Source code for pyNastran.bdf.bdf_interface.pybdf

# coding: utf-8
Main BDF class.  Defines:
  - BDFInputPy

    AFPM = afpmid
    ARBMODEL = arbmid
    AUXMODEL = auxmind
    MASSID = massid[LABEL = masslabel]
    MODULE= moduleid[APPEND][LABEL = modlabel]
    FLXBDY = flexbody
    SUPER = seid
    TRMC = trimid

import os
import shlex
import warnings
from io import StringIO
from itertools import count
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Optional, Union, Any, cast

import numpy as np
from cpylog import get_logger2, SimpleLogger
from pyNastran.nptyping_interface import NDArrayN2int
from pyNastran.utils import print_bad_path, _filename

from pyNastran.bdf import BULK_DATA_CARDS, CASE_BULK_CARDS
from pyNastran.bdf.errors import AuxModelError, MissingDeckSections, SuperelementFlagError
from pyNastran.bdf.bdf_interface.utils import _parse_pynastran_header
from pyNastran.bdf.bdf_interface.include_file import get_include_filename

# these allow spaces
    'PROJ ',
                    'GEOMCHECK ', 'ID ', 'LINK ', 'MALTER ', 'SOL ', 'TIME ')

    ## of the form 'LOAD = 5', so 'PARAM,POST,-1' doesn't count
    #'LOAD', 'SPC', 'FREQ', 'MPC',  # case control + bulk data cards
    #'SUPORT', # short for SUPORT1
    #'ACCEL',  # short for ACCELERATION
    ## 'PARAM', # equals sign is problematic

    #NX 2019.2
    #CLOAD - in bulk
    #CSSCHD - in bulk
    #DIVERG - in bulk
    #DLOAD - in bulk
    #FORCE - in bulk
    #INCLUDE - already handled
    #LOAD - in bulk
    #MPC - in bulk
    #NSM - in bulk
    #PARAM - in bulk
    'SEALL', 'SEDR', 'SEDV',
    #SET - in bulk
    # SPC - in bulk
    #SUPORT - in bulk
    #SUPORT1 - in bulk
    #TRIM - in bulk
    # TSTEP - in bulk
    # TSTEPNL - in bulk

    ['SET ', 'SUBCASE '],

[docs] class BDFInputPy: """BDF reader class that only handles lines and not building cards or parsing cards""" def __init__(self, read_includes: bool, dumplines: bool, encoding: str, nastran_format: str='msc', consider_superelements: bool=True, log: Any=None, debug: bool=False): """ BDF reader class that only handles lines and not building cards or parsing cards Parameters ---------- read_includes : bool should include files be read dumplines : bool Writes 'pyNastran_dump.bdf' up to some failed line index encoding : str the character encoding (e.g., utf8, latin1, cp1252) nastran_format : str; default='msc' 'zona' has a special read method {msc, nx, zona} consider_superelements : bool; default=True parse 'begin super=2' log : logger(); default=None a logger for printing INCLUDE files that are loadaed debug : bool; default=False used when testing; for the logger """ self.dumplines = dumplines self.encoding = encoding self.nastran_format = nastran_format self.include_dir = '' self.include_lines = defaultdict(list) self.read_includes = read_includes self.active_filenames = [] self.active_filename = None self.consider_superelements = consider_superelements self.debug = debug self.log = get_logger2(log, debug) self.use_new_parser = False
[docs] def get_lines(self, bdf_filename: Union[str, StringIO], punch: Optional[bool]=False, make_ilines: bool=True) -> tuple[list[str], list[str], list[str], list[str], Optional[np.ndarray], dict[tuple[str, str], list[str]], #list[str], Optional[np.ndarray], ]: """ Opens the bdf and extracts the lines by group Parameters ---------- bdf_filename : str the main bdf_filename punch : bool / None; default=False is this a punch file None : guess True : no executive/case control decks False : executive/case control decks exist make_ilines : bool; default=True flag for bulk_data_ilines Returns ------- system_lines : list[str] the system control lines (typically empty; used for alters) executive_control_lines : list[str] the executive control lines (stores SOL 101) case_control_lines : list[str] the case control lines (stores subcases) bulk_data_lines : list[str] the bulk data lines (stores geometry, boundary conditions, loads, etc.) bulk_data_ilines : None / (nlines, 2) int ndarray if make_ilines = True: the [ifile, iline] pair for each line in the file if make_ilines = False: ilines = None superelement_lines : dict[int, list[str]] the superelement data lines (stores geometry, boundary conditions, loads, etc.) superelement_ilines : dict[int, np.ndarray] data: None / (nlines, 2) int ndarray ??? if make_ilines = True: the [ifile, iline] pair for each line in the file if make_ilines = False: ilines = None """ main_lines = self.get_main_lines(bdf_filename) all_lines, ilines = self.lines_to_deck_lines(main_lines, make_ilines=make_ilines) nastran_format = self.nastran_format #superelement_lines = {} #superelement_ilines = None log = self.log if self.use_new_parser and nastran_format != 'optistruct': # make_ilines is False self.log.debug('using new deck splitter') out = lines_to_decks2(all_lines, ilines, punch, log, nastran_format=nastran_format) (system_lines, executive_control_lines, case_control_lines, bulk_data_lines, bulk_data_ilines, additional_deck_lines) = out else: out = _lines_to_decks(all_lines, ilines, punch, log, keep_enddata=True, consider_superelements=self.consider_superelements, nastran_format=nastran_format) ( system_lines, executive_control_lines, case_control_lines, bulk_data_lines, bulk_data_ilines, superelement_lines, superelement_ilines) = out additional_deck_lines = {} for superelement_id, super_lines in superelement_lines.items(): assert isinstance(super_lines, list), super_lines super_tuple = ('SUPER', superelement_id, '') additional_deck_lines[super_tuple] = super_lines del superelement_lines, superelement_ilines if nastran_format in {'msc', 'nx', 'optistruct', 'nasa95', 'mystran'}: pass elif nastran_format == 'zona': bulk_data_lines, bulk_data_ilines, system_lines = self._get_lines_zona( system_lines, bulk_data_lines, bulk_data_ilines, punch) else: msg = f'nastran_format={nastran_format!r} and must be msc, nx, optistruct, nasa95, mystran, or zona' raise NotImplementedError(msg) return (system_lines, executive_control_lines, case_control_lines, bulk_data_lines, bulk_data_ilines, additional_deck_lines)
def _get_lines_zona(self, system_lines: list[str], bulk_data_lines: list[str], bulk_data_ilines: NDArrayN2int, punch: bool) -> tuple[list[str], NDArrayN2int, list[str]]: """load and update the lines for ZONA""" system_lines2 = [] for system_line in system_lines: if system_line.upper().startswith('ASSIGN'): split_system = system_line.split(',') header = split_system[0] header_upper = header.upper() if header_upper.startswith('ASSIGN FEM'): unused_fem, filename = header.split('=') filename = filename.strip('"\'') self.log.debug('reading %s' % filename) if filename.lower().endswith('.f06'): filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.bdf' if not filename.endswith('.bdf'): raise RuntimeError('filename must end in bdf; %s' % filename) _main_lines = self.get_main_lines(filename) make_ilines = bulk_data_ilines is not None _all_lines, _ilines = self.lines_to_deck_lines( _main_lines, make_ilines=make_ilines) _out = _lines_to_decks(_all_lines, _ilines, punch, self.log, keep_enddata=False, consider_superelements=self.consider_superelements) ( _system_lines, _executive_control_lines, _case_control_lines, bulk_data_lines2, bulk_data_ilines2, _superelement_lines, _superelement_ilines, ) = _out bulk_data_lines = bulk_data_lines2 + bulk_data_lines #print("bulk_data_ilines2 =", bulk_data_ilines2, bulk_data_ilines2.shape) #print("bulk_data_ilines =", bulk_data_ilines, bulk_data_ilines.shape) bulk_data_ilines = np.vstack([bulk_data_ilines2, bulk_data_ilines]) continue elif header_upper.startswith('ASSIGN MATRIX'): pass elif header_upper.startswith('ASSIGN OUTPUT4'): pass else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError(system_line) system_lines2.append(system_line) system_lines = system_lines return bulk_data_lines, bulk_data_ilines, system_lines
