Source code for pyNastran.converters.tecplot.tecplot

models from:
import os
import copy
import itertools
from io import StringIO
from typing import TextIO, Iterable, Union, Optional, Any

import numpy as np
from cpylog import SimpleLogger

from pyNastran.utils import is_binary_file
from import Zone
from pyNastran.converters.tecplot.tecplot_binary import (
    PathLike, TecplotBinary, get_zones_set, get_save_zone_flag)
from pyNastran.converters.tecplot.write_ascii import (
    write_ascii_header, write_ascii_tecplot_zone)
from pyNastran.converters.tecplot.read_ascii import (
    read_header_lines, header_lines_to_header_dict,

[docs] class Tecplot(TecplotBinary): """ Parses a binary/ASCII Tecplot 360 file. Writes a binary/ASCII Tecplot 10 file. Supports: - title - single zone only? - binary unstructured: - nodal results - single element type; ZONETYPE = [FETRIANGLE, FEQUADRILATERAL, FETETRAHEDRON, FEBRICK] - DATAPACKING = [BLOCK] writing - 3D - full support for writing - ASCII unstructured: - nodal results - single element type; ZONETYPE = [FETRIANGLE, FEQUADRILATERAL, FETETRAHEDRON, FEBRICK] - DATAPACKING = [POINT, BLOCK] writing - 2D/3D - full support for writing - ASCII structured: - nodal results - F=POINT - 2d/3d (POINT, I/J/K) - full support for writing - no reshaping of xyz to make slicing easier! Doesn't support: - text - geometry - transient writing - centroidal results - non-sequential node ids - data lists (100*0.0) """ def __repr__(self): msg = '' for zone in self.zones: msg += str(zone) return msg @property def nzones(self): """gets the number of zones""" return len(self.zones)
[docs] def read_tecplot(self, tecplot_filename: PathLike, filetype: str='guess', zones_to_exclude: Optional[list[int]] = None, zones_to_include: Optional[list[int]] = None) -> None: """ Reads an ASCII/binary Tecplot file. The binary file reader must have ONLY CHEXAs and be Tecplot 360 with `rho`, `u`, `v`, `w`, and `p`. The ASCII file reader has only been tested with Tecplot 10, but will probably work on Tecplot360. It **should** work with any set of variables. Parameters ---------- zones_to_exclude : list[int]; default=None -> [] 0-based list of zones to exlcude zones_to_include : list[int]; default=None -> [] 0-based list of zones to include (exclusive) """ filetype = filetype.lower() assert filetype in ['guess', 'ascii', 'binary'], filetype if filetype == 'guess' and isinstance(tecplot_filename, StringIO): filetype = 'ascii' if filetype == 'binary' or (filetype == 'guess' and is_binary_file(tecplot_filename)): self.read_tecplot_binary( tecplot_filename, zones_to_exclude=zones_to_exclude, zones_to_include=zones_to_include) else: self.read_tecplot_ascii( tecplot_filename, zones_to_exclude=zones_to_exclude, zones_to_include=zones_to_include) return
[docs] def read_tecplot_ascii(self, tecplot_filename: Union[PathLike, StringIO], nnodes=None, nelements=None, zones_to_exclude: Optional[list[int]]=None, zones_to_include: Optional[list[int]] = None): """ Reads a Tecplot ASCII file. Supports: - CTRIA3 - CQUAD4 - CTETRA - CHEXA .. note :: assumes single typed results .. warning:: BLOCK option doesn't work if line length isn't the same... """ log = self.log set_zones_to_exclude, set_zones_to_include = get_zones_set( zones_to_exclude, zones_to_include)'set_zones_to_exclude = {set_zones_to_exclude}')'set_zones_to_include = {set_zones_to_include}') self.tecplot_filename = tecplot_filename iline = 0 nnodes = -1 nelements = -1 if isinstance(tecplot_filename, StringIO): lines = tecplot_filename.readlines() else: assert os.path.exists(tecplot_filename), tecplot_filename with open(tecplot_filename, 'r') as tecplot_file: lines = tecplot_file.readlines() quads_list: list[np.ndarray] = [] hexas_list: list[np.ndarray] = [] tris_list: list[np.ndarray] = [] tets_list: list[np.ndarray] = [] zone_data_list: list[np.ndarray] = [] line = lines[iline].strip() iline += 1 iblock = 0 izone = 0 while 1: #print('start...') iline, title_line, header_lines, line = read_header_lines( lines, iline, line, log) #print('header_lines', header_lines) headers_dict = header_lines_to_header_dict( title_line, header_lines, self.variables, log) if headers_dict is None: break zone = Zone(log) zone.headers_dict = copy.deepcopy(headers_dict) self.variables = headers_dict['VARIABLES'] if 'NAME' in headers_dict: = headers_dict['NAME'] #print('self.variables', self.variables) #print(headers_dict.keys()) if 'ZONETYPE' in headers_dict: zone_type = zone.zonetype # febrick data_packing = headers_dict['DATAPACKING'].upper() # block iline = read_zonetype( log, zone, zone_type, lines, iline, iblock, headers_dict, line, nnodes, nelements, zone_data_list, hexas_list, tets_list, quads_list, tris_list, data_packing=data_packing) iline -= 1 elif 'DATAPACKING' in headers_dict: data_packing = headers_dict['DATAPACKING'] # FEPoint assert isinstance(data_packing, str), headers_dict zone_type = data_packing.upper() # FEPoint log.debug('zone_type = %r' % zone_type[0]) iline = read_zonetype( log, zone, zone_type, lines, iline, iblock, headers_dict, line, nnodes, nelements, zone_data_list, hexas_list, tets_list, quads_list, tris_list, fe=data_packing) iline -= 1 elif (('ZONE' in headers_dict) and (headers_dict['ZONE'] is None) and ('T' in headers_dict)): lines2 = itertools.chain((line, ), iter(lines[iline:])) A = _read_table_from_lines(lines2, headers_dict, self.dtype, self.use_cols) self.A = A log.debug(f'read_table; A.shape={A.shape}...') asdf return else: msg = 'Expected ZONETYPE, F, or "ZONE T"\n' msg += 'headers=%s\n' % str(headers_dict) msg += 'line = %r' % line.strip() raise NotImplementedError(msg) #print(zone) save_zone = get_save_zone_flag( log, izone, set_zones_to_exclude, set_zones_to_include) if save_zone: self.zones.append(zone) #sline = line.split() #print('stack...') _stack(zone, zone_data_list, quads_list, tris_list, tets_list, hexas_list, log) if line is None: return try: line = lines[iline].strip() except IndexError: break quads_list = [] hexas_list = [] tris_list = [] tets_list = [] zone_data_list = [] izone += 1
@property def nnodes(self) -> int: nnodes = sum([zone.nnodes for zone in self.zones]) return nnodes
