Source code for pyNastran.op4.op4

from __future__ import print_function
from six import string_types, iteritems, PY2, PY3
from six.moves import range
import os
import io
from struct import pack, unpack, Struct

from numpy import (array, zeros, float32, float64, complex64, complex128,
                  allclose, ndarray)
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix

from pyNastran.utils import is_binary_file as file_is_binary
from pyNastran.utils.mathematics import print_matrix, print_annotated_matrix

[docs]class OP4(object): """ todo:: add endian checking todo:: test on big matrices todo:: finish write_op4 """ def __init__(self, log=None): #FortranFile.__init__(self) self.n = 0 self.endian = ''
[docs] def read_op4(self, op4_filename=None, matrix_names=None, precision='default'): """ Reads a NASTRAN OUTPUT4 file, regular or sparse, and stores the matrices as the output arguments of the function. The number of matrices read is defined by the list matrix_names. By default, all matrices will be read. The resulting output is a dictionary of matrices that are accessed by their name. .. code-block:: python >>> from pyNastran.op4.op4 import OP4 >>> op4 = OP4() # get all the matrices >>> matrices = op4.read_op4(op4_filename) >>> (formA,A) = matrices['A'] >>> (formB,B) = matrices['B'] >>> (formC,C) = matrices['C'] # or to reduce memory usage >>> matrices = op4.read_op4(op4_filename, matrix_names=['A','B']) >>> (formA,A) = matrices['A'] >>> (formB,B) = matrices['B'] # or because you only want A >>> matrices = op4.read_op4(op4_filename, matrix_names='A') >>> (formA,A) = matrices['A'] # get all the matrices, but select the file using a file dialog >>> matrices = op4.read_op4() >>> :param op4_filename: an OP4 filename. Type=STRING. :param matrix_names: matrix name(s) (or None); Type=LIST OF STRINGS / STRING / NONE. :param precision: specifies if the matrices are in single or double precsion (values='default', 'single', 'double') which means the format will be whatever the file is in :returns: dictionary of matrices where the key is the name and the value is [form, matrix] ==== =============== Form Definition ==== =============== 1. Square 2. Rectangular 3. Diagonal 6. Symmetric 8. Id entity 9. Pseudoidentity ==== =============== Matrix: Dense Type: NUMPY.NDARRAY Sparse Type: SCIPY.SPARSE.COO_MATRIX .. note:: based off the MATLAB code SAVEOP4 developed by ATA-E and later UCSD. .. note:: it's strongly recommended that you convert sparse matrices to another format before doing math on them. This is standard with sparse matrices. .. warning:: sparse binary is buggy right now """ if not precision in ('default', 'single', 'double'): raise ValueError("precision=%r and must be 'single', 'double', or 'default'" % precision) if op4_filename is None: from pyNastran.utils.gui_io import load_file_dialog wildcard_wx = "Nastran OP4 (*.op4)|*.op4|" \ "All files (*.*)|*.*" wildcard_qt = "Nastran OP4 (*.op4);;All files (*)" title = 'Please select a OP4 to load' op4_filename, wildcard_level = load_file_dialog(title, wildcard_wx, wildcard_qt) assert op4_filename is not None, op4_filename if not os.path.exists(op4_filename): raise IOError('cannot find op4_filename=%r' % op4_filename) if isinstance(matrix_names, str): matrix_names = [matrix_names] #assert isinstance(matrix_names, list), 'type(matrix_names)=%s' % type(matrix_names) if file_is_binary(op4_filename): return self.read_op4_binary(op4_filename, matrix_names, precision) else: return self.read_op4_ascii(op4_filename, matrix_names, precision)
[docs] def read_op4_ascii(self, op4_filename, matrix_names=None, precision='default'): """matrix_names must be a list or None, but basically the same""" with open(op4_filename, 'r') as f: matrices = {} name = 'dummyName' while name is not None: (name, form, matrix) = self._read_matrix_ascii(f, matrix_names, precision) if name is not None: if matrix_names is None or name in matrix_names: # save the matrix matrices[name] = (form, matrix) return matrices
def _read_matrix_ascii(self, f, matrix_names=None, precision='default'): """reads a matrix""" line = f.readline().rstrip() if line == '': f.close() return None, None, None ncols, nrows, form, Type = line[0:32].split() nrows = int(nrows) if nrows < 0: # if less than 0, big isBigMat = True elif nrows > 0: isBigMat = False else: raise RuntimeError('unknown BIGMAT. nRows=%s' % nrows) nrows = abs(nrows) ncols = int(ncols) form = int(form) Type = int(Type) dtype = get_dtype(Type, precision) name = line[32:40].strip() size = line[40:].strip() lineSize = size.split(',')[1].split('E')[1].split('.')