[docs] def get_main_lines(self, bdf_filename: Union[str, StringIO]) -> list[str]: """ Opens the bdf and extracts the lines Parameters ---------- bdf_filename : str / StringIO the main bdf_filename Returns ------- lines : list[str] all the lines packed into a single line stream """ #print('bdf_filename_main =', bdf_filename) if hasattr(bdf_filename, 'read') and hasattr(bdf_filename, 'write'): bdf_filename = cast(StringIO, bdf_filename) lines = bdf_filename.readlines() if len(lines) == 0: raise RuntimeError('lines in %s is empty' % bdf_filename) return lines bdf_filename = cast(str, bdf_filename) self.bdf_filename = bdf_filename # the directory of the 1st BDF (include BDFs are relative to this one) self.include_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(bdf_filename)) with self._open_file(bdf_filename, basename=True) as bdf_file: try: lines = bdf_file.readlines() except UnicodeDecodeError: _show_bad_file(self, bdf_filename, encoding=self.encoding) return lines
[docs] def lines_to_deck_lines(self, lines: list[str], make_ilines: bool=True) -> tuple[list[str], int]: """ Merges the includes into the main deck. Parameters ---------- lines : list[str] the lines from the main BDF make_ilines : bool; default=True flag for ilines Returns ------- active_lines : list[str] all the active lines in the deck ilines : (nlines, 2) int ndarray if make_ilines = True: the [ifile, iline] pair for each line in the file if make_ilines = False: ilines = None """ nlines = len(lines) #bdf_filenames = [self.bdf_filename] ilines = None if make_ilines: ilines = _make_ilines(nlines, ifile=0) i = 0 ifile = 1 while i < nlines: try: line = lines[i].rstrip('\r\n\t') except IndexError: break line_upper = line.upper() if line_upper.startswith('INCLUDE'): j, include_lines = self._get_include_lines(lines, line, i, nlines) bdf_filename2 = get_include_filename(include_lines, include_dir=self.include_dir) #bdf_filenames.append(bdf_filename2) jfile = ilines[i, 0] # these are the lines associated with the 1st/2nd include file found self.include_lines[jfile].append((include_lines, bdf_filename2)) if self.read_includes: lines, nlines, ilines = self._update_include( lines, nlines, ilines, include_lines, bdf_filename2, i, j, ifile, make_ilines=make_ilines) ifile += 1 else: # remove the include lines lines = lines[:i] + lines[j:] if make_ilines: ilines = np.vstack([ ilines[:i, :], ilines[j:, :], ]) #assert len(ilines[:, 1]) == len(np.unique(ilines[:, 1])) # we have to reprocess the line just in case there is # an include on the current line i -= 1 #self.include_lines[ifile].append(include_lines) #self.reject_lines.append(write_include(bdf_filename2)) i += 1 if self.dumplines: self._dump_file('pyNastran_dump.bdf', lines, i) #print(bdf_filenames) #if make_ilines: #nilines = ilines.shape[0] #assert nlines == ilines.shape[0], 'nlines=%s nilines=%s' % (nlines, nilines) return lines, ilines
def _update_include(self, lines: list[str], nlines: int, ilines, include_lines: list[str], bdf_filename2: str, i: int, j: int, ifile: int, make_ilines: bool=False): """incorporates an include file into the lines""" try: self._open_file_checks(bdf_filename2) except IOError: crash_name = 'pyNastran_crash.bdf' self._dump_file(crash_name, lines, j) msg = 'There was an invalid filename found while parsing.\n' msg += 'Check the end of %r\n' % crash_name msg += 'bdf_filename2 = %r\n' % bdf_filename2 msg += 'abs_filename2 = %r\n' % os.path.abspath(bdf_filename2) msg += 'include_lines = %s' % include_lines #msg += 'len(bdf_filename2) = %s' % len(bdf_filename2) print(msg) raise #raise IOError(msg) read_again = False with self._open_file(bdf_filename2, basename=False) as bdf_file: #print(' = %s' % try: lines2 = bdf_file.readlines() except UnicodeDecodeError: #try: try: encoding2 = _check_pynastran_encoding(bdf_filename2, encoding=self.encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: encoding2 = self.encoding #print('***encoding=%s encoding2=%s' % (self.encoding, encoding2)) if self.encoding != encoding2: read_again = True else: msg = ( 'Invalid Encoding: encoding=%r. Fix it by:\n' ' 1. try a different encoding (e.g., latin1, cp1252, utf8)\n' " 2. call read_bdf(...) with `encoding`'\n" " 3. Add '$ pyNastran : encoding=latin1" ' (or other encoding) to the top of the main/INCLUDE file\n' % ( self.encoding)) raise RuntimeError(msg) if read_again: self.active_filenames.pop() with self._open_file(bdf_filename2, basename=False, encoding=encoding2) as bdf_file: #print(' = %s' % try: lines2 = bdf_file.readlines() except UnicodeDecodeError: msg = ( 'Incorrect Encoding: encoding=%r. Fix it by:\n' ' 1. try a different encoding (e.g., latin1, cp1252, utf8)\n' " 2. call read_bdf(...) with `encoding`'\n" " 3. Add '$ pyNastran : encoding=latin1" ' (or other encoding) to the top of the main/INCLUDE file\n' % encoding2) raise RuntimeError(msg) #print('lines2 = %s' % lines2) #line2 = lines[j].split('$') #if not line2[0].isalpha(): #print('** %s' % line2) include_comment = '\n$ INCLUDE processed: %s\n' % bdf_filename2 #for line in lines2: #print(" ?%s" % line.rstrip()) #for ii, line in enumerate(lines): #print(' %i %r' % (ii, line)) #for ii in range(i): #print('i=%i %r' % (ii, lines[ii])) #print('---------') #for jj in range(j, len(lines)): #print('j=%i %r' % (jj, lines[jj])) #print('include_comment = %r' % include_comment) nlines2 = len(lines2) if make_ilines: ilines2 = _make_ilines(nlines2, ifile) #n_ilines = ilines.shape[0] #print(ilines[j:, :]) #assert len(lines[:i]) == ilines[:i+1, :].shape[0] - ifile, 'A: nlines=%s nilines=%s' % (len(lines[:i]), ilines[:i+1, :].shape[0]) #assert len(lines[j:]) == ilines[j:, :].shape[0], 'B: nlines=%s nilines=%s' % (len(lines[j:]), ilines[j:, :].shape[0]) #assert len(lines2) == ilines2.shape[0], 'C: nlines=%s nilines=%s' % (len(lines2), ilines2.shape[0]) #assert nlines == ilines.shape[0], 'B: nlines=%s nilines=%s' % (nlines, nilines) #assert nlines == ilines.shape[0], 'C: nlines=%s nilines=%s' % (nlines, nilines) #print(nlines-ifile+1, nlines2) #print( #len(lines[:i]), #len([include_comment]), #len(lines2), #len(lines[j:]), #) #print( #ilines[:i+1, :].shape[0], #ilines2.shape[0], #ilines[j:, :].shape[0], #) #print('ilines:\n%s' % ilines) #print('ilines2:\n%s' % ilines2) #print('lines2:\n%s' % ''.join(lines2)) ilines = np.vstack([ ilines[:i+1, :], ilines2, ilines[j:, :], ]) #dij = j - i nlines += nlines2 lines = lines[:i] + [include_comment] + lines2 + lines[j:] #print('*lines:\n%s' % ''.join(lines)) #for ifile_iline, line in zip(ilines, lines): #print(ifile_iline, line.rstrip()) #if make_ilines: #n_ilines = ilines.shape[0] #ncompare = n_ilines - dij #assert n_ilines == n_ilines, 'nlines=%s dij=%s n_ilines=%s' % (n_ilines, dij, n_ilines) #for line in lines: #print(" *%s" % line.rstrip()) return lines, nlines, ilines def _get_include_lines(self, lines: list[str], line: str, i: int, nlines: int) -> tuple[int, list[str]]: """ gets the lines for the include file INCLUDE 'Satellite_V02_INCLUDE:Satellite_V02_Panneau_Externe.dat' INCLUDE '../../BULK/COORDS/satellite_V02_Coord.blk' """ j = i + 1 line_base = line.split('$')[0] include_lines = [line_base.strip()] if "'" not in line_base: pass else: #print('----------------------') line_base = line_base[8:].strip() if line_base.startswith("'") and line_base.endswith("'"): pass else: while not line.split('$')[0].endswith("'") and j < nlines: #print('j=%s nlines=%s less?=%s' % (j, nlines, j < nlines)) try: line = lines[j].split('$')[0].strip() except IndexError: #print('bdf_filename=%r' % bdf_filename) crash_name = 'pyNastran_crash.bdf' self._dump_file(crash_name, lines, i+1) msg = 'There was an invalid filename found while parsing (index).