[docs] def stack_geometry(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, list[str]]: nnodes = self.nnodes nodes = np.zeros((nnodes, 3), dtype='float32') inode = 0 tris: list[np.ndarray] = [] quads: list[np.ndarray] = [] tets: list[np.ndarray] = [] hexas: list[np.ndarray] = [] zone_ids: list[np.ndarray] = [] names: list[str] = [] for izone, zone in enumerate(self.zones): names.append( nodes2d = zone.xy nodes3d = nnodes2d = nodes2d.shape[0] nnodes3d = nodes3d.shape[0] #assert nnodes2d == 0, zone # elements quadsi = np.zeros((0, 4), dtype='int32') hexasi = np.zeros((0, 8), dtype='int32') trisi = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype='int32') tetsi = np.zeros((0, 4), dtype='int32') if 'I' in zone.headers_dict: i = zone.headers_dict['I'] if 'J' in zone.headers_dict: j = zone.headers_dict['J'] if 'K' in zone.headers_dict: k = zone.headers_dict['K'] nnodes = i * j * k elements = np.arange(0, nnodes).reshape(k, j, i) #print(elements[0, :, :]) #print(elements[1:, :, :]) n1 = elements[:-1, :-1, :-1].ravel() n2 = elements[:-1, :-1, 1:].ravel() n3 = elements[:-1, 1:, 1:].ravel() n4 = elements[:-1, 1:, :-1].ravel() n5 = elements[1:, :-1, :-1].ravel() n6 = elements[1:, :-1, 1:].ravel() n7 = elements[1:, 1:, 1:].ravel() n8 = elements[1:, 1:, :-1].ravel() #nhexas = (i - 1) * (j - 1) * (k - 1) hexasi = np.vstack([n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8]).T else: nnodes = i * j elements = np.arange(0, nnodes).reshape(j, i) #print('elements:') #print(elements) n1 = elements[:-1, :-1].ravel() n2 = elements[:-1, 1:].ravel() n3 = elements[1:, 1:].ravel() n4 = elements[1:, :-1].ravel() #nquads = (i - 1) * (j - 1) quadsi = np.vstack([n1, n2, n3, n4]).T #trisi = None #tetsi = None #hexasi = None else: quadsi = zone.quad_elements hexasi = zone.hexa_elements tetsi = zone.tet_elements trisi = zone.tri_elements nquadsi = len(quadsi) ntrisi = len(trisi) ntetsi = len(tetsi) nhexasi = len(hexasi) nelementsi = nquadsi + ntrisi + ntetsi + nhexasi assert nelementsi > 0, str(zone) if nquadsi: quads.append(inode + quadsi) if ntrisi: tris.append(inode + trisi) if ntetsi: tets.append(inode + tetsi) if nhexasi: hexas.append(inode + hexasi) # nodes if nnodes2d and nnodes3d: raise RuntimeError('2d and 3d nodes is not supported\n' f'name={!r} zone.xy={zone.xy}{}') elif nnodes2d: nodes[inode:inode+nnodes2d, :2] = nodes2d inode += nnodes2d elif nnodes3d: nodes[inode:inode+nnodes3d] = nodes3d inode += nnodes3d else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('failed to find 2d/3d nodes') #print('inode', inode) #print(nodes) #print('-------------') zone_idsi = np.ones(nelementsi) * izone zone_ids.append(zone_idsi) #print('stack', len(quads)) quads_array = stack(quads, 4) tris_array = stack(tris, 3) del quads, tris if len(quads_array) and not len(tris_array): # convert quads written as tris into tris itri = (quads_array[:, 2] == quads_array[:, 3]) tris = quads_array[itri, :3] quads = quads_array[~itri, :] tets_array = stack(tets, 4) hexas_array = stack(hexas, 8) zone_ids_array = np.hstack(zone_ids).astype('int32') out = ( nodes, tris_array, quads_array, tets_array, hexas_array, zone_ids_array, names, ) return out
[docs] def stack_results(self) -> np.ndarray: results = [] for zonei in self.zones: results.append(zonei.nodal_results) results_array = np.vstack(results) return results_array
[docs] def demote_elements(self) -> None: for zone in self.zones: zone.demote_elements()
[docs] def split_elements(self, ntri_nodes=1) -> None: # type_limit: Iterable[str] for zone in self.zones: zone.split_elements(ntri_nodes=ntri_nodes)
