: duplicate_eids = [elem.eid for elem in self._duplicate_masses] uduplicate_eids = unique(duplicate_eids) uduplicate_eids.sort() msg += 'self.massses IDs are not unique=%s\n' % uduplicate_eids for eid in uduplicate_eids: msg += 'old_mass=\n%s\n' % self.masses[eid].print_repr_card() msg += 'new_masses=\n' for elem, eidi in zip(self._duplicate_masses, duplicate_eids): if eidi == eid: msg += elem.print_repr_card() msg += '\n' is_error = True if self._duplicate_materials: duplicate_mids = [mat.mid for mat in self._duplicate_materials] uduplicate_mids = unique(duplicate_mids) uduplicate_mids.sort() msg += 'self.materials IDs are not unique=%s\n' % uduplicate_mids for mid in uduplicate_mids: msg += 'old_material=\n%s\n' % self.materials[mid].print_repr_card() msg += 'new_materials=\n' for mat, midi in zip(self._duplicate_materials, duplicate_mids): if midi == mid: msg += mat.print_repr_card() msg += '\n' is_error = True if self._duplicate_thermal_materials: duplicate_mids = [mat.mid for mat in self._duplicate_thermal_materials] uduplicate_mids = unique(duplicate_mids) uduplicate_mids.sort() msg += 'self.thermalMaterials IDs are not unique=%s\n' % uduplicate_mids for mid in uduplicate_mids: msg += 'old_thermal_material=\n%s\n' % self.thermalMaterials[mid].print_repr_card() msg += 'new_thermal_materials=\n' for mat, midi in zip(self._duplicate_thermal_materials, duplicate_mids): if midi == mid: msg += mat.print_repr_card() msg += '\n' is_error = True if self._duplicate_coords: duplicate_cids = [coord.cid for coord in self._duplicate_coords] uduplicate_cids = unique(duplicate_cids) uduplicate_cids.sort() msg += 'self.coords IDs are not unique=%s\n' % uduplicate_cids for cid in uduplicate_cids: msg += 'old_coord=\n%s\n' % self.coords[cid].print_repr_card() msg += 'new_coords=\n' for coord, cidi in zip(self._duplicate_coords, duplicate_cids): if cidi == cid: msg += coord.print_repr_card() msg += '\n' is_error = True if is_error: msg = 'There are dupliate cards.\n\n' + msg if self._stop_on_xref_error: msg += 'There are parsing errors.\n\n' for (card, an_error) in self._stored_parse_errors: #msg += '%scard=%s\n' % (an_error[0], card) msg += '%s\n\n'% an_error[0] is_error = True if is_error: raise RuntimeError(msg.rstrip())
[docs] def pop_xref_errors(self): if self._stop_on_xref_error: if self._ixref_errors == 1 and self._nxref_errors == 0: raise is_error = False if self._stored_xref_errors: msg = 'There are cross-reference errors.\n\n' for (card, an_error) in self._stored_xref_errors: msg += '%scard=%s\n' % (an_error[0], card) is_error = True if is_error and self._stop_on_xref_error: raise RuntimeError(msg.rstrip())
def _read_executive_control_deck(self): """Reads the executive control deck""" self._break_comment = False lineUpper = '' while('CEND' not in lineUpper[:4] and 'BEGIN' not in lineUpper and 'BULK' not in lineUpper): (i, line, comment) = self._get_line() line = line.rstrip('\n\r\t ') lineUpper = line.upper() if lineUpper == '$EXECUTIVE CONTROL DECK': continue # skip this comment if len(line) > 0: self.executive_control_lines.append(line) lineUpper = lineUpper.split('$')[0] if 'CEND' in lineUpper[:4]: self.has_case_control_deck = True else: self.has_case_control_deck = False (i, line, comment) = self._get_line() # BEGIN BULK sol, method, isol_line = parse_executive_control_deck(self.executive_control_lines) self.update_solution(sol, method, isol_line)
[docs] def update_solution(self, sol, method, isol_line): """ Updates the overall solution type (e.g. 101,200,600) :param self: the object pointer :param sol: the solution type (101,103, etc) :param method: the solution method (only for SOL=600) :param isol_line: the line to put the SOL/method on """ self.iSolLine = isol_line # the integer of the solution type (e.g. SOL 101) if sol is None: self.sol = None self.solMethod = None return try: self.sol = int(sol) except ValueError: try: self.sol = self._solmap_to_value[sol] except KeyError: self.sol = sol if self.sol == 600: #: solution 600 method modifier self.solMethod = method.strip() self.log.debug("sol=%s method=%s" % (self.sol, self.solMethod)) else: # very common self.solMethod = None