\n' msg += 'Check the end of %r\n' % crash_name #msg += 'bdf_filename2 = %r\n' % bdf_filename msg += 'include_lines = %s' % include_lines raise IndexError(msg) #print('endswith_quote=%s; %r' % ( #line.split('$')[0].strip().endswith(""), line.strip())) include_lines.append(line.strip()) j += 1 #print('j=%s nlines=%s less?=%s' % (j, nlines, j < nlines)) #print('*** %s' % line) #bdf_filename2 = line[7:].strip(" '") #include_lines = [line] + lines[i+1:j] #print(include_lines) return j, include_lines def _dump_file(self, bdf_dump_filename: str, lines: list[str], i: int) -> None: """ Writes a BDF up to some failed line index Parameters ---------- bdf_dump_filename : str the bdf filename to dump lines : list[str] the entire list of lines i : int the last index to write """ with open(_filename(bdf_dump_filename), 'w', encoding=self.encoding) as crash_file: for line in lines[:i]: crash_file.write(line) def _open_file_checks(self, bdf_filename: str, basename: bool=False) -> None: """ Verifies that the BDF about to be opened: 1. Exists 2. Is Unique 3. Isn't an OP2 4. Is a File Parameters ---------- bdf_filename : str the bdf filename to open basename : bool; default=False only take the basename of the bdf """ if basename: bdf_filename_inc = os.path.join(self.include_dir, os.path.basename(bdf_filename)) else: bdf_filename_inc = os.path.join(self.include_dir, bdf_filename) if not os.path.exists(_filename(bdf_filename_inc)): msg = 'No such bdf_filename: %r\n' % bdf_filename_inc msg += 'cwd: %r\n' % os.getcwd() msg += 'include_dir: %r\n' % self.include_dir msg += print_bad_path(bdf_filename_inc) self.log.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) elif bdf_filename_inc.endswith('.op2'): msg = 'Invalid filetype: bdf_filename=%r' % bdf_filename_inc self.log.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) bdf_filename = bdf_filename_inc if bdf_filename in self.active_filenames: msg = 'bdf_filename=%s is already active.\nactive_filenames=%s' \ % (bdf_filename, self.active_filenames) self.log.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) elif os.path.isdir(_filename(bdf_filename)): current_filename = self.active_filename if len(self.active_filenames) > 0 else 'None' msg = 'Found a directory: bdf_filename=%r\ncurrent_file=%s' % ( bdf_filename_inc, current_filename) self.log.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) elif not os.path.isfile(_filename(bdf_filename)): msg = 'Not a file: bdf_filename=%r' % bdf_filename self.log.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) def _open_file(self, bdf_filename: Union[str, StringIO], basename: bool=False, check: bool=True, encoding: Optional[str]=None) -> Any: """ Opens a new bdf_filename with the proper encoding and include directory Parameters ---------- bdf_filename : str the filename to open basename : bool (default=False) should the basename of bdf_filename be appended to the include directory check : bool; default=True you can disable the checks Returns ------- bdf_file : file a file object """ if encoding is None: encoding = self.encoding if basename: bdf_filename_inc = os.path.join(self.include_dir, os.path.basename(bdf_filename)) else: bdf_filename_inc = os.path.join(self.include_dir, bdf_filename) self._validate_open_file(bdf_filename, bdf_filename_inc, check) self.log.debug('opening %r' % bdf_filename_inc) self.active_filenames.append(bdf_filename_inc) #print('ENCODING - _open_file=%r' % self.encoding) #self._check_pynastran_header(lines) bdf_file = open(_filename(bdf_filename_inc), 'r', encoding=encoding) return bdf_file def _validate_open_file(self, bdf_filename: Union[str, StringIO], bdf_filename_inc: str, check: bool=True) -> None: """ checks that the file doesn't have obvious errors - hasn't been used - not a directory - is a file Parameters ---------- bdf_filename : str the current bdf filename bdf_filename_inc : str the next bdf filename check : bool; default=True you can disable the checks Raises ------ RuntimeError : file is active IOError : Invalid file type """ if check: if not os.path.exists(_filename(bdf_filename_inc)): msg = 'No such bdf_filename: %r\n' % bdf_filename_inc msg += 'cwd: %r\n' % os.getcwd() msg += 'include_dir: %r\n' % self.include_dir msg += print_bad_path(bdf_filename_inc) raise IOError(msg) elif bdf_filename_inc.endswith('.op2'): raise IOError('Invalid filetype: bdf_filename=%r' % bdf_filename_inc) bdf_filename = bdf_filename_inc if bdf_filename in self.active_filenames: msg = 'bdf_filename=%s is already active.\nactive_filenames=%s' \ % (bdf_filename, self.active_filenames) raise RuntimeError(msg) elif os.path.isdir(_filename(bdf_filename)): current_fname = self.active_filename if len(self.active_filenames) > 0 else 'None' raise IOError('Found a directory: bdf_filename=%r\ncurrent_file=%s' % ( bdf_filename_inc, current_fname)) elif not os.path.isfile(_filename(bdf_filename)): raise IOError('Not a file: bdf_filename=%r' % bdf_filename)
def _is_bulk_data_line(text: str) -> bool: """ Returns True if there is a Bulk Data Deck Parameters ---------- text : str a line in the deck Returns ------- is_bulk_line : bool is this a bulk data line """ # # Stripping the data isn't ideal as a GRID card cannot have a leading space. # # We strip the data because we need to support: # ' SUPORT1 = 10' # if you use text[0:8].strip('* ').upper() # we get: # ' SUPO', which is not a case control card called 'SUPORT1' # text2 = text.split('$')[0].rstrip() #card_name = text2.strip().replace(' ', '')[0:8].split(',')[0].upper().rstrip('*') card_name = text2.strip()[0:8].split(',')[0].upper().rstrip('*') #card_name2 = text2.split(',')[0].upper() #print('card_name =%r' % card_name) #print('card_name2=%r' % card_name2) # bulk data cards if card_name in BULK_DATA_CARDS: # case control + bulk data cards if '=' in text2 and card_name in CASE_BULK_CARDS or text2.startswith(' '): return False elif card_name == 'PARAM': # The PARAM card can have a comma or tab, but no equals sign. # If there is a PARAM card, we have to assume we're not in the # case control. return False return True return False def _is_case_control_line(text: str) -> bool: """ Returns True if there is a Case Control Deck Parameters ---------- text : str a line in the deck Returns ------- is_case_line : bool is this a case control line """ line_upper = text.split('$')[0].strip().upper() if line_upper.startswith(CASE_CARDS_NO_BULK): return True return False def _check_pynastran_encoding(bdf_filename: Union[str, StringIO], encoding: str) -> str: """updates the $pyNastran: key=value variables""" line = '$pyNastran: punch=False' #line_temp = u'é à è ê'.encode('utf8').decode('ascii') skip_keys = [ 'version', 'punch', 'nnodes', 'nelements', 'dumplines', 'is_superelements', 'skip_cards', 'units'] with open(bdf_filename, 'rb') as bdf_file: line = bdf_file.readline() line_str = line.decode('ascii') while '$' in line_str: #if not line.startswith('$'): #break key, value = _parse_pynastran_header(line_str) if not key: break # key/value are lowercase if key == 'encoding': encoding = value break elif key in skip_keys or 'skip ' in key: pass else: raise NotImplementedError(key) line = bdf_file.readline() line_str = line.decode('ascii') return encoding IGNORE_COMMENTS = ( '$EXECUTIVE CONTROL DECK', '$CASE CONTROL DECK', 'NODES', 'SPOINTS', 'EPOINTS', 'ELEMENTS', 'PARAMS', 'PROPERTIES', 'ELEMENTS_WITH_PROPERTIES', 'ELEMENTS_WITH_NO_PROPERTIES (PID=0 and unanalyzed properties)', 'UNASSOCIATED_PROPERTIES', 'MATERIALS', 'THERMAL MATERIALS', 'CONSTRAINTS', 'SPCs', 'MPCs', 'RIGID ELEMENTS', 'LOADS', 'AERO', 'STATIC