[docs] def read_table(self, tecplot_file: TextIO, unused_iblock: int, headers_dict: dict[str, Any], line: str) -> tuple[np.ndarray, Any]: """ reads a space-separated tabular data block """ # add on the preceding line to the line "list" # that's not a hack at all... lines = itertools.chain((line, ), iter(tecplot_file)) A, blank = _read_table_from_lines(lines, headers_dict, self.dtype, self.use_cols) return A, None
[docs] def slice_x(self, xslice: float) -> None: """TODO: doesn't remove unused nodes/renumber elements""" zone = self.zones[0] x =[:, 0] self._slice_plane(zone, x, xslice)
[docs] def slice_y(self, yslice: float) -> None: """TODO: doesn't remove unused nodes/renumber elements""" zone = self.zones[0] y =[:, 1] self._slice_plane(zone, y, yslice)
[docs] def slice_z(self, zslice: float) -> None: """TODO: doesn't remove unused nodes/renumber elements""" zone = self.zones[0] z =[:, 2] self._slice_plane(zone, z, zslice)
[docs] def slice_xyz(self, xslice: Optional[float], yslice: Optional[float], zslice: Optional[float]) -> None: """TODO: doesn't remove unused nodes/renumber elements""" zone = self.zones[0] x =[:, 0] y =[:, 1] z =[:, 2] inodes = [] if xslice is not None: xslice = float(xslice) inodes.append(np.where(x < xslice)[0]) if yslice is not None: yslice = float(yslice) inodes.append(np.where(y < yslice)[0]) if zslice is not None: zslice = float(zslice) inodes.append(np.where(z < zslice)[0]) nodes = None if len(inodes) == 1: nodes = inodes[0] elif len(inodes) == 2: nodes = np.intersect1d(inodes[0], inodes[1], assume_unique=True) elif len(inodes) == 3: nodes = np.intersect1d( np.intersect1d(inodes[0], inodes[1], assume_unique=True), inodes[2], assume_unique=True) #inodes = arange(self.nodes.shape[0]) # nodes = unique(hstack(inodes)) if nodes is not None: zone._slice_plane_inodes(nodes)
def _slice_plane(self, zone: Zone, y: np.ndarray, slice_value: float) -> None: """ - Only works for CHEXA - Doesn't remove unused nodes/renumber elements """ slice_value = float(slice_value) inodes = np.where(y < slice_value)[0] zone._slice_plane_inodes(inodes)
[docs] def write_tecplot(self, tecplot_filename: PathLike, res_types: Optional[list[str]]=None, adjust_nids: bool=True) -> None: """ Only handles single type writing Parameters ---------- tecplot_filename : str the path to the output file res_types : str; list[str, str, ...]; default=None -> all the results that will be written (must be consistent with self.variables) adjust_nids : bool; default=True element_ids are 0-based in binary and must be switched to 1-based in ASCII """ self.write_tecplot_ascii(tecplot_filename, res_types, adjust_nids)
[docs] def write_tecplot_ascii(self, tecplot_filename: PathLike, res_types: Optional[list[str]]=None, adjust_nids: bool=True) -> None: """writes an ASCII tecplot file"""'writing tecplot %s' % tecplot_filename) msg, ivars = _get_write_header(self.title, self.zones, res_types) with open(tecplot_filename, 'w') as tecplot_file: tecplot_file.write(msg) for zone in self.zones: write_ascii_tecplot_zone( tecplot_file, zone, ivars, self.log, adjust_nids)
#def skin_elements(self): #sss #return tris, quads #def get_free_faces(self): #"""get the free faces for hexa elements""" #sss #return free_faces