[docs] def set_dynamic_syntax(self, dict_of_vars): """ Uses the OpenMDAO syntax of %varName in an embedded BDF to update the values for an optimization study. :param self: the BDF object :param dict_of_vars: dictionary of 7 character variable names to map. .. code-block:: python GRID, 1, %xVar, %yVar, %zVar >>> dict_of_vars = {'xVar': 1.0, 'yVar', 2.0, 'zVar':3.0} >>> bdf = BDF() >>> bdf.set_dynamic_syntax(dict_of_vars) >>> bdf,read_bdf(bdf_filename, xref=True) >>> .. note:: Case sensitivity is supported. .. note:: Variables should be 7 characters or less to fit in an 8-character field. .. warning:: Type matters! """ self.dict_of_vars = {} assert len(dict_of_vars) > 0, 'nvars = %s' % len(dict_of_vars) for (key, value) in sorted(iteritems(dict_of_vars)): assert len(key) <= 7, ('max length for key is 7; ' 'len(%s)=%s' % (key, len(key))) assert len(key) >= 1, ('min length for key is 1; ' 'len(%s)=%s' % (key, len(key))) if not isinstance(key, string_types): msg = 'key=%r must be a string. type=%s' % (key, type(key)) raise TypeError(msg) self.dict_of_vars[key] = value self._is_dynamic_syntax = True
def _read_case_control_deck(self): """ Reads the case control deck :param self: the BDF object .. note:: called with recursion if an INCLUDE file is found """ self._break_comment = False if not self.has_case_control_deck: return line = '' while self.active_filename: # keep going until finished #lines = [] (i, lineIn, comment) = self._get_line() if lineIn is None: return # file was closed line = lineIn.strip().split('$')[0].strip() lineUpper = line.upper() if lineUpper.startswith('INCLUDE'): try: (i, next_line, comment) = self._get_line() except: next_line = None if next_line: next_line = next_line.strip().split('$')[0].strip() else: next_line = '' include_lines = [line] while '\\' in next_line or '/' in next_line: # more includes include_lines.append(next_line) # TODO: should this be next_line instead of line_next??? (i, line_next, comment) = self._get_line() next_line = next_line.strip().split('$')[0].strip() self.case_control_lines.append(next_line) filename = get_include_filename(include_lines, include_dir=self.include_dir) self._open_file(filename) else: self.case_control_lines.append(lineUpper) if 'BEGIN' in lineUpper and ('BULK' in lineUpper or 'SUPER' in lineUpper): self.log.debug('found the end of the Case Control Deck!') break self.log.debug("finished with Case Control Deck...") #for line in self.case_control_lines: #print("** line=%r" % line) self.caseControlDeck = CaseControlDeck(self.case_control_lines, self.log) self.caseControlDeck.solmap_toValue = self._solmap_to_value self.caseControlDeck.rsolmap_toStr = self.rsolmap_toStr
[docs] def is_reject(self, card_name): """ Can the card be read. If the card is rejected, it's added to self.reject_count :param self: the BDF object :param card_name: the card_name -> 'GRID' """ if card_name.startswith('='): return False elif card_name in self.cards_to_read: return False if card_name: if card_name not in self.reject_count: self.reject_count[card_name] = 0 self.reject_count[card_name] += 1 return True
def _open_file(self, bdf_filename): """ Opens the primary .bdf/.dat file and all subsequent INCLUDE files. :param bdf_filename: the name of the bdf/dat file to open :returns: None .. note:: Doesn't allow reuse of the same bdf/dat file twice. """ if len(self.active_filenames) > 1: bdf_filename = os.path.join(self.include_dir, str(bdf_filename)) if not os.path.exists(bdf_filename): msg = 'No such bdf_filename: %r\n' % bdf_filename msg += 'cwd: %r' % os.getcwd() raise IOError(msg) if bdf_filename in self.active_filenames: msg = 'bdf_filename=%s is already active.