AERO', 'AERO CONTROL SURFACES', 'FLUTTER', 'GUST', 'DYNAMIC', 'OPTIMIZATION', 'COORDS', 'THERMAL', 'TABLES', 'RANDOM TABLES', 'SETS', 'CONTACT', 'REJECTS', 'REJECT_CARDS', 'REJECT_LINES', 'PROPERTIES_MASS', 'MASSES') def _clean_comment(comment: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Removes specific pyNastran comment lines so duplicate lines aren't created. Parameters ---------- comment : str the comment to possibly remove Returns ------- updated_comment : str the comment """ if comment == '': pass elif comment in IGNORE_COMMENTS: comment = None elif 'pynastran' in comment.lower(): csline = comment.lower().split('pynastran', 1) end = csline[1].strip() if len(end) == 0: return None if end[0] == ':': comment = None #if comment: #print(comment) return comment def _lines_to_decks(lines: list[str], ilines: NDArrayN2int, punch: Optional[bool], log: SimpleLogger, keep_enddata: bool=True, consider_superelements: bool=False, nastran_format: str='msc') -> tuple[ list[str], list[str], list[str], list[str], NDArrayN2int, dict[int, list[str]], dict[int, np.ndarray], dict[int, list[str]], ]: """ Splits the BDF lines into: - system lines - executive control deck - case control deck - bulk data deck Parameters ---------- lines : list[str] all the active lines in the deck ilines : None / (nlines, 2) int ndarray None : the old behavior narray : the [iline, ifile] pair for each line in the file punch : bool / None None : guess True : starts from the bulk data deck False : read the entire deck keep_enddata : bool; default=True True : don't throw away the enddata card False : throw away the enddata card Returns ------- system_lines : list[str] the system control lines (typically empty; used for alters) executive_control_lines : list[str] the executive control lines (stores SOL 101) case_control_lines : list[str] the case control lines (stores subcases) bulk_data_lines : list[str] the bulk data lines (stores geometry, boundary conditions, loads, etc.) bulk_data_ilines : None / (nlines, 2) int ndarray None : the old behavior narray : the [ifile, iline] pair for each line in the file superelement_lines : dict[int, list[str]] ??? superelement_ilines : dict[int, np.ndarray] ??? auxmodel_lines : list[str] ??? """ if punch: # True system_lines = [] executive_control_lines = [] case_control_lines = [] bulk_data_lines = lines bulk_data_ilines = ilines superelement_lines = {} superelement_ilines = {} #auxmodel_lines = {} return ( system_lines, executive_control_lines, case_control_lines, bulk_data_lines, bulk_data_ilines, superelement_lines, superelement_ilines) # typical deck out = _lines_to_decks_main(lines, ilines, log, punch=punch, keep_enddata=keep_enddata, consider_superelements=consider_superelements, nastran_format=nastran_format) (executive_control_lines, case_control_lines, bulk_data_lines, bulk_data_ilines, superelement_lines, superelement_ilines, auxmodel_lines, afpm_lines) = out # break out system commands system_lines, executive_control_lines = _break_system_lines(executive_control_lines) for super_id, _lines in superelement_lines.items(): # cqrsee101b2.bdf if len(_lines) == 0: raise RuntimeError('lines in superelement %i is empty' % super_id) #assert len(_lines) == len(superelement_ilines[super_id]), 'superelement %i ilines is the wrong length' % (super_id) for auxmodel_id, _lines in auxmodel_lines.items(): # C:\MSC.Software\MSC.Nastran2005r3\msc20055\nast\tpl\motion21.dat # C:\MSC.Software\MSC.Nastran2005r3\msc20055\nast\tpl\d200am1.dat # C:\MSC.Software\MSC.Nastran2005r3\msc20055\nast\tpl\d200am2.dat log.warning('skipping auxmodel=%i' % auxmodel_id) raise AuxModelError('lines in auxmodel %i is empty' % auxmodel_id) for afpm_id, _lines in afpm_lines.items(): log.warning('skipping AFPM=%i' % afpm_id) raise RuntimeError('lines in AFPM %i is empty' % afpm_id) # clean comments system_lines = [_clean_comment(line) for line in system_lines if _clean_comment(line) is not None] executive_control_lines = [_clean_comment(line) for line in executive_control_lines if _clean_comment(line) is not None] case_control_lines = [_clean_comment(line) for line in case_control_lines if _clean_comment(line) is not None] assert isinstance(superelement_lines, dict), superelement_lines assert isinstance(superelement_ilines, dict), superelement_ilines return ( system_lines, executive_control_lines, case_control_lines, bulk_data_lines, bulk_data_ilines, superelement_lines, superelement_ilines) def _lines_to_decks_main(lines: list[str], ilines: Any, log: SimpleLogger, punch: Optional[bool]=False, keep_enddata: bool=True, consider_superelements: bool=False, nastran_format: str='msc') -> tuple[ list[str], list[str], list[str], list[str], NDArrayN2int, list[str], list[str], list[str]]: """ Splits the BDF lines into: - system lines - executive control deck - case control deck - bulk data deck Parameters ---------- lines : list[str] all the active lines in the deck ilines : None / (nlines, 2) int ndarray None : the old behavior narray : the [iline, ifile] pair for each line in the file punch : bool / None; default=False None : guess True : punch file (skipped previously, so this can't be True) False : not a punch file keep_enddata : bool; default=True True : don't throw away the enddata card False : throw away the enddata card consider_superelements : bool; default=True parse 'begin super=2' Returns ------- system_executive_control_lines : list[str] the system control lines (typically empty; used for alters) and the executive control lines (stores SOL 101) case_control_lines : list[str] the case control lines (stores subcases) bulk_data_lines : list[str] the bulk data lines (stores geometry, boundary conditions, loads, etc.) bulk_data_ilines : None / (nlines, 2) int ndarray None : the old behavior narray : the [ifile, iline] pair for each line in the file superelement_lines : list[str] ??? superelement_ilines : list[str] ??? auxmodel_lines : list[str] ??? """ make_ilines = ilines is not None guess_deck_sections = punch is None executive_control_lines = [] case_control_lines = [] bulk_data_lines = [] superelement_lines = defaultdict(list) superelement_ilines = defaultdict(list) auxmodel_lines = defaultdict(list) afpm_lines = defaultdict(list) auxmodels_found = set() afpms_found = set() auxmodels_to_find = [] afpms_to_find = [] is_auxmodel = False is_afpm = False is_superelement = False is_module = False is_auxmodel_active = False is_afpm_active = False auxmodel_id = None afpm_id = None #--------------------------------------------- current_lines = executive_control_lines if nastran_format in {'msc', 'nx', 'nasa95', 'mystran', 'zona'}: flag_word = 'executive' flag = 1 # start from executive control deck elif nastran_format == 'optistruct': flag_word = 'case control' flag = 2 # case from control deck else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(nastran_format) #flag = 1 old_flags: list[int] = [] bulk_data_ilines = [] if ilines is None: ilines = count() #guess_deck_sections = True #print('guess_deck_sections =', guess_deck_sections, punch) for i, ifile_iline, line in zip(count(), ilines, lines): #print('%s %-8s %s' % (ifile_iline, flag_word, line.rstrip())) #print('%s %i %s' % (ifile_iline, flag, line.rstrip())) line_upper = line.split('$')[0].upper().strip() if guess_deck_sections and flag == 1 and line_upper.startswith('BEGIN'): # we're in the executive deck and found the bulk data deck section_name_map = { 1 : 'executive control', 2 : 'case control', } section_name = section_name_map[flag] if _is_begin_bulk(line_upper): #old_flags.append(flag) log.warning(f'currently in {section_name} deck and skipping ' 'directly to bulk data section') flag = 3 current_ilines = bulk_data_ilines