[0] # 3E23.16 to 23 lineSize = int(lineSize) line = f.readline().rstrip() (icol, irow, nWords) = line.split() is_sparse = False if irow == '0': is_sparse = True if Type in [1, 2]: # real A = self._read_real_ascii(f, nrows, ncols, lineSize, line, dtype, is_sparse, isBigMat) elif Type in [3, 4]: # complex A = self._read_complex_ascii(f, nrows, ncols, lineSize, line, dtype, is_sparse, isBigMat) else: raise RuntimeError('invalid matrix type. Type=%s' % Type) if not(matrix_names is None or name in matrix_names): # kill the matrix A = None #print("form=%s name=%s A=\n%s" % (form, name, str(A))) return (name, form, A) def _read_real_sparse_ascii(self, f, nrows, ncols, lineSize, line, dtype, isBigMat): rows = [] cols = [] entries = [] nloops = 0 wasBroken = False while 1: if nloops > 0 and not wasBroken: line = f.readline().rstrip() wasBroken = False (icol, irow, nWords) = line.split() icol = int(icol) if icol > ncols: break irow = int(irow) nWords = int(nWords) # This loop condition is overly complicated, but the first time # it will always execute. # Later if there is a sparse continuation line marker of # 1 (very large) integer, there will be no scientific notation value. # There also may be another sparse marker with 2 values. These are not large. # The scientific check prevents you from getting stuck in an infinite # loop b/c no lines are read if there was one float value. # The check for 1 (or 2) integers is to prevent the check for 3 integers # which starts a new column. We only want to continue a column. run_loop = True sline = line.strip().split() while (len(sline) == 1 or len(sline) == 2) and 'E' not in line or run_loop: # next sparse entry irow = self._get_irow_sparse_ascii(f, line, sline, nWords, irow, isBigMat) run_loop = False i = 0 iWord = 0 isDoneReadingRow = False while nWords: n = 0 line = f.readline().rstrip() nWordsInLine = line.count('E') if nWordsInLine == 0: wasBroken = True break for i in range(nWordsInLine): word = line[n:n + lineSize] rows.append(irow) cols.append(icol) entries.append(word) n += lineSize irow += 1 iWord += nWordsInLine nWords -= nWordsInLine sline = line.strip().split() nloops += 1 f.readline() #if rows == []: # NULL matrix #raise NotImplementedError() rows = array(rows, dtype='int32') - 1 cols = array(cols, dtype='int32') - 1 A = coo_matrix((entries, (rows, cols)), shape=(nrows, ncols), dtype=dtype) #print("type = %s %s" % (type(A),type(A.todense()))) #A = A.todense() return A def _read_real_dense_ascii(self, f, nrows, ncols, lineSize, line, dtype, isBigMat): A = zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype=dtype) # Initialize a real matrix nLoops = 0 wasBroken = False while 1: if nLoops > 0 and not wasBroken: line = f.readline().rstrip() wasBroken = False (icol, irow, nWords) = line.split() icol = int(icol) if icol > ncols: break irow = int(irow) nWords = int(nWords) # This loop condition is overly complicated, but the first time # it will always execute. # Later if there is a sparse continuation line marker of # 1 (very large) integer, there will be no scientific notation value. # There also may be another sparse marker with 2 values. These are not large. # The scientific check prevents you from getting stuck in an infinite # loop b/c no lines are read if there was one float value. # The check for 1 (or 2) integers is to prevent the check for 3 integers # which starts a new column. We only want to continue a column. runLoop = True sline = line.strip().split() while (len(sline) == 1 or len(sline) == 2) and 'E' not in line or runLoop: # next dense entry runLoop = False i = 0 iWord = 0 isDoneReadingRow = False while nWords: n = 0 line = f.readline().rstrip() nWordsInLine = line.count('E') if nWordsInLine == 0: wasBroken = True break for i in range(nWordsInLine): word = line[n:n + lineSize] A[irow - 1, icol - 1] = word n += lineSize irow += 1 iWord += nWordsInLine nWords -= nWordsInLine sline = line.strip().split() nLoops += 1 f.readline() return A def _read_real_ascii(self, f, nrows, ncols, lineSize, line, dtype, is_sparse, isBigMat): if is_sparse: A = self._read_real_sparse_ascii(f, nrows, ncols, lineSize, line, dtype, isBigMat) else: A = self._read_real_dense_ascii(f, nrows, ncols, lineSize, line, dtype, isBigMat) return A def _read_complex_sparse_ascii(self, f, nrows, ncols, lineSize, line, dtype, isBigMat): rows = [] cols = [] entries = [] nLoops = 0 wasBroken = False while 1: if nLoops > 0 and not wasBroken: line = f.readline().rstrip() wasBroken = False (icol, irow, nWords) = line.split() icol = int(icol) if icol > ncols: break irow = int(irow) nWords = int(nWords) runLoop = True sline = line.strip().split() while (len(sline) == 1 or len(sline) == 2) and 'E' not in line or runLoop: # next sparse entry irow = self._get_irow_sparse_ascii(f, line, sline, nWords, irow, isBigMat) runLoop = False i = 0 is_real = True isDoneReadingRow = False while nWords: n = 0 line = f.readline().rstrip() nWordsInLine = line.count('E') if nWordsInLine == 0: wasBroken = True break for i in range(nWordsInLine): value = float(line[n:n + lineSize]) if is_real: realValue = value is_real = False else: rows.append(irow) cols.append(icol) entries.append(complex(realValue, value)) irow += 1 is_real = True n += lineSize nWords -= nWordsInLine sline = line.strip().split() nLoops += 1 rows = array(rows, dtype='int32') - 1 cols = array(cols, dtype='int32') - 1 A = coo_matrix((entries, (rows, cols)), shape=(nrows, ncols), dtype=dtype) f.readline() return A def _read_complex_ascii(self, f, nrows, ncols, lineSize, line, dtype, is_sparse, isBigMat): if is_sparse: A = self._read_complex_sparse_ascii(f, nrows, ncols, lineSize, line, dtype, isBigMat) else: A = self._read_complex_dense_ascii(f, nrows, ncols, lineSize, line, dtype, isBigMat) return A def _read_complex_dense_ascii(self, f, nrows, ncols, lineSize, line, dtype, isBigMat): A = zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype=dtype) # Initialize a complex matrix nLoops = 0 wasBroken = False while 1: if nLoops > 0 and not wasBroken: line = f.readline().rstrip() wasBroken = False (icol, irow, nWords) = line.split() icol = int(icol) if icol > ncols: break irow = int(irow) nWords = int(nWords) runLoop = True sline = line.strip().split() while (len(sline) == 1 or len(sline) == 2) and 'E' not in line or runLoop: # next sparse entry runLoop = False i = 0 iWord = 0 isDoneReadingRow = False while nWords: n = 0 line = f.readline().rstrip() nWordsInLine = line.count('E') if nWordsInLine == 0: wasBroken = True break for i in range(nWordsInLine): value = float(line[n:n + lineSize]) if iWord % 2 == 0: #A[irow - 1, icol - 1].real = value realValue = value else: A[irow - 1, icol - 1] = complex(realValue, value) irow += 1 iWord += 1 n += lineSize nWords -= nWordsInLine sline = line.strip().split() nLoops += 1 f.readline() return A def _get_irow_sparse_ascii(self, f, line, sline, nWords, irow, isBigMat): #nWords = (nWords-1)//2 # TODO this cant be right... sline = line.strip().split() if isBigMat: if len(sline) == 2: pass else: sline = f.readline().strip().split() assert len(sline) == 2, 'sline=%s len(sline)=%s' % (sline, len(sline)) (idummy, irow) = sline irow = int(irow) else: if len(sline) == 1: IS = int(line) else: IS = int(f.readline().strip()) L = IS // 65536 - 1 irow = IS - 65536 * (L + 1) return irow #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def read_op4_binary(self, op4_filename, matrix_names=None, precision='default'): """matrix_names must be a list or None, but basically the same""" f =, mode='rb') self.n = 0 # get the endian data = (recordLengthBig,) = unpack('>i', data) (recordLengthLittle,) = unpack('<i', data) if recordLengthBig == 24: self.endian = '>' elif recordLengthLittle == 24: self.endian = '<' else: msg = 'a 24 could not be found as the first word...endian error\n' msg += "RL_Big=%s RL_Little=%s" % ( recordLengthBig, recordLengthLittle) raise RuntimeError(msg) i = 0 matrices = {} name = 'dummyName' while name is not None: #print "i =", i # checks for the end of the file assert self.n == f.tell(), 'n=%s tell=%s' % (self.n, f.tell()) n = self.n data1 = if len(data1) == 0: break, 60) (name, form, matrix) = self._read_matrix_binary(f, precision, matrix_names) #print print_matrix(matrix) if name is not None: if matrix_names is None or name in matrix_names: # save the matrix matrices[name] = (form, matrix) #print "not f.closed = ",not f.closed,form,name # if not f.closed or form is not None: # data = # self.n+=4 # if len(data) == 0: # break # (recordLength,) = unpack(self.endian+'i', data) # print("RL = %s" % recordLength) # if recordLength == 24: # self.n-=4 # # else: # data = # if len(data) == 0: # break # (recordLength2,) = unpack(self.endian+'i', data) # assert recordLength2 == 24 # # i += 1 return matrices
[docs] def read_start_marker(self, f): #print '--------------------------------------', 60) data = self.n += 4 (recordLength,) = unpack(self.endian + 'i', data) recordLength = 16 data = self.n += recordLength assert self.n == f.tell(), 'n=%s tell=%s' % (self.n, f.tell()) if recordLength == 16: # b,icol,irow,nWords, (a, icol, irow, nWords) = unpack(self.endian + '4i', data) #print("a=%s icol=%s irow=%s nWords=%s" % (a, icol, irow, nWords)) else: raise NotImplementedError('recordLength=%s' % recordLength) return (a, icol, irow, nWords)