\nactive_filenames=%s' \ % (bdf_filename, self.active_filenames) raise RuntimeError(msg)'opening %r' % bdf_filename) self._ifile += 1 self.active_filename = bdf_filename self.active_filenames.append(bdf_filename) self._stored_Is[self._ifile] = [] self._stored_lines[self._ifile] = [] self._stored_comments[self._ifile] = [] line_gen = self._stream_line() self._line_streams[self._ifile] = line_gen self._card_streams[self._ifile] = self._stream_card(line_gen) def _close_file(self): """ Handles closing the file stream and resetting the active file """'closing %r' % self.active_filename) if self._ifile == 0: self._ifile = -1 self.active_filename = None return del self._stored_Is[self._ifile] del self._stored_lines[self._ifile] del self._stored_comments[self._ifile] del self._line_streams[self._ifile] del self._card_streams[self._ifile] self._ifile -= 1 self.active_filenames.pop() self.active_filename = self.active_filenames[-1]
[docs] def process_card(self, card_lines): """ Converts card_lines into a card. Considers dynamic syntax and removes empty fields :param self: the BDF object :param card_lines: list of strings that represent the card's lines :returns fields: the parsed card's fields :returns card_name: the card's name .. code-block:: python >>> card_lines = ['GRID,1,,1.0,2.0,3.0,,'] >>> model = BDF() >>> fields, card_name = model.process_card(card_lines) >>> fields ['GRID', '1', '', '1.0', '2.0', '3.0'] >>> card_name 'GRID' """ card_name = self._get_card_name(card_lines) fields = to_fields(card_lines, card_name) if self._is_dynamic_syntax: fields = [self._parse_dynamic_syntax(field) if '%' in field[0:1] else field for field in fields] card = wipe_empty_fields(fields) card[0] = card_name return card
[docs] def create_card_object(self, card_lines, card_name, is_list=True): card_name = card_name.upper() self._increase_card_count(card_name) if card_name in ['DEQATN']: card_obj = card_lines card = card_lines else: if is_list: fields = card_lines else: fields = to_fields(card_lines, card_name) # apply OPENMDAO syntax if self._is_dynamic_syntax: fields = [self._parse_dynamic_syntax(field) if '%' in field[0:1] else field for field in fields] card = wipe_empty_fields([interpret_value(field, fields) if field is not None else None for field in fields]) else: # leave everything as strings card = wipe_empty_fields(fields) card_obj = BDFCard(card) return card_obj, card
[docs] def add_card(self, card_lines, card_name, comment='', is_list=True): """ Adds a card object to the BDF object. :param self: the BDF object :param card_lines: the list of the card fields :param card_name: the card_name -> 'GRID' :param comment: an optional the comment for the card :param is_list: changes card_lines from a list of lines to a list of fields :returns card_object: the card object representation of card .. code-block:: python >>> model = BDF() # is_list is a somewhat misleading name; is it a list of card_lines? # where a card_line is an unparsed string >>> card_lines =['GRID,1,2'] >>> comment = 'this is a comment' >>> model.add_card(card_lines, 'GRID', comment, is_list=True) # here is_list=False because it's been parsed >>> card = ['GRID', 1, 2,] >>> model.add_card(card_lines, 'GRID', comment, is_list=False) .. note:: this is a very useful method for interfacing with the code .. note:: the card_object is not a card-type not a GRID card or CQUAD4 object. It's a BDFCard Object. However, you know the type (assuming a GRID), so just call the *mesh.Node(nid)* to get the Node object that was just created. """ card_name = card_name.upper() card_obj, card = self.create_card_object(card_lines, card_name, is_list=is_list) if self._auto_reject: self.reject_cards.append(card) print('rejecting processed auto=rejected %s' % card) return card_obj if card_name == 'ECHOON': self.echo = True return elif card_name == 'ECHOOFF': self.echo = False return if self.echo: print(print_card_8(card_obj).rstrip()) # function that gets by name the initialized object (from global scope) try: _get_cls = lambda name: globals()[name](card_obj, comment=comment) except Exception as e: if not e.args: e.args = ('',) e.args = ('%s' % e.args[0] + "\ncard = %s" % card,) + e.args[1:] raise _cls = lambda name: globals()[name] try: # cards that have their own method add_CARDNAME to add them if card_name in ['LSEQ', 'PHBDY', 'AERO', 'AEROS', 'AEFACT', 'AELINK', 'AELIST', 'AEPARM', 'AESTAT', 'AESURF', 'TRIM', 'FLUTTER', 'FLFACT', 'GUST', 'NLPARM', 'NLPCI', 'TSTEP', 'TSTEPNL', 'SESET', 'DCONSTR', 'DESVAR', 'DDVAL', 'DLINK', 'PARAM', 'PDAMPT', 'PELAST', 'PBUSHT']: try: # PHBDY -> add_PHBDY getattr(self, 'add_' + card_name)(_get_cls(card_name)) except Exception as e: if not e.args: e.args = ('',) e.args = ('%s' % e.args[0] + "\ncard = %s" % card,) + e.args[1:] raise return card_obj # dictionary of cards. Key is the name of the function to add the # card # 'PCOMPG': # hasnt been verified # 'MAT8': # note there is no MAT6 or MAT7 _cards = { 'add_node' : ['GRID'], 'add_mass' : ['CONM1', 'CONM2', 'CMASS1', 'CMASS2', 'CMASS3', 'CMASS4', ], 'add_element' : ['CQUAD4', 'CQUAD8', 'CQUAD', 'CQUADR', 'CQUADX', 'CTRIA3', 'CTRIA6', 'CTRIAR', 'CTRIAX', 'CTRIAX6', 'CBAR', 'CBEAM', 'CBEAM3', 'CROD', 'CONROD', 'CTUBE', 'CELAS1', 'CELAS2', 'CELAS3', # 'CBEND', 'CELAS4', 'CVISC', 'CSHEAR', 'CGAP', 'CRAC2D', 'CRAC3D'], 'add_damper' : ['CBUSH', 'CBUSH1D', 'CFAST', 'CDAMP1', 'CDAMP2', 'CDAMP3', 'CDAMP4', 'CDAMP5'], 'add_rigid_element' : ['RBAR', 'RBAR1', 'RBE1', 'RBE2', 'RBE3'], 'add_property' : ['PSHELL', 'PCOMP', 'PCOMPG', 'PSHEAR', 'PSOLID', 'PBAR', 'PBARL', 'PBEAM', 'PBCOMP', 'PBEAML', 'PROD', 'PTUBE', 'PLSOLID', 'PBUSH1D', 'PBUSH', 'PFAST', 'PDAMP5', 'PGAP', 'PRAC2D', 'PRAC3D', 'PLPLANE',], # hasnt been verified, links up to MAT1, MAT2, MAT9 w/ same MID 'add_creep_material': ['CREEP'], 'add_structural_material' : ['MAT1', 'MAT2', 'MAT3', 'MAT8', 'MAT9', 'MAT10', 'MAT11', 'EQUIV'], 'add_hyperelastic_material' : ['MATHE', 'MATHP',], 'add_thermal_material' : ['MAT4', 'MAT5'], 'add_material_dependence' : ['MATS1', 'MATS3', 'MATS8', 'MATT1', 'MATT2', 'MATT3', 'MATT4', 'MATT5', 'MATT8', 'MATT9'], 'add_load' : ['FORCE', 'FORCE1', 'FORCE2', 'MOMENT', 'MOMENT1', 'MOMENT2', 'GRAV', 'ACCEL', 'ACCEL1', 'LOAD', 'PLOAD', 'PLOAD1', 'PLOAD2', 'PLOAD4', 'PLOADX1', 'RFORCE', 'SLOAD', 'RANDPS'], 'add_dload' : ['DLOAD'], 'add_dload_entry' : ['TLOAD1', 'TLOAD2', 'RLOAD1', 'RLOAD2',], 'add_thermal_load' : ['TEMP', 'QBDY1', 'QBDY2', 'QBDY3', 'QHBDY'], 'add_thermal_element' : ['CHBDYE', 'CHBDYG', 'CHBDYP'], 'add_convection_property' : ['PCONV', 'PCONVM'], 'add_constraint_MPC' : ['MPC', 'MPCADD'], 'add_constraint_SPC' : ['SPC', 'SPC1', 'SPCAX', 'SPCD', 'SPCADD'], 'add_suport' : ['SUPORT'], # pseudo-constraint 'add_constraint' : ['SUPORT1'], # pseudo-constraint 'add_SPLINE' : ['SPLINE1', 'SPLINE2', 'SPLINE3', 'SPLINE4', 'SPLINE5'], 'add_CAERO' : ['CAERO1', 'CAERO2', 'CAERO3', 'CAERO4', 'CAERO5'], 'add_PAERO' : ['PAERO1', 'PAERO2', 'PAERO3', 'PAERO4', 'PAERO5'], 'add_MKAERO' : ['MKAERO1', 'MKAERO2'], 'add_FREQ' : ['FREQ', 'FREQ1', 'FREQ2'], 'add_ASET' : ['ASET', 'ASET1'], 'add_BSET' : ['BSET', 'BSET1'], 'add_CSET' : ['CSET', 'CSET1'], 'add_QSET' : ['QSET', 'QSET1'], 'add_SET' : ['SET1', 'SET3'], 'add_DRESP' : ['DRESP1', 'DRESP2'], 'add_DVPREL' : ['DVPREL1', 'DVPREL2'], 'add_coord' : ['CORD2R', 'CORD2C', 'CORD2S'], 'add_table' : ['TABLED1', 'TABLED2', 'TABLED3', 'TABLED4', 'TABLEM1', 'TABLEM2', 'TABLEM3', 'TABLEM4', 'TABLES1', 'TABLEST', 'TABDMP1'], 'add_random_table' : ['TABRND1', 'TABRNDG'], 'add_method' : ['EIGB', 'EIGR', 'EIGRL'], 'add_cmethod' : ['EIGC', 'EIGP'], 'add_DVMREL' : ['DVMREL1'], } for func, names in iteritems(_cards): if card_name in names: try: getattr(self, func)(_get_cls(card_name)) except Exception as e: if not e.args: e.args = ('',) e.args = ('%s' % e.args[0] + "\ncard = %s" % card,) + e.args[1:] raise return card_obj # card that requires more careful processing, elements _dct = { 'CTETRA' : (7, CTETRA4, CTETRA10), 'CPYRAM' : (8, CPYRAM5, CPYRAM13), 'CPENTA' : (9, CPENTA6, CPENTA15), 'CHEXA' : (11, CHEXA8, CHEXA20), } if card_name in _dct: d = _dct[card_name] self.add_element((d[1] if