current_lines = bulk_data_lines bulk_data_ilines = _bulk_data_lines_extract( lines, ilines, bulk_data_lines, i, make_ilines=make_ilines, keep_enddata=keep_enddata) else: raise RuntimeError(f'currently in {section_name} deck and unexpectedly ' f'found the following line:\n{line}') break if guess_deck_sections and flag in [1, 2] and _is_bulk_data_line(line): # we found the case control deck successfully from the executive deck # then we found the bulk data deck unexpectedly section_name_map = { 1 : 'executive control', 2 : 'case control', } section_name = section_name_map[flag] log.warning(f'currently in {section_name} deck and skipping directly ' f'to bulk data section\n{line}') log.warning(line) flag = 3 current_ilines = bulk_data_ilines current_lines = bulk_data_lines bulk_data_ilines = _bulk_data_lines_extract( lines, ilines, bulk_data_lines, i-1, make_ilines=make_ilines, keep_enddata=keep_enddata) break elif flag == 1: # handles ' CEND' if line_upper.startswith('CEND'): # case control old_flags.append(flag) if flag != 1: raise RuntimeError('expected a flag of 1 (executive control deck) ' 'when going to the case control deck') flag = 2 flag_word = 'case' current_lines = case_control_lines #print('executive: ', line.rstrip()) executive_control_lines.append(line.rstrip()) elif flag == 2 or flag < 0: # we're in the case control deck right now and looking # for one of the following: # - 'BEGIN BULK' # - 'BEGIN SUPER=1' # - 'BEGIN BULK AUXMODEL=200' # - 'BEGIN BULK AFPM=300' # # There's a special case for 'BEGIN AUXMODEL=1', so we flag # AUXCASE/AUXMODEL, and do some extra parsing in flag=3. # # flag=2 (BEGIN BULK) # flag=-1 (BEGIN SUPER=1) # flag=-2 (BEGIN SUPER=2) # ... # # We haven't yet tried to handle the AFPM special case # we have to handle the comment because we could incorrectly # flag the model as flipping to the BULK data section if we # have BEGIN BULK in a comment if '$' in line: line, comment = line.split('$', 1) current_lines.append('$' + comment.rstrip()) #print('%s: %s' % (flag_word, '$' + comment.rstrip())) # just reuse the existing one #line_upper = line.upper().strip() if line_upper.startswith('BEGIN'): if _is_begin_bulk(line_upper): old_flags.append(flag) #assert flag == 2, flag # we're about to break because we found begin bulk flag = 3 current_ilines = bulk_data_ilines #or not keep_enddata is_extra_bulk = (is_auxmodel or is_afpm or is_superelement or consider_superelements) if not is_extra_bulk: #print('breaking begin bulk...') bulk_data_ilines = _bulk_data_lines_extract( lines, ilines, bulk_data_lines, i, make_ilines=make_ilines, keep_enddata=keep_enddata) break #print('setting lines to bulk---') current_lines = bulk_data_lines flag_word = 'bulk' #print('case: %s' % (line.rstrip())) case_control_lines.append(line.rstrip()) continue elif 'SUPER' in line_upper and '=' in line_upper: super_id = _get_super_id(line, line_upper) old_flags.append(flag) flag = -super_id flag_word = 'SUPER=%s' % super_id current_lines = superelement_lines[super_id] current_ilines = superelement_ilines[super_id] #elif 'SUPER' in line_upper: #super_id = -1 #flag = -1 #flag_word = 'SUPER' #current_lines = superelement_lines[super_id] #current_ilines = superelement_ilines[super_id] elif ('AUXMODEL' in line_upper or 'AFPM' in line_upper) and '=' in line_upper: out = _read_bulk_for_model( ifile_iline, line, flag, bulk_data_lines, current_lines, current_ilines, old_flags, is_auxmodel, auxmodel_lines, auxmodels_to_find, auxmodels_found, is_afpm, afpm_lines, afpms_to_find, afpms_found, superelement_lines, superelement_ilines, is_auxmodel_active, auxmodel_id, is_afpm_active, afpm_id, bulk_data_ilines) (is_broken, auxmodel_id, is_auxmodel_active, afpm_id, is_afpm_active, flag, current_lines) = out if is_broken: break else: # pragma: no cover msg = f'expected "BEGIN BULK" or "BEGIN SUPER=1"\nline = {line}' raise RuntimeError(msg) #print('%s: %s' % (flag_word, line.rstrip())) current_lines.append(line.rstrip()) elif line_upper.startswith('SUPER'): # case control line # SUPER = ALL #auxmodel_idi = int(line_upper.split('=')[1]) #auxmodels_to_find.append(auxmodel_idi) if flag != 2: raise RuntimeError('expected a flag of 2 (case control deck) ' 'when going to an SUPER model') is_superelement = True elif line_upper.startswith('AUXMODEL'): # case control line # AUXMODEL = 10 auxmodel_idi = int(line_upper.split('=')[1]) auxmodels_to_find.append(auxmodel_idi) if flag != 2: raise RuntimeError('expected a flag of 2 (case control deck) ' 'when going to an AUXMODEL') is_auxmodel = True elif line_upper.startswith('AFPM'): # case control line # AFPM = 10 afpm_idi = int(line_upper.split('=')[1]) afpms_to_find.append(afpm_idi) if flag != 2: raise RuntimeError('expected a flag of 2 (case control deck) ' 'when going to an AFPM model') is_afpm = True #print('%s: %s' % (flag_word, line.rstrip())) current_lines.append(line.rstrip()) elif flag == 3: is_special_flag = ( is_module is True or is_auxmodel is True or is_superelement is True or consider_superelements) if not is_special_flag: raise RuntimeError(f'one must be True: is_auxmodel={is_auxmodel}; ' f'is_superelement={is_superelement}; ' f'consider_superelements={consider_superelements}') #assert is_auxmodel is True or is_superelement is True or consider_superelements # we have to handle the comment because we could incorrectly # flag the model as flipping to the BULK data section if we # have BEGIN BULK in a comment if '$' in line: line, comment = line.split('$', 1) current_lines.append('$' + comment.rstrip()) if bulk_data_ilines != current_ilines: raise RuntimeError('bulk_data_ilines != current_ilines') current_ilines.append(ifile_iline) #bulk_data_ilines.append(ifile_iline) out = _read_bulk_for_model( ifile_iline, line, flag, bulk_data_lines, current_lines, current_ilines, old_flags, is_auxmodel, auxmodel_lines, auxmodels_to_find, auxmodels_found, is_afpm, afpm_lines, afpms_to_find, afpms_found, superelement_lines, superelement_ilines, is_auxmodel_active, auxmodel_id, is_afpm_active, afpm_id, bulk_data_ilines) (is_broken, auxmodel_id, is_auxmodel_active, afpm_id, is_afpm_active, flag, current_lines) = out if is_broken: #print('breaking...') break else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(line) _check_valid_deck(flag, old_flags, nastran_format) if len(bulk_data_lines) == 0: # and flag != -1: raise RuntimeError('no bulk data lines were found') #print('nbulk=%s nilines=%s' % (len(bulk_data_lines), #len(bulk_data_ilines)), bulk_data_ilines.shape) #if bulk_data_ilines is not None and len(bulk_data_lines) != len(bulk_data_ilines): #raise RuntimeError('nbulk=%s nilines=%s' % (len(bulk_data_lines), len(bulk_data_ilines))) #print('nbulk=%s nilines=%s' % ( #len(bulk_data_lines), len(bulk_data_ilines)), bulk_data_ilines.shape) bulk_data_ilines = np.asarray(bulk_data_ilines) out = ( executive_control_lines, case_control_lines, bulk_data_lines, bulk_data_ilines, dict(superelement_lines), dict(superelement_ilines), auxmodel_lines, afpm_lines, ) return out def _bulk_data_lines_extract(lines: list[str], ilines: Any, bulk_data_lines: list[str], i: int, make_ilines: bool=True, keep_enddata: bool=True) -> NDArrayN2int: """grabs the bulk data lines and ilines when we're breaking""" if keep_enddata: for line in lines[i+1:]: bulk_data_lines.append(line.rstrip()) if make_ilines: bulk_data_ilines = ilines[i+1:, :] else: bulk_data_ilines = None j = 0 for j, line in enumerate(lines[i+1:]): rline = line.rstrip() if rline.upper().startswith('ENDDATA'): break bulk_data_lines.append(rline) if make_ilines: bulk_data_ilines = ilines[i+1:i+j+1, :] #if not len(bulk_data_lines) == len(bulk_data_ilines): #msg = 'len(bulk_data_lines)=%s