def _get_irow_small(self, f, data): if len(data) == 0: data = self.n += 4 IS, = unpack(self.endian + 'i', data) L = IS // 65536 - 1 irow = IS - 65536 * (L + 1) #print("IS=%s L=%s irow=%s" % (IS, L, irow)) #assert IS>0 #assert L>0 return irow, L def _get_irow_big(self, f, data): if len(data) == 0: data = self.n += 8 (idummy, irow) = unpack(self.endian + '2i', data) #print("idummy=%s irow=%s" % (idummy, irow)) #assert irow<100 return (irow, idummy - 1) def _read_matrix_binary(self, f, precision, matrix_names): """reads a matrix""", 60) #print("*************************") data = self.n += 4 (recordLength,) = unpack(self.endian + 'i', data) assert self.n == f.tell(), 'n=%s tell=%s' % (self.n, f.tell()) #print("RL = %s" % recordLength) if recordLength == 24: data = self.n += recordLength (ncols, nrows, form, Type, name) = unpack( self.endian + '4i8s', data) #print("nrows=%s ncols=%s form=%s Type=%s name=%r" % (nrows, ncols, form, Type, name)) else: msg = recordLength #+ self.print_block(data) raise NotImplementedError('recordLength=%s filename=%r' % (recordLength, name = name.strip() if 0: if Type == 1: print("Type = Real, Single Precision") elif Type == 2: print("Type = Real, Double Precision") elif Type == 3: print("Type = Complex, Single Precision") elif Type == 4: print("Type = Complex, Double Precision") if nrows < 0: # if less than 0, big isBigMat = True nrows = abs(nrows) elif nrows > 0: isBigMat = False else: raise RuntimeError('unknown BIGMAT. nRows=%s' % nrows) # jump forward to get if is_sparse, then jump back nSave = self.n (_a, _icol, _irow, _nWords) = self.read_start_marker(f) self.n = nSave (NWV, NBW, d, dtype) = self._get_matrix_info(Type) is_sparse = False if _irow == 0: is_sparse = True assert self.n == f.tell(), 'n=%s tell=%s' % (self.n, f.tell()) if Type in [1, 2]: # real A = self._read_real_binary(f, nrows, ncols, Type, is_sparse, isBigMat) elif Type in [3, 4]: # complex A = self._read_complex_binary(f, nrows, ncols, Type, is_sparse, isBigMat) else: raise TypeError("Type=%s" % Type) #try: #print_matrix(A.todense()) #except: #pass if d in ['d', 'dd']: self.n += 8 elif d in ['f', 'ff']: self.n += 4 else: raise NotImplementedError(d); self.n+=recordLength, 10); self.n+=4 assert self.n == f.tell(), 'n=%s f.tell=%s' % (self.n, f.tell()) return (name, form, A) def _get_matrix_info(self, Type): if Type == 1: NWV = 1 # number words per value NBW = 4 d = 'f' elif Type == 2: NWV = 2 NBW = 8 d = 'd' elif Type == 3: NWV = 2 NBW = 8 d = 'ff' elif Type == 4: NWV = 4 NBW = 16 d = 'dd' else: raise RuntimeError("Type=%s" % Type) dtype = get_dtype(Type) return (NWV, NBW, d, dtype) def _read_real_dense_binary(self, f, nrows, ncols, Type, is_sparse, isBigMat): (NWV, NBW, d, dtype) = self._get_matrix_info(Type) A = zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype=dtype) icol = -1 # dummy value so the loop starts while icol < ncols + 1: # if isDense assert self.n == f.tell(), 'n=%s tell=%s' % (self.n, f.tell()) (icol, irow, nWords) = self.get_markers_dense(f) L = nWords if icol == ncols + 1: break if L == -1: break recordLength = 4 * nWords data = self.n += recordLength nValues = L // NWV strValues = self.endian + '%i%s' % (nValues * len(d), d[0]) A[irow-1:irow-1+nValues, icol-1] = unpack(strValues, data) #assert self.n == f.tell(), 'n=%s tell=%s' % (self.n, f.tell()) self.n += 4 return A def _read_real_binary(self, f, nrows, ncols, Type, is_sparse, isBigMat): if is_sparse: A = self._read_real_sparse_binary(f, nrows, ncols, Type, is_sparse, isBigMat) else: A = self._read_real_dense_binary(f, nrows, ncols, Type, is_sparse, isBigMat) return A def _read_real_sparse_binary(self, f, nrows, ncols, Type, is_sparse, isBigMat): (NWV, NBW, d, dtype) = self._get_matrix_info(Type) rows = [] cols = [] entries = [] data = '' icol = -1 # dummy value so the loop starts while icol < ncols + 1: # if isDense #if recordLength==0: assert self.n == f.tell(), 'n=%s tell=%s' % (self.n, f.tell()) (icol, irow, nWords) = self.get_markers_sparse(f, isBigMat) L = nWords if icol == ncols + 1: break if isBigMat: (irow, L) = self._get_irow_big(f, data[:8]) data = data[8:] else: (irow, L) = self._get_irow_small(f, data[:4]) data = data[4:] if L == -1: break if 0: print("next icol") print("N=%s icol=%s irow=%s nWords=%s" % ( self.n, icol, irow, nWords)) #if nWords==0 and isBigMat: #self.n-=4; #break recordLength = 4 * nWords data = self.n += recordLength #print("dataFormat=%s RL=%s NNext=%s" % (d, recordLength, self.n)) #if icol==ncols+1: #break nValues = L // NWV strValues = self.endian + '%i%s' % (nValues * len(d), d[0]) i = 0 while len(data) > 0: if i == 0: pass else: if isBigMat: (irow, L) = self._get_irow_big(f, data[0:8]) data = data[8:] else: (irow, L) = self._get_irow_small(f, data[0:4]) data = data[4:] assert irow > 0 nValues = L // NWV valueList = unpack(strValues, data[0:nValues * NBW]) assert self.n == f.tell(), 'n=%s tell=%s' % (self.n, f.tell()) #irow -= 1 #icol -= 1 #print "is_sparse = ",is_sparse rows.extend([i+irow-1 for i in range(nValues)]) irow += nValues cols.extend([icol-1] * nValues) entries.extend(valueList) recordLength -= nValues * NBW data = data[nValues * NBW:] #if 0: #print("recordLength=%s NBW=%s len(data)=%s" % #(recordLength, NBW, len(data))) ##print(A) #print("********") # ,data #print(self.print_block(data)) i += 1 #print "-------------------------------" #if rows == []: # NULL matrix #raise NotImplementedError() A = coo_matrix((entries, (rows, cols)), shape=(nrows, ncols), dtype=dtype) self.n += 4 return A