card_obj.nfields == d[0] else d[2])(card_obj, comment=comment)) return card_obj # dampers _dct = {'PELAS': (5,), 'PVISC': (5,), 'PDAMP': (3, 5)} if card_name in _dct: try: self.add_property(_get_cls(card_name)) except Exception as e: if not e.args: e.args = ('',) e.args = ('%s' % e.args[0] + "\ncard = %s" % card,) + e.args[1:] raise for i in _dct[card_name]: if card_obj.field(i): self.add_property(_cls(card_name)(card_obj, 1, comment=comment)) return card_obj if card_name in ['DEQATN']: # buggy for commas if comment: self.rejects.append([comment]) #print 'DEQATN: card_obj.card=%s' %(card_obj.card) #self.add_DEQATN(DEQATN(card_obj)) # should be later moved to self.rejects.append(card) # for loop below elif card_name == 'GRDSET': self.gridSet = GRDSET(card_obj, comment=comment) elif card_name == 'DOPTPRM': self.doptprm = DOPTPRM(card_obj, comment=comment) elif card_name == 'DMIG': # not done... field2 = integer_or_string(card_obj, 2, 'flag') if field2 == 'UACCEL': # special DMIG card self.reject_cards.append(card) elif field2 == 0: self.add_DMIG(DMIG(card_obj, comment=comment)) else: name = string(card_obj, 1, 'name') try: dmig = self.dmigs[name] except KeyError: msg = 'cannot find DMIG name=%r in names=%s' \ % (name, self.dmigs.keys()) raise KeyError(msg) dmig._add_column(card_obj, comment=comment) elif card_name in ['DMI', 'DMIJ', 'DMIJI', 'DMIK']: field2 = integer(card_obj, 2, 'flag') if field2 == 0: getattr(self, 'add_' + card_name)(_get_cls(card_name)) else: name = string(card_obj, 1, 'name') getattr(self, card_name.lower() + 's')[name]._add_column(card_obj) # dynamic elif card_name == 'DAREA': self.add_DAREA(DAREA(card_obj, comment=comment)) if card_obj.field(5): self.add_DAREA(DAREA(card_obj, 1, comment=comment)) elif card_name in ['CORD1R', 'CORD1C', 'CORD1S']: self.add_coord(_get_cls(card_name)) if card_obj.field(5): self.add_coord(_cls(card_name)(card_obj, nCoord=1, comment=comment)) elif card_name == 'PMASS': self.add_property_mass(PMASS(card_obj, nOffset=0, comment=comment)) for (i, j) in enumerate([3, 5, 7]): if card_obj.field(j) is not None: self.add_property_mass(PMASS(card_obj, nOffset=i+1, comment=comment)) elif card_name == 'CONV': bc = CONV(card_obj, comment=comment) self.add_thermal_BC(bc, bc.eid) #elif card_name == 'RADM': # bc = RADM(card_obj, comment=comment) # self.add_thermal_BC(bc, bc.nodamb) elif card_name == 'RADBC': bc = RADBC(card_obj, comment=comment) self.add_thermal_BC(bc, bc.nodamb) elif card_name == 'BCRPARA': card = BCRPARA(card_obj, comment=comment) self.add_BCRPARA(card) elif card_name == 'BCTADD': card = BCTADD(card_obj, comment=comment) self.add_BCTADD(card) elif card_name == 'BCTPARA': card = BCTPARA(card_obj, comment=comment) self.add_BCTPARA(card) elif card_name == 'BCTSET': card = BCTSET(card_obj, comment=comment, sol=self.sol) self.add_BCTSET(card) elif card_name == 'BSURF': card = BSURF(card_obj, comment=comment) self.add_BSURF(card) elif card_name == 'BSURFS': card = BSURFS(card_obj, comment=comment) self.add_BSURFS(card) elif card_name == 'SPOINT': self.add_SPOINT(SPOINTs(card_obj, comment=comment)) elif card_name == 'PBEAML': prop = PBEAML(card_obj, comment=comment) self.add_property(prop) elif 'ENDDATA' in card_name: raise RuntimeError('this should never happen...') #self.foundEndData = True else: #: .. warning:: cards with = signs in them #: are not announced when they are rejected if '=' not in card[0]:'rejecting processed equal signed card %s' % card) self.reject_cards.append(card) except (SyntaxError, RuntimeError, AssertionError, KeyError, ValueError) as e: # NameErrors should be caught self._iparse_errors += 1 var = traceback.format_exception_only(type(e), e) self._stored_parse_errors.append((card, var)) if self._iparse_errors > self._nparse_errors: self.pop_parse_errors() #print(str(e)) #self.log.debug("card_name = %r" % card_name) #self.log.debug("failed! Unreduced Card=%s\n" % list_print(card)) #self.log.debug("filename = %r\n" % self.bdf_filename) #raise return card_obj