len(bulk_data_ilines)=%s' % ( #len(bulk_data_lines), len(bulk_data_ilines)) #raise RuntimeError(msg) return bulk_data_ilines def _is_begin_bulk(line_upper: str) -> bool: """ is this a: 'BEGIN BULK' but not: 'BEGIN BULK SUPER=2' 'BEGIN BULK AUXMODEL=2' 'BEGIN BULK AFPM=2' """ is_begin_bulk = 'BULK' in line_upper and ( 'AUXMODEL' not in line_upper and 'AFPM' not in line_upper and 'SUPER' not in line_upper) return is_begin_bulk def _read_bulk_for_model(ifile_iline, line: str, flag: int, bulk_data_lines: list[str], current_lines: list[str], current_ilines, old_flags: list[int], unused_is_auxmodel: bool, auxmodel_lines: list[str], auxmodels_to_find, auxmodels_found, unused_is_afpm: bool, afpm_lines: list[str], afpm_to_find, afpm_found, superelement_lines: list[str], superelement_ilines, is_auxmodel_active: bool, auxmodel_id: int, is_afpm_active: bool, afpm_id: int, bulk_data_ilines): """ Reads a BEGIN BULK section searching for 'BEGIN AUXMODEL=1' and BEGIN SUPER=1' """ # we're in the bulk data deck right now and looking # for a 'BEGIN AUXMODEL=1' or ???. # #print(len(bulk_data_lines), len(bulk_data_ilines)) if len(bulk_data_lines) != len(bulk_data_ilines): raise RuntimeError('len(bulk_data_lines)=%s len(bulk_data_ilines)=%s are not equal' % ( len(bulk_data_lines), len(bulk_data_ilines))) is_broken = False #if not is_auxmodel: #print('breaking B', flag) #is_broken = True #return is_broken, auxmodel_id, is_auxmodel_active, flag, current_lines is_module_active = False module_lines: dict[int, int] = {} modules_found: set[int] = set() line_upper = line.upper().strip() if line_upper.startswith('BEGIN'): parse_begin(line_upper) if 'MODULE' in line_upper: is_module_active = True module_id, label = _get_module_id(line, line_upper) old_flags.append(flag) flag = module_id #current_lines = module_lines[(module_id, label)] #current_ilines = [] #modules_found.add(module_id) raise NotImplementedError(line_upper) #if len(modules_found) == len(modules_to_find) and len(modules_found): # #print('', len(bulk_data_lines), len(bulk_data_ilines)) # is_broken = True # out = (is_broken, # auxmodel_id, is_auxmodel_active, # afpm_id, is_afpm_active, # flag, current_lines) # return out elif 'AUXMODEL' in line_upper: is_auxmodel_active = True auxmodel_id = _get_auxmodel_id(line, line_upper) old_flags.append(flag) flag = -auxmodel_id current_lines = auxmodel_lines[auxmodel_id] current_ilines = [] auxmodels_found.add(auxmodel_id) if len(auxmodels_found) == len(auxmodels_to_find) and len(auxmodels_found): #print('', len(bulk_data_lines), len(bulk_data_ilines)) is_broken = True out = (is_broken, auxmodel_id, is_auxmodel_active, afpm_id, is_afpm_active, flag, current_lines) return out elif 'SUPER' in line_upper: super_id = _get_super_id(line, line_upper) old_flags.append(flag) flag = -super_id current_lines = superelement_lines[super_id] current_ilines = superelement_ilines[super_id] elif 'AFPM' in line_upper: is_afpm_active = True afpm_id = _get_afpm_id(line, line_upper) old_flags.append(flag) flag = -afpm_id current_lines = afpm_lines[afpm_id] current_ilines = [] afpm_found.add(afpm_id) if len(afpm_found) == len(afpm_to_find) and len(afpm_found): #print('', len(bulk_data_lines), len(bulk_data_ilines)) is_broken = True return is_broken, auxmodel_id, is_auxmodel_active, flag, current_lines else: msg = 'expected "BEGIN SUPER=1", "BEGIN AUXMODEL=1" or "BEGIN AFPM=1"\nline = %s' % line raise RuntimeError(msg) rline = line.rstrip() if rline: #if flag == 3: #bulk_data_ilines.append(ifile_iline) current_lines.append(rline) current_ilines.append(ifile_iline) out = ( is_broken, auxmodel_id, is_auxmodel_active, afpm_id, is_afpm_active, flag, current_lines) return out def _break_system_lines(executive_control_lines: list[str]) -> tuple[list[str], list[str]]: """ Extracts the Nastran system lines. System lines may be interspersed with executive lines. Per NX Nastran 10: Header Description ====== =========== ACQUIRE Selects NDDL schema and NX Nastran Delivery Database. ASSIGN Assigns physical files to DBset members or special FORTRAN files. CONNECT Groups geometry data by evaluator and database. DBCLEAN Deletes selected database version(s) and/or projects. DBDICT Prints the database directory in user-defined format. DBDIR Prints the database directory. DBFIX Identifies and optionally corrects errors found in the database. DBLOAD Loads a database previously unloaded by DBUNLOAD. DBLOCATE Obtains data blocks and parameters from databases. DBSETDEL Deletes DBsets. DBUNLOAD Unloads a database for compression, transfer, or archival storage. DBUPDATE Specifies the time between updates of the database directory. ENDJOB Terminates a job upon completion of FMS statements. EXPAND Concatenates additional DBset members to an existing DBset. ID Flag to name the run. INCLUDE Inserts an external file in the input file. INIT Creates a temporary or permanent DBset. NASTRAN Specifies values for system cells. PROJ Defines the current or default project identifier. F:\\Program Files\\Siemens\\NXNastran\\nxn10p1\\nxn10p1\\nast\\tpl\\mdb01.dat """ j = None sol_line = None isol_line = None system_lines = [] executive_control_lines2 = [] # add all the lines before and including the file management section # to the system lines # # add the other lines (and the SOL 101) to the executive control lines for i, line in enumerate(executive_control_lines): line_upper = line.strip().upper() if line_upper.startswith('SOL '): isol_line = i+1 sol_line = line if line_upper.startswith(FILE_MANAGEMENT): system_lines += executive_control_lines[j:i+1] j = i+1 # remove SOL 101 from the system lines if it's there system_lines2 = [ line for line in system_lines if not line.upper().strip().startswith('SOL ') and not line.upper().strip().startswith('CEND') ] if j is None: # no system lines executive_control_lines2 = executive_control_lines else: # append SOL 101 to the executive lines if we found it # inside the system section append_sol_line = isol_line is not None and j is not None and isol_line < j if append_sol_line: executive_control_lines2.append(sol_line) # add the rest of the executive control cards for iline in range(j, len(executive_control_lines)): executive_control_lines2.append(executive_control_lines[iline]) #for line in executive_control_lines: #print('eline = %r' % line) #for line in system_lines2: #print('sline2 = %r' % line) #for line in executive_control_lines2: #print('eline2 = %r' % line) return system_lines2, executive_control_lines2 def _check_valid_deck(flag: int, old_flags: list[int], nastran_format: str) -> None: """Crashes if the flag is set wrong""" if flag != 3: if flag == 1: found = ' - Executive Control Deck\n' missing = ' - Case Control Deck\n' missing += ' - Bulk Data Deck\n' elif flag == 2: found = ' - Executive Control Deck\n' found += ' - Case Control Deck\n' missing = ' - Bulk Data Deck\n' elif flag < 0: # superelement/auxmodel found = str('old_flags=%s' % old_flags) missing = '???' return else: raise RuntimeError('flag=%r is not [1, 2, 3]' % flag) msg = f'This is not a valid {nastran_format} BDF (a BDF capable of running Nastran).\n\n' msg += f'The following sections were found:\n{found}\n' msg += f'The following sections are missing:\n{missing}\n' msg += 'If you do not have an Executive Control Deck or a Case Control Deck:\n' msg += ' 1. call read_bdf(...) with `punch=True`\n' msg += " 2. Add '$ pyNastran : punch=True' to the top of the main file\n" msg += ' 3. Name your file *.pch\n\n' msg += 'You cannot read a deck that has an Executive Control Deck, but\n' msg += 'not a Case Control Deck (or vice versa), even if you have a Bulk Data Deck.