[docs] def extract_y_slice(self, y0: float, tol: float=0.01, slice_filename: Optional[str]=None): """ doesn't work... """'slicing...') zone = self.zones[0] y =[:, 1] nodes = assert tol > 0.0, tol elements = zone.hexa_elements results = zone.nodal_results iy = np.where((y0 - tol <= y) & (y <= y0 + tol))[0] self.log.debug(y[iy]) self.log.debug(nodes[iy, 1].min(), nodes[iy, 1].max()) #iy = np.where(y <= y0 + tol)[0] assert len(iy) > 0, iy #inode = iy + 1 # find all elements that have iy within tolerance #slots = np.where(elements == iy) #slots = np.where(element for element in elements #if any(iy in element)) #slots = where(iy == elements.ravel())[0] ielements = np.unique([ie for ie, unused_elem in enumerate(elements) for i in range(8) if i in iy]) #print(slots) #ri, ci = slots #ri = unique(hstack([where(element == iy)[0] for element in elements])) #ri = [ie for ie, element in enumerate(elements) #if [n for n in element #if n in iy]] #ri = [np.where(element == iy)[0] for element in elements if np.where(element == iy)[0]] #print(ri) #ielements = np.unique(ri) self.log.debug(ielements) assert len(ielements) > 0, ielements # find nodes elements2 = elements[ielements, :] inodes = np.unique(elements2) assert len(inodes) > 0, inodes # renumber the nodes nidmap = {} for inode, nid in enumerate(inodes): nidmap[nid] = inode elements3 = np.array( [[nidmap[nid] for nid in element] for element in elements2], dtype='int32') self.log.debug(inodes) nodes2 = nodes[inodes, :] nodal_results2 = results[inodes, :] model = Tecplot() zone2 = Zone(self.log) zone_data = np.hstack([nodes2, nodal_results2]) zone2.zone_data = zone_data = nodes2 #zone2.nodal_results = nodal_results2 zone2.hexa_elements = elements3 model.zones = [zone2] if slice_filename: model.write_tecplot(slice_filename) return model
def _get_write_header(title: str, zones: list[Zone], res_types: list[str]) -> tuple[str, np.ndarray]: """gets the tecplot header""" is_x = True is_y = True is_z = True #is_results = False nzones = len(zones) assert nzones >= 1, nzones for zone in zones: variables = zone.variables headers = zone.headers_dict['VARIABLES'] is_x: bool = 'X' in headers is_y: bool = 'Y' in headers is_z: bool = 'Z' in headers res_types_all = [] if is_x: res_types_all.append('X') if is_y: res_types_all.append('Y') if is_z: res_types_all.append('Z') if res_types is None: res_types = zone.variables elif isinstance(res_types, str): res_types = [res_types] for res in res_types: if res not in res_types_all: res_types_all.append(res) break assert len(variables), variables msg, ivars = write_ascii_header( title, is_x, is_y, is_z, res_types_all, variables) return msg, ivars
[docs] def stack(elements: list[np.ndarray], nnodes: int) -> np.ndarray: """merges multiple arrays """ if len(elements) == 0: elements_array = np.zeros((0, nnodes), dtype='int32') elif len(elements) == 1: elements_array = elements[0] #print(elements) else: #print('----stack------') #for elementsi in elements: #print(elementsi) #print('----stack------') elements_array = np.vstack(elements) assert len(elements_array.shape) == 2, elements_array.shape assert elements_array.shape[1] == nnodes, elements_array.shape return elements_array