[docs] def get_bdf_stats(self, return_type='string'): """ Print statistics for the BDF :param self: the BDF object .. note:: if a card is not supported and not added to the proper lists, this method will fail """ card_stats = [ 'params', 'nodes', 'points', 'elements', 'rigidElements', 'properties', 'materials', 'creepMaterials', 'MATT1', 'MATT2', 'MATT3', 'MATT4', 'MATT5', 'MATT8', 'MATT9', 'MATS1', 'MATS3', 'MATT8', 'coords', 'mpcs', 'mpcadds', # dynamic cards 'dareas', 'nlparms', 'nlpcis', 'tsteps', 'tstepnls', # direct matrix input - DMIG - dict 'dmis', 'dmigs', 'dmijs', 'dmijis', 'dmiks', 'dequations', # frequencies - dict 'frequencies', # optimization - dict 'dconstrs', 'desvars', 'ddvals', 'dlinks', 'dresps', 'dvprels', 'dvmrels', # SESETx - dict 'setsSuper', # tables 'tables', 'randomTables', # methods 'methods', 'cMethods', # aero 'caeros', 'paeros', 'aero', 'aeros', 'aefacts', 'aelinks', 'aelists', 'aeparams', 'aesurfs', 'aestats', 'gusts', 'flfacts', 'flutters', 'splines', 'trims', # thermal 'bcs', 'thermalMaterials', 'phbdys', 'convectionProperties', ] ignored_types = set([ 'spoints', 'spointi', # singleton 'gridSet', # singleton 'spcs', 'spcadds', 'suports', # suport, suport1 - list 'doptprm', # singleton # SETx - list 'sets', 'asets', 'bsets', 'csets', 'qsets', ]) ignored_types2 = set([ 'caseControlDeck', 'spcObject2', 'mpcObject2', # done 'sol', 'loads', 'mkaeros', 'rejects', 'reject_cards', # not cards 'debug', 'executive_control_lines', 'case_control_lines', 'cards_to_read', 'card_count', 'isStructured', 'uniqueBulkDataCards', 'nCardLinesMax', 'modelType', 'includeDir', 'cardsToWrite', 'solMethod', 'log', 'doneReading', 'linesPack', 'lineNumbers', 'iSolLine', 'reject_count', '_relpath', 'isOpened', #'foundEndData', 'specialCards', 'infilesPack']) all_params = object_attributes(self) # removing variables that are not supported for attribute_name in ignored_types.union(ignored_types2): try: all_params.remove(attribute_name) #print('removing attribute_name=%s' % attribute_name) except ValueError: pass msg = ['---BDF Statistics---'] # sol msg.append('SOL %s\n' % self.sol) # loads for (lid, loads) in sorted(iteritems(self.loads)): msg.append('bdf.loads[%s]' % lid) groups = {} for load in loads: groups[load.type] = groups.get(load.type, 0) + 1 for name, n in sorted(iteritems(groups)): msg.append(' %-8s %s' % (name + ':', n)) msg.append('') # dloads for (lid, loads) in sorted(iteritems(self.dloads)): msg.append('bdf.dloads[%s]' % lid) groups = {} for load in loads: groups[load.type] = groups.get(load.type, 0) + 1 for name, n in sorted(iteritems(groups)): msg.append(' %-8s %s' % (name + ':', n)) msg.append('') for (lid, loads) in sorted(iteritems(self.dload_entries)): msg.append('bdf.dload_entries[%s]' % lid) groups = {} for load in loads: groups[load.type] = groups.get(load.type, 0) + 1 for name, n in sorted(iteritems(groups)): msg.append(' %-8s %s' % (name + ':', n)) msg.append('') #mkaeros if self.mkaeros: msg.append('bdf:mkaeros') msg.append(' %-8s %s' % ('MKAERO:', len(self.mkaeros))) for card_group_name in card_stats: card_group = getattr(self, card_group_name) groups = set([]) for card in itervalues(card_group): if isinstance(card, list): for card2 in card: groups.add(card2.type) else: groups.add(card.type) group_msg = [] for card_name in sorted(groups): try: ncards = self.card_count[card_name] group_msg.append(' %-8s : %s' % (card_name, ncards)) except KeyError: group_msg.append(' %-8s : ???' % card_name) #assert card_name == 'CORD2R', self.card_count if group_msg: msg.append('bdf.%s' % card_group_name) msg.append('\n'.join(group_msg)) msg.append('') # rejects if self.rejects: msg.append('Rejected Cards') for name, counter in sorted(iteritems(self.card_count)): if name not in self.cards_to_read: msg.append(' %-8s %s' % (name + ':', counter)) msg.append('') if return_type == 'string': return '\n'.join(msg) else: return msg