[docs] def show(self, f, n): #assert self.n == f.tell() nold = f.tell() nints = n // 4 data = strings, ints, floats = self._show_data(data) return strings, ints, floats
def _show_data(self, data): n = len(data) nints = n // 4 strings = unpack(self.endian + '%is' % n, data) ints = unpack(self.endian + '%ii' % nints, data) floats = unpack(self.endian + '%if' % nints, data) #print("strings =", strings) print("ints =", ints) print("floats =", floats) return strings, ints, floats def _read_complex_dense_binary(self, f, nrows, ncols, Type, isBigMat): (NWV, NBW, d, dtype) = self._get_matrix_info(Type) A = zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype=dtype) recordLength = 0 icol = -1 # dummy value so the loop starts while icol < ncols + 1: # if isDense #if recordLength==0: assert self.n == f.tell(), 'n=%s tell=%s' % (self.n, f.tell()) (icol, irow, nWords) = self.get_markers_dense(f) if 0: print("N=%s icol=%s irow=%s nWords=%s" % (self.n, icol, irow, nWords)) print("-----------") L = nWords if icol == ncols + 1: break if L == -1: break if 0: print("next icol") print("N=%s icol=%s irow=%s nWords=%s" % ( self.n, icol, irow, nWords)) #if nWords==0 and isBigMat: #self.n-=4; #break recordLength = 4 * nWords data = self.n += recordLength #print("dataFormat=%s RL=%s NNext=%s" % (d, recordLength, self.n)) if icol == ncols + 1: continue nValues = nWords // NWV #nRead = nWords//4 while recordLength >= NBW: if 0: print("inner while...") print("nWords = %s" % nWords) print("nValues = %s" % nValues) print("NWV = %s" % NWV) #if nValues==0: #assert icol==ncols+1 #break strValues = self.endian + '%i%s' % (nValues * len(d), d[0]) if 0: print("strValues = %s" % strValues) print("nValues*NBW=%s len(data)=%s" % (nValues * NBW, len(data))) valueList = unpack(strValues, data[0:nValues * NBW]) assert self.n == f.tell(), 'n=%s tell=%s' % (self.n, f.tell()), 4) #print self.print_block(data) if 0: print("valueList = %s" % (valueList)) #irow-=1 #icol-=1 #print("is_sparse = ", is_sparse) irow -= 1 icol -= 1 for i, value in enumerate(valueList): if i % 2 == 0: realValue = value else: #print("A[%s,%s] = %s" % (irow, icol, complex(realValue, value))) A[irow, icol] = complex(realValue, value) irow += 1 recordLength -= nValues * NBW data = data[nValues * NBW:] #print("recordLength=%s NBW=%s" % (recordLength, NBW)) #print(print_matrix(A)) #print("********", data) self.n += 4 return A def _read_complex_binary(self, f, nrows, ncols, Type, is_sparse, isBigMat): if is_sparse: A = self._read_complex_sparse_binary(f, nrows, ncols, Type, isBigMat) else: A = self._read_complex_dense_binary(f, nrows, ncols, Type, isBigMat) return A def _read_complex_sparse_binary(self, f, nrows, ncols, Type, isBigMat): (NWV, NBW, d, dtype) = self._get_matrix_info(Type) rows = [] cols = [] entries = [] recordLength = 0 data = '' icol = -1 # dummy value so the loop starts while icol < ncols + 1: # if isDense #if recordLength==0: assert self.n == f.tell(), 'n=%s tell=%s' % (self.n, f.tell()) (icol, irow, nWords) = self.get_markers_sparse(f, isBigMat) if 0: print("N=%s icol=%s irow=%s nWords=%s" % (self.n, icol, irow, nWords)) print("-----------") L = nWords if icol == ncols + 1: break if isBigMat: (irow, L) = self._get_irow_big(f, data[:8]) data = data[8:] else: (irow, L) = self._get_irow_small(f, data[:4]) data = data[4:] if L == -1: break if 0: print("next icol") print("N=%s icol=%s irow=%s nWords=%s" % ( self.n, icol, irow, nWords)) #if nWords==0 and isBigMat: #self.n-=4; #break recordLength = 4 * nWords data = self.n += recordLength #print("dataFormat=%s RL=%s NNext=%s" % (d, recordLength, self.n)) if icol == ncols + 1: continue nValues = nWords // NWV #nRead = nWords//4 while recordLength >= NBW: if 0: print("inner while...") print("nWords = %s" % nWords) print("nValues = %s" % nValues) print("NWV = %s" % NWV) #if nValues==0: #assert icol==ncols+1 #break strValues = self.endian + '%i%s' % (nValues * len(d), d[0]) if 0: print("strValues = %s" % strValues) print("nValues*NBW=%s len(data)=%s" % (nValues * NBW, len(data))) valueList = unpack(strValues, data[0:nValues * NBW]) assert self.n == f.tell(), 'n=%s tell=%s' % (self.n, f.tell()), 4) #print(self.print_block(data)) if 0: print("valueList = %s" % (valueList)) #irow-=1 #icol-=1 irow -= 1 icol -= 1 cols += [icol] * nValues rows += [i + irow for i in range(nValues)] for i, value in enumerate(valueList): if i % 2 == 0: realValue = value else: #print("A[%s,%s] = %s" % (irow, icol, complex(realValue, value))) #A[irow, icol] = complex(realValue, value) entries.append(complex(realValue, value)) irow += 1 recordLength -= nValues * NBW data = data[nValues * NBW:] #print("recordLength=%s NBW=%s" % (recordLength, NBW)) #print(print_matrix(A)) #print("********", data) A = coo_matrix((entries, (rows, cols)), shape=(nrows, ncols), dtype=dtype) self.n += 4 return A