def _stack(zone: Zone, zone_data_list: list[np.ndarray], quads_list: list[np.ndarray], tris_list: list[np.ndarray], tets_list: list[np.ndarray], hexas_list: list[np.ndarray], log: SimpleLogger) -> None: """ elements are read as a list of lines, so we need to stack them and cast them while we're at it. """ log.debug('stacking elements') if len(hexas_list): zone.hexa_elements = np.vstack(hexas_list) zone.headers_dict['zonetype'] = 'FEBRICK' if len(tets_list): zone.tet_elements = np.vstack(tets_list) zone.headers_dict['zonetype'] = 'FETETRAHEDRON' if len(quads_list): zone.quad_elements = np.vstack(quads_list) zone.headers_dict['zonetype'] = 'FEQUADRILATERAL' if len(tris_list): zone.tri_elements = np.vstack(tris_list) zone.headers_dict['zonetype'] = 'FETRIANGLE' #if 'zonetype' not in zone.headers_dict: #raise RuntimeError('no elements') #log.debug('stacking nodes') #if len(xyz_list) == 1: #xyz = xyz_list[0] #else: #xyz = np.vstack(xyz_list) #self.elements = elements - 1 #print(self.elements) if zone_data_list: zone.zone_data = np.vstack(zone_data_list) #print('**', len(zone_data_list), 'shape=', zone.zone_data.shape) if zone.is_3d: zone.log.debug(' 3d zone') zone.nodal_results elif zone.is_2d: zone.log.debug(' 2d zone') zone.xy else: zone.nodal_results x = 1 def _read_table_from_lines(lines: Iterable[str], headers_dict: dict[str, Any], dtype: Optional[str], use_cols: Optional[list[str]]) -> np.ndarray: variables = [var.strip('" ') for var in headers_dict['VARIABLES']] #print('variables = %s' % variables) #self.dtype[] if use_cols is None: use_cols_ints = None else: use_cols_ints = [variables.index(var) for var in use_cols] A = np.loadtxt(lines, dtype=dtype, comments='#', delimiter=None, # type: ignore converters=None, skiprows=0, usecols=use_cols_ints, unpack=False, ndmin=0) return A
[docs] def read_tecplot(tecplot_filename: PathLike, use_cols=None, dtype=None, filetype: str='guess', zones_to_exclude: Optional[list[int]] = None, zones_to_include: Optional[list[int]] = None, log: Optional[SimpleLogger]=None, debug: bool=False) -> Tecplot: """loads a tecplot file Parameters ---------- zones_to_exclude : list[int]; default=None -> [] 0-based list of zones to exlcude zones_to_include : list[int]; default=None -> [] 0-based list of zones to include (exclusive) """ tecplot = Tecplot(log=log, debug=debug) if use_cols: tecplot.use_cols = use_cols tecplot.dtype = dtype tecplot.read_tecplot(tecplot_filename, filetype=filetype, zones_to_exclude=zones_to_exclude, zones_to_include=zones_to_include) return tecplot
[docs] def main(): # pragma: no cover #plt = Tecplot() fnames = os.listdir(r'C:\output\time20000') #datai = [ #'n=3807, e=7443', #'n=3633, e=7106', #'n=3847, e=7332', #'n=3873, e=6947', #'n=4594, e=8131', #'n=4341, e=7160', #'n=4116, e=8061', #'n=4441, e=8105', #'n=4141, e=8126', #'n=4085, e=8053', #'n=4047, e=8215', #'n=4143, e=8123', #'n=4242, e=7758', #'n=3830, e=7535', #'n=3847, e=7936', #'n=3981, e=7807', #'n=3688, e=7415', #'n=4222, e=8073', #'n=4164, e=7327', #'n=3845, e=8354', #'n=4037, e=6786', #'n=3941, e=8942', #'n=4069, e=7345', #'n=4443, e=8001', #'n=3895, e=7459', #'n=4145, e=7754', #'n=4224, e=8152', #'n=4172, e=7878', #'n=4138, e=8864', #'n=3801, e=7431', #'n=3984, e=6992', #'n=4195, e=7967', #'n=4132, e=7992', #'n=4259, e=7396', #'n=4118, e=7520', #'n=4176, e=7933', #'n=4047, e=8098', #'n=4064, e=8540', #'n=4144, e=8402', #'n=4144, e=7979', #'n=3991, e=6984', #'n=4080, e=8465', #'n=3900, e=7981', #'n=3709, e=8838', #'n=4693, e