\n' raise MissingDeckSections(msg) return def _show_bad_file(self: Any, bdf_filename: Union[str, StringIO], encoding: str, nlines_previous: int=10) -> None: """ Prints the 10 lines before the UnicodeDecodeError occurred. Parameters ---------- bdf_filename : str the filename to print the lines of encoding : str the file encoding nlines_previous : int; default=10 the number of lines to show """ lines = [] # type: list[str] print('ENCODING - show_bad_file=%r' % encoding) with open(_filename(bdf_filename), 'r', encoding=encoding) as bdf_file: iline = 0 nblank = 0 while 1: try: line = bdf_file.readline().rstrip() except UnicodeDecodeError: iline0 = max([iline - nlines_previous, 0]) self.log.error('filename=%s' % bdf_filename) for iline1, line in enumerate(lines[iline0:iline]): self.log.error('lines[%i]=%r' % (iline0 + iline1, line)) msg = "\n%s encoding error on line=%s of %s; not '%s'" % ( encoding, iline, bdf_filename, encoding) raise RuntimeError(msg) if line: nblank = 0 else: nblank += 1 if nblank == 20: raise RuntimeError('20 blank lines') iline += 1 lines.append(line) def _get_module_id(line: str, line_upper: str) -> tuple[int, str]: """ parses the module header:: BEGIN MODULE=2 LABEL='MODULE2' """ #if '=' in line_upper: sline = split_quoted_string(line_upper) assert len(sline) == 3, sline begin, module_num, label_name = sline assert begin == 'BEGIN', begin assert module_num.startswith('MODULE='), f'module_num={module_num!r}; line_upper={line_upper!r}' assert label_name.startswith("LABEL="), f'label_name={label_name!r}; line_upper={line_upper!r}' module_id_str = module_num.split('=')[1] module_id = int(module_id_str) label = label_name.split('=')[1].strip("'") print(f'module_id={module_id} label={label!r}') if module_id < 0: raise SyntaxError(f'module_id={module_id:d} must be greater than 0; line={line!r}') return module_id, label
[docs] def split_quoted_string(line: str) -> list[str]: """ this is "a test" ['this','is','a test'] """ sline = shlex.split(line) return sline
[docs] def parse_begin(line_upper: str) -> None: """ BEGIN MODULE=2 LABEL='MODULE2' BEGIN AUXMODEL=2 BEGIN BULK AUXMODEL=2 BEGIN BULK AUXMODEL = 2 BEGIN AFPM=2 BEGIN BULK AFPM=2 BEGIN BULK AFPM = 2 BEGIN SUPER=2 BEGIN BULK SUPER=2 BEGIN BULK SUPER = 2 BEGIN BULK SUPER 2 BEGIN BULK TRMC=101 BEGIN TRMC=102 """ sline = split_quoted_string(line_upper.replace('=', ' ')) #['BEGIN', 'MODULE=1', 'LABEL=MODULE1'] #['BEGIN', 'MODULE', '1', 'LABEL', 'MODULE1'] #['BEGIN', 'SUPER', '1'] if sline[1] == 'BULK': sline.pop(1) if len(sline) == 1: # BEGIN BULK -> popped to BEGIN return word = sline[1] if word == 'MODULE': assert len(sline) == 5, sline elif word in ['SUPER', 'AFPM', 'AUXMODEL', 'TRMC']: assert len(sline) == 3, sline else: raise RuntimeError(sline) #line_upper = replace_multiple_spaces_with_single(line_upper) return
def _get_auxmodel_id(line: str, line_upper: str) -> int: """ parses the superelement header:: BEGIN AUXMODEL=2 BEGIN BULK AUXMODEL=2 BEGIN BULK AUXMODEL = 2 """ #if '=' in line_upper: sline = line_upper.split('=') #else: #sline = line_upper.split() try: auxmodel_id = int(sline[1]) except (IndexError, ValueError): msg = 'expected "BEGIN AUXMODEL=1"\nline = %s' % line raise SyntaxError(msg) if auxmodel_id < 0: raise SyntaxError('auxmodel_id=%i must be greater than 0; line=%s' % ( auxmodel_id, line)) return auxmodel_id def _get_afpm_id(line: str, line_upper: str) -> int: """ parses the superelement header:: BEGIN AFPM=2 BEGIN BULK AFPM=2 BEGIN BULK AFPM = 2 """ sline = line_upper.split('=') try: afpm_id = int(sline[1]) except (IndexError, ValueError): msg = 'expected "BEGIN AFPM=1"\nline = %s' % line raise SyntaxError(msg) if afpm_id < 0: raise SyntaxError('afpm_id=%i must be greater than 0; line=%s' % ( afpm_id, line)) return afpm_id def _get_super_id(line: str, line_upper: str) -> int: """ parses the superelement header:: BEGIN SUPER=2 BEGIN BULK SUPER=2 BEGIN BULK SUPER = 2 BEGIN BULK SUPER 2 """ if '=' in line_upper: sline = line_upper.split('=') super_id_str = sline[1] if len(sline) != 2: msg = 'expected "BEGIN SUPER=1"\nline = %s' % line raise SyntaxError(msg) else: sline = line_upper.split() if len(sline) not in [3, 4]: msg = 'expected "BEGIN SUPER=1"\nline = %s' % line raise SyntaxError(msg) if len(sline) == 3: # BEGIN SUPER 2 super_id_str = sline[2] elif len(sline) == 4: super_id_str = sline[3] try: super_id = int(super_id_str) except (IndexError, ValueError): msg = 'expected "BEGIN SUPER=1"\nline = %s' % line raise SyntaxError(msg) if super_id < 0: raise SyntaxError('super_id=%i must be greater than 0; line=%s' % ( super_id, line)) return super_id def _clean_comment_bulk(comment: str) -> str: """ Removes specific pyNastran comment lines so duplicate lines aren't created. Parameters ---------- comment : str the comment to possibly remove Returns ------- updated_comment : str the comment """ if comment == '': pass elif comment in IGNORE_COMMENTS: comment = '' elif 'pynastran' in comment.lower(): csline = comment.lower().split('pynastran', 1) if csline[1].strip() == ':': comment = '' #if comment: #print(comment) return comment def _make_ilines(nlines: int, ifile: int) -> NDArrayN2int: """helper method""" ilines = np.empty((nlines, 2), dtype='int32') ilines[:, 0] = ifile ilines[:, 1] = np.arange(nlines) # 0 to N-1 return ilines def _check_for_spaces(card_name: str, card_lines: list[str], comment: str, log: SimpleLogger) -> None: if ' ' in card_name: if card_name.startswith(EXECUTIVE_CASE_SPACES): # TODO verify upper msg = ( 'No spaces allowed in card name %r.\n' 'Did you mean to call read_bdf(punch=False) instead of ' 'read_bdf(punch=True)?\n%s' % ( card_name, card_lines)) raise RuntimeError(msg) elif card_name.startswith('BEGIN '): uline = card_lines[0].upper() if 'SUPER' in uline: msg = ( 'Misindentified Superelement section. Use:\n' '$ pyNastran: is_superelements=True\n') else: msg = ( 'Is there a second BEGIN BULK in your deck?\n' 'Another possibility is that punch=True and there is a ' 'BEGIN BULK in your deck.\n') msg += '%s\n' % card_lines log.error(msg) raise SuperelementFlagError(msg) else: msg = ( 'No spaces allowed in card name %r.\n' 'Should this be a comment?\n%s%s' % ( card_name, comment, card_lines)) raise RuntimeError(msg) if card_name in ['SUBCASE ', 'CEND']: raise RuntimeError('No executive/case control deck was defined.') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECK_TAGS = ('AFPM', 'ARBMODEL', 'AUXMODEL', 'MASSID', 'MODULE', 'FLXBDY', 'SUPER', 'TRMC', 'UDS') ALLOW_LABEL = ('MASSID', 'MODULE')
[docs] def lines_to_decks2(lines: list[str], ilines: NDArrayN2int, punch: Optional[bool], log: SimpleLogger, nastran_format: str='msc') -> tuple[list[str], list[str], list[str], list[str], dict[tuple[str, str], list[str]]]: """ Splits the BDF lines into: - system lines - executive control deck - case control deck - bulk data deck Parameters ---------- lines : list[str] all the active lines in the deck ilines : None / (nlines, 2) int ndarray None : the old behavior narray : the [iline, ifile] pair for each line in the file punch : bool / None None : guess True : starts from the bulk data deck False : read the entire deck keep_enddata : bool; default=True True : don't throw away the enddata card False : throw away the enddata card Returns ------- system_lines : list[str] the system control lines (typically empty; used for alters) executive_control_lines : list[str] the executive control lines (stores SOL 101) case_control_lines : list[str] the case control lines (stores subcases) bulk_data_lines : list[str] the bulk data lines (stores geometry, boundary conditions, loads, etc.) bulk_data_ilines : None / (nlines, 2) int ndarray None : the old behavior narray : the [ifile, iline] pair for each line in the file superelement_lines : list[str] ??? superelement_ilines : list[str] ??? auxmodel_lines : list[str] ??? """ system_lines = [] executive_control_lines = [] # flag = 1 case_control_lines = [] # flag = 2 bulk_data_lines = [] # flag = 3 additional_deck_lines = {} if punch: # True bulk_data_lines = lines bulk_data_ilines = ilines return ( system_lines, executive_control_lines, case_control_lines, bulk_data_lines, bulk_data_ilines, additional_deck_lines, ) # flag = -1 (dunno) flag = 'N/A' # AFPM = afpmid # ARBMODEL = arbmid # AUXMODEL = auxmind # MASSID = massidLABEL = masslabel # MODULE= moduleidAPPENDLABEL = modlabel # FLXBDY = flexbody # SUPER = seid # TRMC = trimid # UDS #AFPM = afpmid #ARBMODEL = arbmid #AUXMODEL = auxmind #MASSID = massid LABEL = masslabel #MODULE= moduleid APPENDLABEL = modlabel #FLXBDY = flexbody #SUPER = seid #TRMC = trimid #UDS #isol_line = -1 #sol_line = '' #is_sol = False guess_deck_sections = punch is None flags = [] active_lines = executive_control_lines for i, line in enumerate(lines): line_upper = line.split('$')[0].strip().upper() if len(line_upper) == 0: continue #if line_upper.startswith('SOL '): #isol_line = i+1 #sol_line = line #assert flag == -1, flag #executive_control_lines.append(line) #if line_upper.startswith(FILE_MANAGEMENT): #assert flag == -1, flag #executive_control_lines.append(line) if line_upper.startswith('CEND'): # start of case control deck #executive_control_lines = lines[:i] if flag != 'N/A': warnings.warn('No Executive Control Deck') flag = 'case_control' #active_lines.append(line) active_lines = case_control_lines elif line_upper.startswith('BEGIN'): #active_lines.append(line) begin_tags = _get_begin_flag(line_upper) assert len(begin_tags) == 1, begin_tags begin_tag = begin_tags[0] begin_flag, idi, label = begin_tag assert isinstance(idi, int), (begin_flag, idi, label) begin_flag_old = f'{begin_flag}={idi:d}' if begin_flag == 'BULK': assert flag in {'N/A', 'case_control'} or flag.startswith(DECK_TAGS), flag flag = 'bulk' active_lines = bulk_data_lines elif begin_flag.startswith(DECK_TAGS): #tag = (begin_flag, idi, label) active_lines = [] additional_deck_lines[begin_tag] = active_lines flag = begin_flag_old else: raise RuntimeError(begin_flag) flags.append(' '.join(str(value) for value in begin_tag)) continue elif guess_deck_sections and _is_bulk_data_line(line) and flag in {'N/A', 'case_control'}: # and flag in [1, 2] section_name = flag log.warning(f'currently in {section_name} deck and skipping directly ' f'to bulk data section\n{line}') log.warning(line) flag = 'bulk' active_lines = bulk_data_lines active_lines.append(line) else: active_lines.append(line) assert isinstance(flag, str), flag #print(flag) flags.append(flag) system_lines, executive_control_lines = _break_system_lines(executive_control_lines) # clean comments system_lines = [_clean_comment(line) for line in system_lines if _clean_comment(line) is not None] executive_control_lines = [_clean_comment(line) for line in executive_control_lines if _clean_comment(line) is not None] case_control_lines = [_clean_comment(line) for line in case_control_lines if _clean_comment(line) is not None] bulk_data_ilines = None out = ( #isol_line, sol_line, system_lines, executive_control_lines, case_control_lines, bulk_data_lines, bulk_data_ilines, dict(additional_deck_lines), ) return out
[docs] def split_words_by_spaces(line: str) -> list[str]: """ A B C='def' ['A', 'B', 'C=', 'def'] """ words = [] word = '' label = '' is_free = True for char in line: if is_free: if char == ' ': words.append(word) word = '' elif char == "'": assert len(label) == 0, label is_free = False label += char if word: words.append(word) word = '' elif char == '"': raise RuntimeError('expected single quotes') else: word += char else: if char == "'": is_free = True label += char words.append(label) elif char == '"': raise RuntimeError('expected single quotes') else: label += char if word: words.append(word) words2 = [] iword = 0 while iword < len(words): word = words[iword] if word.endswith('='): iword += 1 word += words[iword] else: words2.append(word) word = '' iword += 1 if word: words2.append(word) assert len(''.join(words)) == len(''.join(words2)), (words, words2) return words2
def _get_begin_flag(line_upper: str) -> list[tuple[str, int, str]]: """ begin massid=1 label='cat dog' 'BEGIN SUPER=7 MASSID=300' """ if line_upper in {'BEGIN', 'BEGINBULK', 'BEGIN BULKS'}: line_upper = 'BEGIN BULK' if line_upper == 'BEGIN BULK': flag = [('BULK', 0, '')] return flag #sline0 = shlex.split(line_upper) sline0 = split_words_by_spaces(line_upper) words1 = _remove_bulk_words(sline0) # split the words by = words2 = [] for word in words1: if '=' in word: sline = word.split('=', 1) words2.extend(sline) else: words2.append(word) words3 = _remove_bulk_words(words2) i = 0 word = '' active_key = '' out_words = [] temp_words = [] while i < len(words3): word = words3[i].strip() if word == '': i += 1 continue if active_key and word.isdigit(): active_key = '' temp_words[-2] = int(word) out_words.append(tuple(temp_words)) temp_words = [] i += 1 continue if active_key == 'LABEL': active_key = '' strip_label = word.strip('" ').strip("'") out_wordi = out_words.pop() out_wordi = list(out_wordi) out_wordi[-1] = strip_label out_words.append(tuple(out_wordi)) #out_words.extend(temp_words) i += 1 continue if word in DECK_TAGS: assert len(temp_words) == 0, temp_words active_key = word temp_words = [word, 0, ''] elif word == 'LABEL': assert len(temp_words) == 0, temp_words active_key = word elif word == 'APPEND': out_words.append(('APPEND', -1, '')) else: assert len(temp_words) == 0, temp_words raise RuntimeError(f'i={i}; word={word!r}; words={words3}') i += 1 if active_key: #active_key = '' out_words.append(tuple(temp_words)) #i += 1 #continue if len(out_words) == 0: return [('BULK', 0, '')] write_tag(out_words) return out_words def _remove_bulk_words(words, *args) -> list[str]: words2 = [word.strip(' =') for word in words if 'BEGIN' != word and 'BULK' != word and 'BULKDATA' != word and '=' != word] return words2 #def _is_begin_bulk2(line_upper: str) -> bool: #""" #is this a: #'BEGIN' #'BEGIN BULK' #but not: #'BEGIN SUPER' #'BEGIN BULK SUPER=2' #'BEGIN BULK AUXMODEL=2' #'BEGIN BULK AFPM=2' #""" #words = line_upper.split() #if words in ('BEGIN', ('BEGIN', 'BULK')): #return True #return False
[docs] def add_superelements_from_deck_lines(self, BDF, additional_deck_lines: dict[tuple[str, str], list[str]]) -> dict: for superelement_key, superelement_lines in sorted(additional_deck_lines.items()): #if #superelement_id_str = superelement_key[0].split('=')[1] #superelement_id = int(superelement_id_str) assert len(superelement_key) == 3, superelement_key #superelement_id = superelement_key[1] assert isinstance(superelement_lines, list), superelement_lines # hack to get rid of extra 'BEGIN SUPER=2' lines iminus = 0 for line in superelement_lines: uline = line.upper() if not uline.startswith('BEGIN '): continue iminus += 1 nlines = len(superelement_lines) - iminus model = BDF() if hasattr(self, 'is_lax_parser'): model.is_lax_parser = self.is_lax_parser model.active_filenames = self.active_filenames model.log = self.log model.punch = True superelement_ilines = np.zeros((nlines, 2), dtype='int32') ## TODO: calculate this model._parse_all_cards(superelement_lines[iminus:], superelement_ilines) self.superelement_models[superelement_key] = model self.initial_superelement_models.append(superelement_key)
[docs] def write_tag(begin_tags: list[tuple[str, int, str]]): word = 'BEGIN' for begin_tag in begin_tags: name, value, label = begin_tag if name in DECK_TAGS: word += f' {name}={value:d}' elif name == 'APPEND': word += ' APPEND' else: raise RuntimeError(name) if label: word += f" LABEL='{label}'" return word