[docs] def get_markers_sparse(self, f, isBigMat): if isBigMat: (a, icol, irow, nWords) = self.read_start_marker(f) #(irow) = self._get_irow_big(f) nWords -= 2 #if nWords>1: # nWords -= 2 #else: # print("nWords0 = %s" % nWords) # nWords = 0 else: (a, icol, irow, nWords) = self.read_start_marker(f) if irow != 0: assert nWords == 1, 'nWords=%s' % nWords #(irow) = self._get_irow_small(f) nWords -= 1 return (icol, irow, nWords)
[docs] def get_markers_dense(self, f): (a, icol, irow, nWords) = self.read_start_marker(f) #print("N=%s a=%s icol=%s irow=%s nWords=%s"% (self.n, a, icol, irow, nWords)) return (icol, irow, nWords)
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_type_nwv(self, A, precision='default'): """ Determines the Type and number of words per value an entry in the matrix takes up. :param A: a matrix or entry in a matrix (to save memory) :param precision: data precision ='default', 'single', 'double' :returns: Type matrix type 1 = real, single precision 2 = real, double precision 3 = complex, single precision 4 = complex, double precision :returns: NWV Number of Words per Value .. note:: a word is 4 bytes nwords(float32)=1; single precison nwords(complex64)=2; single precison nwords(float64)=2; double precision nwords(complex128)=4; double precision """ # real if isinstance(A.dtype.type(), float32): NWV = 1 if precision != 'double': Type = 1 else: Type = 2 elif isinstance(A.dtype.type(), float64): NWV = 1 if precision != 'single': Type = 2 else: Type = 1 # complex elif isinstance(A.dtype.type(), complex64): NWV = 2 if precision != 'double': Type = 3 else: Type = 4 elif isinstance(A.dtype.type(), complex128): NWV = 2 if precision != 'single': Type = 4 else: Type = 3 else: raise TypeError('invalid Type, only float32, float64, complex64, complex128; dtype=%r' % A.dtype) return (Type, NWV)
[docs] def write_op4(self, op4_filename, matrices, name_order=None, precision='default', is_binary=True): """ Writes the OP4 :param op4_filename: The filename to write :type op4_filename: String -> opens a file (closed at the end) file -> no file is opened and it's not closed Method 1: --------- :param name_order: List of the names of the matrices that should be written or string (default=None -> sorted based on matrices) :param is_binary: Should a binary file be written (True, False) :param precision: Overwrite the default precision ('single', 'double', 'default') Applies to all matrices Method 2: --------- matrices = { 'A' : (formA, matrixA), 'B' : (formB, matrixB), } .. todo:: This method is not even close to being done """ if not precision in ('single', 'double', 'default'): raise ValueError("precision=%r and must be 'single', 'double', or 'default'" % precision) if not is_binary in (True, False): raise ValueError('is_binary=%r and must be True or False' % is_binary) #if nR == nC: op4_form = 1 # square #else: op4_form = 2 # rectangular if isinstance(op4_filename, string_types): if PY2 or is_binary: f = open(op4_filename, 'wb') else: f = open(op4_filename, 'w') else: f = op4_filename if name_order is None: name_order = sorted(matrices.keys()) elif isinstance(name_order, string_types): name_order = [name_order] isBigMat = False ## .. todo:: hardcoded for name in name_order: (form, matrix) = matrices[name] if not form in (1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9): raise ValueError('form=%r and must be in [1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9]' % form) if isinstance(matrix, coo_matrix): #write_DMIG(f, name, matrix, form, precision='default') if is_binary: raise NotImplementedError('sparse binary op4 writing not implemented') else: self._write_sparse_matrix_ascii(f, name, matrix, form=form, precision=precision, isBigMat=isBigMat) elif isinstance(matrix, ndarray): if is_binary: self._write_dense_matrix_binary(f, name, matrix, form=form, precision=precision) else: self._write_dense_matrix_ascii(f, name, matrix, form=form, precision=precision) else: raise NotImplementedError('Matrix type=%r is not supported. types=[coo_matrix, ndarray]' % type(matrix))