=8055', #'n=4022, e=7240', #'n=4028, e=8227', #'n=3780, e=7551', #'n=3993, e=8671', #'n=4241, e=7277', #'n=4084, e=6495', #'n=4103, e=8165', #'n=4496, e=5967', #'n=3548, e=8561', #'n=4143, e=7749', #'n=4136, e=8358', #'n=4096, e=7319', #'n=4209, e=8036', #'n=3885, e=7814', #'n=3800, e=8232', #'n=3841, e=7837', #'n=3874, e=7571', #'n=3887, e=8079', #'n=3980, e=7834', #'n=3763, e=7039', #'n=4287, e=7130', #'n=4110, e=8336', #'n=3958, e=7195', #'n=4730, e=7628', #'n=4087, e=8149', #'n=4045, e=8561', #'n=3960, e=7320', #'n=3901, e=8286', #'n=4065, e=7013', #'n=4160, e=7906', #'n=3628, e=7140', #'n=4256, e=8168', #'n=3972, e=8296', #'n=3661, e=7879', #'n=3922, e=8093', #'n=3972, e=6997', #'n=3884, e=7603', #'n=3609, e=6856', #'n=4168, e=7147', #'n=4206, e=8232', #'n=4631, e=8222', #'n=3970, e=7569', #'n=3998, e=7617', #'n=3855, e=7971', #'n=4092, e=7486', #'n=4407, e=7847', #'n=3976, e=7627', #'n=3911, e=8483', #'n=4144, e=7919', #'n=4033, e=8129', #'n=3976, e=7495', #'n=3912, e=7739', #'n=4278, e=8522', #'n=4703, e=8186', #'n=4230, e=7811', #'n=3971, e=7699', #'n=4081, e=8242', #'n=4045, e=7524', #'n=4532, e=5728', #'n=4299, e=8560', #'n=3885, e=7531', #'n=4452, e=8405', #'n=4090, e=7661', #'n=3937, e=7739', #'n=4336, e=7612', #'n=4101, e=7461', #'n=3980, e=8632', #'n=4523, e=7761', #'n=4237, e=8463', #'n=4013, e=7856', #'n=4219, e=8013', #'n=4248, e=8328', #'n=4529, e=8757', #'n=4109, e=7496', #'n=3969, e=8026', #'n=4093, e=8506', #'n=3635, e=7965', #'n=4347, e=8123', #'n=4703, e=7752', #'n=3867, e=8124', #'n=3930, e=7919', #'n=4247, e=7154', #'n=4065, e=8125', #] fnames = [os.path.join(r'C:\output\time20000', fname) for fname in fnames] tecplot_filename_out = None #tecplot_filename_out = 'tecplot_joined.plt' from pyNastran.converters.tecplot.utils import merge_tecplot_files model = merge_tecplot_files(fnames, tecplot_filename_out) y0 = 0.0 model.extract_y_slice(y0, tol=0.014, slice_filename='slice.plt') return
#for iprocessor, fname in enumerate(fnames): #nnodes, nelements = datai[iprocessor].split(',') #nnodes = int(nnodes.split('=')[1]) #nelements = int(nelements.split('=')[1]) #ip = iprocessor + 1 #tecplot_filename = 'model_final_meters_part%i_tec_volume_timestep20000.plt' % ip #print(tecplot_filename) #try: #plt.read_tecplot_binary(tecplot_filename, nnodes=nnodes, nelements=nelements) #plt.write_tecplot('processor%i.plt' % ip) #except Exception: #raise ##break
[docs] def main2(): # pragma: no cover """tests slicing""" plt = Tecplot() #fnames = os.listdir(r'Z:\Temporary_Transfers\steve\output\time20000') #fnames = [os.path.join(r'Z:\Temporary_Transfers\steve\output\time20000', fname) # for fname in fnames] fnames = ['slice.plt'] # tecplot_filename_out = None #tecplot_filename_out = 'tecplot_joined.plt' #model = merge_tecplot_files(fnames, tecplot_filename_out) for iprocessor, tecplot_filename in enumerate(fnames): plt.read_tecplot(tecplot_filename) plt.write_tecplot(f'processor_{iprocessor:d}.plt')
[docs] def main3(): # pragma: no cover import sys tecplot_filename = sys.argv[1] plt = Tecplot() plt.read_tecplot(tecplot_filename) tecplot_filename_out = tecplot_filename + '.out' plt.write_tecplot(tecplot_filename_out, res_types=None, adjust_nids=False) x = 1
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover main3()