def _cleanup_file_streams(self): """ This function is required to prevent too many files being opened. The while loop closes them. """ self._break_comment = False # speeds up self._get_line() while self._get_line(): pass self._stored_Is = {} self._stored_lines = {} self._stored_comments = {} self._line_streams = {} self._card_streams = {} #del self._break_comment def _get_card_name(self, lines): """ Returns the name of the card defined by the provided lines :param self: the BDF object :param lines: the lines of the card :returns card_name: the name of the card """ card_name = lines[0][:8].rstrip('\t, ').split(',')[0].split('\t')[0].strip('*\t ') if len(card_name) == 0: return None if ' ' in card_name or len(card_name) == 0: msg = 'card_name=%r\nline=%r in filename=%r is invalid' \ % (card_name, lines[0], self.active_filename) raise CardParseSyntaxError(msg) return card_name.upper() def _get_line(self): """ Gets the next line in the BDF from the current or sub-BDF """ try: return next(self._line_streams[self._ifile]) except StopIteration: self._close_file() return self._get_line() except KeyError: return def _increase_card_count(self, card_name, n=1): """ Used for testing to check that the number of cards going in is the same as each time the model is read verifies proper writing of cards :param self: the BDF object :param card_name: the card_name -> 'GRID' :param n: the amount to increment by (default=1) >>> bdf.read_bdf(bdf_filename) >>> bdf.card_count['GRID'] 50 """ if card_name == '': # stupid null case return if card_name in self.card_count: self.card_count[card_name] += n else: self.card_count[card_name] = n def _parse_dynamic_syntax(self, key): """ Applies the dynamic syntax for %varName :param self: the BDF object :param key: the uppercased key :returns value: the dynamic value defined by dict_of_vars .. seealso:: :func: `set_dynamic_syntax` """ key = key[1:].strip() self.log.debug("dynamic key = %r" % key) #self.dict_of_vars = {'P5':0.5,'ONEK':1000.} if key not in self.dict_of_vars: msg = "key=%r not found in keys=%s" % (key, self.dict_of_vars.keys()) raise KeyError(msg) return self.dict_of_vars[key] #def _is_case_control_deck(self, line): #lineUpper = line.upper().strip() #if 'CEND' in line.upper(): #raise SyntaxError('invalid Case Control Deck card...CEND...') #if '=' in lineUpper or ' ' in lineUpper: #return True #for card in self.uniqueBulkDataCards: #lenCard = len(card) #if card in lineUpper[:lenCard]: #return False #return True def _read_bulk_data_deck(self): """ Parses the Bulk Data Deck :param self: the BDF object """ self.log.debug("reading Bulk Data Deck...") self._break_comment = True while self.active_filename: try: (lines, comment) = next(self._card_streams[self._ifile]) except StopIteration: self._close_file() continue assert len(lines) > 0 card_name = self._get_card_name(lines) if not isinstance(comment, string_types): raise TypeError('comment=%s type=%s' % (comment, type(comment))) if card_name == 'INCLUDE': bdf_filename = get_include_filename(lines, include_dir=self.include_dir) self._open_file(bdf_filename) reject = '$ INCLUDE processed: %s\n' % bdf_filename if comment: self.rejects.append([comment]) self.rejects.append([reject]) continue elif 'ENDDATA' in card_name: self._increase_card_count(card_name) #isEndData = True # exits while loop break if not self.is_reject(card_name): # card_count is increased in add_card function self.add_card(lines, card_name, comment, is_list=False) else: if self.echo:'Rejecting %s:\n' % card_name + ''.join(lines)) else: if card_name not in self.card_count: # don't print 1000 copies of reject card X"reject card_name = %s" % card_name) self._increase_card_count(card_name) if comment: self.rejects.append([comment]) self.rejects.append(lines) def _stream_card(self, line_stream): """ Returns the next Bulk Data Card in the BDF :param self: the BDF object :param line_stream: the generator for the file :returns lines: the lines of the card :returns comment: the comment for the card :returns cardname: the name of the card """ for (i, line, comment) in line_stream: #----------------------------------------------------------------- # get the first line of the card Is = [] lines = [] comments = [] comment = _clean_comment(comment) if comment: comments.append(comment) # If the first line is valid, continue. # Otherwise, keep getting lines until one isn't blank. if line: Is.append(i) lines.append(line) else: while len(line) == 0: # you cant have an empty first line (i, line, comment) = self._get_line() if line: break comment = _clean_comment(comment) if comment: comments.append(comment) Is.append(i) lines.append(line) if comment: comments.append(comment) assert len(lines) == 1, lines #----------------------------------------------------------------- # get another line try: (i, line, comment) = self._get_line() except TypeError: lines2 = clean_empty_lines(lines) yield lines2, ''.join(comments) #----------------------------------------------------------------- # We define a continuation by either a regular, # large field, small field, tab, or CSV formatted line. # Large field - a * is in the first character # Small field - a + or ' ' is in the first character # or the line is blank # Tab - tab separated value; large or small formatted line # CSV - comma separated value; large or small formatted line # If the line is a continuation line, keep going. #in_loop = False Is2 = [] lines2 = [] comments2 = [] while len(line) == 0 or line[0] in [' ', '*', '+', ',', '\t']: if len(line): if Is2: Is += Is2 lines += lines2 comments += comments2 Is.append(i) lines.append(line) Is2 = [] lines2 = [] comments2 = [] comment = _clean_comment(comment) if comment: comments.append(comment) else: Is2.append(i) lines2.append(line) comment = _clean_comment(comment) if comment: comments2.append(comment) try: (i, line, comment) = self._get_line() except TypeError: lines2 = clean_empty_lines(lines) comment = ''.join(comments+comments2) yield lines2, comment # the extra lines we grabbed in the while loop should go on the # next card if Is2: self._stored_Is[self._ifile] = Is2 self._stored_lines[self._ifile] = lines2 self._stored_comments[self._ifile] = comments2 #----------------------------------------------------------------- # We maybe got one too many lines if line[0] not in [' ', '*', '+', ',', '\t']: self._stored_Is[self._ifile].append(i) self._stored_lines[self._ifile].append(line) comment = _clean_comment(comment) if comment: self._stored_comments[self._ifile].append(comment) lines2 = clean_empty_lines(lines) comment = ''.join(comments) yield lines2, comment return def _stream_line(self): """ Uses generators to open the file and stream the next line into a (line_number, comment, and line). """ with open(self.active_filename, 'r') as f: for n, line in enumerate(f): line = line.rstrip('\t\r\n ') comment = '' if self._break_comment and '$' in line: i = line.index('$') comment = line[i:] + '\n' line = line[:i].rstrip('\t ') yield n, line, comment while self._stored_lines[self._ifile]: comment = '' i2 = self._stored_Is[self._ifile].pop(0) line2 = self._stored_lines[self._ifile].pop(0) if self._stored_comments: comment = ''.join(self._stored_comments[self._ifile]) self._stored_comments[self._ifile] = [] yield i2, line2, comment def _verify_bdf(self): """ Cross reference verification method. """ xref = self._xref #for key, card in sorted(iteritems(self.params)): #card._verify(xref) for key, card in sorted(iteritems(self.nodes)): try: card._verify(xref) except: print(str(card)) raise for key, card in sorted(iteritems(self.coords)): try: card._verify(xref) except: print(str(card)) raise for key, card in sorted(iteritems(self.elements)): try: card._verify(xref) except: print(str(card)) raise for key, card in sorted(iteritems( try: card._verify(xref) except: print(str(card)) raise for key, card in sorted(iteritems(self.materials)): try: card._verify(xref) except: print(str(card)) raise
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover from pyNastran.bdf.test.test_bdf import main main()