def __backup(self, name, matrix, form=2, precision='default'): """ Put this documentation somewhere else... :param name: the name of the matrix :param matrix: a two-dimensional NUMPY.NDARRAY :param form: Form is defined as one of the following: ==== =============== Form Definition ==== =============== 1. Square 2. Rectangular 3. Diagonal 6. Symmetric 8. Id entity 9. Pseudoidentity ==== =============== Not Supported by all OP4s (this is not a restriction of the OP4 reader/writer): ==== =============================== Form Definition ==== =============================== 4. Lower triangular factor 5. Upper triangular factor 10. Cholesky factor 11. Trapezoidal factor 13. Sparse lower triangular factor 15. Sparse upper triangular factor ==== =============================== .. note:: form defaults to 2, but 1 can be easily determined. Any others must be specified. """ assert isinstance(name, str), name assert isinstance(form, int), form def _write_sparse_matrix_ascii(self, f, name, A, form=2, isBigMat=False, precision='default'): """ .. todo:: Does this work for complex matrices? """ msg = '' assert isinstance(name, str), 'name=%s' % name #A = A.tolil() # list-of-lists sparse matrix #print dir(A) (Type, NWV) = self._get_type_nwv([0], precision) if Type in [3, 4]: complex_factor = 2 else: # 1, 2 complex_factor = 1 (nrows, ncols) = A.shape #if nrows == ncols and form == 2: #form = 1 #print("Type=%s" % Type) if isBigMat: msg += '%8i%8i%8i%8i%-8s1P,3E23.16\n' % (ncols, -nrows, form, Type, name) else: msg += '%8i%8i%8i%8i%-8s1P,3E23.16\n' % (ncols, nrows, form, Type, name) #print "A.row = ",A.row #print "A.col = ",A.col cols = {} for j in A.col: cols[j] = [] for i, jcol in enumerate(A.col): cols[jcol].append(i) #print("cols = ", cols) f.write(msg) msg = '' for j, col in iteritems(cols): #print("***********") #print("j=%s col=%s" % (j, col)) #col.sort() #print('A =', A) irows = [A.row[jj] for jj in col] #print "irows = ",irows (dpacks) = compress_column(irows) #print("dpacks = %s" % (dpacks)) npacks = len(dpacks) nrows = len(irows) if isBigMat: #L = complex_factor * (2 * len(irows)) + 1 L = 2 * npacks * NWV + nrows msg = '%8i%8i%8i\n' % (j + 1, 0, L) else: L = complex_factor * (2 * len(irows)) msg = '%8i%8i%8i\n' % (j + 1, 0, L + 1) f.write(msg) for (ipack, dpack) in enumerate(dpacks): msg = '' #print "pack = ",pack irow = A.row[col[dpack[0]]] if isBigMat: #L = complexFactor * (2 * len(pack)) + 1 #L = (nPacks+1) + nRows*complexFactor L = (len(dpack) + 1) * NWV #if iPack==0: #L+=1 #L = complexFactor * (2 + nPacks) + 1 #L = len(pack) + complexFactor * 2 #msg = '%8i%8i%8i\n' % (j+1, 0, L+1) msg += '%8i%8i\n' % (L, irow + 1) else: #L = complexFactor * (2 * len(pack)) #msg = '%8i%8i%8i\n' % (j+1, 0, L+1) IS = irow + 65536 * (L + 1) + 1 msg += '%8i\n' % IS i = 0 value_str = '' #print("ipack=%s rowPack=%s" % (ipack, [A.row[p] for p in dpack])) for p in dpack: irow = col[p] val =[irow] irow = A.row[irow] if Type in [1, 2]: value_str += '%23.16E' % val if (i + 1) % 3 == 0: msg += value_str + '\n' value_str = '' else: value_str += '%23.16E' % val.real if (i + 1) % 3 == 0: msg += value_str + '\n' value_str = '' i += 1 value_str += '%23.16E' % val.imag if (i + 1) % 3 == 0: msg += value_str + '\n' value_str = '' i += 1 if value_str: msg += value_str + '\n' f.write(msg) f.write('%8i%8i%8i\n' % (ncols + 1, 1, 1)) f.write(' 1.0000000000000000E+00\n') def _write_dense_matrix_binary(self, f, name, matrix, form=2, precision='default', encoding='utf-8'): """ 24 bytes is the record length - (1) ncols - (2) nrows - (3) form - (4) Type - (5,6) name2 6 words * 4 bytes/word = 24 bytes .. todo:: support precision """ if PY3: raise NotImplementedError('_write_dense_matrix_binary is not supported') A = matrix (Type, NWV) = self._get_type_nwv(A[0, 0], precision) (nrows, ncols) = A.shape #if nrows==ncols and form==2: #form = 1 name2 = '%-8s' % name assert len(name2) == 8, 'name=%r is too long; 8 characters max' % name s = Struct(self.endian + '5i8s') msg = s.pack(24, ncols, nrows, form, Type, name2) f.write(msg) for icol in range(ncols): (iStart, iEnd) = self._get_start_end_row(A[:, icol], nrows) # write the column if iStart is not None and iEnd is not None: iEnd += 1 msg = pack(self.endian + '4i', 24, icol + 1, iStart + 1, (iEnd - iStart) * NWV) if Type in [1, 2]: # real if Type == 1: # real, single fmt = '%if' % (iEnd - iStart) else: # real, double fmt = '%id' % (iEnd - iStart) f.write(pack(fmt, *A[iStart:iEnd+1, icol])) else: # complex if Type == 1: # complex, single fmt = '2f' else: # complex, double fmt = '2d' for irow in range(iStart, iEnd): msg += pack(fmt, A[irow, icol].real, A[irow, icol].imag) f.write(msg) if Type in [1, 3]: # single precision msg = pack(self.endian + '4if', 24, ncols + 1, 1, 1, 1.0) # .. todo:: is this right??? else: # double precision msg = pack(self.endian + '4id', 24, ncols + 1, 1, 1, 1.0) f.write(msg) def _get_start_end_row(self, A, nrows): """find the starting and ending points of the matrix""" iStart = None for irow in range(nrows): if abs(A[irow]) > 0.0: iStart = irow break iEnd = None for irow in reversed(range(nrows)): if abs(A[irow]) > 0.0: iEnd = irow break return (iStart, iEnd) def _write_dense_matrix_ascii(self, f, name, A, form=2, precision='default'): (Type, NWV) = self._get_type_nwv(A[0, 0], precision) (nrows, ncols) = A.shape msg = u'%8i%8i%8i%8i%-8s1P,3E23.16\n' % (ncols, nrows, form, Type, name) f.write(msg) if