shabp Package

shabp Module

Inheritance diagram of pyNastran.converters.shabp.shabp
  • read_shabp(shabp_filename, log=None, debug=False)

  • SHABP(log=None, debug=False)

class pyNastran.converters.shabp.shabp.SHABP(log=None, debug=False)[source]

Bases: pyNastran.converters.shabp.shabp_results.ShabpOut

defines the SHABP class

Initializes the SHABP object

debugbool/None; default=True
used to set the logger if no logger is passed in

True: logs debug/info/error messages False: logs info/error messages None: logs error messages

loglogging module object / None

if log is set, debug is ignored and uses the settings the logging object has


gets the area of a set of components


gets the area of a set of patches


gets the area and length of a set of components


We may not have inviscid pressure


parses the case information (e.g., number of angles of attack, control surface info)

read_shabp(shabp_filename, read_special_routines=False)[source]

reads an SHABP.INP / SHABP.mk5 file

pyNastran.converters.shabp.shabp.parse_inviscid_pressure(lines, line, i)[source]

reads inviscid pressure (method=3)

pyNastran.converters.shabp.shabp.parse_special_routines(lines, line, i, read_special_routines=False)[source]

Parses the special routines (method=5)

10000000000000000000 01100 1 3 0 0 0 0 01100 2 4 0 0 0 0 11100 3 1 2 5 6 7

pyNastran.converters.shabp.shabp.parse_viscous(lines, line, i)[source]

Parses the viscous table (method=4)

140 viscous_run (level 2)

11 1


5 5000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 3.0000 3.0000 2 0 4 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1

1.500000E2 3.000000E2 1.600000E1 3.000000E1 9.000000E1 5.000000E2 8.000000E-1 1.200000E1 0.000000E0 0.000000E0

21 1 …

pyNastran.converters.shabp.shabp.read_shabp(shabp_filename, read_special_routines=False, log=None, debug=False)[source]

reads an S/HABP file

shabp_io Module

shabp_results Module

Inheritance diagram of pyNastran.converters.shabp.shabp_results
class pyNastran.converters.shabp.shabp_results.ShabpOut(model, log=None, debug=False)[source]

Bases: object

read_viscous2(f, i)[source]
readline(f, i)[source]
readline_n(f, i, n)[source]