Type in [1, 2]: # real for icol in range(ncols): value_str = '' (iStart, iEnd) = self._get_start_end_row(A[:, icol], nrows) # write the column if iStart is not None and iEnd is not None: # not a null column iEnd += 1 msg = '%8i%8i%8i\n' % (icol + 1, iStart + 1, (iEnd - iStart) * NWV) f.write(msg) for i, irow in enumerate(range(iStart, iEnd)): value_str += '%23.16E' % A[irow, icol] if (i + 1) % 3 == 0: f.write(value_str + '\n') value_str = '' if value_str: f.write(value_str + '\n') else: # complex for icol in range(ncols): value_str = '' (iStart, iEnd) = self._get_start_end_row(A[:, icol], nrows) # write the column if iStart is not None and iEnd is not None: # not a null column iEnd += 1 msg = '%8i%8i%8i\n' % (icol + 1, iStart + 1, (iEnd - iStart) * NWV) f.write(msg) i = 0 for irow in range(iStart, iEnd): value_str += '%23.16E' % A[irow, icol].real if (i + 1) % 3 == 0: f.write(value_str + '\n') value_str = '' value_str += '%23.16E' % A[irow, icol].imag if (i + 2) % 3 == 0: f.write(value_str + '\n') value_str = '' i += 2 if value_str: f.write(value_str + '\n') # end of the matrix? msg = '%8i%8i%8i\n' % (ncols + 1, 1, 1) msg += ' 1.0000000000000000E+00\n' f.write(msg)
[docs]def get_dtype(Type, precision='default'): """reset the type if 'default' not selected""" if precision == 'single': if Type in [1, 2]: dtype = 'float32' else: dtype = 'complex64' elif precision == 'double': if Type in [1, 2]: dtype = 'float64' else: dtype = 'complex128' else: # default if Type == 1: dtype = 'float32' elif Type == 2: dtype = 'float64' elif Type == 3: dtype = 'complex64' else: dtype = 'complex128' return dtype
[docs]def matrices(): strings = array([[ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], [ 1 , 0 , 3 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 7 , 0 , 9 , 0 , 11 , 0 , 13 , 0 , 15 , 0 , 17 , 0 , 19 , 0 ], [ 1 , 0 , 3 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 7 , 0 , 9 , 0 , 11 , 0 , 13 , 0 , 15 , 0 , 17 , 0 , 19 , 0 ], [ 1 , 0 , 3 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 7 , 0 , 9 , 0 , 11 , 0 , 13 , 0 , 15 , 0 , 17 , 0 , 19 , 0 ], [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], [ 1 , 0 , 3 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 7 , 0 , 9 , 0 , 11 , 0 , 13 , 0 , 15 , 0 , 17 , 0 , 19 , 0 ], [ 1 , 0 , 3 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 7 , 0 , 9 , 0 , 11 , 0 , 13 , 0 , 15 , 0 , 17 , 0 , 19 , 0 ], [ 1 , 0 , 3 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 7 , 0 , 9 , 0 , 11 , 0 , 13 , 0 , 15 , 0 , 17 , 0 , 19 , 0 ], [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ], [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ], [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ], [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ], [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ], [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ], [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ], [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ], [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ], [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ], [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ]],'f') return strings
[docs]def compress_column(col): packs = [] n = 0 i = 0 packi = [] while i < len(col): #print("i=%s n=%s col[i]=%s" % (i, n, col[i])) if col[i] == n + 1: #print("i=n=%s" % i) packi.append(i) n += 1 else: if packi: packs.append(packi) #print("pack = ", pack) packi = [i] n = col[i] #print("pack = ", pack) i += 1 if packi: packs.append(packi) #print("packs = ", packs) return packs
[docs]def main(): from pyNastran.op4.utils import write_DMIG #compress_column([14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28]) filenames = [ 'test/mat_t_dn.op4', 'test/mat_t_s1.op4', 'test/mat_t_s2.op4', 'test/mat_b_dn.op4', 'test/mat_b_s1.op4', 'test/mat_b_s2.op4', #'test/b_sample.op4', #'binary.op4', ] #matrix_names = 'EYE10' # identity #matrix_names = 'LOW' #matrix_names = 'RND1RS' # real,single #matrix_names = 'RND1RD' # real,double #matrix_names = 'RND1CS' # complex,single #matrix_names = 'RND1CD' # complex,double #matrix_names = 'STRINGS' #matrix_names = 'EYE5CD' # complex identity matrix_names = None strings = matrices() isBigMat = True if PY2: f = open('ascii.op4', 'wb') else: f = open('ascii.op4', 'w') for fname in filenames: op4 = OP4() op4.endian = '>' #if 't' in fname: #else: #f = open('binary.op4','wb') matrices = op4.read_op4(fname, matrix_names=matrix_names, precision='default') print("keys = %s" % matrices.keys()) print("fname=%s" % fname) for name, (form, matrix) in sorted(iteritems(matrices)): op4.write_op4(f, matrices, name_order=name) f.close() print("-----------------------------") print("done") print